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it's fucking video games, baby

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Last thread: >>249891
Dumb inane questions that would receive two replies at most, one-liners, small tidbits and other videogame paraphernalia. If you've got any, post them here.

I'd ask something pertinent to start the thread with but in all honesty I don't feel like it. Too tired.
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No, because I didn't realize that bezomart would be niggers about the packaging until after I ordered it.

>get an internal 3.5 hotswap bay so you can treat your drives like giant cartridges
Already got the bay, I was thinking along those exact lines. That was the point of my original question; I didn't know whether to keep it or exchange it for an enclosure. I think I'll keep the bay and get the cases.
Is there a room escape game which has more than 0 replay value? I.e. not the exact same puzzles where you have to use the exact same steps to solve them.
Things like multiple possible solutions, or the puzzles are somehow randomized so you have to solve them differently.
Replies: >>263681
That talos puzzle game?
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I've been replaying OG Advance Wars since I never beat it when I was a teenager, and I had this headcanon that I'm sure others have talked about but I never did.

I always imagined Advance Wars was in a universe where people didn't die in war.  Like the battle animations just show the machines getting destroyed, but the people always just sort of "fly off" in a cartoony style.  I always imagined that explosions did the same thing where the people inside would just be all black and charred like in a Wily Coyote cartoon, but otherwise be perfectly fine.  You know, cartoon physics.  In a weird way, in my headcanon, this also explained why Andy didn't know what an airport was.  Since fall damage doesn't exist and cartoon physics does in Advance Wars, if you wanted to travel anywhere in the Advance Wars universe, you'd just sorta "Team Rocket" yourself into the stratosphere to travel around.

Wars in the Advance Wars universe, then, amount to gaining territory by a giant "King of the Hill" game, as opposed to slaughter.

Aside from the animations conveying this, this was the only thing that made sense to me given how...lackadaisical everyone treated war?  Like otherwise, Sonja is A-OK killing everyone in her army for test missions just for intel.  However, if all her men just sort of temporarily "fly off" and wars are this "King of the Hill" game, then her actions and everyone's disregard makes a lot more sense.  It also makes sense how there's "no harm done" from Orange Arm
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uh, im playing SMT the PSX port with a translation patch, long story short the game feels like a grindfest, i hit a major roadblock at post timeskip Shinjuku where i had to grind for hours at Shibuya untill i had enough yen to get M16´s and able to resurrect my dead demons, once i got back on my feet i managed to fuse a few demons here and there and get a party strong enough to keep progressing through the game, i breezed through roppongi actually, anyways now i got to Ginza and im back at square one with all enemy encounters being borderline lethal, i tried the police station and got party killed twice at the boss, so it looks like im back to grinding untill i can deck out the crew again and get more demons

is the whole game like this? grind untill you can beat the area then proceed untill next difficulty spike? or am i doing something wrong? game feels like a chore and whatever novelty it had went out the window the second i hit Post-Timeskip Shinjuku

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Given everything that's happened to gaming over the past decade, with so much info and shit flying around, I just wanted to see what companies are deemed as "safe" or "parasites" by various Anons and their reasons why? If you can, be sure to includes links and infographs. I just want to be better informed.
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Replies: >>262865 + 1 earlier
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>All the gay jewish shit in the remake is actually...
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> downfall of the society in which you're exploring the ruins of.

Are you fucking shitting me?
>>258977 (OP) 
>Given everything that's happened to gaming over the past decade, with so much info and shit flying around, I just wanted to see what companies are deemed as "safe" or "parasites" by various Anons and their reasons why? If you can, be sure to includes links and infographs. I just want to be better informed.
At this point i'd say that no company can be fully trusted, but you have to judge game by game.
For instance, i once thought that CDprojektRed was "safe" and look at what happened to them.
Now i am not going to play, let alone buy a single game from them ever again.
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>its a falseflag because it has games i like on it
>these other groups which recommend woke games are even better!
Wow. Compelling arguments.
Replies: >>263329
0/10, try harder

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Seeing the 2 active threads of anons posting about how they are not developing a game, I have decided to stake my claim on this arms race and start my own nodev thread too, where I will post about the non-progress I made on my non-project as well as what I wasted my time on instead of doing anything productive with my life.
Day 1: I haven't made any plans for the structure of my game or what it will be about or written a single line of experimental code because I have been watching samurai movies instead.
I'll report back with another update tomorrow. (unless I don't feel like it)
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>this miserable fucking job
What the hell are you blabbing about, wagie-kun? I do this shit for fun.
>typing away for hours on my computer shit I don't fucking care about
Don't like it? Don't do it.
Replies: >>263156
>Don't like it? Don't do it.
Nothing else that I could do pays as well as this, so I have no choice. 
> I do this shit for fun
It's not fun
Replies: >>263158
>Nothing else that I could do pays as well as this, so I have no choice. 
You do have a choice and you chose to be miserable.
>It's not fun
Programming is fun when you are smart, if you can't find any project you enjoy then the field simply isn't for you.
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Why are you programming as a job if you failed to roll the Enjoys Programming trait at character creation?
Did you fall for a meme about it being a good career or something? I thought those guys got weeded out while learning the ropes.
Replies: >>263166
A crippling disease prevented me from doing something else, so I chose something that I could do from the comfort of my home

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A bread about games based off of various licensed IPs, be they the ubiquitous and usually sloppy yet occasionally fun semi-shovelware THQ fare of the early and mid-2000s or Japanese PS3 VNs made as an alternate history continuation to a then-20 year old OVA series noone on western shores had heard about back in 2007 with so little budget left for gameplay after the expenses for the VAs they ended up using prerendered sprites of Mecha models the PS3 wouldn't have had any trouble rendering in real time.

I've found that past a minimum quality threshold the various additions to the lore made by these games range from somewhat reasonable to plain better than what the source material would later become, such as the Cars game which while not doing anything special or amazing I still find intellectually preferable to the awful second movie.
The 2009 Avatar game is another fine example which would never be made today because it allows you to play as the evil white man industralist bad goys to the point of colonizing.com much of the Na'vi culture so of coursh it was retroactively declared non-canon, and the 木の葉戦記 Naruto loicense game on the GBA has the first canon appearance of Autonomously operating 傀儡人形 going after little boys
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Replies: >>263086 + 2 earlier
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This game surprised me back then; instead of doing some silly game vaguely following the story of the movie (like most of these did back then) they just took the cool parts of the setting and made their own thing.
Replies: >>259912
I remember being turned off of it after seeing the bad review score on xplay.
Did I get conned by Sessler?
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Even though i didn't even fucking watch the movie i remember discovering this game on a shareware CD and playing with my bro on PC. Playing it again now it's a somewhat standard buttonmashy co-op beat 'em up, but it's not bad and you can tell it had a bit more care put into it than most licensed kids games. I've played far worse.
>loads of unlockables like concept art, 3d model progress videos, minigame stages, hats, and even some of the original Over The Hedge comics
>was released a bit earlier than the movie, yet acts as a continuation kinda like that Scarface videogame
>voiced dialogue for all the four playable characters on missions, depending on which two you picked and which was selected
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>>259733 (OP) 
scooby-doo night of 100 frights&unmasked were pretty good. they rarely get mentioned anymore 
there was always a bunch of games that I wanted to play but couldn't get to because copies of them were simply not possible to  find.
still even today I haven't played them simply because I'm too lazy to boot them up in a emulator.
>Where does anon think the line is between "adaptation" and "licensed game"?
I assume adaption is a game based on a movie. They tend to be bad because there is limited creative leeway since the game has to follow the the same characters and plot points of the movie and they have harsher deadlines because the game has to be released when the movie is released otherwise there is no point.

There was an earlier wolverine game for ps2 which was ok. A 3rd person hack and slash but it had some interesting mechanics like when the enemies were lined up in certain positions (like one in front, one behind you) then you could trigger special attacks so that made the combat more tactical and dynamic. They also had a zelda thing going on with the bosses where each one had a different gimmick you had to figure out to beat it.

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Would anyone here be interested in getting together and playing Dofus Unity when it releases? Dofus is a French Tactical MMORPG where you play as one of 19 classes and do combat in an srpg format where you move your character in a grid and take turns.
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You don't need a subscription nor do you need to verify your phone number for every server on Dofus, but you need to do both for the Dakal servers (which mostly seem to be at maximum capacity anyway). Kind of annoying how the single-account servers are the gated ones since those probably have the least issues with botting/multiboxing.
Finally got a character made on Dakal 2. Name is Sonicfan.
Replies: >>263030
You only need to set up 2FA for the mono servers and it can be done through mail, that's how I have mine set up
I've told the others to invite you, but if you haven't received an invitation to the guild you can just apply to it it's called "The Hams"
Replies: >>263032
Sorry, the guild is named "Steamed Hams"
>open website
>blank page
>it forces a reload automatically
>and again, and again, and again
>"Max challenge attempts exceeded"
Call me when registration works.

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It's been a while since I've seen people talk about the original shooter genre, so let's have a thread dedicate to that. What's some of your favorites from this line of games? For me, my favorite was always Galaga Arrangement because of the enemy patterns and the music.
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Old phone games.
Recently 1cc Devil Blase Reboot on hard. Now I just got to do inferno. Really fuvking good game.
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Is that shit actually canon?
Replies: >>262868
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>no sir, you can't have a girl (with a dick) fucking another girl, it needs to be a REAL man so that I can get fully aroused
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>Starfox (and other rail shooters
Not this idiocy again.  Star Fox and Rez are in two fundamentally different game genres.  Star Fox involves player avatar control in dodging hazards.  This makes it fundamentally like Gradius with one extra dimension, AKA a 3D shmup.  Actual rail shooters like Rez and most lightgun games do not, you're literally on rails and only concerning with aiming a gun at things, which is why they're called rail shooters.  Don't tell me to play Star Fox when I ask for more rail shooters, and don't tell me to play House of the Dead when I ask for more 3D shmups.

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Radio silence for 3 years and now suddenly it's out.
Is it shit? It has Denuvo so it'll be a while before I get to play it.
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>You should probably look into it yourself instead of listening to those shills.
Given the game has Denuvo, asking us to "look into it yourself" equals asking us to buy the game.
Nice try, shill.
>>261328 (OP) 
I think 49$ is too rich for a low budget game, will wait for a discount. I think Someone like Toriyama deserve support on whatever he shits out
>>261328 (OP) 
is it good?
>game journalists are saying it's mediocre
That means it might be actually good.
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Bumping with what seems like a relevant interview, also has anyone played it further than >>261357?

Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama made a prototype for an “AAA Siren successor” while at Sony, which became the basis for Slitterhead
https://automaton-media.com/en/news/silent-hill-creator-keiichiro-toyama-made-a-prototype-for-an-aaa-siren-successor-while-at-sony-which-became-the-basis-for-slitterhead (https://ghostarchive.org/archive/AAf45 )
>“Slitterhead was born out of the idea of What if I were to make Siren 3?” Toyama told Denfaminicogamer.
>Apparently, while the creator was still at Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE), the Siren series saw a revival in popularity, which prompted talks about making a successor.
>SIE wanted this title to be an AAA game, so Toyama conceptualized a big budget game that had a “Siren-like concept.” He explains that one of the ideas he came up with for this “Siren 3” led to the prototype for Slitterhea
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Post a quick screenshot of what you're playing or any cool things you want to share.
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idk man, she looks fine to me.
The rest, sure, and that anon is blind and/or gay, but what's wrong with #2?
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>OK, Frankie. But first, feast your eyes upon my work.
>Now this, is my most violent shot.
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Been playing a lot of Quake recently. Mostly Arcane Dimensions. Very good stuff, everything from core mechanics to visuals is significantly improved, without going out of style. Many new weapons and monsters too, and the best thing is maps, those are heavenly good. I did finish it yesterday, and today gave a try to some standalone maps from Siteseer. Found this gem on 2-3 screenshots in the latest Black Fog Zine. Quite small, but very well made and with a nice final fight.

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Bullet sponges are not bad game design. Enemies that aren't interesting to fight for a long time are.

Bosses are the ultimate bullet sponges, yet everyone likes them because they're designed to be interesting to fight for an extended duration. Imagine your worst example of a bullet sponge enemy, but then imagine if it recoiled from every attack, hitting it in specific spots has various effects like slowing it down or interrupting it's attacks, it hides and tries to flank when it gets hit a bunch, it only knows where you are if it can see you and sneak attacks to it deal critical damage, it's body parts can get crippled and it gets weaker, and tries to waddle away when it's about to die.
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>A certain amount of damage should also change how they behave i.e. A piece of their armor gets blown off and they try to use cover more.
>Just imagining shooting at some tanky enemy and pieces of it's armor flying off and gradually making their armor look more fucked up, this alone makes fighting them sound kinda fun.
Haha, if only there was something like that already...
Replies: >>262770
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I think baked into the definition of a bullet sponge is an enemy who isn't also reactive or has a lot going for him in general other than a big health bar. Bosses are good because they have all their interesting attacks and things, and the fat HP bar is just a contrivance to keep you fighting them for long enough so you see all they have to offer. An enemy's tankiness should be matched to how complex they are. Bullet sponges are when that balance isn't achieved.

They're actually a pretty good spongey enemy. The only real fault is breaking their armor doesn't really feel satisfying.
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Damage sponges without attack variety is one of the classic hallmarks of Euroshmup design.  It's really quite remarkable how consistent Euroshmups are in repeating this mistake.  What is it about their design approach that makes them so oblivious to this obvious form of tedious un-fun gameplay?  A lot of other aspects of Euroshmups can be attributed to a pretentious mentality of the Thinking European Man who needs to "intellectualize" an action genre with stupid mechanics.  But this doesn't quite explain why they fuck up bosses or other enemies with too much health and too little attack variety so often.
>>262700 (OP) 
To me it feels like Quake 2 is the perfect illustration of that, even more so with the expansions, as it does feature tanky enemies that are somewhat interesting to fight (Berserker, Gladiator) as well as some of the worst bullet sponges you can find

>Can you really say bosses are bullet sponges when their intent isn't to sit there and soak damage?
What are most FPS bosses

See Ratchet & Clank, it helps, but  not as much as you'd think
>>262700 (OP) 
Hi a sponge is not fun to fight.
A boss is.
If all you do is sponge bullets,
You are a bullet sponge.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk

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A programmer can make a videogame, but a function alone doesn't sell. For as long as videogames have been marketed there's been a concious effort to make them visually stand out, either promotionally or in-game, so long as the engine could handle it.
Dump artwork, promotional renders, adverts, posters, sprites, even in-game screenshots if you're pushing it; whatever you deem made the game cool. With every game trying to find their own visual niche and themselves being a little time capsule for their technology and the zeitgeist of their devs, there should be plenty to cover.

For instance I've always liked the uncanny look of early 3D renders, and believe the technology lost its edge when CGI got standardized and overdeveloped. On traditional artwork, Roger Dean's cover art on Psygnosis games is fantastic. Don't know how they managed to land the job on him but I'm glad they did. A master of the canvas, disingenuous cover art aside.
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Replying to my own post to share the entire Spyro wallpaper collection, now uploaded on the internet archive:
disregard the title, the upload is 100% complete
Replies: >>256642
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I always liked HOMM 5 artwork.

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