/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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Post your shitty gameplay and get bullied by other anons.
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Gacha shit Edition
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Oh fuck is out.
How is that woman so fucking triangle shaped?
I like the song.
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What is this?
>Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a first- and third-person shooter video game developed by Raven Software and published by LucasArts.
>Play in six multiplayer modes including team based siege mode and two-on-one power duel. Fight in 23 multiplayer arenas!

Join the server, its IP address and port are:

This weekend, December 27th to the 29th, starting at 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want: the server will run all week until December 30th.
Just post ITT for anons to join the server if it's empty.

NOTE: this archive contains the most recent version of the game. The old one might still work, however if you have any issues or want newer features try downloading this (or upgrading yourself).
Windows and Linux both packed together, choose one of the links:
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Wanted to join ya guys this year but couldn't find the will, bad year, heres to hoping next year is better. Happy early new years.
Replies: >>265062
Be well, faggot. We're here to make fun of you whenever you need to. Happy early New Year to you, too.
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Thank you everyone for coming.
Here's one more and final game for you: >>>/v/265068.
Wdym me and another anon got on it just fine.
Only thing broken were the chocobos
Replies: >>265177
Did you try to fight the NPCs in the arena? Every time I do it crashes.

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Post about games that make dick hard and/or your heart soft. 
Complain about never ever eroges, talk shit about nip games for being technically inferior if your game is slow as shit at least don't let it crash from speedhacks fuck, talk shit about western games for being thematically inferior, recommend some decent eroges, and so on.

Previous threads:
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There's only 3 characters other than the protagonist and they are all female
Too bad their shitty censorship law means we can't get anything like this without localizer taint attached to it.
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I never really got into H-games but seeing these posts made me interested in the genre, thank you anons.
Unfortunately hitler would've had shit blowjob perspectives
Replies: >>265010
He'll improve by practicing with Kaiserreich fanart.

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I don't think I've seen a single /gsg/ thread on zzz since day zero and I decided I've had enough of waiting for someone else to make it. The one on smug, which you can find here https://smuglo.li/vg/res/1231.html , was made a staggering four (4) years ago, only got 200 posts and the last was made 11 months back, so I think it's time we get our own and hopefully get not glacial levels of activity.

So, what are you playing? Still playing Parajew shit and incesting your entire family in CK2, blobbing in Vicky or has anyone been as far as decided to trying something new more like for a change?

Speaking of Parajew, the latest HOI4 expansion "Arms Against Tiranny" dropped a few weeks back adding a few more mechanics, which should've been in the base game to begin with but are instead, in typical Parajew fashion, locked behind a paywall, like slightly more in depth supply networks, transports, a barebones international arms dealing market and new focus trees for Scandinavian countries. I decided to give it a spin and pirated it for the 15th time and I'm now playing an (read: restarted a dozen times because I keep getting repeatedly fucked over by one thing or another) a-historically focused campaign as Shittaly trying to gigablob the entire universe and it's not going particularly great. Here's a recap of the events so far:
>wrapped up the nigger correction expedition just before March and justified against France while in the middle of it still
>knocked out the frogs by mid 38 after a rather slow and sloppy war, which I won 1:5 ratio, and yoinked all their navy which included 7 juicy BBs, 1 CV, a couple dozen light and heavy cruisers and over a hundred destroyers and subs
>barely managed to nick the the strategic Moroccan half of the strait of Gibraltar by declaring on nationalist Spain, sneaking in from France, making a quick push through an ever narrowing strip of land before it could get gobbled up by the other sides of the civil war and then nailing the peace conference just right to demand it and other minor bits of clay
>took less than a month and almost no casualties
>I'm starting to look at Uncle Adolf or the UK when fucking Marxist Portugal decides to declare war on me out of the blue
>they're landlocked so I just lmao naval invade them with not even a full army of nigger irregulars and own them in 3 weeks
>them being Marxist unfortunately translated to them also being in a faction with the USSR and now I'm at war with them but we are too far to fight
>Germany is Germanying along doing typical somewhat historical path of annexing Austria, and then going to war with the Czechs and the rest of the balkans because they all decided to be in one faction
>Poland commies are about to win a civil war
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I'm not that anon, but Paradox commissioned a bunch of modders for a Cold War game for HOI3 meant to be an official game like Darkest Hour. Paradox changed policy, the modders were delayed repeatedly right before completion, and the game was cancelled. You can download a beta version that was leaked at github.com/ryan40400/EastvsWest_No_Mods, or the Internet Archive, and a mod to fix it that was almost finished at github.com/koltoast/Complete-Edition-PLUS. However, you have to make a .mod file for the mod, and I don't know how to do that.
Replies: >>263591
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Pretty much this >>263582
I remember following the dev diaries and they fed us a few screen shots every now and then to keep us hyped and then they shelved it. And then a couple guys a short time after said they would continue to work on it since it was mostly finished, they just needed to raise the remaining funds to complete it. As you can imagine it turned out to be a scam. I have never forgiven Paradox to this day. 

Here you can watch Hitler's reaction to East vs West being cancelled.
The new Special Project system would be great with the One Year War mod. It makes me wish I knew how to make them. The same is true for many other mods. Any alternate history or setting-based mod would be greatly improved by implementing it, but modders are lazy niggers.
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O.k., I'm not sure I fully understand why logistics companies are better than maintenance companies. First of all, I'm basically facing HEAVY attrition losses all the goddam time. I'm hardly ever facing out of supply losses. This is because during an advance, I'm getting hit hard with attrition simply because attrition triggers upon every tile that I move across (because practically the entire game is "rough terrain" or when it's not it's going to be bad weather). It's also because if I see I'm out of supply, then I'm simply not putting that extra "10%" more divisions in the province the logistics company would give me. Even then, does that matter? So I have 11 divisions across 10 tiles instead of 10 divisions across 10 tiles.  That's not going to make a difference!  I'm not saying logistics companies are completely useless, as the fuel modifier is nothing to sneeze at, and if I'm looking to try to hold for a bit longer, then sure it can help, but when I've finally broke through, and I need to ADVANCE, then I need my EQUIPMENT and I can't afford the IC losses from attrition, and logistics does not hold a candle to maintenance companies with regards to that.  When I play, I'm struggling for IC, not for manpower, not for fuel, and not for the number of units I can stuff on a single tile.
Picrel, I'm losing more to attrition than combat. This happens almost all the time I play this game.
To prove the point that maintenance companies do way more for attrition than logistics com
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Replies: >>264998
And that is why we put maintenance companies in tanks instead of infantry

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>What is this?
This is an offline 1.7.10 minecraft server running a custom mod pack: https://mega.nz/file/Q3sTjRIA#W-yvXqD03r8xkJ7NVhKNwuG9akqahXnlz_xUCbx1P8g
>What's in it?
little tiles, Ic2, thaumcraft, blood magic, littlemaidmobs, et futurum requiem, grimoire of gaia, hardcore ender expansion etc.
>Can my toaster run this?
It's an even lighter pack than last time and a few versions back. If you have a pc built after 2005 you should be able to run this.
>Did you include the difficulty retardation?
Considering how well that went over last time, I've elected to not add that retardation.
>What if I want "x" mod?
Mention it in the thread and I'll see about adding it as long as it's not too retarded.
>What's this scripts folder?
It's just aspect lists this time so thaumcraft can actually interact with most of the new blocks/items.
>How do I use a skin?
Name your skin "skin.png" and put it in your .minecraft
>How do I avoid giving microshaft all my data?
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If you want to keep playing I can keep it up for longer. I just haven't seen anyone join in the last week so I assumed everyone was done.
Replies: >>264704 >>264819
>I'll upload the world somewhere so everyone that wants it can download it.
Thank you.
>If you want to keep playing I can keep it up for longer. I just haven't seen anyone join in the last week so I assumed everyone was done.
I still play just a little bit, but after all, retiring the server is the best choice...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCFYOCkAjqk As a side note, this theme comes to mind when I see the server empty like this.
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anytime i try to join now i crash 
but if everyone else is leaving anyway i guess thats fine
it was fun playing with u lot the last couple months
This should be the world, let me know if you have any issues. https://mega.nz/file/UrdjXayQ#lqedwLkgmvMB2C8_ipzsmq6LBmUjO8ySa_-sq0qx8M8
Replies: >>264931
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Thank you for sharing the world, and thank you for hosting it in the first place.
It works fine on my end and I noticed that the game treats other players' maids as belonging to me.

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Anything to do with the Zone.
Don't just stand there, come in.

I looked in the catalog and there wasn't anything, and it's sdalger so there should be.

Some standalone mods (free):
https://www.moddb.com/mods/lost-alpha (1.4005 DC was the most fun imo)
https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly (This one is really good but the crafting is extremely autistic. I suggest using the game settings to tweak the economy and skipping the crafting entirely.)
https://www.moddb.com/mods/doctorx-call-of-the-zone (This is neat in a SLIGE map sort of way with generated quests and a freeplay style. The main modder behind this died a while ago. RIP in pepperoni diet sausage.)

Anomaly's Chernobyl Relay Chat was pretty based for a while, but the trannies had found it last time I looked.

Engine links:
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How would you know it's cuckchan speak, NERD?
>'not the anon' is cuckchan speak
Prove it. Not every board on 8chan had post ID's.
Replies: >>264623
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Not him but I've only seen "NTA" in post-exodus screencaps from cuckchan and imageboards with known cuckchan infiltration like meguca.
I've been meaning to try out that multiplier mod and see how it is.  Maybe this weekend I'll give it a go. I hope we see big ol custom maps if it takes off.
The one bad thing about their shitcord is too many normalniggers who don't know how to port forward.

Still as it stands. This is a solid mod. I learned you can use cheat engine to force more than 4 players into a session.

"Create the server and open the server xrEngine.exe process in cheat engine.
Search for the value of 4 (or whatever your max players value is)
In the server console, change the sv_max_players to a different value; 3, 2, or 1.
Type the value you changed it to into Cheat Engine and search
Change the sv_max_players value again to a value you haven't used
Search the new value in Cheat Engine and it should have isolated the address enough that only one entry appears on the left. This address is the server's max players value that you can now manually edit.
Edit the value of the address to whatever number you want and the server console should change to show the new maxplayers that you specify."

The steps to force xray mp to more than 4 players

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A thread is needed.
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>superman 64 with a tranny clown
Replies: >>264784 >>264836
I didn't know that your mom was in Superman 64
Replies: >>264797
I don't think he even had a sex to begin with
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>snowy theme
Forgot to post pics related

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What is this?
>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic is a first-person action game developed by Arkane Studios.
>Set in the Might & Magic universe, players will experience ferocious combat in a dark and immersive fantasy environment. Swords, Stealth, Sorcery. Choose your way to kill. 

Join the server, its IP address and port are:

This weekend, December 20th to the 22nd, starting at 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want: the server will run all week until December 23rd.
Just post ITT for anons to join the server if it's empty.

NOTE: if you already have the game then please download this repack, as it includes improved voice chat, custom maps and better load times.
Windows (Linux users will need Wine and DXVK if possible), choose one of these:
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How new are you?
Genuine question because DXVK's been around for 7 years with DX9 support added 5 years ago.
Replies: >>264537
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Thanks for coming lads, server's now offline.
Hope to see you in the next game: >>>/v/264528.
Replies: >>264537
This is my first time using linux for online play, or using linux for gaming in general. 
Fuck yah, we missed this last year.
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If you enjoyed this but didn't like the jank (and how a good mage can pretty much invalidate your existence if you're playing warrior) I will once again shill for Pirates Vikings & Knights 2. It uses the same directional melee system as DoMM, but with a different set of classes per team (you do not have to use all three teams to have a good game) and none of them really have a way to say "no" to what the enemy is doing like the warrior's immunity to the other classes' basic melee, the archer's railgun arrow or the mage's dragon slave max alignment fireblast. The closest things to those I can think of are the Skirmisher's keg (which he can only use about once per minute) and the Heavy Knight's tankiness (which still doesn't make him immune to being surrounded, getting perfect parried, kegs, etc.)

You also have:
>a pirate captain with customizable parrot of ultimate destruction
>Danny Trejo
>the french taunter from monty python, who can Wario Waft as his special attack
>the berserker, who has lawnmower powers, a goofy accent and the always fun "temporary health boost" ability
>beautiful maps
>it bears repeating, FPS melee combat that doesn't suck, in the fucking source engine
>amazing chests and booty
Thanks for hosting, it was good to play it again.

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Sorry, couldn't get voice chat in time.

What is this?
>Sven Co-op is a co-operative game originally based around Valve Software's Half-Life.
>In this game players must work together against computer controlled enemies and solve puzzles as a team.

Join the server, its IP address and port are:

Weekends until December 16, starting 7:00 PM (UTC).
Or whenever (You) want, even on weekdays. Just post ITT for anons to join the server.

NOTE: if you have the files from last May, you're good to go, no need to re-download. This new download packs the game and all 5 previous map packs.
Last edited by warmsun
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Thanks for hosting, op. Merry Christmas.
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And that's it, thanks for coming lads.
Hope to see you in the next game: >>>/v/263966
This fag here i still can't launch sven hope you cunts kys merry fkmas

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