/japan/ - militarized easiness

for those we cherish, we die in glory

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Putin's given us the boot! Read about it here: https://zzzchan.xyz/news.html#66208b6a8fca3aefee4bf211

“…Many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions.” - Otamin

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>What the heck is a Gikopoi?
Gikopoi is an MMO with all the filler taken out and just the best part left - town idling. You play as a variation of a "Giko", which is a Japanese cat emoticon that stems from 2ch in the olden days. There are various rooms and each one has varying slots for streaming audio and video. There are also plenty of interesting secrets that you will learn just by watching oldfags play.
>Why should I play it?
Flash is dying soon, and this long standing game may die along with it. It's also apparently a Japanese board tradition to play on New Years Eve/Day.


Make sure to check out some of the guides on the right side of the page for helpful info. "#list" in the chat will list room populations and "#rula" will allow you to teleport to most rooms. 

(Note for the new - you can choose not to input a name and you will beget the monikor "Anonymous". It can be difficult to differentiate who is saying what when two or more players have the same name, and this is more likely to happen with Anonymous players. You don't have to register or anything, so you can freely change your name to whatever you want)
So far it looks like nen, pissu, and ota will be there. Us too but I didn't tell them we were coming so it will be a surprise!
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japs had their party an hour ago, ours in 12
real #hilltop hours
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happy new years /japan/
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too lazy to make new bread
shilling this if anyone is interested. html5 giko made by some non-nip. it killed the original giko's foreigner server and even has a decently population jap serb.
wasn't there also an executable in some blog site? I'm searching for that now that users are scrambled
works well
is that 2kikes instance
Replies: >>9075
apparently he only bought gikopoi.com and is unrelated to .net
I didn't know that people streamed on here. Is there any info on how that works?
Replies: >>9079
Oh, nevermind, I see there are slots that open up.
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