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Are there any modern hunting rifles that have a non-detachable magazine and can only feed from loading one round in at a time and are at all common? Asking to get an idea of how universal detachable box magazines are on such guns now.
Replies: >>50 >>2738 >>3291
>>33 (OP) 
90% of bolt action firearms are non-detachable magazines. It's only in the last 20 years that detachable mags are taking a larger market share. 

Unless I've completely misread your question.
Replies: >>66
I'm asking what of that 90% with non-detachable mags are still produced and sold and if any would qualify as common.
In the US, I'd say around 2/3 to 3/4 of new production boltguns larger than .223 a fixed mag. For small calibers it's more or less an even split, and detachable mags are a lot more common in foreign rifles.
Bear in mind that gun stores tend to lag a few years behind production and Remington is still phasing out fixed mags, so if you went down to your local store the ratio might be a bit higher.
>Are there any modern hunting rifles that have a non-detachable magazine and can only feed from loading one round in at a time and are at all common?
You mean the R700?
Replies: >>86
Last I checked, modern R700s used detachable mags.
Replies: >>90
Just get an older model? 1966 is still considered modern weaponry.
Replies: >>94
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I am looking for a picture of a modern soldier that's wearing a wizard hat, robes, a rifle and mag carriers/utility but everything he's wearing has full desert camo. The picture was hand drawn and featured a desert landscape of some kind, but i may be wrong.
I recall it being posted some months ago but I seem to have lost it recently.
Replies: >>98
Not trying to buy
>Asking to get an idea of how universal detachable box magazines are on such guns now
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You mean this? Not a rifle though and there's no background landscape either.
Replies: >>99
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Yes this is what i was looking for, I recalled the desert-like camo but not the RPG staff nor the background. Perhaps it was an edit or an image similar to this.
Thank you.
Replies: >>101
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I believe you're talking about the photograph of the guy who originally did the cosplay and inspired the drawings. I think I saw it on cafe/k/, just look at the recently bumped threads, might be there.
Replies: >>110
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Replies: >>111
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Replies: >>113
Does anyone have that image of the French experiments on body armor? There was one guy who was wearing that Star Wars-tier armor with the kevlar long cloak, IIRC.
So the cosplay came first? That's news to me. Also checked.
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Hello /k/, what is the ideal choke for shotgun to safely and successfully shoot slugs out of it? In this case, the shotguns are a 12 gauge and .410. Both are single barrels. 
Also, does anyone have any experience with Nobel Sportitalia? I recently bought some of their buckshot and I thought the transparent blue shells looked interesting; image 3 and 4 related.
Replies: >>518 >>1646
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I have a budget of $1000 and below and am looking to buy an AR-15. Any thoughts?
Buy a shotgun and use the rest of your budget on ammo for it.
Replies: >>151 >>158
No, I want an AR-15 (or similar 5.56/.223 rifle) for sure. 

Are you implying that $1000 isn't enough to purchase an AR-15?
Whos your favourite mass shooter and why?
Replies: >>159
The old poorfag standby for ARs is a parts kit from Palmetto State Armory and an 80% lower from wherever else. That'd be well within your budget.
Replies: >>157 >>158
Unless he intends to feed it.

>>145 here. Was thinking of buying this . Thoughts?
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We don't support that kind of thing here, officer.
Replies: >>164
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Now I know why /k/ is such a shithole.
Trowel a better choice than folding shovel for a bugout bag? The weight and space of my folding shovel is kind of a hindrance.
Replies: >>519
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>does anyone have any experience with Nobel Sportitalia?
Never heard of them, sounds like something that would be made in Portugal or Brazil. I'm sure you've figured out how good/bad they are by yourself at this point though.

I dunno get a simple 16" or 20" Palmetto, Ruger, or Brownells AR and then use the rest of your budget to slap a really good optic on your rifle and get a basic bitch chest rig to carry your mags. That strategy should work for most people unless you have a very autistic niche configuration in mind, most people don't need anything beyond that.
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How far do you plan on hiking with your full kit? If it's a long distance and you don't have access to a vehicle for the majority of said hike then just carry a trowel and keep the shovel in a truck or tied to an ATV or whatever.
Your knees will thank you anon.
Should I follow through with this gunsmith book about using hardware tools to make a machine pistol from Expedient Homemade Firearms?
Whenever you're using slugs you want to start with an Improved Cylinder choke any time you introduce a new slug (or load, for that matter) to the gun. 
If you've got the tools, build it. Daniel defense makes quality and reasonably priced barrels, and you can minmax your budget with the other parts. If I was going to start a new build now I think I'd actually go with a kp-15 lower. There's so many options and when it comes to everything else I definitely don't have the latest info on who's good and who's not.
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Are there any books out there that go into detail of the weapons, equipment, tactics, strategies, military dispositions and even attitudes of the major countries of world war one? I wanna know who used what weapons, who had the most of any given weapon, how much of a role cavalry played, how disciplined the Ottomans or the French were, etc.
Replies: >>2288
Have you tried looking at Osprey ? They are usually the ones doing stuff like that.
Replies: >>2309
No, I have not, but it looks to be in the right direction, thanks.
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I have never served in the military so pls don't bully. Is pic related something that is done IRL? 
Basically instead of placing multiple individual AP mines everywhere on a path, they instead hide 1 pressure plate that is wired to multiple claymore mines that are hidden along the path, covering every inch with shrapnel. 
Just the guy leading in the front needs to step on the pressure plate and the entire squad is gone. 

I got this idea after seeing dozens of Ukrainian videos where 1 guy blows up and the others run away until a mine clearing vehicle is brought in. With this idea nobody would survive unless they really got so lucky that nobody stepped on the detonator, but even this can be solved by placing more than 1 detonators to minimize the chance of that happening.
Replies: >>2314 >>2315
Argument from ignorance but my guess is that mines are meant to slow down the enemy rather than cause the maximum amount of casualties so
>1 guy blows up and the others run away until a mine clearing vehicle is brought in. 
Is the perfect scenario and taking time to set up multiple mines in series is not worth the extra effort.
Replies: >>2315
Just looks like a daisy chain set up to me but it's been forever since I did route clearance and I've forgotten most of the terms so that might not be perfectly accurate.
tl;dr need green / tan modern tank cammo what do?

So basically I have a small modelling project involving lots of miniatures and two types of terrain, forest and desert. The minis used are largely generic, cheap 1/72 ww2 models, 200 each with a cammo matching terrain. the vehicles are a mix of french and british cold war / modern vehicles which I want to fit both forces.  Quick look did not find any modern cammo which would fit both of these themes. What should I do? do nato three color but replace black with tan? digital ? where to even search for these kinds of stuff?
Replies: >>2350
>ww2 models
>mix of french and british cold war / modern vehicles
Which is it? I take it you're not aiming for historical accuracy here. Is it an alt-universe type setting?
Replies: >>2352
Its largely meant to be generic and to be used in whatever wargame I convince people to try out, thus two armies, to be able to play with armies only provided by me. 
Think of it as an army of some third world shithole. Somaliland or Chile.
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How hard would it be to acquire a kevlar vest in a non-gun yuro state? I'm assuming there's going to be some complication given how it's military equipment, but it's certainly not a weapon.
Replies: >>2732
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>acquire a kevlar vest in a non-gun yuro state
Pic related
Replies: >>2733
What is it, you can't order them unless you smuggle them into the country? I assumed you'd be put in a list if you bought one, but are they truly illegal?
Replies: >>2734
I don't know, it depends on the country. Where I live the only civilians allowed body armor are "high profile targets" such as journalists, politicians and rich pricks. 
Another route is to join the national guard, but the equipment must be returned once you leave/retire.
Replies: >>2735
Damn, how do I look up legislation on ownership per country then? The fabric itself is not illegal and is used in plenty of civilian appliances.
Are there any other alternatives to at least stop handgun fire at torso level, or at least some .pdf on makeshift bulletproof body armor?
>>33 (OP) 
Hunting rifles? The only non-detachables I know of are the Remington 700 and Winchester Model 70, both of which have become pretty rare.
What does /k/ think about Veresk kanal?
Whats a good country to move to for their gun laws?
Replies: >>3236 >>3237
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Replies: >>3253
Yemen. No restrictions. You can own private nuke if you can afford it.
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Replies: >>5643
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Would it be accurate to call the battle of Thermopylae a strategic and tactical defeat  but also a propaganda victory for the Greeks?
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>>33 (OP) 
<is that a fucken 1911?
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shit's going on in venezuela, when does it warrant a thread? asking because there have already been protests before, not gonna claim this one is different but who knows.
Replies: >>3386 >>3390 >>3392
There appears to be implied US fuckery going on. So if it escalates to armed warfare then maybe. Otherwise they can hoot and holler, the bullets will eventually start flying, and the whole thing will probably quiet down again.
Replies: >>3388 >>3396
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Not OP but, what is the smallest semi auto pistol I could have that'd fit in my pocket so I could have a set of two 50 round drum magazines that would rhetorically fit into my two apron pockets? Something small would have less accuracy anyway....and I carry only a six shooter as it is with two drop in cylinders in my pocket but who'd really use this? They're shit. Or the gun is. May as well get  another one. Pocket size can vary. I just want a tiny gun with a fuckton of rounds.
Replies: >>4035
>There appears to be implied US fuckery going on.
Not necessarily, most intervention the US did was ask for free elections, and in exchange they would trade with the venezuelan government, which I assume is related to the conflicts in the middle east which props oil up hard.
But it is agreeable that until a foreign nation doesn't intervene it might fizzle down.
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Seems like most of the stuff is made up, also, some good salt.
Replies: >>3391 >>3396
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Venezuela burns down every time an election is held, no big news, they were the first to use that electronic voting machine that puts ratios on which candidate and regions count more.
Cubans in official government uniforms battling it out with colombian-descendants while the real venezuelans are working janitor roles in Miami, Chile and Argentina, that's the socioeconomic history of that country for the last 15 years.
>There appears to be implied US fuckery going on.
>Seems like most of the stuff is made up, also, some good salt.
You people really don't know anything about the region lol
Replies: >>3397
Why don't you tell us if you are so great.
Get two Uzi smg and dual wield it
Replies: >>4169
Assuming MAD is a lie and Einstein was a hack, what weapons do you think would be used in a third and fourth world war, and what do you think the outcomes would be?
Replies: >>4164 >>4201 >>5515
I don't care to get into a huge debate or anything, as I've given up my interest in politics, but I personally do not believe nukes exist. There may be bunkers with large missiles in them, but I no longer believe there are actual nuclear weapons that can obliterate massive swathes of land.

If there were a third or fourth world war, I believe there would be some interesting weapons and tactics. I believe robots and drone swarms would be used, with some rather terrifying weapons if the war progressed enough and got really dark and dirty. I don't like to think too much about the negative aspects of what could happen though, as that only helps to bring such a world about.
downvoted tbh
It will be either FOSS projects that rely heavily on off-the-shelf parts and 3D printing, or horrors beyond our understanding. Most likely a mixture of these two.
I wonder if you could one of these automatic 2-pounders found on warships in a Crusader or Matilda. Quick comparision points to this being possible, maybe with small turret rework.
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I want to go shopping for balaclavas, one I can go wearing around like a moron around my house. In any case, the most comfortable there is.
Which ones are the least suffocating, plain cotton or plastic fabrics? Don't want a thermic balaclava, just one for aesthetic purposes.

On topic, are these fishnet Spandoflage™® headmasks a meme or are they better than regular balaclavas? How well can you see through them?
As I'm seeing it, if you don't have to cut through them they should be better concealement than regular ones, though I don't know myself. I can't find any vendor for them either.
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This cute little thing renewed my interest in firearms that do this neat trick of pulling out the cartridge from the back, and now I have to wonder of you could force a STANAG magazine to be single-feed simply by adding some material to the top of the magazine well (in front of the feed lips) that forces the topmost cartridge to the middle. Sure, it would increase the required insertion force because you have to push down the top cartridge a bit as you push in the mag, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work just fine.
Replies: >>5515
If it was possible to fit an electrical generator driven by the ramjet engine would the MBDA Meteor's range exceed that of 110nmi due to the battery powering the missile's electronics only engaging after engine termination?
Heard somewhere that one of the bottlenecks of modern Fox 3 missiles isn't so much the engines or kinematics but the active radar homing seekers' and other systems maximum operating time.
Replies: >>5515 >>5520
You end up compressing the spring a little on a full STANAG magazine when you insert it anyway, unless the bolt is retracted. And I suppose the magazine can be the same from the bottom to the top half and inch but you'll be replacing everything above that so there's not much of a point in sticking with all the STANAG dimensions. 

Uh, ramjets don't typically have a spinning shaft running down the middle. That would swell the cost and weight of an engine with similar performance considerably. I guess you could have a turbine with short blades sticking inward spinning around the wall and perhaps you could eliminate some of the battery to make room for a little more fuel that way, but considering what it's attached to this is something where you want an engine that's so simple it's guaranteed to always work. 
 It would be better to focus on making the electronics more efficient, not that there's not a limit to that too. 

"everything we've got" and "there's not going to be a fourth one if there's a clear victor in something like that where the internet stays up and jet planes keep getting made."
This isn't /k/ there isn't a single link in the pdf thread to how to make your own guns and take care of guns. Nor on buying modern guns and ammo and reloading. Improve or I will spam this board with said content.
Replies: >>5519
Why not whop it out already? You've got it, clearly.
Theoretically you could attach a magnetohydrodynamic generator to the engine but in practice it would probably be cheaper and lighter to add a larger battery instead.
Has anyone tried putting muh AI into an ARH or IR missile seeker for the purpose of autonomously re-acquiring a target briefly dipping behind terrain to break lock?
>>3253 (me) 
Aaaand they no longer sell guns (again). Not doing research on how many times they strategically stop selling weapons but there is evidence it has happened more than once.
Is .22 caliber as useless as the memes say, or is it good for eliminating an immediate threat in a self-defense situation?
Replies: >>5842 >>5891 >>5904
Shoot yourself with one and let us know
Replies: >>5846
so there's this viral video (that I can't find anymore) of a kid or short guy that uses a rocket launcher but when he fires the rocket, his head blows up and the rest of body falls down to the ground, I don't think it had to with recoil since the rocket launcher stayed on him when the rest of his corpse fell down.
I was wondering if anyone here knows what happened there?
Replies: >>5847
I don't have one. :^(
He didn't use the right passcode

A .22LR rifle maybe, if your shot placement is good. A .22 pistol will kill your target eventually, if you poke enough holes in them, but you stand basically no chance of actually incapacitating an attacker with it. We're talking potentially multiple hits to the sternum, eyes or throat. If your target does the gentlemanly thing and holds still while you get off a few shots it'll work fine. Not so much for any sort of real self defense.

That said, if you have no other option at all, a .22 pistol is better than no gun just because you usually don't have to pull the trigger to ward off an attacker. Just drawing the gun is often enough to make a bad guy change his mind, and shooting him in the back is frowned upon legally speaking. Even if he doesn't, a totally non-lethal hit might still make him go FIBS (Fuck I've Been Shot) and start flopping around on the floor like you blasted him with a .44.

But unless you're talking about hiding a NAA mini revolver in your swim trunks, you've got enough room to take a real gun.
Replies: >>5896
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Of course if your .22 is automatic and has a 200 round drum you're pretty solid.
Replies: >>5903
Would a airgun machinegun make any sense? Pellet is so small and you could fit thousands of rounds in a single magazine
nobody who got shot with .22 said "oh it's just .22 lol", and nobody would let you shoot them if you said "oh don't worry it's just .22 lol" I think that answers the question
Replies: >>5905
Yes but he was asking about incapacitation or
>eliminating an immediate threat
If your shots only guarantee a bleed-out in 5 minutes that doesn't do you any good if your attacker has stabbed you 20 times by then.

Whether a person would volunteer to be dead in 5 minutes is irrelevant.
Replies: >>5907
unless you're shooting at a boar or some coked up giga nigga or someone with combat experience who already got shot before the average person is likely to instantly go into shock after the first shot, any subsequent one is added bonus, and with .22 you're basically shooting a toy gun with no recoil and can pepper away
Replies: >>5908 >>5921
Maybe, but I feel like being a criminal self-selects away from "average person".
Replies: >>5909
can't say, never met any, but I'd wager most are skinny weekend thugs, granted I wouldn't bet my own life on it

I did mention FIBS was a possibility, but it's not what you want to bank on when the other guy is trying to pull your guts out with a knife. Strictly speaking it's a better bet than trying to defend yourself barehanded, but a .380 or .38 gives you an actual chance of disabling an attacker rather than just hoping he freaks out the moment you pull and/or fire a gun. And unless you need to hide a mini-revolver in your shoe to get past a metal detector wand, you can stick a Ruger LCP or something in your pocket instead.
Hypothetically speaking, how difficult and expensive would it be to bulletproof a civilian vehicle myself instead of paying someone else to do it?
Replies: >>6605 >>6609
I think half inch steel and some concrete will do, and a cope cage in case anyone has rpg laying around.
I can help with welding if you want :)

Depends on what threats you are trying to defeat and how "normal" you want the car to look when you're done. 

1/8" mild steel will defeat most pistol rounds and you could very easily plate the body with it and not be too overweight, assuming you had a decent power/weight ratio to begin with. That will cost somewhere on the order of $1,000 (US) in materials depending on the size of the vehicle and whether you want to do the roof and engine or just the passenger compartment. If you want to defeat rifle threats (particularly .30 cal / 7.62mm AP) you'll have to figure out how to pack the inside with ceramic plates and the cost balloons into the $10,000+ range fast. Even hardened steel is just going to be too damn heavy for a passenger vehicle. Heemayer's dozer could barely carry all the steel armor he fitted to it. And of course unless you get really clever about it and field weld sort of a metal box inside the passenger compartment, it will be clearly visible that you're driving a jury rigged armored car.

The windows are the tricky part either way. If you want them to continue to be clear windows, rather than metal slats or solid metal with a viewport, you'll have to attach 2" Lexan slabs to them somehow. Easiest option would be to epoxy them to the existing structure but then you run the risk of the doorframe warping on impact. But the cost of a steel frame to shore them up would be a small fraction of the thousands you'd spend just on enough material of that thickness.

Bottom line, armoring a passenger vehicle for anything other than pistol and small rifle threats is impractical from both a cost and weight standpoint, even if you're doing the modification yourself. Unless you're also prepared to upgrade/swap the engine to radically exceed design specs and alter the gearbox for low end torque. And even then you're only going to reliably stop 7.62mm AP; there are military 6x6 APCs that can't defeat .50 BMG.
Replies: >>6611 >>6646
Good summary.

I have seen demonstrations where fiberglass sheets were epoxied together to stop pistol threats. That was pretty neat.
>Unless you're also prepared to upgrade/swap the engine to radically exceed design specs and alter the gearbox for low end torque.
Perhaps if you're armoring a Prius or a Civic? Full size SUVs can tow 4-5+ tons from the factory and even more for pickups, in other words you can double/triple the weight before you need to start worrying about the drive train. If you're set on doing this with a sedan, diesel models would be a better starting point. In either case suspension will be the first weak link, it will definitely need some love if you want to haul all that instead pulling it behind you.
>Heemayer's dozer could barely carry all the steel armor he fitted to it.
For perspective, a stock Komatsu D355A has a 410HP engine and weighs 44 tons - let's call that 10HP/ton.
Meanwhile a prius has 50HP/ton on the low end, and 100-200HP/ton is more typical. Oh and I'd be shocked if the dozer could reach 10MPH.
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