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bro, man, pal, fam, dude, mate, brother, fella, buddy, homie, what the frick?
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Replies: >>233681 + 4 earlier
Say that to the Intro music.
I Disagree, it has some sick aesthetic shading
>>233566 (OP) 
Never saw that nazi vampire anime, but I jerked off a lot to that sexy twink catboy.
Replies: >>233697
Replies: >>233719
Perfectly normal, nothing wrong with me.

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Bowie's self portrait looks like chudjack.
It's Bakayalo.
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Replies: >>233742
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Replies: >>233742
Filthy jew.

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Since we don't have a /lit/ board, let's have a /lit/ thread. 
What's your favorite book anon?
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start with the adult ADHD toolkit
Replies: >>233690
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If one had crippling ADHD of which kept a person from reading books then such an individual would not be able to fix such a thing through reading books.
Replies: >>233705 >>233711
People that read, especially if they have jobs, don't have time to use the Internet. When they do they don't shitpost all day. India has nothing to do with it.
Hitler never finish any college but he created something big. Who knows, maybe after a tard from southern USA read this maybe he'll do a 10 day revolution and kill whoever party is preventing POC extinction and White authentication.
You can improve brain plasticity by doing activities which require the type of focus that reading does.

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Replies: >>233531
why is she kissing nigger feet like the pope
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>watch griefing youtubers
>someone says nigger
>you can hear how the youtubers voice changes and how offended he is
This just keeps happening. They love to fuck with people but someone saying nigger? Thats too fucking far! Thats the normalfag mentality. Normalfags thinks saying nigger is worse than murder.
Replies: >>233291
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Oh really? Damn, thanks for sharing this revelation.
bub games?
Replies: >>233289
One of them yes. But his faggotry was very blatant from the start
>>233222 (OP) 
>Jewtuber griefs your minecraft base
<Yell Nigger
>Jewtuber gets flayed alive by a cancel mob
oldest trick in the book
If I pulled a grand out of your pocket and gave it to goygle, you probably wouldn't be too happy either.

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You underage little gen A and insufferable Zoomers are all worthless faggots. Imageboards should have been shut down the moment millennials stopped posting. I feel like I am in the company of niggers here because your generation is spiritually nigger. You are coonified. You listen to rap nonstop. Fuck you. I hate you.
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Sage negated.
Guys were posting on /intl/ in their mid 40s back in the day. I dont know why zoomers are so obsessed with age gaps besides being a totally kiked generation.
Replies: >>233662
>no good memes 
>gen alpha 
>nonsense memes
Replies: >>233661
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>L rizz
>posted generational curmudgeonry again award
>no bitches
>blud from Ohio
>L mew game
>L shitposter
>L life
>picks literally the worst board as an example
really says a lot about you

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So I went to church for Christmas Eve. I expected caroling and joyful community.
Now I'm not a churchgoer myself, as should be obvious. However, what I experienced shocked me.

Firstly, the congregation was absolutely old. I was half as old as the next youngest guy and most of the parishioners were far older, in their 60s and 80s. I was going to say that this is no one's fault, but it turns out there is a reason for this. Instead of caroling and being joyous on Christmas, the day of the birth of their own god, the "carols" were mostly the boring regular church hymns with only a few real carols. The sermon lasted so long because the pastor spent like 30 minutes lecturing people on materialism and Jesus. And it was a serious lecture, not jolly at all. So we ended up singing only Silent Night (one of the most boring ones imo) Hark the Angels Sing (good) and Joy to the World (good)

Now you're thinking, 
>Yeah, that's pretty weak but it must've been nice to all stand and sing outside together
WRONG! No one left their seats! We were given candles and I figured we'd be caroling with them. But instead, we lit them once, sang Joy to the World (sitting in our seats), and then everyone blew them out with palpable confusion when the pastor said so. And then they collected the candles for use next year!!

At the end of the service, I asked why we didn't sing the awesome carols like God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen and the decan or whatever it's calle
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Nowhere in the Bible does it say any of those things, retard.
Replies: >>233631
This woman didn't have any christian parents or friends by the way. That's the impassioned speech of someone who has found the truth, not by smart words of men but by the Spirit. Not like white europeans playing dress up as Buddhists and new age rubbish. You won't find anything on earth like Jesus, He alone is.

Also Amaziah said unto Amos, O thou seer, go, flee thee away into the land of Judah, and there eat bread, and prophesy there: but prophesy not again any more at Bethel: for it is the king's chapel, and it is the king's court. Then answered Amos, and said to Amaziah, I was no prophet, neither was I a prophet's son; but I was an herdman, and a gatherer of sycomore fruit: and the LORD took me as I followed the flock, and the LORD said unto me, Go, prophesy unto my people Israel." (Amos 7)

But whether someone grows up in the church good for them. Even then you will always hear as Zac Poonen says and as Billy Graham says, they both growing up in the church, will tell you they were never christians while in the church until the Lord visited them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXGyACvE6BA
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Your Jewish book isn't real, retard.
Replies: >>233658
I actually posted the wrong link I meant to post Andrew Snelling's full presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0imsTv5Ez4
This is someone who lives and breathes the Grand Canyon, now if you want to find a secular person who spends time in the Grand Canyon and can give a presentation on why it's millions of years old, find that if you think it's convincing at all.

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A state of emergency has been declared by the governor of California as wildfires sweep through exclusive suburbs in Los Angeles. Celebrity homes are burning down as speak.
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>all this billionaire property and ugly suburbs being burned to the ground
Replies: >>233618 >>233619
Just to be bought up by other billionaires like Gates and Blackrock.
Do you echo these sentiments when shitskin countries are burning or just America?
Replies: >>233633 >>233638
well, i think it is specially funny when happens to americans, brown and black countries are already fucked beyond relief by poverty for example.
Ironically enough brownoid firefighters seem to be leaps and bounds more effective than ameridiverse firefighters

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>brevity is the soul of wit
Is that true or is it just a cope for brainlets with simple thoughts?
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Replies: >>233407 + 5 earlier
Personally, I feel like communicating ideas clearly and concisely shows more intelligence than a rambling sprawl of barely-connected ideas. Similar to presenting one finished painting rather than pages of doodles.
Replies: >>233409
>>233337 (OP) 
That quote is an ironic one, in context it was spoken by a wordswordswords character.
Not everything can be boiled down to ADHD internet standards.
Replies: >>233505
"Brevity is the soul of wit" is a saying that predates the internet.
Replies: >>233630
Read the post its replying to.

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>being a buglet
How do jap "men" cope?
Replies: >>233517
Their women are even shorter than they are, I think they'll manage.
By having attractive, non-slutty women.
>>233466 (OP) 
they're on the taller side of asians. equal to some non-giant euro countries
Replies: >>233629
That's a fairly recent thing, happened over the last 80-ish years. 
Presumably because of industrialization's effect on agriculture.

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