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There is a new QTDDTOT >>6079

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Get your shit together, Blackshirts

Books and Info:
>EasyPeasy Method (free yourself from porn)
>Calisthenics Archive
>Convict Conditioning (Calisthenics)
Convict Conditioning: How to Bust Free of All Weakness - Using the Lost Secrets of Supreme Survival Strength
Convict Conditioning 2: Advanced Prison Training Tactics for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss, and Bulletproof Joints
>Sun and Steel by Yukio Mishima
gotta find a copy will edit and attach later
Last edited by orlog
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Also audio book version:https://archive.org/details/willpowerinstinc0000mcgo_g3m3
Pair this with the Easy peasy method / PMO hackbook.
Replies: >>4772
* wrong link: https://archive.org/details/the-willpower-instinct
>Being a nigger who can't appreciate art
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Artist for the second picture is Nikolai endegor
Bumping. Are there any exceptional books on seducing women or books on general charisma you have read?

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New fitness requirement policy from the Company of Racism; All employees are required to look up the fitness requirements of their local police. Can you do at least double the amount of pushups, run twice as fast and far, and are at least as flexible as your local cop?
If not, you have 30 days to meet these standards or you'll receive the pink slip/star and be discharged from the company. You'll lose access to your meme folder and become an NPC.

Seriously people, this shouldn't be a challenge at all. If you haven't looked this up, you may be shocked.
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>29 pushups
That would get you bullied in high school gym class. What the fuck?
Double it and you will have actually respectable standards.
Replies: >>4992
True enough. I'm working on it! Today's a rest day, but tomorrow I'm gonna get back on it.
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where I come from, the “UK”, all of the cops are obese, depressed, short-haired women. It’s another whitepill really :D
At my college they have a fair where a bunch of people set up stalls and clubs try to find members. There was a stall with a full plastic tub of leaflets with boomer graphic design worse than Reform UK — in large writing: “NO PLACE FOR HATE” and other forgettable slogans encouraging wogs to snitch on native anglos not worshiping them. 
The two landwhale lesbians running it were so grotesquely out-of-shape. It was an eyesore.
Pic to clear your imagination :-) o/
let’s just think of alternatives then.
Cops have a good job, as far as jobs go. They can work pretty much any hours and can eat lunch whenever they want. The more avocado fondlers lose their jobs to the autocado, the more people have to become cops. Perhaps this is the kike's plan with automation. Force everyone to become cops, prison guards, and prison builders so they can arrest every White Nationalist and then every White male.

One job that can't be replaced by automation? Cops. As soon as they start deploying robocops, broke White teenage males will assemble in packs to destroy robocops and take all the good stuff out of them, then make coins and separate from the US dollar. ZOG can't have that because the pigs need to be able to play the victim when their regime is challenged. "Muh family." Who's gonna cry when robocop gets disassembled in the line of duty? The taxpayer's wallet.

Please tell me everything I said is wrong.

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So let us envision America post Revolution. After a 30 year war, costing the lives of tens of thousands of people, somehow the White revolutionaries succeeded in overthrowing the regime. The jews and their pale skinned lackeys flee to Israel only to find half a million Arabs attacking. We'll check in on them later.

Assuming we don't instantly fight a much bloodier civil war over petty squabbles that allows the jews to regain control with the support of lemmings who will always choose them over chaos... how should government be structured?
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>All this talk is not only wasted...
A bad opinion, founded on a lack of insight. This thread is not to direct, but to inspire. The world is awash with many of material means but lack imagination and volition. But as you still don't have anything to contribute, the least you could do is be quiet and let your betters talk.
Rubbish. Lots of people would gladly help but they lack ideas, organization, faith and can't even see that they're not alone. You can't even imagine how good it feels to be with people who are so close to you in terms of political, cultural and religious views. A large reason why nothing happens much is because we're all divided and we can't see the group yet. Also a lot of people rely way too much on their current political parties which are very cucked.
>Openly broadcasting your intentions in public
>I'm not even gonna attempt to read more than a few lines
Maybe you should have, idiot.
Replies: >>5003
>I see why captcha is so necessary on these smaller chans.
Consider also that it has to be accessible via TOR and not involve cuckscript, since posting on ZZZ (even outside of /fascist/) from your white IP is not a good idea.
Replies: >>5002 >>5003
How come? If you don’t post anything illegal you should be fine.
Replies: >>5003
>>5000 (checked)
I hope what you have been seeing here fills your heart with hope. The isles will see troubles again, a few good men is all that will be needed to turn the tides. We pray for your success.
bitchan and dread found a way to have tor posting bot-deterents without jeetscript. The bitchan implementation is much more rudimentary, I wonder how easy it would be to use on this webring?
The problem is the opposite: Glowniggers will cp spam and ddos if they can't control the discourse. Bot deterrents aren't only for sliding, but to intercept those bad faith attacks.

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Most of us talk about White genocide, show people charts like this, and explain that at current trends, White people will go extinct by the year 2100 or 2150 assuming no one does anything.
It's kind of implied that White genocide is a mostly peaceful protest process that ends with the last White man dying in his bed in Iceland in the year 2108. Shitlibs sometimes will retort
>Oh yeah? Well who cares if Whites die out? So long as no one is physically killed with a gun, it's not genocide!

Sadly, this is not realistic. There are zero examples of a population replacement that did not end in physical genocide. The Saxons did not peacefully replace the Celts in England. Arabs did not peacefully replace non-Arabs in the Levant and north-Africa. The Bantus did not peacefully replace the non-Bantu in the Congo. And the jews did not peacefully replace the Canaanites. These are all examples of large scale population migrations which overwhelmed the native populations and either totally replaced them or reduced them to a tiny minority. In every example, once the dominant group could physically expel or exterminate or enslave/rape the native group, they did. The genetic evidence among southern African groups attests to the fact that the modern population contains vastly greater DNA from pre-Bantu female lines than male lines. That's because the males were fucking killed and the females were ra
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In anticipation of the old site being taken down, I have made screenshots of my most important posts for future discussion. To understand the references, you would need rudimentary understanding of classic philosophy, history, mathematics, physics, metaphysics and some mystery schools like Hermeticism and Pythagoreanism (whose ideas, such as monism, I am making a case against), as well as eastern and Vedic mysticism. While the subject deals with the nature of reality itself, basic knowledge of the aforementioned subjects should suffice for intuitive grasp. The reason why I would prefer for this thread to be separate from the religion thread is to avoid all the fallacies and appeal to nonexistent (or construed from very questionable sources) authority typically involved with "faith", especially taking into the account the fact that that historical sources have been routinely destroyed or altered, and bearers of certain knowledge (by blood or tradition) routinely persecuted and genocided (often by those who cry out in pain as they stab you, which ties into the real reason for the white genocide).

While these subjects inevitably involve religious themes and concepts (after all, true religion and true science are merely two different perspectives of the same knowledge, as our ancestors knew, not something opposed), the focus should be on reason and debate about ideas themselves. Which is far more nuanced than it seems, as, for example, the use of the term "rational" as a synon
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Pajeet infestation is spreading globally. There's already ~2 billions of them (Pakis, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankas etc etc are also pajeets), they still haven't slowed down the breeding and are actively infesting every country on Earth that isn't in Africa.
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Ultimately this is the crux of the issue, is it based on the individual or society? Is it economic or cultural? Everyone loses the argument for failure to answer this question, and the perceived winners and continued insanity exist due to narratives and bias, albeit heavily one-sided today...
The meaning of life isn't some complex quandary bereft of answers, and yet it is both the most sought after and most ignored subject. Is a people determined by land or blood? Beliefs? Beliefs change, so how can that be an acceptable basis of identity? Why has choice superseded the intrinsic in importance, because it can be changed, when the very fact of its mutability means it is subservient to the intrinsic?

I would like to continue this discussion as I have found the answers, the issue is communicating them and getting others to understand them. The crux is understanding time, perfection, direction, physical reality, and consciousness.
Replies: >>5229 >>5240
Time is merely our perception of change, largely based on entropy.
Perfection is a static state of being, if it changes it ceases to be.
Everything in physical reality is subject to entropy.
Therefore perfection cannot exist in physical reality.
Perfect forms can exist in the conscious mind, think x^3.
Therefore the conscious mind is the bridge between the physical and the realm of perfection as it can impact the physical and interact with the perfect realm of timeless forms.

Perfection while unobtainable, is still something to aspire to. It provides DIRECTION. 99% perfection is better than 98.9% perfection, no? The very fact it is unobtainable, that its pursuit is asymptotic, assures that life will never lose its direction or meaning if properly focused. Though the returns may diminish, the goal is still worthy and suits a realm of constant change. The only realm which consciousness can exist. Experience requires change, change requires time, time requires imperfection.
ChatGPT wrote that.
the meaning of my life is to crush sand nigger skulls with baseball bats.

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I am told two vastly different stories about the US military army. 

On the one hand, conservatives thump their chests and state that if/when Kamala wins the election, by vote rigging of course, the US army will defect to their side & win ensuing civil war for them. 
If you press them, they will admit that the officers may be mostly leftists, but the rank and file are solidly pro-Trump, pro-America, pro-Constitution, 'n stuff.
>Besides, when Biden orders the soldiers to shoot their mom, they'll surely defect.
I am a little bit skeptical of this, as I am sure comes off in my writing. However, I am not in the US military. Chance has led to me having no close friends who joined the army. 

I am also told that ZOG's army will shoot anyone their officers point them at. That the rank & file who were not submissively loyal were purged during the COVID hysteria. That they might actually shoot their mom if the order ever came down and even if it did, they probably wouldn't know it since they'd just be drone striking her anyway.

Which is it? I genuinely would be pleased to hear from soldiers that the military would just mutiny if given orders to violate the Posse Comitatus Act.
But one thing I am hung up on is the fact that if the US army were deployed against Americans, they would not be told that they are shooting Americans. They would be told that they are shooting racist hate-criminals, terrorists, anti-semitic Nazis, insurrectio
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Replies: >>4835 + 2 earlier
Cut niggers dicks off and force them to eat each other's dicks. Starve nigger women to death. Do scientific experiments on niggers. Drop niggers deep in Canada and make them eat each other on their way back. Cripple niggers. Partially crush niggers. Throw niggers from a height where they can just barely survive. Feed niggers to doggies. Feed niggers to piggies. Feed niggers to the tigers from the zoo. Force niggers to drink booze until they die while we make them listen to us tell them how stupid they are for not going back to niggerland. Make niggers rape each other to death. Conduct psyops on niggers.

Force beaners to make chink food. Force beaners to listen to backwards mariachi music. Make beaners fight bears for a green card. Overdose beaners on cocaine. Periodically cook beaners in their own cells. Throw beaners in a volcano. Force beaners to play shitty video games. Tell beaner prisoners they can go home when all other enemy combatants go home. Make half of the beaner women ugly and the other half not ugly and see if they fuck each other's women. Force beaners to vote in elections that don't matter. Force beaners to suicide bomb niggers. Inject beaners and don't tell them what you injected them with.

As for chinks? Make them take tests without cheating.
How effective will doggoes be in terrifying niggers and reducing our losses? Dogs reach full size at two years at most. There are also too many dogs. We could take the shittiest dogs and send them to kill niggers. Then we only breed the best dogs. We could steal dogs from niggers (all niggers abuse dogs and children) and send them to kill niggers for revenge. Are dogs as much of a game changer as I'm thinking?
Replies: >>4835
>>4811 (OP) 
Every time I hear about the personnel of the US armed forces it’s always something bad.

>Noone wants to join, recruitment is extremely difficult.
>Trying to increase bonuses for joining but they’re so pathetically low.
>Of those who left the service, they’re telling people not to join.
>Woke ad campaigns like the “I have two moms” rainbow one.
>DEI hires being incompetent but still promoted.
>Whites do the work while shitskins do nothing.
>Waste time with diversity training.
>Not enough time doing actual military training.
>Demoralization after Afganistan’s failed withdrawal.

If there was another civil war in America I don’t think the armed forces would remain stable. They’d have to deal with defections, intelligence leaks, assassinations, sabotage, desertions, theft, manpower shortages, a competency crisis, power struggles, just to name a few problems. How many of the shitskins are there for an easy paycheck and are actually willing to fight and die to protect a country they hate? If a militia sneezed in their direction, would US forces abandon their positions en masse like the Afganis did when the US pulled out, leaving behind an armada of weaponry? 

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Replies: >>4836 >>4837
>They’d be at the mercy of whatever pathologically altruistic whites think it’s a good idea to go and try to feed them
That's why building a wall without gates (even if it's just a tall pile of dirt) is probably necessary.
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I hope very much that the first possibility is accurate.
Ideally, all White personnel will begin forming clandestine societies within the military today and when the order comes down to enforce some new anti-White edict, the White officers corral the niggers and spics together, shoot them, and then march on the Pentagon, the FBI, and Congress, arresting the enemy in 1 fell swoop. 
Less ideal is that nothing is done and when the order comes down to enforce land redistribution, White soldiers are uncomfortable but have no choice but to obey orders until a White insurgency gets its act together. Then, soldiers can reach out to or be contacted by the insurgency to deliver them weapons. The nigger-spic hordes are only interested in looting so their military potential is serious but not impossible to defeat conventionally.

Less ideal further is that the cuckservative White idiots who like clicking their heels and saying "yessir" continue to serve their masters because that's what they're trained to do. House wiggers. Goyim.
Thus, when the order comes down to start shooting racist thought-criminals, they will pursue this bloody task with the same mindless gusto as they slaughtered Iraqis. Though they might find more competent enemies, the rebels could not expect to win any 1 to 1 conflict against drones and helicopters. Still, some soldiers of greater moral character may still aid the rebels in what ways 
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>Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. ~Aristotle
If we understand what woke us up, we may be better able to awaken others or suggest media that will steer our unenlightened kinsmen down the righteous path.

Back in 2015, I got into the atheist scene, arguing with Christians. Eventually, I figured out that SJWs were way worse. I went to college so I was then exposed to the brunt of anti-White, anti-male hate. I believe that the feminist hypocrisy was most offensive to me.
This was in tandem with the race riots but I believe I was still a libertarian at heart and kept trying to get the blacks to understand that we should all just treat each other equally. What actually set me down the righteous path was encountering one guy doing Bob Whitaker's Mantra in a youtube comment. The whole, 
>They say that there is this "race" problem and that the final solution to this "race" problem is for non-Whites to pour into White countries and ONLY into White countries. They say they are anti "racist" what they are is anti-White. Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.
That sort of thing. Naturally, my propagandized brain freaked out and I argued with him. But these points intrigued me and I searched out more information to learn more about this new "threat" to my perfect libertarian worldview.
I eventually discovered WhiteRabbitRadio and listened to his podcasts.
I cannot explain it, but it gradually cli
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>the environment
Niggers don't care about the environment. They destroy everything they touch. Public parks near niggers are littered with plastic and trash.
An excellent Keith Woods video on the subject.
>fighting global warming
More immigrants = more global warming
>comic book bullshit
Okay, fine, so I will grant that niggers need not bother you while you ogle Thor and Spoderman fighting the Hulk.
However, this decadent lifestyle will not persist in a third world state.
Then again, even I wouldn't want marvel fans in the movement.
Muslims will not allow you to get an abortion.
Among many other things. The problem is that shitlibs seem immune from this kind of logic. Conservatives point out how Islam is contrary to the ideals of feminism and yet it seemingly has no effect. But then, I have no PROOF it has no effect.

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Replies: >>4824
>Conservatives point out how Islam is contrary to the ideals of feminism and yet it seemingly has no effect.
Don't bother trying to convince feminists who want to kill their babies. They will dig the cuck tunnels when we tell them to.
Replies: >>4825
Fair enough. 
On further thought, I think I'd rather have animal rights activists on side than feminists.
Something I've decided after listening to Dr. Pierce is that these people value comfort and acceptance from other lemmings over anything else. If you could prove to them that niggers were an existential threat to their sportsball game of choice or some such nonsense, they would literally just find new hobbies. Staying in the good graces of the media Jews is their highest if not only value.
Replies: >>4831
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Some... most people are just dumb. Smart people are hard to convert, but dumb people are impossible to convert because even if they agree with you, they will agree with the TV when it tells them diversity is a strength.

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The CEO of Racism wants an update on our progress, so I'm calling a meeting. 

First up for discussion is our outreach program. I generally minister to conservatives but conservatives have a few psychological problems that make them very poor dissidents. The worst being their knee jerk anti-activism response. Should we be expanding our outreach program to leftists as well? Is it possible to not only get White leftists to stop being anti-White but to evolve into White advocates? They are certainly better cut out to, you know, actually doing things beyond typing online. But they also come with a lot of baggage. 

Up next, we need to go over the quarterly report. Has the state of Racism improved? The recent election in France and the expansion of AFD shows that at least Racism-lite has great potential. Trump may win the election in America as well. Is this good for our company?
The last time Trump was in office, there were race riots and these were among our best advertisement campaigns in company history. Will this happen again?

Lastly, we need to talk about the elephant in the room, our competitors; The Jews. Is a Trump win good or bad for the jews? Are the jews going to withdraw their support from the left due to the recent non-khosher attitudes towards Palestine? And if this happens, will this open up the market for Racism-tech to gain new members from the left? Should we discuss Palestinian issues more or is this a dead end?
If Trump doesn't win, will this be good 
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Addendum; I originally held this meeting in the .moe department but their batshit mods banned me for critiquing raceless conservatism while tolerating open anti-White posts.

On outreach programs to the left, I have been attempting to reason with leftists lately on twitter. I cannot report much success in getting shitlibs to understand that anti-White hate is wrong. I am open to any advice on how to talk with leftists. I have tried pointing out the fact that open borders means crushing unions, destroying the value of labor, lowering wages, importing scabs, and the fact that all wealth that is created by the low wage labor goes into the hands of the rich while all the costs are shared among the working class.
In almost all cases, the shitlib will just call me a racist and repeat the same media bullshit that they were before.
Yet if I talk about the jews in relation to Palestine, I am slightly more successful.

I have come to the conclusion that leftists simply do not care about the working class at all. But if this is true, it may be impossible to get them to care about their race. 
If the fundamental value of the left is being anti-White, I can hardly convince them to be pro-White.
I have an idea. We get a Nazi lady to taunt male feminists into killing the IRS. Whichever male feminist kills the most male IRS employees gets the hooch. 5x points for killing IRS soldiers.

If the simps don't like it, the woman can tell a sob story about how her family was poor and hungry because the IRS steals her dad's money before it gets to him.

If the IRS is unable to operate, the niggers and the beaners will find it difficult to live here.
>Should we be expanding our outreach program to leftists as well?

Selling leftists stocks in Racism is difficult but should regardless be an avenue that should be explored as it opens up a new customer base to profit from. By understanding their world view and approaching the sales pitch from their direction, sales become possible. Do not actively be racist, do not use talking points from anything to the right of left wing sphere. Be aware of their progressive stack, as some groups cannot talk ill of others in their world view. Some possible sales pitches include;
> a leftist supports Palestine
Explain to them how Israel came into being; jewish terror attacks against the British who controlled the territory, forcing them to abandon the land. The jews then attacked Palestinians, killing those that did not flee. Alternatively, explain the concept of goyim, and how the jewish religion says that everything in the world belongs to them. It should be noted that we failed to make a profit from the left’s university protests. Getting a leftist to hate jews, and then realise their ideology is jewish, could have catastrophic consequences for that individual.
> a leftist is a feminist
Islam’s treatment of women takes any choices away from them as a group and makes them completely subservient to the males. Point out things where the women have no say, such as arranged marriages, genital mutilation and the prevalence of rape. Many of these issues also exist in Indian culture.
> a leftist loves animals
Send them articles of all the animals that Indians rape. Especially the gang rapes that lead to the animal’s death.
> a black wants gibs
Explain that if the government is spending billions on feeding, clothing, housing and more for illegals, then it will be less money given to them and their communities. Blacks themselves have already began noticing this on their own, and we can exploit it.
>Trump may win the election in America as well. Is this good for our company?
Trump is a civic nationalist, and will try to put an end to any ethno-nationalism or racism by attempting to normalise race relations. This is obviously bad for business. It is likely that mainstream media will once again find a dumb nigger who committed a crime, and then proceeded to fuck around and find out. A repeat of the 2020 riots would be amazing for our business prospects but it is not something we have control over. A Kamala victory would likely lead to a continued decline of the status quo, albeit with a brown mutt to blame. I do agree that a crackdown of freedom of speech could be devastating depending on the measures employed.
>Encourage normies to stop caring about racism
This might seem like an odd business proposal but bare with me. By explaining to the normalfags of the world the creation, history and usage of the word racism and it’s mental affect on their speech and actions, you effectively unshackle them. The normalfag knows that communism is bad. If they are aware of marxism, they also know that too is bad. So ask them, why do they use the terminology of the bad people that want to destroy good? With this newfound knowledge they can then go and be as racist as they wish, to whomever they want, for whatever reason. They may get fined, fired or jailed, but that will just increase the racism further, for now their life is harmed by the thing they now hate.
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Replies: >>4778 >>4783
Aversion, Indignation and contempt are good words
Just show them that shitskins are such dirty liars that they can't imagine somebody who isn't a dirty liar. That'll make them stop being nigger apologizers. But, it won't make them see through women's tricks.

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Racial extinction is a horrifying prospect. However, Joe Sixpack and Sally Soccermom don't think long term. I don't believe that they understand or care about the fact that they are being exploited by jews. They are concerned primarily with themselves and, one should hope, their children. The youth are concerned with jobs and avoiding pain.
If a man appears intelligent, then debating the hypocrisy of liberalism may be effective. However, for the masses, we need to talk about the immediate impacts of non-White colonialism.

Thanks to limitless Mexican/African immigration (America & Europe respectively) young men cannot find decent entry level jobs. Condemning a great majority of us to permanent underclass. Immigration lowers wages and working conditions. Immigration is union busting. They are scabs imported by capitalists to destroy the working class.
Black criminality is well known by everyone. No one wants to get mugged and sodomized on their way back the car. No one wants to get forced to play the knockout game. People know and are sick of niggers but they're afraid to say it.
Thanks to limitless immigration and free healthcare for "minorities," you will be charged an arm and a leg to get basic medical attention. Urban hospitals are overflowing with Mexicans and niggers abusing our healthcare system.
Ryan Faulk produced a most excellent video proving that non-Whites cost us at least a trillion dollars every year in America alone.
Non-Whites mean higher taxes.
>Daily life
Immigration means more traffic, longer lines, more hassle, not hearing your own language, destruction of the environment, impossibly expensive housing, higher rent, etc
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You have a lot of foolish notions.
Unrelated anon but i really like the little extra things like you both mentioned to try and help the cause. I like being proactive.  Do you have other activities we can also do to help our cause? Thanks.
Replies: >>4757 >>4768
Well we should have been stoking the flames of the UK riots but the movement kind of dropped the ball on that one and it seems to already be dying out. /pol/ found a way to troll the bong police though >>>/b/211557/.
Replies: >>4759 >>4768
I agree.
So long as one is doing something to push back against the darkness, this is making our ancestors smile.

This is based.

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The right will lose virtually every realistic civil war scenario because
>The GOP will never go against the system
>All institutions are loyal to the ((( left ))) Jewish indications my own
>Comparisons with Afghanistan & Vietnam are not applicable to an insurgency within the US
>the military & police will not defect Who would they even defect to? We have no large organization for them to even defect to. See Syria as an example of what military defection takes
>attacking infrastructure will just alienate the population
>the right is incredibly disorganized and fractured. Moreso than the left. There is a LOT of backstabbing on the right.
>the right is an exceptionally low trust society and everyone calls everyone else a fed
>Conservatives won't even sacrifice a weekend to protest abortion, which they claim is as bad as the holocaust, they're not going to sacrifice their lives for freedom

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We have the manpower we just don't have the order. And you can't call it unrealistic when you're literally ignoring a real world example.
Replies: >>4731
Maybe you're right that White people will organically organize in the event of a total government collapse. However, I don't believe that this is likely. Katrina was an isolated, fleeting event. Even in war torn countries like Ukraine, the state authority is not totally destroyed. And I do not buy the idea that hypothetical patriots knocking out power would literally cause the regime to collapse. I once did, but no longer.
Replies: >>4737
>Katrina was an isolated, fleeting event.
Yes and we have the power to cause our own. But by being prepared to exploit it the chaos we can ensure that it's not fleeting.
>Even in war torn countries like Ukraine, the state authority is not totally destroyed.
Yes because they have more important things to worry about than their own government.
>And I do not buy the idea that hypothetical patriots knocking out power would literally cause the regime to collapse.
What are you even talking about? No one ever said the regime will collapse over night.
Replies: >>4739 >>4743
>If the power went out, 99% of women would just stay home.
>No one ever said the regime will collapse over night.
ZOG could take 5 years to take down and I'd still feel fantastic every single day of it.
Replies: >>4743
It might take 30 years to take down assuming we were ready today.
Still, that'd be the most noble 30 years in human history.

I hope you're right & I am wrong.
Actually, while typing this response, I decided to look at the casualty stats for the Troubles in Northern Ireland to give myself an idea of what this would cost us. I was surprised to learn that the IRA suffered only a third the casualties as the British army. Given that the kind of war we're talking about would be similar to this, we might expect a similar casualty ratio, assuming we had the equivalent experience & skill as the IRA.
Since the US army + reserves is 100 times larger than the British army in NA, we can expect to only suffer ~36,800 dead + ~100,000 wounded or captured (tortured).
This is still a terrible cost, but not actually too bad given the alternative is racial extinction. 

That said, I suspect that the US military would be far more brutal than the British army was. I also suspect that our own losses would be much greater due to a lack of public support which the IRA enjoyed plus a lack of a safe heaven (Ireland) to operate from. Then there is the retard factor we must consider. I would estimate that our true losses would be between 70,000 and 150,000 dead and up to a million wounded or captured. Nevermind the civilian toll, which would be
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