/fascist/ - Surf The Kali Yuga

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Welcome to /fbc/

As a wise man once said, in a roundabout way, books are tools. They exist to inspire the coming man and other revolutionaries, and to aid the process of iteration. We, therefore, would be fools not to take advantage of them. 

Fascist Book Club plans to meet on a weekly to biweekly basis to share well-written insights on books chosen by /fbc/ members. The book of the week will be chosen in the thread, and after an allotted time period, anons will return to discuss their reading. Posts related to the chosen book should be high quality, and anons are expected to keep discussion civil and productive. Lastly, and most importantly, have fun with it! While the topics being discussed can be serious, there is no reason why you can't enjoy it. So, let's get started.
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The next book is:

The Crisis Of The Modern World
>Written By Rene Guenon

I think it's time /fbc/ took on the traditionalist/spiritualist right, and Guenon seems like a good place to start. 

Discussion begins on 7/8
Replies: >>4318
>Crisis Of The Modern World PDF
Rene Guenon sees world history as a cyclical procession of ages that bottom out with the Kali Yuga, a view he borrows from Vedic philosophy. He identifies the current age as the Kali Yuga, the reason for this being that we have moved away from "pure-intellect", or a higher, spiritual view of the world and toward a material understanding of the world nearly as much as possible. Fixed principles, informed by an "unmoved mover" or unifying, top-down understanding of the world, inform thought and intellect, which then make action possible. Guenon's view of the relationship between thought and action clash with the fascist view, since fascists see thought and action as equally important. Action allows for future thought, and thought allows for action to be worthwhile. 

Guenon moves on to delineate between the East, societies of Tradition, and the West, societies of "progress". The East is made up by societies that are in tune with Tradition, which is again informed by the fixed principles of the universe. The West are societies that, influenced by the enlightenment, have forsaken Tradition in favour of materialism and individualism. Eastern societies have preserved the "sacred" sciences, sciences that are guided by traditional, wholistic principles, in some form; western societies value only the "profane" sciences, which observe only the material with no concern for its connection with the spiritual. He says that, although there is some value in the modern sciences, they've com
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Our next book is:

Revolt Against The Modern World
>Written By Julius Evola

Discussion begins on 8/8
Replies: >>4432
>Revolt Against The Modern World PDF

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Using the strategy of tension, ZOG will take advantage of the situation when attacks happen against soft targets such as that of Breivik, Tarrant and etc. They are brave men but their acts do not challenge the system. This is a fact.
Now, some people act as if they instead killed a politician or a billionaire that would do a lot. I’m not sure about that. First of all, it would be incredibly hard, next to impossible to get many of them. Best you can do is a couple perhaps. And that doesn’t bring about the collapse of ZOG. There is an always a person behind, ready to take their spot. You’re saying that now that their predecessor has been killed, they would be more careful when it comes positions which their predecessor had? Or maybe the system will just clamp down on opposition, saying that XYZ people or movement is a dangerous to our democracy and whatnot. And the lemmings will clap. 
Tribe and train. Join an active club. That is the best direction for now. Of course, this by itself doesn’t bring down ZOG. And I’m not saying just wait for the collapse, but shooting some random blacks or attacking power station or even killing a politician or a billionaire doesn’t bring about the collapse of the system just like that.
So what do you say? What should be our strategy forward?
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Right, people have recommended reading upon Lenin and jihadists taking of power, but they never say how it applies to our present situation. The western world today isn’t the same as that of Lenin or of the Middle East. Siege doesn’t actually say how upon our present ZOG can be ridden of. I am not a particularly good writer, we need to somehow together write the guide or a book or something to that extent. I feel that nowadays it is just a lot of waiting for things to just magically get worse, but the jews in power know what happens, so they are careful. 

As long as people have food on the table and talmudvision, they are fine. Doesn’t matter if riots are going on in the streets of cities. So what then? Jews are not going to let it go to the point where people can’t get food on the table/circus. So how do we go get it to that point? Attacking random electric power stations doesn’t do it either.
Replies: >>4372 >>4373
People recommend that because the collapse of the Russian government is what needed to happen prior to the October revolution, it doesn't apply in specifics, it applies in general.
Siege was never more than a manual telling you how to avoid jail, and the two valid stratagems left to our movement, idiots and feds used it and threw some edgy  aesthetics at it to make it seem scary, because all of it's advice and analysis is sound, Mason lays it out simple we either go total attack, the method and means is yours to pick, as nobody who you do not absolutely trust with your life, should know what you are doing, or Total dropout to weaken the system, however little, by denying it you tax income to the fullest extent and also by being as unnoticable as you can, there are no manuals on how to bring it it down, because it is the single most powerful country to ever exist and it is doing it's level best to collapse on it's own, which is not waiting for it to magically get worse, this country is on the brink of a complete economic collapse, Social division is higher than it's been since the 1860's, we have a demented retard in the highest seat of power, and we are on the brink of a likely nuclear war involving America and all of NATO and Russia. china, etc.
>So how do we go get it to that point?
 Dude they're getting to that point on their own, the sheer waste of all the stupid 
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Replies: >>4373
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>Right, people have recommended reading upon Lenin and jihadists taking of power, but they never say how it applies to our present situation. The western world today isn’t the same as that of Lenin or of the Middle East
America and Russia are, for the most part huge countries with lots of different groups be it ethnic and political throughout their history. They are so big that civil wars inside them could be argued to be as 'mini-world wars' described, video related.
The Bolsheviks were very irrelevant and small compared to the much more numerous and moderate Mensheviks, Commies were hated just like us NS nowadays and they were used as an insult to discredit others in a nation where the common and acceptable worldview and discourse of everyday was that the Tsar and his family were divine and God-like and the Monarchical rule must be defended to all cost.
Bolsheivks hated the Mensheviks because they were 'delusional cowards, grifters and opportunists' and the Mensheviks hated them in return because they 'presented bad optics' and 'made the movement look bad' etc, you don't need to guess who eventually won in the end.
They exploited the wrath that was from the costly war of Russia versus Germany and directed it towards tradesmen which they recruited to his cause which they helped him in return by redirecting the railroad junctions which the White Army (Kornilov) train
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i hope someone wont remember me from endchan or 4/pol/ to do some image search on 4plebs
>hasbara said
Replies: >>4380
*and will do some search

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I had a talk with a friend about NS and facism. I personally believe that NS is the solution. To be honest i started to think like that half year ago. So i dont have the full vision yet but i learn daily. Anyway his conclusion was that its too dangerous to give somebody all the power to control the country. Because what if its a bad fuehrer. There is nothing that can be done against that and how can you garantie he will be a good leader? I unfortunately couldn't give him a good answer and started to think about what he said and cant get to a conclusion why that wouldnt happen. So i wanted to ask here wat you think about that statement. Sorry for english.
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The point notwithstanding is most normalfags earnestly believe you people are the bad guys, are the most evil leaders in history, and corrupt and should be strung up like at the Nuremberg Trials by their account.
Ask /leftypol/ or the West to be your judges and their verdict on what they would have done: or the German nobles within who conspired against Hitler and other discontents. 

>but I can't help but feel this is intellectually lazy.
It is intellectually lazy, imo, because do we honestly believe people are just waiting for the right moral reason to virtue signal and not rather to powergrab? 
And if we did speak of moral reasons, imagine what it would take to accomplish the goals of the kind of regime /fascist/ would want. To deport all the unwanted races alone would be enough to fuel the greatest propaganda campaign that whoever is doing this is a tyrant and the normalfags would go along with it.
Yes. I think we are driving at the same conclusion. The problem is in many ways bottom-up. Corruption in and of itself is a serious problem but it can only come about when a people - a nation - lack proper moral conviction and/or a will to power. Looking at the situation now it is much as you say: Whites are themselves half degenerated. They do not have the proper Master Morality and will to power.
Rehabilitating that Will to Power is the most necessary and difficult of tasks for our cause. It must take place simultaneous to the creation of a new order or all the effort is for naught.
Replies: >>4257
By the way, do not take this post as a criticism of Hitler or NS. Adolf Hitler accomplished
>Rehabilitating that Will to Power
With his speeches and leadership. It is part of why he was so extraordinary.
I don't think we can take the exact same route that he did for a multitude of reasons but it is nevertheless needed.
Replies: >>4258
Don't worry, the future leader Hitler spoke of to Heinz Linge, is out there, but I suspect nobody will see him until the comfort has been broken beyond repair, we don't have too long now, shit could break apart any day.
Replies: >>4275
It is difficult to be assured of such a thing. The majority of Whites seem to be either against their own racial survival or indifferent to it. Of those who would like to see racial survival, precious few are willing to do anything to actively work toward it. It feels like things are getting worse too gradually for that desperate fighting reflex to kick in. It is an abhorrent quagmire.

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As many of you are aware, today marks 100 years since the "Beer Hall Putsch" of November 9, 1923. I will not go into the historical facts of the putsch as that can be easily found in hundreds of books, articles, forum posts, etc. However, I would like to take this time for us to remember those who gave their lives up for the movement as well as those who gave everything in service to their nation and race in the first and second World Wars, men of our movement who suffered under the worst persecution and slander after the war, and our ancestors who gave us life. The sixteen men who fell during the march on the Feldherrnhalle embody this sacrifice for the seizure of power and resurrection of the Reich. From their blood sprouted a miracle in the reunification of Germany and the victory of the NSDAP, rising from a handful of directionless young men to millions of dedicated Germans, over German politics. If no one had been willing to risk their life for the movement when it was a small band of patriotic dreamers, no one would have been willing to die for it later. We owe our successes to the early blood witnesses of the movement and all subsequent blood witnesses who were inspired by their sacrifice. So we must not let their memory fade and we must remember them forever. The spirits of the fallen did not vanish upon their death, but joined the eternal watch with our ancestors and stand by our side in our struggle.

The following are short biographies of these sixteen men. They 
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Lorenz Ritter von Stransky-Griffenfeld was born on March 14th, 1899 in Müln. He was descended from a noble family whose coat of arms included the saying "Thus indeed one sees what bravery has acquired!" Stransky-Griffenfeld served with the Royal Bavarian 1st Field Artillery Regiment on the Western front and fought the last two and a half years of the war in Flanders as a first lieutenant. After the war, he served with the Freikorps and fought for the liberation of Munich while studying engineering at the Technikum in Hildburghausen. He later joined the NSDAP and worked diligently in the production of party propaganda. He founded several local groups of the NSDAP in Württemberg and Black Forest. After first being active in the Schutz- und Trutzbund, he joined the SA and was awarded the rank of platoon leader in the 1st division of the 6th company. On November 9th, 1923, Stransky-Griffenfeld was shot several times by state police during the march on the Feldherrnhalle. This dedicated National Socialist was the last of 3 SA men of the 6th company to have his name engraved on the dedication cuff of the Blutfahne and several streets in the German Reich bore his name.
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Wilhelm Wolf was born on October 19th, 1898. As a young man, Wolf worked as a waiter until he was old enough to volunteer for military service in 1916 with the 2nd Infantry Regiment. After just two months of service at the front, he was completely blinded by an unknown attack. He finally regained his sight after a year and was trained as a combat medic, but the 1918 revolution prevented his return to the front. He joined his parents' business as a merchant and served with the Freikorps Marinebrigade Ehrhardt until its disbandment in March 1920. After this, he served with Ritter von Epp in Berlin and Upper Silesia to fight against communists and Polish insurgents. Wolf later joined with the Bund Oberland and the SA at an unknown date. On November 9th, 1923, Wolf was killed by state police during the march on the Feldherrnhalle. There were several men with the name "Wilhelm Wolf" of varying levels of influence in the Reich, but it's fair to assume that a good number of streets bearing the name Wilhelm-Wolf-Straße were named after this founding martyr of the movement.
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That's all for those who gave their lives 100 years ago during the march of the NSDAP, but they weren't the first or the last to give their lives to the movement. There is much we can still learn from their sacrifice. Almost every one was a veteran of the Great War. Almost every one was involved in multiple völkisch organizations. They didn't stand around waiting for "the one," but took action to improve their community and the life of their Volk even while working and pursuing higher education. Nothing was more important to them than their own people. Use their memory to benchmark yourself and never stop improving. Sieg Heil!
Based thread

May our heroes not be forgotten and live in eternal glory forever

Great thread

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Is the Biotech/Industrial complex getting under your skin anon? 
Are you tired of dying suddenly of diedsuddenly?
Well get in here for some sympathy and misinformation jabbo, our dedicated control group of horse paste chugging antivaxx plague rats is waiting for your tales of woe.
We're all in the experiment now, we're all clutching our chest in anticipation,  everyone has VAIDS-VAIDS-VAIDS-VAIDS-VAIDS!
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What are the ways you can contract the vaxx from other people.
Replies: >>2260 >>2367
I also want to know, I'm avoiding sex because of that.
Replies: >>2367
blood transfusion, possibly only with blood from the freshly jabbed
diluted concentration likely massively lowers chance of damages
organ/marrow transplants are to be advised against, but if in need choices might be limited
vaxxed blood is not the vaxx
the organs, the blood and the genes of the vaxxed can be damaged, but they are not programmed to produce the vaxx itself
sex with the vaxxinated is generally harmless, only offspring might be affected
being jabbed is confirmed to be a cause of miscarriage in pregnant women, problems in pregnancy for women who received an injection earlier are still unknown
if genetic damages apply those might be carried over to offspring, autoimmune problems might also be carried over to the child
anal sex is to be advised against

"vaxx shedding" is well poisoning with the additional goal to slow vectors of communication between the jabbed and the unjabbed
I've seen these types of ((( "nothing to see here" ))) posts on other boards too, in response to discussions on nanotechnology, transhumanism and shedding - apparently the one world government's army/disinfo posters want to quell discussion on these subjects with extra zeal. Maybe they're worried that the cattle/herd will smarten up too quickly and ruin their plans to exterminate the herd.

These kinds of things were being talked about being put into the swine flu scamdemic "vaccines", including the "self-spreading" feature. There are military documents talking about this (as well as "transhumanism" and how wonderful it all is and that it will make everyone healthier, etc.), but also patents.
A lot of good people had been murdered since the failure of the one world government to inject their DNA/God-contaminating poison on a mass scale, during their concocted swine flu scare, therefore allowing this attempt to go ahead and be "largely successful".

These fuckers want to "cool" the planet into a new ice age, killing off pretty much everyone and everything, while at the same time they've got greta-clones/drones burning down buildings in the name of "protecting the environment".
They don't give a shit about infecting their "buddies" because the big club is a lot smaller than those inside it first believed - a good number of "famous" people are dying too.

How do I know that "shedding" is real? It (showing up as illness in others) was mention
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this belongs here
collection of news articles links
zoom 200% clik & read

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In the reawakening of the Russian race, and in its assumption that via Sovietism it has a prophetic universal mission, we see a confirmation of this regression to primitive forms of social life, which is found in many modern variants. Those who see in the new Russia the definitive revolt of a barbaric Asiatic race, which rejects the attempts made over two centuries by the Tsars to achieve European civilisation, and attempts instead to ally itself to the forms of social decomposition of the European world, are exactly correct. Bolshevism is the institutionalisation in a modern form of the ancient spirit of the Slavic race : a race without tradition, which, in its social mysticism, in its amalgam of sensuality and spirituality, in the predominance of pathos over ethos, of instinctivity over rationality, brings us back to the forms of pre-personal lack of differentiation and communist promiscuity characteristic of primitives.

The great upheaval of the War has restored this element to its free state, and has made it into a dreadful ferment of decomposition for the still healthy parts of Europe. 'Soviet civilisation', when announcing the coming of the 'proletarian era', dedicates itself openly to the destruction of the 'leprosy' of personality and freedom, "venoms of middle-class society", principles of every evil ; to the abolition, in addition, of private property, of all independent thought, and of every "motive which is supernatural, or, in any sense, foreign to the interes
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mongolians are more worthy than everything combined anglos ever encountered, what was ur biggest problem, fighting with guns against arrows? holy cope
Replies: >>3815 >>3816
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>mongolians are more worthy than everything combined anglos
That's rich coming from the same people who got their arse handed off by slanties which the Aryans defeated with ease.
That was only ever true when they were led by Genghis Khan, a man with Red hair and Green eyes.
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>meaning he was of the Germanic-descended population in Russia
<implying Slavs can't have such features and it's exclusive only to Germanics
You are beyond retarded. It's very common for ethnic Slavs and Balts to have Nordid phenotypes.
Rid the genepool of your severe mental disability, mouthbreathing faggot.
Replies: >>3823
>You are beyond retarded. It's very common for ethnic Slavs and Balts to have Nordid phenotypes.
Did you miss where I didn't say otherwise? don't put implications where they don't belong, most native Slavs are of an Armenid/Nordid mix phenotypically, the less armenid their looks the more likely they were descended from the Nordic(aka Germanic aka Aryan) conquerors of the slavic regions aka the people who made them slav(e)s in the first place.
>Rid the genepool of your severe mental disability, mouthbreathing faggot.
Rid the genepool of your extremely undeserved arrogance you fucking addlepated fool, and actually bother to learn physical anthropology, at least a little.

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I cant believe you allowed me to namefag.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Namefagging needlessly/Low effort thread

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This is a non-fascist thread from an outsider.
I am sympathetic to fascism, but understand why we are at odds.
Fascists are fully justified in hating monarchists for Victor Emmanuel III and for Juan Carlos I.
Benito Mussolini writes.
>His treason strips him of his regalia and brands him for his individual shame, just like the traitors whom Dante assigns to the ninth circle of hell.
Benito Mussolini also writes.
>The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes. Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State
Contrary to Benito Mussolini, this thread does analyze & make comparisons between absolutism & fascism. Our prophets are Jean Bodin & Thomas Hobbes & Robert Filmer. De Maistre is our weakest link & the black sheep of our bunch (his ultramontanism stands in stark contrast to our other prophets & De Maistre condemns Louis XIV & has certain Tocquevillist inclinations). Albeit De Maistre is within our ranks, he isn't our foremost representative. Absolutism is a general political idea, applied to each form of state and every time period. It doesn't account for only Monarchy or the Middle Ages and nowadays neofeudalists and traditional catholics and anarcho-capitalists above all others are denouncing absolutism as a political idea -- to the contrary of Benito Mussolini's words, so there is justification for proceeding with the comparison.
What fascism & absolutism have in common is the uplifting of the political.
As the Italian fasces are an emblem of the State & absolutism is from the politique faction (concerned with advancing the political good).
>Bodin was a “politique,” a partisan of neither the Huguenots nor the Catholic League, who had the reputation of caring more for civil peace than doctrinal truth.
'Bodin on Wars of Religion:'
>No greater proof of a stable state exists than was shown recently in the religious wars that flamed throughout all France. Although the leaders of the parties devastated everything with slaughter and fire, yet the splendor and prestige of the courts and of the greatest cities strangely enough was undiminished. Then many battles and great tumults were quieted in a short time by an edict of the best of kings, as swarms of bees may be checked by the throwing of a little dust. The prince forgot all injuries. Goodness of such a nature is innate in the race of the Valois.
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That's why I disagree with Rene Guenon -- who condemned the merging of civil politics and religion. 
I have to agree with Hobbes of all people who resolved that it was a necessity to have both Sword and Crosier united.
People might say it is an injustice for such an authority to hold and determine this, but the same could be said for any authority and even a hierarchy: they still must set ordinations and guide their flock, that I don't see it as too fundamentally different like I said earlier about how the household accounts for both stratocracy and hierarchy.
Thomas Hobbes
>The error concerning mixed government [constitutionalism] has proceeded from want of understanding of what is meant by this word body politic, and how it signifies not the concord, but the union of many men.

>The other error in this his first argument is that he says the members of every Commonwealth, as of a natural body, depend one of another. It is true they cohere together, but they depend only on the sovereign, which is the soul of the Commonwealth

Plato Republic:
>That the other citizens too must be sent to the task for which their natures were fitted, one man to one work, in order that each of them fulfilling his own function may be 'not many men, but one', and so 'the entire city may come to be not a multiplicity but a unity.'

Plato Republic:
>For factions… are the outcome of injustice, and hatreds and internecine conflicts, but justice brings oneness of mind and love.

To differentiate what Hobbes says about body-politic from Aristotle, there is no other passage from Aristotle's Politics that makes this more clear than here:

Aristotle Politics
>For the people becomes a monarch, and is many in one; and the many have the power in their hands, not as individuals, but collectively. Homer says that ‘it is not good to have a rule of many,’ but whether he means this corporate rule, or the rule of many individuals, is uncertain. At all events this sort of democracy, which is now a monarch…
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>According to Plato, unity is the desired end of both individual and state constitution. 

>Plato’s overarching disposition towards unity asserts itself most pervasively and at every level, from the point of origin of a city to its formally articulated bureaucratic structure. What needs to be observed here is how unity — even more than the alleged goals of justice or the Good — is the ultimate teleological principle informing the interrelation of elements comprising the city’s overall constitution.

>Where the circularity of the concept of unity encompasses for Plato the origin and purpose of a state, Aristotle’s procedure in the Politics is strikingly different. To evince the overall contrast of both method and content between the two thinkers, it may be useful to consider firstly Aristotle’s metaphysical presuppositions, secondly his observations on the state in general, and finally his assessment of democracy as informed by these.

>To begin with, Aristotle’s self-proclaimed analytic and somewhat empirical method (I, i) is far less prone to the strategy of hypostatization which governs much of Plato’s thinking in the Republic. Aristotle’s method i
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I don't understand most of what you're saying, but this is a very good thread nonetheless.
We have a /monarchy/ on the webring?
From what I understand he has philosophical differences with Monarchy, and he puts in effort, which I appreciate, so I let him have his thread,

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How long can you think in circles before you realize communism is perfect for the people (in theory)?
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Blow the fucking commie out, this presents an opportunity for you to defend your beliefs, most I'll do is move the thread to the QTTDOT, after I sleep on it.
>>2799 (OP) 
How long will you deny the fact that communism is closer to fascism then any anarchism or syndicalism. How long will you deny the liberal and communist support for hitler and mussolini? 
How long will it take you that you are a ploy in a bigger game.
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>/trannypol/ bunkertroons are seething again.
>>2799 (OP) 
No, Anon. National Socialism as a worldview and driving force for whatever political system we decide to take up is best for the people. In theory, practice, and spirit. When we put the needs, health, safety, and prosperity of our own people above those of all others we give ourselves the means to thrive. When we choose to look inward and build healthy families, strong communities, and then turn outward with the might of fist, foot, and mind, we enable ourselves to claim new lands for our people to expand to. When the men who shovel the shit out of sewers can wash themselves and look an aristocrat in the eye and they still know each other as folk and work towards a common end, we create a healthy society devoid of class warfare and replace it with a united struggle. National socialism is what's best for us.
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>>2799 (OP) 
>communism is perfect for the people (in theory)


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>"Of course there are no pure races left; not even the Jews have kept their blood unmingled. Successful crossings have often promoted the energy and the beauty of a nation. Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent. at least, is a feeling. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today. Amusingly enough, not one of those who have proclaimed the 'nobility' of the Teutonic race was himself a Teuton. Gobineau was a Frenchman; Houston Chamberlain, an Englishman; Woltmann, a Jew; Lapogue, another Frenchman. Chamberlain actually declared that Rome was the capital of chaos. No such doctrine will ever find wide acceptance here in Italy. Professor Blank, whom you quoted just now, is a man with more poetic imagination than science in his composition. National pride has no need of the delirium of race."
— Benito Mussolini, Talks with Mussolini
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Replies: >>3222 + 1 earlier
race/ethnicity = breed 

Daily reminder that even if you are a mutt we don't have to all be bulldogs/rottweilers.

nation = culture

culture = religion 

religion = delusion/truth

It's only true if you were the right breed in other words, hence incompatible personality types exist due to having mutated in opposing directions. Different logic styles. Otherwise scientists nor mathematicians would argue amongst themselves.  But yeah, even if your golden retriever is slightly lab or some shit it's still not a bulldog mixed with rottweiler. One's gonna be a fuckin' nigger and the other is more likely not.
Replies: >>3222
>title is an absurd self-contradictory straw man position which misses the point
Might as well stop reading there, honestly.

>Mussolini was not an intellectual
Prior to becoming dictator, he was. Almost a textbook case, even, being a well-read political journalist and a huge producer/extender of Fascism.
>but conflates it as essentially being one of those make-believe social tools used for the political wrangling of masses of people into one cause or another that benefits the ruling class
It absolutely is. Break down the Whites into all the subgroups, and all those subgroups into more subgroups. This is very easy to weaponise, in fact many neo-Nazi organisations self-destruct over it with little or no interference.
It's a ruling class, not a ruling cloud of powerful people. Their uniting factor is their ruling position, not their 'race awareness' or nepotism. They're acutely aware of their class, the benefits it affords them, and the fear of a united nation threatening their ruling position is far more potent than race. Economics are the basis of power, of thriving despite being inbred genetic failure, of being an uneducated starving mess despite being the most pure race. Look how two-faced even the l
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Replies: >>3225
Note how he does not mention niggers belonging to Europe, not even sandniggers.
>>3206 (OP) 
>National pride has no need of the delirium of race
Amazing paradox.

Nice twisting of words. Awfully kikish.

from natus, past participle of nasci "to be born" (Old Latin gnasci), from PIE root *gene- "give birth, beget."
A Norman cannot become an Anglo. A nigger cannot become either.
>It absolutely is. ...
OK, fair enough. I see how maybe I ate my words there, since race is contorted for political purposes all the time by the ruling class.
My point was Mussolini is disregarding race in general, which is foolish if you ask me, and now you are disregarding it on the basis that it's used as a political tool. To that I would say, people disregard esoterica all the time for being "Jewish" and claim it's a "dirty" tactic (read: heresy for the Aryan), even though said esoterica is older than the Jews or anything they've ever done. The only thing the Jews ever invented was inversion as a political tool, because their logic is inherently inverted because they are ugly (read: an anti-race).
Taking a concept and inverting it for political purposes does not invalidate the concept. As far as I'm concerned race is the most important thing there is and if you want to conflate race with literal hogwash like organized religion (read: inverted esoterica), I have nothing to say to you.
>The nation is a corpus ...
True. I should have said "purpose of the word 'nation'" instead of just "nation". But the point stands that society can only exist on the basis of race. Without the common interest of race I cannot fathom how any society would ever manifest. If a corrupt and decrepit elite ruling class emerges, it is the product of invade
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