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I'm starting my journey of making money online. I will be documenting everything that I do here in hope that i can stick with it and help fellow anons make money from the comfort of his room without having to show his face anytime.
Having no success huh
Replies: >>12517
Anon made so much money he's too busy smashing ass to post here.
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if you need i found one to lose money online with crypo and leverage. started with 70USD and now im down to 5. it was 3 but i recovered 2. it was my entire NEET money
Replies: >>13032 >>13033
Leverage is just gambling
What does this have to do with /tech/?
The bank always wins.
Replies: >>13344
i had no other option. 70usd will not change much. i will try to recover. i need to get to 1k at least than i can reduce the risk and go to spot
Yeah what >>13033 said
just do stocks at long term
Replies: >>13932
OP here. My method right now is reupload content to popular sites like TikTok Yt Fb … till I get enough views and I can switch account status to making money. It’s not easy but a lot of people already making more or less with it, some way too much. I bought a few courses off some forums and now teaching myself how to make it. Been busy with college and work and my neet disease but I swear I will make it and post proof here for everyone to see.
Replies: >>13933
One time I fell for the dropshipping meme and yolo'd it. Of course I didn't get anywhere but I expect it would work if you already have an audience or you can link it to something people actually want to buy. (eg you work for a nursery home, you can find ways to advertise a storefront for specialized stamps / envelopes)

Something I'd hypothetically try is to hypothetically get my hands on a large botnet or buy an unsecured wordpress page and put hypothetical crypto miners on it (hypothetically).
Unironcally this how white people will win. We stick together and help each other make money. Rising tide lifts all boats. Jews do it we need to do it too.

A friend of mine started a VPN company can't tell you which but he's doing really well. Seems like AI and DeFi are good startup ideas. Telemed seems pretty saturated.
lets start a tech company goys im dead serious.. thegoyimknow INC
>just do stocks long term

this is good if you're making multi 6 figures a year and don't have a family to support. If you're young and making 200k+ a year yeah maybe it's doable. You're not going to be a millionaire or multi millionaire until you're 60. Buying long term call options on large cap tech stocks is a better options in this might shorten it to 45-50 or so. 

Other than that you need to figure out a way to get paid. . by customers or an employer. Stocks is for people to stay rich not get rich (at least quick). Would be better to go to school, learn about stocks and become a financial advisor.
might be better off getting a hot girl to sign up for onlyfans for you and fake an id that they ask for and upload that for verification. Then just upload fake pics of pussy and tits and shit. I don't know somebody to do this or I would try it. Unironcally I know a girl but I fucked up and talked shit to her cause shes crazy asf lol but she was hot and perfect for onlyfans. Also you could go to sex chat rooms and post pics of nude girls then ask for cucks to cashapp you. This is a grueling process though and super scumbaggery and you have to sex talk up fat incels which is extremely gay, but if you're jewish you will succeed. 

Has anyone unironcally done this? Gone to chatrooms, pretend to be girl, ask dudes that message you within 5 seconds of posting a pic for a cashapp for more pics?
Replies: >>13936 >>15120
They seem to be cracking down on this more. My Cashapp account was shut down because I paid a whore with it once. I never really used cashapp so when I opened it one day it was closed. I thought only the whores accounts would get shut down, apparently not.
>Has anyone unironcally done this? Gone to chatrooms, pretend to be girl, ask dudes that message you within 5 seconds of posting a pic for a cashapp for more pics?
My dude, people were doing that one ten seconds after AOL added profile pictures to their chatrooms thirty years ago.
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OP here, not doing much lately sorry. Focusing on my career for the most part now, forgot to make time for this side work. I'll get back to it from now on, I swear, im so fucking broke right now. Lately i have seen some people doing airdrop stuff through telegram shit coins, so im asking around. I don't really have a full structure course that i could find, so right now im kind of a lost sheep on this topic. But im watching some channels to get the basic image, maybe i will find some groups that can at least openly share the basic paths. The ones that managed to get money doing this, they hide their craft like cat hides their shit.
Replies: >>15125
So the basic description here is that, these shit meme coins usually have some kind of dumb games that reward players with its own coin. Now instead of using one account to play, how about you emulate 100 accounts. And then I guess they managed to sell that meme coin somehow? I mean i never tried this before, but i want to learn how it works. Anyone here has been doing crypto stuff? Where can i learn this? About these emulation, usually these people buy used workstation cpu and have like 100 gb of ram, they don't write their own software but have to outsource to some code monkey. Now if its automation, I’m guessing the code monkeys are using some kind of automation framework like selenium, cypress, robot, playwright,...Maybe I could make money doing this, I do have some experiene working with these tools.
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