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I said come in, don't stand there!
The rules:
2.Don't spam
3.Spoiler porn and gore
4.Try to remain on topic
Get out of here stalker

[Hide] (13.9MB, 1280x720, 04:05)
Assad lives!
Alas, he is still is Moskau, and all is not well in Syria.

Previous thread: >>4475
158 replies and 178 files omitted. View the full thread
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>Lebanon's PM Salam: Refugees have the ability to return to Syria today, and we must reverse the asylum and return them
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The Tariq Ben Zeyad Brigade of the Benghazi-based Libyan National Army,  captured the city of al-Qatrun from local Toubou tribes.
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>Relocate palestinians in Jordan
>South Lebanon in chaos
>Syria in chaos
Sounds like the birth of PLO, pt. II except in this case there's no visible spokesman figure like Arafat was.
The USS Harry Truman sustained unspecified damage above the waterline after colliding with a merchant vessel on the Mediterranean sea near the Suez canal. It will be a problem if it has to leave the theater for repair. The carrier from the previous task force, I don't remember which one, had an extended deployment and needed a re-fit even if the Houthis didn't actually hit it. If there isn't a spare super carrier around they'll have to pull one from some other hot spot.
It could be hybrid warfare or diversity, there isn't enough information for me to decide.
Replies: >>7139
How in the fuck do you accidentally hit something so big which is traveling at like 30 km/h tops?
I guess navy felt outclassed by chairforce in retardation departement after recent collision and tries to regain the crown.

>Chechen Confrontation: Ukraine decided to poke the bear by attacking Chechen forces, prompting Chechen leader Kadyrov to threaten revenge with promises of vengeance “they’ve never even dreamed of.” Sounds like a classic case of “hold my vodka.”
>Shovel Combat: Apparently, the Russians are still clinging to their love for shovels, as a user sarcastically noted that shovel combat must've been a thing for ages. In other news, shovels are now a hot commodity in this high-tech war.
>North Korean Troops: North Korean troops are reportedly active in Kursk, making them the second-best army in Russia. They’ve gone from starving at home to potentially starving on the frontline. Talk about an upgrade!
>Oreshnik Missile Strike: Russia claimed to have successfully tested its new Oreshnik missile, striking a critical facility in Dnipro. This missile reportedly does kinetic damage without the nuclear fallout—because why not add a little flair to the apocalypse?
>US Presidential Election: As the US gears up for the Trump administration, speculations abound about potential shifts in support for Ukraine. Trump’s win could pivot the war from being a “let’s support Ukraine” to “wait, what’s this about a peace deal with Russia?”—a potential plot twist that no one saw coming. um yes we did, robo
Last edited by shturm
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ТЦК seppuku?
>First spoiler
I want to discuss that but i am still shuffling where to post it.
Most everything is a hoax but there's few cases that are intriguing.
>What did you learn?
I learned that patriotism is for suckers.
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Я выучил много русского языка. I just don't know how use it in my day to day life. I also learned russians love anime especially the army.
Replies: >>7137
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Slavs have good tiny imageboards, and good 2hu content on them specifically.

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This is the thread where I can post silly ideas that come to my mind and hope that someone will play ball with me we can discuss strategies, operations, tactics, equipment, logistics, and all the other fun things involved in the wars of current year, including theoretical ones yet to start.
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Could you take out such small drones with Tesla coils? If yes then you could put a few of them next to every window and door, and have them turn on automatically when they sense a small drone approaching. I think you could even use microphones to rely on the buzzing they make. And you could even equip drones with Tesla coils and go on the offensive.
Replies: >>7117 >>7133
>Could you take out such small drones with Tesla coils?
Maybe? Probably? Depends on the voltage and the frequency. It wouldn't even have to be a Tesla coil specifiaclly. Anythhing that could generate a brush discharge or a spark of enough power would do. Potentially even a powerful enough electrostatic generator.
>and have them turn on automatically when they sense a small drone approaching
Naw what you would do is leave it on all the time and tune it to be ready to "pop" when something enters the electrical field.
Replies: >>7118
>Naw what you would do is leave it on all the time and tune it to be ready to "pop" when something enters the electrical field.
You would end up frying random birds, and anyone who decides to lean out of a window. And even if that is not a problem, you'd at least have to do something with doors if you don't want to risk shocking people who enter or leave the building.
Replies: >>7121
Not necessarily. If you're just trying to fry electronics or preemptively set off a detonation charge you could do that with a voltage they wouldn't seriously harm a person. Or a pigeon.
>random birds
Which just made me think probably a better solution to deal with the micro drone menace would be aviary netting.
>cables good
Everything is a tradeoff. Cables have weight. Cables can and do break, maneuverability is restricted and must be done more carefully. The overall success rate is apparently fairly similar 20-30% between fiberoptic and radio controlled drones.
I'm surprised it's not ubiquitous for drones. I saw a video where drone operator mentioned they launch the drone w/o the video feed to help conceal their location because other side can also see the video feed. I'm assuming, maybe incorrectly, that the video is digital now rather than analog.
>Tesla coils
Sure but it's extremely inefficient as far as weight and power efficiency goes, remember all this shit will be running off of batteries. If you want to fry drone's electronics (not just disrupt the operator's signal) I think realistically you're looking at a vehicle mounted system not something you can carry in a backpack.

You can post videos in this thread.
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Replies: >>7082
Was getting caught part of his plan?
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Spoiler File
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Let's begin again. The other thread was about to die anyway.
Hopefully we can keep this one alive for another 4 years and bring some new content to it.
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Replies: >>7108
"General Kenobi.."
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What if a ZIP .22 and a G11 had a weird, illicit butt-baby:

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Are there any modern hunting rifles that have a non-detachable magazine and can only feed from loading one round in at a time and are at all common? Asking to get an idea of how universal detachable box magazines are on such guns now.
93 replies and 45 files omitted. View the full thread
Good summary.

I have seen demonstrations where fiberglass sheets were epoxied together to stop pistol threats. That was pretty neat.
>Unless you're also prepared to upgrade/swap the engine to radically exceed design specs and alter the gearbox for low end torque.
Perhaps if you're armoring a Prius or a Civic? Full size SUVs can tow 4-5+ tons from the factory and even more for pickups, in other words you can double/triple the weight before you need to start worrying about the drive train. If you're set on doing this with a sedan, diesel models would be a better starting point. In either case suspension will be the first weak link, it will definitely need some love if you want to haul all that instead pulling it behind you.
>Heemayer's dozer could barely carry all the steel armor he fitted to it.
For perspective, a stock Komatsu D355A has a 410HP engine and weighs 44 tons - let's call that 10HP/ton.
Meanwhile a prius has 50HP/ton on the low end, and 100-200HP/ton is more typical. Oh and I'd be shocked if the dozer could reach 10MPH.
Replies: >>6697

Agreed, your best bet of making an armored passenger vehicle work is to start with something light and quick and make it heavy and not so quick. I still think you'd end up having to dick with the gearbox and maybe supercharge the engine, but a hot hatch or sport sedan seems like the place to start.
Why did the slavs invaded Georgia 15 years ago?
Replies: >>7116
I think it was mostly the same reason they invaded Ukraine. Just trying to reunite Russian ethnic areas with Russia proper.

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>Reply limit reached
Non /k/ related discussion and shit that (probably) doesn't deserve a thread.
Old thread >>335
Last edited by shturm
112 replies and 60 files omitted. View the full thread
>i am not getting it
I'm not sure anybody knows what Trump is trying to accomplishing. Including Trump.
Replies: >>7075
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Does this mean there's gonna be a Commercial Diving boom?
Replies: >>7075
>Including Trump.
Give him a break, he's kinda old to be VP. It's OK though, President Musk is on top of it, getting things done.
>a Commercial Diving boom?
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Google maps
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It's good to see Trump is finally entering his Dark Elf phase. 
My first thought when I heard they were doing this is that they have finally smartened up and are doing subtle radicalization. Like if Trump had done this 8 years ago they would have made a big show about "Never surrendering to the racist ursurper!" #RESISTANCE but now it looks like they're opting for let him have enough rope to hang himself method. They could have just done nothing at all without any comment but instead they decided to slap this sticker up on the wall so that it will gnaw lightly at everyone that's left of center.

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Thread for discussing everything wrong with THOSE DAMN CHICOMS STEALING OUR FREEDOMS
>Also the thread for discussing the incoming fight between the PLA vs. USN +  ROCAF

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

<Good job! You have lost 100 social credit score and will now be sent to a re-education thourgh work program. Please report to your local Public Safety Bureau office.
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How is that going to make groceries cheap again? good maple syrup already went up bad, now imagine half the electric supplies
Replies: >>6980
>How is that going to make groceries cheap again?
Who said it would?
>half the electric supplies
It just affects cheap shit mailed directly from mainland China, think aliexpress and temu, a $6 doodad will cost $6.60 is not a big deal until you add a $35 admin flat fee from the customs broker. Or you can buy that same item for $15-20 off ebay.
Many of the 'factory direct' sellers started to ship from USA in recent years, meaning they import pallets/containers stateside and go through customs process already.
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>no de-minimus exemption (was $800)
I wonder ((( who ))) profits from this?
Replies: >>6993
From having the exemption in place? Possibly no one, actually. It increases activity, yes, but I'm less sure about any value add. Shipping individual items by mail parcels across the Pacific, by air in many cases, is quite wasteful and this is what the duty exemption encourages.
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This is the thread where you can go and complain about anything board management wise.
Streloks, sturgeon has generously allowed us to host this as a bunker, and as such I will be mainly running the show unless he or other global vols show up.
I don't plan on being available through email or anything. 
Banner applications are accepted here as soon as I figure out the correct size.
>video not related
Also, could someone fill me in on the situation with the cafe? I've been unable to access it or this site for some time.
182 replies and 67 files omitted. View the full thread
IDs you see are based on the IP + thread ID, maybe cookies too.
I'm guessing BO was looking at IPs to draw that conclusion.
>Wouldn't (((  you  ))) like to know
Yeah it's not like this site is based on an open source project with a link to the bottom of the page, that works just be silly.
Wait what's happened exactly?
>If you believe to have been caught in the IP ban and post delete by error, submit an appeal.
I hope I haven't been.
>Almost the entirety of the duplicate canteen thread was himself. 40+ posts have been deleted. 
Are we sure that these admin tools work as intended?
Replies: >>6823
What exactly am I supposed to be reading?
I think I got at least one of my post deleted there but it didn't matter since it was just a shitpost replying to another post with a cropped saxon.

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