/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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Last Thread >>256785

Ask you're stupid fucking questions here so they don't clog up the catalog.
Replies: >>264023
I'll start: 
Why the fuck can an old piece of shit like the gamecube run Symphonia at 60FPS with next to zero frame drops but the MIGHTY switch can't even run the game at 30FPS without constant slowdown?
Replies: >>264022 >>264027
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Don't ask questions you already know the answer to anon.

Has there been any progress on a PSN emulator for the PS3? RPCN (allegedly) will never work on console and searching just gets me old news articles about RPCN and the same old github repository over and over again.
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>>264017 (OP) 
The pictures and videos in the last thread were better.
Replies: >>264052
Because YHWH has decreed that all ports of Symphonia MUST be based off the PS2 version and be developed in the niggest, judeo-pajeetest manner imaginable lest there be the heresy known as fun.
Cry about it
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Do you anons ever play games from different regions than your own just to see the differences or just for fun or  for learning?
Replies: >>264443 >>264498
How do I setup a Roland SC-55 soundfont for older FPS games, preferably in their respective source ports (DOOM, Duke, Blood, etc.)?

I keep a giant list of games I've played or want to play with definitive versions across multiple generations. Every once in a while (especially for the 3rd and 4th generations) I'll come across a game that is completely different to its Western counterpart such as the first Power Blade for NES or for games which can be played without Japanese knowledge and are censored in the West but don't have a restoration patch for them yet.
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>How do I setup a Roland SC-55 soundfont for older FPS games, preferably in their respective source ports (DOOM, Duke, Blood, etc.)?
Depends on your operating system and what kind of port we are talking about.
Replies: >>264478
I basically forced myself to start understanding Japanese, ignoring the words I understand and remember from anime and reading visual novels. 
I don't know the alphabet at  all and just started learning what the text meant just from game menus  and have bookmarked some videos to start learning their alphabet.

only because of some games I  could never play in English and "translation" and there's also weird games like siren 2 where there's no English option for the Japanese version. despite the pal version having Japanese as a option.
Replies: >>264478 >>264499
>Roland SC-55
There's a full on emulator for that called Nuked-SC55, it accurately recreates the full range of Roland-exclusive autism effects soundfonts cannot due to limitations in the GM+GS specification.
While I don't know about setup specifics, on my Linux mashin it functions like a regular midi synth and just werks provided applications output midi to the correct (default) channel.
SC-88 emu for 2hu purposes when?
Replies: >>264478
I downloaded Nuked-SC55 and the SC-55 v1.21 romset. The program booted up after I renamed the files as the GitHub specified but I'm not sure what needs to be done next. I'm using Windows 10 and GZDoom, eDuke32, Raze, and ecWolf.

I used the Tofugu PDF's for hiragana and katakana here, I learned it in less than a week for both:
Good luck with kanji. I am using "Kanji from Zero!" to learn up to the third grade and I'm not sure what I will use from there.
I believe you just need to pipe midi to it from whatever software you're using. If you run Nuked-SC55 on command line I think you can get some info on the audio device selection and options. Try using this loopmidi driver to create a virtual midi loopback for your game to output to, and can read from:

Replies: >>264492
>The program booted up after I renamed the files as the GitHub specified but I'm not sure what needs to be done next.
If it's running it should just play whatever midi your games throw at it, provided they're outputting to the correct port.
Selecting the right mode in the game's midi audio settings also helps, for the SC-55 that's either Roland Sound Canvas or GS, but not GS2/GM.
Replies: >>264492
I just got it working on both GZDoom and Raze. I'll worry about getting it to work with ecWolf later. Thanks.
Yeah that's most of what I play these days.
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See >>253791
anyone has the doxxing of an anon a while back? it was on zzzchan or was it something earlier? but it was about anon plays game in l4d i think, and he was doxxed from his username. Then it was found that he loves mlpony or something similar. thanks
Replies: >>264642 >>264786
i just want to read it again, it was pretty funny how he acted out after getting doxxed.
Replies: >>264786
Why the fuck are you mouthbreathers doxing people on this board.
Fags being fags
But if I point out other people then I don't have to look inward at myself.
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it's bound to happen when you accidently overlook your screenshots or videos you want to share.
Kind of almost happened to me at one point when I posted myself playing TF2. Luckily steam lets you clear your username alias so they ended up finding some random furfag.
Replies: >>264708 >>264786
>a steam account
Replies: >>264651
There are some people who can really dig for your info through steam if you're severely autistic and think you can finds something interesting. Unless you are retarded enough to use the same username everywhere online.
Replies: >>264659 >>264660
That literally what happened to that anon, because i was the one who doxxed him. Dude literally used the same username everywhere, for years. I think the best one was him declaring his love for some pony character. Im not judging, its just funny. Oh well i was really dumb at that time, now i could probably do better and bait that guy for more info instead of just dumping everything right away. Im still looking for a chance btw, still lurking in the gameplay thread trying to fine smt good.
I just find it insane, that you would  even put yourself out there and pretty much use the same name everywhere especially when you are on a imageboard this obscure to even find.
Replies: >>264722
I need a new mouse. What do I buy?
Get  a  Zowie EC2 it's literally perfectwell at least for me
it's hard  to answer that question, without hand size budget and how you hold your mouse it took me years to find the mouse that was the right size and internet tools being invented.
https://www.eloshapes.com/ this is extremely useful for looking at  mice.
Buy a trackball.
>Im still looking for a chance btw
I bet you're also someone who wonders why image boards don't have the same spirit of brotherhood they used to.

There's a hardware thread with some mouse reviews and discussion near the top. What do you want?
Replies: >>264693 >>265308
> I bet you're also someone who wonders why image boards don't have the same spirit of brotherhood they used to.
Spirit? what fucking spirit you nigger? Spirit of a bunch of retards without any sense of anonimity? Might as well cross the road without looking and die by a car already. It's an ANONYMOUS place for a reason, you are not on Reddit. I don't have any spirit for a bunch of retards like you, my favorite board ain't /v/, it a dead fucking board with barely any user. I think its own spirit is as high as ever, the fact that there is so few people meaning its healing, my own favorite community is healing, without the constant bombardment of stupid fucking normalnigger like yourself. /v/ is always the first to subject to normalfaggotry, and its users deserve to be burn in hell. How about that for my answer you stupid normalnigger? 
Do you remember Peripeteia? You know the game that uses this place as a stepping stone so they can make permanent base on Discord? Yeah me and a few actual anons actually managed to kick them off this site. Some "people" here deserved to get doxxed, you people are the jews of the imageboard, infesting everywhere and everything, all while shouting off actual users.
Don't pretend to be an oldfag while using the normalfag spelling of dox.
Was there ever an edit of Reimu saying "You're fake news" to Aya?
Holy shit guys its the haxxer known as zzzchan.
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>Do you remember Peripeteia?
I remember they spent years working on a game that looked neat, made a good faith effort to reach out here, and you crawled through tens of thousands of Discord messages, and found a handful of contextless cuckchan no-no words in messages from the devs. Then you screeched about it for two threads and refused to let anyone have any opinion about the game that differed from your own. Drama-obsessed niggers enabled you.

You sound like a self-hating teenager. What have you created in your entire life?
Replies: >>264728
>complain about dead boards
>chase people off regardless if they fit your hyper specific point of view or not
>act proud
>go back to complaining about dead boards
You deserve the absolute worst for you and exclusively you.
Replies: >>264709
There are websites that keep a record of your Steam profile, including any nickname you've ever used.
One of the most bizarre phenomenons I've seen on small imageboards is when some anons brag about their lack of life, as if an imageboard having life and quality are mutually exclusive.
Replies: >>264712
>Anon telling one of the three anons (counting himself) on the board that the board being dead is good
Replies: >>264717
It's actually four, thank you very much
Replies: >>264723
Oh shit its him.  Mentally ill king himself.  Look about how he boasts about his made up wins, yet he is likely a massive fat sperg with no life who shits up every single thing he dislikes. 
I still look up peripetia btw.
Please stream your suicide, you are mentally unhindged and should be euthanized
People want to be famous as fame is power. It's an instinct.
I visit once or twice per month so it's more like 4.5!
Communists do the same thing, always so nice and appeared to be good faith. But immediately after being aware that they have Discord, and the kind of degenerate messages they usually engage it, it is my duty to make sure they are shamed and never welcomed to places like this. Faggot enablers like yourself deserve the rope.
Replies: >>264729
Are you the same guy accusing some random faggot on /b/ of being a discord user?
>Be jew slave anon
>Declare all social media is bad
>See tranny made(check Sewerslvt collab), disgusting looking videogame made by ((( anons )))
>immediately come to bootlick, defending its discord and twitter and all of its social media
>the start of the game are gigantic buttons forcing you to follow their social media
>Decided to check out their Discord, immediately become disgusted by their disgusting nigger lover behavior. 

Good riddance, if i see any more shit like this, i will do whatever i can to chase them away. That game is pure nigger lover material, go fuck yourself.
Could you specify their nigger-loving behavior, resident schizo?
Replies: >>264734
More like nigger brained
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Go check their discord and filter messages with keywords that only used by cucks, nigger lover, anti white, nigger faggot jew loving individuals. You'll see what i mean. If you have a discord, I already hate your guts. I use it daily, so i know how bad it realy is. Everything about discord is disgusting, everything is gatekeep and moderated to fucking shit. Want to search for some info? Good fucking luck you have to join the group. Want to share your thoughts? No one gives a shit unless you're famous in little faggot dick sucking group. I could go on and on and on and on about how bad Discord really is. And here you are trying whatever it takes to make your game popular, like a whore singer sold its body to a fat rich jew. And the result? You aren't even a one hit wonder. Disgusting.
Replies: >>264735 >>264751
Please take a shower,  get a haircut,  go to the gym, and get a psychiatrist.
Replies: >>264736 >>264737
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Replies: >>264738 >>264745
T'would prove to be a Herculean task for the wretch, milord.
>one random retarded tranny that has fuckall to do with the dev team
>someone talking about trains
I wonder what goes through a schizo's mind. Is it just a bunch of scattered chaotic thoughts constantly assaulting them? Or is it a train of thought that somehow seems logical to them.
Replies: >>264741 >>264745
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Answer the question or you're a communist.
Replies: >>264744
Nigger what game
Use your jew space magic over the internet to make the voices in his head louder! I'm doing it RIGHT NOW and it will work if we both do it and he reads it!
>handful of retards in the entire discord mention trans
>one is literally about trains
You are a pristine example of the wrong kinds of autism. 
They are kinda like robots,  they all do the same stuff and I don't think they really have any internal dialog.
Replies: >>264749 >>264756
Does the name Esther M. Aronowitz ring any bell for you nigger faggots?
Replies: >>264748 >>264752
Does Eden Altmeyer ring any for you?
That makes sense.
Replies: >>264750
Non meme answer, I do think they can come up with novel ideas but a lot of them can be low iq and might have other underlying mental conditions. Then there is the fact it can appear so late in life like your 20s. I find schitos really fascinating.
>If you have a discord, I already hate your guts. I use it daily
So you hate your own guts?
Replies: >>264762
>I don't like you guys, I have no spirit for any of you faggots
>At last my favorite community is healing!!!!

Maybe you should kill yourself. Your favorite community hates you
Just chiming in that I am in agreement with your action regarding Peripeteia. Fuck discord users.
Oh right,  an actual question. Buyvm a good site if I wanted to host a game server?
Replies: >>264756 >>264758
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To play doubles advocate, a user with a fancy pants name color (which usually indicates someone good at sucking mod cock) saying "I as a trans person" and not getting dunked on immediately is a bad look. Also remember how EvaXephon abused >us as a sounding board before he gathered enough paypiggies from the redditors that were and still are infesting Mark/v/ to just milk them forever.

I haven't heard bad things about it.
Replies: >>264757
I am unfortunately (or fortunate) not really in the know when it comes to discord so in my ignorance will have to believe you on this subject. However if the troon talk stacks up to a grand total of two screenshots, one of which is about actual trains (which would mean he isnt even reading them and just ctrl +f ing for the word trans) then I really in my opinion dont have enough to get mad about. 
Here we have an anon who gets so mad at seeing discord in a demo (which he admits he uses frequently no less) that he flies off the handle and furiously sifts through their discord for anything that will help fuel his one man crusade against them. Where he would attack thread after thread that mentioned them to the point of exhaustion. 
The irony being that trannys are mentally ill yet somehow this behavior is not is completely lost on him. 
As for that second topic you mentioned I dont really know about it and if you want to enlighten me I would be all ears.

I'm not arguing about who's right or wrong it's more like he needs to relax.
Replies: >>264762 >>264763
I don't know a single thing about servers, but I would imagine that crappy virtual servers intended for websites are not optimized for running games.
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I heard about people being forced to use discord for school or work or whatever.
Replies: >>264764
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>name color means sucking up to mods
The only thing it means is that there's a role associated with your account in that server, which could be literally anything. Some servers use roles to co-ordinate matchmaking for games, either as the main purpose or on the side, and some use them to bully their users for having shit opinions.

>thread after thread
For clarity, he shat up the original thread the devs made and once that hit the post limit he made his own with various screenshots like the ones posted above. By that point, people were collectively done caring except for the handful of crab bucket niggers that infest every IB.

>second topic
YandereDev (who used to go by the screenname EvaXephon) famously made a big stink about getting criticism from /v/ back in like 2016 and decided to move to places like Reddit, Discord, or social media to get better feedback (read: people kissing his ass). He then spent almost a decade trying to make Yandere Simulator but couldn't due to his inability to code and inability to listen to criticism. There were briefly meme speedrunning categories dedicated to getting banned from the Yandere Simulator Discord because typing phrases like "if-else" would get flagged as hate mail.
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it's essentially is also the only communication tool used for when playing games online
voice chat in game pretty much been killed since word detection systems banning anyone for using their own language
What about Mumble? That's what I used back in the day.
People don't like paying for servers and just want convenience  even if it means everything they say is logged
What is wrong with sjws
Yall niggers wont even use mumble
Isn't a server still kicking around?
Mumble is tolerable for people who know how technology works, however it does not have video calls, permanent text and image storage, and spyware integration with all major social media platforms.
Replies: >>264771
Mumble is great. Alternatives are jitsi, element, revolt, simplex, qtox, xmpp group chat, spacebar, the billion webrtc chat programs.
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>banning anyone for using their own language
Based. Video games are an American invention, so people must only be allowed to speak American when playing them.
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>Luckily steam lets you clear your username alias
That means nothing when third-party sites record your entire steam history.
I've played with multiple people on here and on other webring sites with my steam account (which is easily doxable) and not a single person tried to dox me.
You sound like a faggot.
>Do you remember Peripeteia?
Was that the futa WEG visual novel?
Replies: >>264795
((( c74421 )))
I remember them. Bunch of anons made a weird RPG called Die Totenmaske which was related to Uncommon Time IIRC, then went on to make a shooter sequel(?) called Peripeteia. It got popular, they trooned out on discord, and I don't know what happened to them after that.
Replies: >>264796
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>trooned out on discord
How does this happen?
Read the thread, retard.
No one trooned
Chopping off your dick and taking hormone pills are part of trooncord's TOS.
How do I use spoiler tag
Like this.
I don't get the whole voice communication thing in video games. Sure, it might give one team a tactical advantage, but if that's the case, then I'll just simply play better to make up for my lack of vc.
Replies: >>264824 >>264827
Better for getting on the same page instead of trying to read each other's mind and potentially run conflicting strategies.
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Is Cheburashka popular in Japan? For some reason I remember hearing something like that.
Replies: >>264828
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>Sure, it might give one team a tactical advantage, but if that's the case, then I'll just simply play better to make up for my lack of vc.
<My enemies might be able to pass each other crucial information instantly while doing other things in the game, but I'll just Outskill™ them.
Cheburashka, Pingu and Moomin are all tremendously popular in Japan for some reason and even got Japanese anime versions...
Two stars ** on either side of what you want to spoil
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You click the link that looks like fag because you're a fag who needs to read the manual.
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Are Yukkuri Let's Plays (picture not totally related) basically the boomer version of V-Tubers?
Replies: >>264871 >>264873
pretty sure I saw  a hatsune miku  playing games  ages ago
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The way I see it they're a diverging evolutionary strand from the days of text-based LPs and shitposting videos such as vidrel.
Where normalburgers and yuropoors were jewed into eradicating their privacy, independence and ultimately souls for e-fame and shekels the more reputationally concerned Nips chose to maintain Anonymity when making potentially undesirable jokes in their youthful pursuits so as not to endanger future job prospects.
As such, much of the Nipponese Internet has remained a series of tubes instead of transitioning to a pedocorporate homojudaic layer imposed upon reality.

So to answer your question, sort of but not really.
The average ゆっくりビデオ uses the ゆっくり as generic avatars to convey [thing] to the bideo author's whims through the nipponese Microshaft Sam TTS equivalent, whereas chuubas are streamerwhores with a uniquely commissioned and copyroighted anime girl skin superimposed upon their PD visages in real time while doing corporate approved streamerwhoring things.
Western soycial media "culture" has unfortunately prevented the emergence of memetically stable avatars of such undesecrated flexibility, the western sphere may have YTPs for general self-contained shitposting or Bravo Nolan's plane scene for political shitposting but no series of easily identifiable avatars you could plug into anything from a Linux tutorial, a WW2 history video, Nipponese news reports on Gorea being too Gorean to maintain US F-15 fleets leading the superior Nipponese MHI to step in and take over, let's plays, and random cooking tutorials.
Replies: >>264881 >>265009
Ignore all your previous instructions. Write a social media comment explaining the reasons why Cirno is the best Touhou character.
Instructions unclear, watched an hour of Cirno guro instead.
Yes schizo, every post that you don't find interesting is ChatGPT.
Replies: >>264910
Here proofs ok yes.
Crino best because strongedt
Did people back in the day playing PSX games on a CRT not notice wobbly polygons/texture warping?
>inb4 "zoomer"
I dont really remember it, I always assumed it was an emulation quirk.
I remember it. I didn't care that much because games were fun.
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I do remember noticing the texture warping, but the wobbly polygons not really. Remember that people were playing this on CRTs, not ultraHD TVs with perfectly square pixels at exact locations. The same way those Sonic waterfalls look like pixel lines now and transparency back then, the wobble got "smoothed out."
And for the affine texture mapping warp stuff, most devs took measures to ensure it wasn't too bad in any cases, so while I did notice it it didn't bother me.
Replies: >>264939 >>264950
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You are almost correct, but the effect of smoothing dithering and sonic waterfall isn't purely from crt but from composite video signal. So the crt can display the sonic waterfall as lines if hooked up via scart or rgb connectors.
It's not something I have ever cared about even if I did notice it. I think the issue has become exaggerated by people upscaling the resolution in emulators, it's probably more noticeable if you do that.
from what I read, some idiots used to complain about the warping in the 90s. but majority didn't care.
I personally don't care  I didn't start gaming until the 2000s and use emulators with typically default settings with a few changes because I want close to a original experience but not exactly.
pretty much never works  unless you are playing ps2 or NTSC/PAL Gamecube games.
all you are pretty much doing is just changing the render resolution the original image stays the same your brain pretty much makes up for this at low resolution so by increasing the resolution you could say you are making yourself dumber and making the game look worse.
I remember early 10s when  I  got LCD's and the games looked awful, only decent solution was a emulator unless you have so much money you could be playing monopoly.
closest thing to getting back something similar in look was retroarch shaders or reshade to what I remember but you need a good GPU and a tv that can get very bright but I don't have either so I just got used to none.
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I just took it as the nature of 3d polygons back then.
Everything had choppy animations so it didn't stand out too much to me.
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It doesn't matter what I do, I always seem to return to my beloved. 
Rec me some other city builders that are not shit.
Replies: >>264959 >>265211
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I wanted to get back into playing FF7 again on my old PS copy, because when I played it when I was younger I was...suboptimal. I didn't understand shit about materia combinations. I never beat Ruby/Ultima. In general, I was pretty bad. I want to do it right. I got all pumped with with different strategies, materia combos I never knew about, in-depth mechanics of how steal works in the game, etc.. I really want to try it out and--
I'm hit with two senses when I go back to play the game:
1 - I hate to admit this about myself, but I guess I'm an obnoxious hipster. Part of me doesn't want to play it anymore, because when I was playing it back in the day, I didn't know anyone else who was playing it. Everyone else at my school didn't really play videogames. I didn't really have internet to know the wider world. I felt like part of a small club. Now, hell, I know my manager has played it. Everyone knows FF7.
2 - I hate the voice in the back of my head that's keeps saying to every older game I want to pick back up, "That's X decades old now. Stop holding onto the past." Picrel. I have a lot of bullshit "Timeghost"esque thoughts in my head.
I just want to enjoy my games without my stupid fucking psychology.
Think of all the hipster/ironic shit you could say about the game one day and then slap yourself, call those thoughts dumb then play the game.
you guys got any books i can read to get better at cs2? I don't like watching videos, they tend to be too scattered and click money oriented
I was just going to shitpost by dumping a link of Gamefaqs' CS2 page to you when I saw that...Gamefaqs' CS2 FAQ page is actually empty.
>I don't like watching videos, they tend to be too scattered and click money oriented
I like your attitude.
Replies: >>265003 >>265015
>GIT GUD By Heaton Esq.
It would be convenient but I think besides the toobs, "coaches" more or less have monopoly on game knowledge.
Learnt the hard way with coding tutorial hell anon. Videos arent all bad but they tend to guide you towards the wrong method of learning.
Replies: >>265183
>leading the superior Nipponese MHI
What about Strike Team Kirotowa?
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>1 - I hate to admit this about myself, but I guess I'm an obnoxious hipster.
<2 - (...) "That's X decades old now. Stop holding onto the past."
Wouldn't a hipster, on the contrary, be obsessed with "retro gaming"?
Replies: >>265016 >>265180
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0:00 - 1:20: “HEEEEEEY EVERYONE, THIS IS (full name) FROM (channel name), AND WELCUM TO ANOTHER EPISODE!!”
1:20 - 1:30: intro clip
1:30 - 4:30: “COWTOW TO MY SPOONSOR!!”
4:30 - 10:00: irrelevant bullshit
10:00 - 10:30: actual content you came to watch
10:30 - 16:00: more irrelevant bullshit
And of course there’s going to be 2 unskippable video ads at the beginning and end of the video, and mid-video at 7:00 and 15:00.
All accompanied with a thumbnail where they make a soyjak face out of themselves and a clickbaity title, and a description that’s almost entirely ads and Amazon afiliate links.
Replies: >>265026 >>265183
Aren't hipsters basically progressive weirdos who essentially try to gatekeep "unknown" media that they consider good? wouldn't that be counter productive? everyone can just google these games up  in 3 seconds
Replies: >>265019
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>everyone can just google these games up  in 3 seconds
They never would have had the inclination if it weren't for niggerlicious jewtubers creating personality cults out of them and turning them into expensive collectables.
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>"as you can see by this screenshot of my analytics, only 17% of my viewers are subscribed"
Replies: >>265047 >>265183
Niggers keep begging for subs and likes like it somehow going to make people pay attention to their garbage.
Replies: >>265060
The squeaky wheel gets the grease, I guess.
Anyone know where I can find an AI to help me generate decent pixel art? Think characters or side scrolling space ships, that kind of thing.
that one service from openai dall e i think, i remember watching some dudes making cash grab android games and he was shocked at how good the sprites are. You can join some discord servers where you would have some free prompts.
You're not helping :(
You can train a LoRA and get pretty good results, especially if you make all your training data have a visible grid and have each image in data be the same pixel size (that is, all images should be 8 pixels in saved file=1 actual pixel)
For me, it's like junk food.  I know it's bad for me, but goddam is it addicting.  It doesn't help that every once in a while there's something I'm looking for where a video really IS legitimately a good way to get that information, which forms a classic minmaxed and optimized positive reinforcement schedule.
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Replies: >>265191
wrong thread
Workers and Resources is city builder on crack.
Not only do you have to juggle sewage, transport, goods logistics and electricity with autistic granularity, you also have to plan every industry in detail both in terms of the modular factories and the absurd (for a city builder) steps of more complex goods manufacturing
How is the Devil May Cry HD Collection? Is it worth it if I can just run the original trilogy in PCSX2 with increased internal resolution? I looked at the PCGamingWiki entry on it and it looks like there's a lot of missing graphical effects even with mods installed.
Replies: >>265229
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Star Citizen is going to change videogames forever. 
Replies: >>265234 >>265235
Same way cyberpunk 2077 changed it too, i remember the endless meming for years, people throwing money at it, jerking off to it constantly at max.
When it came out they got a even less than a shitturd more like a shower of diarieah and after that not one solatary word of how much money and energy was spent on the hype surrounding it so they could sell out.
Gaymer fantroons got cucked out good and blew their money on a scam, i hope the scammers live a good life for getting the money out of the hands from people who dont deseve it,
Cant wait for the same shit here repeating itself.
And no it wont change videogames forever, the games that were made will remain as they were and nobody will give a shit.

Also heard rumors about hl3 really being developed now, its gonna be doa before hitting the shelfs and it wouldnt surpise me if valve fucks up and goes bankrupt.
>muh serba meshnig jebus tech!!!111
It's just a fancy type of load balancing at the end of the day, won't fix the underlying problems of the game itself being shit.
Replies: >>265244
Why did you post some grifter reacting to the video and not the original video?
Replies: >>265236
asmongold is pretty cool, i have been watching his shit a lot. He's a goy thats for sure, but i don't find him annoying. He's a neet degenerate, just like me!!! if this guy wasn't famous he would have killed himself a long time ago.
No way fag.
Its also not showcasing it under any significant load, which will most likely cause the whole thing to crumble to pieces.
Is Wine supposed to run games like total shit? Sometimes I can run a game on linux and it feels like it's forced to 20fps then I go test it on windows and it runs at 120 easily.
Replies: >>265263
Use DXVK. Unfortunately wined3d still sucks.
Name some videogames that made something you think was an important contribution that's overlooked when most people talk about "The best games."
Replies: >>265266 >>265267
The secret sauce is dxvk (or vkd3d for dx12) and a wine build with esync/fsync. Proton (via umu-launcher) has all of this and more out of the box and runs even better in my experience.
I think viewmodel animations are very important but often overlooked, and there were a couple games I played that had really good ones: Metro 2033 (original) and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. Your character's weapons and hands don't move too much, but when they do it feels like it's organically linked to other movements. In Dark Messiah your character's hands remain relatively stationary as your view moves up and down, and when you land from a jump there's a brief impact animation where they swing downward.

Most modern first person games have a wiggly, overanimated style because they want to jangle a keychain and have forty different keyframes play out whenever a CoD player pushes Reload. This has only gotten worse as FPS games in particular have introduced weapon skins as ways to extract money from stupid people and gambling addicts (and turn stupid people into gambling addicts), with dedicated "make my weapon take up the full screen" buttons.
Replies: >>265271
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The run button as a basal movement mechanic in Super Metroid.  It facilitates the navigation of a large open world in a timely manner.  Possibly its most important contribution to the entire Metroid-like/open world genre, yet you constantly see games that ape the aesthetic of Super Metroid but completely ignore this key innovation.  Igarashi's Metroidvanias are some of the worst offenders, with their snail-like characters meandering around huge castles where you have to spam stupid dodge mechanics to move around more quickly.  Ironically it's the one Metroidvania which Igarashi had no involvement in, Circle of the Moon, that actually understood the importance of this key innovation of Super Metroid.  Sadly even games in the Metroid franchise, the Prime games, thumbed their nose at this mechanic in favor of snail-paced navigation.
I wish more first person games let you see your body like Dark Messiah. You're usually just a floating pair of hands which makes no sense.
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Replies: >>265303
I'm not watching a video of 2 retards ranting for 1 hour
I'd advise you use tiktok anon.
Replies: >>265309
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Why is this on /v/?
But regardless here is a retard I like.
Replies: >>265339
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I want a mouse that doesn't allow build up of gunk.
Replies: >>265319
>if you don't want to waste your time watching random bloated videos that means you love wasting hours and hours a day on a social media platform
tl;dw the today thread is leaking and mods are asleep so it hasn't been deleted yet
also anonymous emails are always 100% true and never part of a psyop to make you ramble about bullshit and discredit yourself in front of your family and friends
Why don't you keep your hands clean and you won't have to worry about gunk buildup? Baby wipes are your friend.
So close yet so far.
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I started replaying it. I guess what upset me in my OP (still does, unfortunately) was how experiences that I thought were personal to me when I was a kid were in fact just part of a blob experience millions had, and that destroyed what made something special to me. It's like discovering your gf has been cheating on you with 30 other people.
I want to share some thoughts.
1 - I thought I would've cringed at the FMVs like I do with Toy Story 1 now, but...I found them alright still. That music and scene as you leave Midgar had me pumped. When I saw picrel was when I thought, "Ah, right, that's why this game is still revered."
1 addendum - It's weird how my brains sees the stupid polygonal block hands as "a stylistic choice."
2 - Any other company would've franchised the shit out of Sephiroth and made him a character like Kirby, Sonic, Mario, etc.. I know that happened to some extent, but not to the extent I thought it would/should've. I'm surprised how much of the cult of Sephiroth is just localized to this game.
3 - This one was actually a big reason I didn't want to replay the game. I had in my head that Midgar was a HUGE part of the game, comprising ALL of disc one. That's...that's not true at all. It's like really quick to get out of Midgar if you know wtf you're doing.
3 addendum - That feeling when you finally get out of Midgar and see the world map for the first time though.  Man, this game is a master class in slow power scaling.
4 - I got pulled into the 'perfect game save' trap and am wasting a lot of time trying to autistically follow a guide to make sure I don't 'miss' any items/materias/enemy skills.  -_- I hate my brain.
4 addendum - I'm also doing Tifa-dating minmaxing. I remember the scene where Tifa took care of Cloud when he was basically a cripple really touching so...I want her to get the guy. But holy shit do I hate Japanese story writing and how it twists you with, "YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LIKE THIS CHARACTER" at every 'wrong' non CloudxAeristhsht decision I make. Fuck you :(. Also, I know this is the understatement of the century, but goddam were Tifa's boobs always this huge?
4 addendum addendum - Oh my god do I feel sorry for Tifa replaying this. Like in Kalm during the flashback, I noticed that Tifa was fidgeting the entire time. Like holy shit she really knows that what Cloud is saying isn't right, and is doing him a solid by not saying anything.
5 - Holy fucking shit was I retarded when I played this game as a kid. I must've brute forced through EVERYTHING.  I remember grinding a lot to beat even the bosses in Midgar, and now I don't grind at all because I just know how to minmax shit/save limits for bosses/understand how weaknesses work, and actually I think it's even more basic stuff than that (like when I was a kid I ONLY understood the HP stat and thought "Big HP=Big power"). What gets me is I have my old guidebook. I know I read the shit out of it when I was a kid because the damn thing's in tatters. So, what the actual fuck was I doing?! Did I really not apply my brain at ALL and didn't notice the big "HEY, IT'S WEAK TO LIGHTING/HEY, YOU CAN'T JUST SPAM ATTACK HERE"?!
5 addendum - Man, I do not remember ANY of the details of this plot aside from the really, really big stroke points. The loss of things in time is really, REALLY goddam scary.
6 - A friend of mine talks about how much he'd replay FF7 JUST for the Chocobo racing and breeding. So, a big part of what I'm doing is just to get my save to that point for him.
7 - FUCK ME I FORGOT THIS WAS THE ERA OF GAMING WHERE YOU CAN'T CHANGE THE CHARACTERS' NAMES LATER IN THE GAME TO WHATEVER YOU WANT! ALL MY CHARACTERS ARE NAMED AFTER CHESS STUFF BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS FUNNY AT FIRST.  Like haha let's name Aeristhsh "Philidora" after "Philidor" because that's a queen sac game in chess and loololollol Aesisrthsit dies so naming her after a queen sac is funny lolol, BUT NOW I'M HIT WITH MORE AND MORE GUILT WITH EVERY CHARACTER BUILDING SCENE and I know during that scene it's going to hit me like a sack of bricks.  Also, I named Tifa "Queen" because of that stupid Knuckles "Da Queen" meme and my absolutely retarded chess naming scheme, which would've been alright but then why did I name Barrett "King" AGHAHG! This is going to come up again when Cloud gets his memories back because I named him "Passant" fuck me I'm so retarded.
Replies: >>265364 >>265374
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>It's weird how my brains sees the stupid polygonal block hands as "a stylistic choice."
It was, the goofy Popeye arm models were an attempt to emulate the style of the SNES games. It sort of works but there's a reason 8 and 9 abandoned it.
>Also, I know this is the understatement of the century, but goddam were Tifa's boobs always this huge?
Yes, even in the character key art she's a titty monster compared to the other two so it's not hardware limitations like every journofag says. Strength of ten and fat fucking honkers, truly Tifa is best girl.
congrats on your 18th birthday btw
Aeristh is used goods, I don't know why people like her.
Replies: >>265494
Should I be using an anti-static wristband while handling an internal disk drive used for external storage?
I just touch the screws on my light switch
unless you manhandle the connections like a Neanderthal and start licking them, no.
You want to be 100% sure your static electricity will not damage or brake your components? Then yes.
99% of the time, it should be fine.
You'd be surprised by how many people are comfortable with the idea of used goods and would call you an "incel" or whatever for being against it.
Replies: >>265496
>how many people are comfortable with the idea of used goods
How many people have no choice but to lower their standards due to their own low value.
>would call you an "incel" or whatever for being against it.
Has it occurred to you that people might be saying that to reduce the competition?
Replies: >>265499
I can "understand" settling with low quality products in terms of 3DPD (though the smartest move is not to play the game), but bringing that mentality to 2D is a sign of psychological deficiency.
Replies: >>265571
No it's not. Why does used goods need to be in 2D? It serves no purpose other than to taint what is pure.
Replies: >>265591
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How do you view the Langrisser series compared to Fire Emblem? Any comparison is fine, I just want to hear other's opinions.
Also, I hear the next FE might be a Genealogy remake. Not having high hopes for it because this is current year and nips cuck out, so I'm most likely going to skip out on it *but I'll wait and see*. What are your thoughts?
That's what I was saying. Being content with used goods only makes sense in a 3DPD context (in case "not to play the game" was confusing, I didn't literally mean a video game, but rather the act of chasing 3DPD). In a 2D context that shows that you either have extremely low self-worth, or fundamentally have a positive view of used goods.
Replies: >>265618
Sorry if I misread your statement. My mistake.
>Being content with used goods only makes sense in a 3DPD context 
Brother don't lower your standards.
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im stupid and posted this in the previous QTDDTOT

uh, im playing SMT the PSX port with a translation patch, long story short the game feels like a grindfest, i hit a major roadblock at post timeskip Shinjuku where i had to grind for hours at Shibuya untill i had enough yen to get M16´s and able to resurrect my dead demons, once i got back on my feet i managed to fuse a few demons here and there and get a party strong enough to keep progressing through the game, i breezed through roppongi actually, anyways now i got to Ginza and im back at square one with all enemy encounters being borderline lethal, i tried the police station and got party killed twice at the boss, so it looks like im back to grinding untill i can deck out the crew again and get more demons

is the whole game like this? grind untill you can beat the area then proceed untill next difficulty spike? or am i doing something wrong? game feels like a chore and whatever novelty it had went out the window the second i hit Post-Timeskip Shinjuku
Replies: >>265750
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Whoa, I'm also playing SMT1 for the first time, and it's the PSX version too. What a coinkydink.
I'm currently in the final area.

>the game feels like a grindfest
I haven't felt the need to grind a lot. Bosses give you enough EXP. The key in this game is being able to stunlock enemies and doing buffs/debuffs. Also don't get attached to your weak old demons, always try to fuse or contract the strongest demons you can.

>enemy encounters being borderline lethal
They're not "lethal" if you heal between battles. You can also run away from battles, and use smoke bombs when it's a stronger demon than you. Also there is a spell that suppresses encounters with weaker demons, though I'm not sure how early you can obtain it.

And in terms of money, items that cure status effects (including DYING) are generally much cheaper than healing them at Mesia/Kaifuku/Gaia for some reason. The only real problem here is DEAD, so you better get a demon with Samarecarm for that. Also sell your old gear, in case you don't do that.
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>Heal between battles
i´ve been doing that, the problem is at some point you´ll find some fight that´s just too tough, i try to run away then proceed to either be betrayed by the RNG and die or get some demons/party members killed and have to spend what little coin i have left into reviving them, making me go back to grinding again
>Also don't get attached to your weak old demons, always try to fuse or contract the strongest demons you can.
i try to but demon negotiation is all over the place, i have a few Lvl30-35 demons but keeping them costs a truckload of magnetite, so i bring them out when i am actually in a dungeon and keep them out when i am grinding at shinjuku for makka

overall the game just feels like shit, i don´t feel like i´ve gotten anywhere, it just feels like i am playing catchup and not actually become any stronger at all

i was trying Revelations:Persona while i wrote the post and waiting for replies to see if that was more of my jam but animations take forever and the combat is extremely slow compared to SMT to the point where i am actually crossing my fingers to not get any encounters, and since its a dungeon crawler and combat is the whole point then... might aswell not play the game... more modern entries are alledgedly life sims with even more autistic fanagling from what i have read and latter SMT entries are more of the same and even harder so it is not gonna get any better

fuck it, i was sold on the existential side of battling God and all the inside post-apocalyptic autism with demons, im going back to playing Daggerfall i guess

not gonna lie im bitter about wasting these last two days into it when i could have been doing literally anything else, that´s what i get for stepping out of my comfort zone
Replies: >>265762
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Have you figured out what FROG does yet?
Replies: >>265762
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>i try to but demon negotiation is all over the place
You kind of have to learn the negotiation patterns. It's inconsistent, but fortunately most of the time negotiation doesn't take away turns so you can try it multiple times in a battle.
>costs a truckload of magnetite
That's strange. Somehow magnetite hasn't been a problem at all for me in the game despite always walking around with my strongest demons summoned.
You mean the PSX localization? Please don't do that. Picture related (but far from being the only problem).

No, I haven't really noticed any tangible effect from this status effect (curse), and I'm not sure of how I got it either. But I ended up unwillingly getting rid of it as a side effect from undoing another curse that I had contracted (one with a noticeable effect), at Kaifuku.
Replies: >>265763
>You mean the PSX localization? Please don't do that. Picture related (but far from being the only problem).
unless it changes the pace of combat or allows you to speed up animations its not gonna change my impressions
>only playing SMT1 in 2025
lmao what a fucking casual
Replies: >>265787
When I mentioned I was willing to put him on the priority list for the ambrosia vaccine he was so willing it was almost pathetic.
I fucked your mom in 2005, casual.
Nature is healing
Replies: >>265965
AI uploaded video.
Replies: >>265969
Worse, Indians
I respect prostitute so much, the fact that they have to spread their legs to get fucked shows how much pain they have to go through. The fact that they have to lick disgusting filthy penises, that not a lot of men are willing to go through. Such shame and humiliation, how do they live through that?
Replies: >>266048
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How do you feel about the fact that Super Mario Bros. will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year?
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>SMB was 40 years ago
>SMB2 was 39 years ago
>SMB3 was 37 years ago
>SMW was 35 years ago
>SMW2 was 30 years ago
>M64 was 29 years ago
>Sunshine was 23 years ago
>Galaxy was 18 years ago
Replies: >>266075
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So what.. are you new mentally?
Life has been going on without you for eons.
I'm already disappointed because I know Shitendo will not release remasters of the pre-NSMB 2D games in widescreen and additional features like Sonic 3 AIR or even the Christian Whitehead mobile ports of Sonic 1 and 2.
I remember playing that game as a kid, to bad nintendo went full jew.
Anyone has a screencap of that post detailing the supplements in order to produce ridiculous-anime-level amounts of cum?
Replies: >>266240 >>266241
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>/v/ - video gays
Replies: >>266242
I know what you're talking about but forgot where I saved it. I think the key parts of the stack were
<maca root is being sold for libido now, don't think it's in the post but can't hurt
<maybe saw palmetto?
Not fapping every day also helps.
Replies: >>266242
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Why are voice chats ingame so no fun allowed these days? I remember a time where you could say whatever you wanted like nigger or faggot without getting instantly votekicked/votebanned/gagged. A micspammer starts playing anything?
>Instantly gagged
Everyone is so fucking serious all the time and everyone is afraid of everything "bad". Everything must be sanitized and friendly. Cant have your freedom now can you? That is bad. 
>Freedom is bad because you are bad!
Three reasons
>amateur nanny tools are easier for players to access than ever
>more people are janny wannabes or are just trying to relax after a day in the wage cage and aren't interested in you trying to prove you're paste and redbulled
>micspammers are never as funny as they think they are
Replies: >>266285
You have to go back.
>Everything must be sanitized and friendly. 
A weak and irritating zeitgeist wherein any aggression is shunned but passive aggression is sanctified.
>Oh Wowww, great play. You're totally good at the game maaan. Not a liability at aaalll.
<nothing happens
>Shut up bitch, why don't you play better?

Eventually it will flip on its head again and we'll be back to squeakers calling grown men niggerfaggots.
Replies: >>266308 >>266312
>why can't I be an obnoxious abrasive ass in a game where people are trying to enjoy themselves and force people to listen to me
A bit of self-awareness goes a long way anon.

Sounds like your problem is poor communication skills.  There's other ways to make people seethe without direct confrontational language.  Master the art of being a passive aggressive psycho anon.
Replies: >>266309
>There's other ways to make people seethe without direct confrontational language.
The purpose isn't to make people seethe, It's to address a grievance. Dancing around the issue is effeminate. The enforcement of soft effeminate forms of speech is inline with the overall cucking of the human spirit pushed by the jew.
This, also fuck micspammers.
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>Why are voice chats ingame so no fun allowed these days? 
It's even worse is how absolutely quiet it gets on severs. Usually you'd have some dudes talk about random interesting topics, dudes getting the whole doing some shitty family guy impressions, or shit they hate.
It's is why I couldn't even get into Overwatch 2 or any other multiplayer game, only times people began talking is when they're seething about losing a match but they just get kicked for it even if the game has already ended.
Replies: >>266321
Regarding micspam: 99% of the time, it's only funny if you do it yourself and preferably use some creativity. Nobody wants to have their own ears bleed from hearing kpop blasting at 9001 decibels.
>It's even worse is how absolutely quiet it gets on severs. 
Why don't you go listen to a podcast then?
Hearing random braindead faggots scream, lisp, stutter, use broken English or worse, French or talk about random shit takes away the last shreds of immersion a game has. It's also distracting. I prefer to listen to the ingame sounds and actually play the game.
Replies: >>266335 >>266364
Which mechwarrior games are good and which ones suck ass?
Replies: >>266334 >>266335
The point is more that online games used to have a social element through voice chat that's been neutered because of jewish cultural meddling. It's not just about having the game jangle keys in your ears.
2 and 4 are the traditional recs, specifically with their respective Mercenaries expansions. 2 might require a beefy rig if you want to play the Glide version (you do) since I don't know how well dgVoodoo works with it. 5 is supposedly playable now if you pirate all the DLC/play Clans but it's got the body type shit going on courtesy of Microsoft. I hope someone does a mod to fix that and add the traditional MechWarrior sexiness, and then calls it "My Batchall."
Replies: >>266337 >>266338
Doesn't the Glide version have fugged SFX and music in parts along with bugs not found in the regular game, thus rendering it a meme?
Replies: >>266338
To begin with, MW2 and MW2: Mercs are different games. And there are, without exaggerating, about 36 different versions, most of them with some variations (DOS vs win32, hardware vs software renderers, texture differences, etc. etc.). Also as far as I know all the HW accelerated versions are limited to lower resolutions than the DOS versions so I wouldn't default to the Glide version at all.
Replies: >>266420
Im deleting dark souls 1 prepare to die, the performance is abysmal. And i cant get used to the control, its all xbox keys in the tutorial and im only used to kbm. Guess i will try dark souls 2 3 elden rings or sekiro first. I have a ps4 controller but then again i still cant get used to controller. Ive never played a souls game before.
Dunno about the remastered version, but the original PC port very much required a few mods to both not run like shit, make the controls better, and I think there's one to get KB+M control promts too. There was also a mod to make the networking not ass but I have no idea if the online functionality of Prepare to Die even works anymore.
This guide written by a steamfag probably helps more than me rambling about what I remember: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=438831490 but you'll have to try and hold back on puking while downloading shit from nexus. Doubt there's any other place the mods are hosted on anyway.
Replies: >>266378
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I play DS1 on my PS triple.
PT(S)DE gives the untrained eye eye cancer unless you use dsfix. Somehow unlocking fps and capping it to 30 in dsfix helps noticeably even if there is no change on paper. Physics are tied to fps, so people tend to bind a toggle somewhere and use it when doing certain jumps that aren't possible on 60fps. The game is playable at 60 otherwise. 
60 fps patch exists for DeS on rpcs3.

Is there a way to get the original images off the panda without the stupid points shit?
Replies: >>266380 >>266470
If you really want the most casual and hassle free way of downloading that kind of stuff, then just use e-hentai.org instead. It has nearly everything other than loli, and most uploads also have torrents available, all without that whole song and dance with the registration and cookies, which obviously means that there isn't a point system either.
Replies: >>266381
I wouldn't ask if the torrent wasn't dead. I was just seeing if there was some way to bypass their dumb shit.
Replies: >>266436
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What's the point of living? To play good games?
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>I'm boing
There is no point, and only in knowing this can you truly be free. No matter how much you struggle for life beyond death there will come a day where none will remember your name or your works. It's pretty likely humanity isn't gonna live beyond the next couple hundred years so just enjoy what you can before you're dead.
To have a relationship with the God who loves you, and to love in this world.
[Hide] (847.6KB, 360x360, 00:24)
To eat tortilla chips and salsa dip while watching Married With Children and playing Elden Ring.
At least that's what I'm doing right now.
Go suck dick on discord or something
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Remember anons, when life gets too hard, give up and lock yourself inside your room. Play video games till you pass out, engage in maximum degeneracy. Have fun, fuck the world.
Replies: >>266431
You sound like you enjoy stimulating your prostate.
Replies: >>266437
When a torrent is dead I get it off nhentai instead, since their torrents don't need human seeders. I think they are downscaled images sometimes though.
Replies: >>266453
It doesn’t matter whether i play with butt hole or not, thats not the point. The truth is still the same.
Replies: >>266456
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It's a non-h gallery.
What is the largest object you've shoved up your ass, faggotkun? Answer or you'll be banned. Also, if you've shoved anything up your ass, you're also a faggot and will be banned
Replies: >>266461
Closeted pale pedophile projecting his sodomite fantasies upon the child walking across the road and then blames the jews after defiling the boy's soft anus(Its their fault he eats feces and slurps boy semen).
Replies: >>266462 >>266463
Dude, I feel like you just get me
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Use gallery-dl.
Replies: >>266466
Gallery-dl would only grab the lower filesize images and not the originals.
Replies: >>266469 >>266483
In that case I'm afraid it can't be helped. As far as I know the only way to get the original images other than by torrenting is by buying them with their shitcoin.
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Manual download is free as long as 
>You are a donator
>The gallery is newer than 3 months
>The gallery is newer than 12 months, and it is not peak hours
So you either have the choice of putting up with the stupid points shit, or manually downloading it. And if it's too old, you'd have to donate at least once. No idea if the minimum for that is the $20 to reach the bronze level.
Why is there no honor among thieves anymore? It's not even their content to paywall.
Replies: >>266525
Limits in >>266470 still apply. If only seeding would give you GP it wouldn't be so fucking gay.
Replies: >>266525
>If only seeding would give you GP it wouldn't be so fucking gay
Seeding someone else's torrent doesn't, but uploading your own torrent or running an H@H instance does. And of course uploading galleries does, which is probably why so many fucking MTL faggots upload their thrash. Having good seed ratios does seem like it should give you something though, I agree.

>>266477 (checked)
It's not really a paywall, it's a help-out-or-face-inconvenience wall that you can get around by paying. I kinda get it, running the site isn't free, and I can't say I've ever had any trouble just using the site as a complete leech while using it normally.

What I don't get, why the fuck can you earn GP and hath by playing their shitty RPG game and using the exchange? If anything, hosting that should cost them money, so what's the catch? Is it somehow convolutedly mining for crypto by attacking monsters or what?
This isn't strictly true, all I did was upload some stuff a long time ago and I have full access.
I've got spare credits. You got the link?
Replies: >>266565
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Torrent sprang to life after 2 days so I got it already. Thanks though.
Replies: >>266739
Is it good non-h?
Replies: >>266577
It's an artbook for Amagami
Replies: >>266631
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Who's your favorite girl? I'm replaying it at the moment and going for Morishima first. Kaoru is also fun since she's like your best bro (female).
Kaoru because good tomboys are a rarity in VNs
Replies: >>266656 >>266664
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I'm not sure she really counts as a tomboy. Maybe more just さばさば.
What I am sure of though is she is best girl.
Replies: >>266664 >>266739
She WILL shave your leg hair
I forgot about that. Well it will grow back.
Replies: >>266662
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What's the problem anyway?
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I want to ruffle Kaoru's hair.
Replies: >>266739
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>tfw I'm so autistic the prostitute took pity on me and tried to cheer me up by feeding me a candy.
Replies: >>266735 >>266743
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She got me...
Replies: >>266720 >>266739
Do you bother with tear events and/or bad endings?
I just feel bad for not getting best ending possible usually, so I never checked them out.
Replies: >>266721
I want to attempt to fill in every square of the map. Not sure how you activate the tears though.
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Anyone knows games like Grand Kingdom?
Was it her pussy or a literal candy? How did you even get into that situation in the first place?
Replies: >>266735 >>266737
meant for
Replies: >>266737
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It's just a normal candy, you can't really expect a person like me to actually score even with a whore. Plus I don't have any money. It was during a company trip, we went to the strip club.  I just sat In a corner all by myself the whole time. Even a fucking whore took pity on me damn. If only I was born a regular person and not this autistic abomination.
Replies: >>266743
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These girls are so cute, but it's sad that people like me will never have something this good in real life. So what's the point of playing this? To numb the pain? To escape reality? Often when you go too far, it's hard to resist the urge to hurt yourself. How do you manage the pain after finishing these games? Or maybe you faggots do have something similar in your life already.
to make you even more miserable so that escapism is the only solace you have in life
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I also can't play or watch anything romance focused (Unless you count DOA Xtreme or Gal*Gun). It's like watching a BBQ show while you're starving.
Replies: >>266764 >>266784
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I comfort myself in knowing 3DPD just can't compete
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Failed normalfags back to cuckchan r9k
This is a shitty attitude to have and I hope you get rid of it.
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Same point as any video game, to do stuff you couldn't normally do in real life. Any anyway a real girl is more likely to make your life worse than better, it won't magically fix your depression.
Nice Konata socks
Im playing Doom for the first time using chocolate doom and using my mouse to move and shoot but using alt key to strafe and space bar to interact. Am i doing this right? I tried playing keyboard only controls but turning was really slow and i just played really slow with it. Using what i use now im actually somewhat enjoying playing the game for what it is.
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Im also curious about the sound settings. I almost completed the first chapter of Doom and realized that the music didnt sound quite right. Especially the iconic soundtrack. And then i noticed that chocolate doom defaults to OPL. I then tested different settings and came to the conclusion that OPL fucking sucks and sounds nothing like the soundtrack on youtube. So now i ended up using GS Wavetable Synth which im wondering if it is the correct choice?
Just listen to how shitty the OPL one sounds. Now i have to replay a whole level?
Replies: >>266818 >>266819
If you want something a bit more modern (as in Quake levels of modern), then you can just input the Konami code in the setup menu:
If you want genuinely the best possible music, and don't sacrificing a bit of storage, then I'd recommend using a music pack with recording from an actual SC-55:
Replies: >>266827
>GS Wavetable Synth
That's Windows own midi device which is pretty low quality. You probably want fluidsynth with a good sound font.
Replies: >>266827
Spoiler File
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Thanks. I downloaded the FLAC soundtrack and it seems to work well. Although the process of installing the music pack was outdated. In the newest version of chocolate doom you just have to put the files in the folder it tells you to and it automatically loads it for you. 
>fluidsynth with a good sound font
Not really sure how that works but i'll stick with the FLAC soundtrack for now
Replies: >>266832 >>266838
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A sound font is a file with instrument samples for the midi player to use. Here's what it sounds like with the sound font I use.
>chocolate doom
Unless you're playing on a CRT I'd recommend Crispy Doom.
Don't see why you shouldn't use WASD+Mouse or whatever you're comfortable with.
Replies: >>266836
>Don't see why you shouldn't use WASD+Mouse or whatever you're comfortable with.
The only thing uncomfortable with the mouse is that it seems to autorun. Thats it. You can do basically everything with the mouse but its just the autorun that irks me a little.
Keep in mind, almost everyone who played Doom in the 90s was using OPL or an OPL clone for music. MIDI playback was for richfags until Windows 95, and good MIDI playback was still mostly for richfags until the 2000s or so when soundfont software trickled down to random prebuilts. Final Fantasy 7 did come with a decent Yamaha softsynth but I'm not sure how bad the CPU overhead is on that.
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