/v/ - Video Games

it's fucking video games, baby

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I would like some clarification from the mods about a continuing issue with the news thread. Someone (or maybe multiple people) thinks that anything game journos shit out onto their websites constitutes "news", even if it's just some retarded clickbait opinion piece. In my opinion these are all derailment in a thread that is supposed to be about vidya news, and should be deleted or moved to a Gamergate thread instead.

Can I get a mod opinion here to set the rules straight?
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>>243716 (OP) 
nobody gives a shit what you think or what irks your autistic sensibilities. way to make a useless shitty thread fucking retard, shut your stupid fucking mouth up.
Replies: >>261931
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also this is now a roll thread
It's painfully obvious that it's the same three shitfaces bumping the gamergate thread and flooding the news thread with shit the second they punch out from working the drive thru at McDonald's.
Let's roll.
Replies: >>243723 >>243733
Reroll because I got dubs I guess.
Replies: >>243733
>>243716 (OP) 
I have to agree with this. Some people on here dont seem to understand that the gamergate general exists for a reason. Here are also some threads on the catalog that should be in the gamergate containment thread.
Replies: >>243732
Cant even post a new gamergate thread due to the word filter.
The SBI stuff is big enough to warrant it's own thread.
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(##1%100000) = 57584
>not using the dice feature
>>243716 (OP) 
What you say is correct, but the fact that a gamergate thread has been a special exception to the rules since this board's inception means that the copy-paste human spambots who are addicted to seeing power words in red text headlines will be allowed to continue indefinitely.

People who copy-pasted entire articles used to be told to fuck off, or outright ignored (the worst kind of poison for them). But when the Sweet Baby Inc stuff happened, it attracted the usual suspects and there is now a critical mass of schizos, subhumans, redditors, and phoneposters who all feed each other (you)s and give the impression of organic conversation.

I doubt much will change but it would good to have things out in the open.
day 1 of asking to fix the onion
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I thought we agreed on meta threads being stupid and gay.
Who the fuck even reads the news threads? I filter them out the moment they're posted.
Replies: >>257831
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(##1%100000) = 5841
Gamergate thread is retarded and doesn't deserve to exist.
News thread should be for all news and gaming/industry/adjacent happenings, big or small.
You should make a thread about it if there's something big enough to deserve to be heard by people who aren't checking the news thread, or if it demands more in-depth discussion.

t. 200 IQ
Replies: >>243785
>News thread should be for all news and gaming/industry/adjacent happenings, big or small.
Is some retard making an article about how "X game is racist/sexist" an industry happening though? That's what I have a problem with here.
Nigger, we have a meta board
I agree, report non-vidya articles being posted in the News thread and I'll take care of them
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>non-vidya articles
>deletes vidya review articles of vidya
Replies: >>243801 >>243813
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>Tranny journalist crying about misogyny
<review article
Replies: >>243809
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Was only posting them for the salt, oh well.
Replies: >>243813
Why is the gamergate thread wordfiltered?
Replies: >>243837
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Post them on /b/ if you want to circle jerk about how cringe and un-based and not-bussin and mid and whatever else your designated outgroup is. I'm tired of seeing shit that doesn't affect me from people I don't care about.
Replies: >>243824 >>243881
I wish anons talked about gamed instead of just bitching about then.
Replies: >>243822
What about non-vidya threads on vidya imageboards? The fake gamergate thread is about 95% the exact same twitter outrage that's been desecrating the news thread, and I don't expect that to change considering it's the same asswipes posting in both threads. Is it just yet another case of certain threads being immune to the rules because "based"? This is a very important question.
Me too anon, usually I start retching and have to close the tab before I find a thread worth posting in. Lately I've been playing Gundam Musou. It's fun but damn SEED is pissing me off just from the abridged version you get in the story mode. Why couldn't they pick an actually good fake UC series like Wing?
Replies: >>243825 >>243837
>Post them on /b/
No, you do it.
>What about non-vidya threads on vidya imageboards? The fake gamergate thread is about 95% the exact same twitter outrage that's been desecrating the news thread, and I don't expect that to change considering it's the same asswipes posting in both threads. Is it just yet another case of certain threads being immune to the rules because "based"? This is a very important question.
>umm I can't hide and ignore things I don't like you actually have to censor it for me just like we do on 4cuck thank you very much
How so? I don't see anything in the filters list 
Pasta decided long ago to keep GG threads around, that's the only reason why they're not being deleted
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>roll thread
I copy pasted this thread >>212013
Something in it goes against the wordfilter and gives a automatic 1 day ban.
Replies: >>243848
Found the filter that was being triggered, it should be all good now
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>board staff
>board owner
>same ID
Replies: >>243868 >>243899
They live in the same house.
This is all the result of not having a proper LOL thread for everyone to dump their comical propaganda into.
Replies: >>243879
>Pasta decided long ago to keep GG threads around, that's the only reason why they're not being deleted
Has pasta actually done anything on the board in the last two years?

Replies: >>243882
>how cringe and un-based and not-bussin and mid and whatever else your designated outgroup is
Oh it's this fag again. Based
if logs are anything to go by he was last active on the 31st of march, or, if this is some kind of wacky software bug, you might be talking to him right now why is this thread still around
Sturgeon told me yesterday that pasta has temporarily resigned due to some IRL things he had to take care of. So for now I'm the board owner. 

Anyway, bumplocking this thread. Report it if something that requires my attention pops up and I haven't answered in a while
Own this, faggot
/me unzips
Replies: >>243912
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Replies: >>243914
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Let's see Paul Allen's dubs.
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>pasta has temporarily resigned due to some IRL things he had to take care of
Why? What kind of things? How long is this going to last?
>So for now I'm the board owner
What does that entail? What's gonna change with you at the helm albeit "temporarily"?
Replies: >>243930
>Why? What kind of things? How long is this going to last?
I don't know, he didn't specify
>What does that entail? What's gonna change with you at the helm albeit "temporarily"?
Literally nothing, I'm not touching the rules. I'm moderating the same way as always
>>243716 (OP) 
damn! i just got here but the board staff are based af.
What happened to the Stellar Blade censorship thread?
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I accidentally deleted the News thread while issuing a ban on some other dude. Sorry
You really should implement an undelete function. I have a maff of the thread, and most of the full images, if you want.
Replies: >>246601
you gotta ask tom about that, he loves feature requests :)
No great loss.
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One of these days you're going to delete a thread the board actually likes.
Replies: >>246642
Yeah, sure you did, buddy.
Some retard was trying to shit it up with that amygdala faggotry from /b/ anyway.
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retard rat, give it back to the other bo
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saved, thank you for the picture.
Replies: >>246645 >>247370
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Have another for that sick palindrome.
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I have no complaints. The userbase numbers seem to have settled and everything's been rather quiet but comfy lately. I wish we had more people but perhaps that's a monkey paw thing.
The easiest way to spot a cuckchanner is by the image file names they use. After the migration even 8chan was using unix time stamps for file names until like 2017, so a unix time filename that starts with anything lower than 149 is most likely an oldfag. But something that starts in 170 like >>246642 is far more recent, and the biggest site that uses that format is cuckchan. Smug uses it too so it's not a 100% guarantee but it is a safe bet.

You can convert the time stamps to real time here to see when the image was posted.
Replies: >>247402
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>everyone who disagrees with me is JIDF cuckchan /intl/ Ralph revolt endchan mark /cow/ eden
I think some browsers also save as unix but I could be wrong
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>roll mosaic
>male characters
Who's making these? The old 8/v/ mosaic someone posted here also had them.
Replies: >>247495
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I'm going to preemptively beg for fake outrage posting over fag month to get banned under rule 5, or at least contained to the niggergate thread. It's just too predictable to be worth talking about, and since it's not like anyone here needs to be told not to pay for games the only reason to post it here is to be a huge cocksucking faggot.
Replies: >>247898
Too many words just to say you're mentally ill.
Seek help.
What happened to the Bloodborne thread?
Replies: >>248797
Got deleted because "0 effort".
why is parapara wordfiltered? I put it in my image and got autobanned.
Replies: >>249727 >>249730
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You've just posted the word here, I doubt that's it.
I wonder, what are the odds the filter reads the entire file as bytes then interprets certain segments as words?
Replies: >>249729
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just tried it again and got autobanned by the wordfilter.
in a image seems to be a instant ban. I can post the image fine with a changed name
It appears to be a global filter related to a few spam links. I can't change those without asking Sturgeon first
I hate latinx people so much. Retarded subhumans, why can’t posts from mexicans and the other South Americans be filtered out? All they do is derail threads
Replies: >>249738
Me too. None of them have helped me get a Brazilian braaphog gf.
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Alright, I don't know a thing about gamedev or programming and I'm getting a lot of reports every time this guy >>250974 posts. Other than his broken, borderline incomprehensible English, what else is wrong with him? 
There is not one post this person has ever made that hasn't been reported half a dozen times. 

Help me take a decision here, why should I delete them?
Last edited by seagull
That's a known webring schizo that has been posting for years now also known as 6k, ask sturg about it.
He's not looking for help or feedback and isn't posting progress. He's just shitting the thread up with garbage.
it's the same guy who posts how to make 6 digit art on /b/
He's a semi-known namefag whose name was something like "w6-689" and he used to post on /v/ more frequently but he got his posts deleted a lot. Now I think he mostly sticks to /b/ and soyjak.party, his original dwelling.

Regardless of whether or not he's a known bad actor, his posts have negative effort and actively make the thread worse.
Ban him for teh lulzors
Don't know who this fag is but it looks like some schizo project that his warped mind has mistaken for game dev.
The people reporting him are also probably highly autistic. Just let them be.
Replies: >>251088
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>The people reporting him are also probably highly autistic
ip ban him
he adds nothing to the conversation and just shits up every thread he comes in contact with
t. been reporting him for years now
I report him because I see him in a myriad of boards across the webring posting horrifically low effort shit with terrible english and shitting up threads constantly.
If that was all, I'd be okay, but if you actually try to answer any questions he poses you'll find he refuses any and all advice and just continues to post more incomprehensible walls of text. Usually these posts are accompanied by low-effort scribbles on /co/ or /loomis/ but I guess he started posting this gamedev stuff recently.
>32 users
it's officially joever, zzzchan is finished
Eh, it swings 30+ user's depending on the time.
Replies: >>251792
>5. Don't be a faggot: repeated disruptive behavior and attempts to purposely shit up a thread or multiple ones, derailing discussion, excessive and repeated use of names, avatars and tripcodes with no practical use will warrant a ban and/or post deletions.

Nigger is super fucking annoying, and he namefags, and wastes everyone time with his stupid questions, and he makes retarded threads because he cant figure out how posting work. His questions are not gamedev, its gibberish. But kind anons try to decipher it, because they dont know its him, and its a waste of time.
I had an isp start blocking zzz so now it's less convenient to get on
Replies: >>251792
Cloudflare started blocking me out of nowhere for random sites depending on if I had vpn on or not. Some it either needed or needs to be off/on. Muzzleloaders was blocking me as an example unless off, here blocked unless on. Just my experience.  Then muzzleloaders wasn't blocked either way....
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Documenting a few interesting posts I've seen in the last few days which indicate the Street Fighter avatarfag has either recruited another subhuman to join him in derailing threads or has branched out from posts with a single retarded question to posts with a single retarded insult.

Please delete AGI spam whether it comes from humans, subhumans, or bots.
Replies: >>253246 >>253256
it's all over /a/ and /b/ as well, mods don't give a shit
Replies: >>253247
Start using the report function more often then
>censor everything because it has a picture I don't like
Kill yourself and go back to facebook, nigger. How do people end up on obscure internet imageboards and screech in advocacy of brainless censorship? There are a million places for people just like you, and it ain't here.
Replies: >>253258
>let's flood the site with AI generated posts!
found the kike
Replies: >>253259
Having an AI generated image doesn't mean the post is AI generated. The only problem is see with those posts is the file name of the second one that means it likely came from cuckchan.
Is there anyone who can unpin the Synergy gamenight thread and pin the current one?
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>three weeks ago
>barely any action from the mods except for removing CP
>a week and a half ago
>barely any action from the mods except for removing CP
>barely any action from the mods except for removing CP
Did you guys get shanghaid or something?

I'm almost reluctant to bring it up since the board's been mostly fine, but all it takes is for one bad actor to notice he can spam or derail and get away with it. There's been that one Street Fighter/AI-image fag shitting up the fighting game thread and a couple others - or maybe there's more than one AI-image faggot with similar posting interests. But there is definitely some kind of faggotry going on here, and the Street Fighter guy is a known avatarfag/human spambot.
Replies: >>254762 >>254949
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Like, look at this niggatry. God, it offends me to know that some Chinese or South American is sitting at his computer typing out replies to himself and posting them where I can see them.
Replies: >>254763
it's an AI
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>18 users
>32 posts PER DAY
it's officially over. 4 years, ok run as far as alt boards which usually come and go in the span of a few months. congrats to the retards who actively contributed to destroying this place for their own selfish jollies over the years, it was a slow game but I guess you've won in the end. the cake has been eaten and the party is over. see you all never again probably.
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for comparison, this same place at its peak 2 years ago had just a little under 8x more users and over 10x more posts per day.
the next on the chopping block is obviously blacked.gov which I'm not gonna bother looking thru archives but I recall peaked at around 470 users around the same time as well, and is now down to 100ish, going as low as 80ish on bad days. you laughed at that stupid nigger eden's board for having 1pph and 20 users, now this place has that amount. blacked.gov laughed at you for having 100ish users and 10 pph, now they struggle to get that many. time is a flat circle, and history repeats itself. I wonder what the next "8chan successor" is going to be. especially in the wake of all the "8chan personalities" fizzling out. I wonder if there's even going to be one.
Hi Eden.
Replies: >>254797
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oh hi, you're one of the people I was referring to
> congrats to the retards who actively contributed to destroying this place for their own selfish jollies over the years, it was a slow game but I guess you've won in the end
the fact you're still at it, might be a sign of you being mentally unwell and having a rather large supply of extremely misplaced resentment. unfortunately, or fortunately depends on how you see it, you're beating a dead horse, you're already at the funeral and yet you still want to reopen the coffin and stick another knife in the corpse. why? I can formulate 4 theories
A: I'm right on all counts, you're legitimately insane and one of the people who actively worked to bring this place to the state it's in and you're just routinely playing your playbook
B: you're a very haha unfunny retard playing an epic sarcastic prank
C: you're just a low IQ retard who legitimately can't tell the difference between facts and the shit that nigger lover Eden Altmeyer who lives @ 309 W Touhy Ave Apt 1W Park Ridge, IL 60068-4204 pulled
D: you're Eden Altmeyer who lives @ 309 W Touhy Ave Apt 1W Park Ridge, IL 60068-4204 yourself and you're still mad after 4 years
either way it doesn't matter, this place is toast as it is and arguing with niggers like you sure isn't going to fix that. however, at the end of the day, the joke's on you, all you've managed to do is kill an imageboard you used yourself, once this too is gone, where are you going? who's the real clown here? pro tip: it's you.
Replies: >>254804
I blame the drama tbh.
At least its been an interesting learning experience in a morbid sort of way, finding out that most site owners of imageboards tend to be the pettiest bunch of faggots around (besides the actual dramafags of shitholes like alogs ofc).
Replies: >>254801 >>254940
Yeah its pretty dead. There arent even any mods because the sticky is from a month old dead gamenight.
Replies: >>254801 >>254940
>most site owners of imageboards tend to be the pettiest bunch of faggots around
yeah, more like all of them, all just a bunch of circlejerking holier than thou attention starved faggots who huff their own farts 24/7 thinking they know it better than everyone else because they happened to arrive first. 9/10 times every fucking drama incident was directly or indirectly caused by mods and admins themselves.
it's funny because it just fucking up and died in just a few months, it was still somewhat active just a bit earlier this year, like even just a three months back there were 3 times this many users https://web.archive.org/web/20240524205035/https://zzzchan.xyz/index.html it's like everyone decided to fuck off all at once or just got bored all of a sudden. and I don't buy the "it's summer" theory, as if anons do anything else but browse imageboards all day and it matters what season it is.
So what actually happened? Was it a feedback loop of
>site gets slower
>people leave because site gets slower
>site gets slower
Or was there always just 3 guys samefagging and 2 of them left?
Replies: >>254803 >>254940
it was a combination of that but also the fact mods couldn't grasp the concept of the userbase of small sites like this is mostly a finite resource balanced precariously. when your mod action log consists of multiple bans a day, throwing in a couple permanents ones in the mix as well, it doesn't take a genius to understand you're slowly cutting users down day by day. it is true you can always ban evade but for most it's about principle. unless they're actively trying to fuck things up, like a minority has, nobody is happy about getting their post/threads removed and getting banned because a mod got uppity one day and they'd just actually take the ban and leave.
couple that with the few but very dedicated, more so than mods, shitstirrers which have been plaguing this and many other webring sites since day 0 and further exacerbating every issue to the next level, and you got your answer. new users probably do come from time to time, but they're immediately put off by
>low activity
>bunch of mental cases who will flash their epic oldfag badge and telling them that everything is haram
>bunch of other mental cases who act with the intent of driving people away
>mods who just b&d them at the smallest of infraction while also leaving the wrong people run free
Replies: >>254809
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Hi Edup, can't a man shitpost in peace?
Very odd for such postings to appear right after a nice, comfy and fun gamenight to boot, surely there are no coincidences to be found here.
Or maybe this is some 5D chess scheme to apply viagra to the PPH through drama.
Replies: >>254805 >>254806
>eden would post his own dox and face
which letter are you in my post?
>A: legitimately insane and one of the people who actively worked to bring this place to the state it's in and you're just routinely playing your playbook
>B: you're a very haha unfunny retard playing an epic sarcastic prank
>C: you're just a low IQ retard who legitimately can't tell the difference between facts and the shit that nigger lover Eden Altmeyer who lives @ 309 W Touhy Ave Apt 1W Park Ridge, IL 60068-4204 pulled
>D: you're Eden Altmeyer who lives @ 309 W Touhy Ave Apt 1W Park Ridge, IL 60068-4204 yourself and you're still mad after 4 years
Replies: >>254806
also sonic karts is scraping the bottom of the barrel for a gamenight, never played it and never will, the fact it gets repeated every so often instead of a million other much better games drives me bananas.
Sounds like you fit into E:
>faggot who hates fun and the fun must always cowtow to him
Replies: >>254808
you're not answering
Permabans and long bans on common VPN nodes are inconvenient as fuck
Each time I get a ban message when trying to post, most of the time I don't even bother trying to switch nodes and just fuck off from the site for a while till I remember it exists again It happened again with this post
Replies: >>254817
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you try this at least once every year
you have always failed and you will continue to fail
please find a better hobby
Replies: >>254813
>they hated jesus because he told them the truth
Replies: >>254940
>mental cases who act with the intent of driving people away
Replies: >>254815 >>254824
It's the fucking meta thread it's a glorified shitpost thread you tryhard nigger. Blow your brains out.
This is at least a legit complaint. There are "reputation" lists that get used to fuck over people with VPNs, there should be a screaming red badge in the mod interface for "this is a VPN IP, don't perma it because of one retard" to solve that problem.
Oh, and to ask the question that probably started all this: where the hell is seagull?
Replies: >>254821
You can find a lot of them on the coast but some like to live in parking lots.
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>also sonic karts is scraping the bottom of the barrel for a gamenight, never played it and never will, the fact it gets repeated every so often instead of a million other much better games drives me bananas.
You forgot to mention that no one asked for it, Edup.
Many such cases on zzz. 

You should host something then.
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You are completely wrong. The last SRB2K gamenight had twice as many players playing at the same time as the TF2C gamenight during peak hours.
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You know how you could easily get more activity? Allow people to make threads that aren't just for serious discussion. As long as it's videogames and not some kind of obvious demoralization shit, don't delete it.

The people you should ban are the ones that start crying whenever someone tries to have light hearted fun, not the people who are trying to have the fun.
Replies: >>254831
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i agree, we should be like 4chan /v/ and allow AI image dump threads.
Replies: >>254832
I agree with your point. We should strive to differentiate ourselves as far as possible from 4chan and turn sleepychan into a deanonymized BBS.
Replies: >>254836
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I no longer post because I don't get my jollies about shitposting about videogames anymore. Videogames have been shit and oversaturated and they're not getting any better judging by most not-E3s, and I'm hardly finding anything to be excited about anymore.
Other than that my life's been slowing into a crawl and my brain feels as if it's constantly shrinking on the misery and faggotry of the current age.
Not saying there's anything wrong about this place, and I was not the one complaining. It's only logical there's an recess in discussion when everything in a medium feels like it's been tried a thousand times before.
Replies: >>254837 >>254841
You jest, however as another lost 8ch soul who only recently realized this site was active, I have to say I am really saddened that there are still some image boards which don't realize what an awful idea thread IDs ultimately turned out to be.  They are in opposition to truly anonymous posting and frustrate many of its benefits.
Replies: >>254841
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You and me both.
They're not as much of a problem now that we've shed most of the redditors, I find. People mostly know that IPs are cheap and >(1) isn't an argument, so their actual intended purpose of making blatant samefagging obvious isn't being overshadowed by their drawbacks.
Post about games you like then. Don't let neophilia make you think something isn't worth talking about just because it's "old", that way /a/ lies.
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painfully unfunny zoomer meme
Replies: >>254896 >>254897
i was sad when i made it
its a painfully unsaddy zoomer meme
You're mad because it's true.
Replies: >>254940
Anon, we were already in the deep end when most of the Sleepy Station articles were rolling in.
>crying about meta discussion in a meta thread
heh, even
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On the topic of deletions, I am curious why this anon's posts were seemingly mass deleted. The log says it was a bot but it doesn't seem like one to me.
Replies: >>266480
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>global banned
>still posting
reported, enjoy your ban human spambot
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>it's the umineko nigger
Probably because you were being a galaxy class retard.
Have you perchance made an OP for an isekai writing contest on smug a few years ago?
Are you the guy who was always last in karts?
Nah I think you were. Take your meds.
Replies: >>254926
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>creates a schizo boogeyman with the proof being "Nah I think you were"
>"Take your meds"
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>rule abiding

Using stupid nicknames like this is a surefire way to look like a schizo and engender absolutely zero sympathy.
I pray every single poster here gets rounded up and put in the gas chamber for being utterly moronic failspergs.
Replies: >>254944
But didn't you just post here
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>Why do you ask, though?
Long ago in distant l/a/nds under Meido rule, an Anon made a well-intentioned thread for his fellows to congregate and engage in some old-timey board-related writefagging.
All was well until one fine day the local Meido on duty had a bad time and mistakenly deleted said Anon's sizeable post history by IP due to one of his posts in an unrelated threat bearing mild resemblance to subversive posting by the usual evildoers hounding the webring wastes.
Many were upset and while unlike the likes of Mark and his Blacked.Eva entourage or the ever-静かな海猫 the Meidos were able to calm things down by talking to Anons and explaining what happen, these events would nonetheless set the stage for the great Cafe massacre of Christmas 2021.
Good job alerting the edenposters you schizo retard.
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Have mods abandoned the site? Not a single board report has been attended in months, the synergy gamenight was 2 months ago and it's still stickied, the chink bot posts are piling and nobody is doing anything. Only CP ever gets deleted and even then sometimes that takes a whole day. Where is seagull? Where is the BO? This is why nobody posts here.
Replies: >>255509
Seagull said that something happened with pasta and he was made BO for now. >>243899
Replies: >>255510
Doesn't explain why he hasn't been doing anything in the past few months.
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>CP is still up
Seagull too busy jacking off to it
This was commented in /support/ 
The whole webring is dying, the CP spammer is using more NSFW pics and they're staying up for longer
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Captcha in the report dialogue seems to be broken. It just switches images every second for about 10 seconds and then asks you to "Try again later".

where? asking for a friend
Replies: >>256064
This happens when your computer's time is out of sync with the server time. Resync with some NTP server and the problem should disappear.
Replies: >>256079
that worked, thanks
The gayoppers ruin everything. There has been a few other 8chan "successors" that all got gayopped to death. In my view its people that are mad that they arent "in charge" and cant stand that others are owning the sites/moderating them. People like Mark for instance. Who HAS to be the /v/ mod. Its why they are so butthurt about other places like this.
Replies: >>256208 >>256251
I am pretty sure its also a bunch of the Warosufags from /intl/. Or better what's left of their sperg crusade. This place is pretty much unaffected at the first glance however. Why the fuck is there a meta thread?
It's not about the site, it's the format.
You can communicate here with any IP, from any web browser, and with a VPN if you want.
No phone number, no login, no submitting your real name. You can't even READ 4chan now from most VPN nodes, you get a 429 error.
Effective communication for the masses makes certain people very angry and they send their whipped dogs to make sure places like this remain obscure and irrelevant. For every band of retards there's a tard wrangler who's told where to send them.
Narrative control is required for the economy to "function." It's how they keep the plebs in line. Everyone with money in every sector has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. They will spam the whole internet into the ground with AI garbage if necessary.
Replies: >>256253
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and you niggers made fun of eden jesus christ
Replies: >>256600 >>256609
Speaking of Eden. Has anybody else noticed how hard this "muh feds" narrative has been pushed since that period where cakechan was down for a week? It feels like we've forgotten the reality of that site's actions entirely even though it's mods' crimes are majorly responsible for the problems plaguing this site to this day.
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>blacked.gov laughed at you for having 100ish users and 10 pph, now they struggle to get that many. time is a flat circle
It's a dog eat dog world, the webring is destined to wither off and die, as is blacked, you may not like to hear it but it's going to happen. The 8chan sphere has been a thing for nearly a decade and it split off into well over a dozen tiny irrelevant imageboards all constantly bickering over scraps, what did you expect was going to happen?
8chan wasn't just blessed by the circumstance of being in the right places at the right time to catch lighting in a bottle, it was also handled as a business by a business man who marketed and advertised it hard and not to subtly in all relevant circles. The webring, blacked and the rest meanwhile are managed by a bunch of clueless hobbyist losers with no clear cut idea what to do, all of which brought together and defined by the same set of negative attributes: insidiousness, pettiness, presumption, and cowardice. The game was rigged from the start, you were all guilty of complacency and deceived by false promises and false optimism.
I think it's mostly just because nobody comes in and people go out. I can see blacked lasting longer because the mods are such dumb niggers that they'll advertise on reddit to maintain it but this site's gonna be dead within a few years.
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>it was also handled as a business by a business man who marketed and advertised it hard and not to subtly in all relevant circles
What are you talking about?
All 8chan had to do to survive for a long time after it achieved users was literally not destroy itself, and they destroyed it seemingly intentionally. It didn't require a genius to run.
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Pph goes up and down, it's been like this since forever. Unlike Eden's board, which was perpetually stuck at 1pph 24/7. 
Why don't (You) blow your brains out, nigger
Replies: >>256612 >>256613
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>pph goes up and down
Yeah I guess it does go between 1 to 4 pph
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>I don't think about you at all
>CTRL+F "Eden"
>13 matches
Replies: >>256635 >>256796
Kokoro-chan, don't you have important police business to attend to?
Replies: >>256794
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QTDDTOT-bros, our thread has reached reply limit...
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Kokoro-chan iuu na.
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>Is the only person to bring up Eden over and over again in the thread
<heh, see? People keep bringing up Eden!
Replies: >>256824
>using meme subs on words even english-speakers would know
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Why do you think they're bots?
Replies: >>257576
Given he spent all fucking day replying to random posts with "wow yet another bot, bravo sturgeon" I'm guessing it's either a gayop or a newfag fresh off the boat from some gay telegram room. Either way fucker needs to take a deep breath and dilate.
12:11:46 pm - >>257771 (bumping 2 month old thread, not addressing or replying anything that's been said, out of context text about shit that has no bearing at all, direct youtube link to an ad video about a warframe update, random pic completely out of context)

11:10:37 am >>>/k/4743 (generic reply "Haha." at the end posted less than 2 minutes away from >>>/k/4744)
11:12:08 am >>>/k/4744 (bringing up the Su-57 again, ellipses at the end, replying to what's itself from another ID >>>/k/4681 in turn reposting the same pic of a plane reposted multiple times)

I'm gonna start cataloguing every single bot post since mods clearly do not care, and maybe even the ones who were not gifted with a slightly above room temperature IQ and the ability to recognize patterns will be able to tell them when seeing them side by side.
Replies: >>257780 >>257802
The influx of retards posting lately is far more detrimental than any of those posts.
Replies: >>257782
I don't care, I'd rather speak to a retarded human than an intelligent robot. It dilutes discussion because retards actually reply to it. Would anyone actually go on a website knowing chatgpt bots post on it and you could be talking to one?
>cataloguing every single bot post
Please do. I don't browse other boards so the stuff from /k/ is new to me.
Replies: >>257812
more spam
>I don't browse other boards
>t. normalfag with a life who does NOT refresh the zzz overboard at 4 AM waiting for just one meager new post
>filtering anything ever
what a fucking pussy.
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Seagull, anons were talking about the topic in this thread. You shouldn't have gotten rid of it.
*The topic being the recent green-haired, fat community manager of Godot going on a banning spree on the official Twitter account.
Replies: >>257924
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I told y'all he was a fag.
Remake it with a non retarded OP.
Replies: >>257951
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It was a 0 effort thread that didn't even have the pics of the drama in the OP.
Replies: >>257951 >>257973
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How about you start reading threads other than /meta/?
Replies: >>258015
Not only was the thread zero effort but it was a zero effort twitter screenshot thread. Lurk more before posting again. This isnt cuckchan.
Replies: >>257957
Why are the mods ignoring that there is an obvious samefag derailing almost every thread these past few days? You can tell its a samefag because he uses offsite lingo like soyjak or cuckchan shit
Replies: >>257957
Operation mockingbird out in full force here, doubleposter
Yeesh talk about a gut
Isn't that discussion in the news thread though?
Replies: >>258002
You want to fill up the news thread with one event?
Replies: >>258017
Nigger I have 35 tabs open.
Replies: >>258143 >>258174
You want a new thread with "UHHH ITT:GODOT DISCUSSION" on the catalog?
Replies: >>258144
Anon please, there is a thread watcher.
>What is a containment thread
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>I have 35 tabs open
I once had literally over nine thousand, but I went on a closing spree because I was afraid that reaching the five digit mark would metaphorically mark my death as a functioning member of society (and cause technical issues too of course).
That's a lotta doujins open at once.
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>I once had literally over nine thousand
I don't understand why people use tabs this way. Just bookmark the link if you intend to come back later. The page probably reloads when you revisit it after so much time anyway. Just seems like you're asking for trouble. I'd hate to see what your kitchen counter and laundry pile look like.
Get a tab limiter addon and set it to 10.
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Wow for once someone has a bigger problem than me.  I salute you anon.
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Here comes the bot posts
>>>/k/4815 (generic single line question, pic of a plane)
>>>/k/4866 (bumping 3 months old thread without, generic single line question, direct linking youtube to an ad video, pic of a plane, odd line breaking and phrasing)
>>>/k/4864 (suspiciously posted just a few minutes before >>>/k/4866, direct linking a google search instead of just posting the pictures, odd line breaking and phrasing)
There are a few more which look kinda suspicious but it's hard to tell without looking at the post histories. I know for a fact it reuses IPs because I've seen it reply to itself more than once, so I'm assuming it makes multiple posts under 1 IP, possibly across boards.
Just know that whoever is running this, is likely reading reports and complaints about it and possibly tweaking the settings to avoid being caught. The longer you let this go unaddressed the sneakier it'll become and the harder it'll be to tackle.
Another one
>>>/k/4863 (2 and a half minutes before >>>/k/4864, facebook nigger "meme", ellipses, "?!?", generic question that doesn't add anything)
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All things must come to an end. Truthfully, I think most people have aged out like me and there aren't younger lurkers to replace them, but the simple truth is the mods and site owner need to be more active. At the very least, prune old threads and decrease the thread post limit and bump limits to spur thread creation. More ambitious things would be to set up an archive and 4chanX integration. You also have to get a guy that does regular gamenights, even if it's just one game, and isn't afraid to crosspost to places like 4chan's /vm/. 

I check in here maybe once every month or so and usually leave when I realize that all the threads are the same.
Oh yeah, and it also doesn't help that video games absolutely fucking suck now. Like, it's way worse now than even one console generation ago.
>and isn't afraid to crosspost to places like 4chan's /vm/. 
You're implying that this is somehow a good thing?
Replies: >>258346
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>and isn't afraid to crosspost to places like 4chan's /vm/
But that never happened. Go back to cuckchan Eden.
Replies: >>258346
Don't advertise the website, just use /vm/ to get active gamenights and it'll attract new blood through osmosis. The goal with gatekeeping should never be to keep everyone out, but to let the right ones in and groom them.
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Replies: >>258352 >>258404
By groom, I mean telling them to lurk moar before posting.
I don't want new blood from cuckchan.
Replies: >>258387
The userbases are the same, dude. Where did you post before 8chan?

Even if you disagree with it, there are still additional changes that should've been prioritized over tegaki, like an active mod team and 4chanX integration.
Replies: >>258390
They are absolutely not the same. Every good user left cuckchan during GG, anyone who is still there years later is from a completely different userbase more akin to reddit.
Replies: >>258403
Some people are just dumbasses.
Yes, groom them to breed them. 
Is there a problem?
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>8chan prime veteran Anons have aged into Aras ready to /ss/ succeeding generations of cuckchan migrants
Replies: >>258424
don't post this hag here again
Replies: >>258433
Spoiler File
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I have to occasionally use cuckchannel for shit you can't really find information on for the rest of the internet 'cuz it's buried under pajeet's AI SEO article trash, and plebbit continues to sink lower than you ever thought possible. General consensus is that people are desperate to move to a better board but they're too retarded and/or weak-willed to even try going somewhere with an even slightly lower PPH. Because god forbid actually starting a conversation and keep it going, or in the case of drawfags and mod makers, they are a little rightfully wanting as many people as possible to share it with while not having to deal with the shit that comes on sharing it elsewhere, janitors be damned.
Speaking of janitors, this is also due to how I've seen the janitors there not moderate shit, but so much mention a passing glance of a different imageboard or better alternatives and it's automatically erased. Of course all janitors there are confirmed glowniggers, so it kinda comes that you don't want people getting the fuck off your honeypot.
Part of me think they deserve it though. even when zchan, etc. blew up after 8chan blew up, we managed to find our homes, and so did they. if they wanna make this place their new home without being told to go the fuck back though, then they've gotta lurk moar faggot
Apologies about the fucking autistic rant, I'm more than likely preaching to the choir here.
Replies: >>258580
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> Of course all janitors there are confirmed glowniggers

In the same universe where Hiroshima is actually a 200 year old bonsai behind a waterfall in Japan. Not in this one, were most jannies, even the globals, are eating glue. In fact its competition who can eat the most glue, janny or the globals, during every shitstorm The banal explanation why nobody does shit is, because their staff lost 400 IQ points during the buildup to that event™ and the globals then refused to make it better. Also the reason why there is no janitor of /b/ is because m00t enacted the policy that everyone is the janitor of /b/ and is supposed to handle illegal content that is collected on special report queue only. BRAVO M00TYKINS!

Pics are preef that was practically in there thanks to something that had been out for years.
Why was the report for this post dismissed? Its a fucking cuckchan screenshot.
Replies: >>259358
Since when are ontopic halfchan screenshots against the rules?
Replies: >>259364
Since when are cuckchan screenshots allowed you stupid fucking newfag.
Replies: >>259368 >>259370
>buying games
this thread should have been deleted instantly.
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Since forever. I don't see them there and I have no idea on what drugs it 
could be interpreted as derailment attempt. Especially when the discussion about it should be over by now. What is not allowed is typical Cuckchan garbage like template threads, low effort OPs or avatar fagging. Extreme gay behavior organized on an archive are also a potential bannable offense, but I don't see that happening here either.

You sound butthurt, because W.T. Snacks style quality control isn't practiced by the volunteers here. Could that be the cause of your Hemmorids? Don't worry, you don't to buy gay Nivea cream to deal with them. The active ingredient you need is called Lanolin and is used in every baby skin cream.
Replies: >>259369
If you had used this site for more than a week you would have known that cuckchan shit is against the rules.
>but its not in the rules
This is why you are a newfag.
Replies: >>259380
I've noticed more cuckchan lingo being used around here, coinciding with the quality of the posts going to shit. I'm guessing the mods gave up on quality control.
Replies: >>259377
The only "cuckchan lingo" around here is the use of the word "zoomer". But how else would you describe generation Z?
Replies: >>259378 >>259380
Just as gen z, obviously. It's even quicker to write so you can't use that as an excuse.
Nope. Never seen that one during all the time when I was lurking here and this place's predecessor. I don't even have to justify myself to somebody who derives rules from common sentiment. 

From the same guys who invented the Boomer meme, Doomer meme and also the Bloomer meme comes the Cancer meme™. Congratulations! Cuckchan has cancer. Can we finally bury that feel? This would be great. Its the equivalent of rage faces nowadays
I recommend this addon https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/tabhunter/
Replies: >>259626
You can do that by just typing %whatever in the address bar.
Replies: >>259629
That doesn't let you mass-close tabs though
It should be obvious by now, as if it weren’t already an open secret, that there are a decent amount of crossposters including myself. I wasn’t always like this, I stood steady for eight years from 2014 to 2022, but I just got bored of the slowness. I still come here because I have some control over the post quality, and I want to encourage people to keep things separate and avoid using most of terminology and any word with the suffix -oomer (frankly you should not be using this terminology period), but for the love of Christ do not be so high-strung about it. This place is obscure, but it isn’t a bubble and neither was 8chan.
Replies: >>259705 >>259707
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Boomer and Z*mer should be permitted owing to their simple practicality, but the rest of the *oomer suffixes are rightfully cancer.

t. crossposting since the dawn of the webring and had several lengthy posts shoah'd by Sturgeon circa 2021 due to a single no-no word something that doesn't even happen on smug anymore outside of Hoihoi's autoban wordlist
Replies: >>259707
2 niggers having gay nigger sex, and then discussing details and specifics.
Replies: >>259709
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No (You).
So who's the fag posting niggered porn?
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Why did the post in the Mario & Luigi Brothership thread with a Japanese screenshot of a dialogue asking how it went through ESG checks get deleted?
Replies: >>260990
Logs say ban evasion. Not sure how you could possibly infer something like that from that post rather than it just being any other anon using a VPN, but hey I'm not a mod so what do I know?
What the fuck did the screenshot say anyway, I don't understand moonrunes.
Replies: >>260995
From what I recall, something about a woman in pink arriving (guessing Princess Peach), and the speaker finding her really cute and kind of sexy, or something like that.
The mod doing this should be permabanned. You're fucking up the board you faggot. 

Talking to you "virtual" you nigger kissing faggot.
Replies: >>261020 >>261023
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Assuming, for the sake of the argument, you're not the person in question, even though one would find it strange to go out of one's way to defend some rando without knowing the full picture, and assuming you're arguing in good faith, it goes one of two ways. He can:
- Serve his ban
- Keep playing whack-a-mole with me, have it indefinitely extended and have all his posts and history deleted every time he's recognized, which trust me, is not hard to do.
No amount of negotiation, sockpuppeting and crying here, /meta/ or /b/ will change these terms, so you can shove it.
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Replies: >>261023
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>every time he's recognized
You're so fucking delusional.
Replies: >>261023
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I'm not calling you a fag because you deleted a post of mine. I'm calling you a fag because I am your personal boogeyman. I am every person you think I am. I am every person you don't think I am, too. Every post in this thread is mine. I am zzzchan's only poster. Every gamenight is me playing with bots. I'm making 10 shitty games at once and asking myself for help.

So stop fighting with me and banning all of my posts before the people that lurk here (also me) figure out that this site is literally just one schizo arguing with himself.

all me
Replies: >>261116 >>261550
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What exactly did I do to offend (You)?
Did (You) confuse me with some other spamming nigger, or is asking silly questions in slow/inactive threads now a heretical offense?
And here I was thinking the moderation had improved compared to 2021, still don't know how Nintendo got past the ESG checks in Japan though.

Also every single one of my posts and threads for the past few years have been conducted over Tor so I'm not sure what ebin bost history I'm supposed to have my Internet also a shit with frequent disruptions and subsequent dynamic IP allocation I can't do anything about, surely a rangeban will fix it just like it did on the 4um 10 years ago.
Really curious what "I" did though, a bunch of "my" threads are still up in spite of all this dumb shit.
You're not me, I'm me.
I miss when seagull was on vacation in Thailand and virtual didn't exist. Sick of seeing Deleted in every thread.
Replies: >>261560
Lol ban this faggot. Assmad schizoid cocksucker can go talk to himself in a padded cell.
wtf is going on in this thread
I have a hunch that virtual has some connections to the d*gi cabal, they've been targeting any one that points their faggotry out.
Yeah we are all just the same person and you're not abusing your power at all by being Mark 2.0 and banning any post you dont like EVEN in the meta thread where you are supposed to discuss this.
And lets not forget you making up reasons for banning people with made up reasons such as "spam".
Replies: >>261809
Are extant sea mammals, japano-avian dinosaurs and/or Neil Druckmann involved?
>deleting the post with the archive link where some anons on /b/ called each other and the mods fags
I didn't care about alleged /digi/ subversion or whatever else a bunch of tripfagging circlejerkoffs on their containment board were doing just like I gave zero fucks about /animus/ on old 8chan in spite of said board having the highest average PPH outside of /qresearch/ nor about /animu/ being the supposed savior of anonymoose anime imageboards from the clutches of the m*ido cabal circa 2017, but all these post deletions lately have begun to arouse my interest.
Could the moderators be hiding something?
Replies: >>261833
The a owner asked on digi if anyone wanted to take control of the board since he hasn't been active lately. Given some faggot has been going around on other boards namefagging as "/digi/chad" or as one of the digi mods, a lot of this complaining about digi seems to be falseflagging motivated by a personal vendetta against their board.
Replies: >>261834 >>261843
So the usual then.
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>a personal vendetta against their board
Anyone of the mods who are /digi/ aligned has a personal vendetta against anyone who doesn't conform to their hug box ideology. Most of what they do in their board is complain about normalfags ruining culture by taking things for themselves and then they go ahead and do the same thing acting like they're the defenders of the same culture they pretend to be a part of. Look at what happened to /a/ once they got their hands on it; they purged a shit ton of posts, replaced the banners with exclusively lolis because they're tryhards with no originality, changed the theme to some gay shit just like their home board, and then they stamped their name brand list of rules against shit that nobody would want to or would have even had the idea to post anyways unless they were obviously spammers. /digi/ niggers don't understand discretion, which is typical for conceited posers like them who think they belong.
Replies: >>261845 >>261931
The whining has been going on a lot longer. They only received control of a within the past couple days and they were approached by the owner of a, not the other way around.
Replies: >>261846
It's not whining, it's legit criticism of control freak faggots who showed signs of faggotry before they had an ounce of authority outside of their containment board. It doesn't matter who gave up the reigns, what matters is who's in control now and what they'll do with that power.
You sound really upset
Replies: >>261848
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Subversion is something to be concerned about.
Replies: >>261931
It is, though. Per >>>/digi/29195, it certainly is a bit strange to suddenly kick up a fuss about digi being given ownership of a when it was considered DOA by the previous owner himself. I personally think they should've had more of a hands-off approach with it, but whatever they've done with a dead board they acquired very recently does not retroactively justify previous falseflagging and whining, which only serve to muddy the waters and detract from claims that they're undermining other areas of the site. If they're bad actors, their own actions should be enough to show for that. Riling up drama between boards by complaining about digi everywhere is smearing shit over the entire website. Honestly, even talking about it in this board-specific meta thread seems out of place to me, though I can't guarantee you'd get a more substantive answer by airing your grievances on the sitewide meta board instead.
Replies: >>261855
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A dead board is better than a shallow board with an inorganic identity. Whatever the false flaggers are doing it doesn't take away from the fact that the global mods exhibit the same behavior as /digi/ mods and show favoritism. The foundations of what /digi/ is conflicts with imageboards, such as namefagging and overzealous moderating that's not even at all rule breaking sometimes. If it weren't for the presence /digi/ chan miners and disruptive false flaggers would have no ammunition to begin with.
>If they're bad actors, their own actions should be enough to show for that.
Not if they're calculated and self aware, or just hypocritical narcissists who cover their tracks by deleting posts and don't even realize the damage they're doing.
>complaining about digi everywhere is smearing shit over the entire website
Overzealous moderation is everywhere on the website.
Replies: >>261856 >>261931
i think its p interesting how you accuse digi of being "disruptive falseflaggers" when thats what ur doing
Replies: >>261866 >>261926
You're misconstruing what I meant, I'm saying that with the whole /digi/ situation there is an opportunity for chan miners to bandwagon and play both sides. I want to propose that /digi/ fags should at least remain as just /digi/ fags and their global mod privileges revoked.
Do you know if they are global mods, though? There was minimal mod activity on a before they were formally given control of it, either from the mod accounts on digi or (presumably) global mod accounts. I think this accusation first cropped up in relation to a couple earlier bans on b regarding a couple anti-Trump posts (I was one of the two affected posters until someone made a thread about it on meta, after which the bans were quickly lifted). I realize digi is a pro-Trump board, but I don't think a b/global mod also being pro-Trump is proof enough.
Replies: >>261870
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So far this thread has been allowed to go on without being purged of dissent even though there's criticism towards /digi/ so it would seem counter productive to point out that the mod "virtual" has been deleting posts for "ban evasion" criticizing /digi/, but it could also be allowed to go on for posterity reasons to make it look like the accusations of mod abuse are from ranting schizos. Take for example how the post with the archive link of the board ranking thread was deleted. If it's not a /digi/ mod it's at least someone who's covering for them.
Replies: >>261871 >>261931
I think some posts and threads may be getting pruned because they are considered to be inciting drama between the separate boards here. Not saying I agree with all the pruning, but I could see how a thread like the board rankings one would be pruned at least for encouraging drama, if not outright inviting it.
Replies: >>261872 >>261874
It's not just personal drama though, it's an accusation of moderator abuse that's potentially compromising free speech on the rest of the website. Even if there's actual shit flinging drama that could break out, something that could be taken as evidence like archive links should not be deleted because it doesn't help anyone's case.

they are not globals
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I saw a lot of posts deleted that had nothing to do with board drama. Not sure why posts are being deleted in the meta thread but I took a screenshot when it happened.

Also what the fuck is /digi/ and what does it have to do with /v/ in the first place? I feel like I missed something.
Replies: >>261876

another board on the site that one guy has been kvetching about here and in /fascist/ for days
Replies: >>261881
/digi/ has been here for 2 years without issue and people are just now acting like it's a problem because of some shit that a spammer said, and apparently some of you actually fell for it. What exactly are globals "covering up" that is being alleged? And what does any this have to do with video games? This site has been the same handful of boards for a long time now and there have never been any problems. I know why globals are cleaning this shit up: because dramaniggering is fucking gay and is detracting from the site.
I'd like to make this short and sweet instead of rehash finished bullshit, but I am the one who got banned from fascist for reporting posts made by a faggot crossposting from lgbt on 4chan and cb on blacked. The board owner of fascist is a retard and started accusing me of samefagging and reporting myself. I know him from previous iterations of fascist and have always considered him to be retarded, but he was the one who chose to make a big show out of my reports by mindlessly prattling on about freeze peach and then pivoting to accusing me of samefagging (which he has no evidence for, I haven't used Tor in years, but it's all just one's word against another's at this point with no way to substantiate either way) because some troll caught on to his stupidity and started samefagging both agreeing and disagreeing with me.

I see more posts were made claiming the sodomite was banned, but the board owner only banned me and later global mods cleaned up some of the shit I originally reported. I don't have any complaints about digi and I'm only setting the record straight about fascist now because you brought it up. Otherwise, I haven't complained about fascist anywhere on the website (and have previously defended it or asked others what their issues with it are after they complained) and only complained about the fag running fascist directly to him on the board itself. I'm sure this won't convince you that I wasn't reporting myself by reporting the crossboard poster (that pretty much every other semi-active board here has competently and swiftly dealt with) nor trolling from Tor, but I feel this line of discussion is digging up finished drama. He banned the only connection I've ever posted there from and that's all I wanted. You're conflating various posters into one identity.
>Go there and inform yourself.
I'm not reading all that shit, and the theme gave me eye cancer.
Replies: >>261893
It's just a casual chat, but certain leanings and topics are discouraged or forbidden from being expressed. Thread creation is disabled and the one existing thread is cyclical.
Replies: >>261896
Why is it being discussed here though?
Replies: >>261900
I think some people are convinced that digi mods are also global mods under different aliases or are receiving undue, favorable treatment from global staff (therefore it can be discussed in a v meta thread or something). I don't know either way, but I doubt this is true and, as another poster pointed out, they've been here for awhile with no issue. I only really noticed a lot of negative posts about them being made on other boards within the past few months at some point.

I think a lot of this is getting discussed here and elsewhere because people genuinely forget (or don't care) there is a site meta board.
Replies: >>261902
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The /meta/ board doesn’t get a lot of attention, it’s better to call out a conspiracy where it’ll most likely be seen before it’s promptly deleted by the kike moderators.
Replies: >>261903
What does it matter how many eyes see it? If you're trying to create waves in the moderation's behavior, don't their eyes matter far more than that of regular users? Again, I don't know if posting on meta will necessarily prevent a complaint from being deleted, but I would think it's less likely to be than on other boards since metaburgering is the entire purpose of that board. I've complained a bit on meta and I don't recall any of my posts getting deleted there, though the recent logs aren't completely empty (I have no context for those actions so I can't say if they were warranted or not).
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I just read my post again and I realized the critical typo I made.
>If it weren't for the presence /digi/ chan miners and disruptive false flaggers would have no ammunition to begin with.
What I meant to say was;
If it weren't for the presence of /digi/, (emphasis on the comma) chan miners and disruptive false flaggers would have no ammunition to begin with.
Sorry for the confusion.
Replies: >>261927
nobody cares
Replies: >>261928
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>they purged a shit ton of posts
>replaced the banners with exclusively lolis
>changed the theme to some gay shit just like their home board
That's one of the default themes called darkblue, retard
>and then they stamped their name brand list of rules
No they didn't, I just looked
>what they'll do with that power.
Hopefully keep making you seethe because it's funny
>my jimmies remain unrustled
Lmfao press X to doubt
>overzealous moderating
>So far this thread has been allowed to go on without being purged of dissent even though there's criticism towards /digi/ so it would seem counter productive to point out that the mod "virtual" has been deleting posts for "ban evasion" criticizing /digi/, but it could also be allowed to go on for posterity reasons to make it look like the accusations of mod abuse are from ranting schizos. Take for example how the post with the archive link of the board ranking thread was deleted. If it's not a /digi/ mod it's at least someone who's covering for them.
So when drama gets deleted it's "covering for /digi/", when it doesn't get deleted it's "covering for /digi/", when someone breathes air it's "covering for /digi/", got it.
Nobody gives a shit about the drama you're pathetically trying to force on a small Mongolian fingerpainting forum, I haven't noticed anything different about the site and whatever you're complaining about isn't actually an issue, take your meds
Replies: >>261949 >>262020
To be fair, they did copy and paste some rules from digi to a (e.g. forbidding gross porn, though I'm not complaining).
Replies: >>262071
Touhou enables this fatherless behavior.
Replies: >>262016 >>262052
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I agree with you, and that "anon" is indeed a (normal)fag with invalid criticisms, but one actual problem with the new /a/ is that it blocks posting from Tor for some reason (pic rel).
Replies: >>262026 >>262052
Are you unaware of the history of TOR?
Replies: >>262028 >>262052
I hope you don't use anything on this list, retard.
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>Are you unaware of the history of TOR?
Replies: >>262030 >>262052
You can't fucking shit your pants and claim muh glowie for everything and then at the same time advocate something that was literally made by glowies.
Replies: >>262032
>literally made by glowies
TOR is not a mysterious black box thing, it's an understandable set of algorithms. See >>262028
<"glowies" instead of "glowniggers"
Replies: >>262059
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The rules they have are redundant and written out like they’re for a discord server or a subreddit.
>1. Discussion must be about anime, manga, doujinshi, visual novels, culturally adjacent games (such as Touhou), and 2D fictional Japanese characters (such as Pixiv art).
Ok, a somewhat normal but lengthy rule.
>2. Discussion of vtubers is forbidden.
That’s a sensible, however redundant rule considering the user base.
>3. Do not start board drama (AKA no shit-stirring).
This is an anonymous imageboard, not a namefag discord server.
>4. Do not post cuck shit. Ever. This includes, but may not be limited to, "blacked" pornography, "gangbang" and/or "bukkake" pornography, and NTR/netorare. If you like any of this shit, you may want to fuck off.
>5. Do I really need to tell you not to post 3DPD, or even anything about 3DPD, on a board dedicated 2D? No 3DPD shit, ever.
No, you don’t. You smug fuck.
>6. Do not make us have to write more rules. If you're being such a fucking nigger that you get a new rule written, you may be banned despite the rule not having existed at the time of your infraction. If you're thinking about doing something really stupid: don't.
How can you even follow this rule?
Maybe /digi/ fags got ptsd from their time on blacked.gov and now they think very poorly of their fellow anon.
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>The rules they have are redundant and written out like they’re for a discord server or a subreddit.
You would know all about that, faggot.
Replies: >>262077
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Because rule-breaking posts are deleted regardless of whether the poster read the rules or not?
<It takes one to know one.
If someone posted blacked, they would clearly be disingenuous and trying to shit up the place so there’s no point in acknowledging them.
Replies: >>262078
lmao idiot
Replies: >>262079
My formatting errors shouldn’t detract from the point I’m trying to make.
Replies: >>262091
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Sorry, I'll have to ban you now.
There's no correlation between reading rules and not posting NTR or blacked. Smug has more rules than any other board and they post NTR and blacked on both /a/ and /kohi/ despite everyone there being rulecucked. I clicked on a couple random spoilers and already found something:
I've seen /animu/ post NTR and blacked as well. Cuckolding is more common in Japanese culture than in Western culture, and /a/ is a board dedicated to Japanese culture, so it's somewhat likely that someone will post it considering it still gets posted across the webring. It's a necessary rule and I can't see why you would be complaining unless you're a cuckold. I'm guessing you're a cuck who is trying way too hard by posting an unrelated Hitler picture and you secretly want to see a bunch of NTR and blacked.
I just thought this place was too cool to have rules against shit that nobody here would have posted in the first place but I didn't consider crossposters from the webring because fuck them. The webring was a mistake.
Replies: >>262126 >>262391
>The webring was a mistake.
No. You are a mistake. And your bad attempts at trying to create inter board drama.
>nobody would ever post blacked on dis website!!!!!!!!!!
<blacked has been posted on this site many times
<there's blacked on this site right now
you're probably the one posting it since you hate rules against it
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Why are the kikeloving nigger mods deleting my posts?!


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They didn't, you did.
Replies: >>264355 >>264402
Thank you, mods!
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I saw a sale on gog. I tried to buy it, but couldn't log in because I got thrown a google captcha at me. Since when did they ever had that? This was perhaps the quickest I've ever sobered up.
Replies: >>264397 >>264398
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Don't buy anything from GOG.
Why bother buy anything on GOG? They have copies of the games on basically every piracy site.
Replies: >>264400
Maybe to support the developers if you like the game.
Replies: >>264401
Just directly send the guy money online or through the mail :^)
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embarrassing, kill yourself
>Yeah that's me, and if you bothered to read you'd know the reason I got banned was bogus. I can confirm that most of the posts since then that were critical against /digi/ were from me, and I was also 757f5a, 0b8cfe, 07bccc, deccc3, 26e84b, 14fc5e, and 3c8b6f  >>>/v/243716.
Several posts in this thread were made by one self-admitted subversive sperg
Replies: >>265778
>self-admitted subversive sperg
I didn't admit to trying to be subversive you lying faggot, I admitted that most of the posts railing against /digi/ were coming from one person to prevent a boogeyman from being created. Sperging however, yeah probably.
Replies: >>265779
>spends several months screeching about some other board under multiple ID in an attempt to manipulate people to dislike some board nobody gives a shit about
>not subversive
okay boogieman kun
Replies: >>265780
<under multiple ID
I compulsively closed the tor browser every time I left my computer.
<attempt to manipulate people to dislike
It's my opinion.
<some board nobody gives a shit
If that's the case then I guess I had no reason to talk about it, I just took advantage of an opportunity to rail against them when I thought it was relevant.
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>I clicked on a couple random spoilers and already found something:
What's the problem with this picture? It's neither NTR nor blacked.
Some people think that artists making the faceless male's skin slightly darker to contrast the female means it's some subtle blacked/cuckshit.
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>I've seen /animu/ post NTR and blacked as well.
Don't forget /monster/ and here to.
>slightly darker
>literal brown
A lot of people are also unaware of the subtler connotations of skin tone in societies that aren't full of niggers, because they grew up in societies that are full of niggers.
Have you seen what tanned Japanese people look like?
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The real crime here is anal "sex".
i didnt knew their dicks got a tan as well
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Nigger lover latinx btfo
Replies: >>265833
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Anon's right though. As a JAV expert, I can confirm a lot of male japs have darker skin than their female counterparts.
Replies: >>265837 >>265933
JAV men and women are Korean with changed names, its ran by the korean mafia
Replies: >>265838
makes sense, because porn is illegal in gookland, so they have to go overseas. But i thought it was run by the yakuza
Replies: >>265843
You can see in H-games and whatnot, a light skinned guy magically turning darker during sex scenes ( >>264241 ). It's done so that it feels less like you're just watching two other people have sex, but you prefer projecting your closeted nigger fetish on the author's intentions, I guess.
Replies: >>265842 >>265933
> It's done so that it feels less like you're just watching two other people have sex
What did he mean by this
Replies: >>265858
The Yakuza have long since allowed gook and chink alliances and partnerships. That's what I have heard anyway, It's not like they publish their member lists.
Replies: >>265845
the globalization..... even the mafia has fallen to it....
The skin is darkened to put the spotlight on the female and make the male more "shadowy", easing self-insertion. Similar to when in black-and-white doujinshi the male is gray-colored. When the male looks normal, it feels more like you're just staring at another man having sex, so, ironically, you're the real cuck here as much as you as you scream about cuckshit (inb4 you distort this and make a strawman greentext saying "you're a cuck if you don't like blacked porn").
> When the male looks normal, it feels more like you're just staring at another man having sex
Says who?
Replies: >>265864
>if you dont fap to dark males then YOU are the cuck
>fapping to males of your same skin color is cucked because....retarded non reason
am i being gaslit here?
If you always have an easy time self-inserting then good for you, but not everyone is you.
Nice strawman as I predicted (+ schizo buzzword usage of "gaslighting").
Replies: >>265865 >>265933
>Nice strawman
>When the male looks normal, it feels more like you're just staring at another man having sex, so, ironically, you're the real cuck here
you literally said it
seriously discussing pornography means you're a low iq subhuman in the first place, no matter what you're defending or criticizing and whether you think it's the "based" thing or the "cucked" thing. you're a porn addicted jew slave, this is a fact.
Replies: >>265875
seriously discussing the discussion of pornography means you're a low iq subhuman in the first place, no matter what you're defending or criticizing and whether you think it's the "based" thing or the "cucked" thing. you're a porn discussion addicted jew slave, this is a fact.
Let's be honest, everyone in a website like this is a low iq subhuman. Anyone who isn't that isn't going to end up here.
Replies: >>265876
>jew slave
Most hentai has nothing to do with Jews.
Replies: >>265888
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>Let's be honest, everyone in a website like this is a low iq subhuman.
>Anyone who isn't that isn't going to end up here.
If only.
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No. Jews are evil. Everything bad that has ever happened to anyone is the jews fault. The jews are why I can't stop fapping to Bridget's tight ass. The jews are why I'm too lazy to lift, and why that cute girl from the grocery store won't give me her number. My car scraped the curb last night, the jews must have put it there.
Replies: >>265891
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Shut it, Malat goon.
Replies: >>265932
What game?
Replies: >>265973
<what is so wrong with this extremely dark brown nigger fucking an extremely pale white female? if you dislike this, it means you are a cuckold. if you don't fap to black men fucking white women, it means you're obsessed with blacked, which means you are obsessed with black men fucking white women, making the men black is just to help you self-insert as a white man bro
holy fucking shit that's some of the worst posting ever
how the fuck do these people find this fucking site
someone just spam gore by this point because mods literally do not do a fucking thing
Replies: >>265935 >>265936
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Replies: >>265936
>Nigger thinks pale flawless snow white skin is manly
More please
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>it's okay when it's Shantae though 
<but she's female and brown!
>implying being a race traitor is okay as long as it's white males cucking non-white men (of whomst are cartoons....in cartoonland....?)
So you're all race traitors anyway but get triggered by fake white women getting fucked by darkies that are literally impossible to fuck anyway due to not being real and... so it's cucking? You were cucked by a drawing? This is some tiresome bullshit! I thought the premise was hating non-whites but you're okay with non-white sex if it's the female being non-white? Not that a baby is going to fly out of your dick nor monitor just because you fapped wrong in the first place because cartoonland sadly is not real.
Replies: >>265938
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>it's okay when it's Shantae though
the post you quoted didnt say that though
Replies: >>265939
I've been here a while and was obviously judging the site's perspective as a whole. "You" means 'popular opinion' in that context, and yes it is recockulous.
Replies: >>265941
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>popular opinion
The current popular opinion on this here site is that you're a faggot.
Replies: >>265948
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Not that anon and not even regarding discussion, just wanted to say that I really wish every "spic" entity would go back to hispachan (large nest is next to 8moe nowadays) and have fun with their kin there, or at least don't glow huezilliantly here with their spiccy images and filenames. Internet is getting offensively brown and I am tired of it.
>Not that anon
And you need to fuck off back to 4chan
Replies: >>265950
Filthy mixed brownoid flails its arms legs as it gets stoned to death by its fellow monkeys
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Be twice as white to spite them, then. It's that easy.
Replies: >>266045
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You guys are fucking blind.
Pic 1 is the skin tone of the guy in the picture, pic 2 are actual niggers.
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Not that anon, but if you want more whites that uses the internet to shitpost, marry a white woman and have a bunch of them, tell other whites to do the same.
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Ys X.
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>Have you seen what tanned Japanese people look like?
If that dickhead ain't pink, that's nigger stink.

Ah yes, those "tanned Okinawan" skin tones during sex are to better help the general pasty shut-in consumer base self-insert. At last, I truly see!
Replies: >>266020
I wish you all talked about videogames as much as you talked about nigger dick and brown people.
Replies: >>266020
This is being added to my collection.
Cucks will be cucks.
Replies: >>266021
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Have some more.
Replies: >>266024
Nagatoro is a nigger, made specifically for lewd.
Replies: >>266025
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>Nagatoro is a lewd nigger
This will be my last post on this subject.
Replies: >>266026
>The african refugee wants my samurai seed!
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Replies: >>266044
But then you'd be a glownigger :V
>posts saying that only nigger skin is masculine, nigger skin is required for self-inserting, and pictures where the male is white means you're obsessed with niggers
<posts stay up
>I post sarcastically about this and the extreme mental gymnastics required to believe this and that it's clearly someone shilling his nigger loving blacked fetish
<post gets deleted
I needed a reason to leave, the administration being nigger-loving blacked fetishists is a good enough one, bye
Don't let the door hit your swollen ass on your way out.
>I post sarcastically
oh you're so funny, reddit would love you
see you tomorrow, loser
You really pissed them off, lol.
Replies: >>266181
The two fags above I mean
Replies: >>266181
butthurt samefag
Replies: >>266182
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Braindead retard
Replies: >>266183
>look mom I learned to samefag switching ips
you're not as smart as you think
Replies: >>266184
You are fucking insane, take your meds.
Replies: >>266185
no argument
> the administration being nigger-loving blacked fetishists
Half a dozen anons, myself included, shat on those mental gymnastics just like you, and their posts are still up. Maybe something you said was retarded?
Replies: >>266449
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Can we finally add "japanistan" and "westoid" to the spam wordfilter list? No human uses these.
That sounds like something a butthurt westoid would say! :^)
Shitposting aside, negropill is currently defecating all over the the news thread.
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banning all the spic and sandnigger rapefugees might put an end to the endless anti-westand anti-israel posting.
Replies: >>266276
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I had a feeling that you were back.
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>virtual's latest anti-nipponese faggotry in the news thread
Replies: >>266449
explain why all of the japanese stuff on the board is left untouched then? if this ebil mod was so niggertastic "anti japanese" and "pro niggers" as you say surely he wouldn't need to single out specific posts at random? methinks you already got btfo with this epic line of thinking here >>266186 but you're trying the same thing again because you're 2 much of a drooling downie to realize your shit won't fly with anyone who has a higher iq than room temp like you. in a nutshell, you are a fucking retard who keeps getting his shit deleted for god knows why and keep crying about trying to get pity, cringe.
Replies: >>266452
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The posts that were deleted weren't anything speshul, just calling a faggy westaboo imitation for what it is yet were personally chosen for deletion while the posts defending the westaboo imitation left up.
Granted this sort of thing isn't a constant as you've pointed out if it was /v/ would /pol/ circa early 2018 and seems to happen at random, but it's still petty and dumb.
Would be nice if the mods would shitpost here every now and then or just talk about various things with anons a bit like chrow does over on smug/tg/ though that guy is total enigma by virtue of being a decent guy who knows and regularly interacts with his community instead of either sitting in the high castle like most webring mods or Mork on blacked.gov writing giga faggot resumes for le future employers of le wise and renowned head moderator of the very important free spech video games imageboard known as /v/.
Replies: >>266471
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>The posts that were deleted weren't anything speshul, just calling a faggy westaboo imitation for what it is yet were personally chosen for deletion while the posts defending the westaboo imitation left up.
I think I know the post you're talking about, and it really looked like known spammer and samefag Luciano when you ended with that line in parenthesis. Is this it?
Replies: >>266472 >>266480
>known spammer and samefag Luciano
Please tell us more about your imaginary boyfriend.
Replies: >>266474
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He's got a tight ass and I buttfuck him every day.
I'm still not sure why this guy's posts keep getting deleted. It's been like half a year since I asked about it here >>254911 assuming it's still the same guy. It just comes off as mod overreach from an outside observer.
How long is this ban that he is apparently evading anyway?
Replies: >>266497
At this point why give a fuck? Nigger mods should let bygones be bygones instead of acting like abusive parents who want to make their children feel their wrath, especially when the alleged "ban evader" in question isn’t being disruptive or breaking any rules. This just creates an opportunity for a mod to "mistakenly" ban an innocent anon which bleeds the user base even more. This seems like the perfect strategy for a glownigger to destroy imageboards that are resistant to the usual attempts at subversion; over time develop an identity and post history which imitates that of an organic user, rise to the position of moderator and then slowly kill the site with deliberately awful moderation. Or virtual is just a retarded vain faggot.
Replies: >>266493 >>266629
>This just creates an opportunity for a mod to "mistakenly" ban an innocent anon
Yeah that's what I am concerned about.
Replies: >>266497
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Probably because according to him, this guy is a nigger, and that's so obviously bullshit it falls under the "don't be a faggot" rule.
"Mime type "audio/opus" invalid for file"
Had this error after uploading, blocks upload. File plays just fine on my end.
>This just creates an opportunity for a mod to "mistakenly" ban an innocent anon which bleeds the user base even more.
Which is a good thing, the webring is a failed ideal. better to hasten it's death than drag on it's rotten corpse. The faster IBs as a form of communication die, the better. Virtual is based for recognizing this and acting on every anon's best interesteven if they do not understand it.
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