/japan/ - militarized easiness

for those we cherish, we die in glory

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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

“…Many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions.” - Otamin

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A lot of mixed gender onsens including Yubara onsen require males to be fully naked in the onsen while females are given large towels to wrap around their bodies and males can't even bring their own towels in. Is there a reason for this?
Replies: >>9296
the obaasan who runs the place is a perv
Replies: >>9296
Is this an edit of that one thread from /b/?
/japan/ - Japan/General
she is cute and young i imagine, right? 
>>9035 (OP) 
i don't see a problem
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they know the men will use the towels as hair ties to pretend to be women which could cause problems

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low energy, just like jeb
Replies: >>9297 >>9301
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>>9292 (OP) 
>Still making fun of Jeb Bush 
I'm glad not everyone has forgotten about Jeb! yet.
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>>9292 (OP) 
This board is about taking it easy

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Had a bit of a chuckle from all of the deliberate panty shots within the first 5 minutes. Does it get even better bros?
Replies: >>9300
>>8629 (OP) 
i fucking hate pantyshots if there isn't any follow up. you can't just show panties like that and make it the peak sexuality it's even worse if this happens early on in a story. there needs to be built up and must get more and more intense over time if you just drop the bomb in the first episode there isn't anything to be accelerated by. fuck trannies fuck glow in the dark niggers
Replies: >>9306
yeah i kinda stopped watching after season 1

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tonight's the night
Replies: >>9205
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>>9203 (OP) 
ny wasn't even at this owl dumb teen
cute suika tummy though
who cares about eggball

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This is where the imbiber of the hehpill pretends to learn LEARNS foreign languages so he can insult jannies polylingually to better read mangos and mango accessories. While the average anon CANNOT learn a foreign language or english ffs this doesn't necessarily mean you can't either give up and rage at brazilians in dota it's a better use of your time 
More language torrents (holy crap there's like 80 of them, you could learn polish here and confuse the heck out of the poles on tg)
Ten billion FREE books on languages
Even moar books, these ones on linguistics what's the difference lol idunno
This one comes from an anon who claims to be ukranian, so it's probably the good stuff (allegedly commercial courses)
This one comes with pictures as well as yet more books
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328 replies and 102 files omitted. View the full thread
you can't learn japanese though
Replies: >>8494
I can, in fact I’ve already surpassed JOHN
Replies: >>8495
Replies: >>8498
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karhu (Finnish) = "bear".
There are like a lot of words for a bear in Finnish. Why there are so many names for a bear? Because You shouldn't say bear's real name as bear are sacred and bears were subject to a cult. At least "Karhu", "Otso", "Mesikämmen", "Nalle" and "Kontio" are recognizable for a modern Finn. When a bear was killed, there were specific rituals and a feast was held called "Karhunpeijaiset".

viha (Finnish) = "anger", "hatred".

Viha was also a disease in the kansanusko or the folk religion. (I plan on reading more about the Finnish folk religion later.) The cause of the viha disease has something to do with haltia (plural haltijat). Haltijat are a bit similar to yōkai.
If I recall correctly, the word "viha" apparently comes from Sanskrit or some related language. 

Väki (Finnish) = "people".
(Also related word "väkevä" = "bitter" or "powerful")
Väki meant (supernatural) powers and sometimes also had a meaning similar meaning to yōkai or haltija as well.

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Remi's a ladylike burger lover
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Replies: >>9140
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Replies: >>9146
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This is a masterpiece
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I just love burgers

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>What the heck is a Gikopoi?
Gikopoi is an MMO with all the filler taken out and just the best part left - town idling. You play as a variation of a "Giko", which is a Japanese cat emoticon that stems from 2ch in the olden days. There are various rooms and each one has varying slots for streaming audio and video. There are also plenty of interesting secrets that you will learn just by watching oldfags play.
>Why should I play it?
Flash is dying soon, and this long standing game may die along with it. It's also apparently a Japanese board tradition to play on New Years Eve/Day.


Make sure to check out some of the guides on the right side of the page for helpful info. "#list" in the chat will list room populations and "#rula" will allow you to teleport to most rooms. 

(Note for the new - you can choose not to input a name and you will beget the monikor "Anonymous". It can be difficult to differentiate who is saying what when two or more players have the same name, and this is more likely to happen with Anonymous players. You don't have to register or anything, so you can freely change your name to whatever you want)
11 replies and 3 files omitted. View the full thread
is that 2kikes instance
Replies: >>9075
apparently he only bought gikopoi.com and is unrelated to .net
I didn't know that people streamed on here. Is there any info on how that works?
Replies: >>9079
Oh, nevermind, I see there are slots that open up.
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Kurisumasu is almost here /japan/! Are you looking forward to getting anything this year? Have you earned enough good boy points to pay for it?
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wake up your parents
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Christmas is now over...
Replies: >>9032 >>9033
It's not over until I ate all the cookies and the tree is thrown out. Still 3 boxes to go.
it's not over until I get everything I asked for

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TOURNAMENT STARTS ON DECEMBER 18RD, 4PM EDT/9PM UTC https://time.is/UTC https://prolikewoah.com/t/20211218T21
BRACKETS LINK: https://challonge.com/SOKUCHRISTMAS
SIGN UP FOR THE TOURNEY HERE: https://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/yyoCmlV6Dq
STREAM LINK (when the tourney starts): https://cytu.be/r/kimeemaru

For those that do not want to register manually, post the name that you are signing up with here. It will be added to the brackets.

Hisoutensoku is a shitty fighting game with gay random weather mechanics that everyone on this board plays except me. It's just another in a long line of combo cuck games. Why they don't move on to something newer and more fun like Melty is beyond comprehension. If you join expect nigger orgies and discarded trash from KFC to litter the thread. Why are we still here, just to suffer?

Full installation: https://mega.nz/file/JaZ1WCrZ#S5KOFmp7vvV6I31hmJh157q9Nw0Z0fDMYb01WBQ4h_Y
This repack contains pre-configured cock and ball implements to ruin your day. Created by niggers, for niggers. Truly, it's a nigger genre. Simply extract and play. More info here >>5125

MIRRORS (links from the old thread):
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here's the rest of the shitpile
https://archive.ph/jbyyP - catalog
https://archive.md/vAMmC - front page (down to 5)
site was crashing/lagging too much to do much of anything

my successful application is also attached
not gonna tell you how much is true vs how much is bs to keep you in suspense
there won't be any big irc leak because i didn't intend for this to be a long game read: i'd have to actually janny /a/ to maintain the charade
genuinely surprised the outsider chose to nuke instead of spare, i was fully prepared for that outcome
was fun though, probably wont do it again unless they earn another grudgin, the fact i evaded their suspicions long enough to do anything is enough for me
typing "like a nigger" to piss them off when they screenshot this tbh

that's it
Replies: >>8991
kinda lame attempt tbh, you spent more time filling out the form than they did undoing your deletions
replays: https://mega.nz/file/e8hDhYCI#WxDl1u8V-P4uaUdApr3oH-9-SEKqIvFHZ4RtnSORXpA
vod: https://mega.nz/file/m4oFRYBJ#ayhyt8oPC0s-IZfyJ_NvQzCs3dKkagkvpAE1OoygAsA

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