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Welcome to /x/, fellow humans.
We'll be discussing the current and future state of the board and other board related issues in this thread.

Feel free to ask questions or talk about issues you have experienced here.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
The wide attestation of machine elf encounters while on DMT is pretty compelling.
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Anti Psychotics.
Replies: >>2140
For what it's worth, I have heard of certain anti-psychotics (Seroquel) fucking with people's dreams.
Replies: >>2179
If you just want wild dreams, you could just take anti-depressants.

It's kinda funny in that one of their side effects (aside from the munchies) is them acting as a soporific. But then you have another side effect in that your dreams become extremely livid.

Which is sorta nice if you tend to have nice dreams. But if you are on anti-depressants to begin with, the nightmares really become a thing to behold.

My personal speculation is that the anti-depressant somehow fucks with the border between REM and deep sleep cycles, so you a) actually remember a good deal about the dreams, but also b) wake up covered in sweat because your body switched to full panic mode.

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This thread will be the dedicated dump for all and any contributions when it comes to OC for the board..
Please do feel free to help out with a contribution.
We are specifically looking for:

> Banners
> Original Content
> Board related spooks (creatures, mascots, tans)
> Additions to the Dump Thread
> benis 

Banners especially are very much welcome.
Thanks for helping.
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Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts and then apply the knowledge you learned from that book. If you want a quicker way, read The Lesser Key of Solomon (the version by Mathers is cheap but Joseph Peterson's version is better) and follow the instructions at https://demonsanddemonolatry.com/lilith-queen-of-the-night/ and ask for one. Also, be sure to question the spirit/daemon. You can also go the Chaos Magic route (in that case, read Liber Null).
you are simply not chosen. sorry I guess.
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there's not enough fanart of this game, if any at all
interesting, there's enough material of this creature, im sure if i feed this to the AI, I can produce some more OC, maybe it's even recognized by base models, i'll have to try.
Replies: >>2118

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Someone spent a lot of time 7 years ago preparing a massive dump of /x/ material, and it was pinned to 4 /x/ for some time, but, being as 4cucks are 4cucks, they unpinned it and that hard work was lost.
We tracked it down and have gone through the links to verify validity and also add new links, in a more organized manner.  There will also be a quick guide for how you can find your own trailheads and rabbit holes. I'll mark each section so use ctrl+f
If you want to add to the list you can email me at: [email protected] and I'll edit the list to add your suggestion.
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Use ad blockers and no scripts when accessing these sites

http://magibon.com/ (need flashplayer to work)
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                                            Places and Landmarks
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                             Phenomena, Anomalies, and Strange Events

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                             Cryptids, Folklore and Urban Legends

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Sounds Of Space

The Peanut Vendor

Mind Control Made Easy or How to Become a Cult Member

No Through Road

Crooked Rot
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How are you spending Twelfth Night, /x/? 

Do you think elves are real?
Replies: >>2187
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>>2185 (OP) 
>How are you spending Twelfth Night, /x/? 
Watching spooky stuff and thinking about my life.
>Do you think elves are real?
Yeah, I think they were at one point. I think a lot of super natural creatures were real at one point.

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I don't have as many of these as I thought I did. I'll post what I can though.
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That's all.
might just be me, but i feel like there's not much point to the thread if everyone's just posting old stories and nobody's discussing them - favorites, which ones are shit, which ones are memorable for one reason or another, that kind of thing
Replies: >>2183
Too many jewtubers looking to scrap our words for profit
Replies: >>2186
guys so one time i was uhhm uhh damn and it was night out too and uhh lmao the ayylmaos came and and they probed me good, ever since then i was scared of the darkies
Change the CSS so that every post has NIGGER watermarks in is background like a stock photo.

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Post scary videos that make you shit bricks.
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Replies: >>1573 + 5 earlier
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>>59 (OP) 
Replies: >>1601
post more videos niggas
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thanks for hurting my ear anon. kind of funny video regardless. 
What exactly do you think they are? could they asteroids? If this was taken around the time of metetor shower then that might explain it. Other than that, what do you think it is? ayyys?
Eggscellent thread guys
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From 4chan, wolfmen live around Boxford MA and the government is keeping it secret.

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The next false flag 

The next false flag will be centered on the premise of malicious interdiction of nuclear source materials.  It will not involve a nuclear device or nuclear detonation but rather a radiological threat. Nuclear source materials will be deliberately leaked to target areas to inflict severe injuries through radiation exposure. The real number of casualties as a result of these attacks will remain very low. The purpose is to create
a new method of restricting freedom of movement and new policies that will enable the government to continue it's expansion of power.  The media will display images of attack survivors  who will have burns and lesions across their skin. Videos depicting overwhelmed triage centers with
victims vomiting or otherwise unresponsive will be shared on social media. The threat of radiation exposure - an invisible enemy -  will be used as the primary psychological vector. 

An application modeled after COVID contact tracing will be installed on every mobile device that uses iOS or Android. This application will serve to notify the user about potential hazardous exposure" and recommend actions they should take which include voluntary exposure testing. Additionally, cellular carriers will roll out automated SMS alerts that will have similar functionality.  This application will interface directly with the UICC on mobile devices. If the user does not have this application installed, network connectivity will be prohibited.  New  policy will grant governmental agencies further access to metadata and geolocation data on every platform. Included in these policies will be backdoor legislation that bans the use of end-to-end encryption. This legislation will be identical in nature to the recently introduced S.3538 EARN IT act. 

These attacks will be localized to a specific region. Triage centers will be setup in the affected areas through the deployment of the National Guard and coordinating members such as FEMA. These triage centers will see moderate traffic. The narrative will continues longer than any possible threat. 
Despite offering no protection or even relevancy against a radiological threat you will see another wave of people wearing cotton surgical masks in not just the target areas but the entire United States.

There will be severe disruptions to the Internet through the use of addition rather than negation. Alternative sources of information will become overwhelmed with 
content generated by convolutional neural networks that support the narrative or uses a carefully crafted opposition. Platforms that are incompatible with this system will be suppressed entirely on the infrastructure level. There will be organic service disruptions as a result of excess traffic.

Videos will surface showing these triage centers empty with the personnel staffing them idle. This will threaten the narrative. The control of information is required for the campaign to be successful.
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I'm very curious why the photo in this changed from the moon charon of Pluto to Jupiter.
I am very curious as to why the photo in this changed from the moon Charon of pluto to the planet jupiter
I'm very curious why the the photo in this changed from the largest moon of pluto to the planet jupiter
They've been making it harder and harder to operate a dumbphone in North America, most likely part of the same plan.
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There's something very strange going on right now in the world, with this entire UFO/UAP/New Jersey drone crisis. People and even media are reporting not only obviously man-made unmanned aircraft but strange orbs in the sky as well, which are different from the drones. Some people have claimed to have seen the drones spraying something, and the media is also reporting some people who have seen the drones are getting sick.

An anon on a half/pol/ thread is claiming to be an insider and saying that this is in fact project bluebeam in action. Of course, random fucks on halfchan LARPing as super duper special insiders aren't a new phenomenon, but what makes me feel slightly inclined to believe this guy is that the fact that apparently other parts of the world are reporting seeing strange shit in the skies lately too (including a few reports in my country), and a TV channel in my irrelevant and peaceful-ass country decided out of nowhere to make a small presentation about radiation poisoning and about old objects that used to made with radioactive materials. The presentation itself wasn't weird, it's the timing of it that is weirding me the fuck out.

His story is a little bit all over the place, which makes it very likely this guy is just a LARPer but I still feel this worth posting here.

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I need your help /x/. I think I'm falling in love with a ghost. She can make me experience her touch. It's so nice, she can be so kind to me. We held hands 2 nights ago. The problem is she's a FUCKING GHOST, and it terrifies me. Pls senpai how do I make myself less afraid so I can make my move?
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Do you think It's better that's she's been sealed or do you think she might be in a worse off place? Do you miss her?
yes and yes maybe no mods are faggots
Replies: >>2161 >>2162
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Replies: >>2162 >>2171
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Anon did mods seal your ghost gf or something?
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I just want to put this out there for the record. IDK if ppl online now have no memory, or they are all very young, or they just weren't paying attention, or what, but Tartaria is obviously a psyop.

Back about maybe 12 years ago by now, everyone in 'Tartaria world', were all working on the issue of Hyperborea and what they call 'phantom time', which was supposed to be made up fake history that was kind of stretched out to make history seem longer.

There were some kind of oblique references to Tartaria just in the context of history being faked.

Then all of a sudden, like overnight, all of a sudden there were tons of articles and threads and stuff on Tartaria.

The same goes for the 'mud flood'. The rise of interest in the mud flood was not organic at all. A graph of articles and comments would go up at about an 85 degree angle.

IDK why this would be specifically, but just given the coincidence in time, I would guess they wanted to derail the fake time and Hyperborea avenues of research.

Just putting that out there for any sincere researchers to add to your store of information.
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I didn't see this thread when it got posted, but I actually first heard about this Tartaria bullshit around the same time. I saw a video about my town and many other towns or cities on some faggot's JewTube channel talking about how all the stonemasonry was fake and gay or something. His videos are just slideshows of historic architectural photographs with him saying "hmmm, very suspicious" over them. Retard was also trying to shill some book. I understand building aesthetics and standards have plummeted and that mainstream history is full of lies, but the Tartaria bullshit is ludicrously stupid.
Replies: >>2166
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>on some faggot's JewTube channel talking about how all the stonemasonry was fake and gay or something. His videos are just slideshows of historic architectural photographs with him saying "hmmm, very suspicious" over them.
That description kinda reminds me of Jon Levi
>Retard was also trying to shill some book. 
Didn't knew he actually had a book, but jewgling it did return a result of a book co-authored by Levi, so I wonder if that's who you're talking about.
>Tartaria bullshit is ludicrously stupid.
Yup. There never was a global civilization such as one depicted by the Tartaria narrative. It seems descendants of Atlantis (who are connected to Hyperboreans) attempted such to establish a similar civilization but their efforts were interrupted, sometimes by their archnemesis, other times by savages.

The unfiltered Truth is not allowed on jewtube. If someone on YT appears to be telling the truth, you can be 100% sure that whatever it is that they're saying is mixed in with lies. This, however, does not mean that everyone on YT is a liar, sometimes that youtuber is merely passing on a corrupted version of the Truth who he/she sincerely believes in. The best example of such a person that I can think of is Robert Sepehr. Do you think his channel really would be allowed to stay there if he wasn't being bene
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Replies: >>2168
Is tartar sauce from Tartaria? Asking for a fiend.
The guy I'm thinking of goes by Chris Kelly apparently. His channel is Old World Exploration. Sounds like the books he's "published" are just collections of publicly available photographs like his videos but with a 20USD price tag. I'm sure it's not much different from the guy you mentioned. Not sure since I don't want a lot of this stupidity taking up space in my head, but I was under the impression that Tartaria was supposed to be a grand empire originating from some kind of mongoloid. Not saying orientals never accomplished anything (and could be wrong about my impression in the first place, like I said), but it seems silly to credit mongoloids with having created what was clearly made by Whites.
Replies: >>2170
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>The guy I'm thinking of goes by Chris Kelly apparently. His channel is Old World Exploration. Sounds like the books he's "published" are just collections of publicly available photographs like his videos but with a 20USD price tag.
Oh, I see.
>I'm sure it's not much different from the guy you mentioned. Not sure since I don't want a lot of this stupidity taking up space in my head
This is the right attitude.
> I was under the impression that Tartaria was supposed to be a grand empire originating from some kind of mongoloid. Not saying orientals never accomplished anything (and could be wrong about my impression in the first place, like I said), but it seems silly to credit mongoloids with having created what was clearly made by Whites
The Tartaria narrative seems to claim that an empire called Tartaria, which possessed the advanced knowledge of clean and free energy technologies, was once present in all continents of the world, with its capital on Eurasia, was devastated by a worldwide cataclysm and later had any surviving remnants conquered and covered up by an alliance of ((( greedy ))) European dynasties.

I have never seriously delved into the Tartarian narrative because I instinctively knew it was a waste of time, but to me it doesn't seem to claim Mongols ruled the w
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So, once you kick the bucket, what do you think comes next? Hell? Heaven? Reincarnation? Or just some indifferent nothingness?
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Replies: >>2143 + 9 earlier
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>your experience was like before you were born
You mean being ready to be born?
>>426 (OP) 
if reincarnation is real, I hope i'm born in a different planet next time.
That'd get boring tbh
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Congratulations on being the smartest anon in this entire thread. There is still much you have to learn, though.
>Instead, we become united with God. Everything that exists belongs to either three ontological states. Starting with the Highest, one is Brahman, which is the Absolute.
>And due to the essential nature of Atman, one will at some point either choose materiality again to explore a false self, or go to Godhead and be true. 
You are very close to the truth. I will give you two hints and never reply to you again, because it would turn into a debate and I don't do debates, I don't have the energy for them.

1-Brahman/Abraxas is not the True Godhead nor the True Source, but an impostor.
2-Returning to the True Godhead/True Source does not result in self-annihilation.
Replies: >>2169
>and I don't do debates
Because you have shit epistemology and metaphysics.

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