Around 2016 I played some MHF, but for not particular reason I didn't continue for long, was typical for me at that time. Finally came back to it a few months ago. People were telling me I should start from the new titles or at least MH4U, I didn't listen.
Restarting MHF, I was actually nicely captivated and enjoying the chill progression, though it wasn't joy only. A very different atmosphere, it is a unique Japanese game of its time, not a lot more "modern gaming" standardized fifth gen. I beat Kut-Kut and then later rage-quited on yet another Velocidrome mission in the desert, getting overwhelmed by the small monsters.
Proceeded to do 130+ hours of World/Iceborne. Perhaps hypocritical to what I said earlier, making me a pleb myself. Modern slope is just easy, ready for consummation. Maybe as anon said, slope it too harsh, but it is how it feels, standardized, samey, so easy to get through it, the monsters might have larger than the player's models, but their presence is not as large as even that Kut-Kut was.
ESGs aside, I was mostly okay with the game, though also a lot of small things that didn't make it such an amazing experience.
It was probably late HR and early MR that I enjoyed it the most, as I felt the most motivated and had the most fun in grinding out some weapons and armors. I guess it is almost worth it for just that fun period alone.
If I had played it with the mods removing the Claw shit, I perhaps would have enjoyed it more. There is actually a combination of small mods that don't affect your save files, but didn't learn of them until too late. After beating the final boss of Iceborne, I had no motivation to continue with the post-end content, just did a few hours of Guiding Lands. Until I realized it is MR limited, so I couldn't get the Gold Rath and the parts I wanted for the weapon I wanted.
Proceeded to do 30+ hours of Rise. I really hated it at first, then was okay, but barely paying attention to what I was doing, thanks to super low difficulty. It didn't really become "difficult" at late HR, but finally started engaging with (mindlessly spamming) wirebugs and started to hate the game for how overwhelming of a mechanical presence it is. Like the Claw, but even worse. Couldn't stomach to even start MR.
At the same time on and off I actually did some MHFU, accepting that MHF will be something to play when I have exhausted later MHs.
So then I went back to W/I thinking I might go for Fatalis. Oh God, I hated the game so fucking much. I always had problems with the maps, especially Ancient Forest, but after playing some of the other games for longer, it felt unbearable. Just like this anon was saying >>228075 clutter, the fucking scout fly, the claw based fighting again, the god damn clutter, oh god. Except even the movement felt sluggish and unresponsive, not just to sonic speeds Rise, but somehow even to MHFU. I genuinely felt disgusted by playing the game.
Suddenly Rise didn't seem as bad, at least it is a very fluid game. Actually went back to it, playing some early MR, farming for some armors, actually trying to engage the fights of the game for the first time. Maybe easy, would prefer it without the damn wirebugs and monsters being less chrazy, but for the first time I actually felt like I was starting to enjoy Rise.
Note sure if I even enjoy the franchise that much, I probably am, o am I just turning my brain and going to the motions. Are any of them good? Maybe getting too overwhelmed in opinions by the fifth gen.
I most likely should just play MH4U really, but leaving the best for the last is probably optimal, as after it I might not be able to enjoy many of the other games at all, especially fifth gen.
A meaningless thing to say, I assume, but did you make sure to get the latest version? It improves a lot in performance compared to original World and early Iceborne. There is also a small mod that removes some stupid coding that made it fixed 60fps for me. Stracker's Loader + Performance Booster and Plugin Extender.