the right side of the Dunning-Krueger curve; the curse.
Our best course of action is to call these guys feds back. Ultimately that Lemming image ITT would be quite eye-opening to isolated dissident right (such as zoomer ChinkTok Nazis)
Everyone’s “waiting for shit to kick off mannnnn”. Literally millions of National Socialists (I live somewhere where there are actual millions, the smoking remains of the “UK”. “My country” has accelerated to a level way beyond the US (where most of you guys are probably from)) have some slight variation of the mindset “I’m ready to train seriously, I’m just waiting for a local National Socialist org to pop up, I don’t wanna get arrested mannn” and these guys are not moderates. A huge chunk of them are almost SIEGEist.
They’re all waiting for someone else to show them the way. They’re all waiting for Luke down the road to make an org. They’re just waiting, waiting, waiting — it’s infuriating because SIEGE culture never really spread eastwards enough across the Pacific to have an impact when it needed to, and when it was fizzling out things were much better and FKD/SKD was just a few Discord larpers/niners (we have a big O9A presence over here among NatSocs, another unnecessary wrench in the works since we’re also a largely Christian country (this has been changing, for better or worse, with the Jewish infiltration of churches).
I found it literally so humbling introducing SIEGE to my own personal c(ell)ircle, as their eyes just metaphorically widened and the “American” situation could translate so well.
Here’s the thing though, and this will happen in the U.S., don’t doubt that for a second: the “Republicans” literally just announced their full support for abortion, do you you really think they won’t slip the short metre forward to ban “dangerous hate speech” in a “national emergency” once our numbers continue growing?
Problem is, it’s literally illegal to do anything here, you will be ARRESTED for putting up posters/stickers, even moderate anti-replacement muh repatriation slop. I literally had the police raid my house when I was 17 for having a Nazi flag, and put on a program where some landwhale lectured me about the holohoax, with the threat of instant detainment under the 2000 terrorism act (that along with being put on a no fly list lol).
There are no avenues unless amongst people you know personally. You guys will likely reach a similar situation, hopefully it’s less of a rough transition for you. Another point: even without fed name-calling and childish finger-pointing from cowardly spastics like Andrew Anglin, you’ll wait on everyone, and they’ll wait on _YOU_. This has been happening forever. It happened in ((( Soviet Russia ))), and it is happening 100 years later. There is zero civilised federal structure in the “UK”: informants are literally so scarce and blatant it’s laughable. They literally flooded it with incapable wogs, to… rather foreseeable effect.
YOU will have to lead the way. YOU will have to ACT. No one gives a shit how many members you have. They care what you achieve.
Threats are meaningless as fuck.
Be smart, for God’s sake. Do something they will literally be unable to not report on and inspire NatSocs.
“Greetings from Britain!
Also here, we prepare…