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Any ideas on how to shield internet discourse from highly proficient, Turing-Test-passing chatbots sicced on given economical, political and cultural goals set by an unchecked and unbalanced third party?
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I don't like this crypto key shit. I want to use less technology, not more.
Replies: >>13864
Crypto is one of the few fields of technology that is almost entirely beneficial.
Replies: >>13884
You're building on a shaky foundation (botnet hardware). Also
> encryption added and removed here ;^)
> nobody notice major OpenSSL bug for 2 years
Any propaganda is done first and foremost for the propagandists' bosses, and only secondarily for the target audience. That's what makes it vulnerable. Can you imagine that some "manager for working with online communities" would approve the use of something provocative or even forbidden in a discussion?
Russian pictures, or even the most sacred of cows - CP... They will guarantee that on the other end of the line there is a living person who has taken good care of his anonymity and is ready to risk his life for his opinion.
If we are talking about strictly censored garbage dumps, then I noticed that:
1) AI cannot be ironic. At all.
2) Living bots are tied hand and foot by the agenda. They are afraid to deviate from the party line even by a millimeter. A person condemns Russia for the war, but recognizes Crimea as Russian, or supports tolerance, but hates green energy - it means he is not paid for his posts.
Replies: >>14512
I fear we've reach the frightening era of competent propaganda bosses

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We are still using technology over 150 years old to get to space lmfao, while modern computers are literally billions times faster than was used during the apollo missions.
Replies: >>14463
Why is space travel so fake and gay?

Do they not want us using their secret tech because they don't want humans evolving in intelligence? Why don't we have the UFO spacecraft declassified at the very least let alone in production. Why is are governments such gay niggers?

Replies: >>14463
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>>14449 (OP) 
Computers can't circumvent orbital velocity.
>Why is are governments such gay niggers?
There's nothing much for the Jews to exploit in space, which is one of the reasons why those nice 1970s Spees Colony proposals were shoah'd in favor of gibsmedats implying Jews could survive on an O'Neill colony without a dedicated slave caste of shabbos goyim and per-child genetic treatment in the first place.
Space mining would also directly threaten the sacred economig status quo by making sought-after materials like Aluminium, Iridium, Tin, G*ld etc. much cheaper if successfully mined but that threatens muh profits and stocks which is equivalent to the holocaust oy vey.

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Anon, why aren't you using SimpleX on your LineageOS phone yet?
- just werks
- no phone number needed
- profile is on the phone and not on servers
- chat, voice calls, video calls, file transfer
- has servers, so you send stuff to people who are not online
- you can host your own servers if you want to
- has an a
- FOSS and on F-Droid
- has desktop application
I already moved my relatives to it.

SimpleX and Session are the only messengers that don't tie all your data to a phone number and my prepaid card is video verified with me and my government issued ID card and charged up using my bank account.

I had some doubts regarding Session:
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>implemented in partnership with government-assigned fact checking agencies.
The Zuckerberg of Russia indeed.
Replies: >>13992
Mister Pavel, you don't get to bring friends.
They use different protocols and work fundamentally different. Yes, I'm sure you could build a bridge with accounts that post messages from one group to the other if you're talking about group chats.
>Obviously Telegram would have to allow third party access but you're a nigger for not believing it's possible.
You are delusional.
Replies: >>14430
Use simplex anyway, its just as big an intel honeypot aa telegram.

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>Every Big Tech site says the We Robot event was bullshit/parlor tricks/etc.
What's the actual truth?  Am I going to have a robot slave?  Or is it going to be like the Sony robot that trips on a flight of stairs and these things can't do a damn thing?  Will tech ever get there?
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Replies: >>14346
>zerosource is now unironically cited on imageboards
I'm getting old.
Replies: >>14341
They have a link to some aussie MSM report though.
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Also it's pretty common for ZH to get linked on 4chan /biz/ but I don't post there ever since they added a cuckflare captcha on top of the board's internal one. It doesn't even work in Iridium browser running on OpenBSD/arm64.
Also these "open source" websites are getting worse too.
As opposed to what?  CNN?  NYT?  VitaminHealthNews?
>>14314 (OP) 
Why not?
At this point battery and processing tech is advanced enough to allow for prosumer-grade humanoid robutts, though even with gubbermint grant jewings+inflation fetishism I suspect one of them bots will probably cost a little more than 30k petroshekels.
What's likely gonna make or break the first generations of Woll Smoth-grade robots will be the openness of the hard+software, even with all the AI-generated lolis in the world these things cannot be expected to have an Apple-grade cattle user experience out of the box.

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Nobody wants to make the thread edition

See also /agdg/ at >>>/v/ for videogames.

What are you working on?
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A year later and I just learned that "modern languages" have what I wanted here and they call it async. Async, among other things, makes it quite easy for the program to go work on a different task when I/O blocks. This is something you can do in C if you implement it yourself, just write a work queue, and every time a job blocks, manually write the code to register with a reactor, save the job's state, and end the job and go do another one. However, this is very laborious and difficult to do yourself. It's also something the language's implementation can do to some extent, some Unix systems got something of the sort for a time with many-to-1 threads implementations which have the effect of task switching in userspace when a syscall blocks, but if the language wasn't designed around it it's inefficient and incomplete.

With async, you only specify the dependencies and parallelism of tasks and the language's runtime handles the rest. However, having a runtime for this reduces performance and modern languages are also inefficient and suck for many, many reasons.

But it turns out Rust is the 1st good modern language and has async, and their async implementation is quite innovative because it's all done at compile time and static unlike other languages. This is one huge performance win for some kinds of multithreaded code, specifically the kind I write. Turns out Rust is so good it has some performance a
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Made some progress on my PS4 "emulator": it can now replay (not actually play though) Gravity Rush 1's remaster frames with some success.

Some of its issues:
>Render target to Texture synchronization isn't working. That's why shadows, post processing effects and UI are broken.
>Some draws are being skipped as shader recompilation fails, thus the missing characters' models.
>Leaves aren't being rendered properly. Not sure if it's blend related.
>Render targets (including depth) aren't being cleared since that requires compute shaders to do so. It's only working here because of a hack.
>There's many unnecessary commands between each draw, slowing down rendering.

Next I'll probably focus on the first and last issues then later implement and stub all libraries that the game needs to run. There's also some code that needs rethinking.
Didn't get this done earlier since I was also working on a replayer for the console itself.
Because you're not putting a minimum cap on whatever value you're using to zoom in and out whatever that is.
Replies: >>14279
POSIX is the only standard whose updates I get excited about. The features they added to Make especially are most welcome.

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Discussion about "AI"s, deep learning, llms and others.
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Yeah but I would like to have better performance + the ability to run generative image/voice/etc.  without selling a kidney for an RTX Goyvidia GPU. Plus most of this shit is built using CUDA which is proprietary and exclusive to the aforementioned cards.
Unfortunately AMD prefers to keep a thumb in its arse and piss on projects like ZLUDA that would actually make its cards competitive, let alone viable as an option for AI stuff. Hopefully some company winds up releasing a dedicated accelerator (NPU I guess) that you can run models well on for a non-organ-tier price.
aI is a fucking meme
i just like making pretty pictures
Replies: >>14205
Bing is pretty nice but limited uses
Davinci also has a nice free tier but its below Bing

what free AI services do you like to toy with
Replies: >>14205
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i tried Bing and got bored of it really quickly, I did experimented with it for a while but I realized that it was having the same amount if not way more restrictions than DALL-E 2, I just gave up on it and went back to Stable Diffusion which is what i was using before DALL-E 3 and I keep using it to this day.
as of right now the best free AI image gen website for me are the hugginface demos of the FLUX models, Dev, Schnell and Merged.
but there's also 
there's little to no restriction and you can use it non-stop.
the main disadvantages of fastflux is that you have to resize the window you are running it on to get different sizes, 
average window size = Landscape image
smallest vertical window = square image
all images are also pretty small 512x512 is the average square
896x512 is the average landscape image
the last disadvantage is that all downloaded images can only be saved as .webp

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Repost of the Julay /tech/ sticky with some minor edits: https://archive.vn/znAXT
Beginner Info
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux because of https://itvision.altervista.org/why-windows-10-sucks.html, you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine (preferably using KVM or Oracle VirtualBox for newfriends).
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything (keep in mind that the performance of live distros might be very different than from distro that was booted from your HDD, as most distros are loaded in RAM and don't include the proprietary drivers for NVIDIA GPUs or up-to-date Mesa libraries in their isos).
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows (make sure to install Windows first, as it can "replace" GRUB or other UNIX bootloaders, and troubleshooting of Windows replacing your bootloader of choice might be painful for people that just started learning about the Linux kernel)
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux (you really shouldn't do this, if you don't know what you're putting yourself into, see: https://itvision.altervista.org/why.linux.is.not.ready.for.the.desktop.current.html).

Use your web browser and search engine of choice. Good comparison between them is hosted here:
If not sure which browser to choose, just use the Tor Browser Bundle:
or paste these commands to your terminal emulator of choice (please make sure to first learn what they're exactly doing):
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I already tried it. The Void livecds are broken, trying to install packages complains about some library versioning bullshit and errors. Or it actually succeeds and then errors when you try to run the program. If you try to update the packages it pulls in 2GB+ of updates.

It's because the repos don't keep outdated packages so you either update everything or it can't install packages. With Devuan, installing more packages works and it only makes the minimal updates necessary for that.

Also the Void LiveCDs suffer from screen tearing.
You can use artix or even gentoo, if you use a binhost.
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Yesterday I tried to install Devuan Daedalus again (i tried to install it back in April) and it seems they .iso is still broken. 
Then I tried Chimaera and was only able to install it with xfce; its a shame, I wanted it with KDE but it seems its broken too.
I really liked runit, but for now its back to Debian 12 and systemd.
Replies: >>14143 >>14160
Everyone uses the netinstall iso. It uses tasksel to select the desktop (at least in Expert Installation). It just works.
Replies: >>14160

my attempts at devuan didn't go past formatting partitions because I couldn't get a BTRFS setup with subvolumes
Artix broke me, it's like i've now lost the ability to install anything if i'm not typing stuff in a terminal

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Did the CIA use a train to kill him? Or did he realize his physics waifu never loved him and he killed himself?
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Replies: >>13983 + 2 earlier
Do you still have access to the site?
Replies: >>13973
Replies: >>13976
Nice story nonetheless. Happy to see anons who were around Terry still with us on the board.
Terry has almost become the poster child for schizophrenia and conspiracies on IBs but I think there's a lot to learn from his dedication and approach to making software, which sadly many anons miss.
Replies: >>14003
>>13960 (OP) 
You saw how pajeet died on the rail road in India. You can guess what happened to Terry. He underestimated how wide the train was on the rail track while approaching towards his direction from behind. After he realized it, it was already too late to move away.
I was around when Terry was with us. I miss him like you wouldn't believe. For me he is also a symbol of a bygone era for imageboards, besides what you mentioned on your post. Wherever he is, I hope he is doing fine.

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> Made using 100% free software
> 3D Animated movie
> One guy rigged models, wrote story, voiced half of the characters, composed music
> Took 3 years
> Out since October
> In total has less than 300 views
> Sends an email to Free Software Foundation. They don't promote it.

Why isn't Moria's race more popular?

TOR: http://ttauyzmy4kbm5yxpujpnahy7uxwnb32hh3dja7uda64vefpkomf3s4yd.onion/films/Moria's_Race.md?
Odysee (LBRY): https://odysee.com/@blenderdumbass:f/moria-s-race:5
Peertube: https://peer.madiator.cloud/w/vmPmME5XPWNc8uXSMe1xCk
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Replies: >>13990 + 6 earlier
Turn on the subtitles, the voice acting is horrible.
The biggest pitfall is the animation, which is expected considering it was made by a young and inexperienced 3D artist.
Is blender no longer FOSS kosher now?
Replies: >>13350
blender is still foss, blender does not provide drivers
speaking of, on may 5th he's going to do a presentation at libreplanet 2024
>>12318 (OP) 
This looks like autistic shit with zero normie appeal

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I've been thinking about writing a blog. Nothing fancy. No private lives. No pictures. No product-shilling. Just writing words.

I tried Blogger and Wordpress and I had a bad experience with them, considering that the ToS became more restrictive over the years.
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If you post that shit on my site, you will get banned for supporting globalhomo.
>With extra >rape.
How about you find some black boys to buck break, start your very own gay sex farm, and write about it?
except that it's called "substack" which reeks of nudev faggotry
it will be unusable within a year (if it isn't already, everything i've seen posted on there is pretentious and worthless crap like when medium just came out).
then again if you're just trying to get your info out you would be using multiple hosts and just springing up a mirrors on other hosts when a few go down, as opposed to being hugely worried about branding and having a central SEO optimized domain name like a braindead LARPing faggot like you
Replies: >>6487
that's fine. i wouldn't want to read one more letter from you.
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I combine both because Maggit (emacs' git interface) makes it peak comfyjj

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