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Here's how you could "fix", or make a better version of the C programming language.

How would you improve C or another language?

Most important

- #import, imports the file into the program, but only makes the contents (variables, functions, types) available inside files that include it directly. It does not place the contents where you #imported it like #include does. Header files and compiler settings are unnecessary for #imported files. #defines do not have to be compatible with it, if that's what it takes. #include is still useful though, although I would probably call it #paste instead.
- Use . instead of -> for dereferencing struct members. It seems like a nitpick but it's important because of how prevalent and annoying and totally pointless (insert pointer joke) it is.
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>Rust is a means to subvert
>The community surrounding rust is pushing the language as an agenda.
Replies: >>15171
Why are you posting your fap material here?
I don't like the fuckhuge C compilers. I don't trust a language that I can't write my own compiler for. That's why standard C is a mess, as Terry said. Once upon a time, it might have been ok, like maybe (but I'm not even sure) in the 80's like wigger-poster >>15168 said, but it sure isn't today. I mean back then you had C compilers that ran on 8-bit computers in CP/M. But IIRC, the one in the video below isn't actually ANSI C but the old K&R.
Also Eric Chahi said the C compilers on Atari ST sucked bigly in the 80's. If they couldn't do write a decent compiler for sweet ass 68000 when C standard was smaller, how the fuck does anyone stand a chance now, when hardware is beyond fucked and standards are insane.
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Why can't you make your own iterator?
#define iterate(name, x) for (int name=0; i<x; i++)

void main () {
	iterate (i, 123) {
		printf("%i\n", i);

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I'm starting my journey of making money online. I will be documenting everything that I do here in hope that i can stick with it and help fellow anons make money from the comfort of his room without having to show his face anytime.
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might be better off getting a hot girl to sign up for onlyfans for you and fake an id that they ask for and upload that for verification. Then just upload fake pics of pussy and tits and shit. I don't know somebody to do this or I would try it. Unironcally I know a girl but I fucked up and talked shit to her cause shes crazy asf lol but she was hot and perfect for onlyfans. Also you could go to sex chat rooms and post pics of nude girls then ask for cucks to cashapp you. This is a grueling process though and super scumbaggery and you have to sex talk up fat incels which is extremely gay, but if you're jewish you will succeed. 

Has anyone unironcally done this? Gone to chatrooms, pretend to be girl, ask dudes that message you within 5 seconds of posting a pic for a cashapp for more pics?
Replies: >>13936 >>15120
They seem to be cracking down on this more. My Cashapp account was shut down because I paid a whore with it once. I never really used cashapp so when I opened it one day it was closed. I thought only the whores accounts would get shut down, apparently not.
>Has anyone unironcally done this? Gone to chatrooms, pretend to be girl, ask dudes that message you within 5 seconds of posting a pic for a cashapp for more pics?
My dude, people were doing that one ten seconds after AOL added profile pictures to their chatrooms thirty years ago.
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OP here, not doing much lately sorry. Focusing on my career for the most part now, forgot to make time for this side work. I'll get back to it from now on, I swear, im so fucking broke right now. Lately i have seen some people doing airdrop stuff through telegram shit coins, so im asking around. I don't really have a full structure course that i could find, so right now im kind of a lost sheep on this topic. But im watching some channels to get the basic image, maybe i will find some groups that can at least openly share the basic paths. The ones that managed to get money doing this, they hide their craft like cat hides their shit.
Replies: >>15125
So the basic description here is that, these shit meme coins usually have some kind of dumb games that reward players with its own coin. Now instead of using one account to play, how about you emulate 100 accounts. And then I guess they managed to sell that meme coin somehow? I mean i never tried this before, but i want to learn how it works. Anyone here has been doing crypto stuff? Where can i learn this? About these emulation, usually these people buy used workstation cpu and have like 100 gb of ram, they don't write their own software but have to outsource to some code monkey. Now if its automation, I’m guessing the code monkeys are using some kind of automation framework like selenium, cypress, robot, playwright,...Maybe I could make money doing this, I do have some experiene working with these tools.

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Are you employed in a technical capacity? What job is it? How did you get it? What does your daily wokload look like? Are you looking for a different line of work?
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Is there anything like the Mechanical Turk but for real programming projects? I just want to freelance, I don't want to deal with people or selling my time rather than my labor.
The new Making Embedded Systems book has sections on interview questions. There are so many different microcontrollers and peripherals that no interviewer expects you to have experience with the specific hardware they are using. in my experience the main thing they look for is solid C programming skills and then they will teach you what you need to know about the hardware once you've got the job.
Im taking the Java OCA soon, god damn is this shit hard? I have around 2 weeks to practice. 5 mins in the mock exam and my brain is already turning to mush. Any tips to ace this test? Im grinding a book on this also.
This?  https://opencybersecurityalliance.org/  Never heard of it.  Googl'd for "oca" + "cybersecurity" a few seconds ago and it's the first thing that came up. I'm not even sure it's the same "oca" you're talking about.
Replies: >>15124
java oca anon, Oracle Certified Associate.

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Post about /tech/nological cancer that you've dealt with in the past.
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>... and it worked.
No it didn't... faggot.
Trolls and bots are the excuse to kill anonimity and track users, same way anthrax towelhead terrorism was an excuse to systematically spy on people and turn the big platforms into propaganda machines.
And the original problem was never fixed. 

Not him but I almost exclusively post while procrastinating at work

>manuals written in English, the write man language
Not him but manuals and documentation are mostly written by autistic furries that rarely reach 3 social interactions a week, the same kind of low lives that populate wikipedia.
I agree that the CLI is much better but let's not pretend the autistic e1337ism prevalent in the field doesn't jump on every opportunity to gatekeep knowledge just to feel superior to normies who can't afford to spend nights decyphering obscure and out of date docs. Funnily enough, many of them end up trooning out and are the first to screetch at anyone that doesn't indulge them for not being inclusive enough. lol.
>The nigger swipety swipe UI and the niggercattle who use it make me sick.
>This degenerate POS technology has turned every last possibly decent person into a nobrain nigger subhuman. Zoomers are spiritual niggers. I hate this whole fucking degenenerate timeline.
>At this point only a global nuclear holocaust can revert the damage done by technology to this whole species.
I sympathize with that statement so much that I fail to express it with words adequately.
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Tech is only a hobby for me at this point. I did all my work over the years mostly on the text terminals that you think are useless. I got paid. I'm done with all that. Now I do my computing how I want to, not how someone else wants.
>>5492 (OP) 
Linux block device/partition names like /dev/sda1  because they can change if you add another disk (just like modern NIC names, old naming (like eth0) is better). Luckily, you can use /dev/disk/by-label/*
>>5492 (OP) 

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Excuse me for the low quality thread, but
Yes, I stole these screenshots from Twitter. News this fucking retarded does not deserve a good thread.
The absolute fucking state of Microsoft.
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Replies: >>14982 + 5 earlier
>>2273 (OP) 
does android/chromeOS do this too? i know they too use similar webview components
Replies: >>15040
Yes, 2. One for the system and one for browsing the web. Originally it was supposed to use one but they found out they can't update the system as fast as they change their browser.
So the system runs an outdated Chrome
Replies: >>15072
it's going to look like a tablet and it's going to be basically windows 11 more invasive and demand that you  give a dna sample everytime you want to power your computer on
>[heh turn on]

and what used to be a file search is now just the internet unless you use  file explorer
pretty much using any other browser other than edge is just like using a popped condom

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> You don't need anything but an Internet connection to use cock.li. If all you had was a library card you could use a public computer to get an e-mail account. It's a strange thing to say about a joke website, but cock.li improves access to services for marginalized people globally, without connecting into some corporate system.

> I've never got so much laughter out of anything in my life than my time here. It's not even close. The funniest e-mails I've ever read were sent on cock.li, some of them to me directly. I'm the worst at responding, but I read every e-mail you send me. Every password reset request, every schizo ramble, every question, every story.

> Vincent Canfield

The email provider cock.li is facing legal difficulties to keep the services running.

Vincent, the creator and administrator for over 2 decades has asked for donations to help with the recent challenges. He and his team have provided the service free of charge all this time. Now it's time for us to provide something in return.

Daily updates about the situation will be available at:

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All water sources are nationalized and the government controls the distribution of all water in the country.
>Fresh water as a "human right"... that sounds rather ominous... 
You don't have a "right" to other people's labor. As long as it requires labor to collect and sanitize and distribute water then you don't have a "right" to it.

>E-mail as a "human right"... that sounds rather ominous... 
There is no way for government to interfere with the market like this without fucking it up.

<pass a law that says all email providers need to give free email service
That would force all the small email providers to close and only big ones like gmail will survive because they already sell your data to cover the cost of the "free" email service they provide.

<raise taxes and use the money to pay private companies to give all citizens "free" email
In that case the biggest corpos with the best lobbyists will get the funding and the small independent providers will die out. Remember the government does not create wealth so when they spend money they are spending 'your' money. So this would literally just be a new tax everyone is forced to pay directly to google.
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The index page has changed a couple days ago:
>Thank you very much for your gracious support to cock.li over the last few weeks. The cock.li team wants you to know that your donations have allowed us to place fighting for cock.li as our top priority
>This new era for cock.li means you can rest assured that we will make efforts to keep our userbase updated on the current happenings to the maximum extent possible. Cock.li started as a hobby project, and was slowly neglected over the years as upkeep mounted while interest in the project waned. Now that engaged people are working on the site every day again, you should expect that you will have some descriptions of the work that's going on, i.e. where your money is going.
>If it seems like work is currently slow, that's because most of the required work is in the background, and it would be unwise to detail it at this point. Some day, our work will be less serious, and the quality of updates should improve further.
>Until then, I hope you will appreciate this list of our current priorities:
>    High priority
>    RED ⟶ ORANGE alert (top priority)
>    Regular maintenance
>    Restore password changes
>    Finish DNS migration and expansion
>    Hardware maintenance & security
>    New website with all features

Latest canary (4th Dec) is valid:
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This "canary" thing is meaningless. The feds can just put a gun in the guy's mouth and force him to update the canaries like a good boy.
Update today:



Good news: cock.li's RED ALERT has been reduced to an ORANGE ALERT, thanks to
tangible progress on many internal issues.


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Was uncle ted ultimately right? Is humanity fundamentally at odds with modern technology?
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One of us!
One of us!
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Yeah it's a big scam, just like all the rest of tech. Especially NigVideo that's always #1 and basically carrying the stonks market all by itself. Otherwise everyone would have realized long ago the reality: the economy is fucked.
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Here's another one:
Who even asked for self-driving cars in the first place? This is the stupidest idea ever. They'll never be safe! Modern appliances keep getting shittier every year, but somehow they think this is going to be any different? No, it'll be just another shitbox. And on top of that it'll be even more complicated and less repairable than any of the recent cars. Great for the manufacturer and dealers, a nightmare for everyone else.
Replies: >>14850 >>14855
Car accident statistics improved too much so a sustainable way to correct them was clearly needed.
I don't think autonomous automobiles are a tech dead-end per se but they'll never happen with society, industry and economy in their current state of absolution.
If they wanted realistic autonomous transportation they would just invest money into tram and metro lines. The latter can already work without a conductor, and teaching an "AI" to handle a tram would be at least semi-realistic on the long term, because it just has to learn not to close the door on someone. Although that might be still too complicated for big tech.

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Lately I've been interested in looking for a final solution to the imageboard problem, deplatforming and relying on centralized authorities for hosting. P2P through TOR seems like the most logical path forward. But the software would also need to be accessible, easily installed and understood by just about anyone, and easily secure/private by default.

Retroshare seemed like a decent choice, but unfortunately its forum function is significantly lacking in features. I haven't investigate too much into zeronet either but from what I recall that was a very bloated piece of software and I'm looking for something that's light and simple. Then there's BitChan (>>507) which fits most of the bill but contrasted with Retroshare is not simple to setup.

I know there is essentially nothing else out there so this thread isn't necessarily asking to be spoonfed some unknown piece of software that went under the radar of anons. But I think the concept of P2P imageboards should be further explored even though the failure of zeronet soured a lot of peoples perspective on the concept. Imageboards are so simple by nature I feel this shouldn't be as difficult as it is. Retroshare comes close but as I understand it you can't really moderate the forums that you create. Plus the media integration is basically non-existent, though media is a lesser concern. But having everything routed through tor and being able to mail, message, and ha
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Replies: >>14849 + 10 earlier
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I think 08 was ok in the beginning, but only a couple weeks later they added a requirement to generate IDs for posting, allegedly to deal with spam. Problem: you had to connect over clearnet to generate an ID. I bailed at that point, since I was already unhappy with the sluggish web interface.

Some of those clients might have an option to use a proxy server, but otherwise they should work via torsocks.

> what if websites just served plain text?
The web is overkill for this. All you need is gopher.
Replies: >>14710
>Problem: you had to connect over clearnet to generate an ID.
Uh, no?
The ID generator was hosted via Zeronet as well, though it didn't werk half the time.
What killed 08 in my opinion wasn't so much the need for nigger IDs which you could generate and swap to as needed provided the ID generator wasn't overloaded again but the fact that the IDs/usernames of other users were visible by default with only a clientside option to hide them rather than IDs being represented by per-thread hashes during normal use and only really applying in the case of clientside bans, with no way to make them visible outside of perhaps BO admin tools.
Replies: >>14739
Zeronet is worse than clearnet.
>>845 (OP) 
Current i2p checksums are mixed up!

from their official website:

calculated from downloads folder:
<d70ee549b05e58ded4b75540bbc264a65bdfaea848ba72631f7d8abce3e3d67a  Downloads/i2pinstall_2.7.0.jar
<ea3872af06f7a147c1ca84f8e8218541963da6ad97e30e1d8f7a71504e4b0cee  Downloads/i2pinstall_2.7.0_windows.exe
Replies: >>14938
they fixed it.

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Post suggestions to keep the board excellent.
Last edited by Hidden User
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Is it possible to temporarily disable the word filter? I'm trying to make a thread about cock.li's recent outrage.
Replies: >>14794
What string was you filtered for? Post a screenshot of the text
Replies: >>14795
> What string was you filtered for?

The board software just says the post was blocked due to the word filter, then redirects it to the index.

The attached file has the post's text.
Replies: >>14797
Strange, I don't see the match. Post it now.
Replies: >>14799
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Worked now.

Thank you!

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This is a project I've been planning on doing for a long time: a cross-platform and open source image editor that completely supersedes MS Paint and all it's cheap imitators (for digital images, so no printing features). I want to hear thoughts and ideas.

The objective is to take MS Paint and polish an even better version out of it: minimalistic, extremely light weight and fast, and very easy to use. Everything should take as few clicks as possible and to just work, the feature set is intentionally limited and designed to work well even without transparency or layers. For example the brushes should all be pixelated (reasons in the attached webms), I think it was a mistake on Microsoft's part to switch to the soft brush as a default. Maybe advanced brushes can be added as a side feature, but I feel like they just don't belong into MS Paint and nobody uses them for any real purpose.

Do you see any problems from the mockup? Have other ideas or things that should be added/changed? How would (You) improve MS Paint? Does some other image editor have a feature that you like?
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>vector images look kinda shitty when they're tiny
This is kind of a known problem, and the solution is creating a separate tiny version (or several) of each icon. See the GIMP pic.
>I don't want to use SDL on Windows because I'm familiar enough with the Windows API
I did some tests and it seems SDL2 can't into DPI awareness anyway (at least not yet) so here's a Windows-specific solution that does not require you to change your code:
1. Create a manifest file.
2. Create a resource file that includes the manifest file name.
3. Compile the resource file using windres and link the resulting object into your executable.
>I have absolutely no idea how DPI scaling works on Linux though.
It doesn't

>icons for file formats
Go the Windows XP route and make up your own icons that don't need text to be clear. Pic related.
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Is this dead?
Replies: >>14714
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Yes, and also no.
1. When I started setting up file importers/exporters, I realized that using libraries is way more fucking annoying than I remembered it being. I thought I'd just have to include some library header files and maybe fiddle with some compiler settings and then just learn how to use the library, but actually I need to start downloading build tools and subscribe to their way of building it. I am autistic and invented my own building methods so I had forgotten all about that. I did make the file exporter/plugin system itself by using stb_image as a placeholder though.
2. I tried loading a 51000x74000 image which I've struggled to use in other programs before, and I can't even get that open. I have a downscaled 26000x37000 version but that doesn't load either. This could be a limitation of stb_image, and I realized much later that I may be using 32-bit ints in some memory allocation functions and that may cause a problem.
3. I was fine with the mediocre rendering performance ( >>14161 ) and was thinking I can optimize stuff later, but when I got some version of that large image open, the rendering performance was even worse, even when I viewed it at 1:1 scale. The program doesn't even access the pixels that are off-screen so I don't know why they would affect the performance so much. It's smooth on a release build but I rememb
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Replies: >>14745
I think you're aiming too high from the get go instead of creating a minimal viable product and iterating on that. Write a paint program that does the bare minimum, and make the code as modular as possible so you can rewrite/remove parts of the program at any time.
>using libraries is way more fucking annoying than I remembered it being
Many libraries have a complex build system that really boils down to "compile these C files together while #defining some macros". If you have the time and patience, track the build commands of each library and then do them "manually" as part of your own build process.
>I may be using 32-bit ints in some memory allocation functions
Always use size_t for these operations and perform sanity checks before allocating to detect overflow/underflow. Also enable ubsan in your compiler.
>I don't know why they would affect the performance so much
If you're comfortable sharing your code maybe anons can take a look at it.
>so exporters can add their own export buttons
This may be a bit too ambitious. I would suggest letting go of the whole importers/exporters paradigm (at least for now) and just compiling support for the different image formats right into your program. If your code is modular 
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Replies: >>14746
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>I think you're aiming too high from the get go
I may have unrealistic expectations for the rendering performance, but otherwise there's no problem.

The importers and exporters are already done and work, there's nothing complicated about those. The only thing that doesn't work are the third party file decoder libraries that I would need in any case. Speaking of libraries, stb_image is using a regular int for it's buffer size variable, which limits the buffer to ~2 GB. A 25000x25000 RGBA image requires 2.5 GB of memory when uncompressed.
>If you have the time and patience, track the build commands
I really don't. I'll almost certainly release the program with the current placeholder decoders and let someone else do proper ones later. Tinkering with some meta build processes makes me want to kill myself and every other programmer on this planet.

>Always use size_t for these operations
It's not that simple. I cannot calculate a data offset if a size or position is stored as 2 32-bit ints ((y*stride+x)*4). In practice I would have to change almost all position/size/offset related variables and loop iterators in the program into 64-bit integers. It's not hard though, I've just never run into limits with 32-bit ints before.

>If you're comfortable sharing your code maybe anons can take a look at it.
There's not really anything to look at. The image data is stored linearly row by row, and the rendering loop pastes the visible pixels onto the window:
Bounds2i b = bounds2i_get_overlapping_area(canvas_bounds_on_screen, window_update_region);
for (i64 y=0; y<b.h; y++) {
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