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National Socialist and Third Position Discussion

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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

Sieg Heil!

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What would an American National Socialist movement look like in the current year?

National Socialism has always been a hard sell to white Americans for a number of reasons that I'm not going to get into here. That said, I think that movements such as the Silver Legion and American Nazi Party can still be learnt from for the future.
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Replies: >>3534 + 5 earlier
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Replies: >>3533 >>3581
Did this guy possess a Palantír?
>>649 (OP) 
>the ideology that turned Europe into a cemetery during the second European Civil War?
>that discredited the legacy of the Conservative Revolution for nearly a century?
>yeah lets do that exact same thing again lmoa

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Low effort de-rads do not belong here

Replies: >>3548
It was the kike controlled anglo golems and the bolshevik jews that destroyed Europe in WW2 and onward, not National Socialism.
Conservatives never conserved anything.
National Socialism proved itself to work perfectly: getting rid of jewish control leads to prosperity, that's why ((( they ))) did everything to destroy it.
Benjamin was a freemason kike-lover.

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Thread for the discussion of National Socialism, White Nationalism, the Third Position, racial identity movements and the Jewish Question.

(I’ll be posting images)


Gottfried Feder - The Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money https://archive.org/details/manifesto-for-abolition-enslavement-interest-on-money-gottfried-feder
Gottfried Feder - The Programme of the NSDAP https://archive.org/details/GottfriedFeder_TheProgramOfTheNSDAP
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Dalton Edition) https://archive.org/details/mein-kampf-dalton-translation/

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When the Alt-Right existed something that happened was women in the movement complaining of poor treatment before leaving. If "justice" as defined from the right could be characterized as "to each according to his or her place in the hierarchy" then misogynistic behavior towards women is unjust. Pic rel is one example but here in the US there is a significant presence of misogyny on the right (if we're being honest with ourselves).

A different position is Alain de Benoist's identitarian/differentialist feminism. In the interview "Benoist on Feminism, IQ, & the Wealth of Nations 
Interview on the Human Sciences, Part 4" he says:

>From the beginning, in Europe women were never considered mere objects. Male domination, on the other hand, has long been legitimated by Christian theology which, especially in the first centuries, presented women as defective beings and a “place of sin.” From the 19th century on, bourgeois society has constantly repressed feminine values. This is what justifies the demands of women.

>But there are two forms of feminism: egalitarian feminism and identitarian feminism. The first thinks that the best means of ensuring the promotion of women is to work to gradually blur the distinction between masculine and feminine social roles. Women must be able to do “everything that men do,” but in this case it the male social role is implicitly taken as the model. The second, by contrast, holds that one can assert the equality of women only on the basis of their distinctness. The New Right supports the second tendency, represented in particular by Luce Irigaray, rather than the first, represented in particular by Simone de Beauvoir or Elisabeth Badinter.

>For its part, evolutionary psychology shows that the differences between men and women go well beyond their sexual organs. In mankind, the brain itself is sexually dimorphic. Thus sex is not reduced to “gender,” to a social construction (as claimed in “gender studies,” which are characterized above all by their sterility and their extraordinary monotony). Sex is a biological reality on which multiple social constructions are grafted. Feminism is thus completely legitimate when it demands the recognition of the equal value of what is distinctly female and what is distinctly male. But equal value does not mean indistinctness.

In his pamphlet Manifesto for a European Renaissance he discusses this under the section "4. Against Sexism; For the Recognition of Gender":

>The modern concept of abstract individuals, detached from their sexual identity, stemming from an 'indifferentialist' ideology which neutralizes sexual differences, is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism which, for centuries, considered women as incomplete men. This is a twisted form of male domination, which in the past had excluded women from the arena of public life, and admits them today - on the condition that they divest themselves of their femininity.

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Replies: >>3517 + 1 earlier
>The thing here is mate. No one advocate for all women to be put into science which is why I said the exception.
The thing here is mate that the exception proves the rule, it is precisely because they are different that they must be kept with the others.
>You also acknowledge that women like Grace Hopper were indeed great contributors to science. 
No I don't, she helped jews more than she helped the white man, and she bore no children, she shall suffer in her journey through helheim and beyond.
>So it wouldn't be out of line or foolish to put someone in a position if they're worthy of it. It's called meritocracy.
Yes it would be, if they have a cunt, cunts get used for one thing, children, nothing else.
>Yes it does. Not even the Greco-Romans hated women as much as the christians did.
No, it doesn't, HATRED IS A TOOL THAT DID NOT ORIGINATE WITH CHRISTNIGGERS, NOR DID HATRED OF WOMEN, AND CHRISTIANS WERE ACTUALLY MUCH SOFTER ON THEM THAN THE ROMANS OR HELLENES EVER WERE romans killed their wives for drinking fucking wine, exiled them for talking to women of a lower class, for even daring to take off their veil in a situation where it wasn't warranted, Christians were soft weak faggots in comparison who had retarded rhetoric entirely based off of false divine scriptures, shut the literal fuck up with that racist feminist talking point, next thing you'll recommend that we read 10 jewess deminist authors that you claim are totally not jewesses.
>The irony of this statement
There is no irony there, there is merely you being a faggot and claiming shit without evidence because you have no arguments.
>Excellent rebuttal.
It was, wasn't it?
>She had honor which is why she was even admired by the Papal States, a patriarchal order
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>>3436 (OP) 
"Alt-Right" and "Identitarianism" are literal meme terms nowadays and even back then eight years ago, and they were for bad actors who would be kept out by an well-structured and concrete worldview or cowards avoiding the "stigma" associated with the Swastika and Fascism in general while failing. Avoid using them as terms, their broadness and vagueness were exploited to let bad actors in while National Socialism is specific enough to keep them out in good accordance with important principles found in NS literature.
If you don't own up and rejoice onto the Swastika, you will lose and be doomed to the fate of irrelevancy.

Feminism at it's core is bad, biological-sex egalitarianism will eventually lead to anything more degenerate. The idea that men and women are equal will also lead to the idea that all women are inherently equal which finally leads to nihilism funnily enough, when the best of White women are equated to the absolute worst of Negresses and Jewesses, which women as the whole idea and concept is then deconstructed into nothing more than a flesh-bag of organs only to live, shit, fuck and sleep, where the only "inequality" at most is seemingly superficial and all the racial differences of women is only due to being born with the wrong 'recombination' of DNA.
You don't have to treat women like shit to acknowledge t
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>Please explain how De Benoist doesn't scream jew, as he looks now, and explain how a retard who encourages study into Luce Irigaray, a woman so conceited she thought herself one who could better the father of logic himself along with his teacher Plato by an analyzing them through the lens of "Phallocentrism". If
But that's wrong you fucking retard. De Benoist is the single most accessible thinker in the European New Right and the most important intellectual on the right today in the sense of the Evolian true right. "explain how De Benoist doesn't scream jew" god damn you are so fucking stupid I hope you're trolling you dumb faggot kill yourself
Replies: >>3541
>But that's wrong you fucking retard. 
Either argue why it's wrong or you will not have a right to speak here anymore.
>De Benoist is the single most accessible thinker in the European New Right and the most important intellectual on the right today in the sense of the Evolian true right. 
Who cares what Evola thought? he is neither the authority on what "right wing" is, nor do I care what he thought about "True Right Wingers", NS transcends Right or Left, breaking the paradigm of the  jew and christnigger that the retarded masses follow so religiously.
Lastly I don't give a fuck how "accessible" de Benoist is, I have never needed to read his books and now that I have I feel lesser for having wasted my time on his putrid communist-lite thoughts 
>"explain how De Benoist doesn't scream jew" god damn you are so fucking stupid I hope you're trolling you dumb faggot kill yourself
I am not, his phenotype screams Jew, whether he has any recent heritage or not, and the Nouvelle Droite is a bunch of jew slaves, so I can safely discard his entire set of works because he fundamentally misunderstand even the basics of the history he claims to know and uses to advise the Nouvelle Droite.
Oh, if you're french please say so, it would explain your excessive rudeness and arrogance.
An argument for feminism that is often used is that in the past, women were raped very often by their families and that now they can talk about it freely, so as to prevent it from happening.
Is this true? Was incest and rape so common as their would like us to think?
My own grandmother, who lived in a peasant family, tells me that she knew a woman who was raped in a field, in a very white countryside, so these things did in fact happen. But incest and pedophilia? I somehow doubt it.

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I recall that our board long had an ecofascist/anti-tech thread, but I feel that this goes against the spirit of fascism. In truth, fascism is a modern, 20th century phenomenon dependent on modern transportation, modern law enforcement, a modern military, etc. The thought of competing with other ethnicities while undermining our own technological superiority is ludicrous. It would decrease the potential of our own race, its genetic health, and its future. If anything, non-whites should embrace Ludditism, die out, and be conquered while Whites should aim for the stars. A White society must be efficient and use advanced technology to stand up to (perhaps even destroy) all the other races, and anyone who thinks otherwise is following a path of guaranteed failure. It is because of our technology that so many middle-age and elderly Whites are still alive, that abortion can be easily and painlessly carried out on the nigger community, that borders can be blocked off (if the people in charge weren't kiked), etc. Cleansing our lands and the world at large would be possible with biotech but an impossibility with the abandonment of modern technology. The people in charge are the problem, not the tech itself.
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Replies: >>3526 + 2 earlier
It is ultimately rooted in the Torah.
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>>200 (OP) 
I see a problem with modern technology: whenever you like it or not, it will one day disappear.
All modern technology is based on oil, and other fossil fuels. When they run out, we can say goodbye to our modern technology.
Careful planning and consideration could have made it possible for it to last very long, but the present techno-capitalist system is sucking out everything extremely fast to move fat nigger's cars, so much that we can expect a collapse in our lifetimes.
That's technically good news, but when we rebuild afterwards, we won't have much left.

Think about what a lack of oil means: no cars, no plastics, almost no electricity, no heaters, nothing.
We will be set back to the 18th century. Obviously we will still have the knowledge of how to make modern tech, but it will be very difficult practically.

I see only one solution: first, we must achieve ethnoglobe at any costs (Turner Diaries style). Our racial enemies will see no problem in sucking everything dry and dumping the chemical trash in the sea afterwards.
Then, our society will need to change drastically: the globe will be organized in a network of autonomous city-states, and transportation will be handled by trains and other public transportation. Planes and cars will be reserved for military use. 
The citizen will be taught how dangerous technology can be, and how finite and precious the earth's resources are. We will prohibit littering, everything that can be recycled will have to be recycled, and wasting will be a major criminal offense. It will also be necessary for every citizen to know how to survive and thrive in the wilderness, to keep a real contact with Nature.
Plastics and other polluting materials be prohibited, and the technological level of the cities will be very low.
But we will still need the best technology possible. This means that the state will possess, use and manage most of the precious resources: technological advancement will still happen, probably even faster than today, but it won't be mass produced and democratized like it is today. There will be a few "tech cities" that hold most of the big industry and laboratories in which everything will take place. Technology will not be used to make the population softer and more degenerate like it is today. The Spartan lifestyle will be the norm.

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Replies: >>3527 >>3529
You're seeing natural resources as something finite, like a bag full of things that with the time is being emptied, is true that earth has a limited amount of resources, but they are unlimited.
Replies: >>3529 >>3539
The anon who responded to you is right. Reliance on fossil fuels is largely a consequence of technological stagnancy caused by the repression of white engineers and inventors under hostile regimes. I don't doubt that, given free rein and a real reason to develop new technology, whites could develop a much more sustainable source of energy. 

Space colonization is also sort of a copout. While I can see while people might be interested in it, we have a perfectly salvageable ecosystem on Earth perfectly capable of supporting us for an unknowable number of years to come, if only we change our approach to utilizing it.
Replies: >>3539
>but they are unlimited.
How so? Explain your claim

>Reliance on fossil fuels is largely a consequence of technological stagnancy
No, I don't think it is. Every single modern technology today comes directly from the fact that we were able to use fossil fuels to our advantage. The second principle of thermodynamics states that "free energy" is impossible.
If you have concrete examples, I'd love to hear about it, but I'm well-versed in the subject and I fear it won't be possible. Even if we found a way to create free energy, basic building materials like rare earth will be exhausted in no time, and some chemical transformations to produce, for example, stainless steel cannot be reversed to give back the cobalt.

>we have a perfectly salvageable ecosystem on Earth perfectly capable of supporting us for an unknowable number of years to come
That is very true, and I highlight it in my post, but we must use the resources very carefully; they are limited.

>Space colonization is also sort of a copout
For now and for long into the future that's very true, but remember that earth will progressively get colder as its inner currents slow down and will become inhabitable.

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In anticipation of the old site being taken down, I have made screenshots of my most important posts for future discussion. To understand the references, you would need rudimentary understanding of classic philosophy, history, mathematics, physics, metaphysics and some mystery schools like Hermeticism and Pythagoreanism (whose ideas, such as monism, I am making a case against), as well as eastern and Vedic mysticism. While the subject deals with the nature of reality itself, basic knowledge of the aforementioned subjects should suffice for intuitive grasp. The reason why I would prefer for this thread to be separate from the religion thread is to avoid all the fallacies and appeal to nonexistent (or construed from very questionable sources) authority typically involved with "faith", especially taking into the account the fact that that historical sources have been routinely destroyed or altered, and bearers of certain knowledge (by blood or tradition) routinely persecuted and genocided (often by those who cry out in pain as they stab you, which ties into the real reason for the white genocide).

While these subjects inevitably involve religious themes and concepts (after all, true religion and true science are merely two different perspectives of the same knowledge, as our ancestors knew, not something opposed), the focus should be on reason and debate about ideas themselves. Which is far more nuanced than it seems, as, for example, the use of the term "rational" as a synon
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Replies: >>3413
<muh schlaws are... not h'white enuff, cause i shaid sho
You talk like a mutt yourself. Sit down, retarded narcissistic faggot.
>>843 (OP) 
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Amazing thread, sadly the discussion seems to have died down.
Are then fashanons left here who had contributed to the two threads we had before the nuking that covered the topic of ancient White/Aryan history, archeology and religious mysteries?

There's a current thread at FC that could need your help and input.


See you there! ;)
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Replies: >>3522
We don't shill for or go to websites that censor speech, fuck off Happens again and you will be banned.

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Get your shit together, Blackshirts

Books and Info:
>EasyPeasy Method (free yourself from porn)
>Calisthenics Archive
>Convict Conditioning (Calisthenics)
Convict Conditioning: How to Bust Free of All Weakness - Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength
Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, and Bulletproof Joints
>Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima
gotta find a copy will edit and attach later
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Replies: >>3376
Why are you asking this? are you in prison or holding?
I don't like your picture. What we need is victory, not self improvement. Being "Successful" in today's world isn't an achievement in any way, it will drag you down in any real action.
Yes we need to become warriors, both internally AND externally. Our enemies aren't going to remove themselves.
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What are your thoughts on the concept of  'Super-functional Training' as thought of by Adam Sinnicki?
It's essentially the Idea of Functional training but taken to achieve extra mastery of the human form. For example he takes methods from various disciplines: Running, Fighting,  Weightlifting, Calisthenics ,Mental training, etc. He makes various references in his books and on his channel to Convict conditioning and books like it. 
I couldn't find any archive links online for you guys so I decided since I already paid for it myself, I'd just go ahead and upload it myself so hopefully this helps.
The series is titled 'Super-functional 2.0' It includes Both an instructional book, instructional videos and a program. If you're interested I could probably find a way to upload the instructional videos as well.
This is the routine that goes with the book. 
What do you like and dislike about it?
I've heard a few criticisms about Adams' work. Namely, that it draws from Crossfit which is a bit of a dirty word. I like his approach to fitness, that is as a philosophy of it's own.

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I cant believe you allowed me to namefag.

USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST Namefagging needlessly/Low effort thread

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Are there good Forums Or Telegram channel where i can talk to like minded people who are into National Socialist ideology ? Like for example the iron march  forum which unfortunately doesn't exist anymore
Replies: >>3441
>>>3435 (OP) 
Counter Intelligence posts good stuff:
Telegram is gay and full of schizo retards.
Replies: >>3465
Telegram is a place where one can have proper discussion on NS ideology and other such things in more private selective forae that is not possible in many other places, yes it is a security risk, but so is any online communication of any sort.
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What is left of online fascist communities? I know we have this board among a few other (mostly) dead boards scattered throughout the alt chans. But for the most part it doesnt seem like theres any big and active online communities for people lit us. (aside from shitholes full of feds like /pol/ and stormfront) How do we build more quality WN/Fascist communities online/improve existing ones? 

Id also like to pose the question of how to get more activity on this board. It gets like 1-2 posts a day which is decent however there is much room for improvement.
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Like this?
How long can well adjusted NS's really stay on the internet for? I assume that most of the frequent posters on 16chan and anoncafe got fed up with posting on here rather than organizing in their local communities. You can only discuss for so long until you know what to do.
Replies: >>3459
What I think is missing is a website where we can discuss action, not ideology. Such a website cannot exist for long, for obvious reasons, but it is still lacking.
Replies: >>3460
>What I think is missing is a website where we can discuss action
IRC chats and P2P style solutions such as Tox (but not Tox because group chat fucking sucks on that) is more appropiate than an ib for that, also IRC can be self-hosted and such
>Seriously though, where did all the serious people go?
Some are still around, and comment from time to time, but as I said before unlike FashBO, I do not have the time or inclination to sit and respond as often as he did, as my life has been chaotic for the last year or so and has not yet seemed to abate. 
I was also one of those people who contributed greatly in the Archives as I am vehemently Nordicist/Germanicist, absolutely convinced that ethnoglobe should be our ultimate goal, and christianity must be utterly wiped from the earth and kept only as a teaching tool of what to look out for and to destroy in secret movements and undergrund cults and that perhaps only for a selection of expertly trained and fanatical soldiers to reduce the risk of exposure of it to a vulnerable populace.
We all get ghosted, when our situations are untenable we tend to turtle eschewing all but our most treasured connections, this has always been the case, the key is to make yourself one of those treasured connections, which is not easy.

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This is a non-fascist thread from an outsider.
I am sympathetic to fascism, but understand why we are at odds.
Fascists are fully justified in hating monarchists for Victor Emmanuel III and for Juan Carlos I.
Benito Mussolini writes.
>His treason strips him of his regalia and brands him for his individual shame, just like the traitors whom Dante assigns to the ninth circle of hell.
Benito Mussolini also writes.
>The Fascist doctrine has not taken De Maistre as its prophet. Monarchical absolutism is of the past, and so is ecclesiolatry. Dead and done for are feudal privileges and the division of society into closed, uncommunicating castes. Neither has the Fascist conception of authority anything in common with that of a police ridden State
Contrary to Benito Mussolini, this thread does analyze & make comparisons between absolutism & fascism. Our prophets are Jean Bodin & Thomas Hobbes & Robert Filmer. De Maistre is our weakest link & the black sheep of our bunch (his ultramontanism stands in stark contrast to our other prophets & De Maistre condemns Louis XIV & has certain Tocquevillist inclinations). Albeit De Maistre is within our ranks, he isn't our foremost representative. Absolutism is a general political idea, applied to each form of state and every time period. It doesn't account for only Monarchy or the Middle Ages and nowadays neofeudalists and traditional catholics and anarcho-capitalists above all others are denouncing absolutism as a political idea -- to the contrary of Benito Mussolini's words, so there is justification for proceeding with the comparison.
What fascism & absolutism have in common is the uplifting of the political.
As the Italian fasces are an emblem of the State & absolutism is from the politique faction (concerned with advancing the political good).
>Bodin was a “politique,” a partisan of neither the Huguenots nor the Catholic League, who had the reputation of caring more for civil peace than doctrinal truth.
'Bodin on Wars of Religion:'
>No greater proof of a stable state exists than was shown recently in the religious wars that flamed throughout all France. Although the leaders of the parties devastated everything with slaughter and fire, yet the splendor and prestige of the courts and of the greatest cities strangely enough was undiminished. Then many battles and great tumults were quieted in a short time by an edict of the best of kings, as swarms of bees may be checked by the throwing of a little dust. The prince forgot all injuries. Goodness of such a nature is innate in the race of the Valois.
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That's why I disagree with Rene Guenon -- who condemned the merging of civil politics and religion. 
I have to agree with Hobbes of all people who resolved that it was a necessity to have both Sword and Crosier united.
People might say it is an injustice for such an authority to hold and determine this, but the same could be said for any authority and even a hierarchy: they still must set ordinations and guide their flock, that I don't see it as too fundamentally different like I said earlier about how the household accounts for both stratocracy and hierarchy.
Thomas Hobbes
>The error concerning mixed government [constitutionalism] has proceeded from want of understanding of what is meant by this word body politic, and how it signifies not the concord, but the union of many men.

>The other error in this his first argument is that he says the members of every Commonwealth, as of a natural body, depend one of another. It is true they cohere together, but they depend only on the sovereign, which is the soul of the Commonwealth

Plato Republic:
>That the other citizens too must be sent to the task for which their natures were fitted, one man to one work, in order that each of them fulfilling his own function may be 'not many men, but one', and so 'the entire city may come to be not a multiplicity but a unity.'

Plato Republic:
>For factions… are the outcome of injustice, and hatreds and internecine conflicts, but justice brings oneness of mind and love.

To differentiate what Hobbes says about body-politic from Aristotle, there is no other passage from Aristotle's Politics that makes this more clear than here:

Aristotle Politics
>For the people becomes a monarch, and is many in one; and the many have the power in their hands, not as individuals, but collectively. Homer says that ‘it is not good to have a rule of many,’ but whether he means this corporate rule, or the rule of many individuals, is uncertain. At all events this sort of democracy, which is now a monarch…
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>According to Plato, unity is the desired end of both individual and state constitution. 

>Plato’s overarching disposition towards unity asserts itself most pervasively and at every level, from the point of origin of a city to its formally articulated bureaucratic structure. What needs to be observed here is how unity — even more than the alleged goals of justice or the Good — is the ultimate teleological principle informing the interrelation of elements comprising the city’s overall constitution.

>Where the circularity of the concept of unity encompasses for Plato the origin and purpose of a state, Aristotle’s procedure in the Politics is strikingly different. To evince the overall contrast of both method and content between the two thinkers, it may be useful to consider firstly Aristotle’s metaphysical presuppositions, secondly his observations on the state in general, and finally his assessment of democracy as informed by these.

>To begin with, Aristotle’s self-proclaimed analytic and somewhat empirical method (I, i) is far less prone to the strategy of hypostatization which governs much of Plato’s thinking in the Republic. Aristotle’s method i
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I don't understand most of what you're saying, but this is a very good thread nonetheless.
We have a /monarchy/ on the webring?
From what I understand he has philosophical differences with Monarchy, and he puts in effort, which I appreciate, so I let him have his thread,

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