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My friends made an app. It's very cool. Imagine a youtube-like interface except you fetch videos and data from different sources and people write plugins for each source. As a result, a creator can switch from e.g. Youtube to Odysee to whatever else is the best without losing their audience. There's also decentralized comments and thumbs upping and downing

We are destroying Youtube's network effect. They are fucked.

It's an open source android app. There's no desktop version yet because making it work well on another platform is a lot of work.

Another interesting thing is that Youtube is now deleting videos that mention Grayjay
>They are fucked
jewtube has been using sigciphers on the video links since forever they can easily force everyone to use the site directly by just restricting the api keys and blocking access to the ytplayer which has the cipher is to decode the video url (changed every week), they dont because they obviously dont give a shit
Replies: >>12149 >>12152
They're already threatening to ban people for talking about it, deleting videos, and they did try taking yt-dl down with a frivolous DMCA claim. 
The only reason they don't take strong security measures is that the corporate ladder is made of incompetence.
Replies: >>12150
far from incompetent, their business is targeted marketing they really dont care about this just look at how sophisticated their tracking systems are, everything you get from the server is strapped with a unique token for the server to track, things like getting the next page of a search requires you send the unique token back to the server, if you bother looking at the network activity youll see a bunch of redirects where your just sending tokens, at one point they even made it so you couldnt get anything from the server without first getting a 'vistor-id' in your cookies and without it the server doesnt give you shit, they got rid of it after a month for some reason probably because they want the tracking to be less overt
Replies: >>12151
>just look at how sophisticated their tracking systems are
They were already as sophisticated as they had to be a decade ago. There were already ways to de-anonymize browsers and phones made that even easier. All they do now is change shit to show higher ups they're doing something so the higher ups can tell their higher up that they are doing something. 
A monopoly is a two sided dagger. They're the only video site but because they're the only video site there is always going to be hundreds if not thousands of people working 24/7 to crack the site, and they can thwart any roadblock Google is willing to pay for.
>>12146 (OP)  what happened to newpipe did it die or something?
wow i love that simplistic birb logo also boycott KDE and thier disgusting furbait KATE mascot i just want my text editor back not this stupid blue pink woodpecker turd.

cucked censored piece of shit that takes down "muh notsee content" and videos related to some cuckchan school shooting smells like controlled opposition for sponsored alt tech jewtubers

never heard about it yet QRD me on this algorithm

Also speaking of censorship (when 2020 started rolling) what are your thoughts on wokist/lefty youtubers who suddenly encoraged users to visit "bad-goy" websites like 1984chan and the likes and they also admitted to shitposting themselves (mutahar and moonreal is a big example of this) this whole thing honestly looks like standard practice at this point to appear unbiased and legitimate even though anyone who isnt retarded can see thier hidden agenda.

its just strange isnt it? dunno if its just me but why is youtube suddenly allowing covert "far righter rhetoric" under the guise "godly self imporvement" its almost like they earn good profit from selling out "toxic nofap motivation" ideologies from these staged eceleb channels behind everyones backs.

i fucking swear to god the comments section is literlly filled with edgy teenagers trying too hard to LARP as self righteous mature 10/10 chad aryan males spewing out (sometimes fabricated) force positivity quotes and trying to bully those "ebil weak men" who dont confom to thier "mentally strong mindsetâ„¢" literally like /r9gay/ but inverted.

i hope im not the only one here who can see through this perfectly stormed bullshit trends lately like? im not even a coomer but why is this suddenly on my recommendations for no reason at all?
--sorry for the /vent-- inb4 buttmad plebbitor or kike shill
Replies: >>12153
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you never get the actual link to anything, the server generates timed links and give you a scrambled url, the ytplayer has the instructions to descramble the url into a working link, its just a sequence of shifts and splices on the url but it changes each week, its easy to get around only because they always obfuscate the code exactly the same way so its easy to find the cipher instructions they could make it a lot harder they just dont care
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>>12146 (OP) 
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>>12146 (OP) 
Hi Louis
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