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Spotify ad blocker doesn't seem to work, I am not using jewtube, and not paying money to jewish record companies. How do I circumvent the record label jew?
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Replies: >>13964
youtube is not a streaming service fucker it's a video site. spotify, netflix, pandora are streaming. Fucking stations not downling mp3 files like 2003 fucking dumbass faggots>>13944
>>13929 (OP) 
I use a cracked version of spotify I got off telegram and it works fine, no ads and songs aren't randomized
Replies: >>13965
telegram is for fags
Replies: >>13966
ok then enjoy your ads what can I say
Replies: >>13967
looks like blockthespot from github is the answer, thanks >>13944 for the idea

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Discuss radio-related stuff here. 

Bitch about telecom being cunts to Hams. laugh at VE7KFM's (and the rest of 14.313mhz's) continuous antics. Talk about how despite "radio's death" in the 90s-00s that radio as a technology being used even more during then and now. Bitch about how many chinkshit appliances that leak RF into the airwaves and the FCC doesn't/can't do shit. Have an existential crisis realizing that Wifi is pretty-much just radio.

I've been trying to make my own go-bag as a means of either listening/communicating on vacation trips, or in case of SHTF. Still trying to figure out my use cases and decide what I need and don't. It's so fucking hard trying to find a mobile rig that actually can listen to a wide set of frequencies and transmit only on what it needs to. Too many mobile rigs are just X amount of bands, and that's it, no FM broadcast, no AM no EMS or Airline.
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I'm new at this as well but I believe you can use radioreference . com to  see all the repeaters in your area, at least in the US.  As far as increasing your range, you can either increase the power, repeater hop, or use lower frequencies, or all 3 if needed.
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Forgot my magnum opus
Hello, I'm new too and radio is banned in my country, any ideas on how to hide antennae? Anyways, what is everyone's thoughts on meshtastic since its recent gain in popularity, their discord is at 18k+ members.
Replies: >>13532
Hard pass.
Jokes aside, there are a lot other projects like this and their webpage doesn't say anything different about them.
>no license

as soon as you broadcast without a license some faggot ass white boomer a day away from a dirt nap is going to rat you out to the FCC cause he has nothing better to do than to rat on his fellow white man for wanting to communicate without government control. Boomers just need to fuck off already.

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What is even a good email provider to use anymore?
>inb4 selfhost your email
most info taken from: https://digdeeper.neocities.org/ghost/email.html
probably incomplete quick list, but you could read the dippity dopper article for more information

<gmail, yahoo, etc.
>big corpo trash
>sells data to 3rd party advertisers
>Shady metadata policy (retained for an indefinite amount of time)
>URLs in onion hidden service site point to the clearnet (information is from 2019, cannot reconfirm as the hidden service never loads as of the time writing this)
>Account creation verification blocks some email domains from being used to verify the account (Riseup and possibly cock.li domains for example)
>Doesn't allow usage of your own PGP keys and forces their private keys generated on their servers instead through a JS web interface, many backdoors
>Requires to use their stupid bridge thing for mail clients, possible backdoor
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Akshully tried it a couple of weeks ago.  Gmail requires an email address for "security" (ha ha ha ha) as part of the account setup.  And it does NOT work with Protonmail or any of the disposable "10 minute email' sites I tried.  I spent a couple hours trying to make a secure-ish Gmail account that would only be accessed through a virtual machine and TOR a couple of weeks ago and could not get past that point.


>ISP knows

Yup.  See also, "supercookies."  If you don't know, it's every scrap of personally identifiable information plus very complete information about your hardware and software, the patterns of what websites you use and when, and everything else you can imagine, that your ISP keeps on their servers.  They are not accessible to you.  They sell it all to advertisers.  This is illegal, and Verizon got a wrist-slap fine from the FCC, one that amounted to about a month's worth of the revenue from it, over the practice in 2016.  The news story was buried and the word "supercookies" has been very carefully kept out of the news since then to keep the normies from thinking about it.  Additionally, and you've probably already guessed this, all the "supercookies" your ISP has about you are available free of charge to the glowbois.  No warrant is required.  All they have to do is ask.

>B- b- b- but I'll just use TOR for everything!

The NSA owns over 70% of TOR nodes.  The glowbois built TOR in the first place.  It's not for you.  TOR is for the use of "dissidents" (read:  CIA assets) in Iran and China.  For them TOR is a tool they use to do their jobs.  For you TOR is a honeypot.  It was never anything else.

>"I'll just take my laptop to McDonald's and use the free Wi-fi!  And I'll use the free Wi-Fi at a different location every day!"

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Replies: >>12828
<Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. In fact, we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong.

>Akshully tried it a couple of weeks ago.
Because you're so smart if you can't figure it out then it must be impossible.

>If you don't know, it's every scrap of personally identifiable information plus very complete information about your hardware and software, the patterns of what websites you use and when, and everything else you can imagine, that your ISP keeps on their servers.
What do you think TLS is. Replace ISP with cloudflare or some other CDN then you're closer to something that actually exists.

>B- b- b- but I'll just use TOR for everything!
<we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong.

>reddit spacing
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Replies: >>12839 >>13778
>What do you think TLS is. Replace ISP with cloudflare or some other CDN then you're closer to something that actually exists.
You can go to a site like amiunique.org to see how much information can be found out through your browser. Your ISP doesn't see any of that information though unless they are injecting malicious javascript into non-https pages. But most of the web is https only now.

Content distribution networks like cloudflare are the real threat because that's where your https connection terminates and they actually do inject tons of javascript into your html pages for "bot detection".
not only are they commies, they're the faggy anarchist kind
plus i checked their website, they had an ad for a 'p website
><Tor is not spelled "TOR". Only the first letter is capitalized. In fact, we can usually spot people who haven't read any of our website (and have instead learned everything they know about Tor from news articles) by the fact that they spell it wrong.
I unironically spell it as "TOR" on purpose because they're such whiny bitches about it.

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This is a project I've been working on for some time and I would like to see it get used. It's using libvirt and sqlite, and it's written in C. You will be assigned a port range to use (NAT). cloud-init and all of that nigger shit, is not being used here, only a small shell script and a daemon written in python.
irc.fsirc.net #vmbot
irc.rizon.net #vmbot
>11:12 <VMBot> VM IP: (external: [redacted]), password is "npsmxurrdphieemkgmkfcceoiuxtfm", admin/SSH port is 2094, port range is 2094:2124
Commands are !vm template and !vm deploy [template]
Register your nick through services, that's it.
>are the templates backdoored
No, I have created the devuan one through debootstrap, installed what was needed, and added in the first run script, before packaging it up. Alpine was done by manually installing it and configuring it.
>source code
Licensed under GPLv2, code should be of OK quality.
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>>6771 (OP) 
Is the bot still up? It isn't working on rizon.
Replies: >>6804 >>6824
No, I had some issues with libvirtd where it was hanging at random, and it's probably related to it being an older version. I will, though, try and get it back up under a new channel at a later date.
Replies: >>6824
Bot is back up at #freespeech @ rizon. Nickname must be registered, of course.
>>6771 (OP) 
hey, is this project still active? fsirc.net is down
wondering if I could still get a VPS
Replies: >>13798
I'm pretty sure it's ded sadly

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why is tech so full of absolute fuckjobs, that there are entire subcultures dedicated to being incompetent in a certain way
boomers who think "security model" is a word that just somehow makes their shit sound when thrown around. for example i just talked to one who doesnt understand that sudo is a placebo and threw that word in while trying to explain what purpose sudo serves (while giving multiple conflicting answers as he subconsciously realizes sudo doesnt actually have any well defined purpose that isnt retarded)
"hardware guy" knows fuck all about EE and cant even do SE, has some lore about which mouse is better because of this and that sensor, some headphone is better cus this and that driver. some LCD is better because this and that panel, but if you dig into anything they claim its always wrong.
enterprise faggot, thinks Java or C# or kubernetes are good technology. is afraid of using things that arent "battle tested", like python (dont get confused im not shilling python in fact that language is used by trannies)
sysadmin. doesnt understand the very most basic truths about computer security. they consider not clicking an email sage advice that took hundreds of years to discover. writes in some fuckjob language like shell scripting or windows batch files, adding all kinds of insecurities to his network. has some dumb configuration of windows domains / DNS / cloudshit on his network with lots of "security' things enabled while allowing some trivial rce and post co
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>we are getting smarter 
Made me laugh. Didn't our brains lose a golf ball sized chunk since the stone age? 
>size does not matter
<psh ahahAHA because proto humans were such wizards
<and it might be getting smaller because, avoiding needing too much nutrition how ironic an excuse XDDDD
Psychology today made me laugh when researching it while keeping your 'nutrition making us smarter' thing in mind. Neanderthals had the largest brains and they survived the ice age. We have it so easy we are devolving plain and also simple. Devolving into nigger ass homoerectus (niggers have the least neanderthal genes by the way).
Replies: >>13665 >>13690
>>13664 (me)
Before you wonder why we have tech despite that:
>more heat means more plants
>more plants more people
>more people more random geniuses born
>they made libraries and schools for stupid people of which makes a 'smarter' illusion 
It was always that and only that. Those libraries, those giants standing on giants, it took time. Too much time. Where is the Saturn V missile schematics? Where is the original telemetry data? They suck at programming, laws shit too? Everyone seems like a clown lately? Oh dear oh dear, not obvious at all.
Replies: >>13690
The cargo cult is because things have become too complicated. And when they realize the complexity is causing problems, they don't scale back. Instead they just make another more complicated tool.
The ultimate delusion is that AI is going to solve all the complicated messes they created.
Replies: >>13674
>The ultimate delusion is that AI is going to solve all the complicated messes they created.
Can't wait for AI to tart writing pajeet code.
>Made me laugh. Didn't our brains lose a golf ball sized chunk since the stone age? 
Human intelligence has been collapsing since the industrial revolution. There's a whole book about it called At Our Wit's End. The tldr is that smart people waste their lives working while dumb people fuck like rabbits and collect unemployment checks from the government.

>more people more random geniuses born
There is more to it than that, even with a few 10.000 years head start africa has never spawned an einstein.

>niggers have the least neanderthal genes by the way
That's one theory, sub saharan africans never bred with neanderthals because they were physically cut off by water on 3 sides and the sahara desert.

There is also the winter theory which better explains why light skin correlates with intelligence. People who evolve in variable climates have lighter skin to absorb more sunlight. They also need to plan ahead and hoard resources to survive winter. White people who didn't prepare for winter or ate all their food on December 1st were selected out of the gene pool by evolution. People who evolve in tropical climates don't have as much evolutionary pressure o
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Discuss alternative Internet protocols and potentially generate a rated list for the sticky.
Censorship is coming, fast. Many users are getting banned on (((mainstream sites))), Cuckflare, hosts and isps are closing in on every wrongthinkers. Find the best alt net to contribute and develop bunkers/comms.
Mesh and alt infrastructures welcome.
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Replies: >>13514 + 3 earlier
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LOL what a shithole!
lokinet glows and it's dead
>>769 (OP) 
Could anyone tell me which ones of these are worthwhile exploring after all? I've been trying i2p for a bit and there's many chans I guess but they're mostly dead, some cool personal sites too.
Replies: >>13588 >>13589
There aren't any, people only use them to sell illegal services.

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According to this: https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/security-privacy-advice.html Linux is bad from security perspective, author advises you to use WIndows 10 in S mode, macOS or ChromeOS for more securit. Is it true or he is biased?
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I have a lot of experience with a dozen OSes due to being a long term NEET and an obsession with portability, and I can safely say the BSD pecking order goes:
- OpenBSD
- NetBSD
- FreeBSD

OpenBSD is the only one that is actually a cohesive, well integrated system. The others may claim to be so, but it's a lie. FreeBSD, for instance, has you go read the wiki to go figure out the multiple config files and you have to edit and commands you have to run to do every simple task.

For instance, want to use your phone's USB tethering on OpenBSD? Simple. When you plug such a device in, OpenBSD automatically configures the new network device, but does not actually put it to use. To put it to use, you can follow the "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol" section of the FAQ:
There is only one step:
>run a command that tells the DHCPv4 daemon to autoconfigure the new device.
As explained in the "Network Configuration" section at the top of the same page, you can simply put the same command (minus the ifconfig bit) into a file named /etc/hostname.$if where $if is the name of the interface, and it'll autoconfigure on boot.

How do you do it on FreeBSD?
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You left out jails and other odds and ends, but yes.
Replies: >>12073
deportation is the only solution
Replies: >>12168
>topic is originally about linux security vulns sandboxes and openBDSM jails
<discussion shifts on trying to deport wokehub users for muh wrongthink code
jokes on you wigger i dont even live here and i use a non-angloid VPN, Gonna track my browser fingerprint or what?
jokes aside we need a quick way to undo troon commits in a single button press without forking the whole darn thing and missing out any important update patches
classic gif, funny pup

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Ptychographic X-ray laminography: No trade secret or hardware trojan can hide

Every cell transmitter, phone and computer must be inspected. Silicon Trojans must perish.

Freedom for all is encroached when a few cyber terrorists can freely CONSPIRE to use microwave weapons and silicon trojans. While you are distracted with THEORY, they spread the PRACTICE: surveillance, theft, sabotage and murder.

Havana Syndrome is the result of hacked cell transmitters being used as a microwave weapon. Civilians are victimized daily, children included.

“Havana Syndrome: Are You Next? Electromagnetic Terrorism and Cognitive Warfare” at "hxxps://areyounext.help".

The future of privacy/security is clothing made of metallized fabric to block microwave imaging (enables theft of inner speech by observing minuscule throat/face muscle movements) and block directed energy attacks.

#BadBIOS #Havana Syndrome #Conspiracy Practice #Freedom #Faraday Cage #Firmware Vulnerability #Electromagnetic Surveillance

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>The human body could theoretically have gotten used to the bombardment of such signals over time.
I like how you jump to the conclusion that the human body must have "got used to it or something" rather than admitting it was obviously never dangerous to begin with.
>>5750 (OP) 
=:) try running faster.

happy valentines.
>>5750 (OP) 
>AI can determine self reported race from medical images
you mean like any specialist could do before total jew takeover? you can determine race by skeleton/skull shape/size/etc, as well as blood, certain diseases, and a multitude of other things.
Side question, do laser guns destroy cameras?
Replies: >>13393
High power lasers damage all optics.

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>I’ve been working as a mobile developer for 12 years. I’m a straight white male who knows what I am doing in my occupation. But lately I’m struggling to find another place to work.
>I applied for a job at DuckDuckGo, and got told to go fuck myself right away. So I reapplied as a black lesbian 5 years of experience who can’t program or spell. They are moving me to the 2nd round of interviews.
>What do we do in an industry that fucks straight white men over so relentlessly? >Do I just become a NEET? Feeling down and super blackpilled atm. Fuck this gay clown world where nothing makes any sense.
Source: https://varishangout.com/index.php?threads/duckduckgo-ignore-highly-qualified-white-man-interested-in-black-queen.509/
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>>3357 (OP) 
Amazon mturk did this too but with mexicans. Only the mexians would get surveys. I know due to neeting for like 10 years straight. I'm a cis white male so I never got the bucks though. Gossip said to lie about your race to make more money. 
Don't give people bad advice.
Replies: >>13352
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>>3357 (OP) 
Find a company that needs talent more than diversity score. Companies that are profitable and don't depend on funding, debt or public stock price are the least cucked. Companies that just got a round of funding and now needs to deliver results to investors are the 2nd least cucked.

>give up trying to support yourself and live at the mercy of state handouts
Might want to have a little think about who owns the state and what they think about straight white males before you go down that road buddy. inb4 OP is not straight

>lie about your race to make more money. 
Somebody will probably do that. Make some kind of lifelike AI avatar that lets you larp as an obese black tranny on zoom calls for your 100% remote job where they have never met you irl.
duckduckgo was always kiked...use startpage
Replies: >>13367
Startpage is just jewgle proxy that doesn't anonymize you. Recently cuckcuckno started doing the exact same thing that got me off startpage. It started returning results that are related to my previous, even though I cleared history and everything between them. They have built a shadow profile. It's like a stalker telling you things about you that you didn't tell him.
use searx.space
Replies: >>13380
>isn't browsing the web on at least a VPN

you're not gonna make it

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I, Asukadomo Type VIII, issue a fatwah on Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare.

He pretends to be part of the infosec scene while he's actually just a lawyer.
He isn't even a real lawyer, just a dropout.
He conveniently invokes either identity when he needs to appeal to one side.
He has single-handedly blocked Tor, VPN, etc from the internet, for 11 years without rest, by making a trendy webshit as a service that blocks Tor by default, requiring each website admin of a Cloudflare-backed website to overcome philosophical and technical hurdles to even realize this is a problem and to fix it by configuring Cloudflare properly.
In the above, he violated the end-to-end networking principle.
For the vast majority of these 11 years he used ReCaptcha, the most broken piece of shit captcha on earth (which blocks Tor over 50% of the time). It could only be solved by all kinds of tricks like disabling JS which itself raises more red flags on the website that acts like a paranoid retard. If you are blocked by a Cloudflare-backed website, say "somewebsite.com", you have to fill out a ReCaptcha (and then a second one to access "cdn.somewebsite.com"). Each of these steps takes multiple minutes. If you're doing some research it will take hours just to do what took 10 minutes before Cloudflare was invented.
Due to the above, many billions of man hours were wasted browsing websites over Tor, VPN, offices, universities, cafes, etc, due to his broken dipshit idea of blocking "hackers" by IP and making them solve a captcha.
In the above, he violated the purpose of a captcha: to throttle bot comment posts (and similar use cases). There is no other purpose for a captcha, and none would be acceptable. "Thing that stops my site from being rooted" is not a valid use case for a captcha. If you just put a captcha somewhere and only justify it by your opinion, you deserve DEATH. A captcha is not something that can be taken lightly, in network protocol design. He was given high levels of authority, and abused it.
He has single-handedly fabricated a new concept where a website just gives you a captcha because you might be trying to hack it according to some heuristic which almost always gives false positives. Let me state this again: websites did not require a captcha for viewing content before Cloudflare. Not one single website. Dumbass kids getting into webdev now think a captcha gate on the front page is a thing, thanks to Matthew Prince. If you put a captcha on your website anywhere other than a comment or signup form, you are just a nudev eating feces downstream from Matthew Prince.
While implementing all the fuckery above using webdevs (AKA retards), he created the CloudBleed security vulnerability, which caused all of his client bank websites to leak user credentials literally all over the web. Cloudflare no doubt has more of such vulnerabilities, which were obvious and predictable even long before he disclosed Cloudbleed.
He claims that websites are properties, by consistently calling them "web properties", thereby aligning the web as some sort of real estate market where the land owners can sue / jail anyone for made up reasons just like the entertainment industry does with DMCA (or just like land owners do to anyone and everyone for bullshit like "hanging around"). When in reality the internet is just for lulz.
He aligns his philosophy of attacking users when it has a 0.000000001 cent cost to the "web property" with liberal politics. So if you argue that blocking Tor is fucking retarded and pointless, you are labelled a nazi by the left wing sheep. He got rid of 8chan because it was too far from the left - it allowed people to say things without "moderation" (actually it had heavy moderation and /tech/ was complete center). But 8chan made the mistake of not hiring N employees to "moderate" every single thing a user ever posts, and so /pol/ was allowed to exist with its 5 users, and then Tarrant posted his manifesto there. He then tried to formalize his reasoning as "8chan does not uphold rule of law", which means absolutely nothing, but he thought he was real smart for using a phrase he got from his half assed law degree. In reality, he just kicked off 8chan because it was not left wing enough. It did not ban people for saying "nigger".
He has centralized most of the internet. He MITMs every user of his service. He grants this access to the NSA. Not maybe, he does. Just like before Snowden, it was obvious before it was "revealed".
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I don't have any solution. If a site gets cuckflared and stops working for me, then I just stop going there. I'm not going to change my hardware/OS/browser just because they don't like it.
Replies: >>13370
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No I meant about your picture here >>13358
Replies: >>13371
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I got it from artscene.textfiles.com/ansi/
I dunno what this one's from though.
Replies: >>13376
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Cool, thanks Nonny
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Shitty nofun mods kill boards

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