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it's fucking video games, baby

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I would like some clarification from the mods about a continuing issue with the news thread. Someone (or maybe multiple people) thinks that anything game journos shit out onto their websites constitutes "news", even if it's just some retarded clickbait opinion piece. In my opinion these are all derailment in a thread that is supposed to be about vidya news, and should be deleted or moved to a Gamergate thread instead.

Can I get a mod opinion here to set the rules straight?
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>>243716 (OP) 
nobody gives a shit what you think or what irks your autistic sensibilities. way to make a useless shitty thread fucking retard, shut your stupid fucking mouth up.
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also this is now a roll thread
It's painfully obvious that it's the same three shitfaces bumping the gamergate thread and flooding the news thread with shit the second they punch out from working the drive thru at McDonald's.
Let's roll.
Replies: >>243723 >>243733
Reroll because I got dubs I guess.
Replies: >>243733
>>243716 (OP) 
I have to agree with this. Some people on here dont seem to understand that the gamergate general exists for a reason. Here are also some threads on the catalog that should be in the gamergate containment thread.
Replies: >>243732
Cant even post a new gamergate thread due to the word filter.
The SBI stuff is big enough to warrant it's own thread.
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(##1%100000) = 57584
>not using the dice feature
>>243716 (OP) 
What you say is correct, but the fact that a gamergate thread has been a special exception to the rules since this board's inception means that the copy-paste human spambots who are addicted to seeing power words in red text headlines will be allowed to continue indefinitely.

People who copy-pasted entire articles used to be told to fuck off, or outright ignored (the worst kind of poison for them). But when the Sweet Baby Inc stuff happened, it attracted the usual suspects and there is now a critical mass of schizos, subhumans, redditors, and phoneposters who all feed each other (you)s and give the impression of organic conversation.

I doubt much will change but it would good to have things out in the open.
day 1 of asking to fix the onion
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I thought we agreed on meta threads being stupid and gay.
Who the fuck even reads the news threads? I filter them out the moment they're posted.
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(##1%100000) = 5841
Gamergate thread is retarded and doesn't deserve to exist.
News thread should be for all news and gaming/industry/adjacent happenings, big or small.
You should make a thread about it if there's something big enough to deserve to be heard by people who aren't checking the news thread, or if it demands more in-depth discussion.

t. 200 IQ
Replies: >>243785
>News thread should be for all news and gaming/industry/adjacent happenings, big or small.
Is some retard making an article about how "X game is racist/sexist" an industry happening though? That's what I have a problem with here.
Nigger, we have a meta board
I agree, report non-vidya articles being posted in the News thread and I'll take care of them
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>non-vidya articles
>deletes vidya review articles of vidya
Replies: >>243801 >>243813
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>Tranny journalist crying about misogyny
<review article
Replies: >>243809
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Was only posting them for the salt, oh well.
Replies: >>243813
Why is the gamergate thread wordfiltered?
Replies: >>243837
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Post them on /b/ if you want to circle jerk about how cringe and un-based and not-bussin and mid and whatever else your designated outgroup is. I'm tired of seeing shit that doesn't affect me from people I don't care about.
Replies: >>243824 >>243881
I wish anons talked about gamed instead of just bitching about then.
Replies: >>243822
What about non-vidya threads on vidya imageboards? The fake gamergate thread is about 95% the exact same twitter outrage that's been desecrating the news thread, and I don't expect that to change considering it's the same asswipes posting in both threads. Is it just yet another case of certain threads being immune to the rules because "based"? This is a very important question.
Me too anon, usually I start retching and have to close the tab before I find a thread worth posting in. Lately I've been playing Gundam Musou. It's fun but damn SEED is pissing me off just from the abridged version you get in the story mode. Why couldn't they pick an actually good fake UC series like Wing?
Replies: >>243825 >>243837
>Post them on /b/
No, you do it.
>What about non-vidya threads on vidya imageboards? The fake gamergate thread is about 95% the exact same twitter outrage that's been desecrating the news thread, and I don't expect that to change considering it's the same asswipes posting in both threads. Is it just yet another case of certain threads being immune to the rules because "based"? This is a very important question.
>umm I can't hide and ignore things I don't like you actually have to censor it for me just like we do on 4cuck thank you very much
How so? I don't see anything in the filters list 
Pasta decided long ago to keep GG threads around, that's the only reason why they're not being deleted
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>roll thread
I copy pasted this thread >>212013
Something in it goes against the wordfilter and gives a automatic 1 day ban.
Replies: >>243848
Found the filter that was being triggered, it should be all good now
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>board staff
>board owner
>same ID
Replies: >>243868 >>243899
They live in the same house.
This is all the result of not having a proper LOL thread for everyone to dump their comical propaganda into.
Replies: >>243879
>Pasta decided long ago to keep GG threads around, that's the only reason why they're not being deleted
Has pasta actually done anything on the board in the last two years?

Replies: >>243882
>how cringe and un-based and not-bussin and mid and whatever else your designated outgroup is
Oh it's this fag again. Based
if logs are anything to go by he was last active on the 31st of march, or, if this is some kind of wacky software bug, you might be talking to him right now why is this thread still around
Sturgeon told me yesterday that pasta has temporarily resigned due to some IRL things he had to take care of. So for now I'm the board owner. 

Anyway, bumplocking this thread. Report it if something that requires my attention pops up and I haven't answered in a while
Replies: >>243900 >>243922
Own this, faggot
/me unzips
Replies: >>243912
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Replies: >>243914
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Let's see Paul Allen's dubs.
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>pasta has temporarily resigned due to some IRL things he had to take care of
Why? What kind of things? How long is this going to last?
>So for now I'm the board owner
What does that entail? What's gonna change with you at the helm albeit "temporarily"?
Replies: >>243930
>Why? What kind of things? How long is this going to last?
I don't know, he didn't specify
>What does that entail? What's gonna change with you at the helm albeit "temporarily"?
Literally nothing, I'm not touching the rules. I'm moderating the same way as always
>>243716 (OP) 
damn! i just got here but the board staff are based af.
What happened to the Stellar Blade censorship thread?
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