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Fascist News General /fng/
This thread is for discussion of recent happenings that may be of interest to users of this board. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to, news involving fascist parties around the world, info related to government / corporate responses to White nationalist / fascist activities, and events that are likely of interest to users here, such as declining race-relations, anti-White policies and Jewish-related scheming.

This thread existed on 8, anon,cafe, and 16chan, just as before it'll be here on a trial basis. If it attracts too many outsiders, it will be deleted. If it results in garbage-tier discussion not healthy to /fascist/, it will be deleted. This is /fascist/, not a free-for-all area.

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For me personally it sheds the light on the inhuman health care system the us has employed and to average normie the double standarts in justice system and how deep is the dept of the dept in the already deep depth in already deep rabbit hole

And a bit of hope that the same tension from occupy wall street is back overtly
>But they were
Its a step forward in some way
Replies: >>6837
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AS expected, Jews are lowering the pressure to allow the right wingers more space to breathe and appease them, giving them a false sense of power and security. There will never be any true power other than White Power, us at the top and all enemies eradicated.

Expect all politicians to continue the game of endless talks and conveniently espousing the dem-left-palestine vs rep-right-israel dichotomy, both of which are fundamentally anti-White. Expect them to avoid naming and blaming the Jew, because they all are judeophobes. They fear the Jews. You can vanquish an enemy you refuse to see, identify, expose and fight.

The masses may be stupid, gullible and blind, but we are not, we will never forget our mission. The Jews and their lackeys are in our crosshairs. Jews will keep using all sorts of smoke screens, all terribly annoying and unacceptable such as homosexuals, feminists and migrants, but the Jews will always remain our priority target until we have finally removed them. Not just from our countries, but from this world. Their complete and utter demise is our duty.
Replies: >>7283 >>7284
It is a good thing that we have technology to trace a given individual's genetic makeup and ancestry. Once we're in power (however long that takes) mandatory genetic screenings should become the norm. Anyone with a drop of jewish ancestry would be summarily executed or sterilized on a case-by-case basis, allowing us to vanquish the miserable hebrew scourge once and for all within a generation.
most importantly, remember the significance of the pressure-release valve equation.
It is fundamental to (accelerationist) mathematics:

teenage boy has the choice between violence against that which is abomination in real life, or simulated violence in video games with no consequences. He will develop to funnel his urges this way long-term.
As long as the electrical supply turns back on, the cycle will continue. In effective terms, he is pacified and escapist. This is chronic, and everywhere.

Take away the pressure-release valves, and what happens? Things — real things, happen.

English lad goes on a few silly marches with a derad like Tommy Robinson. His power process is satisfied in this regard; he has finally “done something” he can tell himself.
But what if someone took away the civnats?
What if someone vandalised and burnt down the offices of the latest “nationalist” System party, like the AfD.
What then? What will he do then?

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When the Alt-Right existed something that happened was women in the movement complaining of poor treatment before leaving. If "justice" as defined from the right could be characterized as "to each according to his or her place in the hierarchy" then misogynistic behavior towards women is unjust. Pic rel is one example but here in the US there is a significant presence of misogyny on the right (if we're being honest with ourselves).

A different position is Alain de Benoist's identitarian/differentialist feminism. In the interview "Benoist on Feminism, IQ, & the Wealth of Nations 
Interview on the Human Sciences, Part 4" he says:

>From the beginning, in Europe women were never considered mere objects. Male domination, on the other hand, has long been legitimated by Christian theology which, especially in the first centuries, presented women as defective beings and a “place of sin.” From the 19th century on, bourgeois society has constantly repressed feminine values. This is what justifies the demands of women.

>But there are two forms of feminism: egalitarian feminism and identitarian feminism. The first thinks that the best means of ensuring the promotion of women is to work to gradually blur the distinction between masculine and feminine social roles. Women must be able to do “everything that men do,” but in this case it the male social role is implicitly taken as the model. The second, by contrast, holds that one can assert the equality of women only on the basis of their distinctness. The New Right supports the second tendency, represented in particular by Luce Irigaray, rather than the first, represented in particular by Simone de Beauvoir or Elisabeth Badinter.

>For its part, evolutionary psychology shows that the differences between men and women go well beyond their sexual organs. In mankind, the brain itself is sexually dimorphic. Thus sex is not reduced to “gender,” to a social construction (as claimed in “gender studies,” which are characterized above all by their sterility and their extraordinary monotony). Sex is a biological reality on which multiple social constructions are grafted. Feminism is thus completely legitimate when it demands the recognition of the equal value of what is distinctly female and what is distinctly male. But equal value does not mean indistinctness.

In his pamphlet Manifesto for a European Renaissance he discusses this under the section "4. Against Sexism; For the Recognition of Gender":

>The modern concept of abstract individuals, detached from their sexual identity, stemming from an 'indifferentialist' ideology which neutralizes sexual differences, is just as prejudicial against women as traditional sexism which, for centuries, considered women as incomplete men. This is a twisted form of male domination, which in the past had excluded women from the arena of public life, and admits them today - on the condition that they divest themselves of their femininity.

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Too close to nazbol for my tastes.
Hard pass.
Replies: >>7199
In fact the whole Nouvelle Droite is shit. Full of supposedly esoteric alt-Marxists, half-fraud-freuds and all too happy to evade the JQ as often as necessary. I had a meme-graph about that btw but it's likely lost in gbs of pictures for sure.
Seeing the woman supply sabotaged makes me upset. Anyone who is sabotaging the woman supply is to be corrected or prevented. Simple as. If a nigger, kike, or other alien is sabotaging the woman supply, anything goes when it comes to stopping them. When one of our own is sabotaging the woman supply (even if it's just one woman sabotaging herself), it must still be stopped, but more precise solutions are required.

No matter how we might disagree on the standards for women and the standards for men, we can agree that our Race is being sabotaged and it must be stopped. Thread done.
Replies: >>7221
Can't work if people can't or are not willing to be racist.
That's the Jews' greatest victory, to have succeeded in making race mixing an okay thing about which at most you could only be racially blind, neutral, but never against it. But this spell is eroding day after day. I see some truly insane shit in comments on all sorts of social networks. People are becoming reckless because they can't take it anymore and the only reason these same people are under threat is because they're picked one by one.
To get back to women being taken, there's not much that can be done politely until the time men will simply decide on a woman's movements and even have the capacity to take women by force, which requires a complete change of paradigm and dumping our current culture and its "values".
Replies: >>7235
luckily our enemies are shameless and thoughtless, so they’re going to continue overplaying their hand. NEVER COMPROMISE! TOTAL MUTT DEATH!

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How will Fascism or National Socialism fix relations between men and women? Is there any fixing what has happened, or is it largely a case of removing the muddlers and the natural relations will restore themselves as a matter of course?

What is essential:
>ensuring a father can support an entire family, getting women out of the work-force
>encouraging and supporting large families through incentives, loans, etc
>encouraging men and women to marry earlier 
>making divorce more difficult
>banning pornography
>domestic discipline

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Replies: >>7196 + 2 earlier
the attempts at subversion here are top-notch
Abolish feminism and "Women's rights". And, if some democracy is preserved - make it one vote per family rather than per person.
>>14 (OP) 
>domestic discipline
Now that I can do.

Yes, it's still some form of individualisme but paradoxically, extend to the family cell, although that cell is isolated in a suburb modern house.
It's a typical American 50s thing for example and it got worse with the habit of moving off to other states. This excess of mobility turned families into wholly packaged human resources. Latin cultures and families still living in the same vale for generations do not really experience that.
Hitler flatly stated that the hierarchy was man > woman > children. For example, a man is a woman's world. You cannot have that if the man is a simp and only LARPs as the authority figure.

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there is a nascent generation of ChinkTok zoomer NatSocs.
Their vigour is inspiring. Their numbers are unprecedented, far exceeding the “Alt-Right” fail.
This, as the split in the young teenage generation emboldens and emboldens.
On the one hand, there are incapable mutts, non-whites, etc. but the real split is between the two divisions of this age group that don’t use Instagram (as a trait, not exclusively).

On the one hand, there are trannies, degenerate egocentric sex fiends that watch anime videoessays, fawn over “old Internet aesthetics”, and spend most of their time in therapy.

On the other hand, though, is an increasingly cynical and pure birth of thought, even in the shoah’d depths of ChinkTok. Very young fascist youth. While it is easy to be cynical towards younger generations, there are pragmatic issues that arise for them as they grow up.

If they go on 4cvck /pol/, the most famous botted shithole, they find it in a much worse state than the stories describe it in.
Why should you believe me? Well, you can find clumps of them coalesced in both generic online places and on, say, the remnants of the sharty. It seems like Brenton Tarrant’s kebab removal has become a ChinkTok meme? If you have any doubts about their radicalism, there you go, that’s an easy way to find them, in the comments of any Jewtube reupload of remove kebab, etc. and there are thousands of likes on these comments… I can only imagine how big the ChinkTok/whatever presence must be for onl
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>We have a lot of people in the "Movement" that have the funds to build and secure legitimate structures and potentially radicalize people. But they refuse to do so anyway, so they can either bitch about some irrelevant issues, or put stickers up that nobody but some crackhead niggers would see and do pointless marches.
The radicalization is not a good selling point. The radicalization will happen at a later stage, on the fringe of it, silently. You will convince far more people if you tell them that the money should go to Whites to fund our own institutions, our medias, our lawyers, our banks. Nothing forbids Whites from creating banks of which the leaders would be part of the White Cabal without showing any signs of it. Even in the most restrictive White nations you are still allowed to say that you want to create a system for Whites that includes all the aspect of the social, political, legal and economical life. Yet almost nobody dares being openly pro-White on the political stage despite how easy it is. Is it low risk? No, we all know of the social stigmatization. But why does it happen? Because we have no network, because if you lose your job there's no fellow White man to give you another one and give the finger to the antifas and other screeching abominations.
>Who are you to say that Hunter of Pedocommunist Activists, Breivik is "mentally unstable"?
>Or Tarrant who killed ISIS jihadists?
To a certain degree, yes. Again, Roof wanted to kill people in schools. Crusius wanted to kill random people. Tarrant went to Pakistan and befriend Muslims there, even prayed in one of their mosques and he praised them, despite how Pakistan is a hot bed of radicalization and terrorism. Bowers was such a retard that he took gunning down a handful of geriatric kikes as an achievement while not even able to take down the local rabbi, which he could have done in a billion other different much more efficient and secure ways. Breivik was such a nutcase that he wrote a thousand and five hundred pages of a pointless and boring zionist dick sucking book which would have been the only thing left of him if he had been shot down.
>Who the fuck cares about Crusius?
Oh, now nobody cares about him now? Quite an interesting change!
>Because some retards here idolize him?
Because he's part of Terrorgram and "his" manifesto makes it clear that he considered a different set of targets after reading the NZ shooter's manifesto IIRC. Our dear friend Pat C. wink wink is a member of the club, whether you like it or not.
>He isn't an Fascist
If the medias say he is, then he is. According to the manifesto, he seems to be close to it. Not that being an avowed Fascist prevented gushers and gooners from worshiping him abundantly years ago.
>It's like claiming random negro gang-bangers to be fed assets.
Niggers don't write manifestos and don't trigger governments to pass repressive laws on speech or guns.
>what about: Tarrant and Breivik
They're the only two guys who seemed pro enough about it and it just happens that their own operation are the more involved in terms of politics and real world events. I will return to Breivik one day because I will need to shut your mouth once and for all about him, but for Tarrant there's this little bizarre aspect, a classic in terms of false flags, that he just happened to rampage through the city the same day a whole week long international anti-terrorist exercise was about to conclude in the same area. Just like with 9/11 for example, the usual "is it a drill?" that confuses the local authorities. Tarrant's car plate coded for 11/9 btw. I mean we can go through the whole thing again. The video fed let to run for more than a quarter of an hour despite it being no surprise at all to all the authorities that were warned in advance, monitored internet and kept their eyes on the chan. Or like that red herring nigger dressed in military fatigues and carrying a long black bag that could have contained assault rifles, arrested in front of a school. Or all the bombs found in several cars across the city. Or when Tarrant stopped his car for no good reason whatsoever and when he decided to resume his course he almost brushed against the car coming behind him, as if he was on a bizarre tight schedule. It would have been very unfortunate of him to get hit by another car just because he couldn't afford to wait like two more seconds. I don't like that kind of bizarre stuff because it follows no logic for it to happen. I'm also leaving out all the well poisoning that's done to create confusion (it's fake, no blood, look at the mags disappearing, etc.). With all of this of course leading to a government conveniently pulling presto-laws out of its hat to ban more gun equipment and have the right to criminalize and prosecute people for possessing one document or a video. All of which happened in a minuscule country being the ideal small scale laboratory for such social changes before being eventually pushed into larger countries. And why not do it in say, one of the European countries he visited like Germany or France for example. Nobody is phased about the events going on in kiwi island. If you want to kick a racial war for real that's where I'd actually do my stuff.
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Replies: >>7047
>Rockwell was an army man.
And that's part of the problem, honestly. While he was right in many respects, his way of thinking was too straightforward. Unless you have a modern-day SS division with full mechanized support you could point at, there's no possibility of waging a grand war like that. Witticisms aside, take a look at the situation. There's no army, there's no infrastructure, and there's no institutional support. We don't have thousands of well-trained and well-disciplined soldiers ready for action, the number of people among our ranks that meets that qualification is in the dozens (maybe hundreds) at most. Mind you, that's still good enough to get things going, but it's not enough to hold territory so to speak. Rockwell was confronting this problem with his military man's mindset when he should've come at it from the perspective of a resistance fighter.

Let me be clear: we live in nations that are occupied by a foreign hostile force with full collaboration of the national authorities, we have to get into that mindset. Guerilla action is absolutely necessary because it's the only warfare we can wage right now. As a disenfranchised minority movement with zero popular support and no strong presence in the collective unconscious except as a bogeyman, espionage and covert actions are the best tools at our disposal right now. To gain an army we have to raise our
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Replies: >>7047
TL;DR sandeep
Replies: >>7139
Breivik was absolutely insane. We should infiltrate and sabotage social services so we get more nutcases produced like him from poor parenting and the kids don’t get taken away. That’s a great idea actually.
Lmao, that's our resident shitskin for you. He thinks Whites actually care about his yapping.

Remember No shitskins, TND Now!

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I recall that our board long had an ecofascist/anti-tech thread, but I feel that this goes against the spirit of fascism. In truth, fascism is a modern, 20th century phenomenon dependent on modern transportation, modern law enforcement, a modern military, etc. The thought of competing with other ethnicities while undermining our own technological superiority is ludicrous. It would decrease the potential of our own race, its genetic health, and its future. If anything, non-whites should embrace Ludditism, die out, and be conquered while Whites should aim for the stars. A White society must be efficient and use advanced technology to stand up to (perhaps even destroy) all the other races, and anyone who thinks otherwise is following a path of guaranteed failure. It is because of our technology that so many middle-age and elderly Whites are still alive, that abortion can be easily and painlessly carried out on the nigger community, that borders can be blocked off (if the people in charge weren't kiked), etc. Cleansing our lands and the world at large would be possible with biotech but an impossibility with the abandonment of modern technology. The people in charge are the problem, not the tech itself.
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>INCEL RAGE: THE POST!!!!!!!!!!!
Post your cellphone number so that when the race war begins we will know who to call to send to the frontline first.
Replies: >>7028
Replies: >>7028
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>The ethnoglobe will not be achieved through elections and debate but through violence and terrorism
this, all other threads should be deleted. Threads on /fascist/ must only focus on direct real life action.
I know you are joking but you are on to something, we need to organize. Exchanging phone numbers/emails and irl meetings are the best way to organize. If any one wants to organize post your phone number and email here or contact me @ 1-800-225-5324 with all the details of how we can best organize and save the White race.
Fags can be annoying and pozzed, but they are nontheless our racial brothers and sister in the eternal struggle.

Replies: >>7059 >>7066
>all other threads should be deleted. 
Kindly fuck you, CIA man.
organising will need to be done on the basis of location if we’re serious about this.
Fedjacketers seethe but what have they achieved? Nothing. They also don’t realise that feds are either middle-aged reprobate white men with families, or absolute sooper smart university kidz slop and wogs straight from the local academia. They characterise it accordingly as some omnipotent being.
What feds actually do is fly towards whatever is blatantly successful (Atomwaffen Division) and click on the big join button so they can entrap dumb members once “in”. Hence they have pretty much no ability to infiltrate small-scale organisation. And the prospect of them being some boomer-comic puppet master that completely controls narratives even in alt spaces to get at those darned alt-rightists that would have won by now and deported all the blacks back to their African ethnostate is schizophrenic and deserves ostracisation.

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Hard mode: no bickering, or confession/conspiracy to criminal activity per the laws of your state

SIEGE can be found on Internet Archive and on The American Futurist’s library page. If you live in the EU it is recommended that you use a VPN to access it and that you don’t download it.
Sieg Heil!
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Replies: >>6653 + 2 earlier
You're merely uneducated about what the Arab communities are doing in Europe, the crime they bring in and how they organize. It's largely about drugs, then grooming. What happens in other third world countries is starting to happen here. A mix of bribes and threats will get the local politicians in line with Muslim interests while their own people get closer to the heart of the host. Their organizing may not be stellar but it definitely exists and it's totally supported by their community, which is more than sufficient already and is what matters.
>Jews haven't radicalised anyone. 
Maybe step out of your basement one day. Their actions are pushing people into literally hating them for exactly that. Of course we're not directly gaining much from this as Whites, but indirectly it weakens them. The issue however is that as their grip slightly loosens, it's only exploited by other foreigners who are not ashamed of defending their interests and even have the law on their side, contrary to Whites, since as you know it any White who fights for his interests is a [racist antisemitic hateful supremacist xenophobic bigot]. In the state we find ourselves in, I consider the beginning of some form of radicalization, whether it comes from the left or the right, as a regained freedom to openly oppose and attack the Jews. It's a first step and obviously nowhere close to a White radicalization the way we need it. It's nevertheless also bringing normies to think twice about it. Only old people stick to the TV but you get much more crunchy bits on internet and that has an effect. From there on, it becomes easier to tell them that all of this was already denounced by the NSDAP. And you can double down by telling them that many leftists converted back then once they saw the light. In respect for this board we can even point at Mussolini's own path who closely orbited far-left groups before moving hard right once he got more educated.
>And no, violence upon whites doesn't radicalise the whites which roll over like spaniels and start big boy crayon drawing their latest plans to get "political representation" or some other pipe dream. 
You are wrong about that too. In modern democracy, the only reason the right wing still manages to reach around 50% despite the huge foreigner voting base that goes full left is because most Whites align with right-wing views and as we can see today it's largely tugged by far-right parties. Not that these parties are anything good really but people want them to be good and want them to be far right. This however is only for observational purposes because there's no solution in democracy. It's useful as a metric on trends.
There's definitely a huge amount of waste too but I presume a lot of it comes from the boomers. The right side of the spectrum stays silent and rarely goes marching in the streets. On top of that you have all the people who don't vote. Of those who are Whites, there's no doubt that many have lost all hope in seeing a hard line right wing politician defend their interests, but their beliefs are there.
I also cannot think you are honest when you see that no White person would grow some massive hatred for the system, foreigners and those who generated the issues in our countries when they see the insults, rapes and murder and how most Whites work honestly to pay for parasites. Once again you don't seem to have much grasp with the real life and the way politics work. I'm more than certain that many Whites would gladly follow in and let themselves taken by the gush of air if a path was opened for them. They can't keep containing that resentment forever.
Masses free themselves, but one can easily observe that things have become worse nonetheless and masses can be prepared, made to some extent more compliant with our positions. The violence that existed twenty years ago seemed subdued in comparison to what we experience everyday and it didn't make it to internet the way it does today. Denying this evolution is ridiculous, it is verily real. Granted, it may be frustrating that it takes so long, that we have to reach that point of inflexion and despair for more interesting things to happen, but we cannot rewrite human nature. At large people tend to wait for the last moment when things can't get worse before really snapping. They always hope the issues will go away if they squint hard enough and if the evil eye would just set its gaze upon someone else.
>But it can cause a huge media shitstorm (heighten anxiety).
A media shit storm, totally artificial and part of the keyfabe, only happens when the Jews decide so, dumbass, because they control the medias. Like with Trump. That line of yours reminds me of the usual excuse acceleranons kept defending Breivik by claiming that he was forcing them to follow his oh so clever plot at manipulation, as if little Breivik could force the medias to say what he wanted them to say. Ridiculous. He, you and I don't have power nor any control over the medias.
Frankly I cannot believe something as banal as this has to be repeated there, especially to someone like you who thinks of himself as based and radical. You have no power over the medias, get it through your thick skull.
Foreigners being killed in groups is only exploited by the medias to lament their loss, make them martyrs, denounce racism and increase the powers of the surveillance state. Always.
>Whereas for example when you had that National Action lad take out some race traitor whore it wasn't talked about as much comparatively.
Yet it was the right thing to do, assuming she had any kind of relevant and effective political power. Only because otherwise killing a mere coalburner is retarded and won't get us anywhere in the grand scheme of things.
>No, we accelerationists aren't building an army
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Replies: >>6475
>Masses free themselves
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>>5344 (OP) 
does anybody have hourfdecision777's SIEGE videos? there is an archive.org upload but its locked for some reason


the admin of TAF's tg channel (@nottheaf) posted one of them

 i cant find the rest anywhere online (probably because ((( google ))) and related services dont index anything siege related)
Replies: >>6840
bumping this for exposure

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You know the drill, Blackshirts, but for those who don't, post your unpopular opinions here and they will be mocked and corrected in equal measure, for our entertainment.
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It's true. But when it comes to other topics like economics and environmentalism this place sticks to fascism. And if you think natsoc is taking too much space here I'm sure you will agree that some kind of White Fascism can be seen as a perfect subgenre of fascism. I doubt there are any non-Whites posting here. No regrets, it's better this way. Show me how many times have non-Whites done anything substantial in favor of Whites. Besides, who frankly cares? Fascism is a White invention anyway.
Replies: >>6189
I don't care about your revenge fantasy.
I care about White survival.
Non-whites vvill be wiped off the face of the earth like the inferior filth they are.
Replies: >>6657
Maybe in the far future but there obviously are much more important things to achieve right now, such as purging our own countries, eliminating the traitors and establishing a New White Order.
Replies: >>6839

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ITT, we hammer out some "canned responses" to common anti-White arguments. 
Let's share common counters we have heard and refine concise counter arguments.

I will initiate by sharing The Mantra, 
<YOu ARe A RaCIsT!!!!1
You only say that because I am White. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
<but racist!
Africa for the Africans
Asia for the Asians
White nations for everyone!
<but... racist fascism
Anti-Whites say that there is a race problem. This race problem only exists in White nations, White schools, White communities, and White people.
The Final Solution to the race problem is for my race, White people, to be blended out of existence through mass immigration and forced assimilation.
The Final Solution to the race problem is the Final Solution to the White problem.
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>moderate non-lover alt-lite rightists like OP.
Moderate non-lover?
wtf are you talking about?

>Just come out and tell them you want global genocide, just confirm everything jews told them about White nationalists.
Yeah, that'll definitely expand our numbers.
The problem with people like you, and I'm speaking from a position of disinterest no offense intended, is that people like you tend only to attract hyper aggressive weirdos. You start out already upset at me for some reason. If you met an actual alt-liter, you'd just attack them.
I already know that you think that we should not attempt to expand our numbers with normal people, but to become an isolated, edgy subculture that keeps to ourselves and seeks to make no inroads with our own population. You wouldn't describe it that way but that is what your position appears to be.
That's cultural death. 

The only retorts you people have are either, 
>Let's all just have, like, 10 children!
But you don't and never do.
>Doesn't matter, me and my 3 friends are gonna overthrow the government!
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Replies: >>6777
>Yeah, that'll definitely expand our numbers.
I don't need to tell you that Hitler. Rockwell and Pierce themselves not only proved you so hilariously wrong but you are illiterate in every way possible.
>The problem with people like you, and I'm speaking from a position of disinterest no offense intended, is that people like you tend only to attract hyper aggressive weirdos.
"hyper aggressive weirdos" won all revolutions including Lenin.
>If you met an actual alt-liter, you'd just attack them.
Your "movement" is an circus filled with mutts, grifters and faggots, no shit we would.
>I already know that you think that we should not attempt to expand our numbers with normal people,
You sound out of touch, "Normal" people think it is okay for men and little boys to dress up as women and chop their dicks off and they would indulge themselves in any depravity possible. Eventually they will support "MAP" rights
I don't care about their opinions and how "valid" they are, they should understand that there's only two options to chose: Submit to us, our way of life, our worldview or suffer all the way.
Most of them will instinctively chose the former option over the latter since they are biological-conformist animals. They are cowards by nature.
>but to become an isolated, edgy subculture that keeps to ourselves and seeks to make no inroads with our own population. You wouldn't describe it that way but that is what your position appears to be.
Nice description of the Alt-Fright, faggot.
Meanwhile, millions of young White people are attracted to the uncompromising and masculine message that National Socialism brings, as hundreds of thousands of Europeans and Americans sport the skull mask and hail their way.
Just look into Instagram, Xitter and Tiktok to which Jews are already bitching about "Hitler's AI-translated speeches"
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Replies: >>6788 >>6789
akshually, che needed 100 men, which we have like, 600x of (hardliners) in the U.S. alone, and this number grows correspondingly inversely to softening of our message, hence the pre-Alt-Right Fascist surges which they nullified with trumpist compromise rhetoric and killed with similar impunity to ToB vs. Atomwaffen Division.
Just start killing niggers and the libtards will start calling you Dad.

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What would an American National Socialist movement look like in the current year?

National Socialism has always been a hard sell to white Americans for a number of reasons that I'm not going to get into here. That said, I think that movements such as the Silver Legion and American Nazi Party can still be learnt from for the future.
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>so paganism could rise instead no matter how bad or degenerate things get.
Apologies for butting in for a one line response but I don't see pagan resurgence in the US at the moment even though it would likely be a good thing for us. Are there movements which I am unaware of?
Replies: >>6699 >>6727
Not much to look for outside of the liberal Asatru groups that welcome niggers, and the radical Odinic groups that seem to mainly grow within the prison system and through outreach programs.
Exactly how is believing in fairy tales good for us?
Replies: >>6729
Are you a christian?
Replies: >>6735

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Recently it was found out that the octopus species has DNA that is alien to Earth. Meaning that it originally came from outer space.


Now this made me think. Could it be possible that the European man had originally come from outer space? And that it was the Africans that came from the apes?
Does anybody know if there any more sources out there concerning this theory?
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Replies: >>6361 + 9 earlier
>>2224 (OP) 
>Recently it was found out that the octopus species has DNA that is alien to Earth.
This is not what the article says. It reuses the old "Panspermia" hypothesis that claims that simplest organisms that can be called "living" can survive inhospitable conditions of flying through outer space on a surface of a comet, and entry into the Earth atmosphere.
>Meaning that it originally came from outer space.
That's lugenpresse clickbait.
Replies: >>6370
>Octopuses live on comets
In a futile and naive attempt to elevate this retarded thread, may I ask what is the oldest confirmation of any real White presence we know of on this world that's been revealed by genetic studies or archeology?
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The oldest references I know of that don't get too factually diluted are those covering the topic of the Aryan tribe that at a later time invaded India. The further back we go into the past the harder it is to find any substantial evidence.
Beyond that it becomes very speculative and clues can only be inferred.
On the genetic side I doubt Whites changed radically over a few millennia and must have, on the contrary, kept their decidedly phenotype for a long time. Now the theory propounded above would put the ancient Whites in a place that would not be lacking in warmth, which reduces the validity of the claim that the sheer Whiteness of our very distant ancestors was solely due to their location in a solarless area.

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