A fun-abled friend of mine said "clip" when he meant "magazine" yesterday. How do I live down the shame of having been associated with one such as he?
>>254 (OP) >Not ironically calling them clipazines to piss everyone off
>>254 (OP) It's your fault for not stepping in and correcting the record so your friend can learn from his mistakes and not make an ass of himself in the future. Also this >>255 You could also buy him an SKS as a gift along with several actual clips and see if he gets a hint.
>>254 (OP) Throw metal AR magazines at him while screaming PLAYBOY PLAYBOY HUSTLER PENTHOUSE and he will learn his lesson and maybe even stop looking at porn. Or get hard every time he reloads a magazine.
Start saying clips and either he will correct you or someone else will correct you with him present.
>>255 I stole this.
>>255 based
for me its "a quiver of bullets"
>>5645 <Pack o' Pain <Bullet bundle <Boombox <Cash stack <Bang brick