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>as if to rewrite they were trying to rewrite history
as if they were trying to rewrite history
alright soooooooooooooooooo, let me undrstand the wigger shit you are saying,  its a subversive teehee board ran by women trying to brainwash anons into something you dont even specify and they are killing the "honesty" of imageboards 
by being like five people & how sturgeon needs to trace their IPs to discord and how its all a psyop to get people to use twitter by zognald
wheres the proof and what wigger crap is honest of imageboards lmao
nobody likes you obsessed retard
(the mods here are still retarded and just come delete stuff literally at random then leave the 1 cp spam per day up for the other half of the day)
kys lmfao
>some random gook
Never mind, it turned out to be the guy who wrote Megami Tensei novels.

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PRC is secretive, what are they hiding?
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>>232975 (OP) 
They are hiding the fact that China is no longer a communist country. They are capitalist country but they have made a similar system to Singapore. It's state capitalism. The proper word for it is "Developmental State" (it has nothing to do with the term "developing country")
Replies: >>233044
These. They are using cloning tech to replace all their seed oil and COVID-19 casualties which they could have avoided if they used Ivermectin instead of weird dot-com era hippy sounding shit like "AstraZenica". They purged Tibet and Xinjiang to make space for data lakes, crypto mining provinces, and AI grid provinces. They no longer ascribe to communist values and are going straight towards being an empire again.
Replies: >>233166
>>232975 (OP) 
They made contact with extraterrestrials. The CCP asked if they could be made part of the intergalactic council. The ayylmaos responded:
>You haven't even conquered your planet yet. We only talk to monoracial planets where one race conquered the others.
China said they could if they wanted to. The ayylmaos retorted:
>Do it then nigger you won't you won't no balls
And now the chinks plot silently.
>and are going straight towards being an empire again.

I hope PRC do a full-on third-reich, the conditions for PRC today is also similar to the condition of Germany back then, so all the better. I hope they do it today or tomorrow.
Replies: >>233167
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They have no souls.

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How do I get a work from home job?
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Replies: >>233147 + 3 earlier
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Design a remote control robot that can mow lawns for you.
Replies: >>232060
I tried to learn how to code but all i learnt was hello world.
Replies: >>232063
Then I guess Paco get’s to stay in business, the girl from next door will grow up to be a cat lady, and you’ll never get to taste that lemonade.
work from home is a 30 year old boomer meme
>>227996 (OP) 
Probably impossible now since jeets are gonna be imported.
Also didn't companies make WFO mandatory again because they were losing leases on their office buildings?

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You seriously didn't cum this month did you nonny?
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Replies: >>233097 + 3 earlier
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im happy to announce that not only did I not cum in november i also worked out the entire month.
Replies: >>227105
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>he needs crapps on his phone just for working out
Replies: >>227107
i dont know what you're trying to convey here, ive been working out at home for a lot of time, sometimes i use apps (they help with timing and routine) and sometimes i do create my own routines (when i do i also use the phone to track rest times, i.e. time between repetitions) im using the technology in my favor here.
nofap is actually good thing. i learned this too late. my prostate started chronically hurting after years of being a heavy coomer.
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>>226237 (OP) 
i came that month, december, and this month

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please give me books from before ww2
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>>232978 (OP) 
>>232978 (OP) 
But why? Charles Dickens for fun or Aristotle so you can pretend to be smart?
>>232978 (OP) 
Go to Project Gutenberg
Mein Kampf

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>no doctor, you don't understand
>I just masturbate to sexualized depictions of FICTIONAL children that doesn't make me a pedophile
>no you see it's only a fictional child pussy I'm lusting for that doesn't mean I'm a pedophile
>I'm only addicted to fictional child pornography I'm not sick in the head at all
>it's perfectly ok to have sexual thoughts about fictional children and it doesn't make me a pedophile at all
>adult women are gross which is why I only coom copious amounts to drawn children which btw doesn't make me a pedophile
>umm why are you questioning my habit of spending 5 hours a day masturbating, discussing and obsessing over sexualized depictions of fictional children? me a pedophile? no way
>you don't masturbate at least 3 times a day to fictional children? are you a fed or a roastie?
>yeah you're the crazy one for not being into pornography depicting fictional children, I'm not a porn addicted pedophile at all
>the real pedophiles are the ones who are against pornography depicting fictional children not me who masturbates all day to pornography depicting fictional children
>obviously there
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Replies: >>233085
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Replies: >>233085
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Replies: >>233085
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Replies: >>233085
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>I'll prove him RIGHT, that'll show him he's wrong!

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Lets Discuss Gnosticism!
>What ties does it have to other religions?
>Are Normalfags/Brown People really Soulless Hylics?
>Does the New testament have some relations to Gnosticism?
>Do the Jews worship the Demiurge/Satan?
>Is Schizophrenia spiritual enlightenment?
>are you Schizophrenic?
13 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>233034 + 3 earlier
brown people only exist because some Aryan tribes can't keep their dick to themselves and ended up repopulating the nearest generic brown/yellow tribe
Replies: >>232730
Aryans are just dollar store nephilim
Replies: >>232731
interesting science there my friend
>>231725 (OP) 
What's the best version of the Bible? Yes, I know about the Nag Hammadi Library. But I mean the mainstream Bible. KJV is written in great and ceremonial style but it has some problems (likely arising from the manuscripts that they had available at the time).

* The Nag Hammadi Library: http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhlalpha.html
* The Dead Sea Scrolls scripture in English: http://dssenglishbible.com/
* intertextual bible site: https://intertextual.bible/book/testament-of-solomon/chapter/1
Shabbat Shalom, nudniks!

The Rabbis taught: Four entered the Paradise i.e. dealt with the loftiest secrets of Torah. They were Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Acher and Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Akiva said to them, "When you come to the place of pure marble stones, do not say, "Water! Water!" for it is said, "He who speaks untruths shall not stand before My eyes' (Psalms 101:7)". Ben Azzai gazed and died. Regarding him the verse states, "Precious in the eyes of G-d is the death of His pious ones" (Psalms 116:15). Ben Zoma gazed and was harmed. Regarding him the verse states, "Did you find honey? Eat as only much as you need, lest you be overfilled and vomit it" (Proverbs 25:16). Acher cut down the plantings. Rabbi Akiva entered in peace and left in peace. ---Hagigah 14b

4 entered The Paradise but only 1 came back. What does this mean?

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I'm so fucking lonely and desperate for some company. All my so called "friends" have their groups and hangouts, I have no one, nobody ever calls or messages me to even check if I'm still breathing, let alone ask me to do anything with them or include me in any of their activities, ever. If I don't initiate contact nobody ever comes through to talk to me. I tried not doing that for a while to see what would happen and guess what? Nobody gave a single fuck or probably even noticed. Fucking niggers. I don't want to bother anyone, but sometimes I just can't help myself, I'm feeling too lonely and so I message someone in order to get some interaction, but it's always one sided, I can tell their replies are purely out politeness not because they actually want to engage with me, which is why 100% of conversations die as soon as I stop asking questions, or when they just stop replying with or without an excuse. Am I really that unlikable? Someone recently told me I am, so maybe it's true, even though I try to be nice to people. In fact, a bunch of people stopped talking to me. Maybe it's entirely my fault, or maybe I'm just surrounded by assholes. Either way it's taking a toll on me. Some days I feel like I'm about to snap, some days I feel like screaming and crying out in desperation. I'm tired, I feel like I'm at the worst point of my life. I don't know how you guys do it. Sorry for venting.
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Replies: >>233038 + 1 earlier
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You're misinterpreting what I meant. I didn't mean nice as in "faking it and forcing myself to be nice in order to be liked" I meant it as in "treating others the way I wish I would be treated" that is to say being honest, showing genuine interest or concern, offering to help without being asked should need arise, and general common courtesy practice everyone should do. I don't do it to get something in return, I mean of course I want to be liked and want to be treated like a human being, I'd be a masochist if I didn't, but I'm doing it just because I want to treat my friends and family right. Nobody can carry the weight of the world on their shoulders on their own, which is why we take care of the people close to us and form smaller communities, and it's really shitty feeling when everyone's got their little community and you don't because nobody reciprocates even a bit, it makes you feel like you don't belong anywhere. I don't know, maybe I did something to wrong everyone, maybe I'm not really a nice person after all, I just thought I was. I just don't know.
Replies: >>233024
Seeing that they at least reply when you message them, it's safe to assume that they at the very minimum tolerate you. With that being said, maybe your friends aren't compatible with you anymore. People often age and grow apart, so maybe it's just that. Try finding people who mostly align with your interests/character. 
It could also be that you're just very boring. What topics of conversation do you try to converse with them? Do you ever offer to hangout and things together? Or, do you wait for them to make the first move?
Replies: >>233040
I dunno, it's difficult to say without knowing you or them. I've met plenty of people who simply did not like me no matter what I did. In those cases, I stopped wasting my time on them. Not that they were bad people but we clearly did not get along.
It all comes back to the difficulty in meeting people in the first place, I think. Modern man is so atomized that he would rather stay in a bubble of entertainment than venture out to find friends.
Replies: >>233040
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>>233002 (OP) 
real, not sure how much longer I can endure this
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>it's safe to assume that they at the very minimum tolerate you
That's exactly how it feels, except not at minimum but at best, and that's a pretty harrowing thing to think about.
>maybe your friends aren't compatible with you anymore. People often age and grow apart, so maybe it's just that.
I don't know, I don't think most of them ever were, in fact I've always had trouble considering most of them friends due to their lack of basic concern, I just stuck around with them because I never really had a choice. There was this other group of people I started hanging out with at some point, with which I thought was sorta more like me because of the circumstances in which we met, but I fell out with them as well.
>Try finding people who mostly align with your interests/character. 
I'm at that stage of life where it's impossible, or at least I think it feels like it. Most of the people I know today are people I've known since a very long ass time, which, again, I just stuck with because I never had a better choice. I don't think I've met anyone new in years and the select few I did meet remain acquaintances with which I only entertain extremely superficial relationships at best. If it were so easy for me to just find new people and make friends I wouldn't have ended up spending all my time on the computer browsing imageboards. Even if it was possible, I kinda dread the thought of having to start from scratch with someone. I feel like my relationships are more or less set in stone at this point and it can't get any better, only worse.
>It could also be that you're just very boring.
I wouldn't discount that, especially considering I've had someone explicitly say that to me in at least one occasion, and I know she must've meant it. That must've been one of the few times in my entire life when words hurt me.
>What topics of conversation do you try to converse with them?
Nothing really specific, just whatever. Does there really need to be a set topic? Things should just be brought up organically. As I said, I don't really want to bother anyone and I've grown to think I a bother because conversations don't flow at all and are one sided with me carrying all the momentum until it gets painfully obvious it's just not going anywhere.
>Do you ever offer to hangout and things together?
I used to but everyone was always "too busy" to do anything when I asked so I kinda gave up. They're never too busy to hang out with others though, but nevermind telling me or anything, even though they full well know I'm free and I'm right there. Being intentionally left out is the part that gets me the most. I want to believe they're not doing it out of straight up malice but because they don't really like me being around, and now that I say it I'm not even sure which one is worse.
>Or, do you wait for them to make the first move?
Nobody does that anymore.
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It'd be cool if you put effort into communicating your ideas, instead of treating this place like some shitty discord server or instant messaging platform.
Replies: >>232970
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when i was a kid and playing miencraft i had no friends to play multiplayer with so i thought if i could summon herobrine i could befriend him and play with him
Replies: >>232971
Replies: >>232972
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>Apathy - Hopeless - Despair - Condemning - Abdication - Why would anyone want to survive
Literally... me...
Replies: >>232911 >>232986
>>232904 (OP) 
So all the top people are non group oriented
Replies: >>232918
Yeah it's just
<bugman = happy
What a shitty chart.
>another of this crackpot psychobabble infographics
I saw some similar nonsense on cakechan not too long ago about some "spiral dynamics" bullshit, this is retarded.
>>232904 (OP) 
>see thread
>start thinkerin' of a reply...
<what is this, some new tabletop game? How's it work? Glad the meme of Hunger Games died...
>click image on left
>notice victim/abuser is on the same level
>spiritual is top
>close image
You can be spiritual and an abuser while never being a victim. What's the image even trying to portray? It's another gay mindgame. I feel that I have made a microinsult just having seen it.... Forgive me for my microinvalidations.... I will seek yawhey now! I feel so guilty! 
>open image again
>realize it's the perfec timage for showing why normalnigs are normalnigs
Okay thread I guess OP. I'm not sure I want to save it though, I often try to ignore how much the world is faggy. 
<oh wait... it's a psyop to get abnormalfags to move into non-white nations... look at that "rest of the world" statistical shit.....oi vey I h8t Europoids now and love enlightened shitskins 
Power and force.... it's really "naive idealists at the top vs  wise realists at the bottom"

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