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I like 2hus.
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I like 2hus.
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I like 2hus.
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I like 2hus.
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Tell me some facts about an animal that you like. 

I like hyenas. I watched this one YT documentary video about them and apparently they can survive eating anthrax because their stomach acid is so digestive that is quickly destroys it. Another thing is that a female hyena was bit by a cobra on the snout and the researcher studying her thought she was going to die as a result, but after a couple days resting in a bush, the bitch just survived and went on her merry way. They are hardy beasts. 

The last thing is that hyenas have what's called a "fission-fusion" society. They atomize and feud when there is no common goal, but when there is, like hunting or defending territory, they come together and work as a team with great coordination and then repeat the process all over again.
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Replies: >>232976 + 4 earlier
Video is very adorable... was nervous she was going to be eaten at first a little.....
>>230295 (OP) 
which species and kinds of hyena is the europid?
which species and kinds of hyena is the asian?
which species and kinds of hyena is the afro?
which species and kinds of hyena is the jew?
which species and kinds of hyena is the jeet?
which species and kinds of hyena is the sand brown?
Replies: >>233600
>So, uuuuh, the telson will grow back, right?
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>>230944 (me)
>swim upsite down
>giant compound eyes (two) with seven other eyes (two of which are on the bottom
>they swim upside down
>only living chelicerates with guts that can process solid food
>the last surviving of xiphosurans
>reminds me of Moya/DRDs 
>book lungs just like spider
>"Horseshoe crabs have relatively poor vision, and to compensate for that, have the largest rods and cones of any known animal, about 100 times the size of humans'. Furthermore, their eyes are a million times more sensitive to light at night than during the day."
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>which species and kinds of hyena is the afro?
All of them.

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Buru nyuu~
57 replies and 25 files omitted. View the full thread
I like granny smith apples, thinly sliced and dunked in crystalized lemon. The resulting arthritic flare makes me shitpost even harder. 
The strawman tactic doesn't work. It's never worked. It's never going to work.
Replies: >>233559
>>im gonna convince u ur annyoing!
>to some random person on /b/ who may not ever even see ur post
>implying anyone here cares about your feelings
its funny how all autistic ppldo the same 3 things like their npcs
Replies: >>233560
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theres no strawman tactic wigger, im telling u what u look and sound like
>soyjak is meant to annoy
it isnt but when ur very slow witted and project that every1 actually likes instead of seeing that their actually just dissing u i can c y u might actually think that
and this is where i get out of the thread
Replies: >>233560
>only one post
Me raging for decades is not one post. 
>this is what you look like XDDD
Is a strawman.
kek love that site

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Last thread got bumplocked.
Do you like fox girls, anon? Good. This thread is for (You).
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Help, my fox is getting fat!
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She hunted some rabbit for dinner
You can talk anything about fox girls, it doesn't need to be just an image dump
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Why does she look so... thrilled?
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hiding in my fox wife
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Ha-ha! Got it?

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How do you defeat loneliness?

I could achieve anything if I could just sit around working on stuff all day every day. But since I get lonely and depressed whenever I do that, I keep refreshing imageboards like right now in a vain pursuit of some semblance of social interaction.
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Replies: >>233488 + 12 earlier
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>>214017 (OP) 
<He doesn't realize that if he worked on stuff all day he would just be a depressed lonely nigger who worked on stuff all day
Replies: >>233493 >>233581
How do you accidentally end up like that if you were deliberately trying to be a total fucking loser?
Replies: >>233496 >>233509
See: Homer Simpson
He did what he was told
haha i get it hes sad because hes lonely in space

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I won’t shed a single tear when the inevitable conqueror of this century eventually comes and kills millions of those npcs. I finally realized how worthless they are
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Replies: >>233362 + 1 earlier
We need Total Normalnigger Death
Replies: >>233468
>>233282 (OP) 
Then either be that conqueror or help engineer the climate for him to arrive. I will serve.
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But how will it even happen?
frogs will rule the world
kill npcs, behead npcs, kick npc poc womans on their womb, roundhouse npcs. cannibalize npc babies, etc

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Why are image dump threads so common on imageboards, when you can just look up your desired tags on a booru to get the same effect? I feel like I'm missing something crucial here.
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Replies: >>233520 + 1 earlier
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Man, you need to take it fucking easy.
It has worked for me, but it has been years
Now i mostly use cgi porn vids
Replies: >>233483
On sites for those things
you need to 'log off' from life
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>>233458 (OP) 
Not everything is sitting on a booru somewhere

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Hear me out on this Revelation to end all Revelations.

Rabbi, Rabbit, Rabbi RabbiT...
Jew, Jewy, JewI...
Rabbi  + T = Rabbit. Jew + I = Jewi
T + Jewi... = Tewi!

It was Tewi all along!
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Replies: >>233515
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Calumny and slander.
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Good to now, time to cleanse my pc then.
Replies: >>233290
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>created 1/1/2011
>>233247 (OP) 
at last, its all makes sense now.

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So, let's say your spouse is cheating on you. You should be able to LEGALLY kill her (mind you, feds, I am not advocating illegal action. I am saying that this should be legal)
So in this HYPOTHETICAL ideal society, you should be able to present irrefutable evidence of adultery to a judge of marital law. After the evidence is reviewed, the victim of adultery has a 1 month grace period where he or she is allowed to kill not just the cheater, but the man or woman the cheater has slept with. Naturally, the standard of evidence must be high and the methods of killing must be proscribed (no bombs, no arson, etc). If the victim of adultery is injured or killed in the attempt, then the adulterers will be charged with manslaughter/battery as if this was an unprovoked slaying. If the victim of adultery kills or injures someone innocent in the attack, he is charged with unprovoked murder/battery.

There. Now cheating bitches will realize that their actions have consequences. Just don't be a slut. Easy. This law will especially cut down on army wives sleeping around as, presumably, a soldier would be much more capable of exacting revenge than anyone else. This is fair and just. Fatties will not be able to exact revenge very easily. Win win.

I'll be running for president in 2028 under this platform (and no other platforms) so vote for me then.
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This is why I stress that the standard of evidence must be high. I'm talking video evidence of cheating with no room for error.
pretty much. having natural children is immoral cus they could lose their adaptive traits
for instance if someone from the south marries someone from the north and they live in the north the kid could simultaneously freeze to death in the winter and burn to death in the summer. you should ALWAYS have a surogate child drawing from that regions local bank
Need 4 witnesses to the adultery to make the killing halal
You want to kill her cos you made a mistake in picking her, if a bitch cheats on you its cos you're a faggot and/or have no dick. Killing her is just doubling down on making bad choices.
Replies: >>233503
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spoken like a true soyboy

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bitch, chad, dumb, dumb bitch, dumb and annoying
dumb and whiny, ugly, dumb, dumb and annoying,  annoying
Replies: >>233498
>>233486 (OP) 
Looks like fucking Miis.

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