I'd really like to revive some other threads aside from the two ongoing wars threads
>Ninja and Samurai Gear >>1193
>Fantasy Weapons, Armor, and Armaments >>1188
>Vidya thread >>727
I don't have a lot new at the moment so I hope other streloks would contribute.
Additionally What does everyone think about a new gardening thread? A new one never got remade after the move and it's around the time for planning to begin.
I made the last one and it wasn't the best, aside from the custom cover image which got mistaken by one anon as exotic gender flags, and so I was waiting for another anon to make the next one.
If no one makes a new thread by this evening I'll make the next edition but be forewarned it's probably also going to have too many chromosomes at birth. Also I've really not kept up with things since around Christmas since I wanted to put such things out of my mind for the season, so if I make it the OP will be information poor, which I don't like doing.
I suppose we also need the thread because the upcoming change of US president is liable to cause a flurry of new happenings.