/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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Last thread: >>249891
Dumb inane questions that would receive two replies at most, one-liners, small tidbits and other videogame paraphernalia. If you've got any, post them here.

I'd ask something pertinent to start the thread with but in all honesty I don't feel like it. Too tired.
Replies: >>257989
I thought reply limit was 500 posts, is it different on all boards?
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Copying from the last thread.
Anyone played the RetroAryan port of 洞窟物語? How well does it work overall, and how well does it work on the Vita specifically? Can you use the original assets and play in Japanese?
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What ever happened to that Zchan doom community mapping thread? Did they call it quits or something?
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Can anyone "red-pill" me on this game? The Wikipedia page has some quotes that are worded a bit ominously:
>The developers describe the game as a "heroic RPG" that serves as a "life-sized" portrayal of youth for women, themed around "human essence" and connections between people. The central concept is interaction between women, with the player character growing as a person through experiences she shares with her classmates, such as the beginnings and endings of friendships
>Cory Arnold of Destructoid described the game as looking "crazy fun", likening it to a mix between Persona, Atelier, Final Fantasy X, and Ni no Kuni, and urged people to discard any "anime prejudices" they might hold
Is the game sincerely moe or is it subversive?
Replies: >>256828
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i love this game. both of them. its yuri and transformation magical girl but with a more serious tone but doesnt take itself too seriously.. lower budget but good graphics.
It's got some dramatic deep shit. top tier soundtrack. The second game adds an element of base building and living in a school on a desert island with a bunch of girls. the first game is lewder where you being trapped in the school is more like a hallucination rather than the reality.

i have tons of screenshots and videos of both games. what exactly are you curious about?
Replies: >>256829 >>256830
whats the gameplay like in this game?
Replies: >>256831
>what exactly are you curious about?
Maybe I'm a bit schizo but the greentext, particularly the parts in bold, rubbed me the wrong way. Like they're implying that the game isn't really otaku-pandering but rather has a more pretentious and preachy (social justice-adjacent) angle.
Replies: >>256831
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the first one is a pretty standard linear jrpg. you make friends with girls until a girl freaks out for 1 of 3 reasons, you enter their brain (1 of 3 worlds) and you fight your way through and fight a boss at the end to fix her problem. you walk around making friends and figuring out whats going on as demons attack the school you all attend while the world outside remains frozen.

The second one is alittle more complex. you wake up in a school in the middle of an endless ocean trapped there with girls, entering worlds where you find new girls and increase the population of yuri schoolgirl island.

theyre both pretty short games. not too diffiult or anything, not grindy. this one you can date the girls, walk around holding hands to become better friends, which unlock new attacks and abilities. more environments and bosses.

yuri schoolgirl island? pozzed? no.
no, not at all. its all based on an artist who primary draws yuri.
Replies: >>260096
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really all you need to know.
Replies: >>256835
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Replies: >>256835
How easy is it to decensor it and patch the good shit back in?
Those games were censored? Is it in some re-release? Or in the localization?
Replies: >>256869
I don't remember those games being censored.
Replies: >>256869
Just doing a quick search shows the model viewer prevents vertical tilt but there's a program to fix that.
Replies: >>256870
Is that in the first game? And is it present in the (JP) Vita version? If so, this might be a long shot, but is that mod available for the (JP) Vita version too?
Replies: >>256874 >>256875
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Pretty sure it was just censored in the localized version. I just booted up my Japanese PS4 version and you can rotate them vertically.
Replies: >>256882 >>256887
This is what I found: https://ayuanx.wordpress.com/2017/12/21/blue-reflection-camera-tweak/
I looked up some things and allegedly the censorship was added back to the Japanese version through an update. I don't know if that's true and I don't know if that affects the Vita version. I also don't know if the update added any good things like bug fixes or some new "content", but I assume it did.
How early into the game can you unlock the model viewer? I downloaded the game through NPS to my Vita and when I get to play it I'd like to unlock the model viewer, then back up my save and apply the update you can find on NPS, and see if the model viewer is now censored. If it's not, I'll just keep playing on the updated version. If it is censored, I'll delete the update and revert my save (if it gets corrupted).
Replies: >>256884
I think I have the latest version though. It's 1.05.
most of the screenshots i posted were from the ps4 version. the screenshots from the 2nd one were from a pirated version on PC.  Both games are available on PC and very easy to pirate with all DLCs which is just cute outfits. don't buy video games.
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Subhumans that censor this need a bullet in the head.
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Is it wise to emulate the Gamecube version of Beyond Good & Evil in CY+9 or does the PC version have merits of its own?
The latter's lack of controller support is rather concerning.
Why isn't the agdg troll banned already?
Replies: >>256934 >>256937
Management doesn't think he's a problem going by the last time we discussed this.
Replies: >>256937
 Orphaned Qs
His posts were deleted after people informed the mods why he's such a fag. Maybe make a post in the meta thread and then report that?
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Best old Win7 64-bit laptop?
Replies: >>256979
On a scale from 1-10 how overrated is FFX?
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Replies: >>256978
I guess?
More like the game is shit & it only has a couple attractive girls.
Well technically it is.
Most likely a Thinkpad, but depends on what you want to do with it.
Replies: >>256980
Just programming and coding stuff.
Speaking of that, does FFX have nigger characters?
Replies: >>256987
Not unless (You) are the one playing.
What is the best Animal Crossing game that you anons could recommend? I've only played New Horizons but I've heard some off talk that it's the worst Animal Crossing. What do you faggots think? I'm bored
Animal crossing is pretty boring but if you have to play it play the gamecube one.
Gamecube one unless you are a normalfag who has friends, in which case New Horizons.
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>I'm bored
Then why don't you play anything else other than Animal Collective?
Shit blows, the fucking Sims values your time more as far as life simulators go.
Would an S4 gamenight be a terrible idea now that the board's so dead?
Replies: >>257031
I used to play New Leaf every morning while taking a shit. It was comfy.
I haven't played New Horizons but I looks like it has the most customization, so It's probably worth a try.
Replies: >>257032
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There's only one game that Anons universally love playing.
>doing things while shitting
Subhuman behavior.
its called multitasking
>he doesn't take advantage of modern conveniences to enjoy every waking moment of his life
Caveman mindset
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This is how my morning shit usually goes:
>10 minutes of lurking other boards
>5-10 minutes of Japanese learning
>5-8 minutes of playing a game on my vita to kickstart my brain
>once I'm done I put up a song while I'm wiping leftover mustard.
I don't like having a rushed shit because it feels like I didn't let all out.
Replies: >>257036
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>takes him 20 to 40 minutes a day to peepeepoopoo
what the fuck do people do this eat?
Replies: >>257039 >>257041
>doesn't take 2 hour shits every day
What are you even doing with your life?
Replies: >>257040
clearly not spending 1/12th of it shitting
The only time I had that problem was after spending a day with friends in the city. We ate at restaurants for all three meals. After that experience I decided that the diet of the modern urbanite cannot be classified as food.
Replies: >>257049 >>257055
You mean a sanity mechanic?
Replies: >>257048
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Closest I can think of is a sanity stat or meter. In the Shadow Hearts series, there's a visible number for it, and each character has one. The more accustomed they are to dealing with horrors from the beyond, the higher sanity they start off with when joining the group, though it still tends to be comparatively low compared to HP and MP. Each turn of battle consumes 1 sanity, and at 0 left, the character goes into an uncontrollable insanity state (complete with combat music change, which is pretty cool), though like any X/Y stat, it has a restorative in the form of narcotics, and is also full restored upon exiting battle. Harmonixers and Soul Fusers also have inordinately high sanity, but that's because accepting body horror transformations while keeping one's mind has a high cost in it's own right (a huge chunk of sanity per activation in the first game, or a much larger per turn cost in the sequels).

Eternal Darkness also has one, with a meter. The lower the meter, the more fucked up things become and the more hallucinations the characters see. Usually this is caused by being noticed by monsters (if the character has no sanity, it saps their health instead), but Alex also slowly loses hers just from reading the other characters' experiences. Summoning and controlling monsters also drains sanity if I remember correctly, and it can either be restored in large chunks via a spell, or little by little by finishing off downed monsters (which basically gives back less than was drained by being seen, if I recall correctly). Latter helps as some runs, you'll get the rune needed for the spell later. The sanity effects sort of balances out Xel'lotath playthroughs being the easiest in terms of difficulty as it becomes easier to see all the oddities the game has to that end (Xel'lotath enemies drain more sanity, and you fight them as the main faction there), but again, it's still the easiest difficulty.

Neither's really impact how their stories play out though. Former is meant to add more of a sense of urgency to combat, while the latter is just for the fun of fucking with the characters and at times even the player.
Replies: >>257048
What I had in mind was a little different. Something where a "delusion value/meter/stat/etc" would only increase when the player would voluntarily choose to cast beneficial "delusions", and having it at a high or maxed value could have drawbacks. So it would be more similar to mana than to HP.
Replies: >>257050
>After that experience I decided that the diet of the modern urbanite cannot be classified as food.
giga-processed semi-ingestibles
Sounds like the central mechanic for We Happy Few.
Did you eat authentic ethnic Indo-Sino-Mexican food?
Would the fag food industry crash with no survivors if normalnigs were instructed to cook for themselves by their phones?
Replies: >>257061
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Nothing beats a giant pepperoni pizza after a long day of work on a Friday night though, you gotta admit.
And I say that as someone who eats out/orders food once every two months, if even.
Replies: >>257064
please refrain from posting pictures of me, or I will have to take legal action.
Replies: >>257065
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Not exactly a question, but I miss karts.
then host it yourself dumbass
Replies: >>257185
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Pay me the server costs then smartypants.
Replies: >>257186 >>257190
You can't host it off your own PC?
Replies: >>257187
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>doxx your IP bro
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Just hide your IP, how hard can it be?
Replies: >>257192
>complain louder
>demand louder
>NEVER EVER contributed in any way
The cancer that killed this site and many more.
She's taunting my penis. I hate this.
Speaking of Karts, has anyone tried ACfa multiplayer on RPCS3?
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Why the hell is it so damned difficult to get a fucking color hash on linux, fucking mmo plugins used to be able to do this shit out of the box back in windows.
Why the hell does the paint alternative not have a custom color panel?
Why do I need to install flatpacks of retarded bullshit through fucking discovery to get one simple tool?
What the hell was all that bullshit about bloat and garbage then?
>Why the hell is it so damned difficult to get a fucking color hash on linux, fucking mmo plugins used to be able to do this shit out of the box back in windows.
It is not.
>Why the hell does the paint alternative not have a custom color panel?
What paint alternative?
>Why do I need to install flatpacks of retarded bullshit through fucking discovery to get one simple tool?
No one uses flatpaks.
>What the hell was all that bullshit about bloat and garbage then?
Replies: >>257220
>install retarded bloated distro
>why is this distro retarded and bloated
Replies: >>257220
>Literally does not have the capability to do simple shit unless you bloat it
shill harder
What are you talking about retard, even my notepad++ replacement (geany) has a color hash picker
Replies: >>257222
getting color info from an image
Replies: >>257223
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Is it really that hard to open GIMP and use the color picker
Replies: >>257226 >>257227
I think macs would be more your speed, you dumb nigger.
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Every web browser with a developer panel (even palememe) has a color picker in its DOM inspector too.
Once again
>complain harder
read the post again
>can't figure out how to do simple thing
ok retard
Replies: >>257240
i know it's a weird place to ask this.
have you ever been on a date with a "gamer" girl?
>can't read english
>posts regardless
kys ESL
Replies: >>257247
I've been to a party with a game journalist.
She's kinda fun and degenerate.
Any Tinder profile I've seen where a girl would mention she loves videogames was either a fat slob or a tranny.
Replies: >>257259 >>257260
If no one can understand you it is because you are a retarded ETL brownoid that can't articulate itself.
Replies: >>257248
fuck your cartel faggot, own your bullshit for once and maybe people would respect you
Replies: >>257249
<incoherent brown text
Have you considered using Android instead?
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Did you fug her in exchange for undeclared advertising at least?
take her out on a date at 5 guys
Replies: >>257262
yeah? you like to watch?
Replies: >>257263 >>257271
Replies: >>257277
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Anyone knows how to get the biometric data of WorldCoin scanned eyes?
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Can you recommend me 8bit games that have a LOT of rain in them?  Preferably really atmospheric with tons of rain?
It's 16 bit but try harvest moon
Replies: >>257291
Check out rain on the PS3. There's also Heavy Rain if you like ridiculous cinematic experiences.
Replies: >>257287
>didn't notice the 8-bit requirement
Bully plz.
Replies: >>257291
Seconding this. The only thing that I can think of at this moment is a part of the first chapter of Mother 3 (GBA, so technically not 8 bit, but neither is your picture).
Also what's up with the filter on that picture, that looks more like sandstorm than rain...
Replies: >>257291
Toad Man's stage is pretty rainy.
O.k., I said 8 bit, but that was a mistake and you guys have been picking up on what I should have said.  Yhank you.
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We all know that the GBA port of Mother retained the graphical censorship from the NES localization (eg. removed crosses, blood, cigarettes), but is the (Japanese) script untouched or did they backport censorship from the localization?
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Does anyone else find the world map/invincibility music from old Super Tux versions to be a "banger", as the kids would say?
I'm not particularly music-savvy but it kind of has a Latinx feel.
Replies: >>257446 >>257468
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Anon, you don't have to conduct yourself like a politically corrected Zoomer here.
Replies: >>257447
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>he doesn't know that in 2024 "Latinx" is used as an insult and it's more offensive than "spic" etc
how the hell do you even pronounce latinx?
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In Spanish the language of the Conquistadores it reads like "latinechis".
No idea what the letrinos make out of it but I'm glad to smear them in current year crazy like this.
Replies: >>257983
i imagine either latin-ex or la-tinks. i prefer calling them beaner, spic, wetback though.
>he doesn't know that in 2024
>IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR so it's okay to post LGBQTAIZPORQWR+ lingo
Oh my God you are retarded
Replies: >>257455 >>257458
You are a gay mexican.
Replies: >>257468
>xhe would probably also think that tranny pronouns on imageboards are used to spread tranny propaganda instead of mocking "people"
It doesn't matter what reason you have for spreading their propaganda. Ironic propaganda is still propaganda.
Replies: >>257461
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Replies: >>257468
>Is eating Cheetohs and not Takis
0/10, completely unrealistic.
Why are you using tranny words?
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Kill yourself subhuman
The only insult is you using and spreading newspeak and then trying to convince others that its just ironic. Shoot yourself in the head you subhuman cuckchanner.
You buy a rope and then neck yourself.
You are a subhuman cuckchanner retard. Take your newspeak and shove it up your ass.
>Im just spreading their newspeak agenda ironically!
>im actually making fun of them by talking the way they want!
>no you dont get it im just using their newspeak ironically!
People like you will be the first ones to be executed when we win.
Replies: >>257472
You won't be executing anyone, Gonzales.
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Go back to /b/, fag.
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Don't you just love election season?
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You know, I thought that the point of spics being pissed off by the word "latinx" was that the condescending attitude makes them more angry than being straight up insulted. Does using the word like this still keep the effect?
Replies: >>257482
It's a deliberate butchery of the Spanish language intended for virtue signaling WASPs, not Hispanics. Not only is it stupid and wrong, it's an insult to their intelligence.
Replies: >>257484
I'm talking about using the word in a deliberately insulting way. As an alternative to calling them spics.
Replies: >>257498
>People are now using tranny words "ironically"
I'm getting too old for this shit.
Replies: >>257503
Spics, beaners or wetbacks is more insulting, if you use latinx it will just normalize the word.
Replies: >>257504 >>257521
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I can hardly fathom why "Latinx" even persisted to begin with.
Replies: >>257504
latinx was abandoned by the left because spics hated it.  People still use it because it annoys the left now because it reminds everyone of their stupid shit.
never let them memory hole the stupid shit they come up with.

People still use it here because it pisses latinx users off. moreso than spic, beaner, or wetback apparently.
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>People still use it here
No one but you has used that word on here. You have to go back. This isnt twitter or cuckchan. Go push your tranny agenda elsewhere.
Replies: >>257512 >>257517
Sorry, Paco. It's (our) word now. No givesies backsies.
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>latinx was abandoned by the left because spics hated it.  People still use it because it annoys the left
Do you have any facts to back that up?
Replies: >>257519
Do you think "woke" is derogatory?
Replies: >>257524
PLEASE go back to calling me a spic or beaner.  You fucking gringos need to have real problems in your lives, I swear.
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Where are the facts, you damn beaner?
Replies: >>257525
>gets mad hearing latinx
>calls me the beaner
If you need some kosher proof to believe something, you can go look it up on wikipedia if you like.  It's not exactly a secret that it was found to be offensive and they even started calling it "linguistic imperialism"

I know you're probably ESL and confused why i brought up "woke" but by asking about woke I was bringing up a specific similar example.  Woke is mostly seen as derogatory now and people have almost entirely forgot it was used unironically by the left for decades first until it's reception became soured because it was associated with whatever new batshit crazy thing the modern left came up with to the point using "woke" to insult the left became mainstream.
Replies: >>258755
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>People still use it here
I've been here for the past 4 years and can't recall the term ever being part of the common vernacular like (You) claim.
Replies: >>257528
For examples you could try reading this thread I guess. Or try browsing the rest of the webring. It ain't common, but it certainly gets used. This shouldn't need to be said, because its obvious, but nobody here using it means it as a gender-neutral-non-offenseive term you developmentally-delayed-afro-american.
ITT brownoids, beaners, spics, wetbacks, latinx, negroids, and faggots

Snoozefest is OVER, sleep is NEVER
Replies: >>257535 >>257544
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Hi chelfag
>The latinx community
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>Still no proof
Here is your last (you).
Replies: >>257594
Look it up, retard.
I'm considering paying for a 1.7.10 minecraft server. My Internet connection is too dogshit to host.  Would you play on it? If so what mods would you want?
I'd only play if it was alpha or beta versions
Replies: >>257621
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>If so what mods would you want?
This: https://pixeldrain.com/u/rSGm8pt2
Paired with Touhou Little Maids mod.
Replies: >>257621
Medabots, please.
Replies: >>257621
Unfortunately the main reason I'm considering making one is a 1.7.10 mod.

Both of those mods, as far as I know, are not for 1.7.10 unfortunately. The little maids mod is available, but I haven't managed to get it to work.

Replies: >>257665
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Cooking for Blockheads
Cultural Delights
Replies: >>257645
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Just put it in a ziplock bag or take a bath instead of a shower if you have a tub.
>Cooking for Blockheads
>Cultural Delights
Not for 1.7.10
Replies: >>257648
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Thank you my dude, now do we just get the gog version and patch in directly?
What's the point of SafeBooru? As far as I know it's basically just a front-end for GelBooru but with only General-rated images. Is it for people who will never want to see anything lewd and/or are too lazy to type "rating:g" on Gel (or enable cookies and add the other ratings to the blacklist)? Or is it to be able to browse Gel's SFW pictures on networks where Gel is banned for having porn (eg. school networks, etc)?
Replies: >>257948
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Bit of both I think. Pretty much the same reason why you need to enable cookies to see loli.
Replies: >>257950
>you need to enable cookies to see loli
What now?
Replies: >>257969
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why are the funniest insults always in spanish?
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>>256785 (OP) 
I found the zzz chaika+hitler edit of that pic in the OP that some anon requested in the previous thread or whatever on archive.org
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What are the best RPG Makers for linux and easy for other anons to play my shitty rpg?
Replies: >>258041
EasyRPG is a clone of RPG Maker. There's also WolfRPG which is less overdone than RPGM and is old enough Wine should have no problems with it.
for a moment there i thought you were talking about that minimalist flash game from way back when
but i doubt anyone else knows about it who is still alive
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What are the odds I might enjoy Samurai Remnant without being a nasufag?
I'm mostly done with Blue Reflection after some fag recommended it earlier ITT. It was acceptable but I'm still in the knack of playing through some recently made weebshit.
Is the game playable for someone who hasn't read the VNs? Because it seems like a separate story on its own. This Jeanne chick is kind of cute, is she a main part of the Fate cast?
Replies: >>258176 >>258177
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How bad is the translation going to be?
Replies: >>258182 >>258434
Don't play any Fate game that came out after they pivoted to gachashit.
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As someone who only read the OG VN ages ago, played Extra and the Extella games, its pretty good and enjoyable on its own
All you are missing out on from not consuming the older stuff is IIRC some reoccurring characters and maybe some familiar story beats
Thats her Alter appearance and while I don´t know about her role in the gacha, in the game she is an antagonist and servant of a guy who kills his vocal cords with almost every line he speaks
Replies: >>258185 >>258420
Never heard of the game, but seeing the sub-humans "translating" it, it'll be really bad.
>even pieces of Tamamo are best girl
How does she do it?
Replies: >>258281
>using nyaa for anime
Replies: >>258251 >>258260
The fuck else do you use it for?
Replies: >>258252
Why, do they rape ojisans out of a free beer van or something?
Oh, so you use Anime Bytes? Can you give me an invite, smarty pants?
Or maybe you use Crunchy Roll or Netflix?
You mean just because the skank is hitting on you?
Now that it is October, I would like to go full-swing into spooky season with my vidya, and I'm looking for some recommendations.
I work overnights as a local delivery trucker in a very rural part of a very rural state, and I bring my Deck with me to play on my 30 minute break. I would like a recommendation for something that would be satisfying to play for those short bursts. Trying to play classic RE/SH for only 30 minutes would just be frustrating (disappointing), and I can't think of anything that would fit the bill. Alternatively, I would also be very open to a spooky visual novel, if any good horror VNs exist. I'm aware of some shitty "horror" VNs like Gore Screaming Show and the like, but not anything actually unsettling.
Replies: >>258334
>spooky season with my vidya
>play on my 30 minute break
Alone in the Dark
Plants VS Zombies
Replies: >>258367
How about Darkest of Days? For the historical costume value.
>Psychonauts 2 released August 24, 2021
<still 60USD
<30USD soundtrack
Guess Timmy's diet is quite expensive. Is the game even worth pirating or is it pozzed/half-assed nostalgiabait?
Replies: >>258423
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Alright, thanks for the heads up. Took me a while to get into it since the piece of shit program won't boot unless you deactivate vJoy.
I don't know how to feel about Koei Tecmo being one of the last few nip companies with somewhat of a nip working ethic.
>some familiar story beats
Like that one time your deceased old man sword master was reincarnated into a big tiddy bimbo who enjoys whoring out abroad?
Replies: >>258425
Well personally, I closed the game when the two fags embraced eachother.
Replies: >>258426
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Its also made by Omega Force so atleast some quality can be expected and I doubt that nips would take the risk of infecting one of their cash cows with the western virus
>reincarnated into a big tiddy bimbo who enjoys whoring out abroad?
Less the whore thing and more the reincarnated into a women thing
Replies: >>258428
Pics or it didn't happen.
Replies: >>258427 >>258430
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>he wants pics of fags embracing eachother
ummm anon?
Replies: >>258428 >>258752
It is called morbid curiosity and I just want to know how bad that game got compared to the first one.
>whoring out abroad
What is wrong with eating french fries and burgers?
Replies: >>258429
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>It is called morbid curiosity
>he's curious about fags
Replies: >>258752
At around 55 and a half minutes.
>inb4 hounding me about posting a raw jewtube link
I don't get it. Are you saying they are gay for recycling?
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>second pic
then maybe he should find better translators and actually do research into them, fucking slant-eyed boomer, the reason why these shitheels never go away is because people him and everyone else on their high horses keep hiring them
Replies: >>258443
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I'm glad I never got into those games.
Replies: >>258438
Ah, okay. It's closer to 56 and a half minutes.
He isn't in charge of Square Enix.
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Got this green (what?) from a jp capsule machine, is this fake China shit anons?
Replies: >>258499 >>258574
Put her in a jar.
Design says local mascot character. I think I've actually seen her before. Possibly part of a trio of mascots that are aquatic life themed.
Why nobody gave a shit about Capcom's SFV Rootkit?
Replies: >>258616 >>258617
Because you accepted Gaben's cock in your throat for decades and now this is normalized.
Bizarre question to ask like seven years after the fact, but:
- People did give a shit. There were a lot of complaints when it was added to SFV.
- It was removed very quickly afterwards, and appeared to be a mistake. There have been no further rootkits added to SFV or SF6.
- There were other things related to the game balance, content updates, etc. competing for their attention.
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WTF is this thing
Replies: >>258670
Is a picutre of a human using a controller.
Replies: >>258681
But why is that "controller" so weird and why is the human "using" it in such a weird way?
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Did they sell the Mega Drive as "Genesis" in America to appeal to Abrahamists?
SEGA was founded by Hawaiian jews my guy
Replies: >>258689
There was a "Mega Drive" peripheral for American computers at the time, and they didn't want a trademark dispute.
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>Military project funded by jews to fleece soldiers addicted to game
>Turned yakuza front after U.S. banned it around Vietnam era
>Saturn worshipping
At last i truly see
What does "Dreamcast" mean then
Replies: >>258717
It means the new world order is fish people.
Actually it was name change insisted on by David Rosen who thought that "Mega Drive" sounded too much like a computer and insisted on the name Genesis to signify the beginning of the 16bit era for home video games. 

This answer is not only the first result google pukes out, but also sourced from an interview in some with the CEO of Sega from the early 90s.

Replies: >>258753
>he wants evidence
>who can ask for this?
>Mega Drive
Sounds like a 90s VHS porn outlet or a 2020 delivery service.
>David Rosen
We awoken kusabi desu.
How did they avoid copyright issues with the band Genesis?
Replies: >>258773 >>258774
Genesis is just a regular word, can that be copyrighted in the first place?
Replies: >>258774 >>258776
It happens when products sharing the same name do not exist in the same industry type. One was strictly musical, the other was for electronic entertainment hardware.
>Apple is just a regular word, can that be copyrighted in the first place?
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When will the jews and their enablers fucking die?
Replies: >>258785
When we collectively press the X button.
Will Murcock sue Skyn?
Was Todd also sued by them?
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Factorio: Space Age expansion is planned to be released on October 21 this year (last I heard) and I'm planning to host a server for it, but only if there's actually some interest in it (would be silly to play on a server alone).

From what I can tell the game itself has no DRM of any kind, so I should be able to provide a copy to anyone who can't afford it.
(and if you do buy the game, do it from directly from https://factorio.com/ so the devs get their full cut).

If you're interested, please let me know.
Replies: >>259056 >>259075
>and if you do buy the game
Nah, fuck WUBE, jewish cunts. They're asking now $70 to get game features they promised before 1.0. I'm not paying them shit-all anymore.
Is there an actual plan to finish their fucking game this time?
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What are they putting in the water that makes the niggers gay?
Replies: >>259173 >>259281
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Have this Sketchful text lying around the computer and thought I might as well post it, in case anyone's got any ideas to throw at it.
I'm the dumb nigger that had shit Internet and kept desyncing everyone when I tried to host last time. I'll gladly join if anyone decides hosting a game though.
Replies: >>259262
Niggers are just naturally gay.
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Since no one took the bait how many here would be willing to play this on Thursdays late afternoon UTC? In case I hosted it, six gorillion desyncs be damned.
IIRC the only thing there is to hosting on sketchful.io is clicking on custom, moving around a few sliders and pasting the custom words in the query. Surely it isn't that hard. Really, I'm desperate. I just want to play the thing again.
Replies: >>259267 >>259280
I may be able to join on a Thursday afternoon (UTC), but I can't make any promises
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Go for it.
Black men have historically been the most resistant to gay shit so they need to be "sold" on that. Funny thing is black men are rapidly running from the Democrat party (they're down to almost 75% from 90+% just a few years ago, with ~20% actually admitting to favoring Republicans) because they're tired of seeing the fag crap. They're doing even worse with younger men.
Replies: >>259298 >>259301
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there's a theory amongst nips that Urobuchi actually wrote Muramasa and that Narahara is just a pen name. what do you think?
Replies: >>259297
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Why does he look like a racemixed nigger?
Replies: >>259303
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BBC shill post. Niggers aren't "based", we all know 1 nigger is worse than 100 faggots.
Replies: >>259309
Aren't niggers percapita more likely to be faggots compared to most other races?
Corean DNA?
We have a VN thread already, but to answer your question: Muramasa is actually good, so no.
Replies: >>259333
This is a video games forum.
Never said they were
> we all know 1 nigger is worse than 100 faggots.
Faggots rape kids far more often and you know it.

Possibly. Abnormally high estrogen levels for men. Still hated by majority of black population more than other populations.
Replies: >>259310
Still better to have 100 faggots than 1 nigger in the population.

>Option 1: Travel to a city of white faggots.

>Option 2: Travel to a city of niggers.

I believe this is true, niggers are more likely to be faggots than other races except spics if I recall.
>Muramasa is actually good, so no.
>implying Urobuchi make bad games 
play Kikokugai.
Replies: >>259336
Isn't that one an NTR benchmark?
What’s the best method to acquire steam games for cheap in US outside of steam deals? See posts referring to key sites but not familiar with them
Replies: >>259363 >>259365
Replies: >>259402
Either torrents if you can manage to not get disrobed and get a cease and desist letter by some rubberstamp factory or code resellers like kinguin dot net. Sometimes you can even get them on GOG for cheap or for free on good old downloads. And if need hentai games in your life there is f95.
Replies: >>259402
They tend greatly towards sexual abuse and promiscuity, and those behaviors go hand-in-hand with faggotry. Even many "straight" niggers I've interacted with have a very skewed understand of what constitutes "straightness" and "homosexuality", i.e. they consider gangbanging to be a perfectly normal, heterosexual activity.
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Should I spend $100 on Studio Series 86' Optimus Prime or 3 5-inch Sonic movie 3 figures and Bike 5-inch Shadow?
I feel like Optimus will skyrocket in price if I don't get him now.
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Those Sonic toys look hideous so go for the other heap of plastic.
Replies: >>259392
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They're cool though.
None of the above.
Unfortunately this new street fighter game is drm protected like the rest of the recent capcom trash. Any other reliable key sites? Thanks for suggestions
Replies: >>259418
Tried to play a bit of DMC1 yesterday. Beat first three levels, which includes the first boss. It is mostly just super easy, though it has some retro jank that can be annoying at times.
Unsure if I am bored of the game or just one of that times when I am bored of all games. I put another almost finished game in pause and then after wasting the better part of a day not doing much, I finally decided to try DMC1. (played 3 and 4 back in the days, pirated 4 on release)

Don't play it. I tricked myself into buying the newest SF yet again, but it is not that good. In general fighting games are not worth it. Either dead or are SF. Though the more popular ones that are not SF are also going the SF way one way or another, 
Then again, this whole post might just imply that I am nothing, but a gloom-monger.
Replies: >>259469
You should give the 100 $ to me and I'll make sure they're spent wisely.
Replies: >>259426
That's it. I rip off the bandaid and spoonfeed. 


See that assburger? Listen to him if you want to get involved with toys. And for the love of God, do not hoard them! The Sun is their biggest enemy and so is time. As the adhesive dissolves of the bubble dissolves, you'll lose money.
Replies: >>259434
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Anon... I'm not buying them to resell them...
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You faggots want me to stream the tomb raider movies and cartoon?
Replies: >>259452 >>259605
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Replies: >>259605
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Anyone have the infographic on the best way to play the Original 4 Silent Hill games? 

Like pick related but for SH.
Just play them on the system they are made for.
Replies: >>259458
Yes I will be playing them on a computer.
Any dmc game that isn’t dmc3 se is shit period. Dmc1 is boring and clunky which is why you stopped playing it dmc5 is fucking gay and not as tight/precise as 3 was combo wise 

>new sf 
I got a buddy that’s playing it and I was tempted to join him but you’re not wrong about fighting games. Biggest regret is getting invested in them and wasting time. They’re not as rewarding as people claim to be but maybe that’s just anime fighters
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Here you go
Replies: >>259578 >>259950

I'm pretty sure there is a more recent update than this.
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What happened to winapp?
Did the normalfags manage to fork it to make it better?
Replies: >>259589 >>259643
I dunno but seems like a shitshow:
>ass license that didn't allow forking or redistributing
>accidentally included code that they sold the rights to
>accidentally included proprietary jewtel and MS code
>tried to delete the above but they didn't know how git works so they didn't really
<nuked the entire repo less than a month after going "open source"
I don't see what's wrong with good old Winamp though. If you're just after the skins there are other players with Winamp skin support such as Audacious.
Foobar2000 is better anyway. Winamp is gaudy.
It's 90% memberberries and 10% the vain hope of getting a music player for win9x that supports modern codecs.
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OK, I will be streaming next friday at 4 EST
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still good
works on my machine
Replies: >>259644
Replies: >>259645
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I knew that the Jew would shut it down one day, but is it today?
Replies: >>259942
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Never mind, I checked it on TOR and it works. It seems that what happened is that my ISP must have recently blacklisted it. Each day, getting a VPN looks more appealing...
Don't waste your time with outdated and useless information like >>259530
Just use the pcgaming wiki
Personally I only ever used Winamp because all the plugins for dumped vidya music files were written for it, and it could play the songs continuously (no brief, jarring pause between loops).
How do I setup a Roland SC-55 soundfont for GZDoom? What about Raze?
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Anyone have a list of coop games for 4 players?
Games with local co-op.
Replies: >>260094
>he has irl friends
Replies: >>260099
>yuri schoolgirl island? pozzed? no.
>no, not at all. its all based on an artist who primary draws yuri.
I don't disbelieve your claims and neither am I saying that a large portion of yuri works are like this, but this part read a bit funny to me because on the opposite yuri would be more shaky for the obvious reasons (ie. easy to subvert it to push LGBT shit etc). As opposed to something like loli.
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Family are coming over and I want to play videogames with them.
Replies: >>260101 >>260106
try co-optimus.com
you can filter by number of players and platforms among other filters
Replies: >>260103
god i wish that was me
Thanks for the link.
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Sauce of the game immediately.
Replies: >>260107 >>260112
it's a game called boku
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Please someone explain to me how a japanese game company that managed to develop and release the following games within the span of a year became the metastized cancer we know today.
Replies: >>260111 >>260119
The execs thought "vidya" was "product" and drove all their talent away. Inafune gets more flak for this than he deserves.
It's coldpeak consistency zone
Replies: >>260118
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>it's gachashit
Each day I pray a tide to remove all devs who refuse to create self-contained games with a beginning and an end.
Replies: >>260120 >>260137
Should I play original RE4 on kb&m or gamepad?
What did you expect with that chink art style?
Replies: >>260126
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>that chink art style
What gives, other than the game being chinese? Overly designed girls, the hair highlights? I genuinely can't tell here.
Replies: >>260133
I dunno, if the style looks like bootleg nip it's usually because it is.
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You are not missing much, just play some 100% certified vanilla VNs for your harem fix.
Replies: >>260138 >>260544
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who wrote this? no human talks like this
Replies: >>260140
A chink.
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What is happening in china?
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>gacha being censored
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>chinkshit hagshit
Even a (Japanese) gacha is better (less bad).
Maybe they will stop trying to impersonate Japanese culture now
CCP needs their disposable men in munitions factories instead of playing gacha.
Replies: >>260552
Compared to Western warmongers, China spends a small fraction of its national budget on armaments.
Replies: >>260554
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That's why the CCP needs its men in munitions factories.
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Why the fuck do I have random scamdemic shit in the Game Boy fullset I got from My***nt?
Replies: >>260557
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To remind you to take your meds. btw you need to take your meds.
Replies: >>260560 >>260561
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You need to kill yourself, cuckchan tranny. Now.
Replies: >>260561
now kiss
Replies: >>260562
You didn't answer my question. Why do I have scamdemic shit in my Game Boy ROMset?
Replies: >>260563
How the fuck would I know? Why don't you ask the person who uploaded it.
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Do you think people would enjoy a space-sim/piloting game without combat?
There might be units attacking you depending on the situation, but the player's ship doesn't have any weapons.
I could see it working but it'd need a lot of fleshing out.
As long as people don't immediately associate your game with something that would require fighting. The first thing that comes to mind is space trucking, since similar trucking games might have cops and asshole drivers but the goal isn't to accumulate a million dollar bounty getting chased by cops.
I very much enjoyed flying around in Outer Wilds, and that has zero combat. Slingshotting around the sun is fun.
There's some fags making a space trucking game called Star Trucker, doubt that has any fighting.
I hate tranime posting latinx users so fucking much
Why minecraft instead of minetest/mineclonia?
Replies: >>260692 >>260848
Like Elite?
You have to go back.
China got full mental on morality after seeing what happened to the west
Have you ever played Mineclonia? The physics are awful, partially due to the engine itself which they can't fix.
Replies: >>260847
can anon pls kill me?
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I don't know why my question (how to unlock Roll in Rockman Rockman/Mega Man Powered Up after the servers shut down) got deleted but I solved it myself, I just had to download a save from here https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/psp/929675-mega-man-powered-up/saves and put it on my Vita. It's good that there's a lot of choice there, and I found exactly what I needed (save for the Japanese version with no game progress, just Roll downloaded).
Replies: >>260849 >>260887
that's just elite games and many people play them like that.
There's nothing to fix on the engine physics for minetest unless you want some extra complicated realism mod for which you should just play an actual game instead of block game.
Playing a decade old version of closed source minecraft java(TM) in 2024 needing a cracked profile and closed source mods is retarded. To answer anon no one plays minetest because imageboard minecraft servers are often made by a bunch of normies that can only consume mods and never make an effort to contribute or create what they want to play in a game.
>sharing a modpack on mega.nz like a 2016 pajeet channel
>half of the mods have to be optimization mods
Replies: >>260853 >>260878
Because Minecraft is comfy as fuck and it makes FOSSfags butthurt.
Replies: >>260851
Clearly the post was too lewd for this board.
kek, proves my point
>pulling the fosstard card
>implying it's about ideology and not about running untrusted code you never see because "comfy"
>implying java bloatware is comfy
i have yet to see a human that unironically uses comfy and is not a retard.
Replies: >>260852
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>running untrusted code you never see because "comfy"
Do you exclusively play shitty FOSS games and DOOM? lol
Replies: >>260854
Teleporting 500 blocks because you mounted something then jittering around before suffocating is broken physics. Mobs are often frozen neither knockback nor pushing works in Mineclonia because it is hacked on, minecarts are even worse. Things as simple as waterlogged blocks and beams inside glass are impossible.
Replies: >>260878
No, I play emulators, and also I have a hacked PS4.
Replies: >>260855
I'm glad you play games at 30fps, anon.
Replies: >>260856
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>he needs more
Git gud, casul.
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Why do games that come out at the end of a generation of consoles look better than the ones released at the start? The consoles' specs certainly don't get any better, so how do the devs manage to up the detail and outdo themselves?
Replies: >>260866 >>260867
(At least) two causes. 
There's invention of new rendering techniques (for instance how Sea of Thieves invented and shared details about a new way of rendering water). Leaps in this were more common during the early period of everyone switching to PBR techniques, nowadays those have matured a lot more and shit starts looking the same.
There's also devs understanding the hardware better. This again was more common back in the day, when most consoles weren't just glorified underpowered PCs. The PS3 was an extreme case, with its Cell architecture (a main CPU driving 6 separate simpler CPUs, so multithreading skill was required). But for older consoles there was also plenty of other things, such as devs learning to use new or undocumented hardware instructions, or learning tricks with stuff like interrupts in rendering for effects. Or for instance the way cardtridge based games started including extra hardware in the carts.

Right now it mostly just boils down to them getting to know the exact limits of the hardware better, so they know exactly how far they can push it. But you're more likely to see a disparity in graphics quality due to how pajeeted the particular devteam is, honestly.
Replies: >>260870
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It boils down to having more time available for optimizations since they already have existing work made specifically for a particular piece of hardware (or combination).
Video related.
>The PS3 was an extreme case, with its Cell architecture (a main CPU driving 6 separate simpler CPUs, so multithreading skill was required)
In hindsight it's pretty safe to conclude now that this never amounted to anything more than a stupid marketing ploy (which makes the PS3's pricetag even more outrageous).  I can't think of any PS3 games that ever really harnessed the "power of the cell".
>Playing a decade old version of closed source minecraft java
>closed source mods
Things like the bukkit project's reverse engineer team that has a special name have released the unobfuscasted source code of minecraft for a long long time. Those mods are released as jars that you can inspect the source code of generally unless its a much newer patreon peice of shit or a porn mod. To play devils advocate here.
Anon those bugs have long been fixed in mineclonia. Duno when you last tried it. I don't think waterlogged blocks are a thing though.
The cell processor was an ibm project to create a more secure and faster hardware for DoD contracts. It got repurposed as a game console after IBM gave up on it. It was only decade<spoiler>'s?</spoiler> later that it was revealed there were super computers built using the things. As a peice of hardware its actually more powerful then even modern processors, its just that idiot game devs can't code for it for complex reasons.
Coprocessors weren't anything new, the PS2 had much more specialized ones that you were more or less required to use if you wanted your game to be remotely optimized. Failing to utilize the Cell's much more generic coprocessors is on the game devs. Surely you don't consider multi-core CPUs "stupid marketing ploys"?
>I can't think of any PS3 games that ever really harnessed the "power of the cell".
MGS4 maybe? The graphics are still impressive to this day.
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Speaking of this game, what's up with the delay when moving on ground specifically? There's no general input lag in the game either.
Replies: >>260888
It's to make 1-pixel movement easier for setting up jumps.
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Anyone have all the leaked deep lore of pokemon?
Replies: >>260909
Replies: >>260920
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>source code
>source code
>Strange DS thing from GF
I'm retarded, which once has the pokemon rape lore stories?
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I was surprised to find that there's a PSP version of Saru Get You (Ape Escape). How did they make use of the more limited control scheme? And how does it compare to the PSX original in other areas (graphics, content, difficulty...)?
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Can anyone "spoon-feed" me on what Touhou fangames (and ports?) are there for the PSP and PS Vita and your opinion on them?
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Have you guys heard of an unknown Japanese exclusive PS1 RPG called "Tokyo Dungeon"?
Why am I asking about this game? Well, the game's lead designers are Roe R. Adams III (Ultima III, Wizardry 1-4, and The Bard's Tale) and Kazutoshi Ueda (Shin Megami Tensei 1-2, Solomon's Key, Dungeon Explorer 1-2), music is composed by Azuma (Panzer Dragoon), and the lead artist is Yasuomi Umeza (Kite, Megazone 23 Part II, Mezzo DSA).

How the fuck can the game those those credentials and I cannot find jack shit about it? Hell, the only reason why I know these guys were even involved is because they're directly pictured in the game's manual and I just happened to be curious about why a gaijin was being creditted in a Japanese game.
Replies: >>261066 >>261070
Is it any good though?
It is a japanese only dungeon crawler game released in the 90s. Dungeon crawlers alone are niche enough and then you gate it to a single language and region to the PSX and yeah, it never stood a chance.
Is The Bazaar any good? Looks like slop at a glance.
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>Kecmo's Fate game's true ending
>MC grows a pair of balls and decides he wants to have a go at history
>decides to battle saber since he's breddy gud with the sword
>after a long battle his twink of a servant murders him in a cutscene
Holy shit I'm mad. The other two endings have him go back to his home empty handed, at least give him what he wanted in the "true" ending.
What's the moral here, that having ambitions is bad and you should suck up to everyone else instead? That all peace is good and you shouldn't piss off the little guy with the sword?
Having to put up with the little sword faggot for the entirety of two playthroughs and not being able to circumcise him is some next level spiritual cuckoldry storywise.

Rider > Dorothea = Musashi > commie hag > Aria = imouto > knife-eared fapbait what are the DLCs meant to be? some hypothetical scenarios?
Replies: >>261598 >>261674
Yeah I was pissed off too at the true ending, especially because its a loss via cutscene battle
>morale of the story
Born in the wrong generation I´m guessing
Either that or muh peace
>commie hag
The game got dlc?
Replies: >>261601
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>commie hag
Shousetsu. Her wish was to destroy the current order and cause endless suffering to everyone because there are poor people, which is a retarded idea as Rider's fat ass showcased.
She's apparently over 30 years old going by the artbook, that's past the Christmas cake mark.
Yes, an entire season pass worth knowing Kecmo that's $40 for fucking nothing. Very confusing considering how little interpretation the story leaves.
It apparently adds some new servants as well, pic related.
Replies: >>261607
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Not videogame related but what kind of tool is this drill from Deadrising? Game lists it as an "excavator" but I've never seen it in my life.
At best it resembles a concrete mixer with one of those heavy machinery rock drilling shafts.

How much upper body strength would you need in real life to lift someone with it either way? Seems like a good way to snap the shaft in two.
Replies: >>261606 >>261608
That's just a gas powered hole digger.
>How much upper body strength would you need in real life to lift someone with it either way? 
Replies: >>261608
Oh yeah the literal animated doll
Completely forgot about her and her nonsense
>an entire season pass worth
From a quick look, they seems really underwhelming 
Also probably not much in them since they were made withing the span of a few months
I´ll give it a pirate and see when I have finished the stuff I´m currently playing
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>hole nigger

It's an auger.
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im very tired of how videogames have become this tribalistic metapolitical playground for narcissists, Project zomboid is literally watered-down CDDA, but unlike all of these Autistic unplayable rougelikes it doesn´t even have an Endgame, dwarf fortress lets you bite bogeymen in half and chokehold demons with enough grinding, CDDA has cyborgs and faction play, Elona lets you become a rancher and pay taxes or just become a prostute in dervish (or whatever the town of rouges with no guards was called) Project Zomboid has fuck all going for it and apparently it embraces it and shoves it in your face from the tutorial onwards

from Morrowind to Darkest Dungeon to the Soulslike braindamage all of these fucking kayfabe "im gonna be the next kojima" pumping out these overpriced, half-assed Art projects of games that are barely playable, have no real point, and wear it as some badge of honor, whatever happened to games just being games and fun being fun? is this the joyful fruit of progress? the incessant need for everything to be some sort of philosophical conundrum to feed the ego of some college dropout with programing skills and his E-groupies?

"Art" was a mistake
Replies: >>261683 >>261760
Wew thanks for the heads up anon.
Now I know not to bother.
>it doesn´t even have an Endgame
>Project Zomboid has fuck all going for it
Go to Lousville after you get gear and become competent at combat, and/or enable sprinters and/or install mods for bandits. You have your endgame. It's more grounded than CDDA by design, it's not going to have mutants or electric zombies.
>whatever happened to games just being games and fun being fun
That's what zomboid is, it's not the game's fault if you personally don't enjoy it. Nobody proclaims it a work of art, it is pure gameplay and also most of its features can be tweaked in the sandbox mode and further through modding. 
Is DayZ art? Is Haven&Hearth art? What is your actual problem?
Replies: >>261686
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>Go to Lousville after you get gear and become competent at combat, and/or enable sprinters and/or install mods for bandits. You have your endgame. It's more grounded than CDDA by design, it's not going to have mutants or electric zombies.
let me build an actual home, hunt, and live in a post-apocalyptic world without having to rely on looting and then die when looting is no longer available and have no more ammo to kill the constantly respawning zombies, Dwarf fortress does not have mutants or electric zombies and still lets you be a fucking outdoorsman and build some shelter innawoods, same thing with Elona, you can play a pianist and not bother with adventuring at all or become a prostute at Dervish, all Project zomboid lets you do is build a few rain collectors and walls after you make it past the first few weeks and have enough skills and loot, then you just sit on your ass once you have a self-sufficient base and that´s all there is to it, there is no point in killing zombies because they respawn, and even with your self-sufficient base, the crops will at some point become diseased, or you just won´t get any rain and die of thirst unless you find a well

>That's what zomboid is, it's not the game's fault if you personally don't enjoy it. Nobody proclaims it a work of art, it is pure gameplay and also most of its features can be tweaked in the sandbox mode and further through modding. 
Is DayZ art? Is Haven&Hearth art? What is your actual problem?

Nigger the game makes reddit-tier "Death is fun"/"There is no escape" jokes allthroughout the game, the UI, and the Tutorial wich makes you kill yourself in the end, its the first game that i know that actively tells you to not actually play it because you´re gonna die (Beating the point of survival and in a way, laughing at you for even playing the game in the first place), the game is plastered with a nihilistic pseudointelectual plaster that i instantaneusly recognize as lazy devs not wanting to make any form of endgame and thus designing the game in such a way that you WILL die in the first week unless you develop the meme zombie herding methods... the same way they spent more than 5 years to put cars into the game and we still don´t have NPC´s, the game hasn´t changed since 2014 beyond animations, again, there are other games like CDDA or Dwarf Fortress that do the same shit better, Project Zomboid literally has no reason for being other than being a pedantic excersise in futility, its a Tech Demo pretending to be a game with, again, nihilistic black humour thrown into it
Is cs.rin.ru blocking anybody else for not having javascript enabled? There's a nasty tracking script on the page its trying to load for me claiming a security check.
I remember people saying you just go to the barn with the well and put boxes in front of the door and the zombies can never get in and you live forever until you get sick of playing. Fundamentally the game is just Runescape but with a worse atmosphere.
Replies: >>261705 >>261714
Unless they changed it, you don't even have to do that. Just build a tall vertical tower and zombies won't get in. Difficulty in that game depends on how willing you are to expose yourself to danger, otherwise it can boring.
>have no more ammo to kill the constantly respawning zombies
Again, it's an option you disable in the settings.
> the crops will at some point become diseased
you make cures and space your crops so one doesn't infect another
>or you just won´t get any rain and die of thirst
You can use any body of water like lakes or rivers to draw it, you can also fish there, so it's wise to settle near one.
>tells you to not actually play it because you´re gonna die 
Again, in DayZ you can die every five minutes, but you have PVP instead of huge zombie hordes. In both cases it means you respawn and start over. It's a game, you learn how things work and how to achieve your objectives by trial and error, and it's a zombie survival which means your chances or survival are slim, you're on your own. You might not like the gameplay loop but it still does not prove the game is bad.
Replies: >>261714
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you are mising the point, its the whole design of the game (no lategame content or mechanic beyond scavenging and maybe bulding up a base) and the ideology behind it (Self-deprecating nihilism), that makes me want to butcher the dev team with an icepick, and the fact that this is more or less and industry wide thing going on in the whole "Indie" scene just makes it even more fun

i know its a sandbox game i remember skipping the "default" settings back in 2014 and i am still ignoring them now, to build up on what >>261698 said you can literally play without zombies and just play a clunky version of harvest moon, or turn off respawn and be able to actually clear zones and eventually genocide all zombies, there´s mods for almost every missing feature of the game including NPC´s, its sandbox nature does not excuse how retarded it is in concept and how retarded it is in its execution, it would be on the same level as excusing Bethesda being what it is because you can just mod the ever living shit out of Starfield/Skyrim/Oblivion, its lazy on the dev side and it gets a free pass because muh mods and muh sandbox

To further illustrate my point, look at "Tactical Shooters" like Ground branch or Ready or not, fancy graphics, autistic ballistics with all the tacticool optics and the 1462301 variants of every single gun and attachment so you can LARP your balls off, but then fail at basic level shit like having a Functional AI or proper Levels beyond big landscapes full of nothing with a Enemy AI that has the Aimbot cranked to 900 to compensate for the fact that they can´t even do basic manouvering because all the dev time was spent on reshading the 9th variant of the AS-VAL or whatever niche snowflake weapon kids like to LARP with these days

Meanwhile SWAT 4 had an AI that can clean rooms back in 2004, and Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising had movement by bounds and hierarchical platoons (you can have a company of multiple platoons that in themselves contain multiple squads, and this is literally how the AI does it in the campaign, something that Arma hasn´t been able to do yet, they do have you getting parkinson after running for 5 seconds though, so realistic am i rite?) all the way back in 2009

in Project Zomboid this is the same, there is no difference between hour 1 and hour 500, the only difference is that by hour 500 you no longer have to scavenge for shit because you either have enough loot to last you the whole game untill you do something dumb and die or you are already self sufficient with rain collectors and blah blah blah, you have a hundred trillion junk items that do nothing and all of these autistic temperature panels but the devs are apparently too dumb to implement basic game progression or simply having things to look forward to beyond having a self-sufficient base and quitting the game after you last for a month because there is nothing else to do, you CAN fix this by installing mods or using the sandbox mode but by default the point of the game is, you die, the end, you covering up for the Devs retardation does not mean they are not ostensibly pretentious enough to release this tech demo of a "Game", the only saving grace is that it is worth less than 20$ unlike other meme indie games like rimworld or factorio wich refuse to go on sale or sell for less than 30$ (RIP Aussies)
Oh boy, Project Zomboid
>11 years of early access
>1 enemy type
>no animals
>no NPCs
>no humvees, AFVs or tanks
>no deathmobiles
>metalworking can't make any weapons
>explosives are worthless
>can't sit on chairs or couches
>"endgame content" is just a city with the same shit you see everywhere else
if you actually defend this game you're a retarded nigger
When it first came out, I mentally filed it under streamerbait and never looked at it again.
It's one of the biggest and most complex survival sandbox games, which means there's no alternative to compete with it. There's games in a similar genre, but there's no "project zomboid except better".
Replies: >>261771
>>11 years of early access
who cares, it has enough content for its price
>1 enemy type
it's a zombie game, it's like that by design.
there's plenty, you can splash the walls of your home with blood (and get sick)
>no animals
you catch fish and animals through trapping
>no NPCs
>no humvees, AFVs or tanks
>no deathmobiles
>metalworking can't make any weapons
>can't sit on chairs or couches
>if you actually defend this game you're a retarded nigger
no u

>"project zomboid except better"
Technically there's CDDA but it has a higher barrier of entry and the limitations coming from it being a roguelike.
Replies: >>261773
>blood splashing is plenty of gore
You can't decapitate them, you can't dismember them, you can't blow off their heads with a shotgun, you can't explode them into a bloody mess, you can't run them over with your modded tank into a pulp. The body will always be structurally intact, you could mod in a nuke and zombies would just trip and fall from it. Pretty fucking shit for a 3D animated zombie game.
>you catch fish and animals through trapping
Animals don't exist in the world, traps and fishing rods just give you inert animal-shaped inventory items.
>mods mods mods mods mods
Bethesda tier excuse for shit developers who need 4 years to push out a new build despite earning tens of millions of dollars from its exploding popularity
Find me a mod that adds the much needed gore to make the game feel good, there isn't one.
Weak game that leaves you disappointed at its unfulfilled potential.
Replies: >>261818
>Weak game that leaves you disappointed at its unfulfilled potential.
Nigga, I play games for what they are, not for what they woulda/shoulda/coulda been.
Replies: >>261819
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>I play games for what they are
>tells you to fix the game modding it
Replies: >>261820
I don't see the contradiction, you're trying too hard. It's better than bitching about the developers not adding whatever the fuck is striking your fancy at the moment.
Replies: >>261822
<I play the game for what it is not what it should be
<except I have to change what the game is to be able to enjoy it
If you don't see the contradiction you're somehow even dumber than the average nigger.
Replies: >>261826
I never said I have to change the game to be able to enjoy it. I was addressing your issues, there are mods that add the things you wanted. I've played the game vanilla and it is good as is.
Zomboid is shit, it should be more like Skyrim.
Replies: >>261829 >>261840
You! You're finally awake. The Zombie Apocalypse™ has happened.
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I wonder who could be behind this post.
My penis looks grey and mold textured. Can I bleach it to make it more white?
Zomboid? Just play cata. Its fun and free.
Why is Team Spooky's youtube channel removed? There were some cool karate game videos there.
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Can Kernel-level Anticheat be trusted?

Only just started getting into PC gaming with a new rig that can actually run it, and this shit is spooking me out; and while trying to DYOR, all I get are the usual normalfaggot sites on the internet are giving it full throated support.
I just don't like the idea of every one of my files being scanned, especially since I intend on doing quite a bit of emulation, which often has software attached to it that I'm guessing soulless corpos and bots don't like.
Personally, I've always find accusations of cheating to be more commonly just shitters trying to deflect and find excuses without taking responsibility for their own actions, and most cheaters can get around it; so I really don't see the point in anticheat.
Replies: >>262459 >>262468
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Do you recommend any (semi-)realistic driving/racing games for the PSP or PS Vita that would aid someone who's planning to go to driving school soon?
>t. only played mario kart in terms of driving/racing games
Gran Turismo
Grand Theft Auto
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>Can Kernel-level Anticheat be trusted?
>and this shit is spooking me out; and while trying to DYOR, all I get are the usual normalfaggot sites on the internet are giving it full throated support.
((( Why ))) wouldn't ((( they )))? Surely (You) have nothing to hide silly goymer.
Make sure to compile from source to evade the built-in telemetry common to many official emu builds today.
Anticheat is in my nigger opinion largely an excuse for centralized ((( matchmaking ))) systems, the only time where it's objectively appropriate is when it's built into the game serb itself without being some gay nigger middleware or Kernel-level spyware horse dung requiring dedicated Valve engineers for Deck support via Proton.
Games relying solely on private serbs with no built-in competitive ranking garbage as god intended can do fine without them, if some faggot objectively cheats tall the serb admin has to do is b& the nigger in question but that kind of thing is too complicated for modern gaymurs oy vey.

>(semi-)realistic driving/racing games for the PSP or PS Vita
If you want a hyper-realistic driving autism simulator I'd normally recommend BeamNG due to its soft-body physics, sandbox gameplay, gorillions of mods and germanic manual transmission implementation with an appropriate wheel+pedal+stick shift setup, but it's not exactly a PSP/Vita game.
If you want >realistic handheld/console driving games, then I suppose any moderately non-shitty non-fantasy racing game with an option for a manual transmission and some degree of actual driving physics should technically meet your needs, but I doubt it'd help you with preparing for driving school since outside of dedicated driving school games vidya isn't exactly keen on adhering to traffic laws nor engine blowouts from overreving.
If the reason for you choosing the PSP/Vita happens to be a toaster PC, then an actually realistic game with pre-9/11 system requirements I can personally recommend for basic car behavior training is NFS Porsche which needs patches for widescreen+HD resolution and modern Wangblows support, but alas.

t. doesn't play much in terms of driving games on handhelds beyond MK
Replies: >>262460
If he has a toaster PC but wants realistic simulation he could try modded RBR.
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>for the PSP or PS Vita 
Shit consoles for racing games honestly; Racing's golden years were early to late 00's / the PS2-XB360, was worthless shit before that and has been worthless shit ever since. PSVita was barren as a platform anyways and came after that window, while the PSP at least had Burnout Legends and Need For Speed Carbon Own, but both are clowned on by Burnout 3 / NFS Hot Pursuit '10 for consoles respectively (neither are "realistic" like most of the racing autists / gran autismos that ruined the genre think they like, but instead lean into more fun acceleration and handling *gameplay*, so they both play very well). NFS Most Wanted '05 is a relic of it's time and was innovative landmark you'll hear a lot about, but is extremely overrated for how it holds up; similar to trying to play Ocarina of Time today. Hot Pursuit '10 got a remaster, it's shit, avoid like the plague.
PSP also had Ridge Racer & Split Second as neat titles if you want to check them out instead (and the one where you can jump into cars to take them over, can't remember the name) (second one was shit). Wipeout was an ultra-racer in the style of F-Zero, but BallisticNG is what you want to play these days if you want something in that genre.

>that would aid someone who's planning to go to driving school soon?
All of them are irrelevant and none have carryover skills or knowledge. Manually write down everything you learn with the instructor after you get home, then check it with them the day after as you recap, so you don't miss anything. Picrel is your pedals in a nutshell, think of them like remote buttons and you'll have it down in minutes. On the test, be extremely autistic about running through every step you were told - if you need to look behind you, don't just check the mirror, fully turn around so the mouthbreather in the seat next to you can tick it off the list. Also, learn with stick, so you don't need to repeat. Most of it is FOMO stress, consider how stupid the average person is, and consider many of them pass with flying colors. Trick is to pass on the first try so you don't have to keep coughing up more money for more tests.
The point of kernel anti-cheats is that you can't go around them. Except that you can, it just usually takes a few more extra steps, which is already enough to stop a lot of people. It is kinda of like Denuvo. Except nowadays we don't have people that attempt to crack it anymore, so Denuvo mostly won. Though it did take a few court cases to get there.
But yeah, they shouldn't be trusted, though you probably are already allowing many other types of software to do a lot of anti-privacy shit anyway. Being afraid of it, because of your emulation piracy is silly, though. 
Just to be clear, I play no games with kernel-level anticheat. Honestly, I barely play anything even online adjacent. Most of it nowadays is just normalfag pleb shit. 
That being said, claiming that complaining about cheating is from shitters is a stupid as hell take. Of course, it can be, but go play just about any shooter game and it is full of cheaters. CS being one of the prime examples of having very difficult time of playing without your games being ruined. Not because of babies being angry and blaming it all on cheating - basic bitch spin bots are still a common occurrence and valve's anti-cheat does fuck all to deal with it.
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Something possessed me to install Battletech 2018, what anti-tranny mods do I need to install? I know there's a config file edit you need to do to remove they/thems from the random mechwarrior pool, but I want to know if there's anything else to do before I get too far in.
Not really, but if you're not interested in the main campaign you might want to go directly for BTA3062.
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I don't think I ever encountered any pronoun shit outside of character creation. Maybe I just got lucky on my playthrough.
Is this your first playthrough?
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You have 2 choices when it comes to Battletech.
Roguetech, made by an insane tranny but with an insane amount of content and overhaul of mechanics. Very kitchensink. Can run like shit if you have a shit pc, really needs to be on an SSD and they say you need a big fat heap of swap space. I did enjoy it and if you're feeling frisky there is an online portion where you can fight for a faction and it will update a map real time. Can also be balls to the walls hard but that's also fun. 

Then there is Battletech Advanced (BTA) 3062. Another overhaul but less kitchen sink. Runs better in my own opinion. A bit of a more reigned in overhaul that still adds a lot (tanks. vtols, and battlearmor) but doesn't go as kitchen sink. Still overhauls mechanics in a good way. 

I enjoy both. Now enjoy a random selection of BT pics.
Would not recommend RT, devs are complete retards that will try to force full debug logging on you that constantly shits out gigabyte sized logs on your SSD while tanking FPS and making turns take ages, i.e. the real reason it runs so much slower than BTA3062 is purely incompetence. If you're masochistic you can go through the dozens of configs and change the log levels, which almost halves the turn times, but you'll be barred from online and they'll be reset when you update.
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I'm seeing Grasshoppers being posted everywhere all the sudden. Strange.
Replies: >>262610
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Have more recent versions of these, or better infographics?
Its just a good mech.  Heavy with jj, all energy loadout, ton of lrm-5 ammo so you can TAC on turn one and explode. What's not to love?
I should catch up on the latest megamek news.
Replies: >>262613
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Well I started the campaign with cFixes and the performance mod (and json edits to remove all they/thems from the story) and it softlocks at the end of the "Three Years Later" mission. After I destroy the corp tower and slap a mech onto the objective marker, nothing happens. Looking at walkthroughs you're supposed to have to fight off another wave of enemies, but the mission just never ends. I had to turn on debug mode and force complete the mission.

Getting off to a great start.
Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the 'mech. It's just that it's been showing up a lot on various feeds for me over the last 3 days, so seeing it on /v/ feels odd.
Replies: >>262616
You will get in the training pod, you will have the elemental wife, and  you will eat the bug(mechs)
Replies: >>262620 >>262639
I'll be sure to save these and never read them, just like all the other infographic/game charts I have.
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Well after 4 hours I can say that the first mission was just a fluke. The officer NPCs are fugly and I now understand why people said this game makes you feel like you're driving a school bus full of 12 year olds, but the core gameplay rocks.

>elemental wife
don't threaten me with a good time
Replies: >>262622 >>262627
Is that a Chinese nigger? It looks like one of the cockroaches from that Mars manga. Not being cheeky, it really does. Is this Battletech 2018?
Replies: >>262629
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Replies: >>262629
Yes, he's a Chinese Capellan nigger. The other guy with a 3D model you talk to is a double nigger. The human 3D models suck and the painted MechWarrior portraits are generally much better.
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Clanner women are always used goods, and I will not pilot the bugs. It's winter, and my Raifu will keep me warm.
Replies: >>262651
Anyone, please?
Replies: >>262652
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Say no to women, marry your mech instead.
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Your GhostBear elemental qt is out there saving herself for you. You just need to find her. And by find her I mean she will find you by punching into your cockpit.
She'll keep you warm alright.
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Oh right, this is the last one I could find in my folder.
You'd be better off asking for charts on a platform and genre basis rather than a general vidya chart, those are much better in terms of quality and also had dedicated communities behind their creation.
Replies: >>262656
But if I don't know my genre yet and use these to decide?
Replies: >>262658 >>262663
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>I don't know my genre yet
Anon, just play something. No one" has "their genre" as everyone plays a mix of games. There are some game genres that people find to be more entertaining than others, but that does not mean they remain exclusive to them. For example, I'm a big fan of racing and rhythm games, but they comprise a minority of my library because of how there's so few of them that are actually decent.

Even then, sometimes all it takes is a shift in mindset that turns some games from being considered a "slog" into a gameplay loop that you actually find entertaining. That was my circumstance with RPGs, where I previously found the genre to be a shit numbers game until I played Parasite Eve and Grandia and finally "clicked" with how the genre is more about strategy and "training" than simply "numbers go up".

So I guess the question actually becomes: what are you looking for? What platforms do you have available to play games on and what types of games seem interesting to you? From there, people can begin recommending you games, and you develop your "taste" by figuring out what games you do and don't like.
Replies: >>262663
>But if I don't know my genre yet and use these to decide?
>Anon, just play something. No one" has "their genre" as everyone plays a mix of games. There are some game genres that people find to be more entertaining than others, but that does not mean they remain exclusive to them.
Also, "your genre" may change with time, for instance, i used to love fighting game and were probably my favourite genre until devs and publishers started chasing the e-sports fad and pandering to no-fun-allowed "pro player" niggers.
Now i am more into flashy actioc games, but i am pretty much open to every genre as long as the game is cool and fun to play.
Even when i loved fighting games, when i bought a new console i made sure that i had a varied selection of games before getting another fighting game if i already had one.
Like, i remember my first PSP game was Tekken: Dark Resurrection, then i got NFS: Most Wanted and then Daxter, just to change genre, then i got games like Lumines, Syphon Filter, Crisis Core, Locoroco and God of War before getting another fighting game.
Man, the PSP had such a great (and varied) library, unlike the Vita.
Still my favourite handheld to this day
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Is it okay to buy GAMER cookbooks?
Absolutely not.
>WoW cookbook
>From the author that brought you the Game of Thrones cookbook
What the fuck, they're just traditional European dishes. Why the need for a gay fantasy version of roast duck?
Replies: >>262731
Only if you are retarded.
Some people find real history extremely boring but know everything there is to know about contrived fantasy history made by 50 different writers with no regard for continuity.
Replies: >>262738
Who gives a fuck. If it actually makes you decide to cook a meal instead of eating processed garbage go for it.
You can't find them online for free?
Whatever gets you to eat healthier, I say. Probably not the Sonic book in that case.
You know the supposed real history is exactly like that as well, Except most of it is written by kikes so its less entertaining.
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It actually doesnt look that bad
Replies: >>262752
They can be pretty mundane, honestly. They'll give Eggs Sunny-Side-Up some fancy name or something stupid and that's all it is. You might get a few gimmick recipes but most are gonna be the same shit you find in a regular cookbook.
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epub version looks like shit but heres the chili and chili dog recipe.
Replies: >>262811 >>262814
Spoiler File
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>kosher salt
Replies: >>262889 >>262893
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Replies: >>262825
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>beans in hot dog chili
first murican recipe you've ever seen?
Replies: >>262891
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Yes, and that's something I'm glad of.
Fleur de Sel for normal people.
Replies: >>262936
Wrong. Fleur de sel is fancy sea salt, full of plankton and fish piss, for final seasoning on steak and stupid yuppies who think expensive salt will make store bought hamburgers taste better. "Kosher" salt is just coarse salt with no iodine added. It's better than regular salt because the bigger crystals are more likely to make it to your tongue, so you taste more of the salt and end up using less of it.
Replies: >>262982
Don't have both the same effect though? Not every country has Koshering salt on super market shelves. Something called Fleur de Sel on the other hand is sold everywhere here. So this is what I am stuck with here if I want salt that is actually flaky.
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Anyone know how to install and play infinity nikki?
In linux.
Don't play gacha shit you retard.
Replies: >>263120
>take the advise from the site when it got hacked earlier and KYS
>just run it through wine or proton you nigger
>if step 2 doesn't work, return to step 1
Replies: >>263131
holy tourist
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I got an internal hard drive with the intent to use it as an external drive, along with a dock. Should I buy a case to protect the drive when I'm not using it, like pic related? Or should I return the dock and get an enclosure?
Replies: >>263420 >>263422
Can't you use the box that the HDD came with?
Replies: >>263422 >>263461
If you can't do >>263420 then yeah, do it if you're worried about dust. I just leave them lying around on the shelf because I don't give a fuck. If you're serious about it you should also get an internal 3.5 hotswap bay so you can treat your drives like giant cartridges.
Replies: >>263461
No, because I didn't realize that bezomart would be niggers about the packaging until after I ordered it.

>get an internal 3.5 hotswap bay so you can treat your drives like giant cartridges
Already got the bay, I was thinking along those exact lines. That was the point of my original question; I didn't know whether to keep it or exchange it for an enclosure. I think I'll keep the bay and get the cases.
Is there a room escape game which has more than 0 replay value? I.e. not the exact same puzzles where you have to use the exact same steps to solve them.
Things like multiple possible solutions, or the puzzles are somehow randomized so you have to solve them differently.
Replies: >>263681
That talos puzzle game?
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I've been replaying OG Advance Wars since I never beat it when I was a teenager, and I had this headcanon that I'm sure others have talked about but I never did.

I always imagined Advance Wars was in a universe where people didn't die in war.  Like the battle animations just show the machines getting destroyed, but the people always just sort of "fly off" in a cartoony style.  I always imagined that explosions did the same thing where the people inside would just be all black and charred like in a Wily Coyote cartoon, but otherwise be perfectly fine.  You know, cartoon physics.  In a weird way, in my headcanon, this also explained why Andy didn't know what an airport was.  Since fall damage doesn't exist and cartoon physics does in Advance Wars, if you wanted to travel anywhere in the Advance Wars universe, you'd just sorta "Team Rocket" yourself into the stratosphere to travel around.

Wars in the Advance Wars universe, then, amount to gaining territory by a giant "King of the Hill" game, as opposed to slaughter.

Aside from the animations conveying this, this was the only thing that made sense to me given how...lackadaisical everyone treated war?  Like otherwise, Sonja is A-OK killing everyone in her army for test missions just for intel.  However, if all her men just sort of temporarily "fly off" and wars are this "King of the Hill" game, then her actions and everyone's disregard makes a lot more sense.  It also makes sense how there's "no harm done" from Orange Army rolling over every country.
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uh, im playing SMT the PSX port with a translation patch, long story short the game feels like a grindfest, i hit a major roadblock at post timeskip Shinjuku where i had to grind for hours at Shibuya untill i had enough yen to get M16´s and able to resurrect my dead demons, once i got back on my feet i managed to fuse a few demons here and there and get a party strong enough to keep progressing through the game, i breezed through roppongi actually, anyways now i got to Ginza and im back at square one with all enemy encounters being borderline lethal, i tried the police station and got party killed twice at the boss, so it looks like im back to grinding untill i can deck out the crew again and get more demons

is the whole game like this? grind untill you can beat the area then proceed untill next difficulty spike? or am i doing something wrong? game feels like a chore and whatever novelty it had went out the window the second i hit Post-Timeskip Shinjuku
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