If you'll allow my uncultured navelgazing, the compromise is to dial moderation power back to thread OPs.
OP wants a thread on topic X, and can kick niggers derailing the thread with off-topic X, Y, and Z or just blatant trolling. If you don't like it then don't post in that thread and you're more than welcome to start your own with blackjack and hookers. It could solve the problem of fags ruleslawyering as the OP is the arbiter and has final say of what is allowed in his thread and there is no boogyman you can invoke to stir shit.
This could let you offload the moderation work to the board as a whole rather than a few as OPs would be responsible for maintaining their thread. Janitors are then relegated to enforcing boardwide/global rules like cleaning up cheese pizza and other shit, as well as pruning wildly off-topic or cancerous threads. The content within the threads are a better reflection of what the board wants to see rather than what a few janitors want to see. An option you can give OP is the power to autosage his own thread if he believes it has no purpose anymore, or just doesn't want to keep up with it, and let it sink to the bottom. As the pace of these boards is glacial, threads can stick around for years—case in point: replying to three year old posts—the OP probably isn't around to moderate his thread anymore and this