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it's fucking video games, baby

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Today (August 20th) is the day of Gamescom's Open Night Live show.
Join https://cytu.be/r/StockholmVidya at 6:00 PM UTC to watch it live with other Anons.

Here's the show's official descritpion:
>Be there live as host Geoff Keighley and co-host Eefje Depoortere aka Sjokz lead you through an outstanding show.
>Look forward to:
>- New game announcements
>- Trailer and gameplay reveals
>- Talks with prominent guests
>- A first look at gamescom 2024 events
>- And much more!

What are your expectations, and what do you think about what will be/has been shown?
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do you have a pic of the censorship?
>no one cared enough to watch yesterday
I've queued up todays gamescom stream and I'll be in there semi-afk. They just promised new World Premieres™ but I dunno about that.
Replies: >>254713
Why would I even watch this in the first place when I can look on the steam front page and get all the same shit they showed without the cancer
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Anything non-Gamescom before TGS starts on September 26?
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>They censored Mai Shiranui in the new Fatal Fury game. Japan is dead.
You are a retard.
That's just a shitty redesign, (I think it comes from some old artwork that showed Mai in a biker outfit) not censorship, even Andy Bogard has a shit redesign in this new game.
In the game you can still see her with her original costume.
With that being said, the new Fatal Fury roster looks like absolute shit, i would have preferred a game with the classic roster instead of this Garou sequel with this garbage "new generation" of characters.

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Bored was I, looking through old classic PC games in archive.org when I found Voxelstein 3D, a re-imagining of Wolfenstein 3D in this voxel engine.
Sadly, it's only one level, but it was quite fun for what it was. The voxel engine allows you to destroy everything in the level and can look quite gory in enemies.
I dug a little deeper because I wanted another game like this and found out that it was made in Ken Silverman's Voxlap engine. Ken Silverman is the man responsible for the Build Engine used in Duke Nukem 3D and Blood.
Unfortunately, it seems no other game aside from Voxelstein 3D (and Build and Shoot Aces of Spaces, apparently) was made using this engine.
It's a shame because I had a lot of fun with it and it ended so quickly.
I recommend giving it a try: https://voxelstein3d.sourceforge.net/
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Romhacks are much more numerous than fangames and more often than not too insignificant to oy vey shut it down (palette changes, simple sprite replacements) so hacks with more effort put into them have a greater chance of slipping under the radar unless Queer Eunuch lawyers are around.
In Solarus' case Nintendo might contend themselves with merely shutting down the games rather than the engine itself barring Yuzu tier faggotry, though with the recent Palworld suit they might try to go further beyond.
>muh hentai yuri
Looks like the usual western RPGM slop to me.
Replies: >>258133
warcraft 3 frozen throne. Blizzard died when they came out with WoW and abandoned Warcraft 4. Now they're officially dead for going anti white and woke kek.
Well then, to actually answer it:
Solarus is too small and doesn't make any money that Nintendo could make money off of them by suing them.
Sweet, it's by the same guys who made Alex the Allegator.

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>What is it?
Play Fire Emblem together with other people you don't know on a grid and get (generally) fucked up. Work with other anons to get as far ahead into the story as possible using one unit per anon.
>What the fuck?
It's time for strategic grid-based ACTION. The rules are simple: one person controls one unit at a time and the host controls the lord. Assemble an ANON ARMY (play as anime characters!), equip with EPIC GEAR and LEAD THEM INTO BATTLE. Raise your own personal unit - but be careful with your decisions, or it might just die! (second chances available while replacements last.)
>Why play it?
It's an unexpectedly nice format. The game will be FE7 Randomized, with tacthack and other goodness as backup should something go wrong. 

>When is it?


>1. Download mednafen with roms: https://files.catbox.moe/r38zw0.zip
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Starting in 15min
For anyone playing at home, OP ragequit due to critical stapler deprivation. We are restarting from a fresh save so we can fuck up anew.
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I keep writing these and not posting them. Prepare for wall of text.

>dog barfed by on by zombie and dies after we forget to rescue him for 10+ turns
>fort defence vs bandit smg
>stand in front of window and die
>drop landmine at feet and try to walk away and explode and die
>stand in front of apc and die (rip hyena)

>fight the chubacabra
>going to end turn
>realise it was behind us all along
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Replies: >>259158
im having more fun reading the after-action reports than actually playing the game
>nothing fucking happens for ages
>half the battles are like fighting some B-league baseball team
>suddenly 2 terminator bots appears and kill everyone
and that's xcom

new thread >>259222

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They flood the market with all of these cruddy child-labor-built controllers. making it really hard to find legit controllers. Wii remote "Replacements" are the worst, Especially when family members can't seem to comprehend that one first party remote will be cheaper  in the long run, than buying ten third party remotes that break within six months.

Now I feel a lot better for getting that out.
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Replies: >>257926 + 6 earlier
Steam controller? Don't try, it feels like shit, bought one when they were selling them for cheap.
How is the response time of the Hall effect sticks?
Replies: >>251345
Gotta be decently fast. I don't really play many games that require decidedly fast inputs though, so I wouldn't be too sure. Far better than the F310, I bought it specifically to replace it. Though, the F310 has a really nice grip to it, the 8bitdo Pro 2 isn't far behind in that regard.
Button/stick spam I notice is easier though. On the F310 it'd take around 8 or so seconds in Monster Hunter World to recover from a stun, on the 8bitdo Pro 2 I can get it down to 4-5 seconds instead. Might be just a skill issue though.
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The nips have done it, the absolute madmen!
Replies: >>252894
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*loud wheeze*
is that...
*exhaling noises*
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>>247546 (OP) 
>Third party controller makers belong behind bars
Okay Mr. Anti Christ. I guess we should all buy official first party Xbox controllers instead.

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It's that time of the year again. This should have been setup a week ago.

Join the room: https://cytu.be/r/StockholmVidya
Shows should be queued near their start.
You can queue anything before then.

>Access-Ability Showcase: June 7 at 3 PM UTC (15:00)
>Summer Game Fest: June 7 at 9 PM UTC (21:00)
>Day of the Devs: right after Summer Game Fest
>Devolver Direct: June 8 (June 7's night) at 0 PM UTC (00:00)
>Wholesome Direct: June 8 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00)
>Future Games Show: June 8 at 7:00 PM UTC (19:00)
>Xbox Games Showcase: June 9 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00)
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>Why would i want to play a game where npcs fight in my place?
Because it's fun, faggot.
Replies: >>249890 >>257904
The new Zelda's gameplay looks anything but fun, to be quite honest.
Replies: >>249936
It just looks easy if anything. You get the right abilities and you can just climb past all obstacles then spawn the right enemies. Didn't appear to have a cap to your powers either.
MP4 looks more like MP1.5.

MP4 looks tame compared to the other trailers.
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I want another Overlord game, but then I remember it is CY+9.

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So im gonna use Halo 3 as an example here since well I was just playing MCC and it frankly sucked.

>Halo 3 on the 360 typically had you start with an AR and Magnum
>Certain playlists let you spawn with a battle rifle 
>Battle Rifle is usually a pick up on maps 
>MCC halo 3 basically just has every mode have you start with the battle rifle 
>Certain maps become unplayable as people are jump plinking each other across the map 
>Minor weapon pickups like the plasma rifle, SMG, spiker are utterly useless 

Like a good 80% of weapons in halo 3 feel like ass and are garbage and starting with a BR just eliminates the reason to use variety. At least Quakes weapon sandbox had every weapon be viable but current day quake suffers from Clan Arena being whats mostly played which again just gives you the best guns at spawn.
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Replies: >>251617 + 1 earlier
>using ANYTHING bungie says
Bungie is different for the sake of being different rather than putting any sort of logic or reason behind their decisions.
This isn't really related, but the notion of certain things "obsoleting" certain other things has been on my mind lately when it comes to fighting game balance. I play a few different characters in Guilty Gear Xrd, my main game, but they tend to have a few things in common: long reach, easy and consistent combos, simple strategy. Raven is like the "everything leads to a knockdown and a mixup" version of that archetype, whereas Sin Kiske is like the "everything leads to a huge damage combo, and a knockdown, and a mixup" version. Raven's mixup is a lot more nuanced than Sin's, which is nice because it makes it super easy to open people up and expose bad defensive habits, but I have to admit sometimes I just want to play Sin and have a very straightforward mixup option in exchange for my combo dealing 70% of my opponent's life bar.

>>251486 (OP) 
I was only ever a campaign guy so the multiplayer balance never made much difference to me, though there were definitely a fair few weapons that felt wonky in H3 compared to the knife-edge tension in H2 that resulted from basically every weapon being able to kill you immediately.

>roster or armory
Literally no-one calls a game's selection of weapons that. Back when Bungie made good games, they had a dedicated guy on their team who was the Combat S
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I would a koumei
I want to fuck Storm
Do people still play warframe? I havnt touched the game since around when they added hoverboarding.

Also, why are you speaking chinese.

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Palworld got a thread so fuck it. I want to talk about HellDivers 2.
This shit wasn't even on my radar until a friend said to check it out. I checked out of gameplay vids and it looked fun, sure enough I'm having a blast. 

I feel like this is the Starship troopers game we were supposed to get with it being just as campy as it should be. It also feels like they took inspiration from warhammer 40k as well considering the bots have a scout walker. 
Guns are fun to use, they could use a tiny buff but I can live with them they way they are. The secondaries all have their uses like the Autocannon being a good slapper and the Railgun being great at getting rid of the big guys. It gets hectic really fast on the harder difficulties and you really need to solid snake your way around the levels unless you want to be drowning in bugs and bots.

So far there are only 2 factions but it looks like there might be at least 4. Each completely change the way you play with the bugs being the unstoppable horde with the designated wallbreaker units like the charger, the bile spewers to bust you when you've bunkered up. Then there is bots. They shoot back, call in support and really seem like a worse threat. There is a current defend order against them and it's an absolute meat grinder. I love the way their eyes light up when they spot you, it casts a glow and looks nice and intimidating. The game has a ton of little details like your soldiers cries becoming more panicked as more enemies com
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Didn't they just revert that? I know they walked a shitload of nerfs back.
Instead of nerfing weapons they should just boost the other weapons.
Replies: >>257693 >>257721
I looked at some patchnotes. They walked back a ton of nerfs if not all and adjusted some enemy armor values. The biotitan, sorry I mean bile titan can now take damage on its belly with small arms. As to why they would make the stomach explode like it was a weakspot I'll never know but hey its cool.
Does it still have a rootkit anticheat because they were supremely butthurt about people pirating cosmetics in the first game?
Instead of nerfing weapons they should just commit to the decisions they made and not change anything unless theyre fixing some weird bug or something so the game feels like a GAME and not some stupid subscription based sport where they randomly throw in items that are subject to change at any time.

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So one of the things that my wageslave job provides me with loads of time to myself to listen to whatever I want. So I downloaded to my PSP various interviews and documentaries pertaining to anything and everything. 'One' of such interviews that I listened to yesterday pertained to Harlan Ellison on the development of I Have No Mouth I Must Scream, which is attached to this opening post. For those who don't want to bother watching/listening to the vid, here's the gist of what Ellison bangs on about:
>This is a game designed so players will always lose and never win
>Only educated people will enjoy this, not those stunted Far Right individuals that play "Wolfensteen"
>Video games will only ever progress is we focus on narratives and puzzles rather than action
Now the reason why I bring this up is because I feel like this is an open secret when it comes to video games from the 80's to the Auights, that people more want to deny rather than actually acknowledge about the medium and why it's gone down the part that it has. With developers like David Jaffe who only entered the medium because they couldn't make it as a filmmaker or comic writer, to developers like Gabe Newel who wanted to make a "more sophisticated and philosophical" game than "Qwack", to Dave Theurer literally creating Missile Command as a 
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Replies: >>257497 + 7 earlier
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What is this post? I've been seeing more of this type lately where it doesn't address any of the content actually being present and just tries to frame what was said as "bad" just because. It doesn't make an argument, or even off a counter. It just says "You're wrong" and nothing else.
Replies: >>257387 >>257462
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need a better post if you want a better response teen
I've seen this OP popping up in a few places. I'm not sure if it's a bot or a person with a copypasta but it's starting to looking like data gathering.
Just ignore him and hide his posts. It's some faggot who thinks he's cleaning house by making low effort garbage posts.
>>252133 (OP) 
Your premise isnt wrong. But here's the difference. Missile command is a game where you shoot down missiles. the message is optional. But more importantly,
there are no trannies in missile command.

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Let's start building again edition

>Recent news
AMD Ryzen 8000F Series Processors Are Finally Here
Qualcomm goes where Apple won't, readies official Linux support for Snapdragon X Elite

>Advice on building or upgrading
Post your build list or current specifications, including a monitor: https://pcpartpicker.com/
Provide specific use cases (like playing vidya, editing or programming).
Specify your budget and region.
Think twice before deciding to buy something to avoid buyer's remorse.

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Should I go to her house?
Replies: >>257085 >>257099
Nah looks like a 280. Tell her to come to you instead.
Replies: >>257098
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Replies: >>257099
Well if you wont I will. DRAGON PUSSY YEAH. Fuck the GPU, I just wanna bang the dragon lady
That slutty elf looks like.. well an Elf Callie Briggs and it's a big turn on lol.
New thread: >>257737

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Oi, Zelda, innit? 
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think about ToTK? Was it worth the hype? Or was it all one big asset flip? And what about that live-action Zelda movie? I, for one, am terrified of it. But yeah, talk about Zelda, keep it civil. and no Zelink.
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>schizo-trained LLM
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Did anyone ever find out why the translators decided to ruin one of the most interesting parts of BotW and remove the first person perspective of Link's journal? I was pretty angry when I found out about it years back.
Replies: >>252803
Because all localizers are shit. Instead of trying to figure out why just learn Japanese and circumvent them.
>知恵のかりもの in Ryujinx only shows a black screen on the intro dungeon save for the HUD and some effects

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