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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

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cat tor-browser_en-US/Browser/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
strings tor-browser_en-US/Browser/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/*https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-permanently-get-rid-of-this-horrible-gvfs-metadata-beast-4175530495/#post5978968
>To get the tools, one can recompile distro's gvfs package and then, from the build directory, subdirectory metadata/.libs copy the files meta-get , meta-get-tree , meta-ls and meta-set to say /usr/bin/gvfs-meta-get etc
The simple usage instruction can be gotten in the usual way, through the "-h" option.
>Now to see what ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata actually is used for, you can run:
gvfs-meta-get -r -f ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/user /
gvfs-meta-get -r -f ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/root />And after analyzing the output on my Slackware 14.2 system I discovered that the ONLY extended attribute stored in this whole sorry mess was numerous "download-uri" put there by Mozilla browsers for everything they've ever done. As some perverted kind of permanent, indelible download history.
>One can compile and ru
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Replies: >>7115 + 1 earlier
You can't overestimate the incompetence of Tor Browser developers, and/or GNOME developers
Replies: >>3869
You mean malicious.
Same here. I use dwm, so that might be the reason. But what is recently-used.xbel for?
Replies: >>3954
something you use a search engine for
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>>2767 (OP) 
On TailsOS its in the .local/share/gvfs-metadataNot in .tor-browser dir>>2792
>WTF is this $hit?
I assume this doesn't have to do with Tor but with GNOMe
Really Hate that TailsOS chose GNOME DE.
I have disabled GNOME Animations in DCONF with an autorun script on tails.
Any other ((( GNOME ))) bullshit I could disable in dconf or etc?

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After using the same handful of wallpaper images for the last three and a half years, I have come to the realization that I should get some new wallpapers.

Post your favourite wallpapers and wallpaper sources.  Pics related are a few of what I've been using; screenshots from a dead game called Blacklight: Retribution.  I never played it myself but it had some neat visuals.
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Found some old shit. Just make sure you use nearest interpolation (and probably integer scaling, unless you have a really high resolution)
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Replies: >>6953
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third one maeka me wanna snorta da druk
I usually get my wallpapers at https://konachan.com/

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This is a project I've been working on for some time and I would like to see it get used. It's using libvirt and sqlite, and it's written in C. You will be assigned a port range to use (NAT). cloud-init and all of that nigger shit, is not being used here, only a small shell script and a daemon written in python.
irc.fsirc.net #vmbot
irc.rizon.net #vmbot
>11:12 <VMBot> VM IP: (external: [redacted]), password is "npsmxurrdphieemkgmkfcceoiuxtfm", admin/SSH port is 2094, port range is 2094:2124
Commands are !vm template and !vm deploy [template]
Register your nick through services, that's it.
>are the templates backdoored
No, I have created the devuan one through debootstrap, installed what was needed, and added in the first run script, before packaging it up. Alpine was done by manually installing it and configuring it.
>source code
Licensed under GPLv2, code should be of OK quality.
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Replies: >>6793 >>6795 + 1 earlier
>Also, why does the libcutil makefile use cat and cp for installing instead of install(1)
It's old code, I will fix that.
>Your libcutil also lacks a license (meaning it's proprietary software).
Yeah, missed that too since I was in a hurry to package it up.
>>6771 (OP) 
Replies: >>6804
>>6771 (OP) 
Is the bot still up? It isn't working on rizon.
Replies: >>6804 >>6824
No, I had some issues with libvirtd where it was hanging at random, and it's probably related to it being an older version. I will, though, try and get it back up under a new channel at a later date.
Replies: >>6824
Bot is back up at #freespeech @ rizon. Nickname must be registered, of course.

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Close the board. The topic of "Technology & Computing" has ended. There's no point in going on anymore.

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>You need to have nodejs
Where does it say nodejs?
>It's not so comfy
Tiling wm, find files in vim https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3554719/find-a-file-via-recursive-directory-search-in-vim , bash alias/function. Have you ever looked beyond nudev gui toddler screech about vim/emacs? No, you simply have never tried.
>plugins and config
As I said, vim out of the box is fully usable. You don't need plugins and ide features.
>carpal tunnel
Going around files shouldn't be that hard. vimtutor
>Why should one waste time with configuring software at all?
Why should one waste time programming? Everyone should just learn to use what others wrote. Better yet, they should own nothing and be happy about it. A smith takes care of his workplace and make it the most efficient for him. It is the respect of his work and the passion driving him to do smarted, bett
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The best piece of software is written using ed because you don't need to pretend being a hacker with colorful symbols visible or do anything aside from single task
Replies: >>6702
>links to blank page (i know it loads for your faggot good guy IP faggot thats besides the point)
>its ogre!
>accuses people of pretending to be a hacker
>while pretending to be a hacker
>it had a built in function to draw shit
thats basically just a library you stupid fucking boomer.

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what in the cock sucking nigger shit are people thinking with build systems?
every fucking project i build either works by pure luck, or breaks because some package is the wrong version and the softwareniggers are too fucking dumb to grasp the simplest fucking concept like specifying dependencies correctly. to top it off there's always some new fucking stupid feature added to every fucking build system every week. even portage. every fucking time i have to read up on these new features to figure out what in the fuck these morons were trying to do. YOURE NOT SPECIAL STOP REQUIRING SPECIAL FEATURES YOUR PROJECT IS LITERALLY CRUD AND THERE ARE 10,000 OTHER PROGRAMS THAT ARE THE SAME AS YOURS
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Because the first good build system (Meson) was only made recently and hasn't picked up as many users as it should. Most programmers don't know programming itself and are too dumb to know better or they're in a state of learned helplessness and still think build systems are like mail clients which have never been done right. Also, nobody is taught how to write build definitions correctly and few can figure it out by themselves.
Maven seems OK for Java
>Download pdf related.
>"Excel is a build system in disguise. Consider the following simple spreadsheet. ..."
WTF is M$ smoking??
Replies: >>6676 >>6677
In their model, anything that maintains a key value store with respect to being up to date is a build system.
It makes sense. The tables are build instructions rather than values, which are then processed to make the final result. 
I guess the distinction is that a function either just returns you a result or needs to be called, whereas the build instructions generate automated results.

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When you build a new PC or want to try a new distro (or any type of technology, really), what are some common things you do in order to get a feel for how it works?  I feel this topic is meaty enough to be worth its own thread, and I'd prefer for it not to be buried in the QTDDTOTT.

I've just finished building a PC to use as a Linux workstation, so now I can begin the time-honored tradition of distro hopping and bitching about how no single one has everything I want before ultimately settling on [distro you hate].  There is a decent volume of information about different distros out there, but most "reviews" are simply a feature list, a copy-paste from the distro's website, or a video of an installation.  They aren't very helpful for anyone who isn't a complete troglodyte, and I like to think I'm not that stupid.

I have a handful of things I want to do that will help simulate routine tasks, but so far they're all pretty basic:
>compile and run a simple C program
>install a new package with the package manager
>install a new programming language/SDK
>configure a chron job to clean up a folder every day
>ssh into a remote server and make changes to a file on it
>create a local git repo and push changes to a remote one
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Install Arch or Gentoo. Debian or Devuan are also acceptable choices.
Replies: >>6565 >>6567

But what did GNU/Linux mean by this?
language: bash
fortune -o
"All in all, this whole period of winter 1919-20 was a single struggle
 to strengthen confidence in the victorious might of the young movement
 and raise it to that fanaticism of faith which can move mountains."
         [Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf" Vol. 1 Chapter 12]

language: bash
fortune -ao -m goy

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I couldn't find a gangster edition of any of those. Did I not look hard enough?
Replies: >>6568 >>6570
>not running Tomato Garden XP
You can set custom boot logo (Plymouth) on Linux, too.
Three words: Hannah Montana Linux.

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Today is Windows XP's 20th birthday. Say something nice about it.
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Replies: >>6517 >>6548 + 1 earlier
any /prog/fags here? what is it like handling programs made by trannies? is it true that gays code software better than the rest of us?
Replies: >>6514 >>6516
I am afraid the only fag here is you. Gays are not necessary better programmers. kys
I don't think gays or trannies make better software than anyone else. They are certainly better at annoying the fuck out of people and making themselves known, though.
Preferably you'd avoid tranny software whenever possible. If they really care about FOSS, then they should tolerate someone that doesn't like them making use of their software, but of course we all know how tolerant trannies are, so I wouldn't bet on them staying neutral in regards to Chuck the Chud  using xer software to run a neo-nazi forum.
>>3444 (OP) 
Everything downhill ever since. I'd buy a windows xp handheld if they made one for retro gaming and such, just non-Internet things. It'd be neat if it had no wifi nor bluetooth. I wonder if an atompi can do it? Too big though. Win7 works they say but then mini-itx would be better for that.. when win7 works.  I still have a dell inspiron b130 and it runs an older project64 pretty good for common n64 titles. Older/weaker consoles even better of course. 
And yet systemd took Linux over and Linux comes with Chromium installed also now days I'm sure. The way you install things is dick with Linux. Javascript, cookies... why even complain? Post 2007 CPU's got backdoors in them to where they can hack from afar as I understand it rather than crack up close. Why move on past 2007 devices? Are you using Debian 5 on a 2005 cpu? 

It's okay I like Lakka and Slacoware version Puppy Linux and dual booting them using Pinn. 

>but slackware HATES Wifi!
>>3444 (OP) 
>Say something nice about it.
Most comfy OS I have ever used. Privacy and security concerns were limited and easy to deal with back in the day. Easy to modify to hell and back. Great useful programs out of the box for people to make their first baby steps with a PC. Great for video games old and new at the time. The definition of the home computer in the early 2000s.

Two years ago I build an offline XP machine from the best eary 2000s hardware I could find to play with some old games that don't run correctly on modern systems. Was fun to fiddle with the old hardware again. But oh man was it slow. Once the games were running it's fine, just like today. But everything else took it's minutes and seconds longer than you expect it.

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I've been thinking about writing a blog. Nothing fancy. No private lives. No pictures. No product-shilling. Just writing words.

I tried Blogger and Wordpress and I had a bad experience with them, considering that the ToS became more restrictive over the years.
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I demand that you correct this at once.  The Internet needs real racist anime fanfiction.  With extra >rape.
Replies: >>6447
If you post that shit on my site, you will get banned for supporting globalhomo.
>With extra >rape.
How about you find some black boys to buck break, start your very own gay sex farm, and write about it?
except that it's called "substack" which reeks of nudev faggotry
it will be unusable within a year (if it isn't already, everything i've seen posted on there is pretentious and worthless crap like when medium just came out).
then again if you're just trying to get your info out you would be using multiple hosts and just springing up a mirrors on other hosts when a few go down, as opposed to being hugely worried about branding and having a central SEO optimized domain name like a braindead LARPing faggot like you
Replies: >>6487
that's fine. i wouldn't want to read one more letter from you.

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What is the reason for the govt to spy on us? Do they really do it or is it just schizo shit? If they really did, how come the school shooter who says he will shoot up a school in instagram DMs the day before the shooting, doesn't get caught? Or is it that they don't think school shooters are more likely to be on sekrit clubs like 4chan, as proved by the neoouroncha shit how the japanese police was monitoring 2channel for violent people and caught the neomugicha copycat before he did anything, so they didn't pay any attention to normies threatening shit?

It's not like even they enforce their political ideology and curb wrongthink by spying on us. What do they get from spying on people? Ross Ulbricht was caught because of bad opsec and a simple google search, they can't even track a literal drug cartel with all the spyware they use.
Replies: >>6479 >>6483 >>6486
>>6476 (OP) 
>What is the reason for the govt to spy on us?
Control and paranoia.

>Do they really do it or is it just schizo shit?
Yes they do it. Mass-surveillance is pretty easy to do since everyone is on social media and has a goyphone.

>how come the school shooter who says he will shoot up a school in instagram DMs the day before the shooting, doesn't get caught?
Remember Waco? Can you trust your government? ((( They ))) get more money for the next budget if there are terrorist and school shooters. It's not just about pure money but also politics. 9/11 was known beforehand (dancing Israelis et. al.) but it wasn't stopped? Why? I bet it was because of money and the Patriot Act (and to get casus belli to attack middle eastern countries).
Replies: >>6486
>>6476 (OP) 
They want absolute control and ownership of everything, from your body to this planet, to the universe. They can't track everything yet, but that is the goal, because they want a system of universal slavery that will last forever and that can never be opposed. Just look at what is happening in the world right now. Agenda 21 has already happened, and Agenda 2030 is being implemented right now. They are already trying to take away people's land and talking about banning car ownership. There is no amount of power that they will be satisfied with.
Replies: >>6486
>>6476 (OP) 
At this point government spying, and corporate spying is pretty-much-accepted-as-fact regardless of what they're actually doing.

the NSA spy-ops are generally seen as gov spying on citizens for stupid reasons. I don't have it personally, but there's a repost that details how there's a recon organization for the US armed forces that basically is the eyes for actual threats against our nation without the need for spying on citizens. 

I don't know, but I have three hypotheses on just why they spy on citizens.
Law Route - "War is changing, we need to look for threats within ourselves,"
Neutral Route - "Better safe than sorry, everyone else is doing it anyway,"
Chaos Route - "Nobody can be trusted, we will not survive an uprising without this,"

Believe it or not, most of the "wow, you're so paranoid for not having a facebook/instagram/google/pintrest/tiktok account, lol." types are either out-of-touch wannabe-influencers, shills, or bots.

Most normies are actually sick of feeling like all their tech is watching them, they're just afraid and don't know what to do to fix the problem. Besides, it's not like anyone with a cell phone had a choice in that their personal data is being treated like another piece in a spreadsheet to be used as a convenient blackmail tool. 

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Author of the Randonautica app confirmed on a Livestream that both his app and TikTok are using data they steal from user’s minds with hardware backdoors.

His naivety is thinking the military isn’t using this for terrorism.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn77LzVhous [38:50 – 42:59]
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I didn't elaborate enough. I agree with the reference in regards to the  OP.
Magical thinking is often schizophrenia, not based on reality.
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>Most people lack both internal monologe and internal visualization
Very flawed statement. All people are capable of dreaming and therefore internal monologue and vis. It's just that most people can't change their brainwaves at will which requires training. For instance, a martial artist's fighting stance is a way for them to calm their nerves and enter the zone, reminding them of their training - which they have memorized by heart.

This imagination isn't limited to dreaming, you can put someone into a daydream state. Let's put on the special incense to calm your nerves down and put you into such state, there you go, now you have it. What if someone blows you the Devil's Breath while on vacation? Now for sure you WILL develop your very own realistic imagination, visuals, voices while awake.

With that said, there is really no "NPC" meme. Maybe if you're crippled by birth or lack chromosomes it would prove to be difficult (or even the opposite!).

>huerstic for consciousness
Another thing you're dead wrong about. Consciousness is constantly manipulated by the subconscious. When you go live in the woods you will dream of being chased by a predator this is due to your brains survival "patch" work, your subconscious will now be implanted with such thought of danger  forcing you to be more extremely careful in the woods but what happens if the billion dollar Ad industry also have thoroughly researched on this and even uses techniques far beyond the average one's comprehension? Let's not even forget about intelligence agencies that abuse subliminal programming and psychology operations in the daily. Even military use psychological warfare (over internet or cyberspace, aka cyber warfare), you can read and download their academic papers if you don't believe me.

Most of consciousness is pretty much hijacked BUT there is one problem to "them". This was the imageboards. Imageboards are free from such idiosyncrasies caused by intruders let alone these narcissists >>6019 Anon talks about as they likely are the odd one out (namefags btfo). Imageboards is a free rein.
We are the hivemind immune to bullshit, it's like the complete opposite of a herd being manipulated, imageboard is where the free hivemind can olny exist in todays internet world (contrary to plebbit) and of which hivemind develops its own superintelligence, both the conscious and subconscious simply by shitposting, larping, and memeing, through words and the logos we retain what is important, passed on like memes. This is the TRUE consciousness. True Logos. Just like the when the prophets wrote the Bible which are passed on and protected.

Elon was absolutely right when he said picrel. Most people are manipulated by light, the LCD screens all people hold all day are part of their OWN consciousness. We are however different and obverse to such, we are the mind inside the LCD screen - the very reason why "they" are actively trying to subvert and attack imageboards especially also imageboards that are focused on the paranormal and occultism aspects.
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Replies: >>6292 >>6399
The NPC meme is absolutely real. Being able to enter into a dream state does not mean that you have the capacity for internal visualization or internal monologue in the waking state. I don't understand what you are even trying to say here. I do find it funny your argument includes a fucking Twitter screencap from grifter Musk who is arguably the closest match to the tribulation schizos definition of an anti-christ (a universally loved figure) who wants to put brain chips in people's skull.
Inner speech is a layer of thought on top of "cerebration". NPCs simply lack the inner voice.  People that think with words do both.
Replies: >>6399
>>6288 (checked)
First off, Bold claims bro, but there are too many prophets this day and age, far too many hands churning the waters of fate, spreading fearmongering and screaming hopes to their dire futures possibly-becoming reality.

Second. Centralized communication circles become corrupted shitheaps because the administration is either corrupted, replaced by, or has always been malicious actors. That's what happened to Reddit. Reddit just has the additional problem of the narcissist-dream of having a score to your posts. It's why the dead internet theory is a load of shit- it's not because of anything about bots, it's because people have patterns and search engines are tailored to an extremely-narrow pattern.

Third. ((( the usual suspects ))) may have billions of psych research on their side, but they make the mistake of thinking they're immune to their own tactics. Hell, their tactics at the end of the day, are based off of really old, tried-and-true manipulative-narcissist-parent bullshit that has existed since biblical times.

The whole "manipulated by light, and LCD screen," shit though, I somewhat agree with, just for different reasons. Nowadays popular media-outlets try to make people chase the "wiki walk" effect, and have tuned algorithms to try and keep people as distracted as possible for views, clicks and ad revenue. Same with mobile games, but that's mostly beca
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