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From what I've noticed with negative potentials in VC3 so far is that most amount to nothing. A welcome change since VC2 was pants-on-head-retarded. Some have -Evade which is junk. If you're pushed into saying "man I hope I dodge" you'll be disappointed often. You can't rely on RNG ever, especially in VC games. Simple actions like Extend Throw can take 50x till it procs (happened earlier to me, hah).
>I think VC3 was trying to nerf scouts
>you have to use multiple scouts to even try rushing.
Yes I noticed this. Below are things I do to get around that and have fun. Here's what I do with my current crew which makes them quite broken, especially scouts.
>Shin (Scout)
<bad trait- Foreign Born (-Anti-Inf from being on stone/metal)
Uses Red Bandana (male only) + ZMXKar (DEF DOWN/25vsPer/230Range/7shots)
Trashes many. I make great use of team-attacks to nail down more annoying targets. Scouts' fat AP lets me do drive-bys then position for another. Leap-frogging like this is what makes Shin (and Scouts) broken. AP is king. His ATK down has not hurt me due to this. DEF DOWN aids him (and others). His DEF potential Loyalty and HP let him flip dudes around. It's no wonder he and Clarissa are close friends.
>Alfons (Armored-Tech)
<bad trait- Self-Conscious (-Evade from Interception fire)
Uses his girth
300+ HP lets him troll around medium tanks! This is his calling! -Evade is nothing to him. Not much to say. Armored-Tech is a fun class and he takes it to it's limit.
>Amy (Shocktrooper)
<bad trait- Loneliness (-Evade from no allies)
Uses her (lack of) height
Decent accuracy and low-ish HP coupled with her potentials made me say yeah I'll take an accurate MAGS user. 202HP(Scout) VS 197HP(Shocktrooper) tells me I made the right call. Currently Trooper Vet, tons of EXP needed to reach that so she's doing fine. Gambling on Evade as a Scout feels bad. Gambling on Evade as a Shocktrooper with her feels good. They may outright die, skip the dice roll. If you fail, she might dodge. Seems like a win to me.
>Aliasse (Scout)
<bad trait- Unworldly (-ACC from no close friend), Solitude (-DEF from no allies)
Uses Hervor + Self-Defense Knife (27vsPer/230Range/7shots)
Her Valkyria can trigger again if you trigger Mysterious Body. 41ACC on defense turns is annoying to enemies. High innate ACC rifles offsets ACC DOWN. What else is there to say?
>Margit takes penalties from lack of nearby allies and taking inception fire,
Lost or Panicky will be replaced. The trend is 4th slot so I guess Panicky (Interception fire). I just recruited her. Oh my, Ojou-sama, that ACC. Bueno.
>Margit (Scout or Lancer)
<bad trait- Lost (-ACC/Evade from no allies), Panicky (-Anti-Inf from Interception fire)
Uses her numerous ... assets
Since I have a 4th broken Scout Rifle it can easily go to her to fix Lost. Armored-Tech (flip enemy facing) and team-killing fixes Panicky. Just looted ZMKar, will pair with Bronze Bullet (28vsPer/220Range/7shots). Looks like a good fix. Same deal with Lancer, VB-PL or Lancaar-S-1 will stabalize her. Lancaar-S-1 would require team-play to twist a target around. Lancaar-4 could easily work too but that would depend on positioning. She has 41ACC which helps Lancaar's 65ACC. This is OK as long as she has a realistic target, even with Lost active. Aiming at the side of a medium tank because getting to rear would be suicide, for example.
>Valerie (Lancer)
<bad trait- Chatterbox (-ACC from close friends)
Uses whatever weapon fits the enemy placement
Born soloist. Her Chatterbox is there to teach that. Her high ACC and Genius Girl screams "give me VB-PL or Lancaar to bust things up". Why? I see tons of Anti-Inf UP but VERY few Anti-Tank UP. This is where she shines. Composed (+ACC from Interception) and Gates of History (+Evade/DEF at 1/2HP) beg her to be around medium tanks.
>Reila (Engineer/Scout/Armored-Tech)
<bad trait- Angel of Death (-ACC/DEF from Interception)
Uses Viper with or without Bronze Bullet (28vsPer/6shots)
Can use Engineer's 450AP to team-kill or solo (need Bronze). Don't care about Angel of Death because crouching and solid timing gets me next to foes. Count enemy shots, stand at 2 in the chamber, rush. Point-blank face target. That's it. Mysterious Body does the rest. Heal up and move on. Yes this means (you) must pick her battlefields wisely. I'm OK with this.
>Clarissa (Scout)
<bad trait- Star-Crossed (-DEF/-Evade from Interception fire)
Uses Varrot Specs + Gallian-S-1 (28vsPer/220Range/5shots)
Good accuracy but only 5shots means she is the cheerleader starting team-kills. Fits her character too. Interception is a non-issue because person#1 has flipped mook187 180 degrees, ended turn then awaits the cheer-death-squad to arrive. If she must take Interception then I cheese with enter/exit AIM MODE since SEGA insists on it's existence. Vid fucking related, 14CP for 2 turns of driving to S-rank is full of shit. Killing that Heavy requires waaaay to much CP conservation (luck) to maybe save up to field units to abuse Direct Command. Not worth hours of hassle just to S-rank. Still need 14CP even if he dies. SEGA designs around it and doesn't patch it out so I'm going to use it. They want it here.
Her HP is bad so on defense turns you must be wise. Pair her with someone beefy and set them closer to the enemy. The beefslab gets abused, not her. Shes dropping accurate long range support fire while tempting the enemy to error.
I feel Scouts are busted but it's not a bad thing. VC3 lets me goof off with all the classes
>defense heavy missions (enemies charge base camp), closer quarters fighting, needing to actually clear basecamps (instead of just evicting their residents with grenades) and a handful of kill all enemy missions.
Like you said. It's fun. Only real issue is reused VC2 maps but something has to give. Not terrible that it's that.
>did a lot more to making other classes useful in VC3.
Definitely. Using the right unit for the job feels satisfying. I don't feel the same for earlier ones. Have to say, VC3 kicks the crap out of VC4. 4 was developed by Sega and Media.Vision[Wild Arms series, Valkyria Revolution lol, Valkyria Chronicles III, Valkyria Chronicles IV] What the hell happened? 4 was just OK. Flower faggot MC Welkin wannabe can go burn in the fires of the Valkyria though. III breaks 4 over it's knee. PSP title too ... why did 4 release as it was? III is more interesting to play.
Stuff I'm doing in VC3
Use Armored-Tech to cause many friendly-fire deaths for 1CP
Gotta say, I enjoy this class. Send them out to "scout". Clean landmines while trolling like spinning soldiers/turrets/Aces/bosses 180. Extend Throw grenades at the heel of foes to blow them out of cap points. Good fun here and great at gathering intel. They want AP-UP accessories!
If that walk or enemy defense looks silly it probably is. Spend a few CP then skip so they come to me. Plenty of CP to press them now.
Pounce on lined up enemies for multiple headshots and team-kills
Feels good when you do both at the same time. Scouts shine here due to AP, range, accuracy. Also, Scout Interception tempts them to clump. Get your Lancer with mortars going. Shocks and Engineer do OK too though.
>A VC5 really should give shocktroopers the ability to split their shots between multiple targets.
I agree but it is possible as-is. Enter/exit AIM MODE while using the D-PAD to walk 1 step. Your goal is to control a Shocktrooper with ZM-MP and headshot 2 foes. Even more fun when team-attacking with a buddy. Something else, have your team-kill buddy hit target#2 while you headshot target#1. Tricky, but feels damn good.
As usual, use the APC 99% of the time for morale up, transport, and AP for building (or transport ...)
Tanks are stupid to me most of the time which is sad. Ah well. Need AP to reach that build-able bridge. Need AP to drop off those dudes. Etc. Deploy pre-battle to farm morale for 0CP.
Cheat RNG for passives
For example, Varrot got Back-up Sniping at the start because I stuffed Riela into the exact opposite corner. That is the friend range requirement (90~100 range not sure). This let me sandbag hop into/out of friend range for only 1 or 2AP a pop. Why gamble on 1CP at an empty outpost for the solo requirement when you can use someone instead? That Ace had to die to Back-up Sniping, no other way. Learn and think of ways to force potentials.
use 220/230 Range Scout Rifles to scare AI to shut down
This long range trickery forces HP loss, early turn termination, or death. The morons who care for nothing except to march no matter the cost fall here teehee. Only Scout can do this. Multiple Scouts on defense turns pelting fools adds up and helps everyone. Shocktrooper has Hilde (200Range) and Ruhm (300Range) ... we won't talk about that I'm sure later on it won't be as good but it WILL still scare the AI and with good Shocktrooper placement you can get them into Shocktrooper Interception which is satisfying. The enemy normally treats your Shocks as a joke. This and AP for team-killing makes Scouts strong.
In VC4 I didn't strategize as much. I did use the tank more, that was nice. APC was availible WITH the tank. It's why I used the tank more. You get a ship for Ship Orders and bombardment which is cool but you don't do much with it. Grenadiers were alright but inaccuracy was a pain at times. Didn't like restarting because I used too much CP. Last Stands were goofy and busted. I didn't aim for them but if it happened, eh. All in all, playing to see Kai's ass was worth it. It was just an OK game.