/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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Post funny, cool, interesting or strange quotes from video games.
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Caligulafag, explain yourself.
Replies: >>256625 >>256638
Not him but I have seen him express dislike for the sequel.
Replies: >>256639
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Its pretty okay
The first game is a standard cuhrayzee style game that while fun imo ended just about the right time
The second game is more of a party based action RPG where the characters that used to be your sub-weapons in the first game are now actively fighting alongside you
Never played far into the second one though, so I can´t tell you much about it
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In all fairness, my best guess is that Yamanaka is just a naive centrist normalfag who doesn't know any better. He doesn't strike me as some type of politically tribal SJW lunatic or anything like that. I read his tweets, and he just seems obsessed with psychology and musical projects 24/7.
I thought he disliked the remake?

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What can I play if I'm dead exhausted?
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How do I restart a frozen plasma session from tty3?
Linux is ass.
At least microsoft has the decency of letting you use notepad+.
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A thread for those looking for games without any killing/violence in them.
Reply with anything you come across.

Minetest - Free minecraft-like game with multiplayer servers, mods, etc.

Timberborn - Basebuilding game with respawnable resources. You house beavers and send them out to gather wood, food, etc.

(couldn't make a new thread because the captcha is impossible)
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Anyone played the RetroAryan port of 洞窟物語? How well does it work on Vita? Can you use the original assets and play in Japanese?
>just upgrade your PC to emulate better
Even a supercomputer would have trouble running PCSX2.
Replies: >>256753
In 2002 maybe where the fuck have you been?

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What is this?
>Zandronum is a multiplayer oriented port, based off Skulltag, for Doom and Doom II by id Software.

Join the server, its IP address and port are:
See "How to join" below for instructions.

Weekend on September 13th and September 14th, starting at 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want until September 14th. Just post ITT for anons to join the server.
NOTE: I'm not sure if it will go offline on the 15th (Sunday) or the day after.

Windows and Linux (both packed together), choose one of these:
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Thanks for hosting, it's been fun.
You're the best, thank you.
Love you bro
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Invasions were the most fun. Had a few hearty laughs too, thanks.
It was okay, but you really should have had a plan for what to play in advance. Hard Doom Invasion turned out to be pretty sucky and StupidLMS didn't get enough players to really shine in my opinion.

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>How is Company of Heroes not better in every way?
Because its not a CoH style game
Have you never played any games in the Wargame series (European Escalation, Airland Battle, Red Dragon)?
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>How is Company of Heros not better in every way?
CoH is an arcade base building WW2 RTS with unfortunately a focus on competitive multiplayer. Regiments is a singleplayer-only wargame with a focus on mass scale combined arms battles. 
It's basically Wargame: Red Dragon but actually good.
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Diablo II, probably Monster hunter later
Nothing atm
Anna Karenina still
IP cams
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I don't even play games anymore (or watch shows, movies, etc.).
I just browse sites and maybe listen to stuff on yt.
It's kind of a brainwashing to take part in simulating(when you play "videogames") killing others when it's not necessary or educational. But there's not many non-violent games that are enjoyable, and there aren't any other activities that seem interesting enough to take part in.
Replies: >>257276
>there aren't any other activities that seem interesting enough to take part in
Activities away from society no doubt. Video games are just one of many imitations of reality that distract us from living meaningful lives. I would encourage picking up the bible (KJV) and finding people to talk about it, if you want some meaningful engagement. Many Christian churches are open to visitors most times of the day, and especially before a service. It never hurts to reach out.

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Will every single classic RTS get a remake now? 

I though RTS were dead, how are remakes seen as a good investment?
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lay yeh
Replies: >>256266
Replies: >>256266
shouldn't be too hard to mod back all things considered
Replies: >>256257
I doubt the code is there. You'd have to program in a mechanic that projects decal sprites onto the floor, that kind of thing isn't usually easy to mod in.
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What is this?
>Multiplayer based, first person enabled, action packed and skill demanding shooter set in the Wild West times. A unique combination of non stop action and slow but powerful weaponry.

Join the server, its IP address and port are:

Weekend on September 6th to September 8th, starting at 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want until September 9th. Just post ITT for anons to join the server.

Windows and Linux (both packed together), choose one of these:
sha256sum of fof_0901.7z is a766ae54f2868102544ae586cf83b03e7ff9bd923b5d60568cde5ff74db7fd28.
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Til the end of today then there's another one next week and then i think it's over.
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Good shooting, cowboys, thanks for coming.
Game was alright, though as some anons suggested the pre-Steam version of the mod may have been better since it had more maps and modes.
Hope to see you at this week's game at >>>/v/256049.
How the hell do you push this cannon?
Replies: >>256073
Try shift.
Replies: >>256075
It clipped me into some boxes

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>If you stop Sakon from stealing the Bomb Bag from the shop, you can't complete the Anju quest because Sakon has no reason to visit the Curiosity shop on the Final day. Kafei will just be 
>If you beat the Stone Tower temple without using the Song of healing on Pamela's Dad, Pamela won't recognize you and kick you out. 
>Playing the Song of Storms next to a Mask of Truth statue will spawn a big fairy that restores health and magic. Playing the Song of Storms next to a bean sprout will DO FUCKING NOTHING WHAT THE FUCK AOUNUMA
>You can witness the chat between Gorman, and the Mayor's wife on the first morning at 10:00 a.m. where she cancels his circus for the carnival. This is why he despondant and drunk at the Milk Bar

PC port good. Play the game.
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As a kid sure, the time limit felt daunting but I'd say the same about Pikmin 1. But in the end all the time limit does is help enforce the schedules of other characters and make sure that area progression has gates and keys. No need to replay the entire Deku village infiltration or go hunting for Zora eggs once you get the right song so you can just skip right to the dungeon on another loop. Can't do the Goron races until after clearing Snowpeak but you don't have to spend half to a whole day clearing the dungeon next time as you can warp right to the boss.

Even then you still get the inverted song of time to make the time limit pretty much trivial. Just manage your time better and get comfortable with only doing a fraction of your list every loop.
Gotta get off the internet for a week man
Is a literal monkey and a sapient tree, anon. How is this ntr?

On the contrary, it might get you out of the Amerimutt zone.
Replies: >>256020
You don't understand, anon wants to fuck the tree so the monkey is cucking anon
Replies: >>256024
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I was wondering if anyone has a magnet link sorted for this emu. I am not spending 200 for a jailbroken ps4 to play a not even working game for sys modules
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Replies: >>255457
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You all are a bunch of faggot. Now get into the punishment cube for reeducation.
Replies: >>255431
Got my first alien kill tonight. Alien just sat there in the ceiling vent drooling like an idiot, I tossed a noisemaker to distract it and ran. 15 minutes and running from 4 of those robots that look like the killer from Halloween later, I'm almost to the elevator to the next area and the game spins me almost 180 degrees so I can watch the alien eat my face. Game abuses music stings to build tension more than I'd like but it's genuinely spooky. The robots are honestly scarier than the alien at this point because you can almost escape them easily, but there's enough of them that they can box you in and they never ever stop once they aggro. You know going into a game like this that if the alien spots you you're already dead so there's no "oh shit" moment where you try to run away from it.
I don't know anon that looks pretty gay to me.
>>255305 (OP) 
So BB is working pretty well on emulator now?
Replies: >>255467
Not really (not a knock against the devanon who's contributing to shadPS4, it's just early days still) but people are so desperate to play Bloodborne on PC that they're finding workarounds.
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From crashing on character creation screen to playable in less than two months.

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22 years later. This is still objectively the best bing bing wahoo game in the series' 40 year history.
On a related note. I miss 2000s Mario games. Mario has been so bland for more than a decade now.
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Anon I think the /v/eddit is (You).
Replies: >>255456
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>no u
Great comeback, fellow /v/edditor, here take my /v/eddit karma and /v/eddit gold.
Replies: >>255459
Why are you so obsessed with reddit
Did Sunshine because Iwata or whoever took a vacation to Sicily?
Replies: >>255481
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