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 Dress to impress!

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>heh the Jews are fucking based because their feminism, abortion, and birth control is killing off all the weak males, and their Jewish wars, and then the white women breed with the rich tall Aryans
>The Jews are totally saving the white race. They are creating the Ubermensch. Hitler was a cuck
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OP here
I was mocking a retard in one of the threads, not supporting his hairbrained idea. I certainly do not believe in the greentext. That would not be why you use greentext, idiot. Greentext is for mockery.
The spammer is basically replying to itself multiple times at this point. My only post in this godforsaken thread was here: >>239014. Retard is going hyper-effort mode at this point since it has been called out so many times.
Replies: >>239034
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Replies: >>239041
Nah, you definitely are putting a lot of time into this farce. You've been doing the same thing for months now, imitating other posters and slowly incorporating more "posting styles" into your own disruptive behavior. It's been high-effort in the sense that you're a fucking loser with no life outside of trolling small, dead imageboards. I would've killed myself a long time ago if I were born as you. Luckily, my life is infinitely superior.
Replies: >>239046
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I know it's a moot point to say this now considering he's been doing the gimmick of going "no wait guys that's not me I'm actually him" and I should have written my post to be less ambiguous in the first place but, I was insinuating that he was in fact being hyper however his most recent escapades have not been very high effort at all. and I also know making this statement to address an insignificant shitpost is inviting him to start up his bullshit again but whatever

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We're all going to die in a nuclear holocaust and it's YOUR fault.

For God's sake I'm still a virgin. I'm requesting a refund!

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Any moe artists with an aesthetic similar to Rin Awashina ( https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/13824728 )? At least with a theme of physical illness (not guro) and a washed out palette.
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Replies: >>238940
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>>238913 (OP) 
Replies: >>238941
if this were the US that amount of meat would cost a month's worth of rent.
Replies: >>239005
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LGBT BlackNat falseflagger chan miner detected
Is meat cheaper elsewhere?
How would the populations that have no evolutionary context in agriculture, be more efficient at it then ones that do?
Replies: >>239013
>how would going out into a third world nation's forest and killing a great big bore and feeding everyone in an entire village be more efficient?
It'd take a couple hours, maybe  more than one person to bring it back...but yeah... that and if it wanders into the village you just kill it or them right there and have even more food after they try to get at yours that you already had and were cooking. The only bad thing is that it'd go bad so you have to share, but if it's feeidng 50 people and it only takes two to bring it home then most of the time there's not much to do. The point being that we are slaves that work constantly because of overpriced shit such as rent. Not the anon that pointed out how silly it is, that it would indeed be a month's rent for no real reason. You could kill a dear 200 years ago and make deer jerky and pay no rent and eat all year, but yeah, it's not "efficient" because they had no electricity of which is included often enough in the rent, mandatorily turned on. Sure sure

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washed with blood of your own lies
once burnt by our flames
once chocked with our darkness
with the furious spirit
of our storming hearts
you're but the rot,
you are but the herd of meek
although living, you're all long dead
as blind shadows
you wander in darkness
so begone! come down to hel!
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Replies: >>239008 + 3 earlier
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Lol, feels good.
>>238876 (OP) 
What is it about metal that makes anons and tvtards sperg out like this lmfao
Replies: >>239009
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Replies: >>238797
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Replies: >>238873
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Japanese people don't have feces, they poop jelly.
I've seen it in my japanese mangas!

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Just post pictures of guns, regardless of whether or not you actually own them. Make it interesting tho, I wanna see some cool niche guns, not your fucking Glock peashooter.
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This thread seems unnecessarily suggestive...
Replies: >>238993
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So many of them.... so beautiful.....and yes they are all real. Sucks they don't seem to sell the first made rifle repeaters...
>what the fuck I hate imageboards now!
Replies: >>238995
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I wish we were allowed to own stuff like this. I want a vepsa clone....but yeah, can't do this... specifically. Large calibers are illegal and I think even small when mounted on a vehicle... unless it's a boat and you're out at sea... It's funny how things like vespas and pietta and ocarinas and pizzas and opera music seems to be made in italy to this day, not that I import pizzas.
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Ignore him, he's the fed spammer. Use my OC when ever you encounter him.
Replies: >>238999
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You posted that twice today don't make me get the grass when I'm shitposting eye candy whlie remembering my neet years of wanting a zipgun and or 3d printed gun etc all because of seeing tha supersoaker poster.....and decided to post what I saw, cap and ball, instead....I will moo at ya!

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Every time i met a girl who smiles at me so far i cant stop thinking what if she has a weird shininess on the wet on her vagina like its too thick or runny and i lose my boner then everyone thinks im autistic and i never get another chance again. the jews did this on purpose they got rid of arranged marriages then i would never have to deal with this bullshit. im afraid ill die a virgin and its 1000% the jews fault.
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That's actually your butt buddy, and those aren't >our reaction images.
Why is tv so obsessed with nigger dicks? I've seen thrm on /cow/ too.
Replies: >>238971
Western media in the past decades has been filled with niggers, so of course its fans will love niggers.
Being obsessed with random e-celebs is a general sign of having a defective mind, so you can expect anything
it is maggots to rotting, retard
Replies: >>238973
rotting meat*

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How do you do fellow internet navigators?
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<One such tactic would aim at gradually making these boards less interesting for their users.
>cops wont let me shoot someone for no reason
maybe you should shoot yourself, for no reason, L1L
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Poor troll 1/10
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I know what you're doing as well you two faced nigger. There's so many patterns to your posting style which reveal your inauthenticity but you'll just have to figure it out for yourself.
Replies: >>238960
You're replying to the homosexual nigger lover, see >>238946

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 Post ITT whenever you return to /b/ part 2 

>Students in Finland be like
The K logo is the old logo of a very popular grocery store chain. They actually used to have 3 of the K-logos on their largest stores! Unfortunately, they   changed the braining from KKK to just one K in 2015.
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I found it on webm (dot) red. It's got some gems hidden in the endless crap. webmshare is also good.
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Ur a cunt.
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If you go over the speed of sound you die immediately. All claims of pilots who ever did this are either lies, or secret robot tech and undead magic.
Replies: >>238936
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snoot droop :D
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More stuff

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Near Must Farm in the UK, there is a nearly perfectly preserved (destroyed) village from 3,000 years ago. It was destroyed during some kind of disagreement with an enemy tribe. Real shame. But the whims of fate and oxygen depleted water preserved the burnt remains of this dispute forever.
Among the many wooden, ceramic, and metal artifacts are a bunch of bowls of half eaten porridge.

When the village came under attack, 3,000 years ago, who was eating that porridge? Did they hear the horn of alarm or perhaps the screaming as the surprise attack was flawlessly executed? Did he drop (or maybe just gently put down) his bowl of porridge to pick up an axe and defend his family? 
What was the bowl of porridge's opinion of all of this? Was it upset that its purpose in life was interrupted? Perhaps a little annoyed? Or did it understand the severity of the situation and accept that defending the village took precedent over enjoying a succulent meal of porridge? How was the porridge spiced? 
Or did the porridge feel the same fear of oncoming death that the man felt? Did the porridge know, in the back of its porridge mind, that the village was doomed? Or did it hope that somehow, some way, the man would return to finish it, now cold but still tasty? Perhaps there was a bit of cruel irony, which the porridge felt, as the bowl was heated not by the warm embrace of the familiar hearth but by the raging fire of the house itself burning to the ground. 

How long did the porridge pers
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-of threads to bump.
Hello again, old thread. I still think about that bowl of porridge. I shed a tear yesterday, contemplating how lonely it was to be dropped into an oxygen poor bog for several thousand years. 

Is bronze age porridge less advanced than modern porridge?
Replies: >>238902
Their shit was often better than our shit. Like their self healing concrete that had way more stuff in it that filled it's own cracks when it rained, or rains because it still does it to this day, or the Roman army having barely in their bread when only our most (expensive) high fiber breads have this now. Barely  is used for beer and feeding livestock too. The ancients were practical. 

Replies: >>238953 >>238956
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Remember what they took from you...
Is barley flour not readily available where you live?

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