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it's fucking video games, baby

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One of the things thats quite annoying is when you talk to someone about an old game and you start to notice that the person you are talking to is just parroting something. You'll notice phrases,words,sentences being almost exactly the same. Kind of like deja-vu. And something that has happened several times is me coming across a video essay on youtube (which i never watch) and seeing the exact same opinion expressed in that video. So for instance a shitty medicore game called Mad Max i recently played. Another example would be Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days. Another shitty game being praised simply because youtubers says its a hidden gem or some masterpiece that everyone somehow forgot or ignored bla bla bla. Its just very interesting because you could simply go back into the past by looking at old reviews to see how everyone thought of the game. The worst part about this is that normalfags cannot think for themselves. Whatever the youtuber says the normalfag repeats. So now these games are considered to be somewhat good with normalfags which doesnt even make any fucking sense. Common thing i see is that alot of people that have these opinions say something like 
>oh i played this in my childhood
or something like that. So they obviously have some sort of bias towards it already. Just because you played a shitty game as a kid doesnt make the game good. Fucking retards.
Oh and i almost forgot to mention No Man's Sky. Remember that shitty gam
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>baby casual couldn't deal with the MM time limit
I don't know, I'm not too big into JRPGs. But it would be the best JRPG after FF7 that does not have repulsive aesthetic or thematic choices, I guess.
>mandela effect
More like... jewtube parrot effect.
Replies: >>250070 >>251343
>tfw someone who was 8 when TF2 launched would be 25 now
Fuck I feel old
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Holy shit, Grill. Calm down and take a break.

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It's that time of the year again. This should have been setup a week ago.

Join the room: https://cytu.be/r/StockholmVidya
Shows should be queued near their start.
You can queue anything before then.

>Access-Ability Showcase: June 7 at 3 PM UTC (15:00)
>Summer Game Fest: June 7 at 9 PM UTC (21:00)
>Day of the Devs: right after Summer Game Fest
>Devolver Direct: June 8 (June 7's night) at 0 PM UTC (00:00)
>Wholesome Direct: June 8 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00)
>Future Games Show: June 8 at 7:00 PM UTC (19:00)
>Xbox Games Showcase: June 9 at 4:00 PM UTC (16:00)
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>You are retarded.
Of course he's retarded, he's niggerpill.
Seems like being retarded is a requirement for alphabet agencies.
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>Why would i want to play a game where npcs fight in my place?
Because it's fun, faggot.
Replies: >>249890
The new Zelda's gameplay looks anything but fun, to be quite honest.
Replies: >>249936
It just looks easy if anything. You get the right abilities and you can just climb past all obstacles then spawn the right enemies. Didn't appear to have a cap to your powers either.
MP4 looks more like MP1.5.

MP4 looks tame compared to the other trailers.

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I like getting PS2 games because they usually come with thick, fully colored manuals and they are very satisfying to open.
My copy of War of the Monsters came with a cool poster and it's really cool.
I also like my MGS Legacy Collection copy which has a MGR:R ad on the manual. It didn't come with the artbook it's supposed to come with but I got if for relatively cheap.
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>>246293 (OP) 
>It didn't come with the artbook it's supposed to come with but I got if for relatively cheap.
Well lucky you, I saw it in stores for less than 30 euros brand new back when it came out and I decided against buying it for no particular reason, instead I bought it as a gift for a friend of mine who, to this day, has never even fucking touched it. Aftewards, I looked for it in every store aftewards and just could not find it, not with the artbook and code for MGS1 at least. I asked my friend to sell it back to me since he wasn't playing it and explicitly stated he wasn't really interested in doing it either and he out right refused. In the end, I gave in to my desires and bought it off a scalper from Ebay at 100 euros, and got massive buyer's regret when I realized it's basically just a repackaging of the HD collection + MGS4 + a download code for MGS1+VR and an artbook which, while cool and all, definitely wasn't worth it the 70+ premium. Fuck Konami, and fuck my asshole friend.
Replies: >>248526
got a piece of the berlin wall with my copy of world in conflict
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>I asked my friend to sell it back to me since he wasn't playing it and explicitly stated he wasn't really interested in doing it either and he out right refused.
Is that friend of yours one of those "collectors" that just want shit to expose on their shelves without making use of it?
Reminds me of those faggots who got butthurt at Nintendo for making more of those retro mini console because they wanted to be able to say that they had a rare item in their collection that nobody could buy anymore.
Still, it's kinda weird making a present to a person and then trying to get it back from that same person.
>>246293 (OP) 
Mortal Kombat 1 for Sega
Resident Evil 3 for PS1
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I don't own it but I think it's neat.

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I'm going to be honest. I'm not very good with horror games. 
I do enjoy the thrill of being scared. The Silent Hill franchise, for example, I can be both scared by and intrigued enough to make me want to continue playing.
There are some games that I find to stressing to play though. Laugh all you want but the multitasking in the FNAF games makes me want to close the game. Of course, the jumpscares aren't scary at all and you get used to them very quickly, That's where this new fan game comes in which ramps the scare factor up to 11. I've tried but I just can't force myself to play it. It's too scary.
Also I've never played Ao Oni. I should give it a try.
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How can it be that WW2 flight simulators are objectively spookier than Clock Tower for the SFC?
Autistically scanning every pixel for the last guy on the serb while looking behind you every 30 sec like a paranoid schizo while listening for the closest hint of foreign engine noise is considerably more unnerving than some manlet with a giant scissor trying to kill you.
Replies: >>249882
Playing War Thunder in sim mode is very scary, i agree.
Some kinds of horror make me physically ill.  I'm fine with zombies generally but things like FEAR or Silent Hill make me feel sick.
Replies: >>249906
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FEAR has like 4 jumpscares total
I'm sure you can power through them, because I'm a little bitch when it comes to horror and I've replayed F.E.A.R. countless times.
-There's one in the very beginning when a swarm of blackness touches you in the hallway, 
-Fettel bonking you in the face with a 2x4 (if that even counts)
-The one where Alma crawls towards you in the vent
-The double ladder scare (that one got me, loved it)
-The hugging skeleton in the flashback blood pool, but it makes most people laugh because of how ridiculous it looks
- And there's one where Alma crawls at you out of a dark cubicle/hallway, blink or look the wrong way and you'll miss it (I know I did for most of my early runs)

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Post your favorite arcade machines.
If you could pick 5 to put in your man cave, Which would you pick?
I can't decide myself. I would love these 5 mostly because of nostalgia and their varied controls which covers a tons of games but I'm also missing a regular cabinet and DDR.
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A six slot MVS would be cool
Always liked rotary joysticks, so something like Ikari Warriors, Guerilla War, or Time Soldiers would be nice
I like discrete logic games so I guess Monaco GP but there's a lot more to choose from
Super Sprint is just a lot of fun
The best Star Wars game ever made
Replies: >>249746
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I have never been to any arcade since i live in a country where theres like 2 arcades across the whole country. But i like ParaParaParadise and i would like all the machines in my gaming cove.
Time Soldiers hurts to play because of the ratcheting battop stick, I would rather have Forgotten Worlds with the spinner stick.

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I would've loved being a part of a 90s small videogame dev team.
I guess it's technically still possible now but it's much harder to find a group of like-minded people and most projects just happen through discuck nowadays.
I like the idea of getting with a handful of cool guys and work on a cool game in an office filled with snacks and arcades (no girls or fagshit allowed).
How about you? Is this your ideal scenario if you became a gamedev?
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the real problem is trying to make the algorithms give you the stuff you want if it even exists
but when it comes to searching for games yeah that's practically impossible because steam is just filled with crap and filters don't work because the page refreshes the more you scroll
>Being noticed 
You don't need to be noticed to be part od a dev team and plenty of 80s and 90s groups didn't get noticed.
OP used one of the best most successful examples, but everyone always forgets the 100 other duds at around the same time that didn't sell, good or not.
>>241111 (OP) 
Nice digits.

Having a team is nice, but I'm used to being a one-man army.
>>241111 (OP) 
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>>241111 (OP) 
You think the normal looking dudes who weren’t interviewed in the background of that Valve video still work there? I feel like the dweeb with the pink cookie and the fat guy with the pony tail are what remains of modern Valve and they’re the reason shit sux.

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Ask ITT whatever you feel like asking that's related to videogames; anything that doesn't deserve its own thread, nebulous denominator notwithstanding.

Why are the PS2 controllers such a cheap Chinese piece of shit? I've got two of them lying around and both of them are ridden with issues. Joystick drift, shoulder buttons caving in after a press, face buttons not working, broken D-pads; the thing falls apart the moment you lay an eye on them.
The original Dualshock, while uncomfortable, was well built and meant to last long, and for once isn't plagued with any of the above. It'd be a no brainer given how the PS2 is compatible with PS1 controllers, but there are some games which forces you to use the PS2 controller and its "features".

What am I supposed to do, buy a bunch of PS2 controllers and throw them away every 3 games? How easily can they be repaired, or at least fiddled with to work a little longer? Even if I were to track down some obscure conversion dongle for the PS2 I'd still not be able to play the games that use the pressure sensitive buttons (MGS, Silent Hill, Siren).
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Do you play Thief with the gamma turned up to max so it looks like the middle of the day?
a rhetorical question
you've never played Thief
Replies: >>249468
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They turned the bar in the Velvet Room into a lighted pool. You can't say tell me that looks better with a straight face.
Is Persona a stealth game?
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>an oak tree looks better than cherry blossoms
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Palworld got a thread so fuck it. I want to talk about HellDivers 2.
This shit wasn't even on my radar until a friend said to check it out. I checked out of gameplay vids and it looked fun, sure enough I'm having a blast. 

I feel like this is the Starship troopers game we were supposed to get with it being just as campy as it should be. It also feels like they took inspiration from warhammer 40k as well considering the bots have a scout walker. 
Guns are fun to use, they could use a tiny buff but I can live with them they way they are. The secondaries all have their uses like the Autocannon being a good slapper and the Railgun being great at getting rid of the big guys. It gets hectic really fast on the harder difficulties and you really need to solid snake your way around the levels unless you want to be drowning in bugs and bots.

So far there are only 2 factions but it looks like there might be at least 4. Each completely change the way you play with the bugs being the unstoppable horde with the designated wallbreaker units like the charger, the bile spewers to bust you when you've bunkered up. Then there is bots. They shoot back, call in support and really seem like a worse threat. There is a current defend order against them and it's an absolute meat grinder. I love the way their eyes light up when they spot you, it casts a glow and looks nice and intimidating. The game has a ton of little details like your soldiers cries becoming more panicked as more enemies com
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Well, PSN operates in Denmark. It seems they have a policy of not bothering with smaller Pacific/Atlantic islands as well as most African and Central Asian countries, in other words the global equivalent of "flyover counties".
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Helldivers 2 sold 12 million copies, 1 million of that was on the PS5:
>PlayStation games have sold over 17 million copies on Steam since 2020, VG Insights reported. Including Helldivers 2 (published by Sony, but Arrowhead is not its first-party studio), the total is over 28 million units.
 28 - 17 = 11 
>Helldivers 2 is definitely the company’s most successful PC release — not least thanks to its simultaneous release on Steam and PS5. Sony recently announced that the game had sold over 12 million units globally as of May 5.
 12 - 11 = 1 
Replies: >>249273 >>249275
No wonder they wanted to force the normalfags to make PSN accounts.
Funny how they have to first pretend the Switch doesn't exist or doesn't count to claim the PS5 is the king this generation only for it to be a 3rd party port machine.
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You should all kill yourselves for sponsoring and playing tranny games

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This world
White men die in agony
The cries for help from the doomed
The sorrows of those who've already lost
The riches I got from them
The tears they spill
Their women being fucked by me
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Chipping away at Samurai Warriors 4 DX, modded Hearts of Iron IV and some small porn games
VGL 22
2hu OST
Fried noodles
Vita Cola
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Blasphemous 1
Gonna either watch some Sharpe on jewtube or maybe try to get Twin Peaks somehow someway so I can prepare for the more recent installment
Beast of Burden, Rolling Stones has been my earworm of late
Gonna make breakfast for lunch and have some eggs, bacon, and sausage with some breakfast potatoes
30A Beach Blonde
Impregnation + Loli Impregnation
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Might play some FreeCiv later.
a lolcow lawyer hitting rock bottom
Just finished a pretty bad sci-fi novel
Pierogies. Gotta go shopping, my fridge is bare.
weight gain
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Ghost of Tsushima
Always Sunny and catch up with seasonal anime
Listened to some classical
This and other threads
Gonna have coffee and some pastries like the indulgent bitch I am
Coffee, as previously mentioned
Amateur stuff
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New PS4 Jailbreak up to 11.00 is out
World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria event derailed by frog exploit
>an old tactic popped up that’s practically derailed the event. On the Timeless Isle zone, there are frogs that spawn infinitely. Unlike most spawn points, the frogs spawn instantly after being killed, allowing coordinated teams to endlessly kill frogs without a break.
>These frogs (like all mobs in the Remix event) were dropping Bronze coins, Threads, and even Lesser Charms of Good Fortune. The charms became the sticking point, as for every 10 collected allows players to fulfill a repeatable quest for the game’s factions, and each turn-in awards a small chest for the event which comes with Threads, gems, and other event-specific goodies.
>Players farmed these frogs until their stats were ENORMOUS and some players could almost one-shot heroic raids. Most notably, one player had over 7 million HP (for reference, most tanks in Retail WoW have around 1.2-2 million).
Vanillaware is hiring for a new fantasy action RPG
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Replies: >>248607
What the hell with all those pictures you are posting? At least say what they are.
Replies: >>248609
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And that's it (+Somber Echoes). Don't forget to watch the black creators stream next Wednesday!
 It's mostly trash, don't worry
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