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ive always ignored my dad's insistence on Arduino on me until i started doing CS in college, where should i start? I did a little bit of soldering but i have no idea how a breadboard works, or what the fuck is grounding.
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Replies: >>13234
he loves star trek.
Replies: >>13233
that confirms it
>>13230 (OP) 
You should learn basic dc circuitry while diving into arduino stuff. Grab yourself a basic learning/breadboard kit and actually breadboard out something before soldering it. Doesn't need to involve a microcontroller, just enough to learn to read basic circuit diagrams and follow them. You don't need any fancy tools, just get a cheap multimeter and soldering iron (with some desolder braid, very important). "Getting started with electronics" by Forrest M Mimms is a great starting book too, has a lot of illustrations that make learning concepts easy.
What's a solid microcontroller for relaxed stability pitch control in homemade toy aircraft?
Doesn't have to be fast but has to be very reliable in real time conditions.
Replies: >>13310
raspberry pi pico

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I'm looking for a way to get notifications when posts are made on all my favorite imageboards as a way to 
A) Discourage myself from spending hours aimlessly lurking dozens of sites and finding maybe one or two new posts, while I have stuff I really should be doing.
B) Encourage activity on these places by being able to respond promptly.

I want these notifications delivered to my phone, because I spend most of my time outside. I know /whitelist/ on Junkuchan has an RSS and an Atom feed, but I don't think most boards do.

If there's some app that already does this that would be cool, but it needs to work for any IB. I've tried out some IB browsers but they only work on a handful of boards, and never the ones I actually use, and with the current state of IBs to rely solely on some guy, who's probably knee-deep in a computer science major, and working on 6 other projects, to learn about every new IB I like and get it on their app doesn't seem practical.

And besides, I don't need a IB browser, just something that notifies me when a post is made. If this is something I'd have to make myself, I'm willing to do that, and if so, I'd love to be pointed in the right direction(s). I'm not particularly learned on computers or programming, but I've always been able to mash out anything that I set my mind to. So, I'm up for giving it a shot.
Replies: >>13119
>>13118 (OP) 
Such program doesn't exist. Image boards use different software and clients usually only support some of them.
To write your own, you can either web scrape or find & use apis of specific image board software.
Just make it yourself. I did too.
There is one braindead easy way to do it, which is what I do: periodically curl the page of the board you want to keep watch and diff it with the last one you downloaded. If they differ, a new post was made, you can do whatever you want with this information. I just push a desktop notification.

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Please write a Violentmonkey script to hide threads. I wrote such script for prolikewoah, but I can't be assed to do the same for this shit. ttps://prolikewoah.com/geimu/res/26529.html#37226
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Please post it.
philosophically illiterate post
Replies: >>6526
>everything I disagree is philosophically illiterate
Are you so philosophically illiterate that you can't even explain why you disagree with anything?
Replies: >>13143
Ask ChatGPT to do it for you. I post the plus version in the other thread. Mostly likely have to debug yourself, but at least that’s something.

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>be me transferring music from tablet to phone
>tablet has vlc android
>get vlc on phone
>vlc can import playlists
<vlc android can't export playlists
>oh well it can export the whole db
>i'll just look at the schema and export a playlist from there
<the schema:

(...)CREATE TRIGGER media_group_update_media_count_on_import_type_change AFTER UPDATE OF group_id, import_type ON Media WHEN ( IFNULL(old.group_id, 0) != IFNULL(new.group_id, 0)  AND new.import_type != 0 ) OR new.import_type != old.import_type BEGIN UPDATE MediaGroup SET nb_video = nb_video + (CASE new.import_type WHEN 0 THEN (CASE new.type WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END), nb_present_video = nb_present_video + (CASE new.import_type WHEN 0 THEN (CASE new.is_present WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE new.type WHEN 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) END) ELSE 0 END), nb_audio = nb_audio + (CASE new.import_type WHEN 0 THEN (CASE new.type WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END), nb_present_audio = nb_present_audio + (CASE new.import_type WHEN 0 THEN (CASE new.is_present WHEN 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE new.type WHEN 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) END) ELSE 0 END), nb_unknown = nb_unknown + (CASE new.import_type WHEN 0 THEN (CASE new.type WHEN 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) ELSE 0 END), nb_presen
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This code is highly niggerlicious.

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>be Thomas Buchler
>gay jew record producer
>become Orthodox jew (but remain a massive faggot)
>try learning Torah chant
>through tapes to save time and probably shekels
>oy vey rewinding tapes is too slow
>my time is valuable
>I could be writing computer software and making money instead
>licenses DECtalk
>uses it to make TropeTrainer
>the definitive software for learning torah chant
>software that sings the word of god
>it's really fucking good
>loads of jews buy it
>along the way he preserves loads of obscure jewish chant traditions
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Replies: >>13113 + 3 earlier
>actual prophecies
what can you prove it predicted without resorting to Revelations-tier interpretations?
Replies: >>11182
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Blasphemers against King Terry get the rope
>>4939 (OP) 
He couldn't share the source code because it was totally incomprehnsible and kill anyone who looked upon it, for it was directly the untranslated unadulterated word of God.
You see, as a music producer he had sold his soul to the Devil. Not metaphorically. Literally. When he dedicated himself to Judaism, he suddenly wanted to get his soul back, and so he made a deal with God, who would pluck his soul from Satan's ruddy claws, in exchange for him distributing his teachings to a wayward flock.
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Can't make this shit up.

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I just had an interaction with the website of some average business, and it made me wonder if email and regular communication is dead. That business has a contact form on their site, they receive 5+ spam emails every single day even though their contact form has a google captcha on it. Meanwhile, people struggle to receive legit emails because every email provider blocks literally everything.

If you put more heavy-handed captcha solutions on the site, you start filtering normalfags and hindering your business. While being able to filter bots would be a great victory, but it's only a half-victory because spammers can use some third world captcha farms to use human labor to solve captchas.

How would you logically fix this? How do you allow people to contact each other without having to deal with this AIDS? The dude who created Freenet has talked about a few techiques that sound interesting. The first is a token cost-based system, there's some thing that generates tokens over time or whatever, and then you must pay those tokens to send messages, and the received can customize how many tokens are required to send a message to them.

The second is a human network -based system where you choose to trust certain people, and whoever other people create a linked list from you to other people, the closer they are to the people you trust the less suspicious they are. The network of trusted people could then be used to judge people and websites/services as trustworthy or untrustw
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KISS, just make spamming expensive. Ban any subnet that spams, and then reject all emails from them with a note that says they have to pay to get unbanned.
I doubt spammers are using some kind of content analysis tools to find email addresses because nobody really hides them like that, at most people add spaces or parentheses around @ or replace it with "(at)" or something. I've seen a few websites that put their email onto an image.

I think sharing the contact address indirectly is very powerful at stopping the vast majority if not all bot spam, but it'll only work as long as it's unpopular so it's not any kind of final solution to spam. Replacing the "@" and "." with images would probably be enough too, it's unlikely that any bot is smart enough to figure out there's an email there unless they render the whole page and use an image-to-text converter on that (which they might start doing if everyone starts obscuring their addresses).
There are some very advanced techniques to del with spam. Take a look at rspamd, you can use bayes classifier https://rspamd.com/doc/configuration/statistic.html and even neural network https://rspamd.com/doc/modules/neural.html to deal with spam.
With how llms are popular today, I am surprised that it is not commonly done.
Replies: >>13005
There's way too many people, even in business settings, who speak like troglodytes, and chat bots are indistinguishable from humans at this point. I don't see how analyzing sentence structure can detect a bot for that reason. AI may be able to do something but I'm not very confident about it because a lot of spam mail sound very similar some kind of business offers, who knows though.
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That's what happens when you put your email address somewhere where it can be scrapped or give it to a company that sells it.
There is no solution to that if you want a permanent address inbox open to anyone.

You could regularly change the public address while staying connected with important people with SimpleX which I made a thread about but nobody is gonna use that just to write some stranger one message. I could be wrong though.

So there you go. It's gonna stay fucked.
I receive no sms spam though. Probably because it costs money to send them or because I haven't given it to any shitty websites nor posted on the web.

As others said, putting it in an image is probably a good solution.
Maybe put it vertically in the image and make @ larger, so it can't be ocr'd as easily.

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This whole post is probably going to read like a giant advertisement for Yandex.  So, I apologize in advance for sounding so shill.

I was comparing search engines not by how botnet they are like people on /tech/ usually do, but by how "Basically Google with a VPN" the search results were, and I noticed how on...let's say "politically divisive" topics...Yandex gave me COMPLETELY different results.  I also noticed how likely I was to get ONLY major corpos as the results.  Like Google/Bing/Brave/DDG/etc. would all repeat the same Mockingbird media corpo links and tend to keep the narrative pretty tight, but Yandex would give me none of that.  I just wanted to share some of these:

Google results for "school shooting SSRIs":
"The Misperception of Antidepressants and Mass Shootings"
Almost every result is a major corpo
USA Today
Business Insider
LA Times
The Hill
No counter opinion

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Is that not just dead internet theory? Endless bots serving to create narratives out of thin air? How do we even counteract something like that other than giving up on the internet entirely?
This sounds like it's more adaptive and also targets problematic users for shadowbanning. So like instead of having a bunch of fact-checkers running a counter-narrative and at the same time pumping them up in search engines, they just straight up eliminate the opposing side altogether before they can communicate and replace them with kosher bots (so that the social media doesn't become eerily silent).
>How do we even counteract something like that
One thing is proof of work. Make it easy to post at a human pace but sending 1000 posts per second becomes computationally expensive. Another thing is reputation systems. Everyone has a public-private key and software to filter out posts signed by known bot keys or only show posts signed by keys you trust or trusted by keys you trust. With zero knowledge proofs you can also do this in a way that nobody can enumerate all your posts and attribute them to your key.
> How do we even counteract something like that other than giving up on the internet entirely?
Not sure, maybe isolated intranets that vet users or something. I think Tor/i2p/freenet may become the only kind of option soon.
>giving up on the internet entirely
>implying there is anything on the internet worth not giving up on
Think about why does a person uses the internet. Roughly speaking it is to exchange information. Information including news, political views, memes, private messages, etc. Where do they come from? Who compose the majority of the other end of any information exchange?
Assume that bots and AIs are not already flooding the Internet, that is to say most other users are humans. Most humans are normalfags. Since the Internet getting popular, most places gone to shit because of normalfags. One reason normalfags turn everything to shit because they are inherently more socialized, which means they are more affected by social norms and peer pressure. Even without AI, the ((( media ))) has been pumping normalfags full of degeneration, niggerloving and other literal faggot crap. The so-called culture war.
But there was never any war, it is just replacement of any resemblance of anything nice into jewish bullshit. The game was rigged from the start. It is similar to white replacement, free-thinkers and based individuals are being drown out by the sheer number of normalfags, with more and more newfags (migrants) invading from all parts of the Internet. The September that never ended.
As for the stragglers, we are ge
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>Getting Started

>Video Resources
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I've always wanted to reverse engineer older games to port them to modern OSs, this thread will come in handy when I finally make that leap.
Anyone ITT tried that?
Replies: >>12253
No, but I have seen a few games de-compiled for that purpose. I think a few people did it for Mario 64 and now you can run it natively on linux.
Replies: >>12265
Mario 64 has been fully decompiled and ported to other OSs, I did compile it and run it natively on my Linux machine. Zelda OoT has also been fully decompiled but was not ported to other OSs, perhaps there's potential for a project there...
Replies: >>12266
Have you seen the Banjo Kazooie decompilation project?

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BitChan has been updated to v0.10.0 and is looking for people to try it out. It's a decentralized imageboard that runs on top of BitMessage. You can create and completely control your own public or private board, globally moderate as an owner, add admins who can also globally moderate, moderate your own instance locally as a user, upload literally anything with size limits theoretically up to 100gb. Uploads can be sent purely over BitMessage or you can choose to use a hosting service. Uploads that use hosting are subjected to heavy duty protection: every file is zipped, encrypted/password protected, the zip's header is removed and random chunks of the file are removed before being uploaded. The removed parts are hidden in the PGP encrypted message that's sent over BitMessage. Once the upload is received the zip is put back together again, decrypted, unzipped and displayed in the thread. 100% of BitChan traffic happens over tor. Private boards prevent posting from all but explicitly added IDs. The permitted ID list can be edited by the owner at any point to include new IDs or restrict old ones. On public boards any ID can post until it is banned, but because of how BitMessage works, you can always just make another ID. Communications on every board are PGP encrypted. This means that even if someone somehow guessed the board name on BitMessage (basically impossible for reasons I won't go into here), they would be unable to read anything without also having the BitChan PGP symme
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>This release incorporates several changes that are incompatible with the previous version. Therefore, it is recommended to do a clean install.
The version number doesn't reflect that though, are you using semver?
Replies: >>9862
Does anybody use the software?
Replies: >>9862
>are you using semver

Yes and the public kiosk is only a portion of the communication that happens over bitchan. I run the software locally and have access to boards that don't appear on the kiosk mentioned on the github.
Replies: >>9872
You should: https://semver.org/
this shit should have use i2p for in-between bitchan instances messaging and message routing.

afaik, bitmessage's message routing stuff sucks ass, offers no untraceability.

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Just so you can be careful, this idea has fallen into my brain lately, and I think it's kind of smart.
Internet swindlers, especially beginners, have a problem with the domain. For example, you find suspicious sites that have a strange name domain and not as usual, so the victims ignore it.
What if someone had a kind of conversation with these nowadays zoomers who interested with " Darknet Bullshit" and gave himve a onion site to try on for exemple Facebook on Tor " facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion " and tell him that you can login in Facebook while using tor and shit, or you can do any site that pretending " Green Machines, Gore sites".
.Onion domains is too tall and cant be detected or suspicious specially for those kids around.
Replies: >>12239
>>12238 (OP) 
Anyone using onion should be aware about the risks. This isn't a particular new idea
>privacy-conscious technology board devolves into grifting and scamming 

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