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it's fucking video games, baby

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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211


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You are going to talk about space games or I am going to break your fucking arm. You are going to tell me..
Also which aliens would you fuck? 

I'm currently doing a run of Starsector after getting the itch again and this time I'm using R A P E S E C T O R which allows you to engage in a little snuggle struggle with enemy officers...or if you have enough marines anyone at all and maybe even an AI as well. Or you can engage in passionate headpatting and h*ndholding with an officer of your fleet you fancy. The sky's the limit, as long as that limit is rape. You might want to run a portrait replace with this one. I got me a sweet system with two Terran planets and a jump gate so it's time to satbomb the Hegemony until I'm bored or the sector runs out of fuel. 
Now engage with me you plebians and tell me what you are playing.
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My Sector game is heating up. 
OH god  it's really beginning. I just gave Kanta a bunch of lobster to make her happy and now everyone else is starting to lick their chops looking at my sector. Hegeniggers came because I was using a S I N G LE D E L T A C O R E. I let them fondle me and they went away. I kicked the Persean patrol in the fucking teeth though, fuck those guys. I hate it because the guy you talk to seems to genuinely believe in the league and maybe is right to put the squeeze on you for the potential to upset the balance. I'll send him a fruit basket after I vent his entire officer corp to space with concentrated fire. I also have TriTach realizing the free market is in fact, free. But maybe it shouldn't be. They are sending over commerce raiders to my little kingdom. I'll let you guess what they are doing.
Replies: >>240941
I mean none of that should be surprising to anyone who had tried to interact with coderbus after about 2012. I only care about SS14 to the extent that it can be forked and turned into a replica of old /tg/code, so we can finally, FINALLY play Space Station 13 again.
Replies: >>240941
>forked into old /tg/ replica
They are simplifying a lot of the mechanics down and skipping shit in the original ss13. Personally I feel it lacks to ritalin requirements of the old one to learn some departments (atmos/engineering/virology) I half expect them to insert spyware in it to keep the "wrong" people from making mods at this point. We're not far off from them deciding to blacklist you from joining the ebil servers that actually have fun and aren't troon infested.
Also ERP stations on ss14 are a thing to.  Bring back valid rules on catbeasts.
>tri tach
The tri tach nigger in the janus device storyline is quite useful. Find him
At least you aren't dealing with Diktat fools like I am. Then again, literally everyone but the pirates, tri tach and luddic path (Only sometimes) hate me. Probably doesn't help I sat bombed half of the hedge colonies to decivilized status.
Replies: >>240944
>I half expect them to insert spyware in it to keep the "wrong" people from making mods at this point. We're not far off from them deciding to blacklist you from joining the ebil servers that actually have fun and aren't troon infested.
It's L I T E R A L L Y open-source. They can try, but someone will always be able to patch it out and the edgy SS13 community can stay autistic longer than the trannies can stay alive.
>They are simplifying a lot of the mechanics down and skipping shit in the original ss13.
Depending on what they're skipping this could actually be a good thing. Atmos is concerning given porting LINDA to a real programming language should have been a slam dunk, but I could honestly leave virology at home. In my time playing it had even less reason to exist than Toxins. And Toxins only exists to give antags an IC deniable source of bombmaking supplies.
Replies: >>240963
>longer than the trannies would stay alive.
fixed that for ya

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Ok nerds, it's time once again to be eaten by wolves, mauled by bears, and frozen by inclement weather.
>What is this nice looking minecraft mod?
No mod, but a rather similar block game made by russians in a real programming language. Unlike that other cube game everything you do is a 5-step process and general pain in the ass.

>What is new since the last server?
-General server performance improvements. Now only consumes half the available RAM idling with zero players.
-Cave-ins can now occur while mining if your roof is not properly supported.
-New and generally annoying first-person arm animations
-New varieties of animals to murder
-Pigs are now aggressive if piglets are around.
-Capturing small animals in baskets is now part of the base game.
-New surface ruins. I've installed the mod that does this better anyways.
-General chiseling improvements.
-More varieties of plants in the base game. A cosmetic improvement only.
-Glider in the base game to kill you from fall damage.
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I've picked this game up again and reached the point where I'm trying to prospect for ore. I haven't enabled the node search bullshit since I'm trying to make my first world as stock as possible.

When you find an "ultra" copper area, at 30%, does that mean there's a 70% chance that digging there is just a complete waste of time? How far down are you supposed to dig? The game has been tedious but mostly tolerable so far, but I feel like I'm starting to hit a wall of just endless digging down without understanding what's going on.

Is there a certain layer range that copper ore can spawn in? The wiki says between 0.4 and .75, which I don't even know how that maps onto the in-game coords since they don't even display as decimals.
Replies: >>240946
Anon, the node search is a vanilla feature.
If you insist on playing without it then know that all ores generate as flat discs, so systematically digging boreholes straight down is your best best.
"30%" would mean that 30"% of all solid blocks in that chunk should be that ore. However if say it's the middle of the ocean and all the height levels it could generate at are water then there will be nothing.
Replies: >>240947
I figured it out eventually, it was just annoying because I was making a stairwell instead of digging straight down with water.
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>Sick for a week, off work with nothing to do
>Start sp world with all the mods
>Fast forward a week, have sites for all major resources and never enough storage

R8 my castle layout, I'm gonna have to quarry a fuckload of granite just to finish the shell. Also for the first time ever I haven't found any peridotite, so waiting to start steel.
Replies: >>240950
That shale house is getting torn down, it was the original structure i built on the hill that became the foundation.

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Games with terrible atmosphere (art direction, music, characters, world building, etc.). I'll start with an obvious one.
Replies: >>240930 >>240931
>>240929 (OP) 
Why would you want to discuss games that you don't like instead of games that you like?
Replies: >>240931
Do you know where we are?
>>240929 (OP) 
NuCom is fine, surely you can come up with better examples?
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Threads with terrible OPs (generic image, one line, robot tier originality). I'll start with an obvious one.
Replies: >>240942

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Normally, I would find that smoking or drinking alcohol enhances my gaming experience, making me more invested in the gameplay. However, caffeine tends to irritate me, leaving me uninterested in doing anything other than lying down and engaging in mindless activities. What about you, anonymous user? Besides the options mentioned, are there any other substances that you believe can improve the gaming experience while playing video games?
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You wouldn't be functional enough after taking fentanyl to play a video game, it's a sedative and a muscle relaxer.
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This truly is the dark souls of gaming thread on zchan.
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I recently tried shrooms. I'm not into substances, but after reading a book on psychedelics I thought it would be of benefit. There were some odd physical effects and an unusual amount of clarity with my imaginings, though I was hardly impaired and didn't have the spiritual experience many people attest to having, which was disappointing especially considering that this is the only substance I've experimented with. Still, it was fun.

I'm probably going to give it another go at some point, but I think it would be a waste to play games during it. It feels like it's something best taken at night -- with little light to disturb your heavily dilated pupils -- and out in nature.
I would also recommend people give psilocybin a try. Worst it can do is give you nausea if consume it on an empty stomach, but it deepened my appreciation of my senses. I've been hesitant to take drugs because I had a really bad reaction to some prescribed medication and even after taking shrooms I could never see myself having cannabis in any form. 

I can't say I felt any more creative, but visions came to me with relative ease even if my anxiety never dissipated. I could see just as much with my eyes closed than if they were open. It's like being witness to your dreams.

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This is just one example, but compare Tropical Freeze to the old Country games. Donkey Kong didn't make annoying noises every time he jumped. Enemies made a noise when they died, but only to confirm that you actually hit/killed them. It's probably a small thing to get upset about, but there are so many sounds in games that serve no purpose at all. It's the same with voice acting. Not every line needs to be voiced. In general, voice acting just seems excessive and just drives up the production costs. It's almost as if people are scared of silence and constantly need some kind of noise in the background (besides non-stop music).
The Silent Hill games get it right, but what else is there? Can you think of any games with genuinely good sound design?
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Hermoine let her robes fall
Replies: >>240688
>Eroges with violently gooey ejaculation sound effects
>But cum doesn't sound like that
It doesn't, but in hentai it should sound like that for emphasis, otherwise the climax would feel underwhelming.
and Hagrid's big lumpy package swell to the size of Hogwarts
i recall SA2 on the dreamcast was properly mixed
>thread about sound design
>no mention of GTA III's amazing EAX 3/A3D 2 soundscape
>or NFS Porsche's comfy rear engine positional ambience
Shamefur bread.

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Thread to talk about whatever you are playing at the moment, last thread reached bump limit.

It's been a while since I last played with my Vita, so I decided to play Uncharted Golden Abyss with it, I'm not a fan of the series, but I wanted to take a break from turn-based stuff.

In 2023 I only finished two games, I want to at least finish a game every single month, I miss playing vidya instead of browsing tiktok and social media every single day when I'm not working so I challenged myself to at least finish 12 video games in 2024.
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Depends on your taste
Replies: >>240839
Downsizing tits is a crime against men everywhere.
Well, he did say there was no loli.
Replies: >>240860
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I'm doing a play through of perfect dark. So far its a been a really intresting experince seeing how its just Goldeneye 64 but with more polish. 
What I find kind of cool is how difficulty affects gameplay and I kind of want to see it being used more in games.
Agent: Easy-modo with more focus on action
Special Agent:Same thing but with some objectives you need to do to progress.
I know theres that HD version of Perfect Dark but microsoft was being lame and gay only having it available on Xbox Live Arcade for the 360.
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Fuck off Jason. Don't you have a gaming news outlet to be fired from?

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Gentlemen, its time for dance threda.

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We all know it'll be back in some other incarnation, and unless the writers just up and kill themselves they'll crop up like weeds in anywhere else foolish enough to hire them, but it's a good excuse as any to post ダンス so I shall.
Also, nice Loon. I have a stuffed wireframe model of it I use as a doorstop.
Is this the third or fourth time this has happened?
Replies: >>240797
No, ecelebs have taken over
Urinalists are only taken seriously by really retarded 30 year old normalfags and publishers themselves since these "journalist" companies are treated as an outsourced branch of marketing.
Third I think
Not for long considering places like VICE and the Washinton Post are closing doors en masse.

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>RTS Games
Memorize build order, out-gookclick the oponent, best case scenario you get a map editor and a campaign, most of the latter RTS games released don´t have map editor at all, and no campaign either or its a tutorial meant to get you to play multiplayer instead
>4X Games
same shit, but its turnbased, if you attempt to take things at your own pace or just try to do your own thing (AKA:Not using the forum meta strategy) the AI that has perfect knowledge of the game will steamroll you, this is the case in MOO, Distant Worlds, Space Empires, you name it, the only exception i´ve seen to this is Civ V, and i´d wager its because in that game you can´t deathstack and the AI is "bad" according to people
>Grand Strategy games (or actually just paradox games because the only two other Grand Strategy games aside from them are Knights of Honor and Making History, with post-Shogun2 Creative Assembly being its homosexual twin)
mostly overlap with 4x, but they are over-complicated on top of that, an example of this is how Hoi3 had the OOB system that ended up being a hassle to learn, and then once you learnt it you realized that just leaving it on AI control is the most optimal unless you are doing barbarossa or island hopping, wich is the worst of both worlds, having to learn a lot about one thing to not use it at all, its asinine design, also how you have laws and policies on 
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>I eat shit just to spite myself
Don't care, steam downloads faster then majority of torrents.
Everyone can make mistakes. Go now and sin no more, as Jesus said.
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kill urself

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Share your funnies, interesting or cool moments and whatnot
>be playing team based game
>this faggot who's been voice chatting the whole time says "<anon> you suck"
>reply "and you're a faggot nigger ape"
>he literally goes "w-what?" you could hear the utter disbelief and confusion as his brain tried to metabolize what I just said as if the MKUltra kicked in and scrambled his noggin
>doesn't dare say a word for the rest of the game
>ends up scoring lower than me

>same game
>one of my teammates has gay furry smut as his profile picture
>don't remember exactly why but I call him a nigger at some point
>he says something like "ur trying to be funny? thats cringe"
>he then proceeds to paste the log of the report he filed against me for saying baddy bad word
>report his account for the furry smut in return
>a week after nothing has happened to me
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>playing Payday 2, because I will never stop falling for the sunk cost fallacy
>playing with a slav of some sort
>trying to get an achievement, he keeps cucking me
>oh you want to be a fucking nigger about this, huh
>immediately pull up Jewgle Translate and translate "ukraine will win" into Russian and "russia will win" into Ukrainian
>get a cap of the last thing he says right before I'm booted
>translate it, it's "fuck you"
Replies: >>238099
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>translate "ukraine will win" into Russian and "russia will win" into Ukrainian
Doing both sides of the spectrum to reach the widest audience.
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>playing goyday 2
>"CommunistCat She/Her has joined" 
>check profile https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199060499526 
>tranny flag
>type in chat 
>is anyone here acquainted with the acronym YWNBAW
>instantly replies
>ur so mad
>im a WOMAN pookie :)
>reply again YWNBAW
>my game freezes not 2 seconds after that and have to reboot
Are there mods to cause other players to crash/freeze? I'm aware it might've been random especially since the game is prone to crashing and my setup is jank but it seemed too well timed that I call the tranny out and I get booted
Replies: >>240767 >>240782
I guess the game needed to dilate.
There's probably some shitty mod out there for people who want to crash someone's game
wouldn't be shocked since how  god damn dogshit payday 2 is

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Your board is cordially invited to participate in a SOKUNIGGER TOURNAMENT. Enter to compete for glory for yourself and your board.

TOURNAMENT STARTS AT MARCH 23RD, 8PM UTC https://time.is/UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20240323T20 

MAIN THREAD: https://zzzchan.xyz/japan/thread/11497.html
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUAWAKENING
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/KS4EWGAMZL#/signup/r6sdsoi3ztc
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/touhourney

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with in the main thread. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is an expansion to Touhou 10.5 SWR and is a multiplayer fighting game made by Tasofro with ZUN's approval. It's easy to learn, hard to master battle system makes for fun and fast paced matches with counterhits often launching girls across the screen. Very fast when played right. As a P2P game, game hosts must forward ports in order to play it or use specific workarounds.


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Please enjoy the prestream. Tournament starts in approximately 1 hour. We apologize for the delay - and hope you have fun playing!
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Tourney's over and Az (Sakuya) won! Congratulations!

Consider practicing more on our board! See you next time!

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