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Welcome to zzz/tech/
0. All global rules apply: https://zzzchan.xyz/rules.html
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2. Keep the topics related to technology and computing.
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4. For the QTDDTOT thread and the meta-thread, there can be only one unless the reply limit has been reached. If the previous thread is at the reply limit, anyone can recreate those threads. Thread quality rules do not apply to these threads.
5. Low quality shitposting will be met with DELetion or all files in the post being unlinked (frogposting, wojaks, >he doesn't use [insert thing here], Reddit logo spam, etc.). Otherwise, shitposting is allowed but try not to derail threads.

Posting recommendations
1. Try keeping most of your tech support questions, software recommendations, consumer advice, and other questions that don't deserve threads in the QTDDTOT thread. If there is a specific thread for your question, try asking there instead for a faster response.
2. Try not to ask questions that can be found on any search engines. You will most likely be told to search more and not receive an answer.

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Meta-Thread: >>190
'Useful programs'

4/g/ Wiki
8/tech/ Wiki
https://wiki.cloveros.ga/Main_Page (link dead)
Linux distro wikis (can apply to all distros)

'Tech article sites (need to add more)'
https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ [ onion: http://digdeep4orxw6psc33yxa2dgmuycj74zi6334xhxjlgppw6odvkzkiad.onion/ ]
https://spyware.neocities.org/ [ onion: http://spywaredrcdg5krvjnukp3vbdwiqcv3zwbrcg6qh27kiwecm4qyfphid.onion/ ]
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Discuss /tech/-related news.
What will happen if section 230 is nuked?
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Besides being an attempt at speeding up Wayland adoption, it also looks like that they're testing the waters to see how people react to them getting rid of X11.
If they keep their release schedule pattern somewhat, then they'd probably get GTK 5 out around 2029 or 2030.
Of course they can delay or cancel its removal if it's deemed too unpopular.
As a curiosity, are there any ImGui-style toolkits that target window systems in the open?
Replies: >>15268
Good, let them fade into obscurity even more as Qt eats their lunch.
They already did that in Windows two decades ago.
Old news. They announced that in 2022.
However their Wayland compositor is lacking behind KWin and doesn't have many things yet like the Wayland Cursor Shape Protocol which is needed in Wayland because it handles cursor sizes differently and without it the same cursor will be different sizes on different windows.
KWin: Look, we have SVG cursors!
Mutter: We have differently sized cursors on each window! Bet you can't do that!
I feel like they can't do anything right. What the fuck is wrong with Gnome fags?
Cleaning stuff up after removing firefox package... Oh wait, what's this Wayland stuff doing here? Now why would they do that.
arm64# pkgin autoremove
23 packages to be autoremoved:
  at-spi2-atk-2.38.0nb2 at-spi2-core-2.44.1 ffmpeg4-4.4.5 ffmpeg7-7.0.2nb1
  gobject-introspection-1.80.1nb3 gtk3+-3.24.43 hunspell-1.7.2nb2 icu-75.1
  libcups-2.4.10 libepoll-shim-0.0.20240608 libgcrypt-1.11.0nb1
  libgpg-error-1.50 libpaper-2.2.5 libv4l-1.24.1 libxkbcommon-1.7.0nb2
  libxslt-1.1.42 nspr-4.35 nss-3.105 pciutils-3.11.1 perl-5.38.2
  py312-setuptools-75.1.0 wayland-1.23.0 wayland-protocols-1.37

proceed ? [Y/n]

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Thread dedicated to Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
(but are worth asking)

Before asking a question here, please search the web first or put in effort towards answering your own question. If you put in effort but you still can't find the solution, feel free to ask here.

If you are looking around for useful applications/programs, see >>531
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495 replies and 168 files omitted. View the full thread
I tried applying max settings a game from 15 years ago from the menu and the changes immediately crashed it, I decided to make changes one at a time and it didn't. I then played something on RPCS3 (CPU-intensive) and it crashed after a while. My CPU is a little rickety but I think it's narrowed down to RAM, GPU, and/or power supply. I just now, after my PC had been turned off for a considerable amount of time, tried seeking and it didn't crash so could that be a heat issue? If there's nothing wrong the RAM I think I'll have to take it to a shop as I don't  have any other parts to borrow.
Try switching the GPU power cable to a different one.
Replies: >>15262
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Memtest86 came back with a pass after 13 tests and 4 passes. My computer lost audio and so I reinstalled the GPU driver and it's working again. Today I got no mpv crashes and I will now decide to test it again with the reinstalled driver: nothing happened, like this problem solved itself. I appreciate the 10+ posts chain of asking for help.
>compile GCC from source for fun
>accidentally install it to my /usr/local
>shid, eh let's try it out
>works but now everything using autoconf defaults to LTO 15.0 instead of 14.2
>no "make uninstall" command because that would offend the GNU community or something
>remove a fuckload of gcc binaries and libraries from /usr/local/
>now I can't link shit because ld somehow defaults to mold which needs stdc
>using $LD to try and switch to plain GNU ld or LLVM's lld does nothing, it's always muh mold and muh libstdc
>only solution seems to be to completely omit /usr/local/ from my $PATH, after which everything links like before
Linux will grow larger.

I set up Fcitx with Jewgle's Mozc and configured a few keybinds there, それは難しいじゃないのよ。
Mozc is sadly the only real option for Nipponese input on Linux because all the other open sores Japanese IMEs are no longer updated.
Replies: >>15267
You should always define the PREFIX when you install from source.

>only solution seems to be to completely omit /usr/local/ from my $PATH, after which everything links like before
You didn't remove everything that make install installed.

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Gulag for interesting offtopic discussions.
Try to keep it /tech/ related.
495 replies and 143 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>15266 + 5 earlier
Today I learned that all flash drives, SSDs and SD cards have a CPU inside of them!

This means that a ((( malicious ))) flash drive could store files even if you "delete" or "overwrite" them or it could switch your file (like your encryption key) to a forgery.
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>we're not your enemy because we're not directly forcing you to do anything
>but we will try to socially shame you aggressively and at every turn
>but we're not your enemy
yiddic-gynic word games in full swing here
Replies: >>15261 >>15263
More like
>free software users gloat about their freedom
<how dare ANYONE use anything that I don't like
<proceed to argue and lose
<REEEE free software is my enemy
Didn't know free software means free rent.
Is it hard to understand? If you use proprietary software, you must accept the EULA. It's legally binding document.  It can say that you can't use the program for certain purposes (like commercial use) or you need to accept that you can't try to remove telemetry/spyware features from the product. But when you use free software, you aren't forced to do anything. Because you are free to use the program for any purpose you wish. You can also make modifications and tinker with the source. You just need to distribute the source code of your fork to the users of your derivatives (because without the source, they wouldn't have the same rights).
>>5022 (OP) 
WPAD  is still used and it's bad.

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I thought we should have one of these. Someone from the QTDDTOT suggested these questions for the thread.

>best private mail host?
>best private browser?
>how do you stay private online?
>how do you airgap your phone?
>Best VPN

I imagine some people have made guides on privacy, so if you have any you can post them in this thread too.
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>liked librewolf a lot but switched to icecat when they trooned out
Literally or metaphysically?
seems like issue with xorg and general state of default DEs and other bloatware modern distros that come today
i checked my home server and it had no such things as gvfsd-metadata services or whatever
welp, time to shred it and remove writing permissions
Replies: >>15252
Not really a Xorg problem, but more GNOME and other mainstream DE's. I'd opt for DWM anyday, but a lot of people just need more. Are there any actually good and minimalist DE's that are also usable for normies? AFAIK XFCE and LXDE are the lightest options.
Replies: >>15253 >>15258
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It's gnome and freedesktop.org that's masquerading as some kind of benevolent entity but that really has a bloatware agenda to push.

> Are there any actually good and minimalist DE's that are also usable for normies?
This might have been possible at one point in the late 90's, if Linux got their shit together and rejected bloatware while putting in full effort into a high quality solution that's both fast and low overhead. It could have happened, and there were things going around those days like GGI that would have made a non shitty desktop and gaming possible on Linux. But this was rejected in favor of Gnome/KDE and other stupid shit like Enlightenment WM. Then they started fucking up the X server itself as fast and as hard as they could figure out to do so. Just watch the video from 30c3 "X Security: It's worse than it looks" to get a glimpse at what happened. And now they want to abandon this disaster they created and force everyone onto their next big thing. Someone even posted about Gnome project's subversive plans in the news thread IIRC. In any case, this won't be any kind of improvement, just a means for them to justify their grift, very much like Microsoft also keeps making everything worse while pretending the opposite. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd wager the "open source" foundations were created precisely to ensure nothing good ever comes out of thi
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>Are there any actually good and minimalist DE's that are also usable for normies?
LXDE is dead because the developers got fed up with GTK3. They have switched to QT. The successor project is called LXQT. It's currently the most lightweight DE, even slightly lighter than Xfce. It even has optional Wayland support for the time when FreakDesktop.org gets rid of Xorg. LXQT project doesn't develop their own WMs. They instead default to OpenBox. They probably start using Wayfire or Labwc by default at some point?

Another option is to use IceWM. It's not strictly speaking a full DE but it's easy to use and it comes with a taskbar. It's basically a clone of Windows 95 GUI with added enhancements. OpenSUSE uses (or at least  used to use) it has fallback GUI. You can make it look a lot like Windows 95 by installing Chicago95 GTK theme and the Spoof theme from Box-Look:
Installation steps are simple: 1) unzip 2) copy it to $HOME/.config/icewm/themes 3) use the IceWM GUI settings menu to switch to Spoof theme (or manually edit the config file)

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My mom just picked up a commodore PET that was given away for free by a relative :^)
Lets have a proper retro computing thread. 
Post about practical uses of this ancient computer hardware - how this simplistic architecture can be used as a learning tool.
Planned pojects: Restore this decayed machine.
Write Tetris in 6502 assembly.
Last edited by wizard
34 replies and 18 files omitted. View the full thread
Replies: >>15257 + 2 earlier
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Let me follow-up my last post >>15183 to add that MSDOS doesn't have to be retarded and gay >>15145 because they made a whole bunch of useful tools for it back in the day, so it's only lame if you're using it stock. I can't list all of them, but for starters you should look into 4DOS and QEMM/Desqview. I didn't have 4DOS back then sadly, so I hobbled along with COMMAND.COM and some aliases and command history provided by the DOSKEY program that came with my version of DOS. I also had LIST90H that was also very helpful, kinda like a mini version of Norton Commander.
For programming, the OS should already includes some version of BASIC like BASICA/GW-BASIC or QBASIC. These are actually quite good dialects, and were very popular back in the day so you'll find tons of programs written in them (as well as the older & compatible MBASIC for CP/M). I liked them back then, and now I like them even more!
Otherwise Turbo Pascal was also very popular. Something I stumled on today while searching for an old game (Island): http://blarg.ca/2018/10/14/turbo-pascal
I also had a lot of fun with TP back in the 90's. More recently I tried to use FreePascal on Linux, but it's not at all the same in practice. With DOS things were simple, everything just
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If you go with ELKS, then maybe you should try to find out if dvtm works under it.
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I doubt you're gonna learn anything with ELKS that you couldn't already with normal Linux. It's just gonna be more C/Unix wankery like everything that's in vogue today. You'd be better off to port CollapseOS to this computer. Or make your own Lisp if you're one of those lainfags. But obviously DOS already has assembler and huge amounts of documentation, tutorials and examples, so you don't even  need to install any fancy OS to write Tetris. Plus there's tons of good old games to play natively, which is something not many people have an opportunity to do today.
Replies: >>15254
>porting collapse os
That's an excellent idea, anon. How would a hyperactive zoomer go about tacking a project like that?
I only have done some pic assembler and tarduino C MCU programming before.
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>>13347 (OP) 
I should start reading about technical details of C64. Terry Davis recommended the book Mapping The Commodore 64

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Discuss radio-related stuff here. 

Bitch about telecom being cunts to Hams. laugh at VE7KFM's (and the rest of 14.313mhz's) continuous antics. Talk about how despite "radio's death" in the 90s-00s that radio as a technology being used even more during then and now. Bitch about how many chinkshit appliances that leak RF into the airwaves and the FCC doesn't/can't do shit. Have an existential crisis realizing that Wifi is pretty-much just radio.

I've been trying to make my own go-bag as a means of either listening/communicating on vacation trips, or in case of SHTF. Still trying to figure out my use cases and decide what I need and don't. It's so fucking hard trying to find a mobile rig that actually can listen to a wide set of frequencies and transmit only on what it needs to. Too many mobile rigs are just X amount of bands, and that's it, no FM broadcast, no AM no EMS or Airline.
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Replies: >>15249 + 1 earlier
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Forgot my magnum opus
Hello, I'm new too and radio is banned in my country, any ideas on how to hide antennae? Anyways, what is everyone's thoughts on meshtastic since its recent gain in popularity, their discord is at 18k+ members.
Replies: >>13532
Hard pass.
Jokes aside, there are a lot other projects like this and their webpage doesn't say anything different about them.
>no license

as soon as you broadcast without a license some faggot ass white boomer a day away from a dirt nap is going to rat you out to the FCC cause he has nothing better to do than to rat on his fellow white man for wanting to communicate without government control. Boomers just need to fuck off already.
>>10196 (OP) 
I recommend getting RTL-SDR because it's cheap and requires no license. Use ebay links on their site so you don't get scammed:

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Is it more hype than help? Overly complex or not complex enough? True internet 2.0 or already obsolete?
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IPv6 is a foot-in-the-door for less privacy. While all the desktop OSs may have the privacy extensions, it's less likely all the dumbsumer IoT devices will, but they are all Trojan horses anyway, so bad actors will already have access to your network if you use them.

>ipv6 could have been just a longer ipv4 address
That would have been nice. When now hearing the word features, I cringe and hope whatever they are don't cause too much damage.
Replies: >>15248
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You are more likely to see it at the ISP level and above. A lot of them have already switched and use translation. There is not any advantage to end users implementing it. It is very unlikely end users would exhaust usable network IPs, unless evil technology like IoT dust and other wasteful things need vast numbers of addresses. But why would anyone want those things unless they are retarded?
So give me some examples of how an end user could be fingerprinted and tracked using this. Does Tor mitigate things or does IPv6 introduce some extra risks and fuckery?
Replies: >>4048
Try testing with some ipv6 test sites with your friend's computer and with Tor, eg: https://ipv6-test.com, Tor should protect you if all of your connections are going though it.
>IPv6 = less privacy
Is it true, though? The CIA niggers and/or owners of the server can track your location if you use IPv4 anyway?

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How do I become a multi multi millionaire in tech?
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Basically two ways:
<a. new money
>1a. have high iq
>2a. have good work ethic
(these two alone are enough to reliably make you upper middle class, but not enough to be rich, pixrel)
>3a. be luckier than thousands of other people that are just as exceptionally smart and hardworking as you
<b. old money
>1b. like >>14042 said just inherit the silver spoon

Maybe not all, but certainly many, especially webapps:
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It's a mystery!
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Well, well. Bill Gates is hobnobing again.
Replies: >>15242
>Body autonomy is a losing stance
At this point, I'd be fine with everyone being killed.
Replies: >>15243
It's Trump. Everything he does is through the filter of
<Will my jewish masters like this?

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What's your opnion on Haiku OS?

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I know, this is exactly why it doesn't fit into this picture in my head. It's not build on any crazy ideas, it's just an OS that is not *nix.
Does it run WINE?
GUI and C++ so it's trash. Much better than Linux though, but then again, so is everything else.
HaikuOS has a POSIX-compatible C programming interface and it's very complete, in fact more complete than OpenBSD in my experience.

RISCOS also has a POSIX-compatible C programming interface, but I have no experience with this one.
I think only the 32-bit version tries to be compatible with the original BeOS. I think Wifi drivers often contain binary blobs too.

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