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What do you think? Any problems? What would you change? Is there anything you don't like about current keyboard layouts or keyboard designs (besides switches)? Any symbols that you use often and would want to be on the keyboard?
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Replies: >>8238 >>8243 + 4 earlier
I really like the degrees and bullet characters being on the keyboard. 
What do people use the numpad for outside of data entry?
This is what I use to remap some modifiers to make emacs more ergonomic.
partial default modifier_keys xkb_symbols "one" {
    include "us"
    name[Group1] = "English US (Custom)";

    key <CAPS> { [ Alt_L ] };
    key <LALT> { [ Control_L, Control_L ] };
    key <LCTL> { [ Caps_Lock ] };

    key <RALT> { [ Control_R, Control_R ] };
    key <RCTL> { [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };
>>7854 (OP) 
My dream keyboard would be pretty similar to this, but I would add a dedicated copy, paste and  undo key. The problem Is that copy paste is not consistent across all platforms,


goddamn it, come on, I wasn't even halfway finished with my post.
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>>7854 (OP) 
My dream keyboard would be pretty similar to this, but I would add dedicated copy/paste and undo/redo keys. The problem is that copy paste commands are not consistent across all platforms.

The Dactyl is as nice keyboard, it just happens to be rather hard to get. Best way to get it, is have (or find someone with) a 3D printer, and handwire it. I've been playing with stenograph keyboards, specifically the Steko (pic related).  it's trickier than typing right now, but I hope I can get the hang of it.

I got it, because I figured 1. why bother relearning my muscle memory on a keyboard if it's so standardized, and 2. Why go for all that effort on barely a 120WPM increase when I can go intial D speed at the 200s? I had to get a metal sharpie for the keys though, Fuck me, I hate chording on blank keys when I'm learning new input styles.

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What do you think is the most complicated piece of software? Like if someone were to attempt making an alternative that has comparable features and performance, what piece of software would be the hardest to match?

You might instinctively say operating systems, but I think they're actually pretty simple relatively speaking. I think the main reason many people don't make them from scratch is that there's a huge barrier of entry, you can't even program it normally and will have to set some assembly and weird data sections, you don't really get experience for that kind of thing anywhere so you have to learn from some half assed guides how to do it. And if you got it going, the most complicated part would be hardware drivers, but in my opinion those don't count as part of the OS, rather they're a bridge between the OS and the hardware. It would also be hard to define what drivers count as being part of the OS and what don't.

Next is web browsers, but similarly, I think they're not as complicated as they may at first seem. Instead of being somehow advanced, there's just a lot of shit in them, I'm sure a lot of people could make a web browser if given enough time in a time chamber. I suppose that counts as being complicated though.

My candidates for the most complex pieces of software are Photoshop and Unreal Engine. My reasoning is that if you wanted to make an alternative that has the same features, almost nobody could do it no matter how much time you gave them. A lot o
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Replies: >>8240 + 1 earlier
The grossly-scope-creeped-on-steroids systems of the US F35 Lightning II. That it even manages to fly at all is remarkable and a testament to the senior developers who pushed it through apparently by sheer will alone.
Your machine is not the C standard.
>to everyone who complained like a broken record.
People do tend to complain like broken records, particularly when it's not their own work that is in question. However, having undefined behavior frees implementors to create innovative, possibly game-changing solutions. Besides, C would never have obtained it's global stature as a systems tool w/o these undefineds. Efficiency on the metal is key, after all Anon.
You say it's not about sheer amount of grunt work but that's really what your definition is.

Somewhere out there there's a piece of software with like 500+ pages of requirements. Either space shuttles or taxes.
>>3266 (OP) 
>Most complicated piece of software
Depends on the category of complication.

Complication by sheer size? Operating systems, modern windows to be specific, due to the amount of backwards compatibility spearheaded by absolutely insane management. 

Complication of the GUI? Autodesk Maya. Jesus. fuck. I have never seen a software with such a complete shitshow of a GUI, and I've been around the block in terms of 3D modelling software.

Complication by overabundance of functions? I think VisualStudio would fit that bill. I was thinking GNU Emacs, but VS is a mess on a calibre of it's own.

Web browsers didn't need to be complicated, but they became complicated when language after language was introduced for the shiny factor. For whatever reason, browsers are seemingly-obligated to include every single one of these pieces of shit despite how much damage they can cause.

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How do I join?

- a link to your website
- a 240x60 banner of your website

then add the others also in the webring

I'll start:
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Replies: >>7261 + 5 earlier
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>>6282 (me)
I made a banner and added the webring.It didn't actually take this long, some spooky behavior crashed tor, taking the server offline until I got physical access. 

I like the look of 88x31 better.
Replies: >>6766
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I checked it out and I really like it anon, good job. I found the perspectives in your articles really interesting, especially the ones on https and productivity. Good job! Also did you draw the image on the front page? It looks really good!
They disapeared and site is gone
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>>1215 (OP) 
I'm mostly lurking on this imageboard but I made a banner for another webring. This is not my personal website but I'm heavily invested into the project.

We collect high quality PDFs created from book scans, people can contribute or request a book too.

Just stumbled on this: https://darkm000t.neocities.org/
Seems like the real deal. Looks like he's a VR Chat thot now?

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What are the possible ramifications of Github becoming woke and becoming pozzed? In light of this debacle. It is possible that Github could possibly look into changing it's Company Policy and thus code of conduct

>GitHub regrets firing Jewish employee who called Trump-incited mob “Nazis”
>GitHub Inc. yesterday apologized for firing a Jewish employee who had urged colleagues to "stay safe" and avoid "Nazis" on the day a mob incited by President Trump stormed the US Capitol. GitHub said it "reversed the decision" and indicated it is trying to hire the employee back.
>"Stay safe homies, Nazis are about," the employee, whose identity hasn't been revealed publicly, wrote in an internal Slack chat room on January 6. He was fired two days later, after one "coworker was quick to criticize the employee for using divisive rhetoric"
>"I did not know that, as a Jew, it would be so polarizing to say this word," the former employee wrote in a Slack group for Jewish employees shortly "before his corporate accounts got deactivated. The former employee 
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Replies: >>938
>>937 (OP) 
>GitHub is headquartered in San Francisco, CA and has 2 office locations across 2 countries.
>fires a jew over "NAZIS"
You do not argue with SJW cultists and do bold moves like these with them on their home ground; reverse-subvert the leadership and only THEN do these things.
>Github becoming woke
What rock have you been living under? Also this is your obligatory "stop using shithub" post.
The problem is that Codeberg ends in "berg"
Replies: >>7602
The problem is that Codeberg has been pozzed for some time now, especially since the new ToS were added:

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I was looking through the video editing thread on /v/ and figured it would be appropriate to have something similar here now that /tech/ exists. Except I think it would be ideal if the focus was on free software solutions, and also encompassing a broader spectrum of content rather than just videos.

In this thread give tips and ask questions about image editing, video editing, encoding, and anything else you think might be relevant for creating content.

Recommended Software
Video Editors
Recording & Streaming
>OBS (Open Broadcaster Software)
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thoughts on this guide? /GAG/ globohomo art general i just found it recently
hmm i want to make my own dystopian anti-furfag comic with this perhaps this should be enough to wake up the cuckchanners its not too late we can still stop agenda 2030
any good GIMP guides? its 2022 and companies are leveling up in en masse i gotta keep up with the season cuz why not
How does libaom 3.5.0 perform under realtime constraints on a post-2017 CPU?
Does it deliver somewhat acceptable quality for livestreaming at a reasonable bitrate?
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>>7256 forgot my image feel free to put this on the offtopic thread sorry if this is the wrong place
FINALLY after all these days (85 uptime) i fucking did it it actually didnt crash the core isolation setting really paid off i finished my session holy shit i feel really good wrestling my adhd all the tasks are done PHEW now where was i? 60 days wihtout any gaming feels really draining due to my ram all filled up but this upgrade should solve the problem
dunno if this counts as OC but did i do good? how do i convert this thing into a sticker for my legion? any settings i should change on my printer or the image viewer?
im gonna put this jak at the back of my laptop (im gonna make a thread on 4chan /g/ after the ram upgrade tomorrow) mwahaha just for the kicks since its all botspam there i wanna liven up that place once in a while
also take this free wallpaper if there are any winfags here why is windows so rude? right after i enabled my wifi this thing just updooted after i restart my system even though i told it to wait a few more days (this happened on next startup dont worry)
Replies: >>7266
Use a search engine, first result "diy print sticker"
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how the fuck did 123movies detect developer tools? in the end i stopped using that ad filled shithole before VM potentially crashed
(the infected link itself i could not decode scripts) hxxps://www1.123moviesfree.icu/movie/g-i-joe-the-rise-of-cobra/watching.html
(original sauce of watermarked file) hxxps://www.fzmovies.net/movie-G.I.%20Joe:%20The%20Rise%20of%20Cobra--hmp4.htm

why the heck does audio stuttering happen on shotcut? whenever i play for a few seconds in winPE and how do i zoom in the seekbar itself for precise editing? (man i love opensource so far i did not get errors despite missing MS files though my vcpus did reach 100 during export)
initally i was just looking for youtube video for the [you and what army scene] but all i got was a low quality TV rip im surprised nobody memified this gem of a clip yet (i also included the nanite injection scene and the laser prison scene incase you need those as well)
so here it is my first edited video did i do good? also i found a way to hide the winPE taskbar just by fiddling the registry though i do need to kill explorer.exe first (hmm making a batch script to auto apply registry shoudnt be too hard since a lot of games use fake full screen and its still annoyingly there)

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cat tor-browser_en-US/Browser/.local/share/recently-used.xbel
strings tor-browser_en-US/Browser/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/*https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-to-permanently-get-rid-of-this-horrible-gvfs-metadata-beast-4175530495/#post5978968
>To get the tools, one can recompile distro's gvfs package and then, from the build directory, subdirectory metadata/.libs copy the files meta-get , meta-get-tree , meta-ls and meta-set to say /usr/bin/gvfs-meta-get etc
The simple usage instruction can be gotten in the usual way, through the "-h" option.
>Now to see what ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata actually is used for, you can run:
gvfs-meta-get -r -f ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/user /
gvfs-meta-get -r -f ~/.local/share/gvfs-metadata/root />And after analyzing the output on my Slackware 14.2 system I discovered that the ONLY extended attribute stored in this whole sorry mess was numerous "download-uri" put there by Mozilla browsers for everything they've ever done. As some perverted kind of permanent, indelible download history.
>One can compile and ru
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Replies: >>7115 + 1 earlier
You can't overestimate the incompetence of Tor Browser developers, and/or GNOME developers
Replies: >>3869
You mean malicious.
Same here. I use dwm, so that might be the reason. But what is recently-used.xbel for?
Replies: >>3954
something you use a search engine for
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>>2767 (OP) 
On TailsOS its in the .local/share/gvfs-metadataNot in .tor-browser dir>>2792
>WTF is this $hit?
I assume this doesn't have to do with Tor but with GNOMe
Really Hate that TailsOS chose GNOME DE.
I have disabled GNOME Animations in DCONF with an autorun script on tails.
Any other ((( GNOME ))) bullshit I could disable in dconf or etc?

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After using the same handful of wallpaper images for the last three and a half years, I have come to the realization that I should get some new wallpapers.

Post your favourite wallpapers and wallpaper sources.  Pics related are a few of what I've been using; screenshots from a dead game called Blacklight: Retribution.  I never played it myself but it had some neat visuals.
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Found some old shit. Just make sure you use nearest interpolation (and probably integer scaling, unless you have a really high resolution)
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Replies: >>6953
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third one maeka me wanna snorta da druk
I usually get my wallpapers at https://konachan.com/

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Close the board. The topic of "Technology & Computing" has ended. There's no point in going on anymore.

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>You need to have nodejs
Where does it say nodejs?
>It's not so comfy
Tiling wm, find files in vim https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3554719/find-a-file-via-recursive-directory-search-in-vim , bash alias/function. Have you ever looked beyond nudev gui toddler screech about vim/emacs? No, you simply have never tried.
>plugins and config
As I said, vim out of the box is fully usable. You don't need plugins and ide features.
>carpal tunnel
Going around files shouldn't be that hard. vimtutor
>Why should one waste time with configuring software at all?
Why should one waste time programming? Everyone should just learn to use what others wrote. Better yet, they should own nothing and be happy about it. A smith takes care of his workplace and make it the most efficient for him. It is the respect of his work and the passion driving him to do smarted, bett
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The best piece of software is written using ed because you don't need to pretend being a hacker with colorful symbols visible or do anything aside from single task
Replies: >>6702
>links to blank page (i know it loads for your faggot good guy IP faggot thats besides the point)
>its ogre!
>accuses people of pretending to be a hacker
>while pretending to be a hacker
>it had a built in function to draw shit
thats basically just a library you stupid fucking boomer.

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what in the cock sucking nigger shit are people thinking with build systems?
every fucking project i build either works by pure luck, or breaks because some package is the wrong version and the softwareniggers are too fucking dumb to grasp the simplest fucking concept like specifying dependencies correctly. to top it off there's always some new fucking stupid feature added to every fucking build system every week. even portage. every fucking time i have to read up on these new features to figure out what in the fuck these morons were trying to do. YOURE NOT SPECIAL STOP REQUIRING SPECIAL FEATURES YOUR PROJECT IS LITERALLY CRUD AND THERE ARE 10,000 OTHER PROGRAMS THAT ARE THE SAME AS YOURS
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Because the first good build system (Meson) was only made recently and hasn't picked up as many users as it should. Most programmers don't know programming itself and are too dumb to know better or they're in a state of learned helplessness and still think build systems are like mail clients which have never been done right. Also, nobody is taught how to write build definitions correctly and few can figure it out by themselves.
Maven seems OK for Java
>Download pdf related.
>"Excel is a build system in disguise. Consider the following simple spreadsheet. ..."
WTF is M$ smoking??
Replies: >>6676 >>6677
In their model, anything that maintains a key value store with respect to being up to date is a build system.
It makes sense. The tables are build instructions rather than values, which are then processed to make the final result. 
I guess the distinction is that a function either just returns you a result or needs to be called, whereas the build instructions generate automated results.

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When you build a new PC or want to try a new distro (or any type of technology, really), what are some common things you do in order to get a feel for how it works?  I feel this topic is meaty enough to be worth its own thread, and I'd prefer for it not to be buried in the QTDDTOTT.

I've just finished building a PC to use as a Linux workstation, so now I can begin the time-honored tradition of distro hopping and bitching about how no single one has everything I want before ultimately settling on [distro you hate].  There is a decent volume of information about different distros out there, but most "reviews" are simply a feature list, a copy-paste from the distro's website, or a video of an installation.  They aren't very helpful for anyone who isn't a complete troglodyte, and I like to think I'm not that stupid.

I have a handful of things I want to do that will help simulate routine tasks, but so far they're all pretty basic:
>compile and run a simple C program
>install a new package with the package manager
>install a new programming language/SDK
>configure a chron job to clean up a folder every day
>ssh into a remote server and make changes to a file on it
>create a local git repo and push changes to a remote one
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Install Arch or Gentoo. Debian or Devuan are also acceptable choices.
Replies: >>6565 >>6567

But what did GNU/Linux mean by this?
language: bash
fortune -o
"All in all, this whole period of winter 1919-20 was a single struggle
 to strengthen confidence in the victorious might of the young movement
 and raise it to that fanaticism of faith which can move mountains."
         [Adolf Hitler, "Mein Kampf" Vol. 1 Chapter 12]

language: bash
fortune -ao -m goy

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I couldn't find a gangster edition of any of those. Did I not look hard enough?
Replies: >>6568 >>6570
>not running Tomato Garden XP
You can set custom boot logo (Plymouth) on Linux, too.
Three words: Hannah Montana Linux.

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