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Kikes exposing themselves

This thread is dedicated to translating a video where jews expose how they view every goy as subhuman. The post contains a file with the English subtitles in SubRip format and the video with the subtitles removed.

A subsequent reply will be made with the original videotape.

Let's get this into as many languages as possible.

Sieg Hail
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Original video.
What languages are hebrew related to?
Replies: >>4649
Hebrew is an artificial language; in ye olden times it was a holy language, like Ecclesiastical Latin or Church Slavonic - separate from the common tongue, because in a living language, word can change meaning, and in Abrahamic theology, that's a big NO. The spoken languages were Yiddish, Ladino or, for kikes who hid among the muslims, Jewish Arabic.

Hebrew in modern Israel is basically a jew version of Esperanto and is closest to the Arabic dialects that are spoken in Iraq.

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1. Make contact with existing criminal networks within it.
2. Convince them to take over the law enforcement branch that supervises election security.
3. Get one of your agents elected.
4. Legalize a racket that transfers wealth from the good population to the psychopathic population that has no problem scamming their own nation.
5. Embed yourself in that nation's racketeering group and organize them politically to protect their source of government protected free money.
6. Walk away and watch as it is totally destroyed from within as the psychopaths produce more psychopathic people, use politics to defend their illegitimate businesses, and sabotage the national defense to allow rival nations to enter to replace the collapsing native population.
 As long as there is no national movement to revoke citizenship or imprison the racketeers and their kids, the damage is persistent. Because you taught the lowlife psychopaths in the country how to organize against the country for personal gain, their children will make new rackets with the wealth their family acquired even if the original racket is banned and once they invite foreign populations in to replace the people they killed with racketeering, you can then finance and organize the foreign population against the nation and wipe them out while the racketeers defend them to ensure their income stream until the bloody end. 
What was it that really brought down South Africa? 
South Africa thought it was good business to rely on exploitative Bantu labor and even when the country was on the verge of being seized with malicious overseas backing from the USA Federal government, which saw this as a chance to eliminate an economic competitor, the South African government didn't just poison all the non-Whites in the country because the racketeers would still make money from rental payments and cheap labor after the country had been handed over to the Central African people of Bantu, which were not even native to the region.
It was the economics of South Africa that killed it, it was the landlords and businesses that made a profit from exploitation that killed it. When people suggested just removing the Bantu to save their state, these psychopathic traitors demanded that not happen because it would undermine their personal profits. 
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>another anon had a good concept for how South Africa could've survived: strike a deal with the Soviets, so that
You're the same guy. We explained to you in the last board that this would never work, because the SU are filled with kikes and the Marxists wanted to get rid of racial tensions altogether. Rhodesia and South Africa were doomed to begin with.
Replies: >>645
And what would the final solution be?
Replies: >>645
I'm not samefag, I just saw his post and it seemed like a good idea. Of course, it would only be viable if you're wrong about the Soviets being kiked, and you may be right. However, didn't many Russian Jews flee from there? Or is that more misdirection? Either way, it's true that Marxism is a deracinating ideology.

You should already know what I mean by the choice of words. But perhaps they were living on borrowed time regardless.
Replies: >>690
>I'm not samefag, I just saw his post and it seemed like a good idea. 
Nah, you are the same guy. You were the only one who thought it was a "good idea" and got told off, and now you found yourself here to shill once again.

> However, didn't many Russian Jews flee from there?
No. This is American propaganda in trying to get the Jews to flee there. Stalin couldn't be anti-semitic, because he was the one who created Israel and is a jew himself. He simply arrested disloyal Jews who were trying to assassinate him for coping hard that they wouldn't support Stalinism. It's also meant to distract you from the fact that the Soviet Union was ran and created by jews. Whether they left in fear of anti-semtisim doesn't negate the fact they funded black nationalist to kill Whites. If Rhodesia became a Soviet ally, the results would of been the same if not worst. They were doomed to fail.
Maybe money is just fucking gay and we don't need it.

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This thread for the discussion of pro-white resistance, past or present, from an onlookers perspective, especially focused on people such as Anders Behring Breivik, Brenton Tarrant and the various copycats that we've seen since March 2019. Are they doing what has to be done? Is it more harmful than helpful? Are they all false flags? Discuss!

Memes should go here: >>4

>The Breivik Archive

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This thread relating to rioting and civil war has useful info.

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Debunks all of the retarded shit people say against Tarrant.
Replies: >>4629
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It's sad and enraging seeing how the Powers That Be have an iron grip on 4cuck's /pol/ via bots + paid and unpaid shills.
The moment a thread about Tarrant or Breivik is posted there, they will get immediately jumped by bot replies repeating always the same lies and disinfo, with a side of glownigger deradicalization teams and asshurt brownoids.
No wonder they rushed to close 8chan, 16chan and the real based imageboards where they were not able to gather control of the narrative.
Replies: >>4630
It's a shame, every time we migrate our community dies a little bit.

inb4 "only the real ones are left"
yeah, me, a few other terminally online schizos and the resident fed.
Replies: >>4632
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Yeah, the shabbos and kikes shitted out dozens of papers about ((( their ))) strategy: infiltrate and take control of a community, ruin it if you can't infiltrate, get it shut down if none of the former worked.

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I want to work on a valuable project with anyone here. I am a fascist and a futurist. 

Here are a medley of ideas for projects, though I'm open to other ideas:
>A wiki that only uses primary sources (aka "actual evidence")
>A website where people collaborate on various valuable projects
>A website where people make/edit/etc various parts of AI, parts that can be joined together to make AI that does whatever you want
>A "Shilling group" dedicated to any specific issue/topic, where information about the problem is collected, turned into memes, etc, and distributed by the members. Daily 4chan threads on the issue, resurrected news stories, and other attempts to advance the issue online.
>"ArgumentBots", and a website for them, which can be edited and perfected, which can argue for any topic in whatever way, using whatever arguments and evidence, the creator(s) intended. Also, can respond to counter-arguments. The purpose is to store in an AI the ideal argument for any specific issue or stance or anything else.
>AI that can read text and analyze it. For example, point out attempts at emotional manipulation, give counter-points, point out lies, point out phrasing, or rewrite things from a based perspective.
>AI that can replace various jobs by doing what they do
>AI that can help people understand the legal system, what's legal/illegal/etc, by reading the laws and historic application/interpretation of them
>AI that lives in its own virtual enviroment, and acts in real-time, making a real simulation
>A school that turns people into fascists, a school where the focus is on making the students valuable by making them obsessed with a (unique to the specific student) specific valuable goal/issue/etc. A school which makes them great at accomplishing their chosen goal, helps them figure out what it is and how best to make it happen.
>A website/AI-app that helps people figure out how to buy land and build cheap houses on them
>Read holocaust stories, find contradictions
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I've been working on AI projects that are apolitical. They would've been political had anyone shown that they wanted something political.

This thread is meant to be positive, not negative.
>That's why it's called a struggle and not a walk in the park.
Sure, but the struggle isn't here yet.
No, I would argue that pierces government was far less supported but more competently staffed, technology makes up a lot of the gap today and they do not not any better or worse at actually finding charges to throw at Nazi's then or now.
>depends on the goals and methods of the organization. 
Not really, and not being overt as an organization will lead to failure, without fail, opticscucking is for idiots.
With all  techs  developed to replace women, buttsex is our future.


Replies: >>4462
>With all  techs  developed to replace women, buttsex is our future.
Faggotry is inherently Xtian in nature, it is an abominable act only befitting fot a low iq Xtian Nigger.
>Faggotry is inherently Xtian in nature
The fine cultural practice of violating a young boy's ass predates Christianity by a few millienia.

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Are there good Forums Or Telegram channel where i can talk to like minded people who are into National Socialist ideology ? Like for example the iron march  forum which unfortunately doesn't exist anymore
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> if you're not stupid enough to expose yourself or any "crimes" you may have or may intend to commit, you will have no issue whatsoever.

I understand some of your points, but the one I quoted is plainly wrong.
They will make up new "crimes" to get to you and fuck up your life - actually they've been ramping up with this type of stuff bigly in the last 5 years.
Mr Bond was happily making music a few years ago, fast forward and they made up some bullshit accusation to throw him in jail, while giving no punishment to feral niggers killing and raping european people by the hundreds and literally giving the ok-go to jewish pharma corps to inject millions with experimental drugs free of legal consequences.
The problem with social media is that they are specifically designed to keep track of users' data and activity, it's literally a tool to control you.
The usage of social media should be halted immediately if you are a nat soc minded white person, and at every occasion one should at least warn fellow whites of the dangers posed by such tools.
https://t.me/exposechristianitycensored  (Useful for >>8)
>>3435 (OP) 

> : Gathering those who carry kindling, to feed our innate Fire :
>>3435 (OP) 
> The Cradle is an online news magazine covering West Asian geopolitics from within.

> News, technical analysis, memes and thoughts.
> Politically incorrect channel.
> Undefined ideology, sympathetic to fascism and communism.

> Heritage, aesthetics, culture

> Independent Journalist & Documentarian 

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>>>3435 (OP) 
> Political and social commentary, philosophy, and the occasional book club.

> Nationalist, Classical Liberal, moderate centrist (circa 1900). You can plagiarize any of my writing & content.

> Infographics, studies, data, biological anthropology, population genetics, etc.

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does anyone have any copies of bookanon's videos on worldtruthvids? they sucked but after he got arrested i want to look at them again i only saved a few and the ones on his bitchute. particularly the tarrant documentary 
i talked to this guy a while back and remembered him recently.
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All of them or a specific 1-6 part or national socialism chapter?
>don't really want to get anymore explicit than that and not sure if it's been posted elsewhere since that was the first and only time i ever saw it.
Its not even necceseary as i got that answered and neither of us doesnt want to have again the need to deploy bleach for removing that memory from memory
Download failed

try to upload to onionshare or

Replies: >>4588
Okay here is that dox link

Also unrelated to answer please specify what from geemania the history of third reich episode from series you want out of 6 that were made if i dont count national socialism chapter
Replies: >>4590
https://dox.abv.bg/download?id=c8262fdd92# - Линк за сваляне
Forgot to attach that link
Replies: >>4597
Thanks anon, I downloaded it and will rewatch it as soon as I have some time.
Everything need to be saved locally now, the times of the freedom on the internet are definitely over.

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Europa the last battle (Factual or hidden propaganda)

I'm NatSoc. I'm slowly making my way through this documentary and finding sus af things along the way. 
>NatSoc bros what are your thoughts?
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>lucas gage
<shit nobody cares about, but low IQ subhumans using twitter
"Wignats" the retarded term coined by a homosexual informant tranny-chasing spic you mentioned on that shithole are retarded anyway, just like anyone else, who uses a social media platform of any kind. They are bottom of the barrel scum and a bunch of utter nigger cattle useless to National-Socialism. O9A federal agent coons belong in the actual gas chambers and ovens or should be hanging from lampposts with barbed wires around their necks for being subversive informant alphabet soup shitstains. Seeing edits of Brenton Tarrant by some dumb faggot named '666333SinisterCunnyRapistOvOdin1488' posing with a skull hankie, who is claiming to be an Aryan polytheist against egalitarianism and such, but in fact is a shame to his entire bloodline is retarded. Seeing constant kvetching about southern "shitalalalalalalians" and talking about whether meds are white or not is retarded. Kvetching about Slavs and Balts and constant shitflinging about who's white or not, while you are being replaced by shitskins and pajeets, is retarded. That's epitome of pacification. I am describing you the so-called "radicalized" type of retard cattle 
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Replies: >>4551 >>4564
>Real National-Socialists are preparing for what's to come locally
<Two more weeks
The collapse is never happening. You are just as hypocritical as everyone you are criticizing.
Replies: >>4552
>You are just as hypocritical
Except I am not? I am not the one, who will be starving in the cities. I am not the one, who doesn't know how to shoot from a gun. I am not the one, who sits on telegram and twitter sharing memes with a shitty OPSEC, when I could instead spend time with real people. Not to mention having sex and pumping out huwhite kids. :^) Already contributing far more to the cause than anyone else could.
>The collapse is never happening
Yeah, mudslimes flooding Europe en masse more than ever before totally won't lead to any SHTF South Africa tier scenario or a revolution in the future. I agree, the vaccinated voting cuckolds will just get slaughtered by their machetes and stoned to death during chimpouts. But that's none of my business.
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>That documentary is worth more than any gore edit made by a mutted mystery meat cuckling suffering from autism regurgitating same 
Not him or advocating groypers or degens but try to find germania the history of third reich by bookanon 
Unlike O keef despite his own errors had made better work on nsdap than o keef and especially he doesnt leave someone on his own to dig out what he dug out or making the stupid claim of
>But the allies are da real raycists
>Well akshualy nsdap is expression of christian dogma as i less and less say national socialists, europeans etc but christians.
Seriously o keef just had in europa the last battle do some flash edit with picrels he cited for example in few passages but no he just had to be special and not show them and go on slippery slope on fallacy of christianity vs judaism

And that comes from someone who doesnt agree with majority or people here either playing X is not aryan or screaming to each other that his material is better than someone elses and so on

Also in next answer you pulling sex is not adding you points at all or naively thinking that just because you are in countryside you are not a subject of democide and collectivization by zog because wralda forbids to ask someone from post communist nation how even countryside got rekt or more accuratl
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Replies: >>4565
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Forth pic was send by accident as i retard mistook it for other in this post

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Congratulations guys I'm back to remind you that we outlived anon cafe, we outlived frens chan. Cucks lost. We won lmao.

Clap yourselves on the back and lets get this place popping again, I've been not so faithful but I've been busy and been exploring... Everything else besides that which was taken from us (16 and n) is fucking awful and filled with low iq retards who think they are in good company.
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Replies: >>4501 + 5 earlier
>Unironically, go away.
touche my fellow 4 kiker
Yeah it still looks and feels like ass with js disabled.
What's wrong with vichan, or dare I say kusaba or a futaba based engine?
Replies: >>4342 >>4427
Go to the Meta board and Ask Sturgeon, only he knows the answer.
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>What's wrong with vichan
Here ya go:
>>4052 (OP) 
>Cucks lost
Cucks think it's "manly" and "adult" to accept defeat and not slit throats when the enemy is rubbing defeat in their faces. Women need a caste of men who are ignorant to women's tricks and desperate for female affection. Women need a caste of men who will feed them when their chaddy daddies get tired of their shit.

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Seems like they ran out of money, although the feds may very well have pressured them behind the scenes like what happened with 16.

This board is the only similar place I know, so I created this thread for refugees like me to discuss next steps.

Where do we go? And more importantly, how do we create communities that can outlive these flighty imageboards?
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Replies: >>4037 + 3 earlier
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>>3560 (OP) 
Hello again friends it's been years thanks for still being here and based fasc janny.

Greedy niggers on frenschan acting as if them running a website is some fucking charity when they were power tripping harder than where people escaped. Imagine think the following:
>"jews wont attack us if we play legit d00d"
>("playing legit" means they ban/censor/delete your posts)
-Uhh yeah they will retard
-Free speech is a threat to them retard

What's there to not understand about that? It's simple. 
Nearly everyone worth a single fuck on 4kike fucked off and went to 8chan when 4 cucked out on gamergate and collabed with gamerjews against the goyim that's like what, 2016 now?
2016 dudes. And why is it nearly always some smelly CIAmerican christcucks running the boards? 

Frens glowed hard, all good effortposts were put in a trash board I made multiple threads including one on TREE SPIKING. And all my threads either got trashed or deleted.
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I'm glad fedschan is dead. I wish all you election tourist newfags would fuck off
There were secret boards? Holy shit? I browsed and posted on that place since it started in 2022, and I’m only learning now of the secret hidden boards.
Replies: >>4500
The only bad thing I remember about Frenschan is that they really didn't want to have any IRL meetup threads. I always thought that was fucking stupid. Are we all just supposed to join WLM to meet each other?

Also, I got banned on 4chan for posting a forbidden word: Frenschan.
There was only one secret board that I know of.

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For /fascist/ OC posting from banners and memes to board art and flags for posters to use.
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Replies: >>3765
but why
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Hopefully Integralist will win.
It should be around 18 or so hours.
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