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it's fucking video games, baby

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One of the best ARPGs and and also one of the game that got Tencent's foot into the Western market is getting a sequel. Since this place is so slow, I park a thread here. 

*Some stuff that's already out*

Wiki article with a list of all the bullshit GGG has planned 


Some dude beta testing the game


< We want to be From Soft

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Replies: >>266872 >>267018
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Replies: >>267004
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Why is she half nigger?

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Post your shitty gameplay and get bullied by other anons.
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EDF is pretty niche, had a poor launch and Helldivers captured the market for third person horde shenanigans months prior to the PC release.
Both franchises could learn something from each other.
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That hard mountain dew is not worth it.
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>Damn I forgot how much fun this game is.
How could you forget, I spent entire afternoons after school just fucking around in Battlefront. I used to do runs where it was game over if I lost a life

I had to set up a damn VM to run The Sims. Then I played it for 5 minutes and got bored. Will probably install The Sims 3 with certain mods later

Total War games these days get around the issue by not bothering to calculate any arrow physics, and just rolling for hit. I think Rome 2 was the last TW game to have proper hit detection for projectiles
Replies: >>266934
Was Rome 2 the last one? I remember breaking Medieval 2 by abusing bunched up archers and enemies on slopes.

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(Reposting with some alterations because Cantabiles have been expelled from Sleepychan, apparently:)
I'm glad to announce that it's almost time for the 2024 UT summer stream. Can you believe that anons started the tradition of streaming a horrendously bad RPG maker game by a tumblrite, 9 years ago!? Here's hoping we make it to at least another year! This is only the current host's (Not!Alto_Cantabile) second time streaming so please be patient with him as he is still learning. I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope to see you there. Thank you anons, and all the previous streamfags for making all this possible.
START TIME: AUGUST 3RD AT 3pm CDT/1pm PST/9pm for Britbongs/10pm for the rest of Europe
Stream Link: https://cytu.be/r/uncommontime
Aug 3rd: Nuclear.
Aug 4th - Aug 6th: Finish the vanilla UT content.
Aug 7th: CODA and Duet. Will probably also start Predecessors on the same day.
Aug 8th - Aug 9th: Finish Predecessors, and start Retuned.
Aug 10th - Aug 11th: Finish Retuned and if we have time I'll play Sullen Boku Girls Alliance, but I don't know if I'll complete all of it.
This schedule is subject to change based on how quickly Not!Alto can complete the game.
Questions you might have.
>How long will the stream last?
Not!Alto will try to stream for 5-6 hours. This will give our europoors a chance to see the stream without staying up too late. There will not be streaming for 8 to 10 hours like last time.
>Will the stream be recorded by the host?
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happy birthday, teagan
you did nothing wrong https://www.neopets.com/~Teagan_Almace
Replies: >>266306
You're fucking done kiddo!
You're fucking done kiddo!
That is genius now do the rest of them
Spoiler File
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>What is this
sm64coopdx with the Gore mod that also doubles as a Kaizou-style hack.

>How do I join?

Download gaem at https://pixeldrain.com/u/QSn6vWze
then unzip it and run the sm64coopdx executable.
Set your player name under Options>Player, then set up any controls you might need and go back to the main menu.
There, go to Join>Private Lobbies and enter the password ziggers .
Now join the only server that should show up in the list and you're good to go.

>How do I play?

Game plays mostly like regular Mayro 64 with nothing strange at all.
Regarding playable characters there's two character selects, one that's built into the game and comes with a small amount of regular Nintendo characters to choose from+editable palettes, and the char-select community mod that became so popular it now ships with the base game.
Last edited by warmsun
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Tried a rom from another source. Still did not work
Replies: >>266891
Can you host a serb yourself?
Replies: >>266892
Yeah. I put a password: fugger
try to see if you can join
Serb's down.
Replies: >>266916
its 1999 all over again

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>They really just called it Switch 2
I'm probably too optimistic, but I expect the name and very similar design to bite them in the ass, like with the Wii U.
It will absolutely not sell as well as the switch without another chink-flu and Animal Crossing.
Maybe it will all depend on the games, remember those? What do you think is going to be the "console-seller"? A new 3D bing bing wahoo and walking-sim Zelda?
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>UMPC hordes
Man you're fucking delusional.
Replies: >>266581
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Do you have a better analogy?
Replies: >>266850
Only children and bare handful of adults were playing vidya then anon.
Brand cultism is much bigger now.
The PiiU wasn't the follow up to the most successful console in the current gen (based on sales).
>It's Nintendo shit, it'll sell.
Is the hard pill most need to swallow because they don't have nogames and they have allowed reverse compat.
Even though they engage in heinous corporate decisions and their localisers are still butchering the games, at least they are producing good games as a whole.
Its currently a very small market, they are nowhere near a horde.
Replies: >>266858
It's definitely growing. Consoles being an absolute trash fire helps, so does the AI bubble making recent GPUs impossible to buy.

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Just like that shitty thread about anon journaling his game, I will also do one. But i will make a shitty game, because I have never made one before. Also I have a job so the time allocation will be tough, but it will be a good challenge. If you see me miss a single day report, you are allowed to call me a nigger faggot. The tools and programing language,...uh im thinking alright. 
The entire point of this thread is to prove that other faggot is not commited enough to making games, but I will. Thank you for listening anons, I will do my best alright.
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nice blog faggot
I think this thread perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with the average nodev's mentality. Nice work exposing all of it, OP!
Replies: >>266719
hang yourself
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Thanks for reminding me to come back to this, I've been procrastinating for too long. I turned back into a half neet lately anons, I just can't stop failing. Damn I'm worthless.
Replies: >>266749
Failure is a part of life, you only become a failure when you give up (and its unwarranted rather than a practical decision) and you let it define you.

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The only thing I remember people saying about Wanted: Dead was that it had a great choice in music, but it's just a general question about what happened to games that used to have rockin', upbeat, fast, and loud music in general? I know these types of songs are still coming out (Especially in Japan), but I cannot think of a single game that really incorporates them outside of rhythm games you find in the arcade. Regular games just seem to have become dominated by grand orchestral music like they're trying to be some opera. So where are the games with the loud fast-paced music that's guaranteed to cause hearing loss?
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Replies: >>266590 >>266626
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It should, considering OP posted synth music as an example.
Nevertheless Brigador was released 8 years ago and not all of its soundtracks are upbeat.
Freedom Planet 2 had some really cool upbeat music. The game itself was sadly kind of forgettable outside of Tyson Tan's gorgeous sprite art.

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>>260346 (OP) 
>what happened to games that used to have rockin', upbeat, fast, and loud music
>where are the games with the loud fast-paced music
In porn
Replies: >>266615
>not posting プレパララ
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>>260346 (OP) 
Play Karja's game.

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OP copied from the previous thread: >>248164

>Advice on building or upgrading
Post your build list or current specifications, including a monitor: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (like playing vidya, editing or programming).
Specify your budget and region.
Think twice before deciding to buy something to avoid buyer's remorse.

At least one PCIe 4.0 M.2 slot.
Good VRM (power delivery) is required for CPUs like the i5 13500 and above.
Don't pair a K CPU with a B mobo chipset.

HTPC(4K60)/Web Browsing: 5600G, 14100/12100
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32 GB of VRAM can allegedly hold all of youre mum
So, my Ryzen CPU has only 2 RAM lanes. Would it be a bad idea to fill up all 4 RAM slots on my mobo?
Replies: >>266767
Using all 4 slots is slower than using just 2.
New thread when? I'll do another windows edition one if nobody makes it
Replies: >>266781
Just make one now so you can link it here before the bump limit.
New thread

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A thread to post and discuss your favorite soundtracks in videogames.
What have you been listening to lately?
I've been listening to 3D Sonic games OST. Crush 40 gives all of these games a pretty good soundtrack. It's usually what I end up remembering when playing sonic games.
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I wish a had a better way to describe this kind of unsetttling vidya music, but you don't encounter it too often.  "Progressively dissonant", maybe?  What are some vidya music that create a sense of dread and uneasiness, that stresses the player out and adds to the tenseness of a particular level or area in which it plays.  The best examples of this I've come across aren't even in "horror" genres.
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Check out the Rastan games if you want more good barbarian music.  Don't actually play Rastan II though, it's terrible.
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MintJam mixes and one from the original
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You can just post OGG vorbis directly.

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Which is a name I hate but it's sort of become a way to describe the Demons souls, Dark, Elden, ect, flavor of games. So fuck it, I'm going to use it. This also includes non Fromsoft titles that are in a similar vein. 

With the current DLC for ER on the way I've taken to actually trying to beat the game. I find that what happens is that I play it, get bored of my build, then try another one. Recently since picking it back up I've stuck with a dex/fai build and I'm enjoying it enough. I'm tempted eventually to do a build around just using those Carin sword sorceries and not even bother using a weapon but I'm sure I'll change that a few times before I settle on another one.
I got to Radahn and he is slapping my shit because I forgot to level VIG and now I have to go see that one bitch and rebirth or get good but I think there are a few more things around that I can do to get some souls runes to pump my vig up a few points. I don't know how many anons here play but I've always thought it would be fun to try and play together, or at least do a boss or two. 

Speaking of the Soulslike older from titles are Kingsfield and ShadowTower are more than welcome as well as are any other recent games that have come out emulating them, or older titles that are the same. Just talk about gaymes.
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Demon's Souls is nothing at least it gives checkpoints to some capacity.
Replies: >>266443
I've only completed the dark souls trilogy and bloodborne and just started demon's souls. How can the checkpoints be worse in elden ring or sekiro when you only have a single checkpoint before a whole level and a boss in a demon's souls?
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Replies: >>266446
Literally me.
Anyone played that mod that adds lost izaliths cut content back?
It's not out for dark souls remastered yet so I can't play it. God, Dark Souls would've been perfect if lost izalith was finished.

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