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This thread is for Non-Abrahamic Aryan Religions/religious philosophy and more broadly Aryan Philosphy.
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>deus explain the life
>deus explain the world
>deus explain the existence of all
>deus explain the current situation
Finally, provide the true purpose.
>Worshipping the ashes of uncle H 
Its not about worshipping ash of a man, its about a rememberance of the memory of blood and a man who brought it again on light (simmilar to story of fire from greek myths)
Gratitude is not worship
Memory of blood is not worship
>did not like fervent worship of himself at all
Didnt he also said that if any statue of him would rise then people misunderstood his message?
What kind of idiot are you to dismiss the past? How can you become stronger in the present and secure a future if you don't hold reverence for what came before?

>but only as long as we can
This shit reeks of "our fight is a lost cause, we're never gonna win for real" demoralization propaganda.
Replies: >>6676
It is not demoralization to say no to sitting butt naked in the lotus position in front of a candle and a photo of Uncle H and the gang.
Replies: >>6685
There's a time for everything and Aryan soldiers have a right to dedicate a decent amount of their lives to spirituality, reverence, commemoration, meditation, isolation and chants. I could not imagine our best soldiers doing less than this.

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I would have opened this thread on a rather bland description of Ecofascism and a presentation of a few key works by Fascists who put a greater emphasis in their struggle on the protection of the environment. However I decided to open this thread for a whole other reason, to expose a subversive attempt by our enemies to shove us into the side of the alarmist global cabal that pushes the 'Climate Change' dogma.
We must not let that go unnoticed. The jewish system is creating a whole new false narrative that recycles its older distorted definition of Fascism which was used equally by the marxists, the left at large, the liberals and conservative before World War 2, now to encase it into a supposedly new ideological frame of misplaced favoritism that puts the protection of the environment at the expense of man.
They call it Ecofascism but it has nothing to do with what we true Fascists know as such.

>“Very often, if you have somebody on the far right become an environmentalist, [their ideology] slots itself into a hypernationalist, white supremacist worldview, so it fuels the calls to harden borders at the softer end, [and] at the harder end, it can express itself through the idea that climate change is a divine purging,” Klein, author of The Shock Doctrine and This Changes Everything, told Teen Vogue.
>“[Eco-fascism] argues [climate change] is God’s will, that there are too many people anyway, so there’s going to be a great purge and perhaps that’s all for the best. It’s environmentalism through genocide.”
The second part comes out of nowhere and is nothing short of a total lie by this jewess. I have never seen any fascist present himself as accepting of the formerly known 'Global Warming' and now all encompassing 'Climate Change' narrative, even less declare that this was some kind of divine retribution. On the contrary the raedical right holds the highest concentration of people called "climate deniers" which in itself is an incorrect term precisly used by the medias on purpose to ridicule fascists; it's meant to make us sound like brainlets who deny the climate's evolution like we would deny that the sky is blue, that water is wet and the Earth is round.
This Klein whore describes us as caring about any carbon footprint and even goes on to cite texts that although they did contain a shared concern for the environment, nevertheless didn't care at all about the climate's fluctuations.
What we oppose is the blame put on humans, we reject the guilt.
So we see that just as with the subversive creation of National Bolshevism, our enemies are trying to create another false ideology that we supposedly espouse.
>Klein explained that the messaging behind viral videos of wild animals reentering environments — such as doctored videos of dolphins swimming in Venetian canals — can lead to a dangerous narrative insinuating “humans are the virus,” setting a tone of genocidal language.
Only the globalists and assorted transhumanists have intellectually held the view that humans at large are the virus.
>“This is time to be really vigilant about any idea that this pandemic is weeding out people who needed to be weeded out anyway,” added Klein. “These are fascist logistics.”
Ecofascists are also vaxxers who once again accepted the Covid narrative and thought it was a net gain for the population. This is strawman after strawman. And moving on to Moore...
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>When he says "racial struggles", it's not about vague "tensions", it's about an all out-war to total annihilation.
No? Racial struggles have happened many times as far as Europe is concerned and these were not about extermination. Outright extermination is an extreme take on the concept of racial tensions or racial conflicts. I think Himmler saw that the populations were growing and soon enough there would be conflicts regarding living space and resources, and that for some groups the unifying force, the common denominator, would be that of race. At least for Germany. The statement is simply too vague to know what he was going for. Was he thinking about such tensions and how other nations would begin to see the world in the NS way too as looking after Germany? Himmler's words would only make sense with a secured Third Reich lasting for centuries. Or was he looking into carving out an even greater Lebensraum in other continents? Or most of all, was he thinking about race wars that would establish the undisputed ethnoglobe? I'm not against discussing these ideas but I simply see none in Himmler's few words and you look too much like someone trying to put words in his mouth.
Let's dig that sentence you refer to about Jews and cleanliness and see what form it takes, how ambiguous it is or not.
>I notice you didn't respond to my arguments about 
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"Contrarian" first came into major usage as an insult in the wake of the Ukrainian War. It was used almost entirely by reddit migrants shilling for NATO to demean anyone who meant it when we said we opposed NATO.
Contrarian is on the same level now as incel or racist. 
You overused it.

My views stand on their own. No one bases their opinions on yours. No one.
Replies: >>6394
you literal 4/pol/er heathen. I use contrarian because my mom used to say it to describe me when I was angry at her as a child and did everything she didn’t want in a tantrum. That’s where I got it from.
Trumpists masquerading as National-Socialists. You can spot them by their neurotic obsession with sandniggers.
Replies: >>6656
Zionists have an obsession with sandniggers but it's not hard to be irritated by them too when you live in a White country that's been racially sabotaged by these same Zionists on purpose.

means contrarian. Who cares whence it comes?

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Logistically speaking, all good ideas that actually benefit humanity, are the ones that eventually take hold for the bettering of mankind.
If fascism really was so exceptional, many governments using this doctrine would still exist, the main reason for this to be the case is because most people are comfortable in the state things are, and there is no need to take that approach again.
Most changes that can harm civilization can be democratically corrected, if not, an alternative would always prop up. Let us not forget that the fascist movements that happened prior were democratically elected and spoke for the interests of the people, not for a minority or some other thingamagick.
I think we reached a point where violence and state subjugation is not necessary, and the responsibility for one's community is not only his but everyone's. By everyone gathering similar interests, things get done.
Anything else is... for a lack of better words, pointless.
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Fucking liberals.
>The most successful will probably be militia type organizations that engage in intimidation rather than violence generally. 
That is usually what a mafia does. You've got the sort of nice politician who wants to keep things as peaceful as possible but then there are the wild dogs, both are complementary. The latter are necessary so that the government isn't too prone to dispatch its forces to arrest the politicians. It's a silent show of force and everyone must understand what is going on.
>There is simply never going to be a single savior who rides in on a horse and fixes everything.
That is like saying there would never be a Hitler, a Spartacus or a Genghis Khan, that these things are impossible. We simply cannot know and history is full of surprises. No one makes the claim that these figures will fix everything by themselves and just get bombarded into life with full powers and innate authority, but they will certainly emerge amongst the best of the best. Nature builds hierarchies very easily, it imposes order onto chaos.
Replies: >>6367
Yeah but instead of one mafia, we would have, in my rough estimate based on the size of America and extrapolating how many insurgent organizations this country could support, we would be dealing with up to 440 distinct organizations which, if they operated from a cell structure (which they better fucking do if they don't want to be massacred) could translate into an even larger defacto number.
Of course, one could expect that up to half of this number are non-White organizations which may be, to put it mildly, excluded from the government. But we are going to need to accommodate at least a large number of pro-White militias which may hold differing views on government.

>That is like saying there would never be a Hitler
Okay but we've been waiting for a while now and I'd rather get proactive. When Hitler 2.0 comes around, I think he'd rather have something to work with rather than a race who spent the last 50 years waiting around.
You get a savior if only you deserve one.

Right, I know, that sounds a bit christcuckish but, well...
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The path to understanding what happened in this thread for more than two hundred seventy posts is by opposing the Great Man Theory, which is an idea which spiritually animated people intuitively perceive at first and may even explore and intellectually articulate later on. It is opposed to the Historical Materialism of Marxist origins that, with much irony, fundamentally denies the greatness of a few imprinting their influence onto the world in time altering shocks so as to reshape it in their wake and where the masses are largely powerless in this tempest of forces but find themselves played like pawns by divine powers.
Why would this remain a theory when it has become clear that one can only spend his life to reveal his innate potential, while greatness cannot jut from someone who never had the necessary seed of greatness, a sound principle of which it is necessary to establish once again the anti-egalitarian nature.

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I am a reseller. Half my friends are resellers. When I go to a garage sale or flea market, I know for a fact that a majority of the people picking through the junk of other people's lives like deep-ocean crabs are also resellers.
The supply market for resellers is huge. Go to Ebay and check the listings of various sellers. You'll often see they have thousands of items for sale. All of this is made possible by an ever expanding market of desperately poor people scrounging through the refuse of dying boomers and the dying middle class.
Simply put, this is economic cannibalism.

You see this everywhere. Businessmen buy up a struggling company for pennies on the dollar, sell off all its assets, walk away with millions, and leave the corpse in the hands of the slow witted stockholders. You have the crypto currency pyramid scheme. You have young men who cannot afford to own inventory so they sacrifice 80% of their earnings on dropshipping to make pennies so long as they can sustain an ever expanding customer base. Every single thing is monetized to the fucking max. We do not even need to go over the effect of immigration, which floods the declining labor market with brown scabs. The jews tax everyone to death to pay for all these orc entitlements or spend it all on Israel or on their cousins' art projects in the giant megacities.

Nothing of value is produced. The American economy is a financial speculation market. I'm poor as dirt and so is everyone I
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You browns are addicted to BBC and Blacked porn, fuck off back to >>>/leftypol/
>additionally, why would the System spend money on things that aren’t real
This guy thinks money is real.
I think it's the economic system tbh. If women can work to support themselves, they inevitably become insufferable whores. The solution is simply to ban women from the workplace, which would have the added benefit of making working tolerable again. I can't even begin to tell you how much slack I have to pick up from these bitches who get paid the same if not more than I do
Replies: >>6532
>can't even begin to tell you how much slack I have to pick up
Why do that? I don't know a single person ever fired for playing stupid and sticking very strictly to their job description.
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> even the blessed Whites and Jews are poor, so long as you're not in the nepotistic top 20%.
Never met a poor jew. The poorest jew I have ever met was upper middle class.
Maybe there are a few extreme outliers like some raving mad bum who claims to be jewish. 
You're obviously some stripe of communist or socialist or whatever word of the day is used to describe this.
You should reject the lies of the marxists and become a nationalist.
FACT: All labor leaders opposed immigration of non-Whites into White nations.
The reason why is, in addition to the lower IQ of non-Whites, by importing nigger-scabs into White nations, you are destroying the value of labor.
Do you support open borders? Yes or no.
If you do, you are a capitalist bootlicker, no matter what other silly notions you hold. If you support open borders, you are a capitalist.

>You fight D&C by uniting.
You cannot unite with non-Whites who hate you.

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Just a low tier, low effort post, to thank the bros doing the effort posts. I look forward to making this board my new slop consumption. When frenschan ded, i had no where, and i have been trying to do /pol with children at the sharty (it can be gemmy, but for the most part its nigger hell, and not even close to profound). Suppose this will be my replacement Frenschan unless some bros here can provide EVEN BETTER alternatives (im not big on telegram, the valuable information mixed with countless memes makes it an exercise in brainrot-not discounting there is some value to it, its just very cancerous without the profundity). 
In short, thankyou all again, thanks to whomever provides this forum, and i look forward to scouring all your posts.
1488, hail victory.

Go easy on me for using pepe the ogdoad meme, i just want my frens back.
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One time? they spammed it for weeks on every board on 16, and on 4cuck repeatedly
Replies: >>6196
The feds didn't shut down Frenschan like they did with 8chan, the owners did because they got tired and didn't make enough shekels from it.
You and OP crying about it just shows how much of zoomers newfags you are - especially (You) >>6120 constantly whining about moderation instead of fucking off away from here. If you weren't a clueless moron, you wold have known that in old /fascist/ we had a great race war general thread where our White Warriors were discussed and praised
Replies: >>6196
Welcome fellow frenfugee. Anglin's forum https://gameruprising.to is also worth checking out, although I only lurk. It's true that Orlog is a schizo faggot, but he's actually fairly light on the censorship when he's on his meds, so this place isn't too horrible. Just don't let him convince you that Dylan Roof was the greatest white nationalist since Hitler and you should be good
Replies: >>6196
>Mods deleted and moved posts all the time for saying things they didn't like, this place is just as free.
Not on the topic mentioned in the post you replied to.
>and you're free to say whatever you want here, unless Orlog determines otherwise
He already did so.
>There's plenty of room to discuss whatever one likes all you need to do is look through the catalog.
Disagreeing with appraising mass shooters and criticizing them or even believing there's something more sinister behind them was served with several bans just a few days ago. Please don't complain that the White people don't seem to find a way out of this mess if the rejection of terrorist plots as sus af is forbidden. All over these chans that are gone I saw more people provide the sanest possible counter-arguments to the saint cultism, this mind virus that seems just invented to hijack a genuine desire for pushing back those who want to destroy us. Arguments that were constantly ignored. Many of these heavily detailed discussions all got lost when the chans got deleted. The same will probably happen here. Only the Feds, kikes and CREST have access to archived versions of these chans and other SN channels no doubt about that.
Discussing with faceless anons became exhausting over the years, with very little useful return. I find chans to have largely run their course. IRL interactions with smart people from various backgrounds energized by a shared passion for the defense of our existence is far more fulfilling, and it's precisely because of how precious it is that I would not let any agitator jump into our groups and assemblies and start shilling any of those "let's spray bullets at Walmart" and "blow a building" projects within our ranks until we would all deem it acceptable to get to this point because we would have definitely entered a state of hot war against the International ZOG, and we would be sure to engage in a serious way by doing it the smart and professional way, not the ephemeral way of attention whores who don't remain operational more than one twenty four hours.
How is advertising a bad thing again? Anyway the both of them are gone now.
>the owners did because they got tired and didn't make enough shekels from it.
If that is true then the software infrastructure is still sleeping on some hard drive and may be acquired assuming enough cash can be presented to the current owners.
>(You) newfag
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I also miss the esofags of the B.O.N.D. threads. :(

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If you have a one-liner question that won't generate much discussion and isn't related to moderation or requests, or want to post something of interest to /fascist/s but doesn't deserve a thread, post it ITT.
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>Having no impact while being incinerated makes you really important! Unlike those stupid posers who go to jail.
What is your point?
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You really are clueless.
Dylann Roof shot an state senator and other BLM organizers in that church who provided the cash, the organisation and the "respectable optical" facade to the niggers rioting in Charleston which after the shooting happened, they completely stopped.
Breivik shot the next generation of powerful, connected racial treasonous politicians. The majority of them were leftist activists in their 20s, as well the fact that they were the children of Norwegian "elites".
I don't fucking care why they have done it, Breivik admitted that his "Zionism" was a 4D chess facade to redirect the blunt and he is NS.
Both of these sent a powerful message that their actions do have consquences and they bleed the same as everyone.
You are the clown if you try to make us reject any of our heroes or trying to divide between them.
Replies: >>6077
We should put all the White women in a castle. The combined smell will make us all get along and fight kikes and beaners. Niggers will see how badass we are and will go back to africa to try to be as cool as us. We will have tea and tobacco water on tap. And no man will fuck another man's wife because that just fucks with the aesthetic.
Don't forget Gladio, the NATO stay-behind operation in Western Europe that sought to discredit fascists with fake terrorist attacks.
Mathews is the reason I started attending my local Mormon church. I'm not expecting to stay forever but there just aren't many options for tribing and training in my town. If I meet one based white dude I'll consider it a successful use of my time.
Thanks for posting this. I found a longer text claiming to be his last letter archived on his wikipedia page, but I've never seen this one before.
The Order gave $100k stolen from Jew banks to the National Alliance. Of course, they eventually lost it thanks to lawfare, but at least they tried something other than killing easily-replaceable browns.
>Roof shot a state senator and other BLM organisers.
Based if true.
Replies: >>6078
can confirm the last part.

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I know people like Ted and a generally Luddite mentality have become increasingly popular, as is the anti-science camp of reactionary tardcaths and other Christians many of whom become flat-earthers and other nonsense like young Earth creationists. 

While they are correct about some things and make valid points, it's hard to ignore the glaringly obvious fact that they are blaming abstractions and inanimate phenomena while partially or completely ignoring the human element of responsibility and nuance. It seems there is an acceptance and even promotion of the former from a 'resistance' standpoint, but the latter considerations are nigh nonexistent.

While modern academia is provably corrupt and driven by political agendas, that is not an issue with science itself. It is an issue of appealing to authorities and corruption, and ignoring the reproducibility crisis and censorship in modern Universities. While industrialization has had negative impacts, those would be easily mitigated by a competent government interested in the welfare of its people i.e. Nationalistic at the very least.

Technology is essentially the same as the arms race among animals in nature, those who develop, embrace, and properly utilize it succeed. Those who do not die, at least for most of human history barring the recent hostile control of Western media and governments promoting self destruction.

Returning to the predecessors of this situation will not solve it. Becoming a luddite etc. as a matt
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Ted was partially correct about technology. His target selection was shit and so was his implementation. He was a fucking failure and the people who idolozie him are just as fucking myopic. I'm OP btw
Replies: >>5470
Ted was not correct about technology. He was a conditioned, myopic schizophrenic that broke free from certain restraints, and having been so engrossed, freaked out, proceeding to snarl like a blind pit-bull in the face of scientific progression because of its sour taste in the hands of malevolent Jewish forces.
Progression isn't good for us, and this is why hylic spacks with some of our predispositions idealise reactionary attitudes towards industrial efficiency, that along with the social contagion and memery of The Industrial Revolution xyz, which aesthetically is unorthodox and admittedly sounds cool and ideologically occult, beyond-you educated.
Progression isn't good for us because it emboldens the System. When we establish the first officially evolved National Socialist state, progression will suddenly be shone as benevolent, as it will carry with it inevitably beauty, safety, and racial hope. This is why, for example, anyone comfortable and actually patriotic, say North Koreans if they live a good life in their district, will see progression as good.
Essentially, it is misplaced discomfort, but sounds cool as shit from the mouth of Ted, who was quite genius especially in mathematics, but of course, delusional: schizophrenic.
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you know what, I shouldn’t have included that last part, it comes off as grumpy, uninspiring, and neurotic.
Yeah. It’s just something about imageboards that makes me throw every single unformatted thought I have for a message into the submission form and hit reply without reading it through again, because I know that it’s anonymous and I can leave it behind me or even samefag if I want to disavow myself later in a rare manner, also a nagging to be snarky because of a distant calling for epic trolling somewhere within my chest.
I am better than that. As supremacists we should hold each other up to these standards. And I apologise.
The only technology we need is weather modification. We can send fog and snow to beaner and chink areas before we clean them out. They could also die from attrition this way.
Replies: >>5504
this is an example of how technology can be used to our advantage (thank you.)
I think that a reason for contention and disagreement on “technology” is the fact that “technology” is a meek and meaningless term that:
• will obviously end up fulfilling the role of improving the ability of the designer to do the desired action
• for faggots, new sex toy technology is “development”; it’s an improvement an facilitation of desired lifestyle decisions (here inclusive of self-sustenance such as food)
• in a morally decadent, rotten, Jewish/Noahidian (shabbot goy) society, progression will mean the emulsification and thus facilitation of morally decadent, rotten, Jewish lifestyles
if you disagree, please tell me what I’m missing out on when yinz say “technology” referring to TIRAIC/TK/UNABOMBER

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If you follow the shitshow that is the DNC, or literally any of the mass happenings anywhere in America, you will encounter an endless horde of conservatives who nod and cluck together that everything, literally everything that any group of people do is a psyop. If antifa throw bricks at Kamala Harris' wall, idk it's a psyop to pressure themselves into going back on zionism or something. Like, I apologize, but this is so FUCKING RETARDED....
Anyway, when niggers riot, some cuckservative somewhere will find a photo of two guys wearing the same hat and proclaim
Doubtless thinking that if only the niggers didn't get psyop'd into trashing the local gas station, they'd all be voting Trump this time.
It affects right wing groups too. Whenever a pro-White group does anything at all, these clucking boomercons say they're feds. No matter what they do, if you fall outside of the liberal paradigm, you'd a fed psyop.

I mean it, there is not a single protest anywhere that cuckservatives will not call a George Soros psyop.
When they do it with pro-White groups, obviously this is directly harmful since this keeps them on the GOP plantation, voting Republican until the spic hordes arrive on their doorstep and they flee to Vermont.
But isn't it helpful when they do it to shitlibs? Isn't calling shitlib protests a psyop helping to delegitimize them?
I used to think this and I too called every single leftist protest a George Soros funded psyop.
But what effect does this actually have?
No one who isn't already a conservative buys this. Shitlibs are not going to stop throwing bricks at you when they're called a psyop. In fact, Antifa actually plays into this and sometimes chants, "George Soros, where's our money?" to mock them.
So no shitlib is convinced to stand down by this.
No conservative is going to ever join Antifa anyway, regardless if it's genuine or not. So this isn't keeping anyone from joining them.
But the real harm this does is it convinces poor, helpless right wingers that anything IRL is a psyop. The only avenue for "resisting" the system that constantly abuses them that won't be called a psyop is bitching online, where they're contained and harmless. They will never organize because they have been mentally castrated by the "everything is a psyop" crowd.
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the right side of the Dunning-Krueger curve; the curse.
Our best course of action is to call these guys feds back. Ultimately that Lemming image ITT would be quite eye-opening to isolated dissident right (such as zoomer ChinkTok Nazis)
Everyone’s “waiting for shit to kick off mannnnn”. Literally millions of National Socialists (I live somewhere where there are actual millions, the smoking remains of the “UK”. “My country” has accelerated to a level way beyond the US (where most of you guys are probably from)) have some slight variation of the mindset “I’m ready to train seriously, I’m just waiting for a local National Socialist org to pop up, I don’t wanna get arrested mannn” and these guys are not moderates. A huge chunk of them are almost SIEGEist.
They’re all waiting for someone else to show them the way. They’re all waiting for Luke down the road to make an org. They’re just waiting, waiting, waiting — it’s infuriating because SIEGE culture never really spread eastwards enough across the Pacific to have an impact when it needed to, and when it was fizzling out things were much better and FKD/SKD was just a few Discord larpers/niners (we have a big O9A presence over here among NatSocs, another unnecessary wrench in the works since we’re also a largely Christian country (this has been changing, for better or worse, with the Jewish infiltration of churches).
I found it literally so humbling introducing SIEGE to my own personal c(ell)ircle, as their eyes just metaphorically widened and the “American” situation could translate so well.
Here’s the thing though, and this will happen in the U.S., don’t doubt that for a second: the “Republicans” literally just announced their full support for abortion, do you you really think they won’t slip the short metre forward to ban “dangerous hate speech” in a “national emergency” once our numbers continue growing?
Problem is, it’s literally illegal to do anything here, you will be ARRESTED for putting up posters/stickers, even moderate anti-replacement muh repatriation slop. I literally had the police raid my house when I was 17 for having a Nazi flag, and put on a program where some landwhale lectured me about the holohoax, with the threat of instant detainment under the 2000 terrorism act (that along with being put on a no fly list lol).
There are no avenues unless amongst people you know personally. You guys will likely reach a similar situation, hopefully it’s less of a rough transition for you. Another point: even without fed name-calling and childish finger-pointing from cowardly spastics like Andrew Anglin, you’ll wait on everyone, and they’ll wait on _YOU_. This has been happening forever. It happened in ((( Soviet Russia ))), and it is happening 100 years later. There is zero civilised federal structure in the “UK”: informants are literally so scarce and blatant it’s laughable. They literally flooded it with incapable wogs, to… rather foreseeable effect.
YOU will have to lead the way. YOU will have to ACT. No one gives a shit how many members you have. They care what you achieve.
Threats are meaningless as fuck.
Be smart, for God’s sake. Do something they will literally be unable to not report on and inspire NatSocs.
“Greetings from Britain!
Also here, we prepare…
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Replies: >>5397
>it’s infuriating because SIEGE culture never really spread eastwards enough across the Pacific to have an impact when it needed to
I think it was assumed the situation in European countries was different because of different politics and culture, so SIEGE may or may not be the best option for them at this time. (- "idk I'm an American, who am I to tell Europeans what they should do")
Replies: >>5403 >>5404
there was also “no guns lol” but this isn’t really true on the ground anymore with 3D Printing and tinkering, not to say anything compromising of course, as I would never 3D print a weapon in violation of British firearms law, nor would I ever have any intent of being a Nazi guerilla, because that would go against BRITISH VALUES of TOLERANCE, DIVERSITY AND MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING
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Also remember that SIEGE is a collection of essays. I found it best to split it up into smaller, nicer divisions (lol); there are of course some irrelevant sections where for example Mason just rambles on about the Manson family like come on that’s not interesting, definitely not anymore.
It’s introducing a new way of thinking to these National Socialists, not expanding on their knowledge.
The niners are an exception though, most of them know about it. They’re hardcore, even though they have no more than like, 10,000 members, or what have you. They’re really hardcore.
Replies: >>5405
*definitely not anymore, and especially not (interesting) to me and my generation Zyklon comrades

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The upshot is that we (White people) are demographically castrated in terms of revolution not due to raw numbers but due to the fact that the average age of White people is very high. Intuitively, younger men are more likely to engage in insurrectionist behavior. If the average age of Whites is 55, not only are we staring at a demographic collapse, but the vast majority are mentally incapable of engaging in armed revolution.
The average age of non-Whites is 27...
This is not good.
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>The only reason they were a “problem” is from a kike “economic endless exponential growth” parasite mindset.
I'm 100% with you on this. Infinite GDP number growth is a death cult.
However, I cannot find fault with the horrifying central premise of the video: An aging population is fundamentally primed to avoid revolutionary activity.
Talking with old people, particularly old conservatives, has solidified this view for me.
Replies: >>5232
old people are dying out to be fair. And with living conditions falling they will die. And this will be necessary.
Replies: >>5341
Old people always are. But will I become a cucked conservative when I am old? Maybe, probably not. But the video makes a compelling case that the majority of our people will.
Replies: >>5366
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Babies won't fight. We may find out that by the time this new blooming generation becomes capable of lifting a plow or firing a gun, the war will already be over for the most part and will have transitioned into mere pest control. By then, remote systems and airborne destroyers will take care of eliminating the residual presence of unwanted critters.
The greater point is that the baby boomers are the reason we now have an inverted population pyramid. When that specific generation is gone, the pyramid will greatly normalize.

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This one will hurt.
Accelerationism is the belief that there is no way which we can make positive change in the current environment, so the solution is to help the enemy make things worse so as to weaken them. Then, we can make things better.
This idea is true in general. The enemy has many stupid ideas about how the world works and their policies end up proving us right. 
More immigrants = more crime = more burned White people (sometimes literally) = more White nationalists.
Marxist socialism applied in a liberal state = higher taxation of the poor + obnoxious welfare spending on nigger-spic/arabs = pissed off White people = more White nationalists.
In theory, accelerationism is a viable plan to destabilize the regime and allow White organization and eventually a long, bloody struggle against the state.

However, this assumes that accelerationists are actually doing anything to rock the boat. 90% of the time, accelerationism means sitting at home, doing nothing but commenting on an anonymous image board, "Oh yes, I support Kamala for president because she'll fuck things up real bad" and half the time they don't even vote for her.
Voting itself is so meaningless that it may as well be nothing. 
If you genuinely believe that the path to a White revolution is by elevating the worst qualities of the enemy, by helping the jews elevate the dumbest niggers, the most retarded anti-White shitlibs, the most obnoxiously arrogant Asian women to positions of authority over White people, then you need to do more than post about your ideas on 4chan.
Ideally, you should actually volunteer to get niggers to vote. You do not even need to be a part of her campaign. Literally just drive hoodrat nigger filth from the inner city to the polls. Maybe bring a backup buddy with a gun for security and have him sit in the back of the van. And put sheets over your seats, then sanitize the van afterward.
Failing this, actually convince Republicans not to vote or promote Kamala Harris on social media. Frankly, this is not necessary since anyone on social media is either locked into voting Kamala or Trump.
Other things you can do is read the CIA handbook for passive resistance and apply the sabotage instructions to institutions.
More risky is to actively encourage corruption by engaging in it. (Dr. Pierce noted that the more corrupt a society, the easier it will be for insurgents to operate and resupply)

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Despite all this talk of cells and decentralization you retards still haven't figured out how to communicate without using monolithic honeypots. Have fun sending all your unencrypted messages attached with a phone number straight to intelligence agencies.
Replies: >>5322
I am not opposed to maintaining Op-Sec for actual operations and actually sensitive information, but what info could you possibly be sharing on Telegram that would land you in trouble with the organs if it is decrypted?
Don't talk about illegal acts online. That's step 1 of not being a retard.
Replies: >>5325 >>5326
All you ever do is project every time I talk to you. You literally said multiple times you only larp on 4chan and Discord, while constantly making shit up about what I "advocate".
(again I think this discussion would be better over instant messaging)
Decent post for once.
>I am not opposed to maintaining Op-Sec for actual operations and actually sensitive information, but what info could you possibly be sharing on Telegram that would land you in trouble with the organs if it is decrypted?
<I have friends in jail right now just for saying mean things online.
<After the Terrorgram arrests and AI's push toward SimpleX a lot of chats have been deleted.
If they practiced the absolute basics of opsec most of them would have never been arrested.
>Don't talk about illegal acts online. That's step 1 of not being a retard.
No one who uses an obvious honeypot is smart enough to follow step 1.
Replies: >>5328
Literally the only ones arrested where already doxed beforehand and they never actually said anything illegal. It's literally just election season bs and they'll be released as soon as the case is taken to court.

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