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[Hide] (470.6KB, 750x750) /japan/'s first babbyget is coming up. Why not celebrate by stealing some digits? Join the team today and receive free nice cream. You'll also get all the stolen valor you want!
To play the game of kings, all you have to do is make a post in a similar style to ones on our quilt. A new Marquee thread instead of a reply earns more prestige. Points are awarded based on the value of your GET:
1-9999 ~ 0 points (babbyget)
10000-99999 ~ 1 point (minor league GET)
100000-999999 ~ 2 points (major league GET)
1000000+ ~ 3 points (professional GET)
Sanctioned GETs are the first digit followed by only 0s, sequential integers, or pure repeating numbers. (e.g 300000, 123456, 55555 etc.) Posts that just include dubs or greater are not true GETs. (177777, 34567, 220000 etc.)
You may choose to represent our board in the subject field, or any other you like. The more players the merrier! If you catch others sagebombing to GET easily, feel free to Honk them! Bump their shit with or without a Chen to increase the difficulty of the match by alerting jannies. If you end up wasting a GET, don't feel too bad. It happens to everyone once in a while. Just come back after cooling off your hothead.
Don't forget to screenshot your GETs incase the janny decides to del!!!
Last edited by Hidden User