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 Dress to impress!

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Rule #1: Pay your fucking soldiers.
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Surely Yidsrael will not encounter any opposition to its clay acquisition operations from the loyal Turkish wahhabi proxies, either now or in the future?
And the SDF will never ask Iran-Russia for help when stern US warnings and observation posts fail to stop Roach rape?
False. It's just that you're so desperate and upset. Very cringe.
Will Trump intervene to restore balance to the force when he gets into office?
>angry brown poster lashing our irrationally
Can't blame them for taking an opportunity to abuse the possibility of adding land to their control against other regional powers.

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>hehe i posted the cuckime girl! I'm so cute!!!
>i'm a manchild who watches cartoons!
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this board went to shit when obvious spammer tards like this stopped getting banned
Replies: >>227959
>you have to post serious discussions
you belong on Reddit. I come here to avoid Reddit. You can fuck off other there though.
>you can't joke on the random board, the random board must have qualify discussions.
Fuck you up the ass, prick.
Ah yes, the joke (bitter whining with no punchline)

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I'm going to do a stream this Friday evening central US time. There is no theme and you are free to add miscellaneous videos and music, and I'm open to playing movies but have none in mind to show.
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https://litter.catbox.moe/7kid19.mp4 (Lily C.A.T.)
https://litter.catbox.moe/gh6lub.mp4 (Malice@Doll #1)
https://litter.catbox.moe/16o7ll.mp4 (Malice@Doll #2)
https://litter.catbox.moe/ji352c.mp4 (Malice@Doll #3)
https://litter.catbox.moe/out0o5.webm (Harmful Insect)
Thanks for hosting all those times. Hope to see you around in the future, champ. If you eventually do feel like hosting again, just say so in this thread or in a future one. If I'm not dead or distracted, I'll be happy to assist you with organizing stuff again.
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I hope those who didn't show up but still watched through the Catbox links liked what they saw. Thanks to all who showed up.
I was thinking of the streaming the Brown Bunny.

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Can you get AI to make unflattering depictions of some countries national mascots?
6 replies and 6 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>227870 >>227890
>>227862 (OP) 
Surely there are AI software that don't have these idiotic restrictions.
If you are White then you can use a local model and generate anything.
nigger comes along, sits down at your desk, starts prompting and generating on your local model
nigger comes along, sits down at your desk, takes one look at the paints and brushes assembled there
>>227862 (OP) 
Where is the link so I don't have to sign into nor up for some  kikerosoft thingy that I've ignored the existence of?
Replies: >>227911
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I used 
www.bin g.com/images/create . It does want an email address, but it doesn't require you to spend any money unlike the majority of ai image sites out there.

Another free one is 
www.craiy on.com/
It doesn't even require any email address.  However, I'm a little unsure how their output relates to their input.

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>be underweight in childhood, normal weight as adult
>look down upon fatfags and ridicule them
>recently check weight
<26 BMI
<tfw I'm slowly becoming a fatfag myself due to my NEET lifestyle
10 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
>the perspective on food that it's just for energy instead of palette, flavor
This. Fast every so often and after a while the concept of being hungry ceases to be such a big deal.
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Get a cheap exercise bike and some weights and things, you can make a home gym for cheap
Replies: >>227878
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>>227691 (OP) 
Is that you?The one that the proverbs have told us???
There is a legend of a man who could not eat sugar. He became a 10/10 and got every single possible girl he wanted, even multiple at once.
But what has he lost for it?
What would you choose, a life of no sugar, or a life with unlimited access to all of your sexual fantasies?
>>227691 (OP) 
>admit to being an obnoxious faggot 
>get (You)s
you gay

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Did you like Joker 2?
17 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
>>227042 (OP) 
who is this incel?
A man of culture
>>227042 (OP) 
A picture of a rulecuck nigger.
a fatass virgin. He leads a cult of "ironic" homosexuals who apparently worship transsexual pornography. They use this as a way to "own" women.
Reminder that incels are not real.

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The webring was, is and will always be a mistake. All it does is promote strife, division and stagnation without providing any real benefit. "Le decentralization" meme can still be achieved by a single centralized entity or group acting as admins and using multiple layers of redundancy and multiple contingency plans. Having 8 random boards, 15 video games boards etc. just fractures the userbase and makes them all dead, discourages activity and encourages people to leave "b-b-but I like it slow like this" nobody cares about your stupid nigger opinion, 99% of the 8chan userbase, which already fucked off, clearly didn't and these sites shouldn't specifically be catered to the needs of a tiny retarded niche. Low user counts and activity also empower the loudest minority insane schizos who spend all day posting, samefagging and backseat modding, shitting up entire sites top to bottom, ruining any kind of discussion, sense of community and whatever and replacing it with their manufactured delusions of what imageboards "should be", further driving posters away.

You know I am right, I urge admins with IQ equal or above room temperature to talk to each other and merge sites. It's been 5 years since 8chan died and the userbase thousands strong didn't ever trickle back in or did it ever stabilize at healthy numbers, in fact it was the exact opposite, it started low and it progressively got lowerest. Fix it. Fix it now.
20 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
>we need serious discussions
you faggots just can't have fun. I do not know why you hated blacked.moe so much because quite frankly you are exactly like them.
>a bloo blooo waaaaaaaahhhhh why can't I have MY own little sekrit club! MOOOOOODDSS!
I'm glad you lost everything. Maybe you will off yourselves now. I hate you little pussies.
Replies: >>227690
How did you get that from my post?
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this you?

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Remember that everything that you don't backup will be deleted forever.

The Methods
>For Audio and Video: yt-dlp
Site: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/tree/master
Supported Sites: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/blob/master/supportedsites.md
>For Image Galleries, Manga, Etc.: gallery-dl
Supported Sites: https://github.com/mikf/gallery-dl/blob/master/docs/supportedsites.md
The above downloaders have commands to download going down one at a time from links listed within a list of your creation. With enough work you can create large lists and set it up so that your hard drives recursively download everything you want while you go do something else. By creating categories using comment lines, you can also prioritize certain content over others, thus ensuring that it gets downloaded sooner and on storage with less space.
Only listed because somebody will complain if I don't. I hope you at least know how to torrent if you're using an imageboard.
Uploader site content (mega.nz, and so on) is up in the air as to how to best download. My best success has been with jDownloader but I'm aware that it's a very controversial program.

The Storage
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7 replies and 2 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>227657 + 2 earlier
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>I'm gen x u twat!
....and thus not a zoomer...
Yes, but everyone was 12 once, not everyone is a zoomer. You people are making my IQ go down just being exposed to this shit. Everyone does this shit, hence posting "I do dis" to something everyone does is rather retarded. Reddit has a real nice data hoarding community for those fake Internet points so that you can brag about how many tbs of tv shows you downloaded, and full rom sets, discographies of music, thus proving you have no taste but do have OCD and or hystrionic personality disorder. Meanwhile actual schizo tier types that want the world, or even expect it to, end, we have fav stuff and need it smaller in size to avoid issues. What if I need to upload it all to archive.org in secret?  Not everyone is a zoomer with jewgle services. I might burry my whole collection in a time capsule in case on the lamb, in jail, coma, etc, and it'd all fit in a stack of dvd's to be burned. Maybe two stacks. Bitrot? lol they last 100 years.  Mp4 videos b4 you assume the rhetorical data.
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Replies: >>227442
I wonder if qbittorent is actually fixed. I could never upload nor be bothered to fix it. Last I used to have good ratios was when utorrent was still popular among geeks, they used an older version at that point though... before moving on. Outside of my use of old utorrent the firewall issues and all. RIP
>>227369 (OP) 
>Nobody can tell you what you find valuable

You not wrong, because this idea i  was download videos about human beans from my favorite channel in the youtube, for don't have fear of be deleted.
Replies: >>227663
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Every time I watch/read Japanese media, it's about muh equality and diverse races, "if you kill your enemy then he wins", women are strong and independent and it's soooo scary when they're angry and the mother is always the leader of the household and has the husband and son(s) by the balls and only begrudgingly stays with the family (often denouncing the husband for some arbitrary reason), it's perfectly ok for women to beat the living shit out of men and crush their balls for the funsies or whatever arbitrary reason (including when it's 100% her own fault like being in rain with a shitty see-through shirt), slavery bad (but I'll own a sex slave but I'm the good guy because I only want to fuck her and not beat her to death like everyone else does for some reason), church and religion bad and atheism good (even if there's a literal god in the world).

Whenever they do a fantasy story they'll want to "modernize" the fantasy world by bringing modern cancer and degeneracy into it, and there's about 20% chance that the MC, despite having literal goddesses and elf princesses inexplicably fall out of the sky and want to fuck him for no reason, he still wants to fuck and marry a prostitute at some point in the story and tries to make excuses about how being a whore isn't a big deal and doesn't matter at all, making him more of a cuck than the native population of that world who sees her as the dirty whore she is.
38 replies and 18 files omitted. View the full thread
>the mother is always the leader of the household and has the husband and son(s) by the balls and only begrudgingly stays with the family (often denouncing the husband for some arbitrary reason)
That's how actual marriages in Japan are, though.
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What does it even mean to be "grown up"?
Replies: >>227645 >>227662
Blending in with normalcattle, apparently.
being dead emotionally inside
This, so much this! Every zoomer is cope seethe rent freeing the coomer doomers and sneed feed and seed, they're locked and KEYED and SOVL and /pol/cel bloomer soulless slop black people(nah but seriously I'm not a racist, that's a /pol/cel thing, so please don't tell me to go back to /pol/ cuz I'm not ok) kino peak fiction!

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I like video games.
22 replies and 10 files omitted. View the full thread
go back to tvch, faggot.
Replies: >>227554
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How does that post have anything to do with tvch?
Replies: >>227569
I'm an ugly old bastard in the body of  a babbyfaced neckbeard.
Don't worry about it. That's just the webringing.
>i am a cyst

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