I said come in, don't stand there!
The rules:
2.Don't spam
3.Spoiler porn and gore
4.Try to remain on topic
Get out of here stalker
>So far we've got a tentative on invading Greenland, a tentative on invading Panama (again) trying to send "peacekeepers" into Mexico despite the drugs being pushed by the DEA and building new actual hardcore bases on Syria.
>In response we've got the E.U. telling the U.S. of a hypothetical embargo, Panama saying it will defend itself which also made Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and partly Brazil into making war game plans on paper which also is leading to them getting in the same channel since decades, at least until Maduro got sworn in. Mexico crossed China recently but the peacekeeper thing is now making >Russia try to make moves there with both the jew and lebanese elites flirting with ruskie ambassadors. And Syria is getting partitioned and everyone is hating each other, only Iran loses but now they will be even more radicalized.
It's all retarded and we are not speaking about the new taxes in the NAFTA yet, might as well tell Canada to go full chicom and Mexico to embrace the russian and iranian exports.
Previous thread
This is where off-topic nonsense goes.
Previous thread: >>335
This is the thread where I can post silly ideas that come to my mind and hope that someone will play ball with me we can discuss strategies, operations, tactics, equipment, logistics, and all the other fun things involved in the wars of current year, including theoretical ones yet to start.
Are there any modern hunting rifles that have a non-detachable magazine and can only feed from loading one round in at a time and are at all common? Asking to get an idea of how universal detachable box magazines are on such guns now.
You can post videos in this thread.
Assad lives!
Alas, he is still is Moskau, and all is not well in Syria.
Previous thread: >>4475
>Reply limit reached
Non /k/ related discussion and shit that (probably) doesn't deserve a thread.
Old thread >>335
Thread for discussing everything wrong with THOSE DAMN CHICOMS STEALING OUR FREEDOMS
>Also the thread for discussing the incoming fight between the PLA vs. USN + ROCAF
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
<Good job! You have lost 100 social credit score and will now be sent to a re-education thourgh work program. Please report to your local Public Safety Bureau office.
Let's begin again. The other thread was about to die anyway.
Hopefully we can keep this one alive for another 4 years and bring some new content to it.
And hell why not ancient China and Korea as well and maybe further afield. The last thread was going well until all the slav vs slav stuff took over.
From what I remember we largely exhausted the discussion about Japanese sickles and even took a tangent to Africa and back with their amazing autistic throwing knives/metal boomerangs.
So this time let's perhaps start with armor? I personally can't decide if I'm more fond of Asian lamellar type armor or of the southern barbarian armor made in the style of, or sometimes even from, European armor. I do know that I prefer the later style kabuto to the classical types.
This is the thread where you can go and complain about anything board management wise.
Streloks, sturgeon has generously allowed us to host this as a bunker, and as such I will be mainly running the show unless he or other global vols show up.
I don't plan on being available through email or anything.
Banner applications are accepted here as soon as I figure out the correct size.
>video not related
Also, could someone fill me in on the situation with the cafe? I've been unable to access it or this site for some time.
Since cafe/k/ has gone to shit I will be moving my business here for the time being.
Non-/k/-related discussion goes here.
A thread for all forms of naval warfare.
Everything calls peace, Shalom! Then it will occur - a new Middle East war!
Well it looks like the War in the Sand Box has expanded to a new dimension. First pagers and walkie-talkies and now big bob-oms are going off in Lesbanon.
>hateship ended with Hamas
>Hezbollah is my new enemy
Post explosions videos and commentary in this thread.
I've been reading about the current military history of the USS Carney ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Carney ). The ship fascinates me because of how it's both high-tech/modern and yet a complete anachronism. In the past ten years, this ship has:
- Singlehandedly taken out 14 UAV in a drone swarm in late 2023 ( https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2023/12/16/uss-carney-takes-out-drone-swarm-in-the-red-sea/ ).
Yet at the same time..
- Conducted shore bombardment in the Second Libyan Civil War in the Battle of Sirte in 2016 ("Hello, WWII called.")
There are other Arleigh-Burke class ships, but as far as I can see, the main difference is that this guy just hyperfocuses on using its one teeny tiny gun to its fullest potential. Just like the A-10 warthog isn't a plane with a gun on it, it's a gun with a plane around it; this isn't a ship with a gun on it, this is a gun with a ship around it.
A fun-abled friend of mine said "clip" when he meant "magazine" yesterday.
How do I live down the shame of having been associated with one such as he?
>Large forest fire in Pokrovsk
> Russians are fighting in the outskirks of Hirnik/ Ukrainsk which means the russians are 11km away from Krasnogorovka closing the salient.
>reports for Russians pushing Ukries out of Kursk
>Russian forces have reestablished positions on the Islands south of Kherson.
What are the coolest uniforms and camo designs you've come across?
If you were to revive one uniform or scheme for your ethno nation which would you pick and why?
Retro and Modern for discussion of A-Bombs and their effects on history and the modern world. Including contributions to popular culture. So everything from serious discussion to giant gila monsters are both welcome here.
''tl;dr nukes, rockets, & radiation goes here.
No thread on this? What a shame.
Looks like Hamas has gone as far as they can and is now getting pulverized by JDF. If jew leadership is to be believed lol Gaza City is about to get turned into Wasa City. I just wish it lasted longer, unless Iran suddenly decides it wants a piece of that kazar ass.
The /k/ube will be back on display in Edmonton, Canada, this September, on the 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th and 14th.
Post your old /k/ube memories, icons, propagandas, and pictures. Keep the flame alive just a little while longer. This will likely be the last time the /k/ube is displayed
Last thread reached reply limit.
Post all your pictures, news, videos, and questions regarding the Russia vs Greater Israel formerly known as Ukraine war here.
It's going to appeals court and doesn't apply to anyone but defendant, but this is a major first step and it's worth following US v. Morgan.
Judge John Broomes (a Trump appointee) stuck down the law because it fails under Bruen and because he found the definition of "machine gun" never actually says it only covers firearms and is thus overbroad.
>The court notes that this definition is extremely broad. It does not, for instance, include a projectile in the definition like the definitions for a “rifle” or “shotgun” do under 18 U.S.C. § 921 or § 5845. Nor does it require that a projectile or “shot” be expelled through the energy of an explosive or other propellant, as contemplated under the definitions of “rifle,” “shotgun,” “any other weapon” and “destructive” device” in § 5854(c) through (f), or the definitions of a “firearm,” “shotgun,” or “rifle” in § 921(a). Thus, this definition seems to encompass everything from an aircraft-mounted automatic cannon to a small hand-held taser or stun gun that can easily be placed inside a handbag and which shoots multi-shot bursts of electrical particles with a single pull of the trigger, or a fully automatic BB gun that shoots multiple rounds of metal projectiles using compressed air. The court is not, of course, faced with a situation where the government has charged someone under § 922(o) with illegal possession of a taser or a BB gun.
Even as someone familiar with every reason to kill the NFA (I can recite the corrupt acts of Ragon and that 2% on was too high for Grosjean v. American Press Co from memory), the fact that, as written, that "machine gun" doesn't have to be a firearm is an entirely new one to me.
What is /k/'s preferred caliber for general use? If I had to have one rifle cartridge it would probably be 7.62x39 or .308 depending on the day. Pistols are tougher for me, but I think .40 takes the cake over 9mm for the extra stopping power. What about you lads? Any opinions on grains? I actually forgot shotshells until now, but I favor 16 gauge most of the time.
Current Happenings:
>Russians control 50% of the mirodistrict
>the RFAF assault groups advanced north of Kalinovka/Bogdanaovka area with some sources claiming the Russians crossed the Kanal and are fighting in the forest
>Ukrainians are not just shelling Russia anymore but also Belarus border towns.
Russians are pushing West of Zolotarevka in Siversk
>The Ukraine constantly counterattacks daily in Kharkov direction but no changes on map
>Krasnogorovka. The Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the city itself, as well as along the railway to the west.
Благодарим Тебя за то, что раскрыл слугам Твоим козни врагов наших!
Озари сиянием Твоим души тех, кто отдал жизнь во исполнение воли Твоей!
В бой, защитники Монолита! В бой!
Отомстим за павших братьев наших, да будет благословенно вечное их единение с Монолитом!
Смерть… лютая смерть тем, кто отвергает Его священную силу!
Hey can you faggots settle on a /k/ already that isn't dead and fragmented? It's not like even fedkun will be as big of a honeypot as cuckchannel is.
Post and discuss lever action rifles, shotguns, and mares leg pistols be they traditional designs for cowboy larping fun or more modern 'tacticool' configurations for applications such as hunting or not being completely defenseless in B& states 'legally' (even thought it's the local state governments that are actually breaking the law however...)
Why? Because lever gats are cool.
Well if we're going to be here for a few days I figure that a milsurp thread might be fun.
Pic related is an 1888 manufactured Mauser 71/84, Germany's 1st magazine fed rifle. Fires an 11mm Mauser Black powder cartridge. Additional pics show the pretty neato operation of the action and loading ramp. It has a magazine cutoff standard to this era of rifles that prevents rounds from the magazine being chambered turning it into a single shot rifle so as to prevent that retard Hans from wasting all his ammo in one go.
I've had this for a few months now but haven't shot it yet since nobody makes ammo for it, brass costs at a minimum $3 per, I can't find any large rifle primers and I don't have a bullet mold yet
Just got the bayonet for it about a couple weeks ago off ebay, it appears to have been a private purchase but I don't actually know much about military bayonets of the era, I just wanted to pokey thing on the end. The scabbard has worn away but there's enough to rebuild one with enough willpower I think.
Show me your cool stuff anons, I miss 8/k/ dearly and having yet another move, even if temporary brought about by federal dickery bums me out.
Post historical weapons: guns, melee, and other old-school experienced beauts. Everything goes from the beginning of recorded history to the end of the Cold War.
Because things at cafe/k/ were getting too autistic and schizophrenic.
Current Happenings:
>Soledar has fallen
>Western countries panicking and sending mass amounts of money/armor to Ukraine
>Most of this equipment is useless in the Donbass but could be used to strike towards Melitopol
>Allegedly surrendered Ukrainian conscripts have a lot of frostbite and/or tuberculosis
>Norway, Canada, and the Baltics rushing to supply Ukraine with winter gear
>Russians attempting to encircle the Northern Bakhmut route
>Spreading out to Pidhorodne and Klishchiivka
>Ukraine will either have to counterattack soon (now, at great losses) or abandon Bakhmut soon
>Ukrainians continue to hold the train stations on the outskirts of Soledar- Western maps claim this means Russia owns none of Soledar
>tl;dr- Bakhmut/Soledar aren't important towns, but Ukraine has turned the two towns in the bottom of a valley in perfect range of artillery into important towns with their turning them into a meatgrinder
>Russia restructured their military
>Official line is that Gerasimov was above Surovikin in rank and thus was always in charge of the war
>Unofficial line is that the Russians only intended to use Surovikin to get the war back on-track to not ruin Gerasimov's reputation
>Tensions between the military high command and Wagner after the Russian military refused to accredit them with the capture of Soledar because Prigozhin called Shoigu and Gerasimov fucking idiots
>Ukraine seems more panicked about this change in leadership while Russian citizens/infantry seem somewhat pissed off
>Military forced to make a statement explicitly praising Wagner after massive civilian backlash on social media
>Ukraine's Mozart group (foreign PMC) is claiming they "only perform humanitarian missions and don't engage in combat"
>Ukraine caught using seven figure missiles to shoot down five figure drones in Kiev
>Strikes on Dnipro suggest that Ukraine has expended most of their surface-to-air missiles
>Surovikin, having retained his post as head of the Russian Air Force, is likely to be involved in further bombing runs that will be credited to Gerasimov (unless a new front opens)
>Russia is expected to attack "somewhere" in the net month or so
>Ukraine seems to be in a panicked state because they don't know where Russia will strike from
>Lukashenko reminded the Kiev regime that any attacks on Belarus (now head of the CSTO) will be seen as an attack on ALL CSTO nations
>Russians mobilizing in Belgorod, Zaporizhia, and Mozyr suggesting there will be a repeat of Russia's "attack from every direction then send reinforcements to whatever sticks" strategy under Gerasimov
Link Dump:
https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html (documents equipment losses; strong Ukrainian bias)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/6/viewer?z=6&mid=1iE-0CwiZnHYtLgndqU3l2G7VInoZE9o (THETI maps: shows both troops deployments and conflict areas)
https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1_JYk9u6A-TBxADdy2oqLfjFQr5koKT8 (Weeb Union Map)
https://militaryland.net/tag/maps/ (Daily updates)
https://liveuamap.com/ (Ukrainian propaganda map)
https://maphub.net/Cen4infoRes/russian-ukraine-monitor (Intentionally up to a week old)
https://opermap.mash.ru/ (Russian propaganda map)
https://militarymaps.info/ (requires Russian social media account and Russian payment processors)
http://defensepoliticsasia.com/Ukraine/ (requires giving DPA $12/month now)
https://www.youtube.com/@WeebUnionWar/videos (Weeb Union - Shortest briefing but accurate)
https://www.youtube.com/@Theti/videos (THETI Mapping - More detailed briefings but sounds like a teen)
https://www.youtube.com/@historylegends/videos (French Comedian/Historian)
https://www.youtube.com/@militarylabb/videos (Numbers and brief overviews of the day's news; no bullshit)
https://www.youtube.com/@militarysummary/videos ("Breaking news" Belarusian take on the war - Subject to Russian Army fanboyism sometimes)
https://www.youtube.com/@newworldecon4517/videos (Covers Economic matters in regard to Ukraine, updates on the frontlines, shorts, and other things)
https://www.youtube.com/c/MilitaryandForeignAffairsNetwork (Military and foreign affairs network; slightly pro-Ukrainian and uses militaryland maps allowing him to cover more specific military groups and pockets at the cost of less breaking news)
https://www.youtube.com/@WiU/videos (Least biased "breaking news" Reddit "OSINT" take on the war)
https://www.youtube.com/c/PatrickLancasterNewsToday (Patrick Lancaster reporting from Russian side)
https://www.youtube.com/c/GrahamPhillipsUK (Graham Phillips less personal more professional reporting from the Russian side)
https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexanderMercourisReal (Alexander Mercouris; Discusses the geopolitical issues of policies and their effects)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgGHiivhFq7M_1MLemh-cjg (Singaporean take on the war - Typically a day or two old and shits on his userbase)
https://www.youtube.com/@dpa-war/videos (DPA's war-specific channel now)
https://www.youtube.com/user/Itapirkanmaa2/videos (Z)
https://www.youtube.com/c/UkraineCombatFootage/videos (counter-Z)
https://www.youtube.com/c/DjukiSan/videos (Z2)
https://www.youtube.com/c/RoadHomeMotorcycleVlogs (Ukrainian propaganda channel)
Turns out the CIA nigger on cafe couldn't take the heat. Figures since he's a dumb CIA nigger. I'll be making a proper sticky soon outlining the plan going forward. In the meantime feel free to treat this the same as pre alphabet cafe/k/ and please keep the current drama contained here.
The cafe is currently down for some reason, it'll probably be back soon.
Since sturgeon has generously allowed this board to be moderated and to serve as a bunker for the cafe's bunker, I'll update the rules in a bit and take of the general day to day operations.
Edited because I have the IQ of an actual retard and did not read properly...
Welcome to zzzchan/k/! I will be using this sticky to outline my plans for this board and list the rules.
My intentions for /k/ overall:
It's not a secret that I've been interested in having /k/ on zzzchan since it's inception. However I had zero interest in any attempt to split the board. I am only creating the board here now due to the total implosion over on cafe and the apparent lack of a BO to take the CIA nigger's place. It is also my understanding that cafe's admin has a backup and will be looking at restoring it in the near future. Regarding this, I still have no desire to split /k/. If someone agreeable steps up to be BO over on cafe after the restoration of the catalog and anons want to stay there, I will defer to cafe and decommission this board.
How is moderation going to be handled?
Given the shitshow that was the /tech/ launch, I will serve as BO for the time being. I have had one applicant for the board, 50cal, and I will have him serve as a moderator for a time before deciding to give him the board fully. 50cal Bailed And was likely the glownigger An important point about zzzchan and moderation's access to raw IPs: Only I can see raw IPs. All other moderators including globals can only see hashed IPs.
The Rules:
1. Global rules apply
2. Literature requests should go in the proper thread
3. Threads with basic questions not conductive to discussion should go
in the QTDDTOT
4. No avatarfagging/shilling
5. No fedposting
6. Politics is allowed but try to keep it civil
7. Scrub your exif and don't post serial numbers
8. No CIA niggers
Feel free to ask questions in this thread and discuss what to do moving forward with anons. I only ask that anything purely drama related be kept in the emergency launch thread.