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BitChan has been updated to v0.10.0 and is looking for people to try it out. It's a decentralized imageboard that runs on top of BitMessage. You can create and completely control your own public or private board, globally moderate as an owner, add admins who can also globally moderate, moderate your own instance locally as a user, upload literally anything with size limits theoretically up to 100gb. Uploads can be sent purely over BitMessage or you can choose to use a hosting service. Uploads that use hosting are subjected to heavy duty protection: every file is zipped, encrypted/password protected, the zip's header is removed and random chunks of the file are removed before being uploaded. The removed parts are hidden in the PGP encrypted message that's sent over BitMessage. Once the upload is received the zip is put back together again, decrypted, unzipped and displayed in the thread. 100% of BitChan traffic happens over tor. Private boards prevent posting from all but explicitly added IDs. The permitted ID list can be edited by the owner at any point to include new IDs or restrict old ones. On public boards any ID can post until it is banned, but because of how BitMessage works, you can always just make another ID. Communications on every board are PGP encrypted. This means that even if someone somehow guessed the board name on BitMessage (basically impossible for reasons I won't go into here), they would be unable to read anything without also having the BitChan PGP symme
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>This release incorporates several changes that are incompatible with the previous version. Therefore, it is recommended to do a clean install.
The version number doesn't reflect that though, are you using semver?
Replies: >>9862
Does anybody use the software?
Replies: >>9862
>are you using semver

Yes and the public kiosk is only a portion of the communication that happens over bitchan. I run the software locally and have access to boards that don't appear on the kiosk mentioned on the github.
Replies: >>9872
You should: https://semver.org/
this shit should have use i2p for in-between bitchan instances messaging and message routing.

afaik, bitmessage's message routing stuff sucks ass, offers no untraceability.

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Just so you can be careful, this idea has fallen into my brain lately, and I think it's kind of smart.
Internet swindlers, especially beginners, have a problem with the domain. For example, you find suspicious sites that have a strange name domain and not as usual, so the victims ignore it.
What if someone had a kind of conversation with these nowadays zoomers who interested with " Darknet Bullshit" and gave himve a onion site to try on for exemple Facebook on Tor " facebookwkhpilnemxj7asaniu7vnjjbiltxjqhye3mhbshg7kx5tfyd.onion " and tell him that you can login in Facebook while using tor and shit, or you can do any site that pretending " Green Machines, Gore sites".
.Onion domains is too tall and cant be detected or suspicious specially for those kids around.
Replies: >>12239
>>12238 (OP) 
Anyone using onion should be aware about the risks. This isn't a particular new idea
>privacy-conscious technology board devolves into grifting and scamming 

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Users of all levels are welcome.
Remember, don't go full autismo like billy-o. Productivity takes priority.

>What is software minimalism?

>Recommended Operating Systems & Linux Distros:
Alpine, Artix, Devuan, Gentoo, Glaucus, Guix, Oasis, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Plan9(front) and Void.

>Useful links
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Back to the topic of minimalism, I had this idea of bootstrapping a minimal linux userland without any GNU tools. I was (partially) successful by using projects from the BSD/Android worlds:

-- toybox:		provides a shell (sh) + coreutils (cp,ls,mv,mkdir...etc) + gunzip/bunzip
-- oksh:		OpenBSD ksh ported to linux, much more powerful than toybox sh
-- sbase:		from suckless.org, provides expr and tr which are missing from toybox
-- bsdgrep:		FreeBSD grep ported to linux
-- oyacc:		OpenBSD yacc ported to linux
-- awk:			the "One True Awk" (build with oyacc instead of GNU bison)
-- curl:		alternative to wget (and toybox wget which doesn't work)
-- zig cc/c++:	the Zig compiler bundles clang, letting you compile C/C++ without an SDK
-- pdpmake:		general POSIX make tool with some GNU extensions
-- jlibtool:	alternative to libtool (not properly tested yet)
-- minlzma:		provides minlzdec for decompressing xz archives
-- cedit:		zero dependency TUI editor similar to nano

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Replies: >>12074 >>12079
While I get most GNU software is bloated, is there any reason why?
Replies: >>12075
The main reason for me is the L/GPL. I can't e.g. statically link GCC and distribute it, or statically link my program to glibc and release it, because that would be against the license... Other reasons include bloat, difficulty of compilation, "debatable" standards conformance, and monopoly over the FOSS world. GNU software harms the software development ecosystem as much as it benefits it, so I'm looking for alternatives.
Replies: >>12079
Use tnftp.
Poor code quality is also a common issue with GNU programs.
> I shouldn't reinvent the hammer every time
You invent it once and then you use it every time you need it. Are you just deleting your code after every use?

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I'd previously assumed that Electron-esque garbage like Snap and Flatpak were just a fad confined to lazy commercial software, but along with a slow general decline in community packager activity, I've recently noticed more and more dev projects like GIMP and Handbrake abandoning official Linux builds for distro-native package formats. Reading a bit about it, the underlying tools and standards for packaging appear to be in general decay, and I was surprised to see some distros like Ubuntu and Fedora making noises about completely abandoning their package managers at some (usually vague) point in the future!

Throughout the span of modern Linux distros, before the need to resort to manually installing every single version of a piece of software, as an alternative to waiting for the distro's repo to update from (sometimes painfully outdated) stable versions, there were pretty much always builds of whatever available from either the developers themselves or some helpful person's PPA. Without that, Linux will become much less convenient to use at best, far more bloated and broken at worst.

It has been suggested by some, such as this article:
that the main problem which allowed such moronic software to gain momentum (aside from security flimflam exaggerating its sandbox capabilities) was Linux's not
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At that point just run Slackware or Guix or whatever, why bother?

I have a VM with OmniOS and pkgsrc. Better than Linux, but then, so is almost every other OS.
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>The glibc ABI is stable on Linux, anything built targeting an older version will reliably work on a newer version.
Replies: >>12060
>program uses library in ways not specified by the documentation
>update changes implementation details
ABI still not broken.
Replies: >>12062
>>program uses library in ways not specified by the documentation
Where is the documentation for DT_GNU_HASH? And what standard says it's the default symbol table?
>ABI still not broken.
<all those symbols removed in nearly every glibc version
Here's a (You) for effort
Replies: >>12063
>Where is the documentation for DT_GNU_HASH
Exactly. It's an implementation detail. Go back to Windows, proprietary boy/

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Have you been working on your site anon?

Discuss anything about website building such as document preparation, layout design, custom static page generation, cgi scripting. Shill your website here, post about your updates, and read other anon's websites.

Pic related. People on neocities have been using discord as a guestbook, so I decided to make an email-based guestbook for my fanfiction hobby site.
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>>10411 (checked)
Love the design, and interesting idea for a website. Great job keeping the interface simple but colorful.
>plz r8
You have 2 options:
1. Keep each review multi-page, but make the pagination bigger and more obvious.
2. Make each review a single page, but replace full-size images with small compressed thumbnails, to accommodate users with slow connections. thanks for that by the way, t. third world anon
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In case you are wondering why no one is posting their websites in a thread which asks for them, it is because mods are deleting them. I made two posts here last night. One about CF and the deleted one. 

My site is not in violation of any rules except maybe a software copyright. See, this is why I don't come to zzzchan and contribute hardly ever. If you don't want quality posters just say so - I'll not send 1 more byte of traffic to this place. No need to tranny-janny. 

See you on 998fun or CC (.onion).
Replies: >>11691 >>11711
I had no idea. But that does line up as this board really stagnates for months.
Replies: >>11692
The board being slow has notjing to do with that. It is mostly me being too busy and sick to reply.
Glad it's not just me having that experience then. I visit the site less and less now.

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The AGO has confirmed it has received complaints from Incognet and Crunchbits and that the complaints fall under the scope of their office. I am filing mine this week.

Residents of Washington may be needed soon.

Edit 1: Small update but when we tried to route another /48 off my subnet it was also blocked immediately before ever being pushed live as an AAAA record. In short, this means the company is actively hawking my subnets and terminating them as soon as they go up to deliberately deprive Washington residents of Internet access to websites of their choice.


Edit 2: Actually, they blocked my /32, which means Hurricane Electric is blocking 65,536 network blocks containing 65,536 subscriber blocks each with each subscriber block containing 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible addresses. With this number, I could assign each gram of the Earth's total mass 74 IP addresses each. They have done this specifically to accomplish keeping Washington residents off the Kiwi Farms.

c 4 urself

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Replies: >>11557 + 2 earlier
fuck off jewsh
>Tor was indeed invented for this type of situation but 90% of people are too lazy to even install the Tor browser
Good. 99% percent of people shouldn't be allowed to own a computer
>>11292 (OP) 

West coast cuckada here. I haven't been able to access kiwifarms.net probably for months now. I don't remember the last time I tried, but even tor didn't work. I thought the site was taken down? I just checked again, and still can't access it, even via tor. What gives?
Is kiwifags up yet?
Replies: >>11561

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ITT we discuss how technology will assist in our survival during various SHTF scenarios
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>>3597 (OP) 
Hidden abin in the woods with 3 months of canned and pickled food. I'm not a fighter.
>>3597 (OP) 
Does fully-armed & armored robowaifus count, OP?
Replies: >>7546
How are you planning to charge it?
Replies: >>10979
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>>3597 (OP) 
>boil acorns to get tannic acid out then eat with dandelion tea
>distill pee and run it through preheated soil to not die of dehydration
<so I need a still and hot pot that can run post nuclear winter..... fire go brrrrrr?

Just save enough autistics with acorns and dandelion tea and it will work itself out.
With acorns and dandelions. >>3675
>booze has no value 

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Thoughts on a new standard for cross-site tripcodes for open-source imageboard software.

The current implementation of tripcodes (as used by futaba channel -> 4chan, tinyboard/vichan boards, and many others including this site) uses an ancient method involving a very strange DES system that has many collisions and has a password limit of 8 characters, with an output of 9.25 characters encoded in pseudo-base64 for a total of 10 displayed characters with the last character space having only 16 of 64 possible values. It's still used to this day for its software support including the ability to generate vanity tripcodes for use with cross-site verification, but it is quickly showing its age and the entire thing does not seem very well thought out.

I have a proposition for a new cross-site or "insecure" tripcode standard. By "insecure" i am referring to the fact that it is not salted and therefore would be able to work across websites which is actually a desirable feature; "secure" tripcodes which are salted and only work on a per-site basis. This is not to say my methodology is not secure: mathematically, my "insecure" tripcode would be far more secure than, say, 4chan's "secure" tripcodes.

My proposition is to use SHA-384 and instead of encoding the digest into hexadecimal (which would be longer) you would instead encode it into base64 to make it shorter. This has many advantages:
-Base64 is very similar to the character space of existing tripcodes. The only difference in character space would be the removal of the "." character and the addition of the "+" character.
-Would contain the entire english alphabet unlike hexadecimal, same as old tripcodes.
-Pretty secure, low chance of collisions, I don't see why there would have to be a password length limit either.
-SHA is pretty fast and therefore the generation of vanity tripcodes should be possible, while still being considerably secure.

The use of SHA-384 is due to the fact that you would be able to encode the digest into base64 without the need for padding. The total tripcode length would be 64 characters long after the "!" but fear not, because I propose that using CSS and/or HTML, you would hide the last 75% of the tripcode (but not actually truncate in a destructive way) and only display the first 16 characters for appearance reasons. Vanity tripcodes would still be rather attractive as it would be easier to attain an attractive-looking first 16 characters, however, the entire 64 character tripcode could be displayed to anons by either hovering over the tripcode or clicking on the tripcode. Someone wishing to impersonate you would still be inclined to "crack" this entire 64 character string, which would be quite a feat. As far as hiding most of the tripcode and hovering or clicking to display the entire thing, I do not believe that this would require javascript to implement for any reason.

These should be able to work across any imageboard, textboard, or any kind of website that implements it. You would be able to cross-site verify with ease. The developer of whatever imageboard software would need to run the password through sha384 and encode the binary output as base64. It would need support from the open source IB developers (lynxchan and jschan, possibly others) who are not exactly good company. It would also not need, but very much benefit from, the same kinds of tools that are used to generate vanity onion addresses and current tripcodes. A tool that could generate vanity tripcodes for this new standard being made would be a significant help to its implementation.
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>cross site tripcodes
what the fuck wiggery am i reading
of course a webshitter would choose to rely on this bullshit when they could literally just PGP the message (inb4 pgp bad yeah i know it is its you retarded wiggoids who made this a thing)
Replies: >>10595 >>10597
Authentication != Signing
Replies: >>10620
Take your meds
Thanks for the enjoyable cryptography thread, when everyone pools together to discuss things in good faith, best practices and solutions can be found. Really great discussion.
Signing does provide authentication. Just post a public key in the first message signed, then sign subsequent messages (cross-site). The server can even detect this and add the fingerprint as tripcode.

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Seemed like it would be a good idea for users both old and new.

[Materials to avoid]
Codecademy and other flashy looking sites (KhanAcademy might be okay)
"fishy" Youtube videos such as those from FreeCodeCamp
"Learn X in 24 hours/three days!"
Anything that deviates too far from a specification (Very obvious if you're reading a spec. in parallel with a primary learning resource)
Most blogs, especially anything on Hacker News that isn't being written by someone obviously trustworthy and/or qualified

You should use a metasearch engine. Not only are they better for your privacy, but I've observed better results than single engines like DDG or Yandex.
Bookmark 3-4 reliable instances at the top of your browser and rotate between them or use an add-on such as LibRedirect.

Hacker News has lots of developers and skilled people posting on it. If there's a particular project/idea you're interested in its worth looking it up with their search engine.
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Check out compiler explorer. https://godbolt.org It's one of the most useful tools for examining asm.
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There's a similar project that has more advanced features called Snap! by UC Berkeley. The one advantage though is that it can run offline on any OS (it's a local webapp), while Scratch's offline "app" still doesn't support Linux.
Read either Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux by Jeff Duntemann or Programming from the Ground Up Book (https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/pgubook).
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Photons are trans particles. The are really waves that identify as particles. 

Think about it: It's called the photo-electric effect not the photo-magnetic effect, but people still use the speed of radio waves in all these equations. Radio waves are magnetic induction and are subject to gravity so they have a slower speed the infinity. In the case of photons, they actually have infinity speed as predicted by classical mechanics. Light and Magnetism are not the same thing, but if you ask a Quantist person they insist that they are.

The Aether Theory, that space acts like a volume of liquid and allows for disturbances like photons and EMF to travel though it, is much more succinct. I've spent most of my life wonder where all the photons come from in an atom. It turns out that there are no photons, just taps on skin of drum when an Electron change it's band or is ionised. It's all so simple now.
Replies: >>10268
no such thing because theyre not waves or particles they just overlaps because both are incomplete models and no one has come up with a real unified atomic model, anyone thats done retard level highschool chemistry knows these models are only used for practical reasons not theoretical neither are even considered as anything close to reality

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I think it's worth having a thread about ARM linux as it's on the verge of becoming viable in phones and mobile devices. Discussion around whether or not this hardware is or will ever be worth actually buying is important. I understand that a lot of the PINE64 hardware is explicitly not consumer ready, but I've seen some videos of the recently officially launched Librem5 that shipped the product with a fucked screen protector that wasn't applied properly, and that's a fucking $800+ device. I'll try to get around to making a webm of it.
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>I really like the idea of having an E-ink tablet that isn't sold by Google or Amazon for reading manga
I have a Kobo (Libra 2, specifically) e-Reader and it fits this description (not sure what you mean by "doing some light weight work" though).
It's not open source, but it doesn't lock you into a jewish ecosystem (unlike Kindle), and it's very easy to hack and customize, and it's much more affordable that what I predict something PineNote would be. Probably also applies to most or all Kobo e-Readers in general.
Though if by E-ink tablet you mean an actual tablet with Android or something similar, for doing various tasks other than reading, then I don't know.
<PICTURE UNRELATED (also my opinion about the picture: the person who made it is probably a homo, lol)>
Yeah, guy who made that image is definitely a queer. If you have to point that kind of stuff out to bystanders, then it wasn't a big problem in the first place.
>this isn't realistic 
>this isn't realistic 
>this isn't realistic 
>this isn't "artistically necessary"
If you're going to complain about bullshit at least keep it consistent, this is just disappointing.
Replies: >>10190
>Satoko should not have hips wide enough for a gap. She's fucking 10, not 18.
Why are normalniggers obsessed with the age of fictional characters?
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I like the art, but funny.

Reality is realistic, and it fucking sucks.

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