Got my first alien kill tonight. Alien just sat there in the ceiling vent drooling like an idiot, I tossed a noisemaker to distract it and ran. 15 minutes and running from 4 of those robots that look like the killer from Halloween later, I'm almost to the elevator to the next area and the game spins me almost 180 degrees so I can watch the alien eat my face. Game abuses music stings to build tension more than I'd like but it's genuinely spooky. The robots are honestly scarier than the alien at this point because you can almost escape them easily, but there's enough of them that they can box you in and they never ever stop once they aggro. You know going into a game like this that if the alien spots you you're already dead so there's no "oh shit" moment where you try to run away from it.
I don't know anon that looks pretty gay to me.