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>Every Big Tech site says the We Robot event was bullshit/parlor tricks/etc.
What's the actual truth?  Am I going to have a robot slave?  Or is it going to be like the Sony robot that trips on a flight of stairs and these things can't do a damn thing?  Will tech ever get there?
Replies: >>14346
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People will buy this, but it will be full of surveillance botnet and also probably turned against them. It's just a really bad idea.
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Maybe in like 20 years.
Replies: >>14327
Ah, so it's fusion energy, then.
Every big tech website is full of leftist cultists who are seething about Musk and attacking everything he does and says, and it got way worse after he decided to vocally support Trump.
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It's happening
Replies: >>14330
>zerosource is now unironically cited on imageboards
I'm getting old.
Replies: >>14341
They have a link to some aussie MSM report though.
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Also it's pretty common for ZH to get linked on 4chan /biz/ but I don't post there ever since they added a cuckflare captcha on top of the board's internal one. It doesn't even work in Iridium browser running on OpenBSD/arm64.
Also these "open source" websites are getting worse too.
As opposed to what?  CNN?  NYT?  VitaminHealthNews?
>>14314 (OP) 
Why not?
At this point battery and processing tech is advanced enough to allow for prosumer-grade humanoid robutts, though even with gubbermint grant jewings+inflation fetishism I suspect one of them bots will probably cost a little more than 30k petroshekels.
What's likely gonna make or break the first generations of Woll Smoth-grade robots will be the openness of the hard+software, even with all the AI-generated lolis in the world these things cannot be expected to have an Apple-grade cattle user experience out of the box.
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