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This is the thread where you can go and complain about anything board management wise.
Streloks, sturgeon has generously allowed us to host this as a bunker, and as such I will be mainly running the show unless he or other global vols show up.
I don't plan on being available through email or anything. 
Banner applications are accepted here as soon as I figure out the correct size.
>video not related
Also, could someone fill me in on the situation with the cafe? I've been unable to access it or this site for some time.
Replies: >>197 >>548
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>>193 (OP) 
banners from
Replies: >>1183
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Replies: >>1183
Gentlemen, I apologize for the continued absence. I have been getting raped up the ass with some real life stuff. No I don't live in Ukraine.
You may see some minor aesthetics changes. Be sure to tell me if something is broken.
Replies: >>224
Have you mentioned this board over at cafe/k/?
Replies: >>227 >>234
Let the sleeping dogs lie.
A post who posted what appears to have been spam/onion links has been banned.
You all have been on the sticky for forever. It just got moved above the "read more" line with the change in rules/ownership.
If activeshooter happens to be around still, I have transferred board ownership back to you.
Replies: >>259
Activeshooter is not the manager of this board. I am.
If you mean back on cafe, I think he's a global admin.
cafe/k/ has no moderators now
I think it's safe to assume that people would migrate here
Replies: >>262
KoiNig is now the head of the board there.
Well I don't like Tengu and I don't like country IDs, but they're tolerable with local IDs, so I guess I'll give my unsolicited opinions about Ukraine here for the time being.
Replies: >>264 >>269
It'd be a good idea to start giving this one a bit more activity now that cafe/k/ is basically doomed.
Replies: >>265 >>269
yeah but this theme's gotta go, god it's so bad
Replies: >>266
I ask for your patience since I am very busy with work. This was not supposed to be anything but a bunker.
Can anyone tell me what the fuck happened to the cafe?

Any suggestion for theme colors is good for me.
I am thinking coloring like a Sonar/radar screen.
Red/black (Soviet)
Yellow/orange (Soviet)
Replies: >>269 >>270 >>275
>Can anyone tell me what the fuck happened to the cafe?
Nothing, the BO just changed again. There was a thread I can't find by the site owners asking for someone to volunteer to BO and the guy they chose was the guy who also runs /japan/ here.
There hasn't been any kind of uptick in shitposting except maybe in the meta thread.
If anything having niggers like >>264 and >>263 off the board can only spell bright things for cafe's future
Replies: >>274
>Can anyone tell me what the fuck happened to the cafe?
BO said he would leave in August, August came, there was something about CP and vacation, and then the BO didn't transfer ownership to the volunteer. Now Tengunigger has the board since nobody offered to take it.
Replies: >>281
There's now a retard from cuckchan being an absolute faggot on the Russia-Ukraine thread.
>Can anyone tell me what the fuck happened to the cafe?
Cuckchan/tvch bottom of the barrel shitpost invasion, IDs implemented, stops nothing, previous BO gives up and leaves board totally unmoderated, tengunigger claims board and removes IDs but puts up flags, bottom of the barrel shitposting slows somewhat (surprising), but actual users are almost entirely absent now and actual weapons threads are entirely dead outside of maybe two people who bump them. What a pathetic end.
Replies: >>280 >>553
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If you think that's bad then I suggest not visiting /christian/.
Replies: >>284 >>553
Basically this. BO said he wouldn't prop up the board past August, volunteer got a test run while BO was on vacation right before vol would take over, volunteer left CP up for three days straight until a global deleted it, so BO refused to give him the board and left the position vacant. Koinigger took over.
So... will people start using this place  instead of the cafe because of cuckchan rapefugees? I hate the BO of cafe/k/ he was a cuck that was also a powertripping faggot
Replies: >>283
I considered my options to discuss war and conflict around the world, and concluded that I'm making my own group because it's time to form accountable circles instead of relying on legacy ones falling apart from bad actors such as imageboards. Unfortunately that either means making war aggregate videos on Rumble or making a dicksword server in today's social climate since I'm interested in new culture, not cultural stagnation under defunct and abandoned systems. I considered a forum but at least dicksword is similar to IRC if both are gonna spy on you anyways.
/christian/ are just a bunch of roleplaying shitstirring niggers who probably don't actually believe in Christianity at all.
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Well it's better to have a proof of concept than nothing at all to show so I've got a matrix room and dicksword server going. If it's popular enough I'll look into hosting my own instance in order to merge the two. There's ways to integrate dicksword into matrix but you have to own the matrix server which costs money that I don't want to slap down if this attempt is dead in the water before it even takes off.
Replies: >>295 >>307
>fag who can't into imageboards filters himself and fucks off to discord (fr fr)
if only more could follow your shining example
Replies: >>289 >>290
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Does it feel good rolling in your own shit? I'm genuinely curious since you like bragging about it.
Replies: >>295
Good job gatekeeping a cesspit lol no wonder fags like you are more concerned with being internet bouncers than actually posting anything noteworthy you don't want the meanie (and nonexistent) normalfags to figure out the club is empty and there isn't even any music.
Replies: >>295
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Not that anon, but are you sure that using Dicksword or Matrix is a good idea? Both places are arguably worse than IBs.
Replies: >>297 >>299
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Matrix is inherently no worse than an IRC client. It is arguably worse than imageboards because the barrier to entry to start a matrix server is lower than that of an imageboard. Understand linux and web development and how to install outdated applications through custom means because not even lynxchan can get out of using legacy applications to run vs signing up for an account, possibly paying for a server, and punching in a couple console commands for the software to do the rest of the installation for you. The barrier to entry to START an imageboard vs a chat server is why chat servers are inherently more popular and thus "worse than IBs." Identity-related concerns are justifiable if you believe in absolute anonymity since Matrix requires a username/email and thus an identity, but considering there are both IDs and country flags floating around and most anons use consistent guest logins on IRC clients and cytube servers anyways, anons are hypocrites in the first place. I won't try to justify dicksword and its datamining. People are lazy though and Dicksword is a muster point that isn't going anywhere right now.

If the community comes from a mindset and enforces that mindset, the platform they ultimately use doesn't matter. I mean, do you sit around while everything rots and the boat sinks and complain about it the entire way down, or do you try to cut off a couple functional blocks of wood from the structure and tie together a raft to sail to the nearest islands and locate civilization, anon? As an example, I don't like Kiwifarms at all, but it's hard to argue that a community like /cow/ or /tv/ managed to hold onto users as well as they did post-8chan despite being the "purer" alternative. Well, maybe one of the 20 or so lawsuits currently all trying to make it to SCOTUS will get through or that censorship bill to make Musk suck congress' dick for threatening national security by buying the psyop platform will pass, and freezed peaches will be restored to the internet on a technicality, and we can all laugh this off as a big joke in a couple years. In the mean time, I can put my fingers in my ears and scream while hoping for the best under a cult of personality leader who butted his head where it doesn't belong, or I can accept reality and find the best compromise before /k/ gets snuffed.
>considering there are both IDs and country flags floating around
All that indicates is that a post is by a complete retard and/or attention whore if it's not through the hidden service (or a once-off cos it's some random proxy), as it always has.
>most anons use consistent guest logins on IRC clients and cytube servers anyways
Most anons don't use IRC these days (cos the hosts got all gayed up, mostly) and the ones that do aren't anons if they're using repeatedly using the same identity. I mean, in the same sense that a tripfag isn't an anon, and just as gay.
>Matrix is inherently no worse than an IRC client
Pretty sure this is wrong anyway but invite only circlejerks are compromised by nature regardless of the substrate.
>I can put my fingers in my ears and scream while hoping for the best under a cult of personality leader who butted his head where it doesn't belong
Isn't this what you're doing? You're the presumed leader, but you're clearly just as retarded as any alternative.
>I can accept reality and find the best compromise before /k/ gets snuffed
If /k/ goes down for no reason yet again there'll be another /k/, as always
Replies: >>300 >>307
I don't agree that dicksword is a good idea but I understand why he wants to move there. I'm not gonna delude myself into thinking I can stop him or that making things so insufferable that fucking discord seems preferable is a good way to "gatekeep" either.
>Pretty sure this is wrong anyway but invite only circlejerks are compromised by nature regardless of the substrate.
Considering the Matrix server is publicly viewable without an account, that would imply imageboards are also invite-only circlejerks since nobody "finds" them these days unless invited.
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Strictly speaking I should've banned you for posting a pedocord link. However I was busy (and in the intrest of discussion) I will let it stay. Personally, I refuse to use Discord. But for me, where there is liberty there is my home.

I again apologize for the continued absence, COVID retardation has not helped and this is the most busy time of year for my profession. Have a video of Russians taking out a 19Sh6 Ukrainian radar.
lmao this is how you guarantee your board is just going to be as shitty as cafe /k/ you fucking idiot
ded board
>cafe/k/ is outsider schizos and homo avatarfags spamming zerohedge/infowars links
>also niggerpill
>this /k/ has no one
>4/k/ is a total nightmare
Damn I bet most actual Streloks really did fuck off to the woods finally.
Replies: >>336 >>337
there was one anon back on 8kunt who said he was going innawoods as the wuhan wheeze was starting to spread across the globe. i wonder if he's still there, and how many others followed his example.
>cafe/k/ is outsider schizos and homo avatarfags spamming zerohedge/infowars links
>cafe removes /fascist/
>cafe/k/ becomes 4/pol/
Replies: >>350 >>378
>>cafe/k/ becomes 4/pol/
4/pol/ is unironically better because at least sometimes their schizos do something funny, meanwhile cafe/k/ schizos just act like condescending fart huffers and just spout vague shit no one cares about.
Aaand the Tengu basically turned the cafe/k/ into the avatarfaggot's personal shithole by implicit allowance via nonenforcement of basic fucking common sense.
Replies: >>375
Elaborate? Not going back to that shithole board to look at it.
Replies: >>376
The avatarfag has been, for over a week now, drunkposting in the most obnoxious of manners (drawing attention to the fact it's drunk and essentially acting like people have to give it free passes because it's drunk); and creating retarded off topic threads with his avatar as the OP. In the most recent example, it decided /k/ is /mu/ and was demanding people post music including fucking k-pop, and used the thread to openly gloat that it could do whatever it wanted and the Tengu and jannies would do nothing to it.
The Tengu, of course, dismisses every single complaint and report.
Replies: >>377
well hopefully the faggots stay there and anyone that wants actual discussion will come here
Replies: >>387
>third point
What does that have to do with the current state of the board?
Outside of that, it is true that the board is now an even shittier /pol/.
I still don't understand why tengu is allowed to own boards anywhere and why he hasn't been universally banned from taking boards. Tengu takes boards, even boards with significant communities, and tells the entire userbase he is not going to enforce any moderation on the board anymore. Then he invites his underage spammer friends to shit the place up until people are upset and complaining. When they complain, tengu does nothing. Everyone eventually leaves, and the board becomes PLW: a few occasional garbage posts. After that, it wouldn't surprise me if tengu just nuked the board.

I have no idea why sites allow tengu to have any kind of mod power. His whole shtick is to use none of that power and kill off boards. Why on earth would you want someone on your site as a moderator who refuses to moderate and is here to kill boards (and your entire site if he can?)
Replies: >>387 >>397
Well considering all the shit that happened with /fascist/ it's probably safe to assume the people in charge of the cafe are heavily compromised and probably welcome the utter destruction of /k/ anyway. It still amazes me how fast we went from 0 problems to a clearly manufactured board war to /fascist/ being delet and the BO of /k/ at the time admitting he's a glownigger. It all happened in what like a month? The board has been nosediving ever since and it's understandable why the BO before tengunigger gave up.
If the BO here isn't an idiot he'll know what to nip in the bud if they do decide to faggot this place up too. It's not like shitstirrers make themselves hard to spot.
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Can you stop with that "cafe is compromised" bullshit? Yes that fag was a glowie but the admins have nothing to do with the board's decline in quality.
Replies: >>394
apparently this board only exists as a bunker for cafe/k/, that's why it was dead before anyone came here. however now that cafe has become unusable a lot more are coming here. sturgeon still hasn't responded on what the moderation status of this board is so it's in a weird sort of limbo.
Replies: >>394 >>401 >>433
>can you stop calling it like you see it
No and feel free to suck my cock about it.
The BO here should still be around the board isn't that old.
Replies: >>397 >>401
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Hey fag, "tengu" has a message for you. Take it or leave it.
I will not, so get fucked. Draw a clock too.
Replies: >>398 >>404
>draw a clock
What? Man go back to the fucking cafe there's like 3 people here and none of them are interested in dealing with cafe bullshit.
The BO here is an old vol from cafe/k/ who went here because of disagreements with the administration because of Romanian law I think so he knows his shit.
I have no idea if he's still here because he didn't expect people to migrate here so soon.
Yes that's exactly what this is.
I think Sturgeon already gave him the ownership (you can see it in the rules).
Replies: >>433
Tengu dicksuckers are fucking pathetic.
>"Only took this board so it wouldn't die because of some gay drama"
<lets board die via gay drama
>"I'm carrying the webring!"
<one of the worst users in webring history, beaten only by schizo spammers like dolphin
>"I gave up on /pol/ and it only degraded further"
<because you fucking gave up on the board, retard
I'm glad you niggers are leaving. Stay gone.
Replies: >>406 >>410
The only thing I don't like about the message is that if nobody takes the board before April 1st "something" will happen.
You better archive the threads you care about.
Replies: >>407 >>409 >>410
I think most of the ones that are worth a shit were already archived awhile ago, pretty much the only threads that have gotten frequent and consistent activity over the past year are the ukraine and meta threads, and even then like half of both of those is either petty garbage made by blatant outsiders that don't give a fuck about weapons or repetitive faggotry not even worth reading once.
I've tried on three separate occasions since Tengu took over to arrange for any kind of organizational effort to preserve a community and prevent astroturfers from shitting up the place, and the average Strelo/k/ is either too lazy or too stupid to go literally anywhere else, so I have zero sympathy when astroturfers realize they can shit up the board unhindered under a Tengu moderation. 

His thinly veiled threat maybe meant something six months ago but now it's hollow and I don't give a shit. There is nothing he can do short of advertising it to spammers that would make the board worse than it currently is. Linknigger has decided he's allowed to be a namefag, fednigger is starting to clusterpost again, and Hitlernigger can't keep it in his pants for two fucking posts.
Replies: >>410 >>433
Nobody has emailed me for it yet. I guess the nibbers campaigning for my removal don't want it after all? Kinda surprising tbh.

1. lie
2. joke
3. not quite what happened, I did try to find a replacement in good faith but once again there was no interest, if you want it its probably still available and you can either tell me or sturgeon but I am not technically the board owner anymore
have a wonderful day blue checkmark-kun

It's not exactly a threat, I said that to try and motivate someone into taking action. I'm still mulling over the details of the surprise though.
Replies: >>411 >>419 >>427
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>Still mulling over the details
Oh no, by all means don't hesitate on my behalf. I said back when you took the board that Tengunigger wasn't the moderation /k/ needed but the one it deserved because to some extent I expected this kind of outcome. Honestly I'm impressed the inmates didn't realize they were in charge of the asylum until a spam thread got left up.

I await to see what abomination comes next.
Replies: >>433
Please leave.
go back to your shithole and stay there
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>Pic unrelated
If /k/ dies because it's infested with glowfags and niggers then a new one will come up in time. That or /k/ deserves to die permanently.
>the average Strelo/k/ is either too lazy or too stupid to go literally anywhere else
As long as this site's around, I'll do my best to give Strelo/k/s a choice.Freedom of association is important.
I left because cafe sitemins were banning discussion on the creation of weapons because "they could be illegal" under their interpretation Romanian law .... Which defies the point of a board discussing everything weapons. I still believe the logic to that decision was worse than Wickard v. Filburn. 
>>393 >>387
I'll intervene when I need to. Buying land and living innawoods also plays a role.
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>pic related
>>517 was spacing like a plebbitor and thus was banned for 156 days until 9/9/23 (Downgraded to 9hr,9min,9sec) for reddit spacing. Go drink some milk please and lurk more.
If you can't tell, this is a partial late April fools joke
Last edited by Hidden User
Replies: >>554
>Day of spacing
>Banning a user for spacing
His spacing is fine. We're down to me and like four other guys regularly browsing /k/ across three different websites, is ideological E-infamy really worth it? If you think so I'll make it four guys instead of five but there's too few of us and I'm going to retort childish antics at this point.
Replies: >>528
The post above you says that it's an April Fools joke a stupid one at that but he's right in that you don't need that much spacing.
Replies: >>534 >>535
It's not even a lot of spacing. It's always this kind of petty stupid shit that drives people away.
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>spacing bad LOL APRIL FOOL'S XDDD but really spaces bad because reddit
Can you make posting with flags optional? It ruins INFOSEC and makes tracking anons across threads easier which hampers anonymity. Since there's so few of us it's borderline namefagging.
Replies: >>558
>>193 (OP) 
Who sang the song, and is there any history beyond him being the writer of it?
Replies: >>558
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Just stop letting spergs ruin your experience on image boards and ignore obvious shills, niggerpills, and petty Janny drama and focus on the actual discussions and funposting.
Replies: >>555 >>557 >>558
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>Reads spoiler
>Go drink some milk please 
Already had some with my morning eggs sausage and side salad anon.
Replies: >>558
>just like ignore it lol
>even though slow as fuck boards are easily destroyed by these spamming niggers
Not going back to the cafe, eat shit.
Or better yet get off imageboards and spend the extra time learning valuable skills/forming meaningful relationships.
[Hide] (16.1MB, 1280x720, 02:37)
>video unrelated
I remember this video around old infinitychan. That's all I know. 
Geoflag posting has been disabled and will remain so for the next two months. Send feedback
>>554 >>553
<Double posting and Reddit spacing
Last edited by shturm
Replies: >>559 >>561 >>562
thanks for disabling flags
The color scheme is not too bad but I mostly prefer the previous one.
Thanks for getting rid of the flags though.
The last color scheme was fine this Halloween looking shit kinda hurts to look at.
Have you done it? Because it's still this Halloween shit.
Also the asc file you uploaded gives a 404.
Replies: >>611
Hash: SHA512

Looks like the file type (.asc) won't play nice with the board software. I've attached it in .txt this time, a mirrored, encrypted block message will accompany important  plaintext announcements from here on out.
File name is "zergface_0x87FD2EDC_public.txt",  SHA256: b93d1a1ef58959c04017b9f43273db78ecaf61565cf10b9c2170f08d19429705
Due to extrinsic circumstances, there is a higher (relativelyl low chance) that I may be compromised by a government agency (I have taken a job that requires extensive international travel). A dead man switch has been created and will alert the board in case of unforseen consequences.
If the board wants a new BO I am willing to stay on until things change



Last edited by shturm
This new green color scheme is worse than the Halloween-themed scheme. My eyes bleed.
Replies: >>615 >>618
This one seems fine to me, isn't it what you had originally?
It's surprisingly hard to please everyone with any theme that isn't the default colors even though those can cause major eye strain too.
Replies: >>615 >>618
This is way better than the Halloween-theme scheme and it fits with the board's theme.
>isn't it what you had originally?
Yes, this is the one that he used when he opened this bunker.
Replies: >>616 >>618
This is not the color scheme that it was when I complained about it.
It WAS lime green with puke green accents.
Replies: >>618
Hash: SHA512

Forgot I had a program to shift the color hues to match circadian-rhythms on top of a shitty lamp.

Hash: SHA512

Achtúng spione.  Vorsicht bei sesprächen! Hinter den feindmachten, der Bundesnachrichtendiens!

Some retard has been banned for fedposting. 10 days.
All they did was post a thread subject called "bomb airplanes", video with identical audio, and saying "I love bikes on my airplane".
>Multiple edit posts in a short time.
<Sorry for the edits. Issues with getting the verification to work with styling. Don't put the styling in the plaintext like bold or italics.


Last edited by shturm
You're an overly uptight faggot, way to be the opposite extreme from the shithead ls at the cafe. Fuck all of you, goodbye.
Replies: >>641 >>669
Well, if you want to you can make your own board. I'll drop by and say hi and wish you the best.
Or if you really want this one I can hand this one off to you (after I open this to everyone else to be fair). Either one is fine, I don't care.
Replies: >>642
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As a heads up I'm not >>639 (I'm >>635 ) and don't really feel a need to get up-in-arms, but it sounds like we're at an impasse so I wish you the best but I don't think this board is for me then.

Mate I spent 4 years trying to make the webring bigger and better, I've decided to move on to greener pastures since discussions among namefags in unnamed places are comparable to anonymous conversations these days. /k/ was just one of my few attachments I still had to imageboards, but I feel like even /k/ has become unfun so there's just no point any more. In a sense I guess you could call this my final farewell from a hope/fever dream I was still clinging to in this cruel world. It's hard to admit I wasted my time on imageboards, but sometimes accepting reality is the hard part.
Replies: >>669 >>740
Hash: SHA512

>>642 & >>640 
I make no excuses for the tardiness moving across the pacific and getting hospitalized fucking SUCKS but isn't relevant and apologize for my actions. I had to do some thinking and realized that I was thinking too much like an old faggot yelling at clouds. I should be trying to make the webring a better place instead of dragging everyone else down.
If streloks want to take over the BO position in time feel free to apply below so we don't get a repeat of a glowkun, maybe some sort of trial period until the majority of the board approves or some shit.

Hash: SHA512


This is the new key for the next six months. I have signed this with my previous key with a 1 day extension until Dec 5th, 2023 PST  and then will permanently revoke the previous key. My life events have kept me busy until it lapsed.
Due to the anglo glownigger incident back on the cafe, when I became a vol I made a promise to all streloks previous on the cafe to preemptively state if I ever took a three letter job. I lost my job recently and unfortunately my current field is pretty bad. Unfortunately the happening we have all prayed for and dread has not yet alive so we must still exist in clown world. I have applied for (not yet received a reply) to a few jobs with  not three letter agencies. They are state government role and is not related to glows or the "justice" system. Most likely than not I'll be testing ground and water samples for heavy metal contamination.
If any streloks are intrested in taking the position of BO, I am more than willing to pass the torch after a trial period.The time to pass this baton has long come.

New PGP block below and on the txt file:
SHA-256 signature on the txt: 53F3513BC6BC837AD3997855C8B99F918A8003C565F26D7A903B628E7C06CDB6


Replies: >>740 >>741
>bo is a crippled fag
lel gaaayyyy
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As much as I would like to run /k/, the webring in its entirety is full of nofun terminally online schizophrenic faggots who think everyone is a fed trying to entrap them in some retarded Rothschild-Freemason-Bill Gates scheme and everything exists solely to spite them, and nothing you can say to them will ever change their minds. And those are not the kind of people I want to spend time with or babysit. Like >>642 says, it's just not fun anymore. The only boards I go on are small hobby boards with maybe a couple posts a day at best. I'm a bit depressed it turned out this way but it was fun while it lasted.
Replies: >>742 >>751 >>755
>who think everyone is a fed trying to entrap them
To be fair to them, the feds have been going after a shit ton of people after ((( muh insurrection ))). Not that defends the terminally online portion of your statement.
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Hello, /christmas/ here. We want to invite you participate in our annual Christmas party again this year. It's already started, and the main stream will be from Friday 22nd, through Monday 25th : 3 pm PST / 22 UTC . 

'Please come and share some Christmas cheer with your fellow anons!'
Gaston Glock has passed away.
Replies: >>749
He tried firing one of his guns didn't he? Is there anything left of the body?
How about a weapons board that isn't /k/? Something like /vr/ and its clear cutoff point, like 1815.
[Hide] (9.9MB, 1280x720, 08:57) will be shut down in March. I don't know if this bunker will get more active or if things will stay the same, but I can't tell for sure.
Even with the bad things that happened between you and the admins I'm still saddened by the loss.
I don't know if Tengu will archive all of the threads or not, but I'll advise to archive whatever from there just in case.
Replies: >>753
Would hope this established bunker takes off, which is a known entity. Cafe will be split, with the non-drama boards going to trash or wap, blacked lovers going to, and the rest here to sleepy.
Replies: >>754
I hope so, because someone apparently decided to make a news board on 8moe while one Strelok decided to ask /sp/ to let them move there (which I don't think is a really good idea).
Trashchan guy has decided to open boards so hopefully some of the boards can move there. He also apparently fixed issues with VPNs and the site has also supported Tor.
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>who think everyone is a fed trying to entrap them in some retarded
This nigger wasn't around for fedposts being submitted as evidence in federal court.
This nigger wasn't around for a hermit that liked reading and playing with animals being treated as a domestic terrorist.

How many laws are there in the city or town you live in?
How many laws in the county?
How many laws in the state?
How many rulings has your regional district court made?
How many federal laws?
How many treaties that must be followed by citizens?

Break any one of those, which you could be ignorant of, and the feds could fuck with you because of what you communicate or believe.
The faggot police ruined the fun when they decided to target anons over communication and belief.
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The sorts willing to come here probably like moderators who week-ban people for double-posting or permaban someone for using reaction images because the anime girl is under 30, but you will never convince me to use this board. Ever. Today I remind them.
So, have you managed to make a /k/ elsewhere?
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git gud
What in God's good name are you even talking about.
>I hate anyone that would post here and generally would prefer some other place
>so I'm going to stop in and let them know my asshole is raw
Could you change the default theme to something better? My vote is for Tomorrow, although there are many other good options too. Navy seems to be quite nice as a dark theme that is different enough to be interesting.
Replies: >>779
>New Theme
I'll leave it on tomorrow for 2 weeks and switch it to Navy later as a trial run.

Feedback appreciated.
>I don't have to change the theme on my end anymore
Neat, the last one was an eyesore.
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Well, it's finally happening.
I hope you're ready.
Replies: >>811 >>813 >>819
what is this retarded faggot going to do now? god what an insufferable retard tengu is
Replies: >>812
Spoiler File
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I wonder...
>I hope you're ready.
Please hold me.
lol bird nigger finally did it
Wish I could say I'm sad but I've grown to fucking hate cuc/k/s with a burning passion over the past two years fuck you all.
Good riddance. Long live Endchan and 8moe. Fuck this burning dumpster fire. Fuck the webring.
Replies: >>820 >>821 >>822
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hang yourself and stream it
Nah blacked can go suck shit too faggot, it's the same kind of faggots that the webring came from just on yet another site run by a different fednigger
HI Eden.
What happened to /k/ in cafe?
Replies: >>824
10goon deleted it
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Jesus, what a petty faggot.
Why is the birdnigger even allowed to run boards if he's just going to delete them without letting streloks save important info?
Replies: >>827 >>828 >>833
look at the bright side, at least we can settle in here sooner and fewer posts will be wasted on a board that was going to croak in a month's time anyway
To be honest he did say in the meta thread that he would delete /k/ earlier. Whether streloks decided to archive everything or sit on their asses it's not up to him.
I'm retarded where do I change the board theme?
Replies: >>830
Never mind found it.
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The only truly surprising thing about Tengu being Tengu is that there wasn't a dedicated effort to move to sleepy, or somewhere else prior. Or at least to make the plans go into action despite the deadline being a month away. Everything should be build back up again soon if anons aren't retards, but /k/ is dead. Long live /k/.
Replies: >>832
I mean, you had a retard making a news board on 8moe and ended up being deleted because he was that much of a retard and tried to raid Smug and someone was even asking /sp/ for a place (which again, not a really good idea).
Replies: >>834
Hate to defend the shithead here but he did warn everyone he might do an early nuke and you should've been well aware he meant it considering his history.
Hopefully he just fucks off forever after this, he did say he was "not bitter just tired".
Replies: >>836
I don't think that guy was even a strelok, the way he acted and the inane dumb clickb8 he was posting just pointed to him being a blacked vulture trying to swoop in and grab users for his yogapig tier board.
Replies: >>835
Wouldn't surprise me either way.
>not bitter just tired
All he had to do was nothing, instead he decided to expend extra effort to be a retard.
>Hopefully he just fucks off forever after this
Doubt, his type craves drama, he'll be back for more/to make more.
Anyone knows why 90% of pics are broken over Tor? I can see them over the clearnet but I can't post because all nodes are global banned, meanwhile I can post on Tor but I can't see pics. Can someone tell the admeme to fix it, I can't even post on /meta/ because the captcha won't load.
Replies: >>961
Some anons have already brought it up but no response from him so far >>>/meta/4619
As for the captcha someone found a workaround, I tested it and worked >>>/meta/4626
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There's an anon who has an archive of the cafe/k/ board. It's available as a torrent.
Replies: >>1161 >>1177
This link will work better.
Replies: >>1177
>It's available as a torrent.
>This link will work better.

Copying the torrent URIs here.
Would it be OK if I revive my two favorite threads from anon./k/afe? I miss the fantasy weapon thread and the ninja/samurai gear thread.
Replies: >>1182
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Oh I've got a few more.
I think that last is a /k/ banner anyway.
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And one from /toy/ that could probably be repurposed into a /k/ banner.
Replies: >>1190
Considerimg that now /toy/ merged with /tg/ that banner is hillarious
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It's finally happened. Anon Cafe has gone offline.
I'm really gonna miss the places (even with its issues and everything).
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Spam has been cleaned up. Apologizes. 
Reports on the slapfight in the Slav vs Slav beatdown thread have been closed. Expect to be called a nigger if you make room temp IQ arguments. Not an admin issue since it is still on topic.
Will get those banners up as soon as picture can actually load properly on my end.

New key for rest of the year signed below. Previous key signs this message.

SHA-256: E9AEAF0EC28DF5B77FD1E45CEB2FDAA00DB38503EEC31C7F4D70E6209BCE48A6

Replies: >>1291 >>1296
Hey, be ready to deal with this shitter because he seems to have found /k/
It's a pretty gargantuan effort to constantly remove so I understand if official policy is simply to ignore the retard.
>slapfight in the slav thread
I don't see a slapfight going on what was being reported?
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Replies: >>1488 >>1495
what?  it's 300x300 on my image editor
>try to repost it
>hurr durr 1 file not unique
what the fuck
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how about now
Replies: >>1490
>300x299 in the editor
>300x300 here
I'm mindfucked
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in hindsight, however
Replies: >>1492 >>1494
I'm going to kill someone
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Replies: >>1494
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>only one z
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>/k/anteen threads will be merged  and banners updated when images aren't borked on tor.
Good news, the Tor is now fully functional again so you can go ahead and do both of these things. Maybe also be a bit more active on the board but I imagine you're still busy.
Replies: >>2485
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>moved across country for job
>got a gf
>lost job cause shit economy
>moving to west taiwan for new job 
>probably going to loose the gf
If I go missing and there's a dead man switch message, it's probably because I tried to get blueprints for Best Korean/Chinese/Burmese gear legally so I can produce them in the USA for shekels. If for some reason full blown civil war happens without China collapsing I'll probably come back as an arms dealer.

The CCP (CPC) copypaste thread stays because it has become the discussion of the  prelude to the liberation of Taiwan third Chinese civil war that's expected to kick off in 2027 as the PLA's stated already. 
I've swept the reports properly now. If it's not generating discussion and just complaining I'll continue to sweep those. If it is tangentially related to topic (or if it makes me laugh properly) it'll stay. 

Did a burger carrier got BTFO by some muslims?
Replies: >>2488 >>2489
No. Yemen claimed to have sunk/damaged a CVN (and almost started Global Thermonuclear War), but the CVN itself later reported that not only was it fine it was never shot at.
Replies: >>2489 >>2490
It's only a matter of time before it actually happens.
Well, only time will tell, I guess.
Replies: >>2496
It does make you wonder if something like that actually happened in an area or situation that the USG didn't want to escalate would they reverse false flag it? Would they just go 
>Oh no there was a terrible accident several of our brave sailors got drunk off of all American whisky and wrecked the boat into nothing it's a tragedy!
>Definitely not an act of war or anything.

There might even be pressure to do something like that beyond just immediate deescalation. It's not like the US would want it known that third worlders took down one of their multi billion dollar military artifacts. They're not just visible power projection for the US they're also basically irreplaceable.
Replies: >>2500 >>2506
If it embarrasses the regime, it is a safe bet they would pull a cover-up. The west is living in the USSR as far as news media is concerned.
Replies: >>2532
1967. USS Liberty.
>living in the USSR
I'd argue it's worse. The Soviets at least ostensibly are patriotic instead of the import refguees and niggers shit we have now.
Replies: >>2539
Yeah, the Russians USSR was so patriotic they were sending their own niggers all over their colonies instead.
Will someone competent make a new Ukrainian thread, or should we play the game where someone makes an atrociously bad OP so that someone else makes a better one out of spite?
Replies: >>5547
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I've slightly updated antispam measures. Exodus may or may not affect us.
Благодарим Тебя за то, что раскрыл слугам Твоим козни врагов наших! 
Signed using UTC +8 timezone...

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> or should we play the game where someone makes an atrociously bad OP so that someone else makes a better one out of spite?
I really tried strelok. I'm sorry.
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Happy New Years stalkers! Burgerfats got two presents. One from the Nation of Islam retards, second from Musk's H1B screeching and exploding cybertruck.. Supposedly FBI's searching for two more women and a man who planted IEDs in the truck of peace attack which all failed except the ramming in New Orleans.

I am thinking of cleaning the posts that are pure replies ocassionally from the media thread. Thoughts?
New key attached expires Jan 1st, 2026. 
Keyfil SHA-256 sum: eabbfb373c81a86033c4efdc51836be593aed9690247aded6f26126ecb27c790
(Text key posted below):



Replies: >>6234
>I am thinking of cleaning the posts that are pure replies ocassionally from the media thread. Thoughts?
Depends on the posts, if you purge too hard then you might as well just close the thread and only open it up when you want to post something and are looking for input from us. Otherwise it's not a bad idea to keep the meta thread for meta issues.
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Why is thre no new Ukraine/Russia & Isreal threads?
Replies: >>6373 >>6383
There is a new Israel thread. It seems it's just not called the Israel thread >>6275
[New Reply]
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