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I'm starting my journey of making money online. I will be documenting everything that I do here in hope that i can stick with it and help fellow anons make money from the comfort of his room without having to show his face anytime.
Having no success huh
Replies: >>12517
Anon made so much money he's too busy smashing ass to post here.
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if you need i found one to lose money online with crypo and leverage. started with 70USD and now im down to 5. it was 3 but i recovered 2. it was my entire NEET money
Replies: >>13032 >>13033
Leverage is just gambling
What does this have to do with /tech/?
The bank always wins.
Replies: >>13344
i had no other option. 70usd will not change much. i will try to recover. i need to get to 1k at least than i can reduce the risk and go to spot
Yeah what >>13033 said
just do stocks at long term
OP here. My method right now is reupload content to popular sites like TikTok Yt Fb … till I get enough views and I can switch account status to making money. It’s not easy but a lot of people already making more or less with it, some way too much. I bought a few courses off some forums and now teaching myself how to make it. Been busy with college and work and my neet disease but I swear I will make it and post proof here for everyone to see.
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