>giving up on the internet entirely
>implying there is anything on the internet worth not giving up on
Think about why does a person uses the internet. Roughly speaking it is to exchange information. Information including news, political views, memes, private messages, etc. Where do they come from? Who compose the majority of the other end of any information exchange?
Assume that bots and AIs are not already flooding the Internet, that is to say most other users are humans. Most humans are normalfags. Since the Internet getting popular, most places gone to shit because of normalfags. One reason normalfags turn everything to shit because they are inherently more socialized, which means they are more affected by social norms and peer pressure. Even without AI, the ((( media ))) has been pumping normalfags full of degeneration, niggerloving and other literal faggot crap. The so-called culture war.
But there was never any war, it is just replacement of any resemblance of anything nice into jewish bullshit. The game was rigged from the start. It is similar to white replacement, free-thinkers and based individuals are being drown out by the sheer number of normalfags, with more and more newfags (migrants) invading from all parts of the Internet. The September that never ended.
As for the stragglers, we are getting ground away bit by bit. Either by the soul crushing work (me), getting blackpilled by the current situation, or converting to the botnet to get ((( women ))). Sites are getting silently dropped left and right. 8ch, kiwifarms, etc.
A few days ago I checked half-ch, the whole board was slid. Sliding was used to be done to remove useful threads. Now the board is slid, to keep ANY useful discussion as short-lived as possible.
You speak of giving up the Internet, what's left to give up?
I am not writing this to blackpill. My point is, we may as well be the last surviving bastion of humanity that's worth anything more than being goyims. There is no hiding in the darknet or something, we are already backed up to the corner.
Been thinking about writing something about this, finally this gave me the push