As most people in the west, i am sick and tired of niggers being shoved everywhere they don't belong.
From turning established white characters into niggers (spiderman, deadshot, nick fury, firestorm, green lantern) to forcing them where they shouldn't be (wearing European armor in medieval settings, or the recent WE WUZ Prince of Persia)
Not to mention the blatant tokenism where a group of (otherwise white, or asian) characters must have at least one, making ugly version of otherwise cute characters in order to not "offend" them (black inklings and octolings in Splatoon, that honestly look like shit, even putting racism aside) or going for the disgusting race mixing propaganda and pairing niggers with white women.
Today i saw a trailer for this game: "Tales of Kenzera: ZAU"
I only saw the "making of" trailer for it and some glimpses of gameplay, and it seems to be about niggers in Africa dealing with all kind zulu and voodoo shit.
Also, i am surprised that the niggers involved with this game talking about "muh culture" were for once correctly talking about sub-saharian Africa and were not pretending DEY WUZ Egyptian, European, Japanese, Everything-but-Africans, and all that ridiculous bullshit.
No idea if the game goes in WE WUZ territory moving forward, honestly
Now, i am not interested in this shit and i don't want to play it, it's a game about niggers made (mostly) for niggers, and so, it is clearly not for me.
BUT, you know what? I am fine with that.
I found myself (for the first time in ages) not bothered by something like this existing, unlike shit like spider-nog, nigger-deadshot, or niggers in medieval armor in fantasy games (Dragon's Dogma 2, Baldur's Gate, Diablo 4 or that lore-raping garbage game Shadow of War that is still making Tolkien spin in his grave).
Maybe that's because (to me at least) this looks like a genuine attempt to please nogs and homage their homeland, and not an attack on white people and and their culture like the shit containing "divershitty" usually is about.