There's also two hidden advantages to imageboards that you forgot to mention:
1. There are no mechanics to incentivize and/or quantify self-identification. (likes,. friends list, upvotes, etc.)
2. Imageboards' ease of access.
The lack of likes or any major features that are standard on most social media basically takes the wind out of any minor narcissistic tendencies that people have. This may not stop a person who has a full on narcissistic personality disorder but it stops people from entertaining narcissistic thoughts.
The ease of access allows basically anyone to post anything, but really this is as much of a weakness as it is a strength- Pizza spammers being a prime example.
>"Integrating" AI into the hivemind.
As far as I've seen, AI has been causing equal parts trouble for globohomo despite whatever benefits they have. Any social AI that is designed to follow human patterns basically breaks their own narrative, it's like having a child they want to do one thing, but he goes and does something they don't like.
In my experience it's not about what >>5907 said. The reality of magick isn't that "it defies logic," or "you need to understand X," It's simply that there's far more to it than just logic, data, and information.
There's experience, There's emotion, there's consciousness, there's dimension. And more-often than not, the answer to most mystic questions isn't always symbolic or literal, sometimes it's "all of the above,". The more you learn about magick, the more you understand just how little you actually know.
If we talk about sorcerers and magicians on the other hand... Well to be quite frank, it's the same reason programming attracts either insufferable narcissists or utter buffoons: It's easy to start the basics, requires a surprising amount of effort to actually maintain, normalfags are utterly mystified by it and it attracts the biggest, most autistic, dogmatic "I AM RIGHT AND YOU ARE WRONG BECAUSE I SAID SO," fuckers ever.
You know, that actually makes sense. But there's just one problem: "Man plans, god laughs,".
>get ready for cyberpunk and megacorps you fucking bastard
Are you sure your monkey brain secretly doesn't actually want this to happen so it can say "I told you so"? Human minds have a tendency to lean towards negative thought patterns because of fear.