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it's fucking video games, baby

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Looks like a new ps4 jailbreak is coming out soon. From what i've read it could be possible to jailbreak all the way up to 11.00

Nintendo 3DS: https://3ds.hacks.guide/
Nintendo Wii U: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/
PlayStation 2: https://www.psx-place.com/threads/tutorial-the-great-ps2-aio-guide.30219/
PlayStation 3: https://www.psx-place.com/threads/exploiting-4-90-ofw-installing-cfw-running-ps3hen-flash-writer-ps3hen-now-supporting-4-90-fw.39772/
PlayStation Vita: https://vita.hacks.guide/
Multiple Guides:

http://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Applications (3DS only)
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Wait i might actually be retarded. I think i know why i fried my motherboard now. Its because i didnt use flux. I thought it was very strange because the solder kept fucking disappearing in smoke and wouldnt stick to the board and the board would just char.
Replies: >>265788 >>265798
Nevermind tried again with flux this time but no difference was made....
>solder kept fucking disappearing in smoke and wouldnt stick to the board and the board would just char.
Jesus fuck, how did you manage that? You're only supposed to briefly heat things just enough to melt the solder and make a connection, if the solder is burning off you're way fucking beyond that. I don't know what kind of solder you use but the melting point is usually around 200°C while the boiling point of tin is 2600°C and lead 1750°C so "solder kept fucking disappearing in smoke" sounds completely insane. Hope you had some ventilation, those fumes aren't exactly healthy.
Replies: >>265808
I think anon might be a little retarded. Or he's trolling but in any case he's the reason faggots can get away with charging $150+ for modchip installation.
I ordered a pinecil but im still debating whether i should try soldering again when i have a proper soldering tool or just buy some conductive paint and paint the path instead.

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>What the fuck is this?
XPiratez is a total conversion for X-COM about naked musclegirls, stealing shit, kidnapping people and getting dogs killed. Also liberating the world from the dead hand of the Star Gods, but details.
>What the FUCK is this?
It's effectively a whole new squad tactics game in the OpenXcom engine. Forget (almost) everything you know about X-COM because every mechanic has been upgraded, tweaked or replaced in some way. You're sleazy pirates who know almost nothing about the fucked-up world of XPiratez, so taking enemies alive is much more important, the tech tree is massive and damn near anything can and will show up at some point. Lordfag is frankly insane for doing this but godspeed. Screen sharing is handled with noVNC on a dedicated server and chat is a cytube room, so all you need is a relatively recent browser to get started. Just show up and you'll be assigned a gal/catgirl/peasant and maybe a dog or two to pilot.

Everyone else is also free to do the usual ad-hoc emulator netplay fuckaround threads have been known for.

TO JOIN VISIT https://cytu.be/r/secritxcomcoop WHILE A GAME IS RUNNING

>Read this, it's outdated but still gives you the gist of what makes Piratez unique: https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Strategy_(Piratez)
>no seriously, read it
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daily alert
Been pretty sick so might not make it tomorrow, if I don't post anything assume I've not risen

In other news, before getting sick I was looking into displaying resists in the inventory, and well, armor resists are simple but item resists not so much. Items don't actually modify resist values because OXC/E doesn't expose any way for items to modify them, so it's done with 2 scripts and some tags. A script runs each turn (on newTurnItem) that reads the resist tags on items, calculates the combined item resists and stores those values in tags attached to the item owner. Then every time a unit gets hit (hitUnit) another script reads those tags and directly adjusts the damage taken. This means that except for maybe simulating a run of every script in the mod every time you move an item (retarded) there is no portable way to get resist values from items, I'd have to hard code some stuff that would only really work with X-Piratez (and any other mod using the same scripts, which is most OXCE-only mods from what I've seen). Haven't decided what to do about it yet.

You could also abuse this if you want, since item resists are only calculated on new turns you could for example drop a shield to use a 2h weapon or whatever and if you get reaction fired you would still get the damage reduction from the (dropped) shield. Could easily be fixed by running the newTurnItem script on reactionUnitAction as well but eh, don't think most of these modders even really know what any of these scr
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Just woke up, will try playing today if everyone hasn't already made other plans. Probably won't go for as long as usual, we'll see.
im awake 45min

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Ready for the best vidya movie?
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>In December 2011, Disney sold the North American theatrical rights to the Studio Ghibli catalogue to New York based distributor GKIDS. GKIDS has re-released the films in cinemas a numerous amount of times throughout the years, mainly as part of Ghibli Film Festivals.
They never merged, retard.
Replies: >>265675
Not the point, autist.
Replies: >>265687
Sonic the movie 3? More like Satanic Jew Power 3.
Your point is bitching for the sake of bitching. It's kind of funny to see three tryhards up in arms over an anime movie.
Replies: >>265782
>unironically using "tryhard" as an insult
>2 of the 3 replies weren't more than 2 sentences in length
>and none of them were defending the sonic dogshit
Cry more about your shit taste being mocked lmao

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At 4 EST this saturday I will be streaming, Jahy suffering, Wakfu, Dungeon Meshi
Will start 30 minutes
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Playan Yugioh W.C.T. 2006 on game boy. Is fun
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Bloodborne on shadps4, Monster Hunter Rise
Some podcast shit
Had a meatball sandwich
I dunno
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Doom 2. Well mapping for Doom 2 not really proud of my custom texture usage.
Running Shine vids
Girls last tour ost
Ramen Noodles
its too cold to even fap anyways
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Melty Blood Type Lumina
Hateful Eight
Printer Manual
Not tonight
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Do you go for the classic "NIGGERMAN" or do you get creative?
Also, to the anons who play VNs, do you name your character after you?
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Replies: >>265752 + 8 earlier
Immersion is gay, role playing is where it's at. I come up with a character and play as him, making choices based on his background and motivation. Naming him after myself would be weird.
Replies: >>256880 >>265755
I've used my real name in some sports games. It's genrally gay, though, even if you take into account that there are other people with the same name.
>making choices based on his background and motivation
If this leads to gimping yourself, then you're gay too
>>255121 (OP) 
Male: Asshat/Dingus
Woman: Stabitha Thievarian
>Immersion is gay, role playing is where it's at. I come up with a character and play as him, making choices based on his background and motivation. Naming him after myself would be weird.
I think you meant self-inserting
I usually go with the default name if it isn't stupid. Otherwise it's a choice between some variation on "AIDS NIGGER" and something corny based on the game. When I played Chrono Trigger I named everyone after the Dragon Ball characters they were cloned from.

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Talk about the RPGs you fired,  or are going to fire or plan to fire towards MBTs, fortified positions IFVs or other light armor.

Last thread: >>170480
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Xenoblade X was a bland mediocre piece of shit game with a story written by a preschooler.
Nintendo could retrieve all copies of the game, shove them in a concrete mixer and bury the slab somewhere in New Mexico for all I care.
why does this guy think we care about  a bunch of shitty mainstream games being censored in the west, im too old for this shit
Replies: >>265639
He shows up every once in a while to doompost about shit no one cares about.
Can wojak posters be summarily executed?
Replies: >>265766
You would have to find Will Michaels (@phzos64) first. That's the problem with Will Michaels (@phzos64), you're not going to be able to stop Will Michaels (@phzos64) until you can talk to Will Michaels (@phzos64) in person.

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Just like that shitty thread about anon journaling his game, I will also do one. But i will make a shitty game, because I have never made one before. Also I have a job so the time allocation will be tough, but it will be a good challenge. If you see me miss a single day report, you are allowed to call me a nigger faggot. The tools and programing language,...uh im thinking alright. 
The entire point of this thread is to prove that other faggot is not commited enough to making games, but I will. Thank you for listening anons, I will do my best alright.
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See above anon for the basic RPG skeleton.
For the meat start by coming up with a random scene you want to put in the game, ideally with multiple relevant characters in acting roles.
Then just start repeatedly asking "Why?" in regards to everything in there and again to the replies you give as answers until you are satisfied with how much material you have.
If you need a world map use the pasta on paper trick.
If you would rather start from the other end and worldbuild top down see pic related.
Write lots of notes and plan things out with diagrams. Work backwards from your desired outcomes.
Start with the simplest elements and outline for it, and build on that gradually.
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Bad news is I failed my internship, good news is since I failed my internship, i will now have time to study gamedev stuff. Life is bad, life is suffering, i hate my life. 
Ehh who am i kidding? Im a true lazy pile of shit, but I always hope this time will be different. This time surely will be different, i will surely stick to my routine this time around. Stick around anons. My new year resolution for 2025 is giving you guys a playable demo at least.
Replies: >>265556
nice blog faggot

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I'm thinking of getting a Logitech Driving Force GT. Is that a good starting wheel? 
I was considering the EX at first, since it's a bit cheaper, but I think I'll pay extra for the better feedback and a bigger rotation range.
I want it specifically to use it on my PS triple and PS2. I'm guessing it wouldn't work with PS1 games, and I'd need to use an emulator instead.
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What's a good HOTAS set to play Ace combat on?
Replies: >>265538 >>265553
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I have a used Thrustmaster Warthog because I have an autistic need to have a split throttle even though I fucking never use it. I got it for $180 while they go for like $500 new. If you want to save money, look for used HOTAS nearby, including pawn shops and research the best one, because holy fuck this shit gets expensive. Not sure what the best budget HOTAS is. Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick is technically a HOTAS because it has a little throttle lever on the joystick itself. I used that to start with.
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Enjoy. Nothing compares to the experience of the first wheel
Replies: >>265540
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Thanks. I've been quite enjoying it. 
Too bad Ridge Racer 7 doesn't have any feedback, but I've been playing a lot of Daytona, Outrun 2006 and Gran Turismo 5.
I'm waiting for my new PS2 to arrive to play more games, since my last PS2 died.
Any stick with a non-dogshit sensor will do fine, Ace Combat isn't exactly a "serious" flight simulator and was designed around gamepad usage to begin with so a stick will be more of a novelty than anything.
Dunno what advantages a HOTAS would bring aside from looking cool, those are intended for "proper" plane/spees games and to my knowledge AC games don't implement individual throttle control for multi-engined aircraft making a split throttle a complete meme there.

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Three years of zzz edition
Monday nights at 7PM PST/10PM EST

What's the Jackbox Party Packs?
The Jackbox Party Packs are games in which you can play with 
people in a single room or stream them live with others around the world. They can range to coming up with witty punchlines and jokes in Quiplash, creating strange T-shirts in TeeKO or wondering what the prompt is in Drawful!
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Game links for anything not covered by the screencaps (of which I have more of) Animated, too:

Replies: >>265506
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Shantae won the rap battle by a country mile.
Replies: >>265509
>nigger wins at the nigger music competition
Nothing unexpected.
Replies: >>265513
You're the bigger nigger.
Replies: >>265533
He isn't wrong

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We have seen rise of Retro SNES style games with mostly indie and also with some bigger studios. And recently, assuming people who grew up with PSX and N64 are now old enough to start making their own games, now the trend shifted towards boomer shooters, old school horror games, and some 3d platformers. I will not even bother giving examples to these games as you already know this phenomenon. So, I expect that in a couple of years we will see rise of sixth generation imitators, as people who grew up with PS2 and whatnot will start making their own childhood game. 

>Do you expect this trend to happen?
>What kind of games you want to see being revived?
>Will AAA follow this trend if it happens?
>Can sixth gen imitation save video game industry?
>Seventh gen is slowly being considered retro. Will the same thing happen to it as well?

Personally I hope Ratchet and Clank series gets imitation. I know Akimbot exists but that game has such a shit optimization I didn't bother finishing it. Hopefully kino 2000s edge comes back, or at least with seventh gen revival trend.
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Replies: >>265407 + 6 earlier
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They're cute CUTE
Replies: >>265203
Even back when I was a horny teenager, the DOA plastic barbie aesthetic did nothing for me. For games sold on sex appeal, they were remarkably unappealing.
Replies: >>265206 >>265493
Whatever fag
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>>265081 (OP) 
>Do you expect this trend to happen?
Probably indie games with shit graphics will use the excuse that they are 6th gen inspired to justify their incompetence or lack of talent, even if said games will look nothing like 6th gen games.
Kinda like many "retro-inspired" pixel games of today are ugly as shit because indie devs don't know that devs back then tried to make games look as good as they could despite the pixels limitations, while they do the exact opposite,  making shit looking games thinking they will evoke the same feeling.
>What kind of games you want to see being revived?
Anything that is not either a FPS, An over-the-shoulder 'cinematic' slop or a first person walking simulator.
What i liked the most about 6th gen was the variety in genre, art style, and gameplay.
>Will AAA follow this trend if it happens?
No AAA will always keep on chasing the "best" graphics even if the art direction is shit
>Can sixth gen imitation save video game industry?
>Seventh gen is slowly being considered retro. Will the same thing happen to it as well?
Normalfags seem to consider "retro" any shit that came out barely the year before, so it wouldn't surprise me.
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>DoA girls
>Creepy porcelain dolls
>Even back when I was a horny teenager, the DOA plastic barbie aesthetic did nothing for me. For games sold on sex appeal, they were remarkably unappealing.
When i was an horny teenager, my only critic about the DoA girls (and DoA roster in general) is that they were a bit on the bland side and looked tok similar to each other. DoA's characters weren't as varied and charismatic as Tekken's, Street Fighter's or Fatal Fury's,.
While it's true that they are lacking in charisma (only exception Ayane after her Ninja Gaiden appearances), DoA girls were still cute and hot.
The DoA games before 4 still look amazing and more appealing that most modern crap of today.

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