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Since cafe/k/ has gone to shit I will be moving my business here for the time being.
Non-/k/-related discussion goes here.
Replies: >>807
Should I be concerned with the wave of bank failures going on? We're at four now.
Replies: >>446
Yeah probably, it's going to be worse than 2008. Hope you have everything you need to survive I sure as hell don't have everything I wanted ready by now but it's probably too late to really do shit about it.
Replies: >>450 >>759
What more were you hoping for? I ask because chances are, there's someone out there who has it and is willing to cooperate for mutual benefit.
The number one thing I see most people missing (esp in America) is community. I often find myself thinking "so what happens when the people in my neighborhood collectively have 300 rifles and 80,000rnds of 5.56 but no one planted vegetables.."
Replies: >>451
I fell behind stockpiling food for the past two years because of financial issues and as ot stands I have maybe two months' worth if I really stretch it out, and due to time constraints I have had basically zero ability to git gud at gardening. I also wanted to get some chickens but all of the chicks have been bought up and no one in the area is selling them anymore. I have many more things that I needed to take care of actually. But hey I've got a house and property and am well armed I guess so it's better than nothing. Might be able to find someone to rent a room to in exchange for help with some of this shit.
Replies: >>452 >>456 >>522
>Financial issues stockpiling food
Standard protocol for emergency rations is: bulk beans, rice, and lentils. Stuff them in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. You can't live on this stuff alone, but it will definitely help with calorie count. Literally anyone can afford this. If you truly have a $0 balance, but have a job take out an (unsecured!!) loan. If the banking system collapses you won't have to pay it back anyway.
>zero ability to git gud at gardening.
It's not too late to start. This requires more money and effort than point#1 but you can buy non-GMO seeds from your local feed store and start from there. Literally use a search engine and maybe a gardening forum for advice. It's not that hard but it does require time. Depending on the severity of financial collapse however, you might be jobless or have your hours cut or become WFH. Just a thought.
>I also wanted to get some chickens but all of the chicks have been bought up and no one in the area is selling them anymore.
Feed stores might be done, but breeders and ofc farmers will continue to produce. Get in touch with those people any way you can. Connect and network until someone knows someone. It WILL happen pretty quickly.
>Might be able to find someone to rent a room to in exchange for help with some of this shit.
Very charitable of you, and absolutely a good move under the right circumstances, but of course VET THEM! The ideal is someone you've known for a long time. Failing that, someone who is well known in the community for being a standup guy. Otherwise you'll end up shot with your own gun and robbed.
Replies: >>453 >>456
Don't get me wrong I'm not giving up on any if this shit I'm just butthurt I couldn't manage to get a lot of it done before things got truly retarded.
I know full well how bad an idea it is to not do this. I have a few people in mind and I've been shooting with all of them which I only do with people I thoroughly trust. If none of them take the offer then I'll figure something out, it'll just take some time.
Replies: >>454
>Don't get me wrong I'm not giving up on any if this shit I'm just butthurt I couldn't manage to get a lot of it done before things got truly retarded.
Join the club, friend. We're all here with you. Hell, I'm sure even millionaire boomers with underground bunkers are wishing for more time.
Strelok, I wrote the incomplete tree/fruit nut guide couldn't finish because COVID happened and I saw the writing to prepare.... and can give you some pointers if you can tell me your  soil climate, and rough temperatures (USDA zones) and crop. Be forewarned you might be located down to a specific area of state if it's a really unique climate.
>Not too late
I don't think it will be this recession (I think the next, but I may be optimistic), but there's enough people that went and John Galted that the only method to keep the system afloat is massive immigration and maybe AI.
Here's the kicker, it's a like a pyramid scheme. Sooner or later there won't be enough immigrants.

It certain feels odd right now. I get the feeling that a lot of Americans just up and went "Fuck it I'm out" like the younger Chinese/Koreans. Nobody gives a fuck anymore for almost anything. Instead of a violent rebellion against tyrants, I think we're gonna end up collapsing because there aren't enough people to keep the wheels turning.
Replies: >>463
How do people tolerate political "discourse" at all? I've never seen a rational level headed argument irl or online that didn't almost immediately turn into blatant abuse of fallacies and long winded aimless rants that scream mental illness or short one off responses that are basically just two retarded faggots yelling LALALALALALALALALALALA at each other.
Replies: >>461 >>466
because it's a lot easier to call anon a raging niggerfaggot than it is to look up facts supporting your arguments
Replies: >>462
No shit, I'm asking why people bother with it at all when it's readily apparent almost no one actually wants to.
Replies: >>467
Just noticed this, I'm in the mid-east coast range but not in the mountains, not much unique to it and growing stuff in the soil in this region is relatively easy even without fertilizer, I'm mostly just bad at the setup. Especially when it comes to tomatoes I've killed them every time.
Replies: >>464
Need to be in high organic matter soil and low pH with half-sun. Check to see if it is too wet since that would cause (fungal) damping off. Verticillium Wilt might be an issue if it's too cold and wet if you're really unlucky. In said case hit the eject button and plant something else (Or illegally fumigate your shit with methyl bromide stolen from the gov).
Replies: >>469 >>471
Because what you are witnessing isn't political debate. It's closer to people arguing over whether the sky is blue or not on technicalities and whataboutisms. When sane people can agree on the meaning of words like woman and can agree on the "facts" of history albeit with nuance, then you can stick commies, traditionalists, libertarians, anarchists, and glowniggers in the same room without fear of reprisal.

In other news tech companies still get away with rules you couldn't run a lemonade stand with and if 8kunt had sued cuckflare proper maybe our current reality wouldn't be turning into hell on earth.
Replies: >>469
The more you know about something the less likely you are to blab about it until you happen to be an expert. The issue is that when anons do act with humility and admit to not knowing, the intellectual's response is to throw out the rest of anon's arguments on a technicality. It's like people who screech for source only to then proceed to argue about the validity of the source instead of working with what is presented or finding something else.
Replies: >>469
>low pH with half-sun
Well I definitely fucked up the half-sun part if that means what I think it means. I'll have to pay attention to the pH, I assumed "hurr carrots n shit just grow so tomaters will too rite?". Good thing is I have a perfect spot in my yard for limiting direct sun exposure at least.
I think the organic matter in the soil is fine though, I've seen other vegetable gardens in people's yards in this area that had tomatoes growing just fine. Though at the same time they're not close neighbors by any means, the nearest one is a quarter mile away, is it possible I'm in a random shitty spot to grow tomatoes in the organic matter department?
That clears it up a little thanks.
Replies: >>474
>Need to be in high organic matter soil and low pH with half-sun.
It depends on the type of tomato. Generally tomatoes like low pH but they also like calcium/magnesium which are gonna raise it. Similarly the problems with the tomato crop are that they were originally a mountain nightshade berry, so they like tons of sun, but they hate heat. If you can give them more sun but less heat, that is better than less sun for growth. The setup for that can become increasingly complex depending on how much crop yield your aiming for.

Japanese girl slightly related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCYpv7n_EV8
Replies: >>474
As >>471, said Half sun minimum. 
There are some tomatoes that can deal with heat and full sun but are generally considered to be improved GMO crops. Try not to be a econigger of the Greta Thumberg type  and go reee GMO bad, some of the be processes are fine, but taking a gene that doesn't exist in the genus (like a wheat gene) or creating new genes is probably bad.
Seedless genes also bad because then your force to clonally propagate.

May I suggest Blueberry, black cherry, pawpaw and chestnut?
Replies: >>479
Israel appears to be on the brink of imploding right now over Net and Yahoo's proposed judicial reforms to consolidate his power. He'll probably bend the knee but reading about how much the country has gone full-on OY VEY SHUT IT DOWN is quite interesting.
Replies: >>478 >>479
The "whose jewing who?" Meme seems appropriate right now.
Replies: >>479
>There are some tomatoes that can deal with heat and full sun but are generally considered to be improved GMO crops
I'll keep an eye out for those, the climate here certainly gets hot as fuck.
>Try not to be a econigger of the Greta Thumberg type  and go reee GMO
Getting an autistic FAS Swedish girl to screech made me assume a lot of things involving the ecosystem are way overblown. I only give a shit about niggers and stupid drunken hicks throwing plastic and aluminum everywhere because it shits up the otherwise scenic roads around me. That's another rant entirely, but holy fuck put me on litter patrol and let me holocaust some litterbugs. Stupid motherfuckers can't just throw that shit in their floorboards or wait until they get home.
>May I suggest Blueberry, black cherry, pawpaw and chestnut?
Suggest away I'm fine with trying to grow anything just to gain some experience.
When there aren't enough goyim around to jew then the jew will jew itself, Israel is destined for failure no matter what.
NHL is phasing out pride nights because too many players are refusing to wear the gay uniform apparently. NHL wants to release their names on a list but also understands that they will have discrimination lawsuits out the ass if they do.
Replies: >>485
>try to dress up some of the angriest men in sportsball in fag colors
>act surprised when they tell you to fuck off
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dup indicted
Replies: >>489
It's all just a distraction because the leftists broke the last straw with tranny shooter and now they need an excuse to blame normal people in order to walk back their rhetoric calling for the murder of Christians. I think they fucked up bad enough with J6 that the MAGA mee-ma's aren't gonna come out and be the scapegoat this time though. Then again even if their hearts are right boomers are fucking retarded so they might decide to pull a Shiroyama like a bunch of cucks.
Replies: >>491
That and distracting from the restrict act or whatever the fuck it's called that's basically just an even worse modern version of the patriot act.
Dup has now been formally arrested. How do you think the whole trial will play out?
Replies: >>507 >>509
It's new york and the attorney is soros backed. You do the math. I knew they were going to charge him but I didn't realize they were fucking stupid enough to arraign him.
Replies: >>508
>stupid enough
lol why would you call this stupid when his supporters have done pretty much nothing but chest thump the whole time? If there's basically zero threat from your enemy you'd be stupid not to fuck him into the ground.
Replies: >>512
Dup will do his usual theatrics, the crooked as fuck NY court system will slap him with something bad enough to keep him from running, but small enough to keep him out of jail (billionaires don't go to jail) and then drumby grumblies with throw some gay tantrum and vote for Desantis
Replies: >>510
Literally nothing except High Treason and Death can disqualify someone who at the age of 35 qualified to be president from running for office. Literally nothing.
You can in fact be elected for high office while in prison.
Literally all this has done for Trump is boost his electability; or, as some have put it, his opposition just ran the largest fundraiser for him that was remotely possible.
Replies: >>511
Oh holy shit you're right, all this time I was thinking felons couldn't run for president but apparently that isn't the case at all.
I'm voting for Kaczynski.
Only half of them are ideological, the other half are grifters and career politicians. Trump achieved a record number of first-time donors (read: first-time voters mext year) and his jumped 20 points in the polls following the indictment. They are indicting him under felonies for the same style misdemeanor charges Hillary pled guilty to in coury three months ago and was slapped on the wrist for. The only person this shit show benefits is Bragg and it's going to blow up in his face.

>Hurr voting durr
I am implying those are boots on your side in the impending civil war. This indictment shit has heavily swung independents towards the conservative party because they see this as a banana republic trial.
Replies: >>513 >>514
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the dup circus has been going for for almost eight years at this point. that is a full eight years of shenangians revolving around a single person, a person that loves nothing more than attention and providing fodder to keep the appearance of "us vs. them" going indefinitely. the only way to win this game is to not play. no matter who "wins" the "election" this year, the burger people lose. retardation is not a partisan issue, it is a universal issue. both the left and right are equally retarded in their own special way, nothing is going to get fixed, the country is hard-set for a revolution, and nothing matters until that happens.
All I'm saying is there has been over half a decade of blowhards crying muh blood n trees n shit and basically zero action from any of them. Nobody fears a barking chihuahua so of course they'll laugh and punt the shitty little rat aside and do as they please.
Replies: >>515
All I am saying is if someone honestly thinks the situation of 2015 is the same as 2018 is the same as today are mentally stunted, and I would request them to stay out politics or seek help for their normalcy biad unable to see very clear bifurcational differences.
Replies: >>516
Just call me a stupid dumb dumb and filter my id you clearly have nothing more substantial to say and it clearly bothers you that I don't think much of drupcucks or have any faith in them ever doing anything.
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>I have had basically zero ability to git gud at gardening.
Compost your lawn leafs along with any food scraps you'd normally just throw out for free nutrient rich soil. Any old unused plastic bin or plastic trash can with some holes drilled at the bottom for drainage plus a lid should do the job just fine and be sure to pick up any earth worms you see drowning come your next rain storm, save their ass and them put them to work in breaking down your compost bin. Of course there are more fancy options for making a composting bin if your willing to put in the effort too, pics related.

Save the seeds you gain from each harvest, even if your plant isn't as big or produces as much fruit as you'd want or is as healthy as you'd want the next generation of that plant will inherit altered genetic code and slowly evolve to the soil, climate it inhabits, or native fungi or bacteria it needs to learn to co-exist with. Cross pollination helps to so be sure to have a few flowers that attracts bee's and butterflies too.
The fact that the first generation made it means newer generations will only improve.

Just start growing some basic bitch retard proof plants like green beans, peas, zucchini, plum tomatoes, kale, and thyme to name a few. Learn which plants like being put directly in the ground and prefer being potted. Learn which plants need pruning and how to prune them. Learn how much or how little sun they need to be healthy.  Figure out what you want to grow and then learn what companion plants best coexist with it, pic also related.
Plant your seeds early, water them regularly, make sure they've got proper drainage and they'll fully mature and take care of your needs too.

I don't exactly have a green thumb either anon, I've fucked up plenty of garden experiments myself but that's what learning is about, fucking up until you've figured it out. Nowadays I'm pretty gud but again that took time, research, and experimenting.

You don't need the latest 'current thing™' or a bunch of shitty pesticides or herbicides that will just give you cancer and make your produce taste like cardboard, just do the bare minium and nature will handle the rest.
Russian warships have allegdly joined the Chinese navy in their eternal dickwaving mission around Taiwan as part of a recent agreement.
>wanted to finally get a fun this year
>realize I have been fairly stupid with my money the last couple months
>now have to wait a couple more months 

I have plenty of savings, but it's really just the principle of the matter.  All I want is a lever action rifle chambered in .357.
Replies: >>576
If you have plenty in savings and fully intend on buying a rifle then why hold back? It's not like you'd be splurging on a boatload of stupid shit, plus unless you're getting paid jack shit at work a decent lever action + large box of ammo isn't going to set you back that far even with how retarded ammo prices have gotten.
Obviously if it's money you'll absolutely need for necessities in the near future then wait but otherwise it's just sitting in your bank/safe/under your cum and sweat stained mattress/wherever you keep it losing value by the day.
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asking this here because every other /pol/ is a schizo shithole
what exactly is it that made the powers that be fall out of favor with orange man? why did they choose king joe to
the election over him? everyone was saying how donny boy was israel's greatest ally, how everything he was doing ultimately benefitted the elite, why did they choose a literal corpse over him?
Replies: >>680 >>681
>what exactly is it that made the powers that be fall out of favor with orange man
He's not family. It's just that simple.
Just look at the families and how people are connected.
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They're all sucking Chinese cock because that Chinese money is so, so delicious. Orange Man got people talking about the dangerous, radical idea that maybe they should work for the American people, or at least consider the American people's welfare, instead of guzzling Chairman Xi's cum by the gallon and jerking each other off over how clever they are and how justified they are in protecting "our democracy" from "extremists."  So Orange Man had to go. They were in such a panic and hated him so much that they were willing to do grotesquely, insultingly crude shit like pic related during the 2020 elections, in front of the whole world, right in everyone's face, while we all watched it happen. And the people who actually carried it out feel so justified and so untouchable that they made video of themselves doing it and put it all over the Internet.

https://youtu.be/rfWDrAimbwA Ruby Freeman still isn't in jail. She hasn't been arrested. They won't even investigate.

https://youtu.be/d9dPxIj_WzA This is Dale "Bigchoppadoe" Freeman. He made video of himself altering and destroying ballots and put it all over the Internet, because fuck you white motherfuckers, that's why.  He hasn't been arrested either, and there's been no investigation.  Because of course there isn't.

Meanwhile the leader of the nation's political opposition has been legally harassed by the government's security organs nonstop ever since he announced he was running for the Presidency in 2015. They are happy to use phony oppo research dossiers bought and paid for by the ruling party's politicians, that they know to be 100% fake, as a pretext to persecute the man, his entire extended family, and all of his employees, acquaintances, and large donors. Now he's in jail, with the prosecutors promising that he's going to be sentenced to six hundred years in prison for thoughtcrime.  If another government did this kind of thing, in Botswana or Guatemala or Pakistan, you'd point and laugh and say, "Welp, it's a banana republic, it must be Tuesday. I'm glad I don't live there." Now it's come here. This is the new normal.

All the lardass Boomer civnats at places like ARFCOM are still blathering about how they're gonna vote harder next year. Denial ain't just a river in Egypt. We're not voting our way out of this. The civil war is here, and only one side is fighting. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, if it ever gets better. Harden your heart.
Replies: >>683 >>689
>Hawaii getting toasted
>Ecuadorian presidential cadidate gets offed by (boogeyman goes here)
what else is happening?
Reminder that conservative parties have never successfully halted judeo-bolsheviks and it has always fallen to further right political elements to solve the subversive problem through violence.
Replies: >>687
someone give me the news, tired of reading that putler is literally going to kill himself every week.
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You aren't wrong.  The most they can accomplish is to do what the monarchists in the German civil service between the wars did:  judicious and discretionary use of the law and the system as weapons to slow the spread of the cancer, which gave time for groups with more resolute leadership to coalesce.  

Note, however, that in the US the jew-dicial system has been under ((( their ))) complete control for ninety years, if not longer.  And they make their priorities very, very obvious.  They no longer bother to hide what they're trying to do.
>Harden your heart
I'm beyond bloodthirsty at this point, I have no love for anyone outside of my ingroup whatsoever.
Going through some old accounts/bookmarks and found this 8chan zeemaps page for /k/ meetups. I wonder how many of them are still here.
Replies: >>733
>Alias B.T.
Was that actually him or was this made after the shooting?
Replies: >>734
Has to be added afterwards, sucks that only the admin can see dates and he's probably long gone by now.
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It's bloody cold. Too cold for my vehicle.
Fucking hell, I really didn't need this webring drama.
Replies: >>758 >>760
Sadly some "anons" really like to stir shit.
this prediction aged terribly
To think, because of the extended warning, there'll be 2-3 months of this at minimum. There was a part of me that really believed some of this shit was permanently in the past.
Replies: >>761
>In the past
I don't think it will ever stop, remember 8cuck came from 4cuck, etc. Most likely it will get worse since it seems every day more and more shit becomes verboten because it "hurts" muh feelings of someone backed by ((( them ))).
Replies: >>762
In the context of the larger part of the Internet, yes. But in this situation seems more of a group of retards ruining everything just because they find it funny.
So is this whole "standoff" with Biden versus Abbot and some red states over the border razor wire a real insurrection or is this just to get the election canceled for 2024?
Replies: >>783 >>784
The election isn't going to be cancelled, and this isn't an insurrection. It's recucklican politicians pretending they care because they're realizing that people are starting to wake up to the fact they're a bunch of lying backstabbers so they're sabre rattling and making noise about some shit they could've taken care of during the multiple instances of them having enough seats in congress to push for stricter immigration and border control before spics made up 30 some percent of the population.
They do the same shit when it comes to gun laws, they'll quietly "compromise" with democrats on a bunch of shit and the moment enough people wise up to what's going on they'll puff their chests out and screech about restoring gun rights while actually doing nothing. Remember that the most egregious gun control laws were all passed under recucklican controlled congresses.
Replies: >>786
Wake me up when the Feds show up to cut the razorwire and get arrested by Texas Rangers.  Until then it's all theater.

This is not to say that it won't be used as a pretext for something the Uniparty already wants to do.  Everything anyone does is already examined minutely by teams of lawyers, psychologizts, and advertising experts.  And when nothing happens that they can use, they dig up something someone said on Myspace twenty years ago so they can organize a public point-and-shriek.  Or they'll stage something.  Or make something up entirely out of whole cloth.  They do it all the time.
Replies: >>786
Truth. Only deadweight boomers believe any of this bullshit is organic and sincere.
Is this the largest of the communities left from 8chan's /k/?
Does anyone know where the Hungarian who was into rifle grenades went?
What about StalinFrog from twitter? I know he used to post on 8/k/ but he is gone from twitter these days.
Replies: >>790
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>Does anyone know where the Hungarian who was into rifle grenades went?
I am here due to a lack of alternatives.
Replies: >>791 >>792
We're gonna need some proofs that you are who you say you are, you know what to do.
Replies: >>792 >>794
Ahh, okay. I'm glad you're here.
What other /k/ related sites do you use? I find this forum:
to be alright but fairly slow. I've never found a good replacement for 8/k/.
Rifle grenade in the pooper?
Replies: >>794 >>797
>weight around 300-400g, calibre is around 30-40mm
>the body of the grenade is a cylinder made of explosive, either cast (like Nipolit) or pastic (such as C4), with a matrix of steel balls embedded into it
>there is also a ring with a male thread attached to the top
>and an other ring with a female thread attached to the bottom
>you can screw a timed fuse with a pin to the top ring, this turns it into a hand grenade
>or you can screw a tail assembly with an impact fuse to the bottom, thus creating a rifle grenade
>by default it comes with both kinds of fuse, but you can remove the tail assembly to create a smaller package, or replace the time fuse with a plastic cap to save it for latter use
>the threads of the top and the bottom ring are matching, so you can screw together as many grenade bodies as you want
>and it would be possible to make all kinds of other fuses and whatnot to turn it into a booby trap, an S-mine, or even a small bomb for drones
I am simply not comfortable outside of imageboards after all these years, and I have to agree that 8/k/ was somehow special, because it had the right number of anons who were quite interested in all the various topics. So for the time being I use this place, and hope for the best.
Replies: >>795 >>798
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One thing I forgot:
>tail assembly has a bullet trap made of sintered iron
That stuff has properties quite similar to brass, but it's just some low grade iron, so it would be cheaper than older bullet traps.
Replies: >>797
Next time you to post >>792's rectum, please spoiler that shit.
Replies: >>798
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>matrix of steel balls embedded into it
After one more day of thinking, maybe a removable frag sleeve would be better. It makes the grenade even more versatile and yet cheaper to produce.
Alas, you have to face the horrors of internal mechanisms if you want to engage with these subjects.
>VA congress trying to ban semi-autos
>Youngkin the only thing in their way
Fuck man I'm gonna have to move after he gets replaced when his term is over.
Replies: >>800
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state legislatures do posturing like this all the time on both left and right. they propose retarded bills that they know will never get signed into law but the media goes into a frenzy over it.
Replies: >>801
Except they also lish extreme shitnso they can sneak in slightly less bad shit into the books until over time you're California before you know it.
That's what happened in VA back in 2020 and they'll do it again until there's an actual semi-auto ban and guncucks are genuinely left with "abandon the guns or fight back" as options, but by then the next generation will have been totally brainwashed against weapons.
2A fags have never played the generational game and have only ever played catch up to gungrabber antics and now we're seeing what used to be one of the best states to own firearms in steadily slip down the ranks because of it.
I'm not niggerpilled because I think things will eventually come to a head and some kind of retribution or at least underground marketplace will come about (especially in Appalachia), but it'd be foolish to disregard the way things are going after the 2020 protest only resulted in gungrabbers shoving their unlubed cocks up the citizens' asses. The politicians and the people who own them clearly aren't afraid enough and the lack of meaningful reaction probably only emboldened them.
Replies: >>802 >>809
>lish extreme shitnso
god dammit
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Welcome to the /k/anteen! This thread is a catch-all for general discussion that doesn't really belong anywhere else or might be off-topic.
Replies: >>1223 >>987
Dead board?
Replies: >>806
Not exactly, but anon.cafe is still around, so most streloks still stick to that place, and we'll see how things develop.
>>335 (OP) 
Replies: >>825
I will completely maintain that the USA is a miracle when it comes to the founding fathers, and the constitution. In the name of public safety, in other countries generally only the state, its agents, and criminals own the tools necessary to carry out violence as they are determined to legislate out private ownership.
Replies: >>841
Spoiler File
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Vicious and chaotic artillery action reported throughout Taiwan and West Taiwan, widespread use of what appear to be cluster munitions, possible use of phosphorus munitions and chemical agents.
Replies: >>815
chink genocide best day of my life
Well, it would be still a waste to let the /k/anteen brand disappear. I guess we can use this thread once the other one is autosaging. Assuming that we ever get there, of course.
Replies: >>838
you in a hurry somewhere, strelok?
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>have, unironically, over 300 confirmed kills
>including three dozen snipers
>leaders make her take a break after being hit in the face with mortar shrapnel, do some international propaganda excursions to help the war effort
[quoting various articles]
<When meeting with reporters in Washington, D.C., she was dumbfounded by the kind of questions put to her. "One reporter even criticized the length of the skirt of my uniform, saying that in America women wear shorter skirts and besides my uniform made me look fat." They also asked if Russian women could wear makeup on the front line.
<other newspapers observed that she “wore no lip rouge, or makeup of any kind,” and that “there isn’t much style to her olive-green uniform.”
<“I wear my uniform with honor,” [Pavlichenko] told Time magazine. “It has the Order of Lenin on it. It has been covered with blood in battle. It is plain to see that with American women what is important is whether they wear silk underwear under their uniforms. What the uniform stands for, they have yet to learn.”
What the fuck is systematically wrong with burgers?
Replies: >>842 >>932 >>1129
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The constitution is a mere piece of paper, any 'rights' it gives you can be revoked at will. So it's important the workers in the US unite to preserve their access to arms.
Do not be fooled by the American myth of liberalism (that is, 'freedom and liberty', whether conservative, progressive or libertarian). The freedom of the working class is nothing without the power to provide it.
1) women on the battlefield is retarded and she would've gotten those same questions in the UK or fuckin Argentina back in those days
2) I would question any and all numbers provided by the Soviet Union they lied more than any modern western government and that is saying something
3) even if she had Simo Häyhä tier numbers she is very much the exception that proves the rule when it comes to women in combat
Replies: >>1129
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Bill S.3589 is unconstitutional, soon the time will come to water the tree of liberty.
Replies: >>850 >>851
>muh blood muh trees muh ded tyrannosaurs n sick stuff or whatever
uh huh just like with every other egregious violation of muh cunt of two shins over the past several decades amirite? You gonna call me a fed if I tell you to put your money where your mouth is and shoot some tyrannosauruses? Chest thumping faggot.
Replies: >>853 >>1129
>One cosponsor
A famous German sandwich yet containing precious few ingredients.
Replies: >>854
Strammer Min?
I find it really hard to bring myself to give a shit about posting on any imageboards anymore honestly. Even when I'm extremely bored like now all I can muster is this low effort bitchpost, and I'll close my browser afterwards and stare at a wall.
Replies: >>857 >>860 >>1123
Seems like every user of non-mainstream websites has become fully nihilistic recently.
>I find it really hard to bring myself to give a shit about posting on any imageboards anymore honestly.
Then don't. Simple as. Have fun with your funs, clean them, fix them. Go innawoods, touch grass, dig a hole, plant/plan a garden (perfect time of year to start), read a book, search for cryptids, urbanex, play some paintball, get into electronics/embedded systems, learn programming, get to know your local ham radio network/community, indulge your autism.
When you have shit to discuss/share, we can reconvene. When there's happenings, we can reconvene. Until then, fuck off I mean that in the most constructive way possible

"This too shall pass."
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Are you scared? No? OK let me find something else to scare you.
Replies: >>868
ablation cascade speedrun any%
Replies: >>869
Spacefags on suicide watch.
I heard /k/ got deleted. My condolences.
When did it happen? I hadn't finished backing it up on archive.today yet.
Replies: >>883 >>884
This >>810 shows it happening a few hours before it but he nuked it on the day of the Super Bowl (and prior to it he had said that he'd nuked it earlier than the shutdown).
Birdnigger deleted it early like he said he would. On a side note there was also a flagless strelok throwing one hell of a shitfit at some of my posts right before it got deleted and I wanted to have fun egging him on but too bad ;_;
New York got so bad that Remington has announced they'll be moving the HQ to Georgia.
Replies: >>903 >>1123
Is there a specific new law that prompted them to move, or did they finally realize the obvious?
Replies: >>904
The recent btfo'ing of dup has a lot of businesses worried about their own standing because literally everyone in New York lies about land assessments.
Replies: >>1123
>/k/anteen is dead.
Replies: >>924 >>1123
It does not seem to be significantly less active than the rest of the board.
>female snipers
A myth by the Soviet government pursuant of Soviet Heroic Realism. The Women's Divisions of Death performed laughably badly and inflated numbers. Gitler was a similar myth from the Soviet government.
Replies: >>984 >>1123
Good morning ladies, it appears that we are biologically compatible. Would you be interested in being mothers of my children?
Replies: >>1000
You are the big gay.
I like this video of a belt-filling machine.
What happened to the cafe /k/? Did BO decide to beat the glowies to the punch or something?
Replies: >>1054
Pretty much.
Wendigoon has released another milquetoast breakdown of a well known government fuckup, this time Ruby Ridge. He spends a large portion of the video decrying Weaver just as he did Koresh and Ted, but it's even more of a blatant editorializing than his words on Koresh and Ted. He equates Weaver to members of the Aryan Brotherhood by showing a lack of understanding of how someone can prefer their own race but not hate others and decries the Weavers for believing in and practicing insular Christianity. He shows a flagrant lack of professionalism by continuing to include corrections from himself after saying something false (i.e. whether Lon knew he shot Vicki). It's obvious that he wants to remove himself from the more fringe crowd he gathered during the conspiracy iceberg videos. When he's not making asides instead of second takes, giving basic information, or editorializing, he's begging people not to hate the government and the existence of government. One major fact which he glossed over was the attempted trial of Lon. Since we no longer have a Randy Weaver memorial thread, I'll repost what was posted there here. 

>The sniper, Lon Horiuchi, was charged by Boundary County for killing Vicki (though only on state-level manslaughter charges rather than murder), but, since he was actively working as a Fed when the crime was committed, the USG scooped it up and immediately dropped it by the hand of Judge Edward Lodge (the same Judge who presided over the cases against Weaver and Harris) on the grounds of "sovereign immunity". However, a committee made by the Ninth Circuit went as far as to overturn the dismissal, but the new Boundary County Prosecutor Brett Benson (who had won against the previous Prosecutor and one who had initially made the charges, Denise Woodbury, in the previous election) dropped the case immediately because he felt that too much time had passed, there was not enough certain evidence, and the county should heal by washing its hands of the affair.

He doesn't note the change in prosecutor and states that the county eventually gave up because they couldn't charge the government rather than because there was no one who still wanted to charge the government. Toward the end of the video, he furthers the accepted story of the OKC Bombing despite his own claims of being critical of the government and previously covering stories such as the "Boys on the Tracks". This may have been for optics purposes, for he only covers "safe" conspiracy theories such as the assassinations of MLK and Kennedy rather than those of GLR and Malcom X and the Unabomber rather than the OKC Bomber.

However, an interesting aspect of this video is that he mentions having seen the lives of others be held at the point of the ATF's measuring tapes. If you check his original and now defunct podcast, he mentions having previously been a Boogaloo Boy, calling himself as such on his first account and claiming to be the original then fedposting on his original Wendig00n channel, a channel which he doesn't mention in his Reddit post. However, he has also given conflicting reports about whether he became a militant for politics and where his channel name comes from. In his original podcast, he states that he did it for home defense and because he liked the aesthetics but was scared off when the group became more political and potentially honeypot-ish. On Reddit, he stated that he joined explicitly for the sake of revolution and that he left when his political opponents started joining and even claims he was so influential that he started the trend of Hawaiian shirts being worn by libertarian dissidents. On YouTube, he has stated that he chose to have "goon" in his name not for political affiliations; he instead said it was because it was part of backwood Southern culture. On Twitter, he states that he's not rightwing.

Ruling out the possibility of him being a midwit who became popular based on charisma and outrageousness like Tariq Nasheed, I think Wendigoon was scooped up by the government, probably for a potential gun charge or fedposting, and turned into an asset like Tariq Nasheed to control anti-government discourse online.
Replies: >>1066 >>1067 >>1123
>youtube eceleb faggot says dumb misinformed shit
Is there a good documentary on Ruby Ridge (and Waco) that is not as shit as what you're describing?
Replies: >>1072
Waco Rules of Engagement isbpretty good iirc. I know it's been deleted off of youtube multiple times so if it pisses them off then it's probably at least more truthful than most of the "documentaries" on that shithole in general.
Replies: >>1085
How do Asian prostitutes advertise themselves in public  if talking about sex is taboo let alone cursing in public especally if your a woman? Do chinese speak in code and hide low or do they accept that they are the bottom of the barrel and just don't care anymore
Replies: >>1101 >>1125
Thanks for the recomendation (although ironically there's a couple Jewtube uploads but it's okay, I'll look it up on the Internet Archive).
Anything like this for Ruby Ridge?
Replies: >>1100
I have no idea, sorry. I've never had much luck with that one in general, it's pretty heavily overshadowed by Waco and since the whole reason the fedniggers were there was even more inexcusable than Waco I'm sure anything without a retarded pro-fed slant to it will be hard to find.
Replies: >>1103
Same way as in America, they work in shady businesses like strip clubs or "beauty salons" and massage parlors, or just straight up hang out outside of hotels. They're probably filthier than burger whores too depending on which part of Asia you're talking about. Please don't catch some weird smelly gonorrhea variant from some poostitute.
Replies: >>1102
Asians are more pude then Americans though, sex is a very taboo topic for them
Replies: >>1107
No worries, I'll stick to that Waco documentary considering that some of the same glowniggers from Ruby Ridge appear in there too.
Maybe there could be a less pro-fed documentary but I'd have to dig up some of those "alternative" video sites and I don't really feel like it.
Thank you regardless, Strelok.
This site works so much better then the faggot cafe, I can post on phone and there is no gay captcha, the site does not break randomly, the uploads actually work
There are loads of brothels and whores all over Asia that say otherwise but whatever.
Replies: >>1123
Americans need guns to protect their gun collections from gun armed criminals.
Replies: >>1111 >>1123
Well it's not like we're currently using them against the government like we're supposed to so gotta shoot someone that deserves it.
Replies: >>1114
>    would like to know your location
...to send you on a federally funded all-inclusive getaway for getting quads.
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Thinking of making a tacticool levergat thread.

Remington? Aren't they still recovering from the damage Freedom Group did to their reputation on quality control? That's why I haven't bought a modern 870 anyway though I am admittedly out of the loop, for all I know they're good again or at least not nearly as shit, but I'd still prefer to buy a SAKO one day as far as bolty boy's go.
Anyway good for Remington, I hope the few firearm manufacturers left there follow Remington's example and leave too so NY can soak up even less tax revenue from local businesses.

Side note: I was under the impression that Kimber was based in NY for some reason and was therefore not interested in buying any of their products for that reason, not out of any animosity towards Kimber none that I can think of anyway but rather because NY would get a cut of the profits which is money that would be wasted do to how corrupt and incompetent their leadership is.

Not surprising, people who own buildings there opt to let their property literally crumble into pieces and become a huge safety hazard for everyone around because the alternative/fixing their shit would require so much legalize red tape approval to do legally that it's not financially viable and would be a huge waste of time.

Louis Rossmann (some angry Italian Jew or whatever who fixes shitty Macbooks for a living because Apple's official repair services are a joke) does a fantastic job of documenting how NYC is slowly dying even faster than California's cities are. The dude now lives in Texas, Houston I think? Quite entertaining if you wanna listen to a dude rant for 30 minutes about his personal experiences of being a businesses owner in NYC for some 20 or so years of his life.

Was the test successful?

I mean for most home invasion situations just racking/pumping/cocking your firearm and announcing to said intruder would usually be enough to make them turn tail and run away. Most burglars aren't looking for a firefight after all.

Those are mostly in all the touristy parts of Laos and Thailand, every countries capital is gonna have easy to find brothels (usually).

Well with anon.kafe being dead we might be able to bring this place back to life and move at a snails pace instead.

Meh don't blame ya, do something more fulfilling in the real world and treat this place as more of a pointless blog faggotry and shitposting site rather than a board to have serious discussions, no point in preaching to the choir after all.
Getting old sucks, the 'good ol days' of pre gaymer g8 4chins and 8cripple were simpler times for sure, now everything is fucking dickcord chatrooms which sucks for muh hecking delusions of being le anonymous or whatever. Granted you can now just use der cord in a browser now but then you have to use some Chrome based browser so pick your poison for that I guess.
This is the fault of parents not teaching their kids on how to use image boards and or internet literacy in general.

>calls xhimself an oooogy booogy boogerloo boi!!!!
>defends the federal governments actions (EVER)

Also I've never actually listened to Tariq Nasheed aside from the few audio bits about buckbreaking or whatever. Same with Jordan Peterson, all I know is he wants grown men to make their beds and wash their penises or whatever which isn't bad advice per say but he really should emphasize kinds of products to use because there's a lot of body washes with shit ingredients, some of which could literally make you infertile even. I dunno why do people need some old fart of a fucking leafman to tell them to practice basic fucking hygiene again? I mean shit can I get a Nobel prize if I tell enough people to brush their teethe?
How do you think normal prostitutes do it? They advertise benign actions like offering company or dates, work in legally grey establishments like soaplands and escort services, and avoid harsher penalties by advertising non-penetrative sex. Those who do openly advertise sex tend to do so in areas that either have police corruption or are almost lawless.
You don't include the h when using xim or xer. That's part of the joke. Young men flocked to people like Jordan Peterson for the same reason they now flock to Sam Hyde. He's an internet father figure who projects authority on the subjects he speaks on and is easily accessible, unlike traditional celebrities, but also hard to find the weaknesses of, like traditional celebrities.
< It is plain to see that with American women what is important is whether they wear silk underwear under their uniforms. What the uniform stands for, they have yet to learn.”
Well, by now they certainly… have learned something. The rest of us learned that determination to eat their cake and have it too was a lesson ingrained much deeper.
> What the fuck is systematically wrong with burgers?
Picture some early teens asking questions. If you don’t see anything out of character, it fits. I mean, they were commonly seen as dangerously immature well over a century ago. And these were the journalists, so at this time most probably were below average.

> 1) women on the battlefield is retarded 
Generally yes, but does it somehow follow that her very presence must therefore induce instant brain damage?
> and she would've gotten those same questions in the UK or fuckin Argentina back in those days 
Some, surely.
UK quite likely was this moronic. In that it was poisoned by march of Whiggery for much longer, with observably uglier results back then. The people as different as Chesterton and Kipling who barely could stand each other, but agreed it was thoroughly fscked up, even before WWI.
I doubt the people in Argentina were inane enough to be loudly surprised that uniforms after WW1 are not dyed fashionably, however. At least, back in those days. Possibly even now!

> 2) I would question any and all numbers provided by the Soviet Union they lied more than any modern western government and that is saying something
Oh dearrr… How to put it delicately for children… No. I cannot. The only resort is to quote Moldbug, he is good at phrasing such things delicately:
«Covid is like Chernobyl if
 Chernobyl killed a hundred thousand times as many people,
 was successfully covered up, was given to the reactor director to clean up, resulted in every Soviet citizen even in Kamchatka having to wear a radiation mask for the next two years, hagiographic children’s books being written about the noble reactor director, and the USSR switching all its power generation to RBMK graphite-moderated reactors.»
IMHO this neatly illustrates the difference between “for most part, obviously buggered” and “Buggered Beyond Belief”.

Sadly, yes. By now they simply cannot.
Of which we all could see a good illustration. Trump could not possibly run an actual counter-revolutionary coup (even as nostalgic and milquetoast as he would like to). While a lot of people fed up, but they are neither able nor willing to do more than wear fancy hats. Indeed a loud clash of «negligible force against the insubstantial object» only demonstrated how ephemeral they both are.
Replies: >>1139
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>Thinking of making a tacticool levergat thread.
Make a levergat thread both for regular and tacticool ones. Also include scattergats with levers, because those make me feel funny in a good way.
>Thinking of making a tacticool levergat thread.
Isnt that a bit conflicting? Like, the limited ammo cappacity of such designs in itself does not make them tacticool. Unless its chambered in like 40mm or something, then one shot is all you need
You're a pompous condescending fag and everything you said is wrong. I touched the grass and it told me so.
>We can't connect to the server anon.cafe.
Replies: >>1215
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>Thinking of making a tacticool levergat thread.
Wouldn't mind if you did anon.
It will remain alive forever in our hearts.
Replies: >>1217
I'm just sad thinking about it. :(
I could have done more. Had I known our time was limited, I would have cared more.
A nigger named Barbecue has taken over Haiti. Is there enough information about the situation in the country to make a thread about it?
Should all of the /k/anteen threads currently on the board be merged?
Replies: >>1220
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I see no harm in that, just make sure the OP has bunnygirls.
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I just watched Kentucky Ballistics' video about his .50 cal blowing up in his face. Just little into, and also throughout his detailed recalling of the events I instinctively teared up a bunch of times and had to wipe the tears from my eyes and blow my nose. Why did this happen? I mean my uncontrollable reaction, not the gun blowing up. I don't even watch this guy a lot nor care about him.
Replies: >>1224
Sometimes the weirdest things hit the hardest. Especially if you are already broken.
I don't know why anyone's afraid of gun grabs when pretty much all of law enforcement embraced the DIE. There's a few thousand piggies and fedniggers, even when they were physically fit and competent (or at least more fit and competent than now) all ot would take to out a stop to them is a tiny number of fun lovers to actually nut up and show them what happens to tyrants. Now not even the military can be relied on for policing in any serious capacity. Fuck the government lol
Replies: >>1262
They can continue boiling the frog with disarming white men until you need ID to buy a butter knife like in britcuck'n'suckland. If nobody did anything when they banned full auto weapons shotguns with short barrels why would it be different when they ban guns with long barrels, or guns with barrels wide enough for anything bigger than 9mm? In some places in gaymerica they've even made body armor illegal. They can send 20 heavily armored obese negresses with miniguns mounted to shopping carts and grenades launchers to your house to kill you or imprison you for decades and nobody in your neighborhood or town will do anything about it. Then the same 20 obese shitskins (or 15 if you managed to kill a few with your 3D printed gun and booby traps, it doesn't matter they can import a billion more from africa or south america paid for by your taxes) can raid your neighbor's house the next day and once again nobody in the town will do anything. All the white men are too busy watching porn all day everyday including myself, it's impossible to stop watching the never-ending supply of increasing erotic porn all day and soon I'll be prompting text-to-video AI to make all the porn I've always wanted that doesn't exist, like POV of photorealistic lolis shitting in my mouth with so much detail I can almost taste the corn in their shit.
Replies: >>1263 >>1277
So eager to accept defeat, you were going to eat corny shit no matter what regardless of your niggerpill projecting pzhos.
Replies: >>1264
>no argument
>just "haha u eat poop"
Replies: >>1265
>say I can smell the corn in turds
>wtf don't say I play with poopy
>take my mentally ill jewish redundant lol sads fantasies srsly
lolno all you have is crybaby bullshit and I'm only going to mock you for it pzhos.
Replies: >>1266
I don't play with poopy IRL I just masturbate to porn of it every day like hundreds of millions of other white men. What could possibly motivate us to stop jerking off all day and take our nations back when it feels so good? The jews enslaved us with porn and there's literally nothing we can do about it.
>not content to shit up /v/ with his nonsense pzhos turns his mutilated genitals in our direction
Wonder if this BO is more proactive than tengunigger.
Replies: >>1278
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>20 heavily armored obese negresses with miniguns mounted to shopping carts and grenades launchers to your house to kill you

When will AI be able to create an image from that prompt?
Give it a few hours and we will find out. Posts like that guy's are a good litmus test for moderation.
Replies: >>1279 >>1285
>exodus from 4chan 10 years ago because of censorship
>demands more censorship here
This is one of the many reasons white "men" deserve the genocide God is giving them.
Replies: >>1280
gr8 b8 m8!
Try days, I don't think this guy checks in much.
Replies: >>1347
Hash: SHA384

Shitposting has been removed to the designated shitting thread. If you shit outside the thread, don't be surprised when you told to take the poo to the loo.
Someone remind me to make a /k/ related bunnygirl for the new /k/anteen thread with this one bumplocks.

Last edited by shturm
Replies: >>1349
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>Someone remind me to make a /k/ related bunnygirl
Are you going to make some OC, or something with AI?
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This has been making rounds on the internet.
Replies: >>1602
The jew doesn't know how to use a scope?
Nice detail with the nigger hand, always there the golem.
Replies: >>1605
Won't be long until that hand is wrapped around his throat instead, thengolem always turns on its master even in their own fairy tales. You'd think they'd stop making them, but I guess they're not known for learning from their mistakes either.
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If you wanted to know how the auto sear on an M-14 works Forgotten Weapons now has you covered. The exclusiveness of some of my knowledge from expensive books may have been reduced but I can still boast about molesting a real M-14 once even though I didn't get to shoot her.
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What the fuck is happening in Georgia?
Replies: >>2012
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They passed a new law.
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Not really surprised that it is toned down.
Spoiler File
(1.9MB, 1125x1500)
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New Caledonia.
Replies: >>2167
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Is New Caledonia full of niggers?
Replies: >>2027
No not exactly. It's more like sea Abbos. It's Melanesia and all that.
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'luv me king
'luv ingerland
Simple as.

Replies: >>2076
That is unsettling in ways I find hard to put into words.
Replies: >>2061 >>2078
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I love it, that's fucking metal as fuck. I wish someone made a painting of me like that.
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Is he burning or just evil?
I am Charlenia, Blade of Ingurland, and I have never been defeated.
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Have you See. Ghostbusters 2?
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Replies: >>2130 >>2140
what are those? weather balloons?
Replies: >>2131
Spoiler File
(740.6KB, 1000x525)
Light pillars, they say, from lights on Japanese fishing boats used attract squid, they say.
This is definitely not an attempt to awaken the The Great Dreamer.
The abyss is definitely not involved in any staring contests.
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Nigger that glows in the dark was caught in Congo or so they say.
Replies: >>2139
They caught Nicholas Cage? Is he filming Lord of War 2?
A-are these Seraphim?
Replies: >>2148
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They say it's isaribi - "fishing fire" in Japanese - however it seems the fire rises.
Replies: >>2150
Not even machine TL can be this wrong.
Replies: >>2208
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That's because I'm no machine.
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The Backrooms image's orgin has been found. (Again, as it turns out.)
The famous picture was taken around 2002 in the second floor of a Wisconsin hobby store, before some renovations. A bunch of guys on discord found it by autistically cross-referencing several old halfchan archives (one guy: "I, Serrara, have spent ~150 hours searching for file hashes and other metadata across every known 4chan archive") for thier images, image-hashes, and filenames. Particularly old.sage.moe .
And as it turns out SOMEONE ON TWITTER ALREADY FOUND IT IN 2019 (Look in the Google doc if you want to see a tweet with a broken link.)
The discord's google doc:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G5rA1PseLZozA6oUYjdVN6Rn8GNdEVY7bTXV4SmVp7E - SERIOUS autism within.
Actual address:
807 Oregon St, Oshkosh, WI 54902
YT vid on how it was found (Backrooms YouTuber, sorry he's a bit of a fag.):
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>last 3 images
Neat. More of an /x/ thing though. 
We had an /x/ thread once on cafe but since sleepy has its own /x/ board I don't know if it would be right to re make it.
figures that it would be something mundane. the power of suggestion is strong.
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Where's the Killdozer thread /k/?
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Frogs putting not-frogs in their place.
Was California actually a good place from the 50s to the 80s, or is it just the nostalgia speaking from people?
Replies: >>2604
It was pozzed from the 60s onward but boomers thought it was all in good fun.
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Well I see that this place is basically dead. As if the cafe wasnt bad enough.
Is there somewhere else if this goes down too?
The English net is dying. There's too much Portuguese speakers on the net. Everyone says spanish is the 2nd biggest on the net outside the Chinese wall but outside imageboards I only see 20 Portuguese post for every post in Spanish. The hue hue invasion is insane and it wasn't like this 5-10 years ago.
Any word on that SHTF book the anon was writing?
>waaah waaah waaah booohoohooo
Why don't you blow your brains out?
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Eym still here!!
No u!
More fun to do unto others than unto me dumbass.
The new NDAA for 2025 includes automatic registration for men and women that are "US citizens or residing within the United states" (I believe that means illegals).
Oh and it doesn't turn up on any google search for the bill text. It's called "H.R.8070 - Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025" instead of the usual NDAA naming scheme. See under  Title III subtitle D Sec. 531
Looks like they lifted the weed disqualifier, the gov gonna  to send us to die for (((  them  ))) now en-masse I guess. I hope streloks are prepared.

>  (a) Automatic Registration.--The Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. 3801 et seq.) is amended by striking section 3 (50 U.S.C. 3802) and inserting the following new section 3:
> Sec. 3. (a)(1) Except as otherwise provided in this title, every  male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six,  shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the  Selective Service System.
>  (2) This section shall not apply to any alien lawfully admitted  to the United States as a nonimmigrant under section 101(a)(15) of the  Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101) for so long as he  continues to maintain a lawful nonimmigrant status in the United States.

>Subject to subsection (a) of section 504 of chapter 31 of title 10,  United States Code, the Secretary of the military department concerned  may not require an individual to submit to a test for cannabis as a  condition of enlistment of such individual as a member, or the  commission of such individual as an officer, of an Armed Force.
I heard France and Germany also had plans for a draft, will europe will also join?
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OY VEY BUT they're just lessening the requirements and strengthening the draft efforts because.. there won't be a draft goyim! doncha know?


Replies: >>2747
In all seriousness, how is this different than the old system? It's not like you could really get out of the draft if you didn't register in the old days. They would look though the records of things like driver's licenses and charge you with a misdemeanor for not submitting your selective service then draft you.
>Drafting the illegals

Daily reminder to get out of big cities. They will burn if a draft is enacted. The Xim/Xers aren't going to want to die for Israel any more than the ebil nawtsees.
Replies: >>2747
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This whole thing that we're in clearly ends with nuclear war. It's been obvious for a few years now. I can't quite grok the exact timing but the trajectory is unmistakable. I think THEY know it too.
Replies: >>2748
Have my doubts but hey, it can't hurt to be prepared.
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>Manta Ray maritime drone at a base in California
Is this real?
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>kenya goverment
>raise taxes
>get btfo
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>Russian FSB arrests an Azov supporter
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Could you guys help me with this cultural map of the US. I asked /a/ and I didn't get much contribution understandably for the criteria I have for it and many said the accent-dialect map of the country is good enough to use. I'm trying to base it off of idiosyncrasy and personality foremost with demographics, geography, industry/economy and history following it in no order. The Nine Nations of North America map isn't as accurate as I'd like it to be.
>how east should the PNW go
>how is Oklahoma split up between Dixie and the Great Plains
>how is Virginia split between Appalachia, the blue zone (East Coast, Northeast Corridor, NY-PH, Construction & Unions), and Dixie
>where does Appalachia begin and end, and what does that mean for Tennessee and Kentucky
>how does Missouri get split up
>how deep does the Texas pandhandle go
>is Florida's split good
>how does Colorado get split up between the Great Plains, "Rockies/Sierras/Nevada-Utah", the southwest, and the INW
>is the INW any good
>how is Ohio between the golden zone (Corn Dog America or America America), Appalachia, and blue zone
>how is North Carolina split up between Dixie and Appalachia
>should fishing communities in North Carolina and Virginia be included in the blue zone
>is the southwest good
>what are Texas's borders and where does East Texas end
>finishing the Great Lakes
I don't know why you'd bother asking such question in the most Russophilic. anti-Anglo Burgerphobic board in the webring.
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as a burger, I can attest to the accuracy of these maps. the non-meme one is especially good, they even got the more obscure cultural zones like french louisiana, tidewater, and the historic dutch influence in the NY tristate.
Replies: >>2977 >>3018 >>3041
>how east should the PNW go
Ridge of the cascade mountain range was always the traditional boundary, any further east and the climate changes very rapidly to continental/desert like. The southern boundary is a more contentious point of debate, I think your first (county-based) map has it about right - the State of Jefferson territory is and SF/Sacramento are out.
t. sasquatch
>The Far West
Should've separated out Alaska/Yukon, they got their own thing going on.
Replies: >>3002 >>3041
>ending south right before Nascar and bikers

>Should've separated out Alaska/Yukon, they got their own thing going on.
yes, but to be fair, they divided that region between First Nations/Far West, with the southernmost populated area grouped under Left Coast/Cascadia.That seems fair enough if you're not going to give it its own zone.
I hate this first map. Mostly because it's true. Thanks. But... Uhh... Is there something I should know about the shroomers and aliens in the Midwest???
Replies: >>3043
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Ian's new video on a semi auto flintlock-matchlock hybrid is fucking neat.
The Brazos river marks the end of Dixie in Texas (Truth is historically niggers aren't common past it except Waco). Draw a line N/S from the mouth of the trinity river to the Brazos and that's the transition between Panhandle folks and the deep south.  The Upper south division is a line from Sherman to Mexia to Bastrop. 
The  Colorado river drainage basin marks the western boundary between wetbacks and anglos of Central Texas.
Brownsville should have a diversity mulatto, you should probably add a pajeet or chang in Dallas.
>t. Born in Hill County Texas and went to school in "Dixie" Texas.
Southern boundary I'd argue is a little north of the Oregon border. You don't find Redwoods farther north unless it's those eco-tards trying to migrate them north (they can live up north of Vancouver into BC) 
>No beaners in South-Central Idaho.
Kill yourself. That place is infested with Hondurans.
Replies: >>3183
> Is there something I should know about the shroomers and aliens in the Midwest???
Not him and i am also highly curious because a couple of very notorious stories/incidents regarding lmaos are around those very same areas although one is in the canuck side of the lake/snow.
Also needs more injuns in AZ
Replies: >>3183
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Paul's just done a video on my favorite AR rifle. Good to see him post a video.
Replies: >>3106
In some videos he looks healthy and in others he looks like he's 1 minute away from collapsing. I can't tell whether their uploads are chronological or random. 
I still hold a tiny hope in my heart that he somehow beats the cancer
Replies: >>3164
the immediate aftereffects of chemo make you look like youre about to die until you recover after a few days
I've been hoping and praying for him too.
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>Kill yourself. That place is infested with Hondurans.
but it does have a few spics nearby in inland Washington/Oregon, so I'd say that's close enough. Keep in mind, I'm not sure when exactly this was created, but given the memetic DNA, and the Orange Emperor at Mar-a-Lago in South Florida, it can't be any older than 2017; my guess is 2019.

>Also needs more injuns in AZ
but there's plenty of feather indians by the Four Corners (as it should be) along with the other rez areas like the Dakotas, Oklahoma, etc.
Again, it's not perfect, but as meme maps go it's a very useful historical reference, especially in conjunction with the American Nations map.
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Just learned that Even Wright, the writer of Generation Kill, died by suicide.
Replies: >>3240
damn, rolling stone killed himself? why?
Replies: >>3460
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Youtube is about to screw all guntubers over hard.
Replies: >>3292 >>3342 >>3461
You will own nothing, goy.
Why are they still on YouTube with no backup plan for alternatives? This has been a known issue for nearly a decade - KikeTube hates anything even remotely pro self-sufficiency.
There are and were entire video hosting sites created specifically in case jewTube bans gun content. Why have they not moved or at least set up an account on one of those? Why do they keep taking jew money from google? Slackass boomercons I tell you.
Replies: >>3369
Not enough viewers, advertisers and money on other platforms. Jewtube has a quasi-monopoly. And Twitch is just as cucked.
Now that the Russia/Ukraine thread has reach the post limit this board is effectively dead, huh?
Replies: >>4158
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Probably couldn't take the world, can't blame him really.
It's time to start backing up the data.
Replies: >>3466
If you want to save videos use, yt-dlp in a console.
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Replies: >>3753
GIF as in what you posted or is it an acronym for something else?
Replies: >>3758
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It was from the drama of pic related.
Replies: >>3776
also, I briefly checked his twitter, and he’s a typical regime journo, making extremely unfunny posts about Trump. I’d say this was justified. However, the fact that the authorities caught up with a random shitposter is a warning; glowing ones have plenty of backdoors.
Replies: >>3778
If he got caught for shitposting, it's his own fault for having shit OPSEC, like using Twitter in the first place.
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Replies: >>3908
Hillary's ass looks so fuckable on that picture.
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Malaysian Navy missile boat Pendekar
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The fuck is happening in Turkey?
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Sweden yes!
Replies: >>4087
why is swedish propaganda in english?
Replies: >>4088
Is the only language people speak.
seems like it
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>bidup and kamehameha went to an event with dup
>bidup decided to wear a duphat
>a burger goes to space with a pair of rooskies
I might be a bit late, but happy 9/11!
Replies: >>4260
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And one more pic.
Replies: >>4279
I'm starting to like Biden now that he isn't on drugs and trying to push himself to perform against someone mentally younger than himself. He's probably a child molestor, but he has a backbone when it comes to intraparty politics. He spends his days purposefully sabotaging his VP's campaign and former boss's influence, laying on the beach with his wife as someone his age should, and pulling publicity stunts that may be genuinely kindhearted now that he doesn't have to pretend he stands for things he never did before. In a more serious party, I think Biden/Bloomberg would have had a shot. I wonder if he'll make haunting art like Bush and Obama after he leaves.
Replies: >>4261 >>4262
>purposefully sabotaging his VP's campaign and former boss's influence
What's he doing? I haven't been paying attention to the burger election campaign, and I haven't even heard anything about Biden since he halted his candidacy. Given the incidental media coverage I see being 100% Kamala, I find it hard to remember he's even still President.
>He's probably a child molestor
he's 100% a pedophile, he should be dead
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I have seen Hungarians in Transkarpatia speak Russian instead of Ukrainian. Is russian just easier to speak for Hungarians or is there a political reason?
Replies: >>4294
Both of those languages are utterly alien to us, but I think the difference is that Russian is the language that was taught in schools before the fall of the USSR, and most of the Hungarian minority lives in a thin stretch of land right at the border, so they don't actually need to speak either Ukrainian or Russian in their day-to-day lives.
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There has been another assassination attempt at Trump's Palm Beach golf course. He was spotted by the SS and shot at before running away and later being captured. The guy had an unidentifiable from the available image AK like rifle with a scope and also some improvised ceramic tile armor and a go-pro hanging from the fence.
Replies: >>4305 >>4318 >>4349
Now this is an actual Russian election intervention.
Replies: >>4307
Honestly its such a poor attempt. Everything is shit from planning to gear. 
Rumoredly this guy was in trouble for unlawful possesion of full auto weapons, and yet he chose shitty ak.
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I see.
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I just retired today after 20 years. Things have been starting to fall apart and I don't trust my government anymore but I'm still tearing up. I didn't think I would be emotional but man it hurts more that I thought it would
Replies: >>4479 >>4480
Is time to live a comfy life with your wife and grandchildren, anon.
Replies: >>4512
Sorry you had to leave under such circumstances anon. Things will get better some day though.
Replies: >>4512
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>fish tank
>has no treads
Thanks anons
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>At one point, an officer walked into an MRI room, past a sign warning that metal was prohibited inside, with his rifle “dangling… in his right hand, with an unsecured strap,” the lawsuit said. The MRI machine’s magnetic force then allegedly sucked his rifle across the room, pinning it against the machine. MRI machines are tube-shaped scanners that use incredibly strong magnetic fields to create images of the brain, bones, joints and other internal organs.
>An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit.
Replies: >>4665
I'm still kicking. Been busy - my wife had our third baby this year. The latest version of "A World Turned Upside-Down" I did is 2.2.0, but the drive I was keeping my extra info on is KIA (including two nearly-finished chapters that I was drafting), so I'll have to rewrite them from memory whenever I get the chance.

A World Turned Upside-Down 2.2.0.pdf {15.3 MB}
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Replies: >>4765
>according to the lawsuit
Oh snap
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1988's Tiger on the Beat, triad vs. cop movie directed by a notorious chinese martial arts instructor and choreographer. Conceptually he always picked a theme for the fight scenes in each movie, usually with the plot being considered almost a minor detail used as an excuse to make the fighting "justifiable" like a videogame should be
In this movie he picked mid-80's Hong Kong as a setting and contemporary objects and weapons, like guns, jalopy cars, cheap fireworks and most notably in the final melee scene, chainsaws.
Russian fighter jet buzzes US warplane off the coast of Alaska last week
Vidya: https://twitter.com/TheInsiderPaper/status/1840780657737253344

Ths soundtrack:
Replies: >>4783
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Replies: >>4815
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Is that a F-16 cockpit?
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The U.S. Navy’s Missile Production Problem Looks Dire
>Aclassic tale of the Pentagon acquisition “doom loop” goes something like this: take 20 years to finally get a product delivered to the warfighter and a humming manufacturing line up and running, then cancel the existing weapons system—typically in favor of some better technology coming along in the pipeline but not yet ready for production prime time, attempt to start a new replacement program that gets bogged down in requirements debates, design and engineering delays, and itself eventually gets axed for the next-next program that also never arrives on time or at scale for the 1.3-million person active duty military.
>In the meantime, everything gets older, more expensive to maintain, and the fleets and inventories of all the services shrink to the point where missions are no longer achievable due to lack of munitions or platforms.
>The latest case-in-point is the U.S. Navy’s standard missile, a workhorse of current global operations. Amidst high mission tempo to keep global sea-lanes open against Houthi attacks and ongoing exercises to deter aggression elsewhere, the Navy is facing a critical shortfall in air defense missiles.
>The Navy’s Standard Missile (SM) program forms the backbone of its air and missile defenses, providing advanced capabilities to protect ships and support joint military operations. The missile program includes several variants, each with specific roles, including:
>Standard Missile-2: Missile capable of defending the fleet by intercepting enemy aircraft and missiles, introduced in 1981.
>Standard Missile-3 Block IB: An improved missile with better accuracy and capability to hit ballistic missiles.
>Standard Missile-3 Block IIA: Enhanced missile with a larger warhead and advanced seeker, offering greater range and effectiveness against advanced missile threats.
>Standard Missile-6: The newest variant of the Standard Missile, designed to be next workhorse for Navy cruise and ballistic missile defense and is better able to defend against hypersonic threats.
>Given the spending constraints of President Biden’s proposed fiscal year (FY) 2025 budget, however, the Pentagon moved to terminate SM-3 Block IB production in order to “favor” production of the SM-3 Block IIA.
>But the only sure bet is the cancelation of the older missile without that promised increase in purchases of the newer one.
>Pentagon budget documents highlight the inaccuracy of this tall tale whose consequences will fall squarely on those in uniform. The FY 2025 defense budget proposal does not include any increase in planned SM-3 Block IIA interceptors to offset the SM-3 Block IB reductions.
>Compared to the previous year’s projections, the 2025 White House defense budget cuts previously planned procurement of SM-3 IB over the next five years from 153 to zero—saving $1.9 billion. However, these savings are not reinvested in SM-3 Block IIA production, of which quantities remain stagnant at 12 missiles annually over the next five years.
>Twelve missiles. Per year.
>According to recent press reports, planned purchasing quantities of the Block IIA are just a third of what was planned for the Block IB—meaning that the Navy’s future interceptor stockpile will be much smaller than originally anticipated. 
>This inadequate order of a dozen missiles per annum is slightly rectified by a projected ramp up in SM-6 procurement, of which the Navy has requested 125 for next year. Though SM-6 procurement is expected to increase to 300 missiles by 2029, these procurement quantities still pale in comparison to those of the past. For example, in 1985 alone, President Reagan requested 1,380 SM-2s—over 10 times this administration’s Standard Missile request.
>Additionally, projections are one thing; money down on contracts is another. If the Pentagon wants to send the right signal to industry to invest and ramp up production—changing planned buys of the SM-3 Block IIAs is the wrong move to make. This chronic preference for smaller procurement quantities based off faulty munitions requirements have resulted in a less than adequate stockpile of these crucial air defense missiles.
>While Washington is slowly waking up, dollars don’t match words. In a recent hearing discussing the Navy’s munition shortage, Secretary Del Toro emphasized that “Given the future threat and our deterrence mission… we are going to need more SM-3s in the future.” Additionally, Missile Defense Agency Director Lt. Gen. Collins spoke recently on the Navy’s ability to deal with forecasted threats, emphasizing his concern “…with the capacity and our ability to support with enough SM-3 Block IIAs in the moving forward.”
>Short-sighted efforts to cut weapons and munitions procurement are often threatened in Washington by the time-honored tradition that the enemy gets a vote. The Houthis do not adhere to the Pentagon’s purchasing timetables. Iran’s recent massive missile barrage on Israel, which American Navy SM-3 missiles blunted, has woefully illustrated that modern wars require deep stockpiles.
If Pentagon leaders are aware of these essential missile shortfalls, so are our enemies. Nowhere is this more evident than China’s rapid expansion and investment in its missile forces. According to the Defense Department, China now fields the largest rocket force in the world and has stockpiles of thousands of missiles in reserve, all as part of a strategy to mass fires and overwhelm U.S. warships in a potential conflict.
>Nor does it take a sophisticated peer enemy to rapidly deplete America’s stockpiles and war reserves. As recently demonstrated by its attack against Israel, Iran is estimated to have over 3,000 ballistic missiles at its disposal for strikes against American military assets and allies across the Middle East.
>To rectify chronic shortfalls and bolster our interceptor stockpile, Congress must act to reverse the Navy’s decision and fully restore SM-3 Block IB production to levels called for last year until the missile can be adequately replaced by alternatives. Additionally, policymakers must work to continue bolstering current funding efforts to maximize production on existing SM-3 IIA and SM-6 production. An outgunned Navy will not be able to deter aggressors and could invite the very wars it seeks to prevent as a result.
Replies: >>4867
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Imagine USNavy needing to buy missiles from its allies. Hahaha.
Replies: >>4870
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Imagine Puccia needing to buy ancient missiles from its ex colonies.
Anyone know if Risky Chrisky has his videos up anywhere? After his jewtube channel got wiped he moved to rumble, but now thats gone too, complete with a "410 error", meaning "the resource was purposely removed and is permanently unavailable".
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>The Royal NZ Navy ship’s HMNZS Manawanui sank this morning after running aground on a reef near the southern coast of Upolu, Samoa, last night and catching fire
Replies: >>5038
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Couldn't find one pic of putin eating cake.
We are losing moe ships in peacetime than russia does during the war
Replies: >>5039
moe ships?
Replies: >>5045
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Did you know the P90 TR has two built in backup iron sights on each side of the top rail? Me neither, I just learned about them.
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Moe ships.
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Replies: >>5075 >>5076 >>5079
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>when you are so hideously and blatantly evil that you even make atheist communists go into deus vult mode
When the gov in charge of selling organs from kidnapped grandpas whose crime was doing yoga say a dude is the son of Satan, you know you are bad
Seems they never forgave him for the number he did on the Asian economies in the 90s.
What are the best calibres for slaughtering livestock?
Replies: >>5153 >>5173
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Replies: >>5155
I would say 50cal and 20mm but livestock is such a wide term and might include chickens that would just get evaporated if hit by one of these.
Replies: >>5156 >>5173
Here's my theory:
The bullet was standing up on the surface where he was going to sit, the acorn fell from a tree, bounced the right way to get in the way of his ass and got pushed into the tip by his weight and then its irregular round shape deviated the bullet/acorn now joined in one piece and prevented the bullet from entering his anus. Wouldn't have killed him, but it might've caused injuries bad enough to ruin his life, so you could say it saved his life.
Poultry is slaughtered by neck cuts or piercing the brain with a tool, you don't need funs for that.
There used to be an alternate history thread on /k/, so I'll ask this here. What do you think would have happened if 80 to 95 percent of the nuclear material at Chernobyl exploded in 1986?
Replies: >>5170
By exploded, I meant "blew up into the environment".
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>What are the best calibres for slaughtering livestock?
What caliber is this?
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Why Europe Is Unprepared to Defend Itself
Replies: >>5312 >>5354
America and the EU are beyond delusional if they believe South European countries care about Russia. 
Spain, Italy, Greece and even Turkey won't give a single bullet to the westerners, and rightfully so. They have their own shit to deal with, they don't care about muh russia
Replies: >>5317
It's always been iffy if article 5 would be honoured by all signitaries from the very start tbf.
Replies: >>5318
>iffy if article 5
Turkey is the only real wild card here. But otherwise all the consequential members did show up to bomb Sadam in earnest, as I believe they would against Russia. (we can ignore all the parking lots/trolling outposts - Albanias, Latvias and such)
Replies: >>5319 >>5326
>parking lots
The question is also if Finland/Sweden/Norway combined can be a large enough force in being, or if they can take Arkhangelsk and Murmansk.
Locking the Baltic sea fleet and overrunning Königsberg should be the easy part (assuming Poland and the baltic gas stops don't get immediately overrun).

I get the feeling that Romania can be tempted to remain neutral for Moldovia and parts of Ukraine in this theoretical Operation Unthinkable.
Replies: >>5342
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palestine and congo briscks Kazan.
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Navy Identifies Two Aviators Who Died in Growler Crash
>The EA-18G Growler crashed last week in a remote area, described as a steep, heavily wooded area east of Mount Rainier. The location of the crash site, described as a “snow-covered, wilderness environment,” made it difficult for the Navy to conduct search and rescue efforts, which turned to recovery efforts on Sunday.
>The Growler, from the “Zappers” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 130, crashed at 3:20 p.m. Pacific time Tuesday during a routine training flight, according to a Tuesday Navy release. The Navy located the crash site on Friday.
No there were real worries about France during the cold war and even now while some members are completely committed due to ideological or more pragmatic reasons. I still think it will be hit or miss  who commits to a war against Russia.
Very easy to commit to a war you're not on the immediate frontline of.
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The fuck am I seeing /k/?
>if Finland/Sweden/Norway combined can be a large enough force
It may be a moot question because nords are not going to be opening that front in isolation, it would be along with the rest of NATO, which means nuclear winter is coming.
Ignoring nukes for a minute, their population is 22 million combined and if we add the gas station attendants it's pretty comparable to Ukraine, nothing to sneeze at for sure. It would be a very different type of engagement than the WW1 throwback we were seeing in Ukraine. Norway and Sweden yes have actual air and naval forces, but I think they'll be seething hard from UAVs.
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Insane Clown Posse Endorse Kamala Harris
>In what surely comes as a heartbreaking disappointment to Donald Trump, Insane Clown Posse’s Violent J has endorsed Kamala Harris for president.
>"[I pay taxes] the fucking anus, and I’m happy about it," says Violent J
If you still had any doubts about clown world... This is literally clown world.
Replies: >>5345 >>5354
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>Speaking with comedian Troy Iwata for a recent segment on The Daily Show, Violent J confirmed that Harris is his preferred pick for the White House, saying “I want her to win because she’s a Democrat, and I love my mom.”
>Elsewhere in the interview, he learned how to pronounce Harris’ first name — calling it “fresh” — and weighed in on a number of hot-topic issues, like mass deportation, which he said “fuck no” to. “Now I remember why I hated Trump, that wall shit,” he said.
I read this inane drivel and thought it was satire, so I decided to look up the "interview". Not only is it real but leftists aren't even seeing how stupid this is, they seem to think that there's some eloquence to be found on the ramblings of this mouthbreathing mandrill.
Replies: >>5349 >>5350
Birds of a feather flock together. And it's true, these musicians are far more eloquent than your average dunce. America 2024.
These juggalo "people" have been brain-fried libtards since the inception of their trashy subculture. Their entire message is that sex, drugs and high fructose corn syrup are an allegory for christianity somehow. Consider these dysgenic morons are from Detroit. Of course they're too stupid to make well-reasoned judgments.
Just suck enough dick in the hopes they pull the feds off you if you support the "right" side.
Armored fighting vehicles and surface warships are pointless anyway. No doubt Europe has learned nothing from this war and would have their assets grouped together to be take out by drone strikes. After all, the NATO trained Ukrainians are doing fuckall and it seems the Ukrainians have to train the west in the new fighting tactics.
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If getting shot at by police wasn't enough for burgerfags. You now have to worry about the military too because lmao what Posse Comitatus Act?
Replies: >>5417 >>5419 >>5541
Fedniggers must realize most of the population hates them so badly that rebellion is now a real threat. Otherwise the implicit threat of the national guard would be enough for mass unrest.
Replies: >>5541
This isn't anything new. 5240.01 here applies specifically to intelligence personnel, so all it's really saying is "it's okay for the spooks to feed intel to soldiers and cops (but I repeat myself) even if deadly force could result, as long as it meets the criteria in 5210.56 E2.

The real issue is that directive. In theory it restricts troops to non- or less-than lethal weapons and tactics unless three critera are met: they don't have or can't reasonably use them, lethal weapons aren't more likely to harm innocents, and they're used to prevent loss of national security assets, DoD personnel or law enforcement. The problem or course is that last one. "Oh, someone took a shot at the riot cops? Snipers, weapons free!"

But that doc goes back to 2001, when the deep state takeover really kicked off. 5240.01 just says the spooks get to help kill American citizens on US soil too.
Replies: >>5541
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Replies: >>5435
The author is a lefty faggot with a nonsense degree who spends all day on twitter. Call of Duty players are more knowledgeable about weapons than he is.
Replies: >>5436
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Gentlemen, election time. 

USA Today , LA Times and even The Washington Post have all refused to endorse any candidate in the presidential election - something unseen since the 70's.
Polls say Trump is "just ahead" (yeah and Hillary will win with 99% of the vote LOL). I know Trump isnt the best possible option, but I feel that if he wins, he will set the stage for our Julius Caesar/Augustus moment. All he needs to do is buy America some time.

It's been an honor to serve with you- keep the last edition of our book handy somewhere if there's no chance to complete it, and I'll see you all on the beach.  

A World Turned Upside-Down 2.2.1.pdf
> https://files.catbox.moe/fmex1l.pdf
(8.2 MB)
Replies: >>5543

You guys didn't hear about FM 3-19.15 and AR 210-35 ??? SOMEONE is going to have run the gulags, and it won't be anyone with a soyaccino in their hand.
I'm ready to die for Israel under Trump.
I'm ready to die for Israel under Kamala.
Replies: >>5550
More fool you if you joined the military after 2010 or so.

And if Trump or anyone starts more shit for Jsrael and they bring back the draft, just use those guns you're so proud of and shoot the recruiters. 

Replies: >>5555
>Posting a link
Webm or gtfo.
Replies: >>5745
>State & Federal Results in Blue Earth County 
>Republican 	Donald J. Trump and JD Vance 	18,002 	49.40%
>Democratic-Farmer-Labor 	Kamala D. Harris and Tim Walz 	17,558 	48.18%
Good going Tim. That's Timmy's home turf for the last two decades.
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Replies: >>5630
>record scratch
>freeze frame
>yup, this is me
>you're probably wondering how I ended up like this
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This looks stupid, I love it!
Replies: >>5665 >>5674
Is the indi.ca blog a meme?
In spite of his bizarre disdain for N*zis I like the author's pure Indonesia man "Chinese are sexual Jews"-esque energy, only directed at actual IDF kikes on vacation kiking up Sri Lankan beaches to the disdain of the endemic muslim population, and his postings regarding the US Military-Deindustrialization Complex largely mirror Strelok sentiment over the past few years.
Replies: >>5658
I have never heard of it before, but it's always nice to read something I can agree with.
I feel like using a roomba would have the same effect while being cheaper.
Just shy of Fresh Fruits tier.
>Webm or gtfo.
First: wasted numbers. Shame on you.

Second, it's a website, not a video.
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Dreamed there was a small white mushroom cloud in the horizon at night, in which i saw a sustained faint flash or light beforehand which "bent" or moved like a mirage or water, blue-ish or purple in nature, stars also seemed to slightly move around after it which i suppose was a "shock wave" that moved clouds or something and distorted the air.
The sonic boom was hard but took way too long to be heard as i recall people were already running to their cars after taking cover and realizing nothing would reach us as it was too far, like 3 or 4 minutes.
Horizon was south, around Maricopa/Pinal/Pima counties of Arizona, USA. Was checking a band at a small arena in some public park that had high seats, way past 20:00 to near midnight, i was with a buddy i see only once or twice a year in the same dates so next time will be around mid-December. 

A little before hand in the dream i was in a public event in a park (perhaps the same) at daytime. A little later i went out to somewhere else and a bunch of people, including me, walked out in intertwined arms almost dragging each other and i was doing it with a cute curvy girl really into it, dressed in black with a red cotton coat... so don't worry you guys if i was touching a gril nothing will happen in the Southwest US near midnight around the second to third week of December.
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>Syrian Civil War Part 2: The Bidening kicks off
>/k/'s PPD and user numbers crater, even the shills are gone
I think an actual ongoing war caused fatigue even amongst us. It's hard to post about anything but the war, but it's also hard to post anything about the war, because there is a torrent of information even on days when barely anything is happening. It's just hard, man, I watch Dima's daily updates and then just go on with my day as the meat grinder keeps turning.
Replies: >>5825
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The Sinaloa Cartel civil war in Northern Mexico has taken another interesting step, 2 months after imposing a night time and pickup truck curfew in Sinaloa's capital city and smaller places following the still-puzzling arrest/surrender of the two head honchos to the US, the skirmishes have introduced yesterday the first reported time a small transport airplane has attacked surface targets with a fucking rocket pod.

In an attempt to one-up the opposing group with cooler weapons it seems the urban hitmen faction (The Shorties) have mounted a rocket pod from who knows where onto a high-wing Cessna and attacked targets of the rural paramilitary faction of the cartel (The Mayos) in the outskirts of a mountain range city supposed to be a crop hub. At this point if the other faction starts using Cessnas too this will escalate into old timey red baron dogfights, or car bombs in the city Colombian-style.
Replies: >>5818
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We have lost so much...
All the designs from ww2 are open source now, there is nothing stopping cartels from building spitfires in a garage.
>all the shills
All? Not all!
I just came back here after a long vacation to laugh at all of you shitskin worshipers.
>I think an actual ongoing war caused fatigue even amongst us. It's hard to post about anything but the war
You mean the special "protect the mongoloid motherland" operation that's been ongoing for 6 months now?
Your forum is full of schizos making crazy predictions and get buttblasted when things go the other way really far. Enjoy that cognitive dissonant. And just to pacify you, let me pretend like your favorite Boogeyman outsider for a second.

Cope. Seethe. Fellate. A shotgun.
Replies: >>5836
>six months
What's habbedinges in Worst Korea?
Replies: >>5849
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The fuck is happening in worst korea? Are the 3DPD goddess doing something?
Replies: >>5849 >>5857 >>5862
Days after having talks with Ukraine's representatives from the Ministry of Defense it seems the PM Yoon declared martial law because it was discovered his opposing party was gommunist, and that there were "north korean forces amidst" 
Soldiers and police anti-riot units block the parliament and slap protesters, general in charge of the martial law proclaimed all media assets trying to act cool and rebel will be removed forcefully... somehow parliament got to vote and lifted the martial law unanimously.

Souljas and bolice proceed to leave, Yoon says that he well lift the law if parliament wants to even when they already voted and are also making papers for impeachment. Also cold realization by civilians that the soldiers were not there to protect them.
Replies: >>5850
>Also cold realization by civilians that the soldiers were not there to protect them.
Hoi polloi will never learn, will they?
Replies: >>5851
Mass democracy is malicious slow torture for peasants.
Spoiler File
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From another angle.
One of the rare cases when leaders of a country in a cold war lose their nerves? 
My bet is on intentional market manipulation.
In the end we dont have enough information to know what happened and can only speculate.

I have not been so hard ever since Progozhins ride to Moscow.
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What did he do?
Was a spiritual jew.
Replies: >>5873
Looks like a professional hit though. It's plausible that some faction of ZOG was in on it.
Replies: >>5876
There sure isn't a lot of discussion about weapons in a board supposedly about them.
>professional hit
Well, he is a shitty assasin that gets his gun jammed a million times.
Replies: >>5878 >>5884
He made the left suddenly and abruptly support 2A.
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Doesn't using a suppressor like that make it harder to properly cycle a round because it absorbs most of the gas?
Replies: >>5880
Why not use a revovler then?
Replies: >>5885
Someone at tvch mentioned an interesting theory, if subsonic rounds were used perhaps they were underpowered enough not to move the slider hence having to chamber each round.
>shitty assasin
He certainly could've made a quick sprint and shot him behind the head up close, and then 2 more to make sure it's ogre and haul ass, would've been quicker but at the end he got away with it which is by far the hardest part of amateur live target shooting olympics.

Also it seems he missed a couple of times and hit meat rather than organs, CEO dude died supposedly because he bled out, was shot several times in the calves and not the body. Fella was raised in Iowa by normal rural parents working industrial farm, got good at school, studied administration with outstanding grades, worked as auditor, got to be CEO and died like many would expect a jew to go.
Hitman was probably an irate dude who got screwed and was mad enough to take action, or a glownigger who was tasked to take out the guy in charge of Medicare as amateurishly as possible.
Replies: >>5888
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Replies: >>5886 >>5892
Just use an 1895 Nugget. The gas seal makes it the perfect hitman weapon.
Why even bother using a supressor in NYC? Not like anyone would even notice if you didn't.
Replies: >>5889
this is also true for LA, Chicago, Detroit, Philly
Media's now reporting that the words "deny", "depose" and "defend" were carved into the casings
Replies: >>5893
Just don't use it underwater, baka.
Reminds me of the three Gladiators defending Malta in ww2. Propaganda never seems to change.

If true though and done poorly it could be our cause of jam.
Replies: >>5914
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>What did he do?
Someone probably got fucked over by health insurance. This is a rare occasion when the public reaction on reddit is pretty based, comments are stone cold and funny:
>My vision care isn't covered
>Sorry, computer says no.
>A man is dead, and no one really cares. Huh. Sounds like business as usual for United Health isn't it? 
>Why do the cops need help? This should be easy to solve. They just need to find the guy screwed over by his health insurance provider, and that's the likely culprit. many such cases
>Sorry my plan doesn't cover giving fucks.
>The claim for my condolences have been denied.
>Gilded age problems require gilded age solutions
>CEO's death insurance claim DENIED because he had a pre-existing vulnerability to bullets.
>Snitches get stitches only if they’re pre-authorized and in-network
>Thoughts and Prayers
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You're not kidding.
Replies: >>5898 >>5984
If he is just some guy, and not a professional, then, if I still believed in the USA Constitution, I would have to give him big credit for exercising the 2A against tyranny better than most Americans ever will.
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Well, I hope the normalfags start killing the vaccine pushing CEOs and board of directors.
Replies: >>5900 >>5914
>Well, I hope the normalfags start killing the vaccine pushing CEOs and board of directors.
LMAO is if that will ever happen, more likely the normies will pretend to be sorry and cower back to their government for "protection".
The normies will never do anything that the system does endorse for them, their entire lifes are based around complience and denial, they can never be anything other than what is told them to be because they are too weak and stupid and most of all unwilling to ever think or act for themselfs.
Anyway why is this significant anyhow, just seems another random hit like any other day.
Replies: >>5906 >>5911 >>5912
>Wage slave at Walgreens for a living.
>Like to brush off angry customers by thinking "If you're such a tough guy, then take it up with the CEO's causing two people to do a four person job."
>Someone does just that.
Normalfags is the wrong word, but if a country of 380 million has 2% non-NPCs and half of those decide to do something at a success rate of 15%, that's 570,000 dead CEOs. Not even the most cynical can brush that off.

>just seems another random hit like any other day.
A nobody killing a powerful richfag is pretty out of the ordinary.
Replies: >>5910
>A nobody killing a powerful richfag is pretty out of the ordinary.
inb4 someone else says "The richfag has already been replaced. His death doesn't matter. Business as usual continues."
Ah, the same "business as usual" disdain for all human life that likely provoked this nobody to bag a Corporate Overlord? Impressive. He has killed more of his enemies than I have, ngl. If he gets caught, then prison could be a lateral move for him rather than a vertical one. What do I know about these things, but I suppose assassinating a de facto Federal politician has to count for something in prison.
Replies: >>5912
>The normies will never do anything, their entire lifes are based around complience and denial
>Anyway why is this significant anyhow, just seems another random hit 
>too weak and stupid and most of all unwilling to ever think or act
Are your reading yourself buddy? and normies rather than normalfags? get the fuck outta here newfag
>Anyway why is this significant anyhow, just seems another random hit like any other day.
The significant part is the public reaction or outright celebration of this. I can't quite recall anything like it, Americans didn't react as much when Obama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein were killed, this guy is automatically a greater villain (even though 99% of people likely never heard his name before).

The "ruling class" will be spooked by this, spending on private security will grow exponentially, the "new gilded age" and "french revolution 2.0" meme magic is taking hold.

>If he gets caught, then prison could be a lateral move for him rather than a vertical one.
The cherry on top here would be the guy getting caught, tried for murder, and going free by jury nullification.
>If true though and done poorly it could be our cause of jam.
Maybe. Also the gun - assuming it's a semiauto - wasn't tuned for the large suppressor, on >>5899 you can see he's cycling each round manually and from the first shot he's not even expecting it to cycle fully.
>rebels gunning for Homs now 
what the actual fuck, how SAA got so rekt? How in the fuck did they obtain enough materiel to perform this sort of blitz? were there sleeper cells sabotaging troops in Aleppo? What the actual fuck is goijg on ?
Replies: >>5916 >>5918 >>5926
Apparently the SAA is abandoning so many cities to A: Limit civilian casualties in those areas that would otherwise be caught in urban warfare crossfire. And B: Put everything into the defense of Damascus.

For myself, the spooky What If is whether or not Iran gets directly involved, and not just their proxies. Iran says its ready to deploy the Iranian military into Syria, and is waiting on a request from the Syrian government. Did Iran say something similar the last time Israel tried to Mossad the Assad?
Replies: >>5917
Jordan and Egypt told Assad to bail because the rebel forces are just too big according to their sources, Armored units are defecting too.
Seems like a US/Israel-led project to create a buffer war zone to avoid an all-out invasion into Israel. This can only end in a very prolonged conflict.
Replies: >>5918 >>5923 >>5936
>what the actual fuck, how SAA got so rekt? 
By being a snowniggerland's Ayyrab pawn. Imagine siding with the commies after they wrecked your country for decades.

<it's all my favorite boogiemen at play
Imagine being this delusional when Syria already makes too many enemies for being a massive shithole.
Replies: >>5922
>it's all my favorite boogiemen at play
Israel and the US literally bombed Syria some days ago, this will be my final reply to you
Replies: >>5924
Yeah but these cities are viable resources. What does prevent the rebels from conscripting every adult male in Aleppo at gunpoint?
Also do note that rebels are perfectly positioned to allow Izrael to buttfuck SAA at a moments notice. 
Rebels really should not have access to so much shit, I think this might be the same as start of russo-ukrainian war, overblown push with nothing to support it.
You can't prove they're leading the project, which you claimed first.
When your shithole is so bad that the government survives off drug profits while sending many of their citizens off their borders, many locals are dying to destroy that government. Don't blame foreigners when your locals want to dethrone an incompetent leader, especially one that has been ruling for decades. You deserve this, you snowniggers pawn.
Replies: >>5925 >>5926 >>5928
Yeah no it's a western project.
Replies: >>5927
Supposedly the Roach and Mossad showered them in Drones and Ukrainian instructors while Putlermonke dindu nuthin, kinda like what happened with Armenia.
Unlike HTS, Syria at least has a government.
Ah, a fellow advocate for diversity.
Replies: >>5927
>can't provide a proof
>just doubles down on a silly claim
Your loss Ahmed.

>Putlermonke dindu nuthin
Exactly why countries are dying to join NATO. With NATO at least you got a semblance of a working defence treaty while Puccia will just take your monies and ignore your call to help. Snowniggerland is nothing more than a giant leech. Expensive it may be, even Israel successfully bombs targets in place of the US.

>Unlike HTS, Syria at least has a government
<unlike a rebel group trying to build a newer government, Syria has a dysfunctional government
Is what you sound like right now.

>Ah, a fellow advocate for diversity.
Look at the mirror, pinko Kuffar. You never kicked out Kurds from your territory and surprised that they rebelled when you treat them horribly.
Replies: >>5932
>When your shithole is so bad that the government survives off drug profits while sending many of their citizens off their borders, many locals are dying to destroy that government
Don't see that in Mexico and it didn't happen in Colombia, so nice try yid
>You can't prove they're leading the project
I can, they are supporting "civilian" rebel movements with sophisticated weaponry (bomber jets) without a previous diplomatic prompt or with due time to study and predict their movements. Such coordination is implausible without meddling directly into the tactic making which is an upper echelon thing.
Replies: >>5938
My proof is your salt.
Replies: >>5935 >>5938
>That gut feeling that you're correct because your opponent is losing his shit.
>the rebel forces are just too big according to their sources
Didn't this occur during the last major part of the Syrian war? ISIS zerg rushed from the south and took a shit load of territory only to flounder later?
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Imagine trying to gaslight anyone that USrael isn't directly supporting the ((( moderate rebels ))).
Let alone here.
Replies: >>5941
>Don't see that in Mexico and it didn't happen in Colomb
Because they have a functional government?

>I can, they are supporting "civilian" rebel movements with sophisticated weaponry (bomber jets) without a previous diplomatic prompt or with due time to study and predict their movements
So you're blaming the US of things that other non-Arab countries can and should have done?

I'm drinking your tears ever since they took Homs.
Replies: >>5939
You came here to laugh, but win or lose, you share the same grave as us in the end.
Replies: >>5940
>same grave as us in the end.
Yeah no. I'll be sipping tea in Bahrain while seeing you Puccian pawns getting owned like it's the cold war. Serves you right for being in the wrong "alliance".
Replies: >>5942
Anti-semitisum is not allowed in this board, racist.
>I'll be rich!
You will own nothing, and you will be 'happy.'
>As soon as Syria falls, expect a great war between the West and the East. In the spring, a war in the East will begin, and there will be a Third World War. A war in the East that will destroy the West.
>Syria will fall at the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the one.
Baba Vanga was just schizo trolling, right guys?
Replies: >>5944 >>5956
I have no idea, but someone who actually follows the situation should make a new thread.
Replies: >>5945
Too late, its over.
Replies: >>5947
Oh God now Iran must get involved to protect Hezzbolah. 
And Trump is president
We are going to war with Iran
Replies: >>5947 >>5950
Every ending is a new beginning.
>Damascus fell
>Assad fled
And I haven't booked my flight to Bahrain yet. Oh wow. Sasuga Puccia-sponsored pinko Arabs.
This nigga salty.
Replies: >>5951
>Hamas and Hezbollah does joint attack on Israel
<It's the Hollercauster 2nd coming Aloha snackbar & Praise lord Jesus!
>Israel gets a tiny fraction of the Holocaust death count while dealing multiple times more

>Israel pwns Gaza while the entire world opposes it on paper
<lel just wait until all Arab states join the war against Israel, it'll be gone soon!
>Only Iran, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon entered the bloodring

>Israel kills important towelhead hiding in Irann by surprise attacks
<lel Iran will retaliate many times as hard and Israel will fall soon
>death count by Iranian missile doesn't even reach hundreds, no open war happened

>Israel attacks Syria
<Israel starts war with too many countries, more hollercaust soon comrade 
>Syria falls

How many wrong predictions will you come up again, mongoloid cuc/k/s?
>projecting this hard
It sucks to be on the wrong side on history innit?
kikes have apparently assassinated Assad.
Replies: >>5954 >>5957
Total ISIS victory.
Replies: >>5955
more than likely turkey, the us and israel will squabble over Syria and fighting will continue in the region for another decade.
Replies: >>5957
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In good news, we will get to see a lot more combat footage from syria
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I just hope Assad will get out alive, or if that is not possible, then he should grab an AK and die in a last stand. Dying in a plane crash is too boring.
Replies: >>5959
I agree, after the legendary Gadhafi and Saddam endings, the Prigozhin ending would be boring for Assad
Well on the bright side I fully expect the "rebels" to start infighting and the the media to completely pretend it didn't support them when they start killing US soldiers.
Replies: >>5961
Fortunately, now that Assad is gone, the moderate rebels will establish a fair and peaceful democracy.
Replies: >>5963
Turkroaches being a plague to the world once again
Right, although it's a shame that all those rocket engineers and neurosurgeons who were propping up the economy of Europe will go home now.
>Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his family are in Moscow under asylum, Russian news agencies say
Replies: >>5965 >>5972
Well played
Replies: >>5966 >>5972
>your ally suddenly BTFO'd, has to run for life
<Well played
not really
Israel has moved their troops fully into Golan Heights, formally annexing them, while U.S. and Israeli jets are bombing scientific research centers in Damascus.
Turkey has now claimed rebel Kurd troops to be belligerent and are now waging war to "reclaim" those territories.
God is asleep.
Replies: >>5968 >>5973 >>6005
 WWIII is go it seems.
Replies: >>5969
Nothing ever happens
Replies: >>5970 >>5971
>Nothing ever happens
when you never leave mom's basement.
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>Nothing ever happens
hmmm... do i click that link?
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Weren't the moderate Islamists supposed to be the good goys in this conflict, or are Yids just blowing shit up to satiate their inherent bloodlust?
Replies: >>5976
>are Yids just blowing shit up to satiate their inherent bloodlust?
Basically this, almost always

Supposedly they are murdering former syrian security forces executives who stayed for peaceful transition other than the prime minister, Israel bombed all relevant air force resources and allegedly destroyed the entire MIG fleet.
Turk Fake Syrian Army fought the Kurd Syrian Forces outside Aleppo, officially starting the new season of rebel in-fighting, leading to kurd forces getting the stick.
Replies: >>5977
I'm looking forward to this much vaunted transitional governement to collapse as the coalition of powers organised by outside forces scramble against one another for table scraps and a whole new round of blood letting begins.
A McDonald's employee tipped the cops about a dude being probably the guy and the said dude got arrested. Seems things are checking out so based embassy worker got a highly-sought after criminal arrested.
Let's all go to Mickie D's tonight
Replies: >>5981
A suspect has been arrested at a McDonalds in Altoona, Pennsylvania, apparently following a tip from an employee. Reports state that he had in his possession both his real ID and the fake one he used at the hotel, the mask he wore during the shooting, $8000, a suppressor, a 3D-printed spooky scary GHOST GUN, and a printed manifesto. He had changed his clothes into a different outfit and jacket that looked similar but not quite identical to the ones he allegedly wore for the shooting.
The police have not offered any explanation for why the fuck he would be carrying these things around a week later. Reminder that Lee Harvey Oswald also inexplicably had the fake ID he used to buy the gun in his possession when he was arrested, despite it being eight months since that purchase.
In his arraignment at court, the suspect insistent on his innocence and denied being in possession of at least some of these items, so it doesn't sound like a "wants to be caught" situation (which wouldn't make sense anyway, because you can hardly expect the police to publish the manifesto for you).
He has been denied bail.

Also, his backpack was found in Central Park two days after the shooting. For a couple days police were not stating its contents, before they eventually revealed that it contained Monopoly money. The police have not offered any explanation for how a backpack could last two days abandoned in New York without being stolen. The police have, however, argued that because the backpack claims to be "Faraday shielded", it is proof that he's a sophisticated criminal.
>Let's all go to Mickie D's tonight
The location's been carpet bombed with 1 star reviews, many mentions of "rat problems":
Not that it changes anything but still funny.
>so it doesn't sound like a "wants to be caught" situation
But... he put on the mask, in NYC, and then everyone cared who he was. No, getting caught was part of his plan.
>The police have not offered any explanation for how a backpack could last two days abandoned in New York without being stolen.
First I laughed. Then I realized that's sketchy as fuck. Now I'm starting to wonder if this guy they arrested is a patsy, or an actor. The inhabitants of Fun City would steal a hot stove and go back for the smoke.  Claiming someone put something down for ten seconds without a Diverse Urban Yoot(tm) yoinking it instantly and trying to trade it for a rock of crack cocaine, and not only asking the public to believe this but making it the centerpiece of their criminal case, is so brazen that boggles my tiny childlike little mind.
Replies: >>5983 >>5984
Yeah I don't think anyone is buying this story. The authorities are full of shit.
Replies: >>5984
I got curious and also checked what plebbit was saying about the acquittal of that Penny guy in the NYC subway case, since it's the sort of thing that would have BLM peaceful protest potential if it had been in the summer.
Support for his acquittal was basically unanimous, and the general consensus was "of course a New York jury acquitted him. They have to ride those subways too."

To be clear, the backpack in Central Park was not the one with all the incriminating evidence. As far as I know it just had the Monopoly money, plus the jacket he wore for the shooting before he allegedly disguised himself by changing into one that looked the same except for the location of the pockets.
Replies: >>5985
>To be clear, the backpack in Central Park was not the one with all the incriminating evidence.
I understood what you meant. The accused having all that evidence allegedly on his person means that either he's a complete fucking idiot hard to believe with how much effort he went to OR it's a setup and the guy had nothing to do with it.
What's the next step of Israel's master plan?
Replies: >>5991 >>5996 >>6005
>Plan your hit meticulously for months
>Print a gun, put a suppressor and use sub-sonic ammo 
>Casual but stealthy clothing
>Fake ID's and manifesto, for some reason
>Do the hit successfully despite not aiming well in the ordeal, also get away with it against all odds

>Bro you know what, i need some Mickie D's
I know it's a meme but i would think many initiated people would know McDonald's are, no joke, an unofficial embassy/gov asset like Walmart is, why the fuck would step into one when escaping.
I was laughing hard but the fact he was caught with everything he used in the hit makes me believe he was either going to hit again or this is all a bullshit parade.
Replies: >>5988 >>5991
>many initiated people would know McDonald's are, no joke, an unofficial embassy/gov asset like Walmart is
Care to elaborate?
Replies: >>5989
in my area the police are basically walmarts private security team didnt really think about mcdonalds but its right there too
Annex Gaza and all of Jerusalem.
>when escaping
Except this was almost a week later, he could've been anywhere on the continent at that point. I'm telling you, getting caught is part of the plan. The fire rises.
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Protect CEO, ban 3D printers!
Replies: >>5995
Well only if you don't get caught with it in your possession a full week later like a retard.
Diving Syria into worthless infighting states that will attack neighbour muslim countries when convenient for them.
this whole thing is retarded

dammit america, why cant you just have normal good old fashioned assassinations - why do they always have to be suspicious fuck ups like that idiot who failed to shoot trump despite being prone with a clear shot a few hundred yards away with a semi auto
Replies: >>6009
its like america has 300 million guns and millions of low IQ impulsive mongoloids to simply aim and shoot

but instead you get these pasty autistic freaks like the colombine shooters or this luigi chuckle fuck that always have a "manifesto" and carry around shit like monopoly money or make DOOM .wads

just have a normal country for fucks sake america you bunch of retards
Replies: >>6009
you dont see shit like this in russia or china. they have shootings but they dont need to add in whacky gimmicks like getting caught at mcdonalds with a fake ID and your equipment from an assassination that took place days beforehand
Replies: >>6002 >>6009
so yeah america, stop being weird. kthxbai
Replies: >>6004 >>6009
Those 2 countries don't have those wacky gimmicks because any shooter could evade their Potemkin-tier security & surveillance apparatus.
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>america, stop being weird
Replies: >>6006
If they haven't already, convincing Trump to surprise nuke Moscow. Because Israel has demonstrated it is at least three times better than Russia at decapition attacks, and Russia isn't very good at preventing surprise invasions on its soil.

>God is asleep.
Maybe asleep in that he doesn't care, rather than in that he is ignorant. For the Lord is the one who set up man and Satan to be each other's opressors as a punishment for each of their sins, since the fall of man in Genesis 3:14 - 15.
Replies: >>6014 >>6016
thats one thing i admire about you yanks. even in the depths of depravity you maintain a certain je nais pa

godspeed yankee

god fuckin speed
Replies: >>6007 >>6009
je nais se pa
Replies: >>6009
>can't onto imageboard
not a chatroom dipshit
are you acting out like this because luigi gave you homoerotic vibes and now you feel very uncomfortable and insecure?
>Maybe asleep in carelessness rather than ignorance
That makes it way worse
Replies: >>6015
You have well said. For it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Replies: >>6017
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>Because Israel has demonstrated it is at least three times better than Russia at decapition attacks, and Russia isn't very good at preventing surprise invasions on its soil.
>Israel convinces Trump to trigger the Dead Hand because Bibi has forgotten about it and Trump has never heard of it.
WWIII is going to be the most retarded fucking shitshow isn't it.
Explains all the legalese the jews employ to avoid judgement.
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>WWIII is going to be the most retarded fucking shitshow isn't it.
You say that like its a bad thing, but this is pure peak comedy gold on highest level.
Think about it, you got faggots on dresses fighting a war for a supposed country, that never really was a country but pretended to be one with a fake president and the whole western world is stupid enough to fall for it.
All this just right after tards took a untested gene therapy that permanently damaged them for a disease that to this coulnt not be proven to exist and ironically was forgotten except for the people who want to push it again, people will fall for the same shit thrice again.

So now you got gene edited faggots in denial, wearing dresses, dying for a country that technically is the enemy while being crushed to death by their own superiors, lied to constantly in the most obvious and pathetic way, so pathetic that i think the ones making up these narritives dont even bother, if not deliberately self sabotage just to see what sticks, of course the normgroid cattle without question eats up the bullshit they are given and ask for seconds from the people who drove them into this war the firstplace all while claiming to be agains this war.

I mean we are priviliged in being able to watch the most top tier comedy event show ever straight from the comfort of our own homes.
We have the cowardly normgroid cattle that has given the elites who steer this all everything and now they put up dresses and get pwned by russians and we get to watch the dress wearers bitch and moan and cry while they are being annihilated.
How can anyone not appreciate and laugh at this most to excelent show drama, it has everything fun, drama, excitement, plot twists, comedy up the ass and dress wearing closet faggot thinking they can go to war while they cry over bathroom priviliages with their disfunctional genetals.
Religon of peace strikes again. Some 50 year old Saud got tired of Christmas and decided to Akbar and ram a car.
Replies: >>6090
He was an anti-islam doctor, so it was actually a right wing extremist attack.
Replies: >>6113 >>6119
They're so much shit floating around it's hard to know. Some are saying he's doing it to false-flag the AFD.
Replies: >>6119
Happy birth of our lord and savior Jesus Christ, /k/!
Replies: >>6120
funny how Whites endlessly larp as Chads, yet all irl action is done by the coloureds.
Falseflag or not, he's not White. Once again Whites are on the recieving end of violence, only kikes and shitskins ever win in such situations.
Glorify Him!
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Merry Christmas, /k/
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Happy 33th anniversary of Puccia's return into another irrelevant shithole.
Replies: >>6147
I'm starting to think Putin tanked your stonks on something, boomerboy, cuz you got Russia on your mind in here.
Replies: >>6173
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Don't give the 4/k/ike immigrant any attention, Strelok.
Replies: >>6175
Right, because their existence proves how worthless a board inhabited by a bunch of Mongoloid subhuman worshipers is.
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Less than 12 hours ago:
>Be flying plane back home with tons of worst koreans who vacationed in Thaiboy Kingdom
>Realize your landing gear isn't lowering, gravity failsafe fails because BOING!
>Fuck it, the airport is more than good enough to make a belly landing and save the people
>Recall someone around Russia landed on a dirt patch days ago and paid the price dearly
>Land on engines and belly as predicted and expect a "safe" runway slow overshoot on soft dirt, passengers are first so screw the plane
>Array system is up front at the end of the runway protected by an undisclosed dirt mount made to soften crashes
>Never get to know that the airport engineers placed reinforced concrete under the dirt so that the array is extra protected :^)
>Plane ends up like a flattened can and fucking explodes
179 out of 181 people inside died, the only 2 survivors were flight attendants who were in the bathroom area. 50+ are "missing" because they got squashed and cremated on the spot. Birds have been blamed for the accident.

Once again taking a shit or being seated in poorfag econoclass saves lives, feels grim to think the pilots didn't know they could've saved more people if they attempted a random landing somewhere else rather than the airport.
>USAF stationed in Gorea hires Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to maintain their F-15s due to Goreans nigging parts when not attempting coups
>not long after, this happens
Probably a coincidence, it's perfectly normal for bird strikes to jam all 3 landing gears on a pre-MAX 737 after all.
Replies: >>6191 >>6192 >>6204
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IF it comes out they nigged the maint with DEI hires I will laugh harder than ever before.
Replies: >>6193
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>Birds have been blamed for the accident.
>it's perfectly normal for bird strikes to jam all 3 landing gears on a pre-MAX 737 after all

These smear campaigns will not be tolerated.
Replies: >>6196 >>6204
>nigged the maint with DEI hires
Boeing's problems stem from the influx of MBA bean counters after the McDonnel Douglas merger, blaming this on DEI is letting off those insidious fuckers off too easy.
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3 major plane incidents on the 29th, Korea Canada and the Dutch, unlucky day as it also marks the anniversary of at least 6 other known accidents in previous years. Also anniversary of the Eastern 401 crash which spawned one of the most interesting and infamous tidbits in airliner/fly lore

>These smear campaigns will not be tolerated.
>At a press conference, Lee Jeong-hyun, Muan County fire chief, said that the cause of the landing gear failure was presumed to have been adverse weather combined with a bird strike
>the weather around the airport at the time of the crash was favorable with almost no wind, rain or clouds, and visibility was 9 kilometers
They said it was rough weather and birds when the sky was a rare perfect one for winter and no flocks on sight. They don't even know what happened, some theories speculate the bird strike was in an engine due to a video circulating but then again why would a single engine lost fuck the entire hydraulics including the non-power security measures of the plane, which also seems to have made a go-around after the hit too.
Maybe the pilots fucked it up, pretty weird but doesn't help the airport build a road runner wall trap at the end of the runway.
Replies: >>6204
oh this is sort've creepy kinda. cuz on Christmas day while cooking i watched die hard 2 and then this happened.
Birdstrike is likely an attempt to dodge liability as worst korea is notoriously litigious and judges tend to rule against corporations in these kinds of accidents.
Replies: >>6205
>>6204 (cont.)

It'll likely be the airport and the airline playing hot potato with responsibility. As has been pointed out in this thread, this accident was exacerbated by both the pilot's decisions and the runway design.
Turks are saying Chechens did the Azerbaijani passenger plane, which seems interesting but they do have a point because Kadirov awarded his nephew, the secretary of the Security Council of the Russian North Caucasus, with a merit medal for a big campaign in taking down lots of drones and planes over their territory, this a day after the downing of the plane and hours before Putin giving condolences and "apologizing" for something ambiguous.
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Happy new year!
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Do you know of any good blogs for warnerding and speculative military equipment?

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