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I thought we should have one of these. Someone from the QTDDTOT suggested these questions for the thread.

>best private mail host?
>best private browser?
>how do you stay private online?
>how do you airgap your phone?
>Best VPN

I imagine some people have made guides on privacy, so if you have any you can post them in this thread too.
is there a way to tunnel my traffic on linux somehow so it's harder for people to know what i do or where im from
Replies: >>9167
>best private mail host?
Never trust your data on another persons computer, even if you know them, which you don't in the case of all public mail hosts that I know of. You should obviously avoid the most shit bottom-of-the-barrel ones like Gmail and Outlook. I simply use multiple Protonmail accounts, each one dedicated to a single thing. I use e-mail so infrequently and for such trivial things that Protonmail is good enough. There are better ways to communicate with people if that's your goal.
>best private browser?
A complicated question! Are text-based browsers the most private? It would seem so, but modern websites are extremely malicious and powerful and can extract fine details about what browser you're using, the most obvious of which is your User Agent, so using esoteric browsers may end up having an opposite effect. I personally use Firefox but eventually I'd like to start using Ungoogled Chromium. Google is actually serious about their security (separate from privacy!) unlike Mozilla and actually knows how to design browsers. Pale Moon is an outdated joke. Brave is a crypto scam pretending to be a browser. uMatrix and uBlock Origin are  great extensions to have but ideally you'd be writing firewall rules instead to block trackers and advertisements.
>how do you stay private online?
By focusing on my doxability. Its very easy to fuck yourself. Lots of people use the same usernames on various sites and I've doxed many, many people this way. Tools like Sherlock make it too easy. Using multiple e-mail addresses, multiple usernames, multiple passwords, and steering clear of websites like Facebook, Instagram, Google, Reddit, Etc. does so much for your privacy its not even funny. I rarely use Tor because its overkill, slow, and websites like to block it. VPNs are much more versatile and are enough protection for 90% of cases, especially piracy.
>how do you airgap your phone?
By not having one. When I do need a phone a simple flip-phone is more than enough. The battery can be ripped out in less than ten seconds. If you need an actual computer on the go just carry a laptop with you.
>Best VPN
Mullvad, but take care to remember the very first sentence of my post.
Replies: >>9178
 Yes sir, look into wiregaurd. Simple, fast, and secure.
What is Sherlock? I am interested.
Replies: >>9184
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Its used to look up a username on hundreds of sites automatically.
This is interesting, basically Tor Browser without Tor, weird that it's shilling a VPN but it is developed + signed by the Tor team. Had a quick look and the main differences are branding and the inclusion of uBlock Origin plus some Mullvad VPN checker thing.
Replies: >>9310 >>9318
Torproject is dead amen
The arkenfox lead has shared some thoughts.
Here's what I know to use for privacy:

>Jails & Containers
++ Fairly simple to set up
++ Less resource intensive than VMs (especially if you're on a poorfag setup)
-- You're still on the host OS

++ Contains a whole OS on the machine
++ By default is completely isolated from the system
-- Resource intensive unless you got a rich man's PC
-- Completely pointless if someone breaks into the host OS anyway

What are some other software that can be used for privacy and security?

>>9161 (OP) 
I had thought of a way to "shut up the hacker/google/mac/fbi/cia agent in your phone" when you're obligated to be stuck on a botnet phone:
>Make a box that is hollow and designed to be filled with sand in it's walls.
>Store an electronic white noise generator in it
>Make sure the lid is capable to be sand-filled too.
>Turn on noise generator.
>Store your botnet phone in the time-out-box when needed.

The idea is simple: in industrial soundproofing, it's the weighty, dense materials that actually prevent sound leakage. White noise is also used as a noise-mask in conferences to keep recording devices from snooping in. Combining these both would essentially shut out both passive and active spying, with the sand muffling environmental noise, while the white noise completely drowns out anything that would be barely audible.

Even better than white noise, is something like MyNoise.net's Audio Jammer. Which is distorted white noise that is meant to sound similar to human speech, and is an absolute nightmare for audio engineers to clean up.
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You can get real fancy, but without trickery you will have a hard time pulling off anykind of privacy/opsec. Its all humans who made this, so if someone will watch just let them see what they expect to see. Nothing more.
Replies: >>9830
Download terabytes of furporn to ruse the glowniggers. Trust me, it'll be funny.
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what components and peripherals would you guys recommend when building a PC around privacy? 
It seems tbat every CPU ever made has a back door though.
Depends on your definition of privacy.
Privacy is a matter of trust. Open source software is more trustworthy because you can audit it, that doesn't mean there is no backdoor.
Trust is not necessary if you can verify the object. Usually it takes too much time or is impossible to do. For example, verifying chips is nearly impossible without destroying them. This mean you are stuck with trust at least on hardware.
On hardware level, the best you can do is open source FPGA, but they are too damn slow.
The next level is CPU without spectre. All modern CPUs are vulnerable to spectre and their friends, even with mitigation there are lots of 0days on ((( their ))) hands in this category. This excludes all CPU with out of order execution or branch prediction. For example, Allwinner A20 with cortex A7 fits the bill. These CPUs are very slow, but are still good enough for text-based work.
If that speed is too slow, you need to ignore spectre and go for CPU without built-in ((( security ))) such as Intel ME, AMD PSP or ARM Trustzone. For example Allwinner A10, A20, and Librebooted T400 with erased Intel ME.
If that is still too slow, you need to look for blobless or open sourced-blobs hardware. Many parts of your computer have processors, they can load firmware and run them. The best you can do is blobless or open-sourced blobs. For example, ath9k(_htc) wifi adapters have open sourced firmware and vivante gpus have full open source software (you can find them in i.mx6 processors).
If finding those exotic hardware is too expensive or too hard, or they don't satisfy your needs, you can at least look for hardware with open source drivers. For example, new AMD GPUs have open source drivers.
That's all for hardware.
Regardless of hardware, you can ruin your privacy easily and immediately by using bad software.
If getting a good hardware configuration is too hard, at least use an OS you compiled from source. This is the only way to make sure the binaries you are using come from the source inb4 trusting trust. For example install Gentoo. For reference I once built and run Gentoo on Allwinner A20.
If that's is too hard or takes too much time, at least run an open source OS without shady software such as systemd and/or less SJW influence. For example Artix or even better OpenBSD.
Even if you run a full suite of compiled software on A20, you can still ruin your privacy in a flash by connecting to botnet. For ultimate privacy, use only public wifi or hacked wifi and browse only overlay networks, eg onions and eepsites.
If you must access the clearnet, do the above but over TOR.
If getting out of basement sounds dangerous it is, there are tons of CCTV and normalfags using Apple spying devices all over the place, at least browse only onion and eepsites, or clearnet over TOR.
If you decide you can trust your isp for some reason, at least don't use any closed source services. i.e. they don't post server source source. And of course don't use botnet services such as jewgle and fagbook, or even god forbid chinktok.
And if you serious need to do that for some very unfortunate reasons, use a separate device, put it on a different lan during use, wipe it completely every each use and air gap it between use. Never post any real information of yourself online. If you must, compartmentalize your access. Of course, the best is to just not use any of those services.
Replies: >>11733
>It seems tbat every CPU ever made has a back door
CPUs without backdoors are too slow to run your pokemans and fortnights.

Back to the peanut gallery.
Replies: >>11934
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If the inode structure size sb->s_inode_size is larger than 128 bytes and the i_inode_extra field is large enough to encompass the respective i_[cma]time_extra field, the ctime, atime, and mtime inode fields are widened to 64 bits. Within this “extra” 32-bit field, the lower two bits are used to extend the 32-bit seconds field to be 34 bit wide; the upper 30 bits are used to provide nanosecond timestamp accuracy. Therefore, timestamps should not overflow until May 2446. dtime was not widened. There is also a fifth timestamp to record inode creation time (crtime); this field is 64-bits wide and decoded in the same manner as 64-bit [cma]time. Neither crtime nor dtime are accessible through the regular stat() interface, though debugfs will report them.
Replies: >>12039
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Doesn't the GameBoy just have a Z80? You can run some Pokemons on there. And with a 68000 you can do a whole lot more!
In any case, I wouldn't trust anything past 68030 and 80386.
Replies: >>12038
>Doesn't the GameBoy just have a Z80?
The CPU in GameBoy is a modified version of Z80
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>Neither crtime nor dtime are accessible through the regular stat() interface
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9 years to fix close this simple bug without fixing.
>9 years to fix close this simple bug without fixing.
If it's so simple then write your own patch.
I'm going to put some time into whonix/kicksecure, they seem to have an iso creation tool available on the git since the last few days. Why do so many of these security projects have just one developer? I does not seem legit. Direct me.
Replies: >>13167
>best mail host
>best private browser
>how do you stay private online?
use different usernames, don't sign in to big tech platforms, turn off javascript, only use https, VPN/TOR etc.
>how to airgap your phone? 
You can't. If you need an extreme version of privacy, use a tracphone. For a more realistic phone with privacy and a camera, use a grapheneos phone or librem phone
>best VPN
mullvad vpn, IVPN, VPNarea, calyx vpn
whonix has become kiked. Use Tails instead.
Replies: >>13236
why? what happened with whonix?
Replies: >>13238
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Dingleberry is excited to see one leak get fixed, while another 1000's remain, because every modern browser with millions of lines of code is a fucking monstrosity that will never be remotely secure or private.
And it just keeps getting worse and more bloated every year. We're long past the event horizon. No fucking way anyone with two brain cells is running these botnet browsers.
Replies: >>13238
You need to get better at sensing who's opinions are worth listening to.

>No fucking way anyone with two brain cells is running these botnet browsers.
Tails and Whonix already give you all the tools you need to use these browsers securely. If you haven't figured that out then it says more about your intelligence than anybody else's.

>a file that has nothing to do with firefox contains files that firefox recently downloaded
What is your actual threat model here? You are downloading super illegal files and then an attacker breaks into your house, looks at your unencrypted harddrive and sees filenames of stuff you downloaded? At which point they already have access to files themselves in ~/Downloads/. Or to put it another way, whatever you are doing to protect the files you downloaded will also protect recently-used.xbel. So you're just chimping out over nothing.

If your browsing history is so secret then use a live system like Tails which can't save anything to persistent storage.
Replies: >>13241
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> tools
Oh gee, even more lines of code. You just just don't fucking get it, do you.
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>Russia has banned zzzchan
>Fixing the onion
bless you based mods. captcha doesnt work right now so i cant make new threads to make it more visible, but this thread is comfy
>spin up a gorrilion extra $1 domains if they really want to play ball
this is just unfathomably based, but you should spin up those hot new HTTPT webtunnel transports instead if you really wanna play anal ball with her
What is a good program for data destruction/overwrite? I need to send an SSD back with a laptop for a chance at having my warranty honored. I am reinitializing it with Windows 11 as that is what it came with, but I would still like to give it some passes over to destroy any residual trace of my financial and login information.
IIRC you can't truly wipe an SSD because of wear leveling but you can issue secure erase commands which in theory will make the data unrecoverable:
On HDDs you can use CLI tools like shred to do multiple overwrite passes before issuing secure erase.
Replies: >>13332
>my financial and login information.
Should have stored your browser cookies inside encrypted container. Maybe don't make the same mistake twice next time.
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> financial info
It's too late to be sure you'll wipe all traces on the SSD. Those things basically need full disk encryption.
But you can still empty your bank accounts before the hax0rs and government do it.
Replies: >>13331
Even with fde, if you forward discards, you will leak tons of info.
Replies: >>13353
Alright, thank you for the advice. Wonder if the technicians will care enough to check if I used a keyserver to license Win11 after wiping the drive or if it's even worth the trouble to do that. Maybe I should just soak the drive in water or run a magnet over it.
Replies: >>13337
Never mind. Magnets won't work I guess.
>Even with fde, if you forward discards, you will leak tons of info.
False. TRIM is only a problem if you have a hidden volume or doing some other trick to hide the fact that you have encrypted data. It does not leak any information about the encrypted data itself. If you are not aware of such a trick  then your encryption program probably write a plaintext header to the disk already in which case you gain nothing by disabling TRIM.
Replies: >>13354
No, read your own link. Trimming leaks unused blocks and fs type info. You are not supposed to be able to reason about how much of an encrypted volume is free and where the gaps are.
Replies: >>13416
you gotta get intel chips pre glownigger backdoor era...idk the exact year but older the better...as far as OS privacy...tails, Qubes is the ultimate. . Older thinkpads are your safest bet. 

If you want further privacy you can get an open source VPN router, if you're going to use tails, otherwise just use the VPN locally. VPN routers are based for multitudes of reasons. Beyond privacy, your isp can't see shit, they can't throttle shit, you can block ads...VPN routers are based. Check this one out. https://ryf.fsf.org/products/TPE-R1400
best mail service? 5ymail, tormail

best private browser? Mullvad browser, Tor browser

how to stay private online? Use a no logs VPN like mullvad + mullvad browser, don't log in to jewish big tech sites.

Airgap your phone? You can't. Smartphone? Grapheneos. Ultimate privacy? Flip phone burner phone, no camera.
>No, read your own link. Trimming leaks unused blocks and fs type info.
The only information that gives to an attacker is that there is encrypted data here. Which is only a problem if you are trying to hide the fact that there is encrypted data.
Replies: >>13421
It tells the attacker how much information exist and where. For example, while you can claim you forgot your password, they can use that information to implicate you having a file of certain size, perhaps matching it to your chat log or associating it to some leak that they suspect you to have and it can be illegal for you to forget when there are enough circumstantial evidences.
which dns server do my anons use?
unbound opennic
I like having also Quad9 (as a backup)
unbound connecting to OpenNIC servers using DNS over TLS.

The good DNS daemons are dnsmasq, unbound, and unwind.
Standard HTTP cookies are bad but there are also EverCookies
> Example1: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evercookie
< Example2; https://github.com/samyk/evercookie

>>9161 (OP) 
>best private mail host?
Here is a huge list of services with reviews: https://digdeeper.neocities.org/articles/email

>best private browser?
>how do you stay private online?
Tor Browser if you use Tor.  Otherwise, Firefox with Arkenfox user js or Ungoogled-Chromium (and Be sure to also use NoScript/uMatrix and uBlock Origin). I hope that Gopher/Gemini gets more popular because those 2 protocols have less ways of fingerprinting or de-anonymization attacks against you.

>how do you airgap your phone?
You need to have old dumb phone and remove the battery. But old dumb phones have known Bluetooth exploits (and probably other exploits as well). Also the CIA has been clusterfucking mobile networks from the start. If you watch old CCC or Defcon videos on GSM/mobile networks, you learn that a link tower can tell your phone (any phone!) to turn off encryption and your phone will do it without telling you anything. It's possible for attackers to make their own fake mobile network links. There are better choices for communication, like Session or something. Avoid nu-dumbphones because they are just smartphones without touchscreen. They also often come with Faceberg Messenger and WhatsApp preinstalled.
See this thread for more info >>12931

>Best VPN
None. Just use Tor or (better) i2d. See this thread for more info >>769
If you have to use a VPN then roll your own (or use stunnel), or use Mullvad. Be sure to switch your DNS server to something else than the default.

I liked these 2 articles:
Apparently, JavaScript can do port scan on devices on your LAN

According to Firefox bug report discussion, you can...
>use NoScript to block access to LAN (check the settings)
>use uBlock Origin (check out the Firefox bug report from above)
>possible use Port Authority extension? I haven't used it.

I read that these settings/extensions can break some things (like router admin panel pages).
Replies: >>13980
Active content was the worst thing to happen to the web.
>best private mail host
theyre meme shit
>best p browser
their meme shit and written by incontinent boomers like eich at that
>how stay private online
>how to airgap phone
sage due to massive retardation this is like the dumb fucks on 8/tech 10 years ago who keep asing for "self deleting cookies" (to this day i have no idea what they were referring to)
Replies: >>13998
>Apparently, JavaScript can do port scan on devices on your LAN
we knew this 15-20 years ago bud
>how stay private online
>how to airgap phone
where or how do I find tutorials on these two
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Lokinet, connected to Oxen crypto and session, created by a "privacy focused" company OPTF out of australia. 

It's time to finally put an end to the speculation. Is session messanger and lokinet a honeypot..
Best privacy mobile OS?

>divestOS on a oneplus
Replies: >>14108 >>14113
Brazil bans VPN's and twitter

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>>9161 (OP) 
Everyone here probably knows about this but DARPA LifeLog  oops... ((( Facebook ))) mobile app is using microphone to listening to certain words. This is still the case in 2024. New leaks show that they still do it anyway! Leakers say that Faceberg does it to display ads but this is probably also used to detect thoughtcrime. They supposedly  have also hooked this system into A.I.

<In Leak, Facebook Partner Brags About Listening to Your Phone’s Microphone to Serve Ads for Stuff You Mention
<In the same slideshow, CMG counted Facebook, Google, and Amazon as clients, though it didn't specify whether they were involved in the "Active Listening" service. After 404 reached out to Google about its partnership, the tech giant removed the media group from the site for its "Partners Program."

This is not the first time Faceberg app has been listening to smartphone microphone.
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Replies: >>14092 >>14109
They aren't even hiding anymore.
Replies: >>14109
wtf no contest divest on the goated phone
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Replies: >>14110
i noticed it too
>>9161 (OP) 
>best private mail host?
no idea sorry, i use multiple and try not to link the addresses 
>best private browser?
liked librewolf a lot but switched to icecat when they trooned out
>how do you stay private online?
from QUI ?
to be private from FAGMAN dont use their shit, blacklist their domains on your adblock and hosts file, limit JS use
from trackers and ad companies, limit JS and cookies and be careful of fingerprinting (a small VM with standard furryfox can help go unnoticed)
>best VPN
for privacy ? self hosted, it's also cheaper
to access zone locked content ? kys consoomer

i use Graphene on a second-hand Pixel bought with cash
i mainly use it to call and send texts, take pics
it can access the Playstore through Aurora but I always try to find what I need on F-droid first

had no idea oneplus had a privacy os i need to check it out
Replies: >>14253 >>15211
what's your opinion on this new technology called ech (encrypted client hello)? apparently zzzchan uses it so i'm able to visit this board again after it was blocked in my country
>blocked in ussr news related
isn't that incredible for privacy? though my concerns about it is that it feels like domain fronting light due to whole inner and outer sni and the fact that there is central cloud authority (in this case cloudflare) that handles connections instead. sound like single point of failure to me.
domain fronting on crack would be something more like vless over cdn
QRD how do I post on 4chan anonymously FYI you CANT
I can tell you're a larping faggot by the fact you think oneplus has a private OS. Hosting your own VPN goes against the whole idea of a VPN dumbfuck faggot. If Tor exist but you're the only one who uses it it doesn't matter how good the encryption you will be de anonymized. Throwing your traffic in with millions of other users on RAM based servers with no customer data and proven no logs policy and a law team on retainer is the whole point of using a fucking VPN you dumb motherfucking faggot. Fucking kys cringe faggot and Icecat is fucking TRASH too I can tell you're literally a teenager.
Replies: >>14257
I want to randomize everything possible in my browser -- everytime some ((( script ))) or whatnot tries to fingerprint me, not only when I reload, but in my case sometimes reloading doesn't work, too.  Is it possible? How to? I want to feed every son of a bitch with complete clusterfuck. And I'd really like this site https://fpresearch.httpjames.space/ to not recognize me. Plz help me
Replies: >>14257
Oneplus doesn't have it out of the box. There is a lineage port for it.
Impossible. Your randomization is going to be very obvious if you have the same ip. There are many ways to fingerprint you, excluding your ip.
>javascript support
>supported browser apis
>screen size, resolution
>cookies and local data
And probably a lot more. Adjusting useragent every page is possible, but adjusting supported browser apis and screen size is going to be hard, the usual way is to use (or pretend to be) a popular browser and resolution. For cookies and local storage, always use a fresh private/incognito mode. On one hand, it's not normalfag like to not have jewgle cookies, on the other, you lost the game by logging in.
Replies: >>14264
The soyteens figured it out years ago. Use residential IPs from services like Tuxler. 
Though, its worth evaluating whether posting on 4chan is even productive or not. It gets nauseating pretty quickly.
Replies: >>14265
you cant post on 4chan using tor faggot
tuxler is a scam faggot
Replies: >>14269
The original intent of #42647 was that we turn off spoofing OS in HTTP useragent header and ESR changes are the perfect time to do it.
Replies: >>14281 >>14403
Yeah, no shit. People who haven't heard of it should be smart enough to discern whether or not its worth using it.
Replies: >>14575
Holy shit I knew tor browser is shit but not this shit.
Remove privacy.resistFingerprinting.spoofOsInUserAgentHeader machinery entirely

With #43170 (closed) we are no longer spoofing user-agents in any of our browsers. We can therefore remove the relevant machinery from firefox altogether. 
Linux kernel and compiler version in Links useragent is not what you expect from a lightweight text mode web browser.
Replies: >>14569
There's an option to Fake Firefox, or you can just set any string in Fake User-Agent.
Replies: >>14580
4Fed is such a shithole the jews won. They made it unusable.
Replies: >>14582
>There's an option
Privacy must be by default.
Replies: >>14581
Well it's open source, so change it and make it default, if that bothers you. You probably only have to change one string in a .h file.
Replies: >>14583 >>14610
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>the jews won
>probably only have to change one string in a .h file
Retard, you also need to clear up GBs pf diskspace, install fucking rust and a billion packages to build Firefox. Then you wait for 10 hours to compmile because your computer is not shiny new. All just because of so niggers fucked up.
Replies: >>14590
Fake Firefox is a configuration in Links browser that sets the user-agent string to a similar one as Firefox.
>if that bothers you.
I'm deeply concerned that open source is not respecting privacy.
Replies: >>14617
Open source doesn't have any strong ideological views on privacy. It just means you have the code available so you can change it, nothing more.
Replies: >>14619
>What is Free Software?
Replies: >>14631
I think RMS refers to it as "Libre" (as in the french word for liberty). It's about freedom, not about privacy. Once you have freedom to access and modify the code, the onus is on you to do something if the code doesn't live up to your personal expectations. Even Theo de Raadt says so much. He doesn't want ideas, he wants patches. And then if they're quality code he might accept them into his repository.
Replies: >>14632 >>14639
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That's disingenuous. One of the main reasons, if not the main reason why people even care about open source (/free/libre/new fancy jargon) software is privacy, so making open source software with privacy in mind is the correct move. If hypothetically an open source program sent all your files to Microsoft and the CIA you wouldn't say "heh, be the change you want to see in the world and just patch that out yourself, schizo", would you?
Replies: >>14646 >>14651
Telemetry is acceptable in libre software?
Replies: >>14652
>If hypothetically an open source program sent all your files to Microsoft and the CIA
That would be malicious/illegal. A better example is an open source tool which doesn't have encryption because the author didn't give a fuck. If you want encryption then add it yourself. Open source developers are not your slaves.
Replies: >>14647 >>14732
But Links does have the privacy feature (agent spoofing) [which is what started this discussion] unlike the example you provide where the privacy feature is completely missing, it's just disabled because the devs are idiots.
Replies: >>14675
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It's important only to the extent that someone cares about it. For you, a default user-agent string is a show stopper. For me, it's a trivial one-line fix at worst. But actually no, I just use the Fake Firefox option, and that's good enough.
Open source already fulfilled its promise by allowing you to easily change things, at least on smaller codebases like these text browsers.
Incidentally that's why I always tend to gravitate to the smallest software that works for me, like Lynx and Links browser... BusyBox for init, my login shell (ash), text editor (vi), many other basic *nix commands, including the few necessary daemons like getty and syslogd. The codebase of all these is small enough I can wrap my head around it, and change it if I ever need to. And that's an important aspect that the license doesn't provide, but I consider critical. With bigger projects and codebases, I don't stand a chance. There I have to trust the maintainers are doing the right thing. So I've tried to limit my exposure to that sort of thing, but of course the elephant in the room is the kernel itself (and the modern compiler chain too).
In the old days, things were much simpler and fun. We had "open source" too, except there wasn't any special name for it. And it was more about the hobby than politics and legal licenses.
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It's technically fine so long as you can modify the code and fork it. On my OpenBSD arm64 board I have Iridium browser, which is a patched version of Chromium with improved privacy. That's what I use, on the few occasions I need a modern browser.
I would never of course bother to modify it myself. Too much work! I'd rather just avoid those nasty websites to begin with anyway.
>But Links does have the privacy feature (agent spoofing) [which is what started this discussion] 
>it's just disabled because the devs are idiots.
<NOTE: Some sites may regard misrepresenting the browser as fraudulent deception, or as gaining unauthorized access, if it is used to circumvent blocking that was intentionally put in place. Some browser manufacturers may find the transmission of their product's name objectionable. If you change the User-Agent string, it is your responsibility.
Replies: >>14725 >>14733
>>9161 (OP) 
>best private mail host?
Don't use mail hosts to send private information
>best private browser?
Tor for lurking, Librewolf or ungoogled chromium for functionality
>how do you airgap your phone?
Don't use a phone if possible if you're concerned with privacy
>Best VPN
almost all VPNs save or sell some amount of info, its really just a second layer to route traffic through.
otherwise Mullwad is the best currently 

ultimately, the best form of privacy is blending in with the crowd. minimize trying to hide doing your everyday things that aren't of importance, don't act suspicious. logging into your bank account with tor plus proxy plus linux running on a throwaway laptop on a public wifi two states away would completely obsolete your opsec.
don't make yourself a target.
Use the 'Ecker or a Proxy, or just buy a pass like a cuck
>Some browser manufacturers may find the transmission of their product's name objectionable.
Kek. What the fuck does that mean and who even cares?
Replies: >>14734
>the author didn't give a fuck
Author wrote 240 lines of code only to put compiler_name in useragent header.

static void get_compiler_name(void)
#if defined(__BORLANDC__)

	int w = __BORLANDC__+0;
	int v1 = w / 0x100;
	int v2 = w / 0x10 % 0x10;
	int v3 = w % 0x10;
	if (v1 == 4 && v2 < 5) v1 = 3;
	if (v1 == 4 && v2 == 5) v2 = 0;

	if (!v3) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Borland C %d.%d", v1, v2);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Borland C %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__clang__)

#if !defined(__clang_major__) || !defined(__clang_minor__)
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "LLVM/Clang");
	int v1 = __clang_major__+0;
	int v2 = __clang_minor__+0;
#ifdef __clang_patchlevel__
	int v3 = __clang_patchlevel__+0;
	int v3 = 0;
	if (v3 > 0) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "LLVM/Clang %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "LLVM/Clang %d.%d", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__COMO_VERSION__)

	int w = __COMO_VERSION__+0;
	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w % 100;
	if (!(v2 % 10)) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Comeau C %d.%d", v1, v2 / 10);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Comeau C %d.%02d", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__convexc__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Convex C");

#elif defined(_CRAYC)

#if !defined(_RELEASE) || !defined(_RELEASE_MINOR)
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Cray C");
	int v1 = _RELEASE+0;
	int v2 = _RELEASE_MINOR+0;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Cray C %d.%d", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__DCC__)

#ifndef __VERSION_NUMBER__
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Diab C");
	int w = __VERSION_NUMBER__+0;
	int v1 = w / 1000;
	int v2 = w / 100 % 10;
	int v3 = w % 100;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Diab C %d.%d.%02d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__DMC__)

	int w = __DMC__+0;
	int v1 = w / 0x100;
	int v2 = w / 0x10 % 0x10;
	int v3 = w % 0x10;
	if (!v3) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Digital Mars C %d.%d", v1, v2);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Digital Mars C %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__DECC_VER)

	int w = __DECC_VER+0;
	int v1 = w / 10000000;
	int v2 = w / 100000 % 100;
	int v3 = w % 10000;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "DEC C %d.%d-%03d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__ghs__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Green Hill C");
	int w = __GHS_VERSION_NUMBER__+0;
	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w / 10 % 10;
	int v3 = w % 10;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Green Hill C %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__HIGHC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "MetaWare High C");

#elif defined(__HP_cc)

	int w = __HP_cc+0;
	int v1 = w / 10000;
	int v2 = w / 100 % 100;
	int v3 = w % 100;
	if (w <= 1) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "HP CC");
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "HP CC %d.%02d.%02d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__xlc__)

	int w = __xlc__+0;
	int v1 = w / 0x100;
	int v2 = w % 0x100;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "IBM XL C %X.%X", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__IBMC__) && defined(__COMPILER_VER__)

	unsigned w = __COMPILER_VER__+0;
	int v0 = w / 0x10000000;
	int v1 = w / 0x1000000 % 0x10;
	int v2 = w / 0x10000 % 0x100;
	int v3 = w % 0x10000;
	unsigned char *os = !v0 ? "S/370" : v0 == 1 ? "OS/390" : v0 == 4 ? "z/OS" : "";
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "IBM%s%s XL C %X.%0X.%X", *os ? " " : "", os, v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__ICC)

	int w = __ICC+0;
	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w % 100;
	if (!(v2 % 10)) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Intel C %d.%d", v1, v2 / 10);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Intel C %d.%02d", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__LCC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "LCC");

#elif defined(__NDPC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Microway NDP C");

#elif defined(_MSC_VER)

	int w = _MSC_VER+0;
	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w % 100;
	unsigned char *visual = cast_uchar "";
	if (v1 >= 8) {
		v1 -= 6;
		if (v1 == 2) v1 = 1;
		visual = cast_uchar "Visual ";
	if (!(v2 % 10)) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Microsoft %sC %d.%d", visual, v1, v2 / 10);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Microsoft %sC %d.%02d", visual, v1, v2);

#elif defined(__MWERKS__)

	int w = __MWERKS__+0;
	int v1 = w / 0x1000;
	int v2 = w / 0x100 % 0x10;
	int v3 = w % 0x100;
	if (w <= 1) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Metrowerks CodeWarrior");
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Metrowerks CodeWarrior %x.%x.%x", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__NWCC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "NWCC");

#elif defined(__OPEN64__)

	unsigned char *n = cast_uchar "Open64 " __OPEN64__;
	if (strlen(cast_const_char n) >= sizeof(cast_char compiler_name)) n = cast_uchar "Open64";
	strcpy(cast_char compiler_name, cast_const_char n);

#elif defined(__PATHSCALE__)

	unsigned char *n = cast_uchar "PathScale " __PATHSCALE__;
	if (strlen(cast_const_char n) >= sizeof(cast_char compiler_name)) n = cast_uchar "PathScale";
	strcpy(cast_char compiler_name, cast_const_char n);

#elif defined(__PCC__)

	int v1 = __PCC__+0;
#ifdef __PCC_MINOR__
	int v2 = __PCC_MINOR__+0;
	int v2 = 0;
	int v3 = __PCC_MINORMINOR__+0;
	int v3 = 0;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "PCC %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__PGI) || defined(__PGIC__)

#if !defined(__PGIC__) || !defined(__PGIC_MINOR__)
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "The Portland Group C");
	int v1 = __PGIC__+0;
	int v2 = __PGIC_MINOR__+0;
	int v3 = __PGIC_PATCHLEVEL__+0;
	int v3 = 0;
	if (v3 > 0) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "The Portland Group C %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "The Portland Group C %d.%d", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__SASC__)

	int w = __SASC__+0;
	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w % 100;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "SAS C %d.%02d", v1, v2);

#elif (defined(__sgi) && defined(_COMPILER_VERSION)) || defined(_SGI_COMPILER_VERSION)

	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w / 10 % 10;
	int v3 = w % 10;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "MIPSpro %d.%d.%d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C)

	int w = __SUNPRO_C+0;
	int div = w >= 0x1000 ? 0x1000 : 0x100;
	int v2_digits = w >= 0x1000 ? 2 : 1;
	int v1 = w / div;
	int v2 = w % div / 0x10;
	int v3 = w % 0x10;
	if (!v3) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Sun C %X.%0*X", v1, v2_digits, v2);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Sun C %X.%0*X.%X", v1, v2_digits, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__SYSC__) && defined(__SYSC_VER__)

	int w = __SYSC_VER__+0;
	int v1 = w / 10000;
	int v2 = w / 100 % 100;
	int v3 = w % 100;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Dignus Systems C %d.%02d.%02d", v1, v2, v3);

#elif defined(__TenDRA__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "TenDRA C");

#elif defined(__TINYC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Tiny C");

#elif defined(_UCC)

#if !defined(_MAJOR_REV) || !defined(_MINOR_REV)
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Ultimate C");
	int v1 = _MAJOR_REV+0;
	int v2 = _MAJOR_REV+0;
	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Ultimate C %d.%d", v1, v2);

#elif defined(__USLC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "USL C");

#elif defined(__VAXC)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "VAX C");

#elif defined(__VOSC__)

	sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "Stratus VOS C");

#elif defined(__WATCOMC__)

	int w = __WATCOMC__+0;
	int v1 = w / 100;
	int v2 = w % 100;
	unsigned char *op = cast_uchar "";
	if (v1 >= 12) {
		v1 -= 11;
		op = cast_uchar "Open";
	if (!(v2 % 10)) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "%sWatcom C %d.%d", op, v1, v2 / 10);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "%sWatcom C %d.%02d", op, v1, v2);

#elif defined(__GNUC__)

	int v1 = __GNUC__+0;
#ifdef __GNUC_MINOR__
	int v2 = __GNUC_MINOR__+0;
	int v2 = -1;
	int v3 = __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__+0;
	int v3 = 0;
#if defined(__llvm__)
	unsigned char *prefix = cast_uchar "LLVM/";
	unsigned char *prefix = cast_uchar "";
	if (v1 == 2 && (v2 >= 90 && v2 <= 91)) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "%sEGCS 1.%d", prefix, v2 - 90);
	else if (v3 > 0 && v2 >= 0) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "%sGNU C %d.%d.%d", prefix, v1, v2, v3);
	else if (v2 >= 0) sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "%sGNU C %d.%d", prefix, v1, v2);
	else sprintf(cast_char compiler_name, "%sGNU C %d", prefix, v1);


	strcpy(cast_char compiler_name, "unknown compiler");

Replies: >>14734
>Some browser manufacturers may find the transmission of their product's name objectionable.
But transmission of my Linux kernel version is OK.
Replies: >>14734
>What the fuck does that mean
Copyright/trademark violation.

>who even cares?
The dude who wrote the code doesn't want to get assraped by corporate lawyers. 

What the fuck are you doing. Ban this nigger for having zero common sense.

>But transmission of my Linux kernel version is OK.
Legally it probably is. Linus isn't going to sue you.
gvfs-metadata is a spyware piece of shit!
strings ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/*
Replies: >>15213
[Hide] (3.3MB, 3244x2160)
>liked librewolf a lot but switched to icecat when they trooned out
Literally or metaphysically?
seems like issue with xorg and general state of default DEs and other bloatware modern distros that come today
i checked my home server and it had no such things as gvfsd-metadata services or whatever
welp, time to shred it and remove writing permissions
Replies: >>15252
Not really a Xorg problem, but more GNOME and other mainstream DE's. I'd opt for DWM anyday, but a lot of people just need more. Are there any actually good and minimalist DE's that are also usable for normies? AFAIK XFCE and LXDE are the lightest options.
Replies: >>15253 >>15258
[Hide] (667.3KB, 1000x750)
It's gnome and freedesktop.org that's masquerading as some kind of benevolent entity but that really has a bloatware agenda to push.

> Are there any actually good and minimalist DE's that are also usable for normies?
This might have been possible at one point in the late 90's, if Linux got their shit together and rejected bloatware while putting in full effort into a high quality solution that's both fast and low overhead. It could have happened, and there were things going around those days like GGI that would have made a non shitty desktop and gaming possible on Linux. But this was rejected in favor of Gnome/KDE and other stupid shit like Enlightenment WM. Then they started fucking up the X server itself as fast and as hard as they could figure out to do so. Just watch the video from 30c3 "X Security: It's worse than it looks" to get a glimpse at what happened. And now they want to abandon this disaster they created and force everyone onto their next big thing. Someone even posted about Gnome project's subversive plans in the news thread IIRC. In any case, this won't be any kind of improvement, just a means for them to justify their grift, very much like Microsoft also keeps making everything worse while pretending the opposite. If I was a conspiracy theorist, I'd wager the "open source" foundations were created precisely to ensure nothing good ever comes out of this scene that would make Microsoft look so bad that normies would be jumping ship to Linux in droves. No, this clearly can't be allowed to happen. And the CIA has much experience infiltrating and subverting organizations of all types. So the bottom line is: if you want something good, you better be ready to make it yourself!
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>Are there any actually good and minimalist DE's that are also usable for normies?
LXDE is dead because the developers got fed up with GTK3. They have switched to QT. The successor project is called LXQT. It's currently the most lightweight DE, even slightly lighter than Xfce. It even has optional Wayland support for the time when FreakDesktop.org gets rid of Xorg. LXQT project doesn't develop their own WMs. They instead default to OpenBox. They probably start using Wayfire or Labwc by default at some point?

Another option is to use IceWM. It's not strictly speaking a full DE but it's easy to use and it comes with a taskbar. It's basically a clone of Windows 95 GUI with added enhancements. OpenSUSE uses (or at least  used to use) it has fallback GUI. You can make it look a lot like Windows 95 by installing Chicago95 GTK theme and the Spoof theme from Box-Look:
Installation steps are simple: 1) unzip 2) copy it to $HOME/.config/icewm/themes 3) use the IceWM GUI settings menu to switch to Spoof theme (or manually edit the config file)
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