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Anon, why aren't you using SimpleX on your LineageOS phone yet?
- just werks
- no phone number needed
- profile is on the phone and not on servers
- chat, voice calls, video calls, file transfer
- has servers, so you send stuff to people who are not online
- you can host your own servers if you want to
- has an a
- FOSS and on F-Droid
- has desktop application
I already moved my relatives to it.

SimpleX and Session are the only messengers that don't tie all your data to a phone number and my prepaid card is video verified with me and my government issued ID card and charged up using my bank account.

I had some doubts regarding Session:
- fork of Signal which I don't trust because it requires a phone number, has closed source components, took the open source build from f-droid by complaining there despite the license permitting it and is shilled by msm
- relies on a cryptocurrency, so maybe it's just some get rich quick scheme by the creator
- made in Australia
- shady black green website which looks like a glownigger honeypot
but maybe I'm totally wrong and it's a fine messenger.

All the Tox clients I tried were awful, so that was off the table too.
XMPP and Matrix need you to set up a server and neither me nor my grandma will set one up, buy a domain name and maintain it for all eternity.
>>12931 (OP) 
Matrix doesn't require you to setup a server. You can use public servers.
Replies: >>12943
>>12931 (OP) 
>why don't you use new messenger X?
Because nobody I want to talk to uses it.
Replies: >>12939 >>12943
>even having someone to message 
Anonymoose forums are supposed to exist for a reason.
Replies: >>12943
1. You don't know that.
2. You assume they don't want to use it or aren't willing to switch. You are wrong because most people are sheep and thus willing to install whatever you use.
Are your parents dead already?
What if the server owner fucks you over? Which matrix clients do you use?
Replies: >>12946
What if the server owner of SimpleX fucks you over? I read their page about every direction of transfer having different receiving addresses. Glownigs can break it with correlational attacks, yes it's hard, but can be done if they own the server.
>most people are sheep and thus willing to install whatever you use
Yeah the same applies to the rest of their friends. Thing is they will just push you off if they have 10 friends using some botnet and you refuse to talk to them if they don't use your stuff.
Also >having people to talk to other than anons on this board
Replies: >>12949
I'm sorry your parents are dead, anon.
>Thing is they will just push you off if they have 10 friends using some botnet and you refuse to talk to them if they don't use your stuff.
Make better friends then.
Signal is working on usernames so you don't have to give out your phone number https://signal.org/blog/phone-number-privacy-usernames/. The purpose of the phone numbers were primarily to prevent spam, and the closed source part of the server is also just to prevent spam.

I personally think those are not bad sacrifices to get an encrypted messenger that's polished enough for people other than me to use.
>phone number
>closed source server
>not bad sacrifices
You may as well use whatsapp and whatever normalfags use.
Replies: >>12970 >>12973
if you've never looked into it, a few law enforcement agencies have requested user data from signal in a warrant. the only data they can supply is the phone number and the last time the account was used, showing how little data they collect on users
of course if you're ultra schizo you probably wont give your phone number in the first place, but just like telegram you could probably use a burner.
Replies: >>12973 >>13620
The app from the playstore contains closed source libraries too and the developers successfully requested a takedown of an open source build on f-droid.
Do not use Signal. It's not any better than Telegram or Whatsapp.
Replies: >>12975
>were primarily to prevent spam, and the closed source part of the server is also just to prevent spam.
btw spamming users on SimpleX is impossible. If you care so much about spam, you should switch to SimpleX.
If you think you can get any kind of privacy on android then you're deluding yourself. It is perfectly possible to sign up without the app. You need signal desktop, a QR code to text converter, signal-cli and a phone which is capable of receiving text messages. After that you can just use signal desktop through Tor.
Replies: >>12976
I'm using LineageOS 21 and except for possible cellular chip attacks by literal glowniggers it's pretty secure.
Good enough for my threat model.
Further you're argument is "nothing is secure anyway, so why use a secure messenger" which is pretty retarded if you ask me.
Replies: >>12982
>you're argument is "nothing is secure anyway
No my argument is that phones are not secure. It has a camera pointing at your face and a camera pointing at whatever is infront of you a microphone and gps and multiple radios with closed source firmware you have no control over. And the OS was made by a corporation who makes all their money from collecting personal data and selling it to advertisers.
Replies: >>12983
Nigger, if I wanted to send messages from desktop to desktop there is plenty of desktop software like Ricochat, Torchat, i2pchat, so why use Signal? Fuck off Signal advertiser.
I suddenly remembered Retroshare. I'd like to mention it if someone is looking for desktop software.
What are you so butthurt about? Smartphones are not secure. It's got nothing to do with signal.
Replies: >>12991
>Nigger, if I wanted to send messages from desktop to desktop there is plenty of desktop software
Yes if you want to send messages to yourself there are plenty of options. If you want to send messages to a real human being then you need to use whatever stuff they are using. So knowing how to use normie stuff like signal in a secure way is actually important.
Replies: >>12990 >>12991
>talking to normies
>real human being
Are they? There is no secure way to talk to them. You are asking how to eat shit in a clean way. Normies are the attack vector. If anything that means you are compromised by them already by bending the knee on your software choice.
Replies: >>12992 >>13096
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1. Signal isn't normie stuff, so you might as well use a better app
2. Whatsapp is off the table
3. I made multiple real human beings use what I use (SimpleX) because I am the real human being and you are the NPC. (see picture for reference)

Then why are you shilling signal which is known for its mobile app, retard?
Yes. Their phones may have all kinds of aids but the very least you can do is use open source clients and servers for chatting with them.
Further having no ID and using open source software is precisely what keeps the aids with them and away from me.
Replies: >>13578
>Are they? There is no secure way to talk to them. You are asking how to eat shit in a clean way. Normies are the attack vector. If anything that means you are compromised by them already by bending the knee on your software choice.
Don't let software autism and schizo threat modelling be the reason you're still a virgin.
Replies: >>13578
 Telegram to Introduce Fact-Checking Feature 

The source code of Telegram for Android has revealed lines[1] indicating the development of a new feature called ''"Fact Check." It appears that this feature will be implemented in partnership with government-assigned fact checking agencies.

- The "Fact Check" feature will allow additional clarifying information to be attached to messages. However, it will function differently from Twitter's Community Notes, even though they might seem similar at first glance.

- The government in your country will be able to appoint an agency to conduct fact-checking on public Telegram channel posts. This agency will have full control over the content of these fact check blocks, while regular users will not be able to influence or have a say in the notes. By clicking on the ''"What is this?" tool-tip, details about the agency providing the fact-check will be shown.

- Unlike Telegram's "Fact Check" feature, Twitter's Community Notes are created and evaluated by regular users, and the most useful notes are selected by an algorithm based on votes from readers with diverse political views.

[1] - https://github.com/MarshalX/telegram-crawler/commit/310a2d24879a3b942f4d7fd65bbc52a6be4e9bce

 The source now contains a Fact-Checking controller 

>It appears that this feature will be implemented in partnership with government-assigned fact checking agencies.
lmao, which countries pushed for this?
Replies: >>13591
No need, they will soon get you to join botnet activities. Dining out, playing closed-source games, meeting their friends over at chinkcord. It is a culture injection.
Oh yeah I must get my dick wet at any cost. You got all boostmaxed for that std pump and dump public toilet too, right. Your dick is the antenna for jew to ssh into your brain.
((( government )))-assigned
>using telegram in the first place
Replies: >>13591
Maybe this will get dissidents to move to a different platform that isn't a fucking centralized unsecured honeypot. Fuck fedigram.
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This is the best one because that's what everyone uses.
Replies: >>13596
You should also die because that's what everybody does.
Replies: >>13609
Yes, sooner or later I eventually will. What's your point?
Replies: >>13719
>using the israeli honeypot
The majority of US adults drink alcohol regularly. Despite this it is poison and will slowly destroy all organs leading to earlier death.
Replies: >>13720 >>13725
>Despite this it is poison and will slowly destroy all organs
Wrong, it will if you abuse it
Replies: >>13724
>No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health

>Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen
>The risk of developing cancer increases substantially the more alcohol is consumed. However, latest available data indicate that 'half' of all 'alcohol-attributable cancers"' in the WHO European Region are caused by '“light” and “moderate” alcohol consumption' – less than 1.5 litres of wine or less than 3.5 litres of beer or less than 450 millilitres of spirits per week. This drinking pattern is responsible for the majority of alcohol-attributable breast cancers in women, with the highest burden observed in countries of the European Union (EU). In the EU, cancer is the leading cause of death – with a steadily increasing incidence rate – and the majority of all alcohol-attributable deaths are due to different types of cancers.

Yes, I don't like the WHO either but this is a good article and you can read it anywhere else too.
Replies: >>13725
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fuck cuckamericans, in europe people drink alcohol since they're 5 years old.
(btw, if you drink and smoke regularly, there's a high possibility to fuck out your pancreas)
i read a paper that said that if you drink wine in low quantities (2-5 glasses per day) it improves your cardiovascular system, and you get less ill and live longer than people who don't drink.
Replies: >>13726 >>13733
>i read a paper that said that if you drink wine in low quantities (2-5 glasses per day) it improves your cardiovascular system, and you get less ill and live longer than people who don't drink.
its bullshit. There is 0 benifit in drinking wine over grape juice.
Replies: >>13727
the funny thing was that they consider 2-5 glasses of wine per day a small quantity, for me is a terminal alcoholic.
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You'll get the same benefits if you eat garlic, without the toxicity of alcohol.
>>12931 (OP) 
>has desktop application
Bloated unauditable nonreproducible appimage.
until someone can develop an anoymous messaging app that allows me to talk to telegram faggots that signed up with a phone number, ill just stick to session.
Replies: >>13874
Literally impossible. Kill yourself third world monkey.
Replies: >>13909
not if telegram allows niggers using other apps to access their servers. Nigger? SimpleX allows you to change servers, why can't we use telegram servers. Obviously Telegram would have to allow third party access but you're a nigger for not believing it's possible. It is possible faggot. Also I am an american im just not a computer nerd like you.
Replies: >>14305 >>14306
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>>12931 (OP) 
PEST when?

< "Pest is a peer-to-peer network protocol for secure real-time communication between mutually-consenting parties. It is designed for decentralization of control, obstruction of eavesdropping and traffic analysis, resistance to natural and artificial interference, and fits-in-head mechanical simplicity—in that order."
Replies: >>13987
>Join (via Discord)
Why not any other services? Why discord, a known non-privacy friendly service? They can use anything, Libera.Chat, mailing list, matrix, xmpp.
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>implemented in partnership with government-assigned fact checking agencies.
The Zuckerberg of Russia indeed.
Replies: >>13992
Mister Pavel, you don't get to bring friends.
They use different protocols and work fundamentally different. Yes, I'm sure you could build a bridge with accounts that post messages from one group to the other if you're talking about group chats.
>Obviously Telegram would have to allow third party access but you're a nigger for not believing it's possible.
You are delusional.
Replies: >>14430
Use simplex anyway, its just as big an intel honeypot aa telegram.
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