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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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There is a new QTDDTOT >>6079

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The average IQ of Israelis is 94, they're ugly and mediocre.

To demoralize the public, these Middle Easterners were pushed into the spotlight and made the center of everything.

The purpose of demoralization is to make people give up on community projects, to lose faith in humanity and pursue things as individuals because they don't trust others. Demoralized populations are easily exploited.

By putting Jews in the center of every organization, people disperse from those organizations because their impression of them is that they are disreputable and mediocre.

If you had a math society and the math society advertised itself with a Jew presenting a thesis that 1+1 did not equal 2 and the society endorsed it and paraded that Jew around on media, everyone would break with that organization and lose faith in human organizations in general. 

Using a mediocre Jew as the face of an organization causes White people to abandon that organization and do it enough times and they will have no faith in the quality of people in general and not organize towards their collective interests. 

This is a way of breaking down opposition to governments, corporations, and secret cabals by causing people to become individualists that can't accomplish much of anything as individuals.
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This russian jew made an entire video coping about Jewish IQ and how nepotism don't exist among jews

What are you on about retard?
Replies: >>2321
He thinks that "White" is a jewish term because it supposedly only refers to skin color, despite everyone on Earth agreeing that White means European people. If pedants like him want us to stop using it then they should lead by example.
>The average IQ of Israelis is 94
because of sand nigga population's contribution

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Hello /fascist/
We would really like it if you could finish up your team page for the Infinity Cup (which is still on going and your team is expected to pass the group stage tonight).
Please give us some updated Roster pictures (as well as finishing the bench, you're lacking  5 substitutions)
Thanks in advance!
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I doubt anyone still here cares about the ongoing cup but at least I want to let you know you made it to the knockouts
Replies: >>305 >>325
Good to know, maybe next year the anon who was into this will come back, or somebody else will take it up.
Replies: >>325
You got eliminated
I don't know for sure if someone's going to pick up the team anytime soon but at least you guys won a cup so that's something
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Infinity Cup 7 is now complete! Congratulations to /eris/ who joins the ranks of champions as they defeated /japan/ 3-1 in the Final! Stay tuned for the award winners over at our /icup/ board.
Thank you to every anon who chipped in throughout the Cup, and thank you especially to all the anons who took the time to tune in. We'll see you in the next one!
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There's been some talk over at anon.cafe/icup/ for an Infinity Cup revival and /fascist/ was among those boards mentioned.
Would you guys be interested in renewing your team's spot in the cup? No need to edit anything since your team was already legal in the previous edition, so everything can be reused.

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1. Inherent Biological Incompatibility such as antibody formation to foreign race proteins.

This is expressed from the first mating of individuals of two different races. A classical example is antibody production to Rhesus factor. It is an allergic immunological reaction to the offspring by the woman.  



2. Recombination failure in gamete formation in both males and females.

This is the result of conserved genes being located at different locations on the chromosomes between races due to natural speciation forces such as transposon activity. When recombination occurs in the mixed race offspring to produce gametes, sperm and eggs, recombination between the chromosomes results in additions and deletions that render the gametes inviable or as carriers of addition/deletion diseases. This is measured on a physical chromosome map as the distance in nucleotides between conserved genes. The further apart each parent's conserved genes are on the chromosomes of a mixed race offspring, the higher the percentage of gametes will be non-viable due to additions and deletions in humans. In other species, such as canines, conserved genes are widely spaced apart by SINE repeats, making recombination failure between populations much less likely.

Ethnicity 1 DNA Segment         -------A-B-C-D-E-------------
Ethnicity 2 DNA Segment         ---------------A-B-C-D-E-----
Recombination of Ethnicity 1-2  -------A-B-C/---A-B-C-D-E--/- (Recombination FAILURE!)
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Another way that the myth of race mixed viability is spread is by claiming mitochondrial DNA is evidence of ancestry, which it is not.

Mitochondria are capable of horizontal transfer and this occurs in a non-hereditary fashion between the previous mates of a female and later unrelated offspring.

Mitochondria are a transferrable genetic elements like the microbiomes of the digestive system or surface of skin.

Mitochondrial DNA is not necessarily a record of your ancestry, but can just be a record of who your mother mated with prior to your gestation.


>Cells transmit their genomes vertically to daughter cells during cell divisions. Here, we demonstrate the occurrence and extent of horizontal mitochondrial (mt)DNA acquisition between cells that are not in a parent-offspring relationship.

Replies: >>678
Phylogenetic trees based on nuclear DNA and trees based on mtDNA are discongruent because mtDNA spreads horizontally, even across different species.

The debate to discard mtDNA from phylogenic modeling is ongoing because it simply doesn't correspond to ancestry in many examples across the animal kingdom, proven horizontal transfer in mammals, but instead corresponds to geography. But it is still being used for human ancestry analysis.

>In total, we identified 126 cases in animal systems with strong evidence of discordance between the biogeographic patterns obtained from mitochondrial DNA and those observed in the nuclear genome. 


This is highly relevant. I recall another discussion, where an anon denied that there's any mechanism for horizontal gene transfer. I didn't have an answer at the time, but I remained uncertain -- if telegony isn't real, then why do we instinctively feel disgusted by women who have had too many partners, especially non-white partners? Why do we prize virginity, or at least a minimum of partners? mtDNA is the perfect explanation.
Replies: >>686
>why do we instinctively feel disgusted by women who have had too many partners, especially non-white partners?
Because being with one, or even being around one to a certain extent, means you're losing. Either fathering someone else's child, or being invaded and replaced by another tribe
Replies: >>2182
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And the divorce rate is also almost non-existant for virgin women.

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YWNBAW Agent tr00n

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Unecessary Low Effort Thread, Thios is what the News thread is for.

Replies: >>1581
>>1578 (OP) 
>Gook troon is both a pedophile and a fed
Wow, what a surprise! I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!

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What was the relationship of National Socialism to Catholicism like?
I know they had the main religion being traditional Nordic, but they also allowed Catholics in the Reich like Leon Degrelle.
The Pope declared support for Italy, but what about Germany?
There are pictures of Hitler with Pope, but other than that, could you post facts about this NatSoc-Catholic alliance?

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST There was no alliance Keep the Christnigger simping in the containment thread.

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[Reposting from frenspol.]

Hello fellow frens,

Recently in another thread many frens myself included had expressed interest in forming a White advocacy and support network encompassing multiple aspects of community support, outreach, legal assistance, workshops and meetups as well as general well-being improvement initiatives. The amount of advocacy for this idea right off the bat was encouraging and with Hizzy's support I have elected to start a thread to discuss specifically the aspects of what this proposed group or network would entail and encourage ideas from the broader Frenschan community.

This group would entail a range of support and advocacy initiatives all encompassing the idea of preserving White heritage and cultural and supporting the members of our race. The group would start here on Frenschan employing an organizational structure that was both secure and trustworthy. So many frens have echoed my sentiments that too many White support groups today are untrustworthy, full of red flags, or have become E-begging whores to fund the lifestyle's of the leadership that runs them while doing little for the community that they claim to represent. This group would be founded by us in the FC community and integrity would be one of the strongest cornerstones in which its foundation would be built. Many Whites today are lost, alone, and adrift on a dark ocean with societal propaganda and feelings of hopelessness beaten down upon them daily. We need to change that a
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>Trump made a valiant attempt to fix it
Can you elaborate on this? Trump just seems like another ZOG puppet to me.
Replies: >>1377
>Trump just seems like another ZOG puppet to me.
In fact, that's the consensus around here, so this is just my personal view. I see his actions as at least slowing the decline, if not a brief reversal. Enforcing borders, scaling back imperialism, negotiating the withdrawal from Afghanistan (Biden admin fucked it up later), bringing back domestic industry, pulling out of trans-pacific partnership, paris climate accords, iran nuclear deal, the World Health Organization, and ((( international power structures ))) in general, along with banning trannies from the military, pushing back against ((( critical race theory ))) poison, and more. All these were moves in the right direction, if modest.
Really, from the way NPCs absolutely seethed over Trump, you would hardly know that he was a downright moderate politician with sane policies. He worked against the corrupt oligarchy to some extent instead of being completely beholden to it, which was enough to cause all that cacophony.
As I said, most /fascists/ see Trump as kayfabe controlled opposition, meant to provide an outlet for boomers and non-pozzed Whites while still being safe for ZOG. It's likely that Trump did strike a deal with Jews, and they allowed him to operate, although I don't think he was their puppet; I think Trump led a genuine revolt which was conta
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Replies: >>1380
Anon, even before the presidency, they (that is to say, KIKES) would send him into any pro-American boomer movement as a wrecking ball that sucked all the air out of the room while exposing dangerous dissident elements to them, multiple times.  The 9/11 Truther stuff and the Reform party, to name a couple.  His entire presidency was just this shtick all over again.  Seeing anyone with pattern recognition IQ so low on this board is going to snap my back like a twig from cringe, please fix yourself.
Replies: >>1382
I'm normally quite good at picking up patterns, maybe I haven't made a proper analysis of Trump. Based on the hysterical response from most of our institutions and power-brokers, it seemed that Trump's revolt was genuine, and not planned by Jews; however, Jews realized they could keep this within bounds and prevent MAGA from being a threat to the real power structure, which is still intact. This is my current perception.
Replies: >>1405
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>it seemed that Trump's revolt was genuine, and not planned by Jews
Here's some evidence he's been their shabbos goy for decades.

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Discussion of Duginism Eurasianism 
Russia has effectively annexed eastern Ukraine recently. During the annexation ceremony Putin held a speech whose full text can be gotten here https://mandynews.com/english-transcript-of-putin-ukraine-annexation-speech/.  The speech constitutes an ideological declaration of war against the west in its current form. And it is no coincidence that its most harmless points have been discussed only superficially in western media. Russia let down its mask... at least partially. And what lurks beneath it is... interesting.
Replies: >>623
>>621 (OP) 
Commies are not welcome here, not even "cleverly" hidden commies like Dugin, or Putin, and you will not have a general on this board, take your post to the news thread or QTDDTOT, this will be locked from here on out
Last edited by orlog

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