Been pretty sick so might not make it tomorrow, if I don't post anything assume I've not risen
In other news, before getting sick I was looking into displaying resists in the inventory, and well, armor resists are simple but item resists not so much. Items don't actually modify resist values because OXC/E doesn't expose any way for items to modify them, so it's done with 2 scripts and some tags. A script runs each turn (on newTurnItem) that reads the resist tags on items, calculates the combined item resists and stores those values in tags attached to the item owner. Then every time a unit gets hit (hitUnit) another script reads those tags and directly adjusts the damage taken. This means that except for maybe simulating a run of every script in the mod every time you move an item (retarded) there is no portable way to get resist values from items, I'd have to hard code some stuff that would only really work with X-Piratez (and any other mod using the same scripts, which is most OXCE-only mods from what I've seen). Haven't decided what to do about it yet.
You could also abuse this if you want, since item resists are only calculated on new turns you could for example drop a shield to use a 2h weapon or whatever and if you get reaction fired you would still get the damage reduction from the (dropped) shield. Could easily be fixed by running the newTurnItem script on reactionUnitAction as well but eh, don't think most of these modders even really know what any of these scr