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Looks like a new ps4 jailbreak is coming out soon. From what i've read it could be possible to jailbreak all the way up to 11.00

Nintendo 3DS: https://3ds.hacks.guide/
Nintendo Wii U: https://wiiu.hacks.guide/
PlayStation 2: https://www.psx-place.com/threads/tutorial-the-great-ps2-aio-guide.30219/
PlayStation 3: https://www.psx-place.com/threads/exploiting-4-90-ofw-installing-cfw-running-ps3hen-flash-writer-ps3hen-now-supporting-4-90-fw.39772/
PlayStation Vita: https://vita.hacks.guide/
Multiple Guides:

http://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/Homebrew_Applications (3DS only)
https://apps.fortheusers.org/ (Wii U only)
https://www.psx-place.com/resources/ (Sony only)
https://vitadb.rinnegatamante.it/ (Vita only)
https://wiibrew.org/wiki/List_of_homebrew_applications (Wii only)
https://wiiubrew.org/wiki/List_of_homebrew_applications (Wii U only)

Rom/ISO sources
https://gbatemp.net/threads/nusspli-install-content-directly-from-the-nintendo-update-servers-to-your-wii-u.566055/ (Wii U)
https://www.nopaystation.com/ (PS3/PSP/PSV)

News and forums

Previous Thread: >>197450  https://archive.is/7HdF3
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New Original Xbox softmod released recently
>ENDGAME is a dashboard exploit for the Original Xbox that allows you to copy habibi-signed XBE payloads from a memory card and execute them automatically. This exploit is compatible with all retail kernel and dashboard versions and, unlike other softmod methods, does not require a game or even a working DVD drive — only a memory card.
Replies: >>239557 >>239578
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>payloads from a memory card
The Xbox had a memory card? Besides, how is this any better than a hardmodded Hueg? Last time I heard softmodding wasn't as powerful on the console as it is for example on the PS2.
Absolutely halal my breathen.
Replies: >>239559
>Last time I heard softmodding wasn't as powerful on the console as it is for example on the PS2
Well theres not really that much of a difference. You can pretty much do anything with a softmodded xbox.
Replies: >>239624
Finally, we can play Blinx: The Time Sweeper and Jet Set Radio Future and Blinx: The Time Sweeper 2.
Replies: >>239602
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Don't forget about SMT made by the guy who directed A-Kite.
Funny how A-Kite landed him enough money for another OVA and a job in Atlus, then immediately afterwards faded into obscurity except to produce a Kite sequel a decade later.
except swap the HDD (easily). You need to solder a couple pins together and flash the eeprom to swap it or else you need to get a specific HDD from a list of compatible (and ancient, small storage size) models that then has to be signed with specialized software after you put your games on it, and iirc you need to unsign/resign every time you want to add or remove games from it
Replies: >>239684
>or else you need to get a specific HDD from a list of compatible (and ancient, small storage size) models
You're making this sound alot more difficult than it is. Hard drives that are compatible are still being added to this day.
https://archive.is/2TpbZ (link to hard drive website that proves you wrong)
>that then has to be signed with specialized software after you put your games on it, and iirc you need to unsign/resign every time you want to add or remove games from it
This is not true at all. I can add any game i want and ive never had to do whatever you're describing.
https://archive.is/Arh02 (link to guide i used that proves you wrong)
All but my soldering device has arrived. Soon i can finally mod my 360.
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It begins... later today...
Replies: >>242281
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im on step 1 and i already managed to fuck something up i tore open the xbox and the plastic recoiled and cut into my finger
Replies: >>242464
Is it good? I'm also planning to buy one of those with the other tips.
Replies: >>242283
i havent had time to use it yet
Replies: >>242286
Please report after you do.
Replies: >>242462
I guess its good. Charger is not included and you need a good charger for it.
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oh man that kind of shit happens to me all the time with all sorts of stuff, once I managed to get bread to bite my finger and make me bleed
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Someone finally came up with a replacement for the old Blinking Light Win to fix NES frontloaders. Unfortunately all this seems to do is move the cartridge slot forward and remove the ZIF mechanism so you'll still need to find a 72-pin connector that doesn't deathgrip your cartridges, which is a problem the Blinking Light Win didn't have.
New streetpass thing where you can connect to anyone anywhere in the world
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Nintendo are being niggers again
He says it might be a fake dmca but shitendo fucking dmcad garrys mod mods before. 
Replies: >>245814 >>245815
Why did you post this in the homebrew thread?
>shitendo fucking dmcad garrys mod mods before. 
They did some further digging and THAT turned out to be fake, too.
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I need some help with PS3 backups. I'm trying to load PS3 game ISOs with WebMAN and the games either crash returning me to the XMB, never load and quiting the game causing the system to reboot, OR just freezes the console altogether about 10 seconds upon loading the game and require me to hard shutdown the system. Thus far, the games I've tested this out with are FF13 (JP version), Record of Agarest War (JP version), BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (JP version), and Burnout Paradise (US version). This has happened both on an NTFS formatted drive and a Fat32 formated drive with the ISO split for the former three.

What am I doing wrong?
I don't know man, I always FTP'd games onto the hard drive. PSX-Place even has a shell script for hard drive backup/restore, so upgrading isn't even that much of a hassle if that's your issue.
Replies: >>246371
which CFW are you running?
Replies: >>246366
Why split ISOs when you can just put the loose game files on the HDD?
The PS3 backup loaders are traditionally jank, if one doesn't work try another.
Replies: >>246366
4.90 Evilnat Cobra 8.4

>Why split ISOs when you can just put the loose game files on the HDD?
Because it's a fat model and I don't want to go through the process of tearing it apart to upgrade the HDD.
>The PS3 backup loaders are traditionally jank, if one doesn't work try another.
Okay, I'll try one of the other ones.
Been a long time since I messed with it, so I might not be up to date on what's current, but I recall using MultiMan as the loading interface on mine. That said, my experiences with it were rather limited. Most PS3 games were still quite cheap here back then, but it worked fine with Tales of Vesperia and Berseria which had to be digital on the HDD to use their English patches, as well as some PS2 games (60gb fat model, so it emulated via hardware). Only issue I noticed was that, despite already being stored on the hard drive, Berseria still had to be installed since Multiman had the system treat it like the ISO was a disc. So a game can take up twice as much space as it was intended to use.

Also, what this guy says. FTP them over. A cheap ethernet cable to your computer if you have have them both nearby will save a lot of time on that end, considering how big PS3 games could get and how slow the system actually was for things like data transfer via wifi.
New PS4 Jailbreak up to 11.00 is out
Why are flash carts so damn expensive? I feel like im getting financially raped just because i want to play some damn retro vidya.
Replies: >>248997 >>249277
Some of them are out of print now yet also not outdated, like I think the DS one I have is (forget the model off the top of my head, but it's one that has an internal switch between running DS games and flashing 3DS systems for CFW, and the firmware was supported long enough that it plays even the late era DS games another flash cart I had couldn't). Other ones, such as for the NES, SNES, etc, can have various specialty chips in them that expand the range of what they can play but also increase the production cost (the FXPAK Pro, for example, has a total of like five games it's incompatible with at this point, and only one of them, Tengai Makyou Zero, would be of interest to most western players). I suppose there's also the factor of just how much money actual individual cartridges can cost, combined with the convenience of having most if not all of a system's library accessible on one cartridge, region lock be damned, if it's a decent one. Which is to say if it will let you play hundreds if not thousands of games on actual hardware, and a solid chunk of them cost hundreds of dollars on their own as legit carts, there's probably an estimated value of at least $100-200, as a hardcore user with broad interests will save money in the long run versus buying actual carts. And then there's of course shipping depending on where you order from, though if you're lucky, you might find one at a local store and perhaps avoid that additional cost. A local one here recently got some Krikzz ones for $175 each, I think it was, which certainly beats having to import from Eastern Europe, and pay more on top of that as a base price too.
Replies: >>249277
Just learned about PAL and NTSC differences and how PAL runs slower on older consoles. This is honestly fucking retarded. Why should i be punished for not fucking knowing this shit?
Replies: >>249264 >>251138
You aren't punished for being ignorant, you are punished for being a yuropoor
Watch out as there has been a glut, especially in the DS/3DS flashcart market, of carts that have planned obsolescence that will stop working after certain time period, typically a year. I have heard that changing the firmware for a custom one works on these but something to be aware of.
Replies: >>249279 >>249286
Yeah, that was another thing about this one, as in specifically not having the "timebomb" issue. R4i Gold Plus; just checked the make to be sure about it.
You don't need a flashcart anyway, just softmod it.
Replies: >>249289
This. Softmodding 3DS is braindead-easy.
As a PAL gamer im being forced to become a emulationcuck. Why god why?
Replies: >>249308
Just import. Modern TVs don't care about PAL/NTSC.
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Why did noone tell me that Switch has flashcarts? Fuck. I cant afford to buy a switch but im fucking buying one next month.
Replies: >>250886
If you can get an early model you don't need a flashcart, you can just softmod it.
Replies: >>250887
I tried to find it before but it just seemed almost as expensive as a OLED and im only really interested in the OLED. I dont know. Maybe.
I looked into the mig switch a bit more and its disappointing because it seems you it can only read cartridges meaning it cant read any digital files meaning you will only be able to play base games and no updates or dlc?
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Digital-to-digital video output through a composite cable. If the encoder boards for each console are cheap enough this could make a lot of overpriced HDMI mods totally obsolete, since if you're in the market for an HDMI mod you probably already have an OSSC.
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Replies: >>251149 >>251201
They didn't even fix the timer?
Replies: >>251156
They shat on PAL gamers. We got cucked out of our money to play games that run 17% slower. Why would they care when we probably wont notice the difference?
Replies: >>254363
This is a crying shame, makes me almost feel bad for eurocucks.
Replies: >>251221
At least now we can still get CRT TVs capable of PAL60 that come with a SCART connector, so with emulation we can enjoy any NTSC game in composite.
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I saw this on a game's page on our favorite 3DS "preservation" website. What exactly does it mean? Is there somewhere where I can just download an archive that has "seeds" for all games already so that I won't have to download them individually?
Replies: >>253754
3DS titles require an external RNG seed to decrypt them in place before you can run them. You used to be able to get this semi-automatically from the eShop and it would just work, but with the eShop dead FBI needs to register the seed in your 3DS' crypto database before you can install the CIA, and that seed has to come from somewhere.
Replies: >>253761
Thank you, I just had to run a program linked in that thread to get all the "seeds" that exist...
It's a literal hardware limitation due to PAL TVs running at a different refresh rate than NTSC. They would have to reprogram the entire game and system to make it run at "correct" speed, and nobody is going to do that for a region that made up <20% of the gaming market. Why do you think PAL had such a robust domestic hardware and software development industry back then?
Replies: >>254484
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>Why do you think PAL had such a robust domestic hardware and software development industry back then?
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I like the OLED personally.  The screen is just great.
Both have good batteries, the 2000's is mildly/moderately better (assuming you get a good one ofc). The 2000s triggers are a bit more durable which is nice as that's an issue with the 1000 imo. You can't go wrong with either. I personally recommend the 1000 myself but if you want the 2000, nothing wrong with that.
Those prices aren't bad but I can't speak to trustworthiness on the sellers' parts, that's something you'll have to figure out. I'd probably go with the second one though if I were in your position. Bad reviews are a black mark on a seller's trustworthiness in my opinion. Do they have pictures?
Yes, any PS Vita can be jailbroken.
You can order a cheap SD2Vita, yes, but I'd recommend getting several of them for redundancy if you decide to do that just in case.
There are some SD2Vita models that are more reliable than others, look to user reviews of whatever site you buy them from. There is no "official" manufacturer of SD2Vita shit so you'll just have to hope and pray, but you'll probably be fine. SD2Vita can go pretty high in capacity. You generally don't want to go above 512 GB though as there might be problems (and there might be problems with 512 too), but its been a while since I looked into it so I wouldn't be surprised if the capacity increased with new hacks. 256 GB is a safe capacity.
>Also, are there any firmware problems with the PS Vita? As in, some games requiring high firmware versions that aren't supported by CFW or SD2Vita? Do many of those games have patches to make them work with lower firmware versions?
Nope. Hacks should be up to date. (If you decide to run an older CFW, there should be compatibility patches for all games affected) Sony gave up a while ago unless something new changed that I wasn't aware of (extremely unlikely).
>Technically it's not really emulation, but do PSP games work as well as DS games work on the 3DS? What about PSX games?
Yep, both of them work pretty much perfectly on the Vita. Emulation otherwise is bretty gud (though the 3DS is better with Ninty platform emulation iirc). It can also use any emulator/homebrew that the PSP had as well if one of its own emulators isn't as well-developed.
N64 emulation is still being worked on so there's still issues. About 50% of games can be run without issues though. I'd say its alright.
>What is done about the L2L3R2R3 buttons?
Back touchpad. I'd recommend getting a grip to improve the experience.
>Are there any homebrew programs/games of note?
There's plenty, and more keeps being added each day. Some of note include Commander Keen, Diablo 1/DevilutionX, Bully, Fallout 1/2, GTA San Andreas, OpenXCOM, Quake Doom ports, etc.
Replies: >>254559 >>254563
>Sony gave up a while ago unless something new changed that I wasn't aware of
Sony officially gave up a couple years ago, Vita devkits started appearing on aliexpress marked "Property of SCEI", someone bought one and figured out it was Sony's reference platform for firmware development. She's finally free.
>the 3DS is better with Ninty platform emulation
Does mGBA have a maintained Vita port yet? Last I checked the best you could get was gpSP and that was last updated more than a decade ago.
Replies: >>254562
i fuck yer mother.
Buy a JP Vita for lels. Vita can play all games up to Ps1 well, any PSP game & of course you can access the entire Ps Vita library for free.
Buy SD2Vita, gewt a 512 GB or 1 TB SD card you'll never run out of room, gain hundreds of games at once.
The only thing more portable is your mom lol
Retroarch and Mgba have decent software. I was playing Mgba to play LOZ Minish Cap. it does get some slow downs in some games but otherwise works well.
Yes, but unfortunately it has some limitations because of the Vita's hardware.
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PKGJ and NPS are the simplest options for pirating games, yes. 
.vpk files are basically just files you open on your Vita and they install the game/program on it.
There's nothing stopping you from using both methods. Using PKGJ to download and play Vita games all directly from your Vita conveniently, and using NPS to back up the Vita collection on an HDD more easily. PKG files have to do with PKGJ, you shouldn't really have to worry about them in most cases afaik.
There are other outdated options for pirating too like Vitamin and MaiDump but those aren't really relevant in most cases anymore.
>Also apparently NoPayStation uses the PSN servers to download the games, but what will happen when the servers get shut down or stop hosting Vita games? 
There are torrents and archives that exist that have nearly all the Vita games that I know of. I think the JP side is still being worked on but its been a while since I checked.
Depends on the game. I'm pretty sure Gravity Rush is obese enough running anything else like Browser will evict it.
Why were the guy's posts asking about a Vita deleted?
Replies: >>255783
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Probably used the same VPN as the CP spammer who was recently baleeted by IP according to the logs.
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Is there any way of having sleep mode when natively playing GBA games on the 3DS (ie. without using an actual emulator)? I mean the 3DS' sleep mode like closing the console, not the "sleep mode" some GBA games have by pressing L+R+Select.
Replies: >>256215
>"native" sleep mode
Highly unlikely as it'd require something akin to savestates and I don't know if the 3DS has enough computer for that, the sleep mode in DS(i) and 3DS games itself is a software feature mandated by Nintendo but not required at all for program execution with many homebrew applications lacking it entirely.
I does however make me wonder why open_agb_firm to this day shows a white screen when entering a GBA game's built-in sleep mode, Nintendo's own agb_firm has no problems with this whatsoever.
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Slightly related, is it true that you can natively run GBA games on the DSi through the thing called "GBARunner" (I thought that the DSi completely lacked the GBA hardware, not just the GBA cartridge slot)? Does it have many issues?
And also, can you run it on a 3DS (through Twilight Menu ++, etc)? If it works, how does it compare to (open_)agb_firm?
Replies: >>256324
>is it true that you can natively run GBA games on the DSi through the thing called "GBARunner"
>(I thought that the DSi completely lacked the GBA hardware, not just the GBA cartridge slot)?
The DSi indeed lacks the cartridge slot but the GBA's ARM7 CPU works in conjunction with the primary ARM9 CPU when running DS games, making it an integral part of the hardware that cannot simply be removed.
>Does it have many issues?
Unfortunately yes, it hasn't been updated in 4 years and never remotely reached the level of compatibility Nintendo's own agb_firm on the 3DS (used for the GBA VC) had save for supporting emulation/wrapping of obscure hardware features like the gyroscope.
>can you run it on a 3DS (through Twilight Menu ++, etc)? If it works, how does it compare to (open_)agb_firm?
You can run it that way, but I can't recommend it over open_agb_firm save for the few games making use of gyro functionality.
Many games have rendering problems akin to early GBA emulators, whereas open_agb_firm's primary blocker has not been game code execution or rendering which is virtually identical to a native GBA but rather the proper implementation of several types of save data types which Nintendo's agb_firm lacked, causing a sizeable portion of the game library to error out at boot or fail to retain save data.
These days open_agb_firm's save type autodetect library has grown in size and it also has an option to manually select the save type for each game prior to running it, which at least in my use case of playing obscure nipponese only weebshit works perfectly once the correct save data type has been discerned if the autodetect fails the correct type is typically an adjacent of the one picked up by the autodetect, like 64k save battery instead of 8k or 512k SRAM with/without an RTC.
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Vita noob here.
1. I'm having a hard time getting PSX games to work on Adrenaline. I'm on Linux so I can't use the fancy PSX2PSP program. I had to do it manually with the (mediocre) tools that exist like PSXPackager, but in the end the game wouldn't launch.
2. I tried streaming video to my PC via USB using udcd-uvc but it has a bit of latency. Is that just how it is, or are you ideally supposed to have nearly no latency?
Replies: >>256616 >>256670
Just grab the premade eboots from CDRomance.
Replies: >>256619 >>256623
Not them but is using that site even possible without discord invites? It died.
Replies: >>256620
Works for me.
You do seem knowledgeable on Discord, huh.
Replies: >>256621
I read an alternative url must be used with codes from a discord group recently.
It has a quite restricted selection of games especially if you want Japanese versions.
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>2. I tried streaming video to my PC via USB using udcd-uvc but it has a bit of latency. Is that just how it is, or are you ideally supposed to have nearly no latency?
Anyone? This is driving me a bit crazy. When I compare the PC and Vita screens side by side I notice a bit of lag (around 30 ms?; most noticeable on abrupt sequences like switching pages on the Vita home menu). But when the Vita screen is turned off (I use udcd_uvc_lcd_off but in reality it's inconsistent whether the screen is turned on or off) I don't really notice lag, but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's not there, just that I don't notice it. But the thing is that I haven't found any mentions of lag on the internet, so either I'm doing something wrong, or no one else notices it (or they just accept it).
Extra information: I use OBS because getting ffplay (or any command line program for that matter) to stream the Vita ("ffplay /dev/video0") is like catching lightning in a bottle, I only managed to do it once and it didn't seem to have less lag than OBS. Also lowering the resolution on OBS didn't seem to lower lag.
Can anyone clarify which of the four conclusions is right?
>1. There's always some lag, deal with it.
>2. The lag is caused by having the Vita's screen on.
>3. The lag can be reduced by configuring things either on the PC side or on the Vita side (eg. overclocking).
>4. The lag is caused by some random problem such as having a weak PC, shitty USB cable, etc.
Replies: >>256682
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1+2 seems most likely, that shit's being handled by a kernel plugin which means it's taking cycles away from everything else on the Vita, plus there's a small delay when your PC decodes the video. Play your games on the Vita and use OBS to record it.
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Im going to buy a suction cup and a heat gun and fix my 3ds. Its in a pretty good condition but it has a scratch on the upper screen which can get annoying. So i ordered a glass replacement. I will heat up the adhesive surrounding the glass with the heat gun and then use the suction cup to pull the glass casing off and then replace it with my new glass. No more scratched glass.
Replies: >>258448
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Whats interesting is the pricing on said tools. For a "tool kit" from ifixit i would have to pay like 30 euros + 8 or so euros for shipping fees.
I was almost about to buy it before i searched for the individual parts and simply got it for a total of 15 or so euros. A half price reduction simply because i didnt pick a specific branding.
Now i have the plunger and the wedge tool. Now i just need the heater gun
Replies: >>258453 >>258455
> Now i just need the heater gun
Just use your mother's blow-dryer.
Probably costs a lot more for quality tools. I have a drawer of stripped, useless chinky crap (granted, isn't entirely bad if you don't plan to tinker with your electronics very much) from being a chronic cheapskate nowadays. I am sure iFixit just marks up a bunch for "providing convenience". A lot of my grandpa's old tools still work fine for what I can use them on.
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Replies: >>258852
Keep in mind that TN panels have faster pixel response times.
I think i prefer my regular new 3ds over my 3ds xl dual ips. It just looks better on the new 3ds. I think it has to do with the pixel density.
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