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Android has been ported to a RISC-V board

January 21, 2021
Google’s Android operating system currently supports a handful of instruction set architecture (ISA) families, including ARM and x86. The vast majority of smartphones, tablets, TVs, and smartwatches that run Android today feature ARM-based chipset designs, as Intel has long since abandoned its handset CPUs while support for MIPS was dropped with NDK revision 17. While Google does not officially provide support for compiling Android on hardware based on the open RISC-V ISA, several development teams are working to run AOSP on RISC-V hardware. One such effort is led by T-Head, the business entity of Alibaba specializing in semiconductors, which today announced that they’ve successfully ported Android 10 onto its in-house RISC-V hardware.

A few months ago, PLCT Lab successfully booted Android to a command-line interface on a 64-bit RISC-V core emulated in QEMU. The team launched a project on GitHub they’re calling “AOSP for RISC-V” and are still in the early stages of cross-compiling AOSP and booting to a GUI. Meanwhile, T-Head, which designed the ICE SoC with its in-house, RISC-V-based XuanTie C910 cores, has managed to boot Android 10 with working graphics and touch.

The ICE chip from T-Head with 3 XuanTie C910 (RISC-V 64) CPU cores.

It runs quite slowly, as you can see in the video embedded below, but this is to be expected given the status of this port and the hardware it’s running on. In the video, a couple of stock AOSP applications are launched, including the clock app, the contacts app, and the mail app. More complex applications such as games aren’t shown off on this prototype as these apps would likely need to be recompiled to target RISC-V.


This Android 10 port is based on the android10-release branch in AOSP, and the source code developed by T-Head can be found on the company’s GitHub page.
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There are some around on crowdsourcing sites. It costs a lot though.
No, it's not. It's proprietary.
There is a stripped down version called AOSP that is FLOSS, but with each new Android version Google releases a new component that apps rely on and only exist's in Google's proprietary version of Android which OEMs base themselves off of.
Replies: >>1425 >>2237
Don't forget the firmware blobs (especially for the modem) and vendor patched kernel.
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Basically google's android and android's android, got it.

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hi... i guess this is considered computing? taking animation from my favorite animator toniko pantoja (credits to him pls let me know if it is not okay to post i ll remove)

his walk cycle is so balanced and i always made walk cycle that is kinda 'sliding' or 'limping' unconciously and somehow fixing it alot of time doesnt help

i suppose this is cause i dont know how to fix it too so i wonder how do you make it balanced and good? like what do you need to consider to make the good animation? things like center of weight or baseline , where are those and how do we mark them properly?

i look to make straight ahead animation that are always correct so i guess preparations before hand is everything?

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Replies: >>1396 + 2 earlier
Please reuse threads as much as possible.
Moving to >>1386 (OP) 
Replies: >>1405
im using it am i
Replies: >>1406
You tell me, Anon. Does it help?
Also, quite a good demonstration of all 12 principles by a professional.

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I2P can import/export reseed files. Yggdrasil pretty much requires that you manually specify peers to connect to (for the first hop, anyway). ZeroNet will work with pretty much any tracker you throw at it. What does Tor have if the indexing servers and dirauths go down?
how is that tree flying
If the last attack on V3 onions has shown anything, it's that nothing aside from this exists and everything will disappear if something permanent happens to the main infrastructure of Tor.
Tor's design is defected.

Only several authorities servers' down causes the whole network's down!

Ricochet Refresh is what you want.
It's fork of Ricochet (now abandoned) which was an alternative to TorChat.

About Ricochet Refresh

Ricochet was launched in 2014 as a different approach to instant messaging that doesn’t trust anyone in protecting your privacy.

Ricochet Refresh uses the original Ricochet open-source software but has improved on it substantially, such as upgrading its security and making it compatible with Tor Onion Services v3 instead of the older v2.

We believe software like Ricochet is important to protect freedom of expression for whistleblowers, activists, and journalists worldwide.

>instant messaging
>for whistleblowers
Choose one. The sheer amount of metadata instant chat generates is enough to fuck you over.

While soycial marxist (((big tech))) is busy mass censoring all political outside left wing incl normies for disagreeing and lose 52 billion: https://www. thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/big-tech-clowns-wipe-51-2-billion-combined-market-since-banning-free-speech-president-trump/

Toe cheese eating Stallman on his blog is completely silent and calls for arrest and praises arrest of anyone who won't denounce left wing tech censorship and mistreatment, while calling for "preserving democracy"(which means preserving something DEAD as long as it's left-wing trannytarian skewed).

What a fucking jew lol I wish FSF was genuine but it's just literally another leftypol tier freetard kike club to scam goyim at this point. Reminder to not donate to such frauds.
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Replies: >>882
>>880 (OP) 
What the fuck are you even talking about?
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Stallman is half-right for his ideas on technology and the idea of free software. Anything beyond that though and he's a fucking retard, if you actually read through his blog he's a complete autist that's no different from the other lefties. ganoo+linoox is never going anywhere with him as their leader.
Replies: >>1294
While you were right about your points but then again who has contributed in FOSS certainly it isn't you unless you can show your work?
>What do You think of Richard Stallman?
"It's a crazy brainwashed Marxist, atheist and all, LOL.

Atheists do not understand the world is perfectly just." ~Terry Davis.
Looks like someone needs to go touch some grass.

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