Anon, why aren't you using SimpleX on your LineageOS phone yet?
- just werks
- no phone number needed
- profile is on the phone and not on servers
- chat, voice calls, video calls, file transfer
- has servers, so you send stuff to people who are not online
- you can host your own servers if you want to
- has an a
- FOSS and on F-Droid
- has desktop application
I already moved my relatives to it.
SimpleX and Session are the only messengers that don't tie all your data to a phone number and my prepaid card is video verified with me and my government issued ID card and charged up using my bank account.
I had some doubts regarding Session:
- fork of Signal which I don't trust because it requires a phone number, has closed source components, took the open source build from f-droid by complaining there despite the license permitting it and is shilled by msm
- relies on a cryptocurrency, so maybe it's just some get rich quick scheme by the creator
- made in Australia
- shady black green website which looks like a glownigger honeypot
but maybe I'm totally wrong and it's a fine messenger.
All the Tox clients I tried were awful, so that was off the table too.
XMPP and Matrix need you to set up a server and neither me nor my grandma will set one up, buy a domain name and maintain it for all eternity.